West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Mar 1913, p. 8

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++ Berth Reservations. ! Proportiorate low rates to other points in Arizona. British Columbia, C=lifornia, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Novada, Oregon, Urah, Washington, etc. Fseom all stations in Ontario. Ask G. T. Agents for full particulars Fhe Grand Pruok Pacific Railway is shortest and quickest route between Winnipegâ€"Saskatoonâ€"Edmonton. Vancouver, B.C. Victoria, B.C. .. Seattle, Wash. ... Spokane, Wash. San Francisco, Cal LosAngeles, Cat. Sam Diego, Cal Mexico City, Mex. Advice TeE atding sonir advértising problems is available through any ECC wnized Cane dian advertising Agency, or, the Secretary of the Candian Press s\ssocfation, »Room 503, Lumsden Building, TO%,Onto. Enquiry énvolves no opligation on your partâ€"so write U interested. March 15 to April 15 inclosive COLOMNMIST RATES Homescekers‘ Excursions GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST SLEEPING cars on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. _____ March to October inclusive _‘ Winnipeg and Return _ â€" $35.00 Edmonton and Return â€" 43.00 Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, R. L. Fairbairn, §en Pass. AA“gent, Toronto, _ _ Any agent of the Canadian Northerp Rallway or the underâ€" sigued will be glad to send on application full information as to the location of these .homesteads and the way to secure them. iÂ¥rite for "The Bread* Basket," ©35,000 Free Homesteads and our Pence River Bsokies, You will be intetested. A large nuwm her to mixed farming. The lul}d gives a wide choice. There are open prairie and others again in the well wo districts in J&AS.â€"R. GUN Every Farmer wants to provide for his sons. but seldom will the old bomeste=d, developed with toil, suffice to meet their needs. "th > boys have bâ€"en brought up to the land. They are familiar with all the pliss of farming. They should have land of their ow n. . How is the {armers to meet this emergency ? Thousawuds of acres divided into 160 acre t orm}: for entry by the Dominion Governmen of the Smile back 2 4 the shop ushich smiles at you Shake hands with itâ€" keep company with it â€"your faw© a will be returned to you tenfold. a business, ai:d_i:'e'é;); it healthful and: active. Advertising kesps» a business from giowing lazy and stupid, _ Adver. tising injects good, red blood into the arteries of W Advertising you with new so brightens 3 your life, your Adver from hay Adverstising makes merchant think of y« of your wants and nee makes him â€" anxious serve you to your ilil and advantave. from DURHAM to Advertisingy brushes aâ€" way cobwebs and dust, smartens shop windows, quickens the intelligence of salesmen, and lets in the sunlight. «5 Advertising makes bright to advertise goes hand in ha and stagnation. Ds you shap in a brisk, active store, or in a dull store > To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, __ District Passenger Agent, Toronto Wl’] ere 7The Logical Answer is Westef;x'Canada Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta on Sale Daily Through Trains Toronto to Winnlp;g and West EXCURSIONS C‘anadiaa Northern Railway think of youâ€"â€" nts and needs ; n anxious to to your fliking Write or Enquire Toâ€"day 5 _ acquaints v things, and your home, ir persou; ceeps stock rthdays. Give your Boy 2a Farm erature and full information fromany Grand Trunk Agt $47.60 ; $48.60 oulte between | ist sleepers Edmonton. leaving Tor eb Agent Shop * of these homesteads the Reward by your custom the merchant who lives to serve you and who is doâ€" ing his utmost to build up this community ; who takes yvou into his confiâ€" dence by means of adverâ€" tisements in your local newspapers. Sbhop wliere your wants and needs are uppermost in the mind of the merâ€" chant, Shop in the store which reflects you, which you dominate. Shop where your money returns to you in better goods, better values, better service. Shun the shop that is dumb and dark and dreary keep away from the shop that never speaks to you, never smiles at you, never bothers about you. and every Tuesday thereafter until Apâ€" ril 29 inclusive from stations in Ontario, Peterboro, Port Hope and West. Low rates, through enaches and Tourâ€" ist sleepers to Winnipeg without change leaving Toronto 11 p m. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Tickets good for 60 dai;s. Proportionate low rates to other points. clusive via Chicago and St Paul. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars will leave Toronto 11 p m on above dates for Winnipeg. Each Tuesday March to October in JOHN TOWNER, Station Agent ht stores." Failure band with dullness Settlers‘ Excursions To Alberta and Sask. Mareh1l To Manitoba, Sask. and Alberta Will leay ling with live stock and effects. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS SPECIAL TRAINS Bach TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. ire particularly adapted it irmms are being thrown along or naar the line No charge for Berths No change of cars SETTLERS some plots on the ded, well watered Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Settlers and familie without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS nithorvemsipn c ol o |_ King George, of Greece, was assasiâ€" \nated on the streets of Salonica by a | Greek of unsound mind. He is a brothâ€" | er of Queen Alexandra. |_ _ With surprising devotion they preâ€" | served the body of their true friend, |encased it in some light and strong | material and carried it hundreds of | nriles to the coast, It was brought to | Britain with all honor, the remains recognized by a badly set broken bone received in an encounter with a lion, and interred amoug the great dead of Britain in Westminster Abbey. His labors and sacrifices, though he did not know it, were winning an emâ€" pire for Britain,. His example is & heritage of all Englishâ€"speaking peoâ€" ples ard the observance of the cenâ€" tenary of his birth should lead the younger generation to reyere and emâ€" ulate the qualities that shone so conâ€" spicuously in Dayvid Livingstone, H If eyerÂ¥here was a * pathfinder‘ it i oc e nsP t Pito AIOUECCE: | was l,’\'iqyfl_tnnv_ He made i‘mrneysl t + e es _ _ '}into remotest districts, he enriched | science by his labors and discoveries, ‘ Varn ey lbe reveabed new peoples, he drsw the | abhh ’auenlinn ot the worid to the horrore | We are sorry to hear that Miss Eva of the slaye trade and roused Britain Blyth is not i.hproving yery quickâ€" !to extinguish this " open sore of the ly in health. world." For years at a time he Wa$ ) _A number of friends and neighbors | out of reach of civilization, honors,‘gathered at the bome of Mr Will IWere poured upon him,. He married | Lauder on Wednesday of last week the daughter of a missionay, had and presented him with a beautiful ehildren, but she died before him. He|gold watch. A very enjoyable time came home to place the needs of the| was spent in music and games. We continent before his eountrymen, hut;JQifl in wishing Mr Lauder all hapâ€" was drawn back as by a magnet, PiDess in his new home. Siekness more than once laid him|. Mrand Mrs David MgQrie and lamâ€" low and at last when 60 years of age/‘ly left for the West Friday. They it caught him amongst the natives, takg w}lh th?m the best wishes of who were loving friends,.and he was their many friends, y | found oue morning kneeling by his Mr _Catperon Lander is at preser.r.1 bed ant dead. not exnjoying very good health. Hope P e anucl c n t P PC TYETE handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cirâ€" (5um‘i‘on ‘g.t 75":’ :21'antllc journal, ‘Terms ?ér £ fi-fi:. :‘ad-lerl.y postage prepaid, Sold y : Scignfific American, * dark " continent which foreyer is to be assooiatcd with his name. In personal appearance he is said to have been rugged and uncouth but his language and manner were winning in the extreme. Above all he was brimming over with sympathy and love. He madehis way among native peoples, a healer as well as a preacher and teacher, He secured their love and devotion, he disarmed opposition and amongst many appellations the natives gave him was one te«tifying to bis persoual cxample, They called him the * Dewdryer " because he was eyer first in passing through the de«ay jungles, getting wet himself bat dryâ€" ing the busBes for his followers Long before this bis thoughts were given to Missions. His mind was on China and his purpose was to go there. He attached himself to the London Missionary Ssocicty and an opening occurring bhe was sent io Africa and then began that connection with the 100 years ago toâ€"day, Wednesday, 12th March, 1913, there was born at Blantyre, near Glasgow, Scotland, one of the pathfinders of the world» David Livingstone, With no advantâ€" ages of wealth or station the babe of that day grew up as thousands fmmore to lock upon life as a stern battle for existence in the factories and shops that abouuded in that industrial disâ€" trict. He was early put to work, uo restrictions then on child labor, and it is said that at the age of 10 years he began to plan to be something better thin a mere drudge in a cotton mill and took to book learning at a feverâ€" ish rate being encouraged,by parents and friends. He was apt as well as intelligent and the result was that by the age of 23 he had acquired several languages and graduated as a doctor in medicine. Sertoater New York Livingstone 1813 â€"1913. 4 @ 4â€"â€"__ HOLSTEIN â€" LEADER nder‘ it journeys enriched THEY Two Trans ror Haxover.â€"Hanâ€" over lacrosse club was reorganized for the season of 1913 at a largelyâ€"attendâ€" ed meeting held at the Reid House. Iv is the intention toenter a team in both the intermediate and junior serâ€" ies of the C. L, A. The following ofâ€" Hcers were elected ; Honorary Presiâ€" dentsâ€"H. H. Miller and M. 8. Armâ€" strong : Presidentâ€"C. H. Withun ; Firsb Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"BH. Greutzuer ; Second Viceâ€"Presigentâ€"Dr. Mearns ; Patrensâ€"J. 8. Knechtel, R. J. Ball, M, P., 8. B. Clarke, H, H. Engel and C.H. Henninog ; Managerâ€"Geo. Bootb; Secretaryâ€"Eimer Deviin ; Treasurerâ€" Herb. Henning ; Committeeâ€"G. A Prier, A. E. Pruesdale, B. Dankert, H: Linger, H. Huemiller and Bert Scar. Ax Orrer to FarxErs,â€"The folâ€" lowing from the government publicaâ€" tion, Conseryation, should provye of interest to wideawake farmers of South Grey :â€"Draw a sketch of your farm, giving the number of acree in each field, the kind of soil and the kind of crops grown on it for the past three years, Also specify the line you are particularly interested in namely, dairying, beef production, sheep or hogs, or grain growing, _ Distance trom the market has also to be considâ€" ered. Send this to the Commissior, of Conservation,. Ottawa, and they will make suggestions that will be a maâ€" terial belp in deciding the best crop rotation for your farm. ‘ We are glad to report thas Mrs Hoy, who has been confined to her bed during the past week, is able to be around again. | _A number of friends and neighbors \gathered at the home of Mr Will \Lauder on Wednesday of last week and presented him with a beautiful | gold watch. A very enjoyable time | was spent in music and games. We Pastor®" Ward is moving to the house lately vacated by Mr Lauder, whlle Mr Jas. McLangMinâ€"will ocâ€" eupy that which Mr Ward leayés . Mr Cameron Lauder is at presect not eujoying very good health. Hope hemay be better soon. _ Mr and Mrs David McCrie and lamâ€" ily left for the West Friday. They take with them the best wishes of their many friends. With this general feeling of good will, we ask you to accept these gifts and assure you that our good wishes for a long, happy and prosperous life accompany the same Signed on behalt of many "wellwishers." j Jessic Campbell Robt, Ferris Bert Knox Mr. MeCormick _ replied briefly, thanking the friends for himself and in behalt of Mrs McCormick® for the address and beautifal gifts at the bestowal of such kindnecs. We are pleased to see you so comâ€" fortably seitled in your home and our earnest prayer is that Heayen‘s richest blessings may descend upon you both and that your every cffort may be crowned with success. Our acquaintance and friendship with you Mr McCormick are from cbildhood and there is nu one bu who appreciates the good fellowsbip, kind heartedness and active interes; which you always express in every worthy undertaking in our neighâ€" borhood. To Mrs. MceCormick we woutd s13 that we are pleasea indeed to welâ€" come you back to our midet. As teacher of our school for the las: coupleof years, we found in you a sympathctic friend and one much inâ€" terested in the welfare of the comâ€" munity Additional Locals. A surprise party consisting of a number of friends an : neighbors, gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. MceCormick on Friday night, March 14, and presented them with an address and a silver cake tray and silver pudding dish. _ Miss Lizâ€" zie Aldcorn read the address as follows ; To Mr and Mrs McCormick, Dear Friends ;â€" We your friends and neighbors, bave met with you toâ€"night to spend a few socialhours and to wish you ‘*bon voyage‘"‘ through life. Misses Annie and Florence Fergusâ€" on left for the Queen City last Tuesday. Mr R. Knox and B. Wilson attendâ€" ed the hockey mateh at Flesherton last Tuesday. _ ‘They report a good time but happened to see it at Ceylon. Mr Andy Johnston left Monday for the west with a car of settler‘s Qfl'cots and eight horses Andy will be greatly missed by the young people as he was a favorite and obliging as well as he kept the 7th sideroad to the 19th open all winter. Some otf the tarmers have tapped their trees but not much sap yet. Miss Etta Ferguson has returned home from Toronto. _The rapid thaw last week nearly took all the snow but colder weather bas set in this Saturday and now looks like a s:cond winter. _ But we think it can‘t last long as the spring birds have made their appearance. Swinton Park. TORONTO REVIEW One Gâ€"neral Purpose Colt rising 2 years old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 year. Both firstâ€"class, A F, McKnxox, North Line, Priceville, Ont, Bring your hogs to Holstein Tuesâ€" davs. Satisfaction _ guaranteed. Other stock will have my best atcenâ€" tion . Phone 17 R. M. TRIBE, Shipper Mr Will Riddell purchased a new driverlast week, Who is to be the lucky girl for the first drive. Wedding bells will ring in differâ€" ent directions Wednesday. Particuâ€" lars later. We are sorry to learn that Councilâ€" lor Alex Gillespie is not improving as rapidly as we would wish, Wednesday, Nomination day, for a councillor in the chair recently vacatâ€" ed by Mr C. C. Hockridge, now of Mt. Forest. Mrs Thos. and M# REarl Dingwally Holstein, were welcome visitors in our burg last week. Mrs Will Donald, Conn, and daughâ€" ters were visltors last weok at Mr Wm. Scott‘s. | He was one of the stalwarts prior to__Mr. Cook, assistant at the Agriâ€" |1896 and was noted for hisindnstry[‘:“,"“r!l Dept. af Markdale, was in |and research as well as for his incisâ€" this beighborhood on Tuesday. He | ive speeches. is endeavoring to enlist the coâ€" | . operation of four of the sehools in the “poyt:rw:fs thlzeggz'i);?g.;feg;;?cph | west of Proton and all of the schools |and has long been a prominent citiâ€" ‘ ’&‘Og'glr eg‘:gg ‘7‘"‘] :"L‘?m‘:;‘s‘;ecl""g‘o :' zen of Mt, Forest, where he had conâ€"| °* 4 +/ M 6 * ‘siderable property. He was a native PX »®A!l plots (â€" x 1 reds) of oats, of Co. Monaghan, Ireland, coming to| PTI@Y, POtatoes and Cuin, “‘d;i“““”- j in 184 «c | of eggs, besides writing essay®, col" this country in 1848. Three sons and . h/ s j one daughter survive \lecting weed seeds, insects, baking | . | bread, sewing and making preserves, ‘ <â€"â€"â€"â€"# # # â€"â€"â€"_â€" ‘ete. This is being done with a view i H ." towards holding a tair in some egixlnrgl 0 locality, at which prizes will be | pevitie. |given in the fall. All material will r We‘re glad some onle or twaiwere be furnished Iree for the experiment. | disappointed Sunday, The snow| Wednesday, March 26.â€"David Mcoâ€" ‘disappeared so rapidly last weok?Kelvcy, lot 10, con. 22, Egremont, will tl'lat acutter ride was not to be con !scll by public auction farm stock and sidered,. Cheer up ! March is 2Ot)implements. All must be sold as farm over yet. 5 l is rented. Sale at one o‘clock. 10 mos, ‘ We understand that the Women‘s ) redit ; 5 per cent off for cash, ‘ Institute have about purchased Mr. D. McPhail, Auctioneer. | E. HAbKFHIHAE InkFâ€" mnnae Mon: esns | E. Hockridge‘s lot near the manse‘ and purpose taking steps at once toâ€" wards the building of a hall. Suc-‘_ cess ladies, T VVeI yCL, n fag We understand that the Women‘s \. Institute have about purchased Mr E. Hockridge‘s lot near the manse | and purpose taking steps at once toâ€" wards the building of a hall. _S_"J cess ladies. C He was a member and ardent supâ€" porter of the Presbyterian Church and has long been a prominent citiâ€" zen of Mt. Forest, where he had conâ€" siderable property. He was a native of Co. Monag ban, Jreland, coming to this country in 1848. Three sons and one daughter survive., Deceased has been a long time in the public eye as member for North Wellington and latte ly as a Senator. He was one of the stalwarts prior to 1896 and was noted for his industry and research as well as for his incisâ€" ive speeches. ning to go back soon to his Ottawa duties but the great call came. Mt. Forest papers la 0K Flops chinkle 17, ed the death (r)’t ;firs \1:?\;;(;!(:;1,”0'1‘;.38 | llt)ga' y veare week they will record the death olf isw dBari. her busband. Of them it may almost Oreeks and ri be said in death they were not dividâ€" . fomds here and ed. He died on Tuesday mornin | eonditions tor 1 in his 80th year. e had been plun‘f: ul _ §9® ning to go back soon to his Ottaws 1 water. NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. The W. M. S. of the Methodist Ch. held their anniversary serylces last Sunday. The services were conducâ€" ted altogether by the ladies and were a great success. Sunday a, m., Mrs. Marshall, Pres of the W. M. 8, gave the address, Mrs. J. H. Brown and Miss B Bride. _ Iuthe eveniog Mrs. Tuck of Orchard ano Mrs W. Sim of Yeovil gave .ne addresses. Mrs. A. Main and Miss N, Pnilp assisting. On Monday evening a very excellent program was given in the interests of the W. M. S., Mrs. A. E Marsbali presiding. Addresses were given by Miss Christie of Hoistein Presbyterian church and Mrs Pradham of Darham and music was supplied by the choir. SBomething over $80 was contributed to the mission cause. Mr Bert Edwards wound up his businees in Holstein last week and Jett Wednesday for Toronto, where we learn he has accepted a good position. Bert was an active, publicâ€" spirited yousg man, an enthustast in athletice sports aud his many friends bere heartily wish him much future snccess. Frank Jordar has rented the houel and stables to Mr Wim. Lougheed of Duiham for a five year term, The latter is moving in this Taâ€"sday; and purposes proyiding firstâ€"class accomâ€" mod ation. h. .. _ate Roy W. W. Low of Norwood came off vhe noun train Taesday and will be a guest .t the parsonage, while assisting Rev Mr Marshall in special services at the Methodist church. Mitlinery Openings at J. W. Hantâ€" er‘s store Thursday and Saturday, March 20th sud 22nd. Miss Thompâ€" son, who gave such uniyversal satisâ€" taction last year, is again in charge. All orders entrusted to her will be promptly attended to. Special services are being held in the Methodist Ch. each evening this week except Baturday, Rev. Mr. Low assisting. Everybody come. Mrs, Jobhno Brown has again been quite ill. Mr. Dixon is at present suffering from a s vere cold. _ Mr, Sieve Seaman has been threatened with pnenmonia but is on the mend. Rev Mr Maleorom and Ms Christie, attended a Presbytery meeting in Mt Forest on Tuesday. At the sale last Friday Frank Jorâ€" dan did not dispose t his hotel and farm, Aacti¢neer McPhail sold most of the impiements at fair prices. Mr. L. B. Nicholson has anloaded another car of corn. Sexaror axo Mrs McMUciurx LOCAL AND PERSONAL For Sale Obituary _ Mr, John W. Wilkinson moved to his new bome on the 6th con. on Mon. last with best of weather prevailâ€" ing. Jolhn who has been here for some twelve years has proved bhrmself to be a thoughtfual obliging neighbor ever ready to give a helpiny hand, He will be much missed hera while for others will be their gain. We al) join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin. son success and long may they be spared to enjoy life in their new bome. Owing to severe colds in the section lately the scheol attendance bas been small. Hope to see all out soon egain. Mr. Geo. Rerd accompanied by our teacher Miss Backus and Miss Bella Lothian spent Sunday at Mr. Backus‘ Varney. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Greenwood was given a warm reception at Toronto Union station on their bhomeward trip by a number of old school mates and others and were taken to the home of Miss Bella Weir where a pleasant ovening was spent. They iniend to arrive home this week, Arrived too late for last week Quite a large number turned out to hear an intcresting sermon on the word "pain‘"‘ by Rev. Leece at the Hall Sunday evening. Miss Mary Halpenny, professional nuse, has arrived from Toront» to give ber seryvices to a member of her brother‘s family. Oreeks and rivers overflowing the roads here and thereâ€"make uncertain eonditions tor fcot travellers The return of frost again will lower the water. Mr John Wilkinson moved onto h new tarm last week on the 6 h eor just in time before the 5d road yanisted. Iu this conpectio is a item worthy of mendon. W â€" = credibly intformed that in the driyia of his stock down by tw»o of his neist bors, his dog, a valuable collie trul} was told to take the cattte away id «in en eaies io r e oalr ts n M 42A ds stnid t adciahs c 1 which be did along with the two strangers and never left until they were all housed sately. We were an eyewitness of a similar feat by the same dog two yeass ego and we can vouch for the genuineness of the anâ€" imal. Were the nearly 500 dogs of the townshipas yaluable as this one, then the dollar tax would not be grudged. The fine weather and light snowâ€" fall has been instrumental in allowâ€" ing the inoringing of a large steck of iogs, shingle timber, etc., the largest bth class â€" Helen Seatter, Nellie Wilson. 4thâ€"Gordon Hastie, Alsie eater, Florence Ramage, Irvine reddes, Sr 3rdâ€"â€"Wilt id Renwick, agh Findlay, Campbell Watson. Jr 8rdâ€"Grace Ramage, Sarah Tackâ€" er, Aliecs McKelvie. Ceeil Atchison, Walcer Hastie. S8r 2ndâ€"Percy Kenâ€" wick, Maggie McKelvie. Haitie Baxâ€" ter. _ Jr 2ndâ€"Bervl Rennie, Kennetb Findlay, Maggie Issac, James Hoopâ€" er, Perey Harrison. _ 1stâ€"Artbhur Hastie. Primer Bâ€"Johnny Smail Edward Smail, Irene Hooper. Primâ€" es Aâ€"lRobert Smail, Geo Hooper. Miss Eva A. Renton has accepted e school near Reddickville, duties to commence atter Easter. Messrs Thos. Renwick and Alex McKenzie are attending the Assizes in Owen Sound. Mr John Moody, of Birdell, visited at her brotherâ€"inâ€"law‘s, Mr Colin Mcâ€" Millan, on Thursday last, on her way home from Mt. Forest, where she had been assisting her sister, Mrs Wilkinâ€" son to get settled in her new home., The W. F. M. S. held their month® ly meeting at the home of Mrs Findâ€" lay‘slast Thursday, 19 ladies being in attendance. Mrs Geo. Cushnie, of Mt, Forest has been visiting her sister, Mrs R Renwick, Sr., and brother, Mr Wal ter Hastie, for the past week, We are sorry to hear of the illness of Baby Halpenny, also Mrs Laughâ€" ton . Nurse Halpenny has been called home from Toronto to nurse them and we trust for a speedy recovery. La grippe is causing many of our residents to take a rest, some for a few days, while others longer., DROMORE SCHOOL REFORT North Egremont Greenside Mary Backus Teacher Dromore onto his 6 heon d roads is an Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills 4 cmap in:l}:uio‘n:.”gr "ol!dlf'o‘m sol l.f a box, 0 any & 2ee05l e uy §10. Reted to n ayaoghgs | W J.SHARP Iflolstvn Convy vancer | Issu=> of Marriage Licenses | sund»x School > 10. Service at 1| ks Y. P. 8. G, E. at 7 p.m. Lotâ€" 43 and 44, Con. 1, 8. D. R Gliear g, one and a half mules west of Pricevilie, Good buildings and water, Terms reason=ble. Apply to J. F. MceLacura®, Box 260, Calgary, Alta, 1f to cannot enpply N o t I bs eanno 1ppl 4 ne MA RViI, accopt mo % her, but send st:uu)’l for fllus. . trated bookâ€"senled. Tt gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies, WINMR'UPPLY“..M. Ont General Agents for Canada. Office at Hu:stein Drug Store Special atten=on paid to diseases of Women ass Children. * Also Eye, Bur, _ Nose "ddrmd !.l * Eyes Lhmut:rhly sted and glasses pro periy ficted. J. R. Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent DR. JAS. 11 WILSON, 1. a Physic:an, Surgeon and Accoucheur REV. J. MALCOLM, Time tables, land _p.nâ€"--lâ€";s-' and other delcl"ipfive Mterature nht’l.vo to the Gr-m} Trun» Pacific Ry. may be obtained from mearest Grand Trunk Agent. The Grand Trunk Pecific Ratlway is the shortest and quickest route between W in niper Bul;toou and Edmonton, H.H. Miller Sundsy Sehow! â€"¢ 10. _ Services at 11 a. m. »nd 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. MAR sHALL, B. A. _ Pastop Winnipeg & return, $35 ~**@P n & return $43 Each Tuesday MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 (inclusive) via Chicago & St, Paul Tickets good ms, Proâ€" portionate low rates "Ne: noints in Manitobx, Sask. and Alh+â€"~ 100 acres 1 mile South of W illhamsforg a good tarm t00, offered for ACtually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap 1 under $4,000. 800 ncres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improy. ed place on which Mr Twamley made money, offered at a great bargain, 200 ‘acres near Louise, good fary extra buildings, timber worth most of the price,. 150 acres near Durbham, wellâ€"improveg and cheap at about $4000, 800 ncres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm) good place, owner in the Wes offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly imm oved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Lands for sale or oy. change, Above ire some of my Many Bar. ”us. It will Pay you to Ruy Homeseekers‘ Excursions permite students to begin with us any day. Positions gumrantecd to’zradntea. Staff of specialists. Information free. CA FLBMING, FCA 6. D. FLBAING Principal Becretary If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION owEN souND â€" oxt ve portion MAR® 1. 20, 1913 PC Methâ€"dist Church Farm to Rent. sbyterian Church (ORTHER at the at lowest rates, and borcower, _ Fire and > placed in thorough ky manies. _ Deeds, lfmw «nd Wills executed on #, Al work promwptuy ory Womana od and should know wonderful aJ Whiriing Spray The Hanover Conveyancer /2d Pastor MA The STANDA Cash on hand and Notes and wdofim&nlu. X W”Mm secure Circulation . . . + + > Goversment, Municipal and 8t,, two C church, F ©. Ramacg® other Debentures . . Call Loans on Bonds, «ic Loans and Discounts Bank Premises, HMead and Branches . . LADVIES apmella C MRS. J. Euioh t it s Pn td P Pn tt * McKechnie cure a pair bef uu."\klhll‘ «t 3‘ ° & FRE e n nnannn on m t That SPIRELLA CORSE at â€" desirable two doors t From Report to Dom Corn, Oats and Seed Oats, Barley, A trial in three to VOL. XXX Agent C. NICHOL, Repres Box 107, D Copset House to Rent RESOURCES efore th stay and pal ottom rrAln men Spr invited to charm «1 appeal t« of fash10 as a sumf of velvet while Or tant part No eff this even! our patro satisfacti¢ eisure ou make ou 11( 18 8 istomer The n VC Ou 15 7} r] )0 M

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