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Durham Review (1897), 27 Mar 1913, p. 6

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gcalp, sent postâ€"free. . Address Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Dept. 23D, Heston, U. 8. A. Cuticura Soap and Otntment are sold throughou§ the world. A liberal sample of cach, with 32â€"pago bookict on the care and treatment of the skin and And occasional light dressings of Cuticura Ointment will preâ€" vent it when all else fails. Houseâ€"hunter â€" "But whenever there‘s a flood I should think the water would always come right up to the houso.‘" House Agent â€" ‘‘*Possibly, sic. Put there are preciâ€" ous few properties where you can get fisking from the dining room Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphthoria. WiCcGo w Health is the greatest of gifts, contentedness the best _ riches. Truth is the best of relatives. Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smartingâ€"Peels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Iius trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Ocnlistsâ€"not a "Patent Medâ€" fcine"â€"but used in suceessful Physicians‘ Pracâ€" tice for -a-g ‘ur-. Now dedicated to the Pub= lic and sold by zyists at 2¢ and Dexr Bottle, Murine Kye Saive in Aseptic Tubes, and 5lc. SQAP SHAMPOOS ‘‘She‘s been very busy telling me how to rear my baby.‘"" _ ‘""Well?" *‘"‘But she got into perfect panic when I asked her to take care of the child for a couple of days. You know I was suddenly called out of town." Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago CUTICURA Whon Your Eyss Need CGare Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smartingâ€"Beels Only One "BROMO QUININE® That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUCINTN® Look for the si Cures a Cold it Two Days 2c WHY LOSE YOUR HAR ‘"‘Papa, is it necessary to whip me?‘ ‘‘You ought to know.‘" "Well, I sometimes think you don‘t realize how little good it does me.‘"‘ Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper most high!y tablishment 817,500 a ye manner possible. jesty is also ford some sort and pler ed down with Hoe heved « tion. 1 Thousands who are in an ailing, low state of health need nothing else but Dr. H@amilton‘s Pills. %c. per box, or five boxes for $1.00, at all druggists and storeâ€" seepers. or the Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N. Â¥., and Kingston, Ont. "I had terrible pains in my head. My uppetite faded away, and when I did eat anything it disagreed and fade mo very mick for hours after each meal. The pains in my stomach and the dizzy headâ€" «ches I had to endure almost set one wild. Sometimes attacks came on so seâ€" rerely that I had to go to bed. I would feel so worn, depressed and utterly mis srable that for hours I wouldn‘t speak to my family. My system was poisoned with wastes and nothing helped me till I used Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. Without this grand systemâ€"cleaning remedy I would till be sick, but each day brought me better health and spirits. I was cured and made strong. ruddy and healthy, and will always use and recommend Dr. UHamilton‘s Pills." Dizzy Headaches Cured in One Night If Trouwbled With Headâ€"Faullness, Ringing Noises, Specks Beâ€" fore the Eyes, the Stomâ€" ach is at Fault. â€" partial to rese he has c There are s ussian roval / ven a Bestâ€"Paid Servant of Czar. 0 a vear on ally From Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills. the signature of E. W. GROYVE old in One Day. Cures Grip in are savces served at the royal table which it is beâ€" st at the rate of 85 a parâ€" e Czar himself is extremeâ€" to lamb _ eutlets, and is cooked in the simplest ssible. His Imperial Maâ€" o fond of cold roast of ind plenty of fruit, washâ€" ith Hock and Seltzer waâ€" Czar‘s chief chef is the y paid in any royal esâ€" tâ€"ho has a salary of igy man has to give in MR3. B. C. CURRAN, Westport P. 0 Englard, within a few miles of busy Dover, is an intermittent spring of water that is at present in full force and activity. It has long periods of quiescence, for, according to traâ€" dition, it appears only every sevâ€" enth year. As a matter of fact, however, it has appeared with more or less regularity any time within the last four years. It comes like a thief in the night, and in a few hours turrs a fertile bottom into a generous lake that overflows the highway and makes of it a raging torrent. After â€" keeping â€" above ground for a fow hundred yards it disappears as mystoriously as it came, and its subsequent course is not visible. _A countryman whose housa borders Dillingore, as the stream is called, toli me it gave no warning of its approach, says a writer. I asked him if he had evor seen any water bubbling up, and he said: ‘‘No; the place will be dry overnight, and full of water in the morning, and that‘s all we know about it." He had no idea whether a wet winter such as this which followed a wet summer had anyâ€" thing to do with it. A similar #pring cxists near Croydon, in the Caterham Valley, known as the Woe waters, from the belief that its appearance presaged plague, famâ€" ine, or war. Dillingore must be the overflow of a large subterranean reservoir in the chalk, which is fed by the natural drainage of the surâ€" rounding heights. J The Water Comes and Goes Like a Thicf in the Night. Near the village of Alcham, in a secluded \'n.llg:'f of the North Downs, Postum now comes in concentratâ€" ed, powder form, called Instant Postum. It is prepared by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant Postum is convenient ; there‘s no waste; and the flavor is always uniform. Sold by grocers every where. A 5â€"cup trial tin mailed for groâ€" cer‘s name and 2â€"cent stamp for postage. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. ‘"‘The dloctors told me to quit usâ€" ing tea, but I thought I could not live without itâ€"that it was my only stay. I had been a tea drinker for twentyâ€"five years; was under the doctor‘s care for fifteen. ‘"About six months ago, I finally quit tea and commenced to drink Postum. "I have never had one spell of sick headache since and only one light attack of bilious colic. Have quit having those numb spells at night, sleep well and my heart is getting stronger all the time.‘" Name given upon request. able time took "I was never a coffee drinker," writes an Ill. woman, "but a tea drinker. I was very nervous, had frequent spells of sick headache and heart trouble, and was subject at times to severe attacks of bilious eolic. ‘‘No end of sleepless nightsâ€" would have spells at night when my right side would get numb and tingle like a thousand needles were pricking my flesh. At times I could hardly put my tongue out of my mouth and my right eye and ear were affected. Inveterate Tea _ Drinker Feared Paralysis. Steady use of either tea or coffee often produces alarming symptoms, as the poison (caffeine) contained in these beverages acts with more potency in some persons than in others. Another instance of the effectiveâ€" ness of the drum corps was observâ€" ed in the interior of a bungalow. Noticing that termites had invaded the wall of one of the rooms, the owner had placed in one corner an iron pot filled with bits of wood ; he hoped to attract them into the pot, and then burn them. _ Professor Bugnion went into the room and closed a closet door somewhat sharply. Immediately he noticed a drumming noise coming from the kettle. As soon as the sound died away, he repeated the experiment, with the same result. Each time that a sharp or unusual noise was made, or that some one talked loudly, the termites‘ signal ‘of alarm was drummed in the kettle. balangoda in Ceylon. While idling about, he suddenly became aware of a faint drumming noise. Turning in the direction from which the sound came, he perceived a colony of termites beneath some dry leaves that had fallen from a breadâ€"tree. The noise, which lasted for a few seconds, sounded like the very disâ€" tant roll of a drum. On closer inâ€" vestigation, Professor Bugnion disâ€" covered that it was caused by a litâ€" tle band of termites beating a lively tattoo with their mandibles against the bottom of the leaves. They had evidently been disturbed by his apâ€" proach, and were warning the working battalion of the army. _ Termites‘ Signal on the Approach of Danger. Many observers have noticed the soldierâ€"like qualities of an army of termites, or white ants, when in close array it overwhelms the object of its attack, or travels along in orâ€" derly, military file. An account in La Nature, based on the observaâ€" tions of Professor Bugnion of Lauâ€" sanne, tells of a curious drum corps of these fierce little warriors. One day Professor Bugnion visitâ€" ed a little island on the Lake Amoâ€" A N IXTERMITTENT SPRIXG. ‘"‘The doctors told me I was liâ€" le to become paralyzed at any ne, so I was in constant dread. I ok no end of medicineâ€"all to no A DRUM CORPS OF ANTS. IN A SHADOW. ED. 4. ‘You ought to be glad that you will be electrocuted instead of hanged,‘"‘ said a prison visitor to a convicted _ murderer. ‘‘Why t‘ asked the felon in surprise. “%ou suffer greatly from rheumatism, don‘t you?"" ‘"‘Yes," ‘"Well, elecâ€" tricit,y is the best known remedy for that." Health is wealthâ€"except for the doctor. The verdict rendered a thousand times when corns get sore. Do them to death by Putnam‘s Corn Extractor; it cures painlessly in twentyâ€"four houre. Use "Putnam‘s," the only vegetable remedy known. Price 2¢., at all dealers. Minard‘s Liniment Cures CGarget in Cowi UNFIT TO LIVEâ€"MUST DIE. A lawyer, driving through a vilâ€" lage, stopped at a cottage to inâ€" quire his way. The lady of the house told him he must keep straight on for some time, then turn to the right ; but said that she herself was going to pass the road he must take, and if he would wait a few moments she would show him the way. ‘"Well,‘" he said, ‘"bad comâ€" pany is better than none. Make haste.‘"‘ Ofter jogging on five or six miles the gentleman asked if he had not come to the road he must take. ‘"Oh, yes," said she, "we have passed it two or three miles back ; but, as I agree that bad comâ€" pany is better than none, I kept you along with me." to the buds and forces them open, expands their leaves, and is continâ€" ually at work wherever the process of building new structures is going on. It is obvious, therefore, that the engincering arrangements for the conducting and controlling of this powerful stream of lifeâ€"giving sap must be very perfectly organâ€" ized. Indeed, they are more than that ; they present marvels of mechâ€" anical construction which are not only astonishing on account of their perfection, but are so minute that man can only penetrate the mysterâ€" ies and beauty of their structure by means of highâ€"power microscopes and careful chemical investigations. Even then he is left baffled and wondering. ‘tm the topmost twig of an oak or elm tree, more than 100 feet above, and to nearly four or five times that height in the case of some of the mammoth gum trees (eucalyptus) of the Tasmanian forests, and in the gigantic Wellingtonia of California, has long puzzled the physicist to explain, says the Strand Magazine. The old idea that capillarity is the factor at work, the fluid being conâ€" veyed up the trunk and branches after the manner of oil through the wick of a lamp, becomes an altoâ€" gether inadequate explanation. Esâ€" pecially is this so when we realize that, in some of the internal tissues of the stem, the pressure exerted reaches from eight to twenty atmosâ€" pheres, or in other words from 120 to 300 pounds to the square inchâ€" a force greater than that in the boiler of a normal railway engine. This mighty pressure scattered more or less irregularly through the tissues of the tree, drives the sap Mrs. Talbot‘s complication of troubles all came from sick kidneys. That‘s why Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cured them. _ For Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are no cureall. They simply cure kidney disease of any kind. They never fail to do that. Organized Marvels of Mechanical Construction. How the raw sap travels from the absorbing roots beneath the ground "I finally decided to try Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. I have used seven boxes and I am so much stronger and better that I feel I must reâ€" commend them to others." ‘"Last July I was very sick," Mrs. Talbot continues. ‘‘My heart bothered me, my limbs were heavy, and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. _ Rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia added to my sufferings, and the doctor I called in did not help me much. _ _ These are the words of Mrs. E. J. Talbot who resides at 293 Welâ€" lington street north, this city. And Mrs. Talbot speaks out of her own experience. Hamilton, Ont., Mar. 17 (Special) â€""I know there are a lot of peoâ€" ple who suffer and do not know what will cure them,. Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills will." A MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER She Had Rheumatism, Lumbago and Neuralgia and Found the Remedy She Was Looking for in Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. MRS. E. J. TALBOT TELLS THEM TO FIND A CURE IN DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. HOW THE SAP RISES. Enguiring His Way. IS8SUE 12â€"13. mt uP datseiiiinset C 49 e o sn Contin ic lily se A 4 should read ‘"‘simple as doves‘‘ as the Greek word really meins unâ€" mixed, therefore gu.i]efeu, "Evil communications corrupt good manners‘‘ probably was cited y Paul as an already familiar proâ€" verb, for it was written by Moanâ€" der, the Grecian comic poet, In the English rendering of Ruth, iv., 7, 8, it reads: "A man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighâ€" bor; and this was a testimony in Israel. _ Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz buy it for thee. So he drew off his shoe.‘‘ The Hebrew word nagal is said to mean sandal only when it is followed by regil, the foot. When it stands by itself it means glove, The German word glove illustrates this, for handsâ€" chuh means ‘"hand shoe.‘"‘ Thereâ€" fore the token given in the passage cited was really a glove. A book compiled by Nathan Hasâ€" kell Dole recounts some of the misâ€" takes we make in supposed historiâ€" cal facts, in quotations, in pronunâ€" clation and the like. It has many bits of outâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"way information, including the following : The puugo ?r;a;;}i;'New Testaâ€" ment, ‘‘Be ye, therefore, wise as serpents M’}({ harmless as doves,‘"‘ Boaz Did Not Draw Off Shoe, But Glove. Peculiaritiecs In the Wills of Some Famous Advocates, Remarkable as it may seem, some of the biggest legal mistakes â€" in drafting wills have been made by lawyers. Judge Bacon, of England, whose property was valued at £118,408, wrote his legacies on a sheet of court paper, but, though he was an expert in law, he forgot to sign his own a@lterations to his will. An affidavit from a solicitor and an official of the Bloomsbury Court was necessary before matâ€" ters were set right. Lord St. Helâ€" jer and Lord (GGirimthorpe both failâ€" ed to make proper wills. The latâ€" ter‘s will was a document of over eleven thousand words, but in the matter of lengthy wills this was beaten by Edward Bush, a Gloucesâ€" ter engineer, who required twentyâ€" six thousand words before he was satisfied with his provisions. He had an estate.of £114,813. At the other end of th escale is the twelveâ€" line will of Lord Russell of Kilâ€" lowen, who in that space set his seal on £150,000. Lord Brampton took four hundred words to dispose of £142,000, while Lord Mansfield used only half a sheet of note paper, and a good second was Alphonse Henry Strauss, who bequeathed £296,221 in fortyâ€"three words. The remarkable painâ€"subduing power of Nerviline and its ability to check colds, influenza and sore throat is unequalled. Every home ebhould have Nerviline handy on the shelf for sudden illness at night, like cramps or internal pains. Large family size, §0¢c.; trial size 25c., at all storekeepers or druggists, or The Catarrhâ€" ozone (Co., Buffalo, N. Y. From the La Have Islands, N .8., Mrs. John Walfield writes:â€""We have been using Nerviline for about nine years, and find it excellent. When we fird any of us getting a cold we take Nerviline in hot water. It is a sure relief for it, and is also an instant relief for internal pains of any kind." ‘‘Experience has taught me that the quickest way to cure a sore throat is with Nerviline," writee Mrs. Enoch P. Maclean. ‘"My cKhildren always seem to get wet feet and stay out in the cold, and in consequence I have to keep a good houschold remedy bandy. I rub in Nerviline almost every hour, give the childre_n «ay twenty drops in hot sweetâ€" ened water, and make them gargle with it. I have yet to see the cold this won‘t break up quickly." BIBLE READERS‘ MISTAKES. Turkomans give their hotses alâ€" most anything they cat themselves. Although hardy in respect of food, the horses require a good deal of care as to clothing, for their fine coats and delicate skins make them very susceptible to colds. Cure Your Sore Throat ~â€"â€" Nerviline Will Do It Blessed Relict Comes Quick, You Get Comfort, Every Pain Disappears. to go on again. The horse easily diâ€" gests this ration, and he is ready to start sooner than if a feed of corn is given him. It is also supposed to give great strength. The Turkomans feed their horses, when in camp, on barley or chopped straw, and give them flour and sheep‘sâ€"tail fat, or clarified butter, when they are going to call on them for great exertion. I, myself, in Inâ€" dia, have often given my horses a pound each of flour and coarse suâ€" gar, and half a pound of clarified butter made into balls, when I have ridden them far and wanted them They are never stabled, but pickâ€" cted in the open. â€" They are, howâ€" ever, warmly clothed. â€" First the Turkoman puts over his animal a thick felt bodyâ€"covering of the size that an English horse wears; over this he fastens an immense piece of felt that covers the horse‘s ears and his whole body down to his hocks. This clothing he keeps in place with a long roller, which is passed three times round the horse‘s body. LAWYERS MADE MISTAKES. sia in Disguise‘‘ tells of the great care taken of these animals. The greatest peculiarity of the Turkoman breed of horses is their bairlessness. They have naturally very little mane, and what they have is always carefully cut off. Their skin is very soft and thin. Colonel Stewart in "Through Perâ€" How the Turkoman Takes Care of PECULIAR HORSES. His Animals. TORONTO ‘Why seek to find out, my boy t Perhaps he repented of it before "I don‘t want you to feel that way at all. We were delighted to have you with us We love to have our friends drop in and take pot luck with us." And when he got outside he looked back at the house and mutâ€" tered : ‘"‘Liars! I smelled corn beef and cabbago when I entered that home, and what I got was mutton chops and green peas.‘"‘ ‘‘Professor, who invented the acâ€" cordion ?"‘ ‘‘Not at all," she replied sweetâ€" ly. ‘"Not at all. We gave you just what we were going to have ourâ€" selves. Just our ordinary dinner, you know." "I wish I could believe that, but I still feel that I havo put you to a great deal of trouble and annoyâ€" ance. If so I am sorry that I allowâ€" ed your husband to persuade me to come."‘ ‘"I‘m sure,‘" said the guest he had unexpectedly brought home to dinner that evening, "that I have put you out." Even though catarrh has a firm hold on you, and affects your throat, nose or ears, you can thoroughly cure it with Catarrhozone. Large size, guaranteod, costs $1.00; smaller size 50c.; sample size 25¢c. All storekeepers and druggzists, or The Catarrhorone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. In this changeable climate it is the little colds that drift into Catarrh, Unless the inflammation is checked it pasees rapidly from the throat or nose to the bronchial tubes and then to the lungs. You can‘t make new lungs any more than you can make new fingers or toes, but you can cure Catarrh. The surest cure consists of breathing in the _ healing _ balsamic esaences _ of CATARRHOZONE, which is simply a mediâ€" cated vapor so full of rich curative proâ€" perties that every trace of Catarrh vanâ€" ishes before it. ‘‘The soothing piney vapor of Catarrhâ€" ozone is the most powerful medicine I ever used," writes Mrs. Edmond J. Chrisâ€" tine, of Saskatoon. "Every breath drawn through the Inhaler cends a gratefal feeling through the air passages of the nose and throat. Catarrhozone cured me of frightful headaches over the eyes, reâ€" lieved me of a stuffy feeling in the nose, and an irritable hacking cough that bad been the bane of my life for a year. My general health is greatly improved, my appetite and digestion are considerably better than befora. Catarrhozone has been the means of giving me euch health as I always desired, but never porsessed." Catarrh Never Stops in One Piace â€" It Spreads Rapidiyâ€"Ofien Ruins Health Completely. ‘"‘There is also an old tradition among Japanese sailors, which surâ€" vives to this day, according to which a three colored tomeat (white, black and brown) is an exâ€" cellent charm against ev‘l spirits. He knows when a storm is coming and climbs upon the mast, where he drives away tho demons; and the sailors of Dai Nippon do not care what price they pay for such a cat and make great sacrifices in order to have one as a mascot on board ship." ‘ Headache Over the Eyes ? Look For Nasal Cafaith ‘"In the legends of the nineteenth century, however, the cat plays a good part instead of that of an evil demon, and in theso tales she sacâ€" rifices her life on behalf of her masâ€" ter and is rewarded by burial in a Buddhist churchyard, with masses read for her soul. Demons That Devour Old Women and Take Their Shape. ‘"‘Legends about wicked â€"cats are of a different character from those about dogs, which protected manâ€" kind ; the Japanese ‘nekomata,‘ or bewitching cat, with her forked tail being an exceedingly dangerous demon, who devours old women and assumes their shape,"‘ writes Mr. Lawson in the Referee. "In the seventeenth century sho is spoken of as an animal of darkness, a doâ€" mestic tiger, and the Japanese place a sword at the side of a corpse in order to prevent the cat from walkâ€" ing over it or causing it to revive and change into a terrible demon. In Idaho it is called the "angry tree,‘"‘ and it is said that it was discovered by men who on making camp for the night placed one end of a canvas covering over one of the sensitive bushes, using it for a supâ€" port. Immediately the tree began to jerk its branches sharply. The motion continued, with increasing ‘‘nervousness,‘‘ until at last came a sickening odor that drove the tired campers to a more friendly locaâ€" tion A Species in Idaho Which Shakes and Emits Urpleasant Odor. In Idaho there exists a species of the acacia tree which is entitled to be classed as one of the wonders of plant life. â€" When full grown it closes its leaves together in coils each day at sunset and curls its twigs to the shape of pigtails. When the tree has thus settled itâ€"1‘ self for its night‘s sleep, it is said that if touched it will flutter as if agitated or impatient at the disturâ€" bance. The oftener, it is averred, the foliage is molestod, the more violent will become the shaking of the branches. Finally, it is furâ€" ther alleged, if the shaking is conâ€" tinued, the tree will at length emit a nauseating odor quite sufficient to induce a headache in the case of the person disturbing the tree. SHITOH®« TREES THAT SHOW ANGEZR. JAP LEGEND OF CATS. 19 Next to Them. Prejudice, Winard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. Hubâ€"Why are you so elated? Wifeâ€"I picked up a horseshoe toâ€" day. Hubâ€"Huh! Old superstition nonsense! _ Wifeâ€"Don‘t jump at conclusions, dear. It was a diaâ€" mond horseshoe, and I picked it up at a bargain counter. Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily, March 15th to April 16th inâ€" clusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, Ean Francisoo, Portland, Salt Lake City, Beattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson, Roseland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free roclinâ€" ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable roui Liberal stop overs. For full inâ€" formation as to rates, routes and literaâ€" tw write or call on B. H. Benneit, Genâ€" eral Agent, 4 Youge Street, Toronto. It is easy to forgive your enemies â€"aiter getting square with them. Young â€" Briggsâ€"I asked your daughter a very important quesâ€" tion last night, sir, and she referred me to you. _ Old Bluntâ€"Want to marry her, eh?} Well, you won‘t! If she‘d really wanted you she wouldn‘t have bothered about me at all. e Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, ‘02. I have handled MINARD‘S LINIMENT during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and unquesâ€" tionably the best seller of all the differâ€" ent kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. ‘"‘This dog of mine is some dog, let me tell you! He has a wonderâ€" ful pedigree!"‘ "I suppose you trace him away back to the dog Noah took into the ark." ‘"Say, this dog‘s ancestor didn‘t go into the ark. He had a bark of his own." Your druggiet will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles is i o 14 days. $%c. Mrs. Jonesâ€"I know that; but I want to show that stuckâ€"up Mrs. Brown that we can have things we can‘t afford just as well as they can. Mr. Jonesâ€"But, my dear, can‘t afford an automobile. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coasi at your dealer‘s or postpaid with booklet ‘"How to Dye" from will give any shade. ColoulOc,_b&_ck_ 15¢, CLEANS aAnNp DYES Gives rich glowing colors, fadeless in sun or suds. Dyescotton, silk, wool or mixtures. Use it yourself at home. 1\’0 troubleâ€" no muss. 24 colorsâ€" INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO, LIMITED . . . ‘This great tonio is for all live stockâ€"to make cows give more milâ€"to keep the working horees in Pfln. conditionâ€"to fatten pigs and keep the * pigo «tromg and vigorous. \'.'-Snnnu- that 1t will make your colts, calve, pigs, shoats aad lambs grow nyu{y. and keep them m. shoate aud lambs grow rapldly, and Kuep ©BOM | MUDDIUUC® Auzeful tests show that my milicing cow thy and thriving all the time. and sheep. c.mmm;w-:-nu.“:-:: Tell us the number of head of stock you own and we have given fi.m-t-mnnkmm will seud you & copy of our $3,000 Stock Boukâ€"Free. mational Stock Jt is also fine for ealves. BEVERLY TOWER. International Stock Food, Poultry Food, and Veterinary preparations are for cale by dealers everywhere. . If you cannot obtain our goods in your town write us direct, (80) edvanamiixtdrâ€"asd es Nre e se c 2 _ PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co. or CANADA, Lim!TEp, {mS N2â€"Uruâ€"Lo Compound embodies the wellâ€"known nutritive and curative elements of Clof0 Liver Oilâ€"Hypophosphites to build up the nervesâ€"Extract of Wild Cherry to act on the lungs and bronchial tubesâ€" and Extract of Malt, which, besides containing valuable nutriment itself, helps the weakened digestive organs to assimilate other food. . The disagrecable taste of raw Cod Liver 65';."..5.."' ly absent, and the Compound is decidedly pleasant to take. In 50c. and $1.00 bottles, at your Druggist‘s. ez F. L. BEKEDICT & CO. Montreal ‘This Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Com: Maypole Soap Family Pride. * in .3 Carl i 2 k 5 ty The Stewart Ball Bearing § PA Clipping Machine ‘r the machine that turns onsier, clips fasterand S 1 & ck»unndmyutm'?lmu than any other. * y$ Gears are all ie hard and out from soild steel tx.®, Gears enclosed, protectsd and run in oil, litile friction., little wear, Fas six foot of new style, easy runâ€" A Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Tasteless flexible shaft and Stowart single tension ellpping head. or aft m ow singlo tengion ping 1e i t t 2s i2 s haiix Ave." Chicago, 10. FOR DISsTEMPER PINK EYE CATARRNAL _ FEVER AND ALL NOSE a AND THROAT mgBA" &Make the Horse Glad and Eager for Work _ Cod Liver Oil m PR es T l P asare O‘%p him before you put bim at the work. ‘ake off his winter comt that m wet eweat and dirt. He‘li mndcoodhv-hh feed. look better, rest an glnvoyo--s ter service in every way. Don‘t buy any but When You Get ~"[(c Run Down t â€"catch cold easilyâ€"and dread, instead of enjoying, the keen winter weatherâ€"then you need 106 *# ie elothing ! Briggsâ€"Here‘s _ a fellow who writes about the acme of selfishness without having the slightest idea of what it really is ? Griggsâ€"Well, what is it ? Briggsâ€"Having your wife a coldâ€" air fiend, insist upon leaving both windows in the room open and then rolling herself up in all the bed Just a Minute can be cured by using naturc‘s own reâ€" medyâ€"no medicineâ€"no operation. This remedy does not profess to cure internal piles, but is a certain cure for protruding piles. Discovery was made by eufferer of 20 years‘ standing, who is now quite well. Full instructions on receipt of $1.00 WM. B. OXLEY, 294 BRerkeoley 8t., Toronto gOILERS C ALL 8TONES, KIDNEY AND BLaA» K der Btones, Kidney trouble, Gravel Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the wew German Remedy, "Ranol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Niabetesâ€"Mellitus, and eure cure, i# "Banol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes." Price $200 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufae turing Company of Canada,. Limited. Co E VERYBODY ENJOYs BILLIARDS Barbers and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be first to write for book, "How to Start a Bil« liard Room"â€"Cost, Easy Terme, etc. Cataâ€" logues of tables for Home and Club free. If you have a table ask for our eunply catalogue. Brunswickâ€"Balkeâ€"Collender Comâ€" pany, Toronto. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO. intermal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write na before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood. Ont. W innines CARPET DOYEINC _ and Cleaning. This is t specialty with the "** British American Dyeing Co° Bond particulars by post and we are sure to satisfy Gold Medalist, Address Box 233, Montreal qEVERAL DESIRABLE _ FARMS IN k2 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick gale. '[ HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sectione of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm coneult Here‘s another farmer who fnds it pays to feed International Stock Food :â€" * BRox t'rnn, West Co., K.B., Jan. 13, 1918. "INTERNATIONAL 8TOCK Foop s all O.K. I average a package every two months for my stockâ€" having three !olv:._a_n_r‘_eo:-. t:o .enlnl.nhua-u H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Comnanv. Toronto q TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED Dir. k ferent Foreign _ Etamps, Catalogns, Album. only Seven Cente Marks Stamp H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. (‘ 0op sroCK FARM OF 500 ACRES K with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be «old quick.â€" Price is very low. and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS, | Agens‘s for Sturte. vant Veutilating and HMeating Systoms, POLSCHN °C 2MRA C m« r OTTO MHIGEHL" O8STCARDS FREEâ€"BOYS AND GIRLS write for particulars. Elgin Novelty Sparta, Ont. insist on having an || Ptano Action Engines and Shipbuilders STAMPS AND COINS FARMS FOR SALE M1SCELLANEOU®8. IRONX WORKS LIMITED The Aceme. BILLIARDS NAâ€"DRuUâ€"CO. New and Secondâ€" hand, for heating TOrREONTO Bufferers from grotrudin[ or leeding piles roughout the ildings in couw damaged . rned, and roof: outskins of upâ€"rooted . i from stor were smashed . from their han; electric light wir all parts of the «© geney repair gas utility companes run all day. The bay, was piled i tremendous rush the streets it was ficulty that pede progress. A despatch f:1 Hamilton know ence on Frida; terrors of an eq one O‘clock till evening a hurr this city, carry© ing in its wak« e*xtimate the < sufered to a but the num! will be in the vative estimat morning it ra noon a very up. In an h« by a perfect city of the w been less thar blown off and The chimney building and a room on t wther on the Dunlop, the building at A despatce Beveral thou age wore «doj gale that sy district all â€" houses, _ st1 chimneys an amount of d: gerious natu this distpriet or sands Of dollar has been done. ipâ€"Obatham wa huge chimney crashing over i tower. The to A despatc} terrific gale vicinity on I able damag« scimds +9 t Thousands of d« age was done h« worst tornado noon the wind 1 to an alarming « ued all the aft« rtopped about 1 from all parts < in the country property. Telep wires are down i ly crippling the : phones in the ci mission. Guelph. The torrents all 1 panied by a 1 noon the wind tell of consid the high win several hours the wind atts tions, and, al the outlving d R BRITISH A Typ: of Flying Machi a~ session of A W h1 A despatch from his city was in th ay of the fiercest hat has visited ears, From the ast ou â€" fiftyâ€"mil quickly stops coughs, cures cold the throat and lungs. n ; 1 EEZIH,C2 B MLC LT ‘A despatch from London he British army possesses t eroplane in the world, a erfected a typ» of Aying n r «unerior to any in the : TORM SW ires Down, Building Escape A d pol 1X errific w di®tbriet W Chatham despatch Houses Razed at 1 19 99 Miles an How Bam § Nt frc i teh striy 18 AnI Tore OW Roeo Lo mb A1 Frida 47 » )1 altor n Sch Ins 17 17 n Secreta 1 } H Ets «i% t th 0t th » U W it rdir m A

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