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Durham Review (1897), 27 Mar 1913, p. 8

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;aac.:‘-vor. B.C... ) ictoria, B.C. Seattle, Wash. & “7.60 Spokane, Wash. ) ian rnnem:.‘ Cal. ) os Angeles, Cat.. ... San Diego, Cal. ... ; $i8.60 Mexico City, Mex. .. \ ‘roportiorate low rates to other poouts in Arizona. British Columbi«, C»lifornia, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nâ€"vada, Oregon, Uish, Washington, et From all stations in Ontario. Ask G. T. Agents for full particulars Uhe Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is shortest and quickest route between W innipegâ€"Saskatoonâ€"Edmonton. Berth Reservations, Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agt . COLONIST RATES Homeseckers‘ Excursions March 15 to April 15 inclusive GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM MHome Seekers‘ Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, Juily and August. on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Winnipeg and Return _ â€" $35.00 Edmonton and Return â€" 43.00 Other in proportion Return Limit mm';. Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October inclusive JAS. R. GUN, Ticket Agent Every Farmer wants to provide for his sons, but seldom will the old bomestead, developed with toil, suffice to meet their needs. The boys have been brought up to the land. _ They are familiar with all the phases of firming. _ They should have land of their own â€" How is the farmers to meet this emergency ? Thousaads of acres divided into 160 acre farms are being thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government along or naar the line of the The land gives a wide choree open prairie and others again in districts in Anv agent of the Canadian Northern Railway or the underâ€" signed will h« glid to send on application fuil information as to the location of these homesteads and the way to secure them. Write for "Ta« Bread Basket," ©35,000 Free Homesteads and our Peace River Bookist. You will be interested, 6. oh. .. R.L. Fairbiirn, Gen. Pass. Agent, Toronto, A large number of these homestead to mixed farming. AAvice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising Agency, or, the Secretary of the Candian Press Association, Room &o3, Lumsden Building Toronto. Enguiry involves no obligation on your partâ€"so wxit; if interested. from DURHAM to To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto TOURIST SLEEPING CARS The Logical Answer is Western Canada Advertising makes bright stores. _ Failure to advertise goes hand in hand with dullness and stagnation. Where Do You Shop ? D>» y»ish»p in a brisk, active store, or in a dull store ? Advertisingy brushes aâ€" way cobwebs and dust, smartens shop windows, quickens the intelligence of salesmen, and lets in the sunlight. HOMESEEKERS Advertising makes the merchant think of youâ€"â€" of your wants and needs ; makes him anxious to serve you to your liking and advantage. Advertising acquaints you with new things, and so brightens your home, your life, your person, @ Advertising keeps a business from growing lazy and stupid. _ Adverâ€" tising injeets good, red blood into the arteries of a business, and keeps it healthful and active. Smile back at the shop which smiles at you Shake hands with itâ€" keep company with it â€"your favor will be returned to you tenfold. Advertising keeps stock from having birthdays. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta on Sale D=ily Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West EXCURSIO NS Canadian Northern Railway Write or Enquire Toâ€"day Give your Boy a Farm $47.60 | $48.60 Settlers‘ Excursions To Alberta and Sask. Mare h 1l and every Tuesday thereafter until Apâ€" ril 29 inclusive from stations in Ontario, Peterboro. Port Hope and West. Low rates, through enaches and Tour ist slecpers to Winnipeg without change ieaving Toronto 11 p m. _ There are some plots on the the well wooded, well watered Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate low rates to other points. _ clugive via Chicago and St Paul. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars will leave Toronto 11 p m on above dates for Winnipeg. To Manitoba, Sask. and Alberta Each Tuesday March to October in JOHN TOWNER, Station Agent Reward by your custom the merchant who lives to serve you and who is doâ€" ing his utmost to build up this community ; _ who takes you into his confiâ€" dence by meauns of adverâ€" tisements in your local newspapers. Shun the shop that is dumb and dark and dreary keep away from the shop that never speaks to you, never smiles at you, never bothers about you. Will leave Shop where your wants and needs are uppermost in the mind of the merâ€" chant, Shop in the store which reflects you, which you dominate, Shop where your money returns to you in better goods, better values, better service. ling with COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths _ and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Each TUESBAY HARCH A8D APRIL 10.20 p.m. lers travelâ€" No change of cars ailway or the underâ€" full information as to way to secure them. Homesteads and our SETTLERS particularly adapted Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers 15 16 17 18 19 1 PONRLOGS . ...... ... c«â€"> x @ate s ri« Â¥ik4hs 23 cxci«s« Â¥rss ¥¥z%! Te 29 do â€" threegrain mixtures for Grain production.......... ...... 3 80 do do for Fodder produc.ion............... . 8 Each plot is to be two rods long by one rod wide, except No. 28, which is tofbe one rod square. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Freterick Jandt, late of the townâ€" ship of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased., NOTICOE is hereby given, pursuant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap 26, Sec. | 50, that all persons having clatms . against the estate of the said Jacob | Frederick Jandt, who died on or aboaut the 13th day of May, A. D., 1912, are required to send by post prepaid or | otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of | the town of Durbham, Solicitor for the | administratrix, on or before the 19 h | day of April, 1913. their names, adâ€"| dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them. duly certified, | and that after thesaid day the nd-| ministratrix will proceed to distribute | the assets of the estate among the | parties entitled thereto, haviog regard only to the clarms of which she shall ' then have notice. H Dated the 24th day of March, A. D 19013. Any person in O»tario may chooge any oNE of the experiments for 1913 and apply for the same. The imnaterial will be furnished in the order in which the applic«tions are receiyod, while the supply lasts. It might be well for each appltcant to make a second choice, tor fear the first could not be granted. All material will be furnished entirely free cfcharge te ea h applicant and the produce, will, vf course, become the property of the perâ€" son who conduets the experiment. Each person applving for an experiâ€" ment shoold write his name and address very caretulty and should give the name of the County in which he liyes. lA eseaece Found Guilty of the Murder of It seems a tragical parody that a man with the name of " Love " should so far have forgotten the Divine prinâ€" ciple as to blot out the life he vowed at the altar to love, cherish and proâ€" tect, There seems to have been no doubt in the iminds of Judge, or Jury, or spectators, when the evidence was all in, that the man before themâ€" who had been so confident of acquitâ€" tal, who had been reading his bible so assiduously, who alleged he kissed his wife that Tuesday morning as he had done for years,â€"was acting a false and double part to save his own unâ€" worthy life. Henry Love A perusal of the evidence must conâ€" vince anyone that he had a fair trial. Mr Wright, his counsel, left nothing undone that could have helped him and the grim cireamstancesâ€"for the In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. HANNAN JAXNCT, Administratrix by her Solicitor, J. P. TEurorp. Notice to Creditors Ontario Agricultural College, (Guelph, March, 1913. & Ur, ~~*~~ BDateEAdmedeis 27th Moay. V &A V ND «i DSTIGY &NG IGOMRCI .... 0. ir++ ia.ssissrsiks%s) . 8 two varieties of twoâ€"rowed Barley.... .................... 2 do of Hullness Barley ... .............:«sancil,. i do of Bpring Whent ..; ... .. mt ik.s sisis car e i.h . do of Buckwheat. ...« ..0.. ... 0600 3 iisr inX Cregvacas 1B do of Ficid Peas ..;... .. .: â€":ar 122. 2¢ s1 avinney s va P do of Spring Ryew.........lm.smare ses. $eaires Parais t do of Soy Soja or Japanese Beans.............. .. 2 three varieties of Husking Corn.... ...........2........ .. § do Of MANGEIS : + 24y a r cÂ¥ 64 n ts s eÂ¥ tin walt a‘s) 4 uin a as"! $ two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding parposes..... ...... 2 three varieties ot Swedish Tarnips.... .... ..............}. 3 swo varieties of Fall Turnips..:;... /iTs...¢. +.s.. i« sea‘s« «s & do Of CRTFONG . .+ i 1i+ as s sar is snn s us es‘ s s t an. = three vririeties of Podder and Silage Corn................ 8 do Of MHIGC; :. . «1. v«r« +s rar 1b Â¥aiikt Paies, an e 55% ) y iwo yvarieties of SOF@BUML. . . ..... «... ls..+il.%ex sisa Â¥4aiaxsr * o Grass Peasg and two varietiesof Vetches.................. 8 Kape, Kate and Ficld â€"CiDDIGG.:..:..,.. .+.« ...« «s Â¥r1+ . & thrge varicties Of CIOVEL..., .;.:>. .«rrarkrss ars109: arsiss _ "@ PWo Yarigties Of ANBILS ... ; <.+.+.1~ :.« «@1s.8%je «_ 14 +. v22%. i fOGT YATICHICS Of GURSSCS ... .rir irrs@ iss afrri. xt ari ri82 ... three varieties of Field Beans............................ 8 two varieties of Sweet Corn, inclading Golden Bantam.... 2 Extra early Eareka ani Davies‘ Warrior (late) varieties of POHKLORS ... ... 1. . canr s aalnsri« vaalss vi arcascs is Â¥arto "@ three grain mixtures for Grain production.......... ...... 8 do for Fodder produc.ion ................ 3 HOoLSTEIN â€" LEADER His Wife,2~@ w« There are more than 220,000 Fords on the world‘s highwaysâ€"best possibl testimony to their unexcelled worth. Prices runabout $675â€"touring car $750â€"town car $1000â€"â€" with all equipment, f.0.b. Walkerville, Ont. Get particulars from Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Michigan and Fourâ€" teenth Streetsâ€"or direct from Walkerville. A. S. HUNTER & SON, Durham Now and hereâ€"not then and there â€"lies your opportunity. â€" The Ford product has been multiplied by twoâ€"andâ€"aâ€"halfâ€"but the demand has been multiplied by four. If you want one for spring service you must get it now. Don‘t delay. Experiments with Farm Crops. THE‘ DURHAM REVIEW quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. it : 25 cents. condemnation is only on circumetances gathered around him ominously, ointing out clearly, * Thou art the man,." His I4â€"yr. cld boy seemed a maryel f intelligence and his eyidence was ittle if any shaken,. It is cruel to say he swore his father‘s life away. The boy should be commended for telling truth in trying ciroumstances. One hopes since bis best friend is gone, that other true friends will see that the boy is placed in an environment where the shadow of his father‘s crime will fall as lightly as may be on his future. Bring your hogs to Holstein Tuesâ€" days. Satisfaction _ guaranteed. Other stock will have my best atcenâ€" tion . Phone 17 R. M. TRIBE, Shipper Speculation is rife as to whether the sentence will be commuted. lt is im. possible to tell. But one thing shauld be done, those respousible for his deâ€" fention should rigidly prevent word pictures of his habits, his diet, &c., eycen his devotions from reaching the pnblic eye, â€" Persons of low mentality read such stuff with avidity and feel there‘s a heroism in it, overlooking the blackness and the horror that put bim there, One years year. â€"If a tariff against Canada is a tenefit to the United States and a tariff against the United States is a bencfit to Canada, then tariffs beâ€" tween the Canadian provinces would be equally beneficial to all parts of Canada. _ Carrying this idea out, why nct bave tariffs between counties, between townships, and so on down to the logical conclusfon, & tariff at every limne fence. SEHILOZT NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. General Purpose Colt rising 2 old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 Both tirstâ€"class. E. McK inxox, North Line, Priceville, Ont. C. A. ZAVITZ, Director For Sale TORONTO Mr and Mrs John Orchard retnrned Monday evenicg from a visit to the city of Toronto, A yery heavy rain fell last Friday a. m. ceasing at noon, followed by a terrific high wind, the worst ever witâ€" nessed in these parts, and did not cease until much damage was done, Shingles were flying in all directions, Mr Alex McEachnie‘s brick house reâ€" ceived a severe shaking, Mr Wheeler‘s barn moved some two feet and Mr, Sterne‘s store badly damaged, the top story blowing off, causing consider ab‘e loss to Mr. 8. as his dishes and w 1: paper were there besides his grocâ€" ery su, plies. _ To him do we extend our sympatty. â€" The west half of the roof off lcr Sterne‘s store was blown over unto Mr Hockridge‘s yerandah, breaking it down and almost comâ€" pletely demolishing the big front door, Very fortunate that in all the wrecks we hear of no one being burt, To Mr Frank Rendry and bride we extend our heartiest congratulations, also to Mr and Mrs Will Corbett. This is holiday time and our schools are closed for a week. Mr Bnrnet and Miss Bride have goune to their homes, Toronto visitors this week are Mrsa G, H. Gilkes, Â¥r A. Riddel!, Mrs E Hockridge and nephew Ralph, She Hopeville quartatte assisted with the musical program at Salem Surday afternoon, Mr L B. Nicholson spent Easter with his mother, who is very ill. Miss Phein, of Brantford. is visitâ€" ing Mrs Petrie of our village. Special services are continuing in the Methodist chnrch this week. Rev. W. W. Low is preaching each evening. The services may continue on into the next week if it is felt that good can be done. Everybody welâ€" come. Mre D S McDonald visited ber sister Mrs Will Philp last week, Key L. D. and Mrs Huxtable are attending Council in New York eity, The Choral Society will meet in the parsounage on Saturday evening of this week. A good turnout is exâ€" pected. The showing of Spring and Summer millinery atJ. W. Hunter‘s, was freely admired by the many ladies who visitâ€" ed the openings last week end, The hats this season are much smaller on the whole, with a tendency to a long effect, and are lightly but very prettily trimnsed, principally with beautiful flower mounts or ribbons of the leadâ€" ing shades. The regular meeting of the Droâ€" more tranch of Women‘s Institute will be keld in Taylor‘s Hall on Wedâ€" nesday, April 2. Papers will be givâ€" en on : 1. Effeect of bome influence on moral and physical lifeâ€"Mrs Atâ€" chison. 2. Quilt Patternsâ€"Mrs T. Brown. 8. House Plants and Winter Flowersâ€"Mrs Phuilips. 4. The Value of Cheertuinessâ€"Mandy â€" Renwick. Discussion on the making of a hot bed. All ladies are invited to come. The storm of last Friday did a great deal of damage in and around our village, but as far as we know, no one was hurt. No such storm has visited our village before in the memâ€" ory ot a goodly number of our citiâ€" zeng. Rev. Mr Low‘s son, who has been assistant agent at Mt. Forest G.T.R. for some time, has resigned and exâ€" pects to accept a position in Peterâ€" borough as ticket agent for the G.T.R,. there. A meeting of Saugeen Presbytery was held in Mt. Forest on Tuesday of last week to consider the resignation of Rev. Mr. Malcolm. Three repreâ€" sentatives each from Holstein and Fairbairn congregations were present, but as Mr. Malcolm‘s ill health neccesâ€" itated his retirement from the work for some time at least, they accepted the resignation with much regret. Mr. Malcolm will leave next June and Rev, Mr. Kendell of Dromore was appointed moderator. Mr Wallace Findlay was in Toronto last week on business. Mr Wm. Philp has engaged Mr Stanley Williams to help him durf'g the summer months. Miss Ritchie, of Durham, is a guest of her iriend, Miss Effie Mc-! Millan, this week. ‘ Mr Jas. Bunston has been laid up for the past week, but is recovering. Messrs Art Renton and Archie Calder are busy hauling logs to the mill this week for Mr Renwick. Last Friday‘s windstorm wrought considerable damage around â€" our burg by lifting the roofs of several barns and damaging windows, windâ€" mills, fences, &c. Mr Jas. Renton to the west of us had his barn parâ€" tially destroyed. Messrs Thos, Renâ€" wick‘s and Dan Eccles‘ barns also suffered, a large part of the roof beâ€" ing turned away. Mr David Chrisâ€" tie‘s windmill is badly wrecked. Panes of glass were blown out of Mr J. M. Findlay‘s store and Dr. Sueath‘s office. Our High School students are enâ€" joying a well earned holiday at their respective homes. Miss Ella Renton is spending a few days with her parents here and her friends in this vicinity are pleasâ€" ed to meet her again. Mrs Jno. Smith, of Conn, is visitâ€" ing at her brother‘s, Mr Dan Eccles. Hopeville. n# @ e Dromore The severe storm which passed over here on Friday afternoon caused considerable damage. The barn beâ€" longing to Mr. Dave Hooper _ was partly unsoofed . . Mr. Edwin Wells‘ driviag shed was completely blown down only the binder and mower being in at the time which were hardly the worse, â€" Mr. Jos. Stephenson was also badly wrecked. Several buildings were almost stripped of shingles. Fences were blown down and trees turned out. New regulations have been received 'hy postmasters from the Postâ€"Office Department, governing the duties of rural mail courier and the extension of their work among boxâ€"hbholders, Each courier is supplied with a schoal bag attachment in which a supply of stamps, money orders, postal notes, requisitions, receipts, etc., which he is supposed to distribute among his patrons, who when a money order or postal note is required must fill out one of these orders and hband it to the courier, not leave it in the box, If any registered mail comes for re. sidents along a 1oute, they are served with a note one day, the letters o other rvegistered matter is brought them the next day and receipts are taken for same by the courier, who also gives certificates for registered mwatter handed him on the road, and receipts for money given him tor pos.: tal noirs, etc., for which req@Gisition is made. Each courikR aties a #Poce in stamp pougb, from which he dis. peuses stamps, not singly, but in twentyâ€"five or fifty cent lots, and only to persons who have boxes, Mr. Jonty Long is moving to one of Mr. William Hunter‘s houses, We understand . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reid on March 17 a daughter,. Congratuâ€" lations. Miss Blanche Reid is home for the Easter holidays. 35 C We are pleased to know at time of writing that baby Halpenny is doing as well as could be expected considesâ€" ing his severe illne s. Also Mrs. Laughton is considerably better. Under tember oursing and skilful medical aid we hope to see them again in their usual health soon. Mr. Thomas Halpeuny is helping Mr. Gordon Geddes to cut wood. Tommy is a hustler. Miss Bertha Hooper spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. Geddes and attended service at the Hall. Rey. Mr. Leece gave an interesting address on "Dr. Livingston‘" which was enjoyed by all. Mr. William Henry arrived home on Wed. after spending a week with his sister Edith who we are sorry to say is in very poor health. Old friends of Mrs Arnett here (aiss Eva Booth) will regret to hear of the sorrow she and her husband have passed through in the death of their youngest child from pneumonia, at a time too when their other son and ar Arnett were also ill. _ Ail are now getting better. Bornâ€"To Mr and Mrs W. H. Hunter on Tuesday, 25th March, 1918, a daughter, â€" Congratulations. Mr Arthur Hann and lus friend Mr Albert Stewart, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays at the former‘s uncle‘s here, Mr and Mrs A. Hann, returning on Monday. The sehool teachers of the neighâ€" borkooid have all returned to their hbome for Easter, Miss Backus to Benâ€" inck, Miss Yeo to near S¢ Mary‘s, Miss Bessie Weir to her home here near Farewell Corners. The jurymen from this quarter have all returned from Owen Sound Asâ€" sizes, Mr Jas. Whitmore being one U the Jury in the Love case. There came to the bhome of Mr and Mrs Chas, Reid one day last woeek a fair young damsel with the becoming grace and mien of one so young. She is going to stay with them for a while a long while we hope. Both are doâ€" ig well. 4 _ The Rev, Mr Loece gave a $a* adâ€"| idresxa on the Ife and labors of Dund. Livyingstone, on Sunday last at the: hall. Amos church choir, invited for : the oceasion, interlarded with selecâ€"| tions suitable as near as may be to| the address and to the occasion of| Easter celebration. | This locality suffered from the ef feets of the severe windstorm on Fri day last, unrcoling the east side of Dayid Hooper‘s barn. The neighbors agsisted in putiing up the rafters the following day. _ The high wind of Monday morning mast bave caused many an anxious moment as it did to many on the first occasion, The north half of Mr Robt. Baxter‘s barn roof, a new one last summer, also went and carried seyeral rods. Mrs W. J. and Mrs Jas. Stephenson had also parts of their t arn roofs taken off. Many fences are down, those with posts set in stones standing the strain the best, trees uprooted and broken over. Many with a courage born of despair climbed to the purline plate of Wheir barn and chained and otherâ€" wise fastened the rafters thereto that were rising a foot therefrom and fallâ€" img back with a resounding whack, Wood bees have been the order of the day for the last two weeks, im North Egremont Rural Mail Regulations Greenside Dr. de Van‘s Femaile Pilis If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, 800 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improy. ed place on whueh Mr Twamley made money, offereo at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good fari», extra buildings, timber worth most of the price, 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at » Lout $4000, 800 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm) good place, owner in the Wes, off 4 ed at a snap. 100 meres near listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, A»tonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Lands for sale or ox. change, Above «re some of my Many Rar. gtu, It will Pay you to Ruy om me. 100 acres 1 mile South of W illiamsforg a gooud tarm too, offered for actually less han the tauldings would cost, 100 acre» near Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000. _ â€" H.H. Miller Sunday Sehool at 10, _ Services at ]] a,. im, and 7.00 p. m, REV. A. E. MARSHALL, B. A. _ Pastop Sunday School at J0, Service at 11 a Y. P. 8. &E. at 7 p.m. REV. J. MALCOLM, DR. JAS. 4. WILSON, B. a, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children,. * Also Eye, Ea)r, Nose nndedThmal. * Eyes t ronaghly tested and glasses proâ€" perly firted. OMflice at Holstein Drug Store. Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates, and tenitis to suit borrower. Fire and Life I me placed in thoroughly reliub% companies, _ Deeds, Mortâ€" gages. and Wills executed on shor vest notice, All work promptly attended to. Lots 43 and 44, Con,. 1. 8. D. R Gienelg, one and a half muiles west of Priceville, Good buildings and water, Terms reasonable. Apply to J. F. MceLacurax, Box 260, Calgary, Alta, 0 J6.. IVII4, mooopt no 1 «hor, out send #*: :an for llus» im rated bookâ€"sealed., t gives full ‘ articulars and directions invaluable 0 ladies, WINDSONSUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont General Agents for Canada. J. R. Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent Time tables, land punrhleu and other descriptive lMerature relative to the Grand Trunt+ Pacific Ry. may be obtained from mearest Grand Trunk Agent. The Grand Tronk Pacific Reilwar. is th shortest and quickest route between nipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, Ticie«::mw 60 days. _ Proâ€" portionate lo@=+r»g to other points in Manitoba, Sask. and Alg:m (inclusive) via Chicego & St, Paul Wianipeg & return, $35 Edmonton & return $43 Homeseekers‘ Excursions at College if you desre. _ Pay whenever fi’:fl W: lur[lt trainers ym Qanada. ter any day. " Positipns guaranteed If you wish to save board and learn while you earn write for particulars. NO VACATION GEO sPOTION, 8. INS Thonsands of ambitious young peo MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 NO CHANCE WORK MAR®T. 27, 1913 Presbyterian Church being instructed im their bowes Home “‘“"y% You may in Methodist Church Walkerton Business College Home Study druget eannot READ THIS : Farm to Rent. W. J. SHARP Each Taesday at the EP Â¥ Weman The Hanover Conveyancer Pastor t That â€" desira®! §t,, two doors church, For pa ©. Ranag®, LA Di sSpirella cure a P# un bresk MRS. Jâ€" John Kelly, Tea d DA Ph waaPa n knssn o s n x SraA BANK :.« w Â¥ * McKechnies OF CEANADA + FREL gxxsxxxxxz SPIRELLA CORSETS VOL. XXXVl, Agent TORONTO DPUR H A ) kable ___Corn, Oats and Seed Oats, Barley. mxed Grain (Ba House to Reat NICHOL, Repre Box 107 Will OFFICE no t1 Spnp invited to appeal t ot tas as a sum of velve while O taut part ha this even our patr« satisfacti make ou customert isure ou The n Af u sent Cus 0 eff

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