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Durham Review (1897), 27 Mar 1913, p. 5

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oods 4 $ Af 4 ve a freâ€" box »p > * svstem. ht, TS nict tch $1 1°es @ pave f â€" New Boots & Shoes Arriving Daily (gF 43 xC 441 Often the Cheapest MAR. 28, 1913 Oiften the Cheapest \mbroideries Flouncing, 46 ins. wide from . 60c to $1.25 per yd * 24 ins. wide from . . . 25¢ to 50c per yd aces and Insertions eW resh from the Factory in the newest Bring us the sizes of the reoms you wish p; and we will teHkâ€"you at once"what you want Small Profits 0 PLE3 P E T Hii 1913 Wall Papers We have a ance though nc $1.00 corset Ladies‘ Dongola Bals Fresh (Groceries are coutinually arriving. See our 23¢ brooms. Try McKechnie‘s Purs Soap, 8 cakes for 25¢. * apest ROB * the best '__,&"r_i TDE aprous ppnpapebananapmeqpapemapgnapâ€"eeanet of See our fine sto selvage of every yard. The Highest lifferent makes, small sizes to 4 reg 2.75 and $3 lines ular 3 50 and 4.00, out they go at......... Also a few pairs in PATENT LEATHER urs ! are Ilere â€"Prints at 10 and 1125c f Curtain Goods Quite a number of Fursare still on hand and a good selection may be obtained. ‘They are being cleared at reduced prices. 5 MecILRAITH. The ‘Imperial‘ and ‘Maple Leaf‘ makes Noted for ideal fit, comfort and style. _ You also get comfort in price when you buy here. All kinds of Footwear and Rubbers. We carry a full line of the White, Eeru, Bhrege.â€"..../... . .st Cbeiper y4 M Dry Ago%c}s:“for Spring ; Groceries We Want Your Butter and Eggs. Highest Price Paid for Fowl. McKechnie‘s Weekly News‘xss: We have in stock 35 pairs Terms of Sale, Cash a large assortment in the newest oriental shades, rich in appearâ€" not too costly. We cordially invite you to have a look at them. RUGS (On SecondFloor) stock of Dress Goods, rd. $1 per yard. & J. MeKECHNIEL The Down Town Shoe Stora for uUurs reduced !* $2 Corsets Always the Best newest desigus and iu the neatest patterns. wish papered and the height of the ceilings un want. Corsets, the best in the market. See the fine black silk with our nrme on the Our stock is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes Poultry Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark and son Paul spent oyer the week end with Mrs. Clark‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Vessie. Miss E. L Townsend, t.eacher,'is spending the Easter holidays with her parents in Dandas. Miss Carrie McKechnie arrived bome last week from visiting her uncle and brothers in the West for the past year. She looks hale and hearty and her many friends are glad to see her back. Mr. Alex Morton spent last week in Owen Sound on the jary. A : The W. F. M. S and the W . H. M. 8. of Burns Church will hold their next monthly meetiog at the home of Mrs. J. W. McKechnie on April 2nd. to which a cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the congregâ€" ation. All who are interested in mission work try and be presens. Northâ€"East Normanby _Mr Wilfrid Watson of Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Watson tor a tew days. Last Friday‘s storm did considerâ€" able damage around here. Wm. Caldwell, J. Webber, A. Picken, T. McAllister and Wes. Ball bad their baros partly anroofed and otherwise damagea Wiil McNaughton‘ chimâ€" bey was blown down damaging the roof by its fall. Mr Will Wallace of Ebordale is spending, his holidays with his parâ€" ents here. Mr Will Morrison with his gasoline engine is cutting wood for Walter Rerguson, toâ€"day, Monday . Knox Church was badly damaged on Gooud Friday. The gable end was blown in and the roof partly blown off. _ ‘The stove, lamps and a tew sea‘s broken and a large pile of bricks and rubbish are left in the church _ A bee will be as the church to remove debris this Monday afterâ€" noon. Service was held in School House No. 1, last Sunday and will be held there till repairs are finished at the chureb. No. 3, BEN. & GLEN. 5th claseâ€"Jim Stevenson. 8r 4thâ€" Morrow â€" Stevensor, â€" Bobh Mortley, Wilfrid Black, Ruth Ledingham, Raby Siumth. Jr8edâ€"Bessie Witson, Martin Coffield, Kathaleen Coffield. Sr 2adâ€"PeterLedingnam, Harold Picard, Howard Smith,. _ Jrâ€" 2ndâ€" John Wilson, Jrlstâ€"â€"George Braun. 8r â€" Primerâ€"Nelson _ Schaufer, Jr Primerâ€"Carrie Braun, Julia Braun, Leo Coffield, Stanley Ledingham, BLANXCHE R®1D, Teacher. No. 13, BENTINCK. 3 h classâ€"Olarence Camphbell, 4th â€"Lauretta Walsh, John Wailsh, Robâ€" ert Ledingham ; Absent from examâ€" ination but highly recommended on term‘s workâ€"Margaret â€"Alexander. Sr 3rdâ€"George Jones,. Jr 3r@â€"Mary Alexander, â€" Sr2adâ€"Fletcher Riddel‘, Perey Lediugham, Gladys Corlett. Jr2adâ€"Marie Walsh, Istâ€"John Corâ€" lett. â€" Primaeyâ€"Morrow Riddell, Henâ€" rietta Alexander. OnristIn® MoGirmvyRAY, Teacher. Rocky Saugeen «.«â€"â€"4# # On Second Floor Dried Apples THE DURHAM REVIEW Socconieipeiy d oc Aromiber mt ow Last Friday‘s wind storm was one of the worst seen for years. A numâ€" of barns were unroofed and fences were laid flat. Mr. Alex Daiffield of Guelph and Master Robvie Bell of town visited their cousin Mr. C. Moffat on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Firth and little daughter Isabel of Lindsay spent the holidays at their old home here. Mr. D. A. McGillivray of Paisley visited over the holhday at Mr. D. McFayden‘s on the avenue. Mr. H. Williams also atten‘ed the jury in Owen Sound lsst week. Mr John Fiith had a woodâ€"bee on Monday and now hbas a nice pile of wocd cut up. Miss Mary Edge of Toronto sp:nt the Easter bholiday at her psrental home here. Pleased to here Mrs. Robt. Ector is able to be around again. Mr, Wm. Weir was in Owen Sound last week. Mr. J, W. Firth, Peterboro, and Miss Maggie Firth, London, _ spent Easter at their mother‘s. 5thâ€"J Kerr, J Leeson C Barber, G Grant, C Blyth. P Barber. _8r 3rdâ€"E Mcliyride, A Hoy, W Brown and E McLaugblin eq. 8r 2ndâ€"C Grant, L Kelier. T Finnmigan,. Jr¢ 2ndâ€"R Morâ€" rison W Burber, A Marshall. Pt 2ndâ€"S8 Ward, V Blyth, L Keller, R McCabe. Sr Jstâ€"R Grant, TD McCabe Jrlstâ€"A Brown. During the season of 1912, the Ounâ€" tario Agricultural Experimental Unâ€" ion earried on coâ€"operative experiâ€" ments in the eradication of Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion and Wild Mustard. A number of practical men took part in these experiments and some very inâ€" teresting and yaluable results were obtained. _A properly cultivated crop of rape was tound to be an excellent mexa»s of destroying Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. _ Rape proved more effective in destroying ‘Twitch Grass than did buckwheat. Thorough and deep cultivation folâ€" lowed by potatoes or corngave good results in the control of Bladder Camâ€" pion. Spraying with Iron or Copprer Sulpbate proved to be a cheap and effective means of destroying Musâ€" tard in growiog grain without injary to the erop. Those who took pars in these experiments profised by the experience. They cleaned the field exverimented upon, demonstrated to their own satisfaction the effective ness of the method tried and at the same time their results faurnished practieal information to others. These coâ€"operatiye experiments in weed eradication will be continued this year (1913) and it is hoped that a large number of men will take part in them in order that suflicient data . may be gathered to warrant definite statements being made regarding the best methods of controlling these perâ€" picious weeds. â€" The experiments are as follows : (1) The use of rape in the destraction of Perennial Sow Thistle. (2) A system of intensive cropping and cultivation, using Winter Rye followed by turnips, iape or buckâ€" wheat, for eradicating Perenn.al S ow Thistle. (3) The use of Rape in the destruction of Twitch Grass. (4) A method of caltivation and cropping for the destruction of Twiteh Grass. (5) A method for the eradication of Biadder Campion or Cow Bell. (6) Spraying with Iron Sulphate to desâ€" troy mustard in cereal erops. Those who are troubled with any of those bad weeds are invited to write to the Director otf Coâ€"operative Experiments in Weed Eradication, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph Ontario, who will be glad to farnish full information concerning these exâ€" periments and to supply application blanks for the same. All experiâ€" menters will be suppled with fall and detailed instrnctions for carrying on the experiment selected and with blank forms on which to report the results of the same. Allinterested in elean farming are asked to ccâ€"operate in this work. Address all communiâ€" cations to J. E. Howitt, Botanical Deâ€" partment, Ootario Agricaltural Colâ€" lege, Guelph, Ontario. â€"Operative Experiments in Weed Eradication, 1913. A number of Kaox Charch peopie gathered at the home of Mr James Petty to say goodâ€"bye to Mr and Mrs Adam Pettigrew, who were leaving for the West the following morning. A social evening was spent and the following address was read by Mr James Watso>, while Miss T. Byers presented Mr and Mrs Pettigrew with a handsome bible and a silver fruit dish . Dear Friends : a F4 i. We have met with youon this focâ€" casion to express to you our good will and appreciation of your worth as neighbors and friends and as being associated with us in the church, its worship and social unity, it is in words of genuine expression that we speak, and of our knowledge of the relation in which you stand in this community. Kindly accept of these sgmall gifts with the assurance that they carry with them not in value, but in reality, the best wishes of your many friends and neighbors, with the expression of the hope of your prosâ€" perity and all that is conducive to happiness in your fature homes. Signed on behalf of your friends : Mrs John Marshall Miss T. Byers Mrs James Watson ‘The family remce Shiloh costs so . Address and Presentation Edge Hill No 1, E. & N. Clean Farming. A. M. PETTY, Teacher. w e @ _ Mr Wm. Weir and Mr Nassgan Whitmore â€" raturned from _ Owen Sound where they were acting as jurymen. _ Miss Elizabeth Sceott is holidaying with friends in Priceville, Mr Robt. and Miss Bessie Binnie, from Erin, are holidays at Mr Thos. McGirt‘s and other friends. Messrs Will Patterson and Alfred Heather leave this Tuesday morning for the West. Mrs John A. McGirr visited for a few days with ber brother, Mr Ab. Noble, in St. Mary‘s. Mr FBobt. Lindsey, Jr., left last Tuasday morning for the West, Misses Lizzie Weir and Annie Atâ€" kinson are spending the holidays with friends in Toronte. The storm on Friday last did conâ€" ciderable damage in these parts. Trees were blown down by the hunâ€" dreds and scarcely a fence was lefc standing. The barns of Mesers Jas. Matthews, Will Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, James McGirr, Thos. Moâ€" Girr, Robt. Lindsay, Robt, McFadden Adam Weir, George Aljoe and Mrs Robt. Bell were all partly unroofed. As a result the demand for Inmber and shingles greatly exceeds the supâ€" ply. Although the crowd at Mr Geo Aljoe‘s sale was not very large, still the prices were good and everything sold well. Lots 54 and 55, Coneession 3, E.G,R Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For parâ€" ticulars apply to Que of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"â€"three houses for the price of one, Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses. _ Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmwings. _ Two mantels furnace, cistern, good garden, young orchard. _ One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises or write On Reasonable terms. 200 acres, comprising West halves of Lots I an 2, 2nd Con., W. G. R.. Bentfinck a Lot3 on the same Concession. 1 acres cleared, well watered by um-in-g creek, two bearing orchards. Good frame bhouse, ced ar log barn, Convenâ€" ient to School and P. O, App‘ly to Jas. PatoX, Prop., Swinton Park. Several bouses in Durham. One nice cottage in Lower Town. Low round trip rates each Tuesday | For@»tilers travelâ€" _ Bettlers and families M»rch to October inclusive | lin w(':;\ llflve::ock with r\lul mhveutock | and effec s hould use iwl‘“::‘::g ::: :::::: g:g':g Spzrcirl trains â€" Regulartrains Othe1 points in proportion. _ Return limit | Will leave ‘Foronto Leaving Toronto 60 days | !:g:b ‘l‘uc:dnyI HT).ZD p m Daily ARCH & AP RIL hrough Colonist Tourist Sleeping Cars _ _| ";0o 20 pm. and Tourist sleepers at m odetate rates through local agent Tourist Sleeping Cars on @ll excursions. _ Comfortable bertbs fully equipped with bedcl_ln_g gia_nitjg_‘l_ecured The “Emreu of Asia" will leave Liverpool June 14, calling at Madcira, Cn‘\e Town, Durban, Colomba, Singapore and Hong Konf arriving Vancouver Aug 30, Vessel remains 14 days at Hong Kong, â€" ‘"Rate for entire cruise $639,10," Exclusive of yaintenance beâ€" hweenkomva‘l time in England and departure of "Empress of Asia," and stop oyer at ong Kong. o To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Green Grove Full parfii;;Inrs from ;:y C. P. R. Agent or write M. G,. Murphy District Passenger Agent, Toronto REMINGTON TYPEWAITER COMPANY Round the World via "BMPRESS OF ASIA" CANADIAN PACIFIC Farm for Sale. A. H. Jac«son, Durham, Homeseekers J. M. Latim®®, Durham A. H.Jacksox, Durham For Sale For Sale Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Sold EASY PAYMENT Plan EXCURSIONS «»@ s s AAIUIV _ AMUWAATIIVLELSD b TORONTO (LILMITEV) 144 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. will rent a Light Touch Monarch for one month. will rent a Light Touch Monarch for six months. MONARCH, DEPARTMENT Illustrated Literature Mailed upon request $3.00 $15.00 ‘The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 actes. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 actes. Lot 16 and half of 17, Uon.2, E. G. R, Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Con. 8, 8.D.R., Glenelg, 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acres Lot 10, Con. 8, 8.U.R., Glenelg, 59 acves Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres Lot 7, Gon,. 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to 1 G. & J. McKzousi®, Durham 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Durhams, one 10 and other 11 imos old, red and a roan, Apply to Lot No. 2and 3, Con. 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more or less, will be sold or rented,. either whole or separate. For further particalars, apply to Daxige McAvuirr®, Darbam, On ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics We will send absolutely free, for FREE the asking, postpaid, one of our awmemmeamam â€" 1AYCC 64â€"998¢ books (with inâ€" sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to fced all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. . It eontains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month‘s less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could ponibly do‘ wit::out it, T T : ulvaidoaiar in hy ud‘ aport t V rtraen Ees aety ORUmin EO ue W d L SE thereby saving a month‘s feed and labor and the cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show eondition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserableâ€"lookâ€" PECDL 1 8831 MB ..A B AP w eA ing animal on your place try it on this one first and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the mtxle.‘ A 50e ud UEMLU K clen Aeus ts u2l 4 0 h 22 29â€" sieeâ€"Aiivteoâ€"Atrsaang ATPV â€" pcchzewilllntleovorhone%dan.. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPEBCIFIC will make your hens lay just as well in the winter as In the summer, and will keep them free from disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different from any on the maret at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pekgs.; four 50¢ pekgs., in an airâ€"tight tin, for $1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25e and 500e vpekgs.. and $1.50 airâ€"tight tins that hold four 50e pekgs. Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25¢ and 50c tins ; 30e by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25¢ and 50¢ tins ; 30¢ by mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 60e by mail. Ba'::lu‘l’urplo Cough Cure, 50¢ tin; 60¢ by Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25¢ and 50e tins, Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25¢ tins ; 30e by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. » London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from _ mail_ _ _ Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25¢ tins; 30¢ by mail, eP * t m. Black, Hardware; S.P. Saunders, Harness, Durham Colonist cars on all trains For Sale or To Rent. Farms for Sale. _ {J. G. HKUTTON.M. D.. C M Joux Eckxarpt, Top Cliff. Manufactured only by No charge for berths Settlers pure and | 4@* Mr McPhail has a teleph i eap filler 1 dence in Ceylon. prone in ‘Mie MW and Burggons FFICE: Over J, P. fl-d‘u office, nearly gmnmx Becond b h of t t oflam““otm&‘:. ot negkiry Telephone Communication between Office and pas Residence at all hours. W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS HONOR GRADUATE of Toron mfinc.&:‘;::':.%fiszifl Tool Over & J HUNTER‘S New Store ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent, Money to Loan. Issuer of Marmage Licenses, _A gen eral Anancial business transacted. 9â€"11 a. m 24 pm. 7â€"9 p. m. Barrister, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissioner Money to Loan, flice on Lambron St., opposite 0 Walpole‘s Stables, D. McPHAIL_.»~ Enu moderate. A enes for sales a dates, &c., must mfl;:s:n:‘ the Review fice, Durham, #3#" Correspondence nddr-& there. or to Ceylon P‘. O , will be prompuy attended to, Terms on application to {Suow Rooamsâ€"Across from,.Middaugh ] House, » | RestoENCE*â€"First house south of |_ Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. make you a new man. | Price $3@ box, or two g $5. LIailed to any address. *Iu Scobell D: J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L.D.s. Phosnhono] restores every nerve in the body M‘.‘Mto its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will $5. Mailed to any address. Co,, Bt, Catharines, Ont, i The following timetable will be in l effect until further notice + | Read down read up Electric Restorer for Men UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Twilled Sheeting 2 yas wide.25¢yd 2 yds Picture|Framing, Shortest Notice yae wile..>.,>,«>>.....sk08pd Bed Comferters from ............. ... ... 1,25 up to $5 each . Floor Oilcloth, . . 30¢ a square vard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd 3} Heavy bleached sheeting, New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them 617837 leave Hanover i 6,50 8.45 Allian Park 7.10 4.00 Dpurham 7.21 4.11 MoWilliams a,. mP.m 6,?."’7;&15 Walkerton A 178.37 leave Hanover ar‘v« Licensed Auctioneer for Co,. Grey Durham § Continuation BIG 4 y BP OCCC E F 6,?_"73‘2:15 Walkerton 10.5 12.40 6,47|8.37 leave HManover ar‘ve 942 12.17 6,50 8.45 Allian Park 10.33 12.08 7.10 4.000 Dpurham 9.19 11.54 7.21 4.11 MoWilliams 9.00 11.44 7.3(4.24 Priceville 8.56 11.31 7.494.35lar‘ve Saug.Jot. leave 845 11,20 Connecting with trains to and from Toronto. â€" Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety. Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion, We are also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamsbips and C. P, R. ocean liners. Notary Public, Commissioner, DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Staff and Equipment. The uchooLl: thoroughly equtpped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical uunglm ano fttings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and MaWAcâ€" glation work. The following competeut staf are in charge : THOS, ALLAN, Principal and Provincial Modâ€" l school Teacher, . 1st Class Certificate Intending Students should enter at the u.olmenrnlfwdhk. Board c«n be tained at reasonable rates. Durham is & aind attractive town, making it e most %fil residenee. record of the Schoot in years # Mf one. The trustecs are ve - tngone i ud arere no hevntoett o tb vi van or the presentatiott and acquisition 0/ nowm.f.""' FEES:$1 per month in advance. WM. FARQUEARSON. D. D. J. P.TELFORD CUNYEYANCER. &ec. Full line of Catholle Robes and black and white {Caps for aged people. long, Embalming‘a Speciality. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham A. BELL K BLOCK LACE CURTAINS wW. H. BEAN 27 in wide . 40 in wide . 30 in wide. 54 in wide 60 in wide GV in wide CALDER‘S enter at the Boud“_l be )urham is & it a most dd-J in st yoars ® in borrloice ths, ‘go.e‘lh:}' n or the f og !nowm School 25¢ pr 50e pr .7b¢ pr 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr P gecra ta R

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