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Durham Review (1897), 3 Apr 1913, p. 1

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P Geor‘. llLimproy. iley made bargain, far, orth most ale or ex. . cheap at lees at 11 ty. lhamsford P actually uld cost. irch @ _ EKyes Ir Fettes » the West lll’ ..r. rates, and Fire .h.l: horo xecuted pn . promptly ne of the Splendidiy cheap at es west of and water. coucheur Large uipped iny day .BMING retary ER 28 ech n Agent t Agent i a posâ€" at 11 a unproved ions k Proâ€" ir points ied M a pad indsor, Ont «nd other St, Paul airy, Alta siranm he Grand sed from can h Licenses CUCnNO / C ses pro Pills Pastor Pastor $43 20W P i9 ?3] _ 1873 SYTANDARD ‘ANK THE ‘OL. XXXV1l, NO. 14 sn c n en e e en e m rep vep en l d se sed Rel xt t xt ts t o r . .Â¥ ® ‘-, Kechnie‘s Flour Mills 3 ZANADA | | = coeditious when this Bank‘s dnts aD OFFICE and money orders are used. roRONTO s j U R H A M BRANCH,‘_r rELLA CORSETS House to Reat. U CHOL north Snring § F. MORLOCK L13 [ LiVUS, , Oats and Mixed Feeds for sale at close prices. E‘ . Barley, Peas and Corn. A few loads"f E\ n& leased the MoKechnie Flour Mil!s, am o do Custom Chopping promptly. A Janitoba Flours, Bran, Shorts, Feed, Flout be placed immediately and wili be sold atb n prices. sidence on Queen ‘th of Methodist ilars ;|p|’)|y te J. A. BLACK, Chesleg DIHC Representative x 107, Durbham FRED. J. WELSH % oo o o e e e en se k o se td S s â€"r the special ir Easter. Seâ€" rohdays. _ The ot sold in stores You are invited. Every invited to come and look over leisure our display. . The divers charm nk' the new hl'l Wi“ a appeal to the modish woman 1 of fashion‘s latest innovations. (Barlk The new Millinery is best described is a sumptuous color echeme. Garlands i velvet flowers circle the crowns while while Oriental mounts p\ay an imporâ€" tant part in trimming this season. No effort has been spared to make this event more attractive than ever to our patrons, and we are certain that the satisfaction ensured each buyer will make our rooms yery popular to out customers lhrough the season. of Durham and surrounding solicited. ; ton lots. | 19 48 41 and Oats) wanted at once. illinery Opening ENDING money to any point in ) Canada, the United States or 5thâ€"C Ritchie, Srithâ€"C McNally, N Williams, Sr 3rdâ€"R Paylor, K McNally, W Ritchic. Jr3.4â€"G Wi‘â€" liams, J Morrison, L Marrison, Pavior. S8r2ndâ€"J Ritchie. Pt 3nd H Ritchie, T Morrison, J Boyd. | Lstâ€"W Morrison, M Boyd, Jr 1stâ€" Anderson, Ritchie. The RQurham Special price on Chopping ted. Everybody is and look over at their iv. â€" The diversity and School Reports Reâ€"opened | & No. 3, GLENELG. (. D. HrepsBurx, Teacher T Morrison, J Boyd. Sr rrison, M Boyd, Jr 1stâ€"E V Paylor, M Anderson, C at once in search country: / WH| se :‘:wlu HL =‘: ty w" | B # . Lo 2=8| The Review New English Washable Wall Papers at MacFarlanes. Bee them. Choice Clover, Timothy and other Quf qusily B PCVR PE T e o9 Grass Seeds at right prices at Uentral Our prices a little lower than the rest. Drug Store. At McKechnie‘s Flour Mills, Rexall Sarsaparilia Tonic purifies the Nor.cuâ€"We have two tars 0‘. tran blood and tones the system. Try it on and shorts to offer at a low price by our guarantee. MacFarlane‘s Drug Store tne Son. Mrs. A. Beggs and Son. ‘ ze will do your chopping Limelight views of Livingstone‘s life I hile you do your ghopping. |______ | and work by Rev. Thos. Wilson, Walkerâ€" Malues reiv ies . Sc C NRCES . ORons â€" Niqusn it Ar t idchts i dhind se 2 S siv At McKechnie‘s Flour MB | gon, on Priday night in Pres. Church. Rennies No. 1 Clover Seeds for sale. | Don‘t miss this most interesting adâ€" Call and see them before bvying. dress. Admission 15¢ and 10c. . Proâ€" Mrs. A. Beggs an d Son | ceeds in aid of Organ Fund. The stores of Durham will remain At the Presbyterian Guild Monday closed Wednesday evenings after 6| evening, April 7th, eight members of p m till May lst, when they will be | ie Mission Band will give * Professor open both Wedneâ€".day and Saturday Littleboye‘s Lecture,"" a Missionary mghts, recitation on the life of David Livingâ€" We have a large shipment of Flour | stone All interested in the children Bran, Shorts, Feed Fiour, Corn and Feed | are cordially invited to be present. Barley on the way. Cail and see us b€â€" | _ A public mecting of all interested in fore you buy. promoting lacrosse or baseball in Durâ€" At McKechnie s F.our Mill8. | ham this summer is called for Tuesday opemmzseowMkiâ€"The pressure of treshy evening next, April 8, at 7_'30 p. m i,“ youngsters in the lower rooms of the Calder‘s Hall, when the situation will s chool has forced the Trustees to form |{D€ discussed and orgamization effected. | . oo o oe moprn o tm ctn es "I Aiea par i Make it a poiftk £o attend. We have a large shipment of Flour Bran, Shorts, Feed Fiour, Corn and Feed Barley on the way. Cail and see us beâ€" fore you buy. SaAFPE PROM Froops.â€"Woid has been received from Mr RKobt, Mc-\ Cracken, Columbus, Ohio, that he came through the flood experience all | right. Mrâ€" Mead, a brother of Mrs L. Elvidge, was also in the wet dis. triets and came through safe,. Sorp Two WixpmiLcrs.â€"Mr. wW. D. Comnor, Agent for the Toronto Air Motor has sold one each to Messrs A. 8. Hunter and Ab Orutchley, both of whose windmills were put out of business by the windstorm,. w. .D. says his is over‘ . The Guaild of the Presbyterian church intend holding a sale of home made baking at the zooms at the reav of the Standard Bank facing on Lambton St, afternoon and evening on the 1st. and 3rd. Saturdays in April, Teaand light refreshments will also be served k Mr Thos. McFadden has been ap~ pointed by the Dominion Goyvernment as Canadian Govt, Employment Agent for the yvicinity aut'rL)\An(ling_DHhuu:) Fatmers wishing Tabdters or domestic servants will communicate with him, so that an order may be placed for such help. WrepxEspay, O9rm Arrim.â€"On this date, Jobhn McDonald, Lot 20. Con. 8, N. D, R , Glenelg, will offer for sale two mares, Cows and young Cattle and Sheep. Terms : 10 mos, credit, 5 per cent discount for cash in lieu of notes. HUTCS, D. McPhail, Auctioneer, Those who heard Rey. Mr. Wilson‘s ‘ illustrated lecture some years ago, On the South Sea Islands will remember the treat they had. . Another one is on Friday April 4b, when Mr. Wilson will give an address on David Livingâ€" ston, illastrated with limelight yiews in the Presbyterian church. Don‘t miss it. Over 700 attended the lecture i in Walkerton, The April meeting of the Durham Branch Women‘s Institute will be held ‘ at the home of Mrs. Farqubarson on Thursday April 3rd. at 2 p. m. Mrs Mcliraith and Mrs. McCannel will speak on "Different methods of preparâ€" ing eggs for the table". A paper on »On our friends the birds" will be given by Miss M. J, McGirre Dr. Farquharson is also expected to speak . Question _ Drawer All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Dig» x AursERTAâ€" The many friends and relatives of Mr D. J, Davis \ of Noble, Alta., will be sorry to hear ‘ of his death. He had been ill for a. number of ysars with heart trouble, but death came suddenly at the last. He was born andreared on the farm now owned by Mr R, Aljoe on the 2Ind Con., E. G. R., Glenelg, and lived there till he lefté for the west, He was married to Miss Grace Greenwood, of Fdge Hill, who, with a large family survivye him. A pretty weddiog took pla¢e in l Trinity Church, Wednesday, at 12.30 | p m, the contracting parties being Mr James McEwen of Goderich and Miss Uassie Bartman, a sister of Rev, Mr. Hartley, who was the officiating clerâ€" gyman. _ A sister and brother of the bride were the supporters,. _ As the bridal party entered, Miss Vollet renâ€" dered Lohengrins and Mendelssohu‘s wedding marches. _ The bride looked lovely in white satin veiled in white ninon, the bridal veil being sprinkled with orange blossoms. The brides. maid also looked yery attractiye in pale blue satin, yveiled in plain blue ninon. The ceremony over and hearty | congratulations, thecompany repaired to Che rectory for the sumptuous wedding dinner. The happy couple jett by O P R for Montreal and other points. For Caretaker of â€" Pres, Church Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars apply to Robt. MacFarlane to whom tenders are to be sent. the kind that don‘t blow DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1913 Tenders Wanted. to New Subscribers to Jan. With which is incorporated the Buy your Clover and Grass Seeds a; the Central Drug Store. Standard No. 1 Clover and Timothy seed at rock bottom prices. See our samples. MacFarlanes Drug Store. Our quality a little better than the best Our prices a little lower than the rest. At McKechnie‘s Flour Mills, Limelight views of Livingstone‘s life and work by Rev. Thos. Wilson, Walkerâ€" ton, on Priday night in Pres. Church. Don‘t miss this most interesting adâ€" dress. Admission 15¢ and 10c. Proâ€" ceeds in aid of Organ Fund. (By our Popular It is our painful duty to record th death of another old pioneer of Glenelg, Mrs. Samuel Lawrence, who passed to her reward on Wednesday, March 26th, 1913, at the age of 76 years and te months. Ann Parslow, her maiden name, was born in Wicklow, Ireland where her both parents died. She came to Proton \township while a young woman. Conâ€" sequently, she was familiar with the hardships of pioneer life. In 1857 she was married to Mr. Samuel Lawrences who predeceased her on the 10th of of March 1907. Theirs has been a remarkable record. | q To them were born thirteen children, ten of whom are living.â€"John in Los | ; Angeles, California; Martha, Mrs. Jas. | ; Mack, New Westminster, B. C. Mary | ; \Ann, Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, Glenelg; Sarah, ) ; ’Mrs. D. Maciean, Kamioops, B. C. Eliza, | ( Mrs. A. B. Hiff,. Vyacouver, 8. Xarl George. Milden. Sask.; Thomas, New | Port, B. C.; Samuel, Vancouver, B.:C.; |. Kate Mrs J. W. Jenkins. Revelstoke, B. | | C.; Elien, Mrs. C. W. Arnett, on the |â€" old homestead, Glenelg; where deceased died and who so faithfully cared for her mother during her last illness. The deceased are Victoria, Nrs. Gibson, Vancouver, B. C.; Alice, Mrs. Jenkins, Kamloops, B. C.; and Doretta, who died in infancy. Her brothers and sisters are deceased | except Mrs. W. J. Wilson, â€" Boothville. L Egremont. Besides Mrs. Wilson and _\ her ten children, she leaves to mourn f her loss thirty eight grandchildren and , | three great grandchildren. Three . | daughters were present at her death _| bed. Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Jenkins and t Mrs. Arnett. â€" In religion Mrs. Lawrence & | was a member of the church of England. She was a kind loving wife and mother r \ and always ready to help in time of " | sickness or trouble. The Late Mrs. Lawrence She was a model pioneer and lived to enjoy the fruits of her early hardships and still more to enjoy the love and affection of a large family. She bore her last illness with christian resignation and at the closing scenes of her life she was not afraid to enten the unscen world as she testified by expressing that she was ready to depart whenever it was the Lord‘s will and to be relieved of the troubles and trials which she so often had to endure in this life from bodily ilness. She was confined to her bed | for over four months with liver trouble. To the sons and daughters in the far away West the news of death of their beloved mother will be to them m message of sorrow. Although they are thousands of miles away theis thoughts will come back as fast as electricity to the home of their early childhood When they received the sad news about three years ago she had the pleasure 0f l visiting all of them in their own homes M« hae aaffin were beautiful flowers On her coffin were beautiful flowers supplied by children and grandchildren. Rev. Mr. Hartley her pastor, conducted the sermon at the house and grave. A large crowd paid the last tribute of re. spect. The remains were taken to the P : Das ww io 42 BsR eRCs in English church cemetery and laid beside her late husband. The pallbearers were six nephews, George Wesley Parslow, John Parslow, John Lawrence, Philip Lawrence, James Wilson, and Willie Lawrence. The funcral was well conâ€" ducted by undertaker Mr. Allan Bell of Durham. We are sorry to say Mr. is quite low at present. Misi Annie and Agnes McGirr returnâ€" ed to their duties at Erie and Shelbourne respectively, on Saturday last. Mr. M. Mcinnes bought a fine bunch of {at cattle in our burg last week. Miss Mildred Hopkins returned to Toronto on Monday morn. Miss Elizabeth Scott spent part o* Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parslow, Artemesia. Place Correspondent) Miities to recordâ€"iflk eer of Glenelg, i, 1914, only 75 cents. B. Hartford Our New Post Office The presence in town On Monday | _ and Tuesday of a government surveyâ€" tw ortaking measurements and bearings 8t for the new Post Office on the Town M Hall site drew attention vividly to the in knotty question. o It will be remembered the town and R Mr Hahn each waye options on thew R respâ€"ctive properties some time ago. * These it seems the governreent have c accepted and are how asking the parâ€" v‘ tiee to remove the buildings and acâ€" & cept the money consideration . ; But now comes the trouble. It has long been known that a cloud hangs * over the title to the Town Hall site. Y 1b was giyen as a gift by Mr Middaugh : fora specific purpose ; as a site for a y town bhall and though the deed does | | not in so many words say that on a reversion from this purpose the propâ€" ‘ | erty will revert to the Middaugh esâ€" _| tate, there is a strong implication that p such is the intention and we believe , | the town solicitor gives it as his opinâ€" || ico that such is the interpretation. 3 The goveroment as may be expectea does not want to take over with the property any legal trouble as to title and expects the town to bear this responsibility. â€" This is by no means & pleasing prospect for the town either, ;) | but it may be now too late to recede, $ for in giving the option we believe no mention was made of a clouded title. tg(') ‘yh is eyen said that the government h ;willexpropxinte and pay the money z' into court, letting the town establish Y\ their claim to it as best they may. This is an unbhappy situation and we think the government with all its‘ power should not press the town too closely. _ If no other site fwere avail able, expropriation would be justified, but when such an eligible corner site as we have always adyocated, is availâ€" able, with no cloud on the title, at a greatly reduced initial expense why in the name of common sense rush \ the town into trouble,. Holstein Leader The Council are no doubt aware of the CERTAIN trouble ahead if this deal is consummated, such as the cost and tisk involyed in moving the present old building, risk also in crossing the Garafraxa 8t bridge, risk also in meetâ€" ing a windstorm and lastly the likeliâ€" hood of a decreased revenue from the old town hall. _ If to certain trouble is added the UNCERTAIN trouble of haying to fight for the purchase price, with perhaps an unsatisfactory result, it can be seen that no path of roses is ahead. Nor we believe is Mr Hahn without trouble. His sewer runs through the deeded property and of course the government will take no responsitilâ€" ity for this, nor can Mr Hahn do without. _ So its trouble all round on this pesky site. If thegovernment and council could hear and heed the yoice of thetown we believe that voice would say ‘‘Bake no risks, leaye the Hall where it is and take the George St. site." Title in a Tangle A N@W IMUUStIY _ | _ Small at First but MWelcome *,fl,*********w;%gf%y The Council last week completed the purchase of the McKechnie Sash and Door Factory, the price being $1500 and this with some other conâ€" siderations will be presented to Messrs Furbur and Jacobs the experts who are going to start the new industry of window stripping, ventilators, &c, It seems there are four of them in the business and a request has come to secure for them four houses all being married men. A byâ€"law is being preâ€" pared by Council and will be submitted to ratepayers before long. . . PV CY e on io ue oo ied zeo wl T The new firm are to be treated to the usual exemption for a term of years and to have the privilege of buying the property at any time. They are beginning in a modest way but expect to develop. Rev. Mr. Young, who preached two powerful sermons on Sunday last will again occupy the Presbyterian pulpib bere on Sunday next. Mrs. Catherine Coutts, who has been visiting ber sister M»s. John Duns. moore, returned to her home in ‘Toâ€" ronto Wednesday. After a critieal illmess of a few days with appendicitis, Jobhn Joseph Burns & 12 year old boy, son of Mr John Burns, Aberdeen, was operated on Tuesday night by Dr. Groves, Fergus, assisted by local doctors. The ease, it seems, had too far progressed pre, viously, for he survived little oOver a day after, passing away at 5 a, m. this Thursday. He was at the home of his uncle, Mr Dan McAuliffe, upper town, for treatment The funeral will leaye Mr McAuliffe‘s residence on Satâ€" urday morning for interment in Glenâ€" elg Cenire R. C, Cemetery. Much sympathy is extended the sorrowing relatives over the early demise of a bright lad. roâ€"«â€"â€"A@4 § 44â€" Died This Morning. A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at balf past Mr. and Mrs. R. Machxrlam lefs two in Knox chureh when Miss Olivine Tuesday to spend a few days in Toronto. Struan Marshall, only daughter of Mr. J. W. Crawford returned Tuesday Mr and Mrs J, H. Marshall wae united | to his western home in Unity, Sask. in marriage to Mr F. Perey HMHopkins| Mr. Cecil White, formerly of Egremont of Oil City, Penn., son of Dr. and Mrs | who has spent the past few months in R. R. Hopkins, of Torouto, Rev, Dr. |town, left Tuesday for Aylesbury, Sask. Ramsay perfor med the ceremony, and as the bridal party entered and lefuthe | _ Miss Annic Daniel left on Tuesday church, Mr Donald Heins played the afternoon for Moose Jaw, Sask; where two wedding marches and during the she will be united in marriage to Mr. signing of the register, Miss Splain Wim. Brown, formerly of this vicinity, rendered * Love‘s Coronation " very and thence proceed to their home in delightfully, The pretty bride, who | Roleau, Sask. The Review extends was giyen away by hber father, was felicitations, YeXy ‘,’“e'ul in her handsome gown | jtp, Carl Clark of Brantford, visited of .whlte charmense satin. made in \from Wednesday dast to Monday at train and trimmed with chenille lat* ; |p;s aunt‘s, Mrs. Thos. and Mre. Sam ‘ sbe wore a long tulle veil held in place \ McComb. 4 with & '.re“h of orange b!oesomi and ‘ MUr. and Mrs. Seigrist of Wiarton, she carried a bougnet of lillies of the s M Buster vacaut! t1h6ix \| valley and maiden bair fern, ber only jepent over the _‘M mels l npauit tm * & P C Q00C" \Auughters, Mrs. J, H. Robertson, f ornament being the groom‘s gift. a , . 4 x K diamond ring. Both bride and groom | Miss Jessie Reidjof Tartan, Egre®ont ‘ | were unattended, Mr Archibald Marâ€" | was in town over Sunday at her broth* * | shall, the bride‘s brother, and Mr Her. | e Peter‘s, and left on Monday to visit i bert Hopkins, of Toronto, the groom‘s |hor sister, Mrs. Will Johnston in Markâ€" 5 brother, acting as ushers and the \d..le. before she leaves on Saturday groom‘s gift to them were gold cuff with her brother George ior Regina, ': links, while to the soloist, Miss Splain, | where she purposes taking a business x he presented a gold pin set with pearls, \c‘)llego course, F, After the cerem?ny a reception was | _ Mrs. Thos. Harris and daughter, *# held at tl:e residence of the h“d”;x\libs Margaret, who have spert the p | parents, 165 Nepeau street, where M18 | winter in Fort William, purpose before . Marshall received hber guests in a lrvturnim to Durham to go out to the nt bfndsosne gown of Alice blue satin, l( oast this spring and visit friends and ey ?n(th (lrlmmtnlrgskotfl r:sei:);:inl& lace .-md’ relatiyes en route, et, a large blaek hat with plunses, and _ o < sB he carried a bouquet of red carna Mr James Watson, N.”.T;mta: left e | tions, Miss A, Robertson, aunt of the |Tuesday for Dc“f"‘l‘l ‘l“v‘fc“i_‘vl"”_on:t::" its | bride, was gowned in schrimp colored {'P“‘C"dc"‘ h“"‘ “\‘\“? * "‘ ‘:‘ " ‘“"‘; i oo | satin, with trimmings of lace and a | with “‘Cf b°;\‘ 'l‘; 'Q;l'\ \rdnc' is \;1. | Tuscan bat with hlack plumes. Nrs |little "‘r:‘ big ‘?p‘_’f"““"k‘f\_‘ll m“\ Thefs: ed, Hopkins, mother of the groom, wore to Atnlc 1vn?o \\'L\{“‘C‘ l.{o‘\'.n ;'..f A< ite | a lovely gown of grey satin with a vored ont ““”31"“ ie ""1\"" % nils black bat trimmed with grey plumes | aity Congratulations in AUVaANCR« C & and carried a bougquet of pink carnaâ€"| fey, Dr. Farqubarson ceonsulted a .. | tions. specialist last week in Toronto ll‘nd fi‘, 7 '_‘.Eâ€". ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO MarRSBHALLâ€"Horkixs BORN Borx®Etr:â€"In Hamilton, on Thursday, March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, (nee Miss Eita Robertson) a daughter, CY #o *********%fi****# R THE ROYVAL BANK OF CANADA Hymeneal Gnpon, ENG., OFFICE Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes Stw niIRAHAM BRANCH : Semucecve t § MA SPRING MILLINâ€" ERY OPENING Our Opening on Saturday last success. â€" This season‘s hats ® and beautiful and we cordially to see our display. DURHAM, 83'3.‘:‘.;"3‘%; s* x*+ * * 1{2og008 C Fund * + * , " .: 180,000,000 ‘Total Assets # «5 y ie o is ange attern Hats and al ASSCOT _ +0 > UR 290 Branches throughout Canada. _1 _1 a1l Reanches. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA _2 A.ommtoctensintecinnnnaive Savings Department at all Branches. w t es, and _ a earna __ Mr James Watson, Normanby, left t of the | Tuesday for Detroit. where Mrs Watson coloreqa | preceded him a week before in company Roih ue o kvarle +4 xt ..3 wmant m Published Woekiy at $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & sON,Posuisg®r®s wWITH WHICH 1s UNITED TWE sc on t U aommmmmemeten * 0( on INCORPORATED 1869 Mr. Cecil White, formerly of Egremont who has spent the past few months in town, left Tuesday for Aylesbury, Sask. Miss Annic Daniel left on Tuesday afternoon for Moose Jaw, Sask; where she will be united in marriage to Mr. Wim. Brown, formerly of this vicinity, and thence proceed to their home in Mr. and Mrs. R. MacFarlane left Tuesday to spend a few days in Toronto. Mr. J. W. Crawford returned Tuesday to his western home in Unity, Sask. Roleau, Sask. The Keview extends \(elicitations. Mr. Carl Clark of Brantford, visited from Wednesday fast to Monday at his aunt‘s, Mrs. Thos. and Mre. Sam McComb. MUr. and Mrs, Seigrist of Wiarton, | spent over the Easter vacation at their \@«ughters, Mrs. J, H, Robertson, | â€" MissJessie Reidjof Tartan, Egremont | was in town over Sunday at her broth®* .\ er Peter‘s, and left on Monday to visit ; \hersister, Mrs. Will Johnston in Markâ€" > \dale, before she leaves on Saturday [ | with her brother George for Regina, .\ where she purposes taking a business Rev. Dr. Farquharson ceonsulted a specialist last week in Toronto and was advised to take perfect rest for two or three weeks. BHis entire con» gregation and other friends will rejoice to learn of his convalescence, wliss Bertha fewdays in Bo _ Nr Adam Br \ take charge © Parry Sound. Ye Editor : snending this v Miss Jean CUra on Monday afte to commence d nurse, Miss Jessie Smith at Ridgeway, Well day to teach nea Miss Jessie Smith, formerly teacher at Ridgeway, Welland Co., left Monâ€" day to teach neap Tiverton, after spending Easter vacation at her home at Aberdeen. * Mrs. Ben Coutts, Bentinuk, visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and T o o o se mss e BR PER D0 spending Easter vacation at her home at Aberdeen. e Mrs. Ben Coutts, Bentinuk, visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas,. Atkinson for a few days, and with her mother visited her brother in Holstein. Millinery Bertha Spat . HVGHES, in Boronto thi P re Harris and daughter, t, who have spert the William, purpose before urham to go out to the ao and visit friends and Craw . ip dp tp ip ip 4t k on t was a big are tnteflfl invite you OW Novelties NEW yoRk AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar $ $ 25,000,000 w w Manager» spending & Thursday to house ncar ; for Buifalo cke at home professional is spendâ€" hers‘ and ge are Sts.

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