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Durham Review (1897), 3 Apr 1913, p. 3

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from » l'.b 4 and nusual in the rellas. Chimg, ave had ear 806, ced it to ple rr the m his N€y, reâ€" ich e;- |l»n. © A St. ai is a ISh, thO nerican by the t, A.D. 0o feet ited on ppiest emAan 1 that y the togethep German WE y ther, â€" cithe; and @, r place duty them M ermed 9 a sStray the the u and 1t At Anaemic Mothers Here is Relief ! Yeou lufferer nade. 1 feel strong enough now to work ike a man, as for going un stairs on the ‘un, it doesn‘t bother me at all. 1 eat and teep as any we!l nerson ought, and as lor dizziness which used to frighten me so nuch, it has entirely disappeared. Dr. Wamilton‘s Pills are a wonderful mediâ€" wime. They helned me, and 1 know every woman that uses them will have comfort ind good health. Refuse anything offered 1 4 0n« The womar n i ‘*;‘uucurl Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal nn-mpl:ole-:h. with 32â€"p, book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chen. Carp., Dept. 39D, Boston, U. 8. A. , tâ€"-h; drier and healing, so I bought & cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cutiâ€" mohmz.and.nquggk.udlfew ;y;ith'on was not a blemish on him." (Signed) Mrs. F. Woest, Feb. 29, 1912. "I bathed each place in warm water and Cuticura Soap and then 1 put some of the Cuticura Ointment on and bound them up in soft rags and be siept better that night than he had for throe weeks, and he did not scratch himself once that night. Idid that for three days, night and mornâ€" Ing, when we noticed the sores were getâ€" @{ %‘R’ & % and arms so bad that I did not like to take him C out. . He could not sleep * h or rest any where. â€" I tried Leveral things at home and lots of different things people used to advise me, but he did not get a bit bettor. + PWR CC 53 Stewart St., T oronto, Ontario.â€" "When my baby was nine months old ho had a lot of pimples come on his arms and legs which used to come A to a head, then break and & cause rwaning sores. They > were bright red spots, 3k 3 which itched and burned "‘/\ so badly that he would N tear himself till he made them bleed and they were ko all like open wounds. , i ‘They were on his face & P T On Arms and Legs. Caused Running Sores, Would Tear Himself Till ( They Bled. Like Open Wounds. CuticuraSoapand OintmentCured. Thinks Swearing All Right | X T PIMPLES TTOHED â€"AND BURNED BIt GOLD FIND IN INDIA U it The k tear Can Enrich Your Wornâ€"out Blood and Quickly Renew Your Mealth With Dr. LIL of Twenty Years States Dr. iton‘s Pilis are a Real Cure. remember any time during the y years when my heart wasn‘t i I bent over, dark epecks would e my eyes,. and it seemed as blovt in my body wanted to :y head." Thus opens the letter ‘noch ®. Spry, of Putnam P.O., nuing her interesting statement Work or exertion made my Hamilton fi Estate Found to With Deposits. Before and After. hu immense rI Pills,. husban« quantilies . 6 price le hat LJ jarts in 4CÂ¥ w Beg M a s that a mineral reported 0 square district, ron upstaire i that it u how I ind what M r box at al hum(’d meoenth pper, manâ€" been h ncial xpert King Rich n he of ° free at all erty ave W as ind it n# to After a short time the lady proâ€" posed to her husband that they should adopt the waif as their own daughter. _ Every attention was given to the education of Miss Bere, for that was her name, and she beâ€" came a highly accomplished young \lady. Her humility and modesty |never forsook her. Shortly after a i_\uung vicar visited the house. He became very fond of Miss Bere, and | offered her his hand and heart, but ‘as he had nothing more than a | small living to offer her they agreed \to wait a while. After a year he | returned with the title of "very | reverend‘‘ to his name. There was \now no obstacle in the way, so the |\ pair were united, and lived many | years respected, beloved, and esâ€" \teemed by all around them. ber footman to the workhouse to select a little pauper girl for the purpose. John brought back a tiny child, about eight or nine years of age, and pointed out her tasks. The child set to work, and began to sing in tones of more than common sweetness. The lady‘s window was open, and she was struck with the voice. The little songstress was sent for to the lady‘s apartment, and she was much pleased with the intelligence of the child, and took steps to remove the little maiden from the workhouse to her own kitchen. Became the Wife of the Right Rev. Thomas Thurlow Palatine. A lady residing at Lymington, England, was in want of a little girl to weed her garden, and sent |_*‘*She had been ° fond of cereals, | but had never tried Grapeâ€"Nuts. | From reading the account of this ‘predigested food, it seemed reasonâ€" able to try Grapeâ€"Nuts for her The death of her husband, who had been elected to a bishopric, severed the happy connection. The lady survived her husband some vears, and at last the little warbâ€" ling Nancy Bere, the orphan of Lymington Workhouse, now the laâ€" mented widow of the Right Rev. Thomas Thurlow Palatine, Bishop of Durham, quitted this life, to join her beloved partner in a better world. There are more nervous persons made so by undigested food lying in the stomach than the average individual would suppose. & If food remains undigested in the stomach, it begins to ferment, set up gas and a large portion is thus converted into poison. That‘s why imperfectly digested food may, and often does, cause irâ€" ritation of the nerves and stupor of the mindâ€"brain and nerves are really poisoned. ‘"My daughter had complained for some time of a distressed feelâ€" To Feed â€" Children and Get Good Results. Em o en Ee ‘"My daughter had complained for some time of a distressed feelâ€" ing in the stomach, after eating, which set me thinking that her diet was not right,"" writes an anxious and intelligent motllcr.‘ P case ©"The results were really wonderâ€" ful. The little brain that seemed at times unable to do its work, took on new life and vigor. Every moraâ€" ing, now, before going to school, she eats the crisp little morsels and is now completely and entirely well, she seems to have a new lease on lifeâ€"no more distress in the stoâ€" mach, nor headache, but sound and well everyway.‘‘ Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellâ€" ville,""‘ in pkgs. ‘"‘There‘s a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. Its RKnowledge Jealously Guarded From Europeans. **Ple lizes &@f 100,000 persons, acâ€" cording to popular beiief, depend upon the ‘"Sacred Lake of Life,"" in southern Nigeria. The first white men to look upon it are J. Amaury Talbot, a District Commissioner, and Mr. Eakins, news of whose disâ€" covery has just been received. It was through an earlier visit to the ‘"Lake of the Dead" that the existence of the ‘"Lake of Life"" was revealed, and one afternoon Mr. Talbot and Mr. Eakin, accompanied by Mrs. Talbot and her sister, set out to endeavor to locate it. Hithâ€" erto the knowledge of the lake had been kept a jealously guarded seâ€" eret from all Europeans, and not even the natives, with the excepâ€" tion of the high priests, had been allowed to approach the sacred waâ€" terâ€"the dwelling place of the greatâ€" est deity of the Ibibios, whose chief town is TIkot Obo. Access to the lake was through a sacred grove so cunningly contrived that a strauger might pass within a few yards, yet never find the holy pool. Mr. Talbot and his party found that the water was full of great fish, on the welfare of which, according to legend, depends the life of the lbibio race. The fish were so tame that they fed from the hand of the reigning high priest, the only native human allowed to look upon the water. I;c.:wvho bear the name of the godâ€" dess, as they were granted to the parents in direct answer to prayer. It is specially sacred as the dwellâ€" ing place of the most powerful deity â€"the Great Motherâ€"Isuâ€"Ma (the Face of Love), whose symbol is a holy rock facing the entrance. Near by the travellers found a sgecond pool, in the centre of which is a paim tree, near which in the water are stationed a man, a girl and a â€""Bo iâ€"di;ii,’i’i came the repTy, "but I didn‘t say I wanted to be trampled to death, did I!1" "I thought,‘"‘ he remarked, "you said you could dieo dancing." "SACRED LAKE OF LIFE." A WORKHOUSE GIRL. THE KNXOW HOW Clumsy Partner. (Co., Windsor, Many Reasons Why Liquid Cough Mixtures Can‘t Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrhâ€" ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronckâ€" ial Tubes, Bring Quick Relieft and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailâ€" ments needs a eoothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organe in the chest and lungs, attacks the trouâ€" ble at the source, disperses the germs of disease, and cures the ailment thoroughâ€" ly. And this medicine is "Catarrhozone." The germâ€"killing baleamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bronchial tubes, and finâ€" ally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, whereas with a syrup the affected parte could not be reached, and harm would reeult through benumbing the etomach with drugs. "I have been a chronic sufferer from catarrh in the nose and throat for over eight years. | think 1 have spent four hundred dollars trying to got relief. 1 have spent but six dollars on Catarrhâ€" ozone, and have been completely cured, and, in fact, have been well for some time. Catarrhozone is the only medicine 1 have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief but will always cure _ permanently. Yours â€" «incerely, (Signed) WILLIAM _ RAGAN, Brockville, Ont. For absolute, permanent cure, use Caâ€" tarrhozone. _ Two months‘ outft costs $1.00; asmailler size, 50c., at all storekeepâ€" ers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Company, Buffalo, N. Y. and Kingston, Canada. Animal With a Perfect Sense of Humor. M. Poincare, the new president of the republic, has a cat, to which he is greatly attached, and he has just given to the world an appreâ€" ciation of its virtues, says the Paris mrrgspondent of the London Daily News. ‘"‘This cat,‘"‘ he says, "is gifted with a strange and complex personâ€" ality. _ Voluptuous and epicurean, treacherous and cunning, wayward and ferocious, authoritative to the point of tyranny, it has, you obâ€" serve, nothing but faults, but these faults, which in any other cat would be absolutely insupportable, beâ€" come in the case of this cat, by the manner in which he uses them, qualities of the highest value. ‘"He has a perfect sense of huâ€" mor, and knows exactly the value of a wellâ€"timed joke. His tact is wonderful ; he can end a difficult situation in the most gracious and natural mannaer. I have never seen this cat embarrassed, nor guilty of a ‘faux pas.‘ With astonishing celerity he will choose between two solutions of a question, not only the better from his own point of view as suiting his interests, but the more elegant and agrecable, and the one mast likely to draw approâ€" val upon himself. § "Flattery is another thing this cat excels in ; not that obvious and direct variety which embarrasses and offends sensitive people, but that variety which caresses exquiâ€" sitely one‘s amour propre. He neâ€" ver disobeys his master unless the latter is not present or unless he is engaged in some absorbing task. Then he will go and sit where he has been told not to, near the radiâ€" ator. _ Discovered, he smiles genâ€" tly and runs over to me, looking at me as though to say, ‘Oh, yes; I was there right enough, but merely for the instant. I wished only to warm my feet. you understand, because it is a little cold this evenâ€" ing. But I didn‘t stay thereâ€"the best proof of which is that I am here now. But why do you look at me like that? Anger, you know, is a capital fault. Come, let us be good friends and enjoy ourselves!‘ FRENCH PRESIDENT‘S CAT. "Then he always starts off to amuse me. He jumps all over me and all over the room, with every comic antic it is possible to think of. It is impossible to resist him; you are simply disarmed and conquerâ€" There is a good deal of complaint because people don‘t walk more, but it doesn‘t come from the head of a large family with shoes to buy. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "‘I‘Te F;mlly Friend for 40 years." A never failing relicf for Croup and Whooping Cough. After a man has taken a chance it sometimes happens that he would be only too glad of a chance to put it i)ack. "I don‘t know how to refuse a girl employment. I hate to send ‘em away feeling downeast." "I always send ‘em away smiling. Tell ‘em frankly they‘re so goodâ€" looking they might disturb the ofâ€" fice work.‘ Sh1loh PB ED. 4. A Smooth Manager. Not a Complaint. 1S8SUE 13â€"‘13. A Woman‘s Devotion to iler Child Resulted in Her Death. In a small Highland (Scotland) hamlet dwelt a young widow whose husband had died a,.few months beâ€" fore, leaving her with an infant a few months old. Her home was many miles from the nearest docâ€" tor‘s abode, which lay across some hills. Her little one took ill, and not having too much of this world‘s gear, in order to save the heavy outlay which would have to be met by calling in the doctor, she reâ€" solved to lessen the burden by takâ€" ing the little one across the hills and see the doctor personally. Telling her neighbors of her inâ€" tention, she set out on a sharp but dry, frosty morning. When crossâ€" ing the hills the sky became overâ€" cast, and then the snow began to fall, slowly at first, but gradually increasing to a blizzard. She kept on her way, struggling hard, though far from any little croft or place of shelter. By degrees she lost strength, ard her barden was provâ€" ing too much for her in the face of such a storm. § Anxiety now began to be felt amongst her neighbors, and they resolved to form a search party to ascertain as to her safety! After a few hours‘ trudging over the hills they found the little one lying sound asleep in a cleft in a rock, being kept warm by some of his mother‘s garments, and sheltered from the falling snow. A mile or two farther on they came upon the mother, with the snow lying as a covering upon her. Her struggles were over at last; she had taken all her garments off except one, and had gone on in the hope of getâ€" ting help, but had perished in the winter‘s blast. To Ease Tight Chest And Cure a Cold Rub On Nerviline "I didn‘t have to suffer long with a sore, wheezy chest. I had a mighty bad coldâ€"it held me like a vise, but I knew what to do..... I took half a teaepoonâ€" ful of Nerviline in hot water and rubbed my neck and chest every half hour durâ€" ing the evening. _ You would hardly credit the way Nerviline loosed up that tight cheet, enabled me to breathe like a free man, gave me comfort in a few houre." This is the experience of J. P. Durand, a well known resident of Burton‘s Corâ€" ners. In thourands of homes Nerviline is used every day. If a little child has a sick stomach, just a few drops will euffice. If there is any bowe!l disorder or diarrhoea, only a small dose is required. Inwardly or outwardly, wherever there is pain or infammation, Nerviline will alâ€" ways relieve quickest and cure surest of any remedy known. Family size, 50c.; small bottle 25¢., at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Bufâ€" falo, N. Y. fikay Have a Respect for Numbers and Appreciate Colors. A large proportion of dog stories aro like fish ctories, and require to be thoroughly salted. To such cateâ€" gory one may be excused for conâ€" signing a story that appeared a good deal in public print a couple of years since to the effect that a dog used for sheep failed to locate them till provided with a glimpse through a telescope. But for those who might wish to speculate on the powers of the farm dog the followâ€" ing authentic stories will provide suitable food for reflection. At any rate, it must be asked, Can some dogs count or place valuo on numâ€" bers The hero of the first instance beâ€" longed to a emallholder, and justiâ€" fied his existence by fetching three milk cows from among a number of grazing bullocks twice a day. The dog never failed to select the cows from the others and bring them to the houses, But one day one of the cows had to be detained in the cowâ€" house, and the others put to grazo as usual. The dog went to perform the customary duty of selecting the threo cows, but, though he took a little longer than usual, he was eventually seen to single out the accustomed quota of three, but his selection proved to consist of two cows and one bullock. That story proves nothing if it does not prove that some dogs have a respect for numbers, but in addiâ€" tion to this a perusal of the next incident must give rise to the surâ€" mise that dogs appreciate colors. In this case the dog was an exâ€" sheep dog, and his duties were simiâ€" lar to the smallholder‘s dog, only he had four cows to deal with in place of three. The colors of the cows were variegated, but one cow was of a hue termed dun. The dog was an adept at his work, but one day he was presented with a probâ€" lem similar to the former. The dun cow had to be "kept in‘‘ on this occasion, and the three others put to pasture. When milking time came around the dog was sent for his charges, and did not lose much time about it, for he came back direct with three cows and a big dun heifer. . SHILOH® Mr. Kitsonâ€"‘"I sujppose you think that a_ man never deceives his wife?‘ Miss Kidderâ€""Oh, no! Why, it would be impossible for the average man to get a wife if he didn‘t deceive her." Mikeâ€"‘"Oive a konoundrum fur yez toâ€"noight, Biddy. If a man‘s born in Oireland, lives in England, an‘ doies in Glasgae phwat is ‘e!" "A karpse, to b‘ shure.‘" _ Mike (with an air of annoyance)â€"‘"‘Ach, somebody‘s b‘n telling yez." No Remedy Half So EMecient, LOST IN THE SNOW. Do DOGS THINK ? 7 CAN LAUVGH AT LIFE‘s MINOR ILLS New Brunswick Woman Tells How She Was Rescued from Il1 Health by the Twin Remedies, Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and Dodd‘s Dysâ€" pepsia Tablets. Neguac, Allain P. O., N. B., Mar. 24 (Special). â€"Mrs. Joseph G. Savoy, a wellâ€"known resident of this place, whose illâ€"health has been a matter of much concern to her friends, is telling of the cure she found for all her troubles in Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and Dodd‘s Dyspepsia Tablets. i3 SINCE DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER KIDNEY DISEASE. ‘‘My health is fine now," Mrs. Savoy says, in an interview. ‘"‘The pains are gone from my side and back, and when I go to bed I can sleep. _ Before I _ started using Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and Dodd‘s Dyspepsia Tablets I could not eat anything heavy, such as meat, but now I can eat practically what I please with no ill effects.‘"‘ io Mrs. Savoy was in a generally runâ€"down condition, and her cure came about by using the natural remedies. _ Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cured and invigorated her kidneys, thus purifying her blood and imâ€" proving the circulation. Dodd‘s Dyspepsia Tablets insured proper digestion of her food, thus furnishing the body with the nuâ€" trition it required. Women with healthy kidneys and sound digesâ€" tion can afford to laugh at the minor ills of life. Germany Addicted to Devices That Save Time and Money. Germany might almost be called ‘"‘the land of the automat.""‘ Autoâ€" matic devices of all kinds are popuâ€" lar and are used for 1,000 purposes. At all postâ€"offices stamps and postâ€" cards are sold by automatic maâ€" chines, at the railway stations platâ€" form tickets, and suburban tickets are sold by automats; automat restaurants, when one can secure & glass of beer, wine or liquor, a@ sandwich, square meal, cup of cofâ€" fee, chocolate, etc., by dropping a coin in the slot, abound everyâ€" where. Every city of 15,000 or 20,â€" 000 population and over has from 100 to several hundred such resâ€" taurants. At ;'.a'i~\'way stations automats sell chocolate, _ candy, picture postâ€" cards, and even a little kit of "first 1 Cc ol 1. c lt Aruta ie lio i 4 in un it aid to the injured,‘‘ containing & few drops of painâ€"killer, bandages, needle, thread, etc. ‘Ten pfennigs in a &lot opens, the door of toilet compartments, »~delivering &« towel or picce of of soap. A coin in a slot obtains a cigatr, a tune from a mechanical music box, a pair of shoeâ€"strings, a collarâ€"button, | &A visiting card, name plate for suitâ€" case, tells one‘s fortune or weight, Between Five and Six Million Acres of Land Will Be Served. An Australian correspondent has described the new Burrinjunk Dam in New South Wales. It is the second largest dam in the worldâ€" second only to the Assouan Dam ; and although not yet finished it has already come into use. It is set between two granite mountains that rise from opposite sides of the Murrumbidgeo â€" River. Forty five miles of the river are held back by the great wall in the neck of a gorge, and when the dam had risen to its full height of 240 feet the enâ€" closed lake will be half as large again as Sydney Harbor. Two hundred miles farther down the river, at Berembed, another great work is contemplated. When the combined systent is complete beâ€" tween five and six million acres will be served. Vast tracts of the soâ€" ‘ca.l.lcd barren land of Australia could be made to blossom if irrigaâ€" tion were as scientific as in some American _ Btates. "Immigration and irrigation‘‘ is the motto for Australia, â€" The director of Australâ€" ian â€" Immigration â€" announces that irrigated farms are now available for farmers in the Murrumbidgee Valley, irrigated by the Burrinjunk Dam. The New South Wales Govâ€" ernment will give assistance in houseâ€"building, â€" fencing, grading and seeding to a limited number of British farmers. THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN DAM NATION FOR AUTOMATICS. Your druggist will refand money it PAZO OINTMEN!T fails to cure any case oft Itchâ€" ivg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in io 14 days. 506. Kittyâ€"‘"‘Why are you so glum, dear?‘ Marieâ€"*"Jack made an awâ€" ful threat â€"last night when I reâ€" jected him." Kittyâ€"‘**What ! To shoot himself ?"" Marieâ€""Oh, worse than that.. He said ‘he'd never proâ€" Lives of great men may remind us that it is sometimes better to remain obscure. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Carget in pose to me again.‘"‘ Regularity Dr. Morse‘s " Indian Root Pills of the bowels is an absolute necesâ€" sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, cnusinibiliousneu. indiâ€" gestion and sick headaches. Saits and other harsh mineral purgatives frritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pillsâ€"entirelyâ€" vegetable â€" regulate the bowels effectively without weakâ€" ening, sickening or griping. Use PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS A 5 Per Cent. Solution Most Beautiful Scenery on the ; Continent. l From Chicoutimi I sailed down the broad, majestic flood of the | Baguenay in the wonder and silence | that the first European traveller| must have felt when he ascended it, | writes Beckles Wilson. The railâ€"| way has been extended as far as . Ha Ha Bay, where rounding Cape | West we made our first stop to adâ€"| mire that delightful sheet of water, | which runs seven miles inland. But| the culmination of the scenery lies| in Cape Eternity and Cape Trinity, | perhaps in sheer majesty the culâ€" mination of all scenery on this conâ€" | tinent. Mountains and precipices ; higher there may be, but my eyes| have never rested on anything so aweâ€"inspiring as the stern promonâ€"; tory of Cape Trinity, lifting its sombre mass nearly two thousand | feet in three successive heights ; from the gentle waters of a little bay. Grey and serene at the base, mysterious in midâ€"height, with cavâ€" ernous shadows where areas of rock have fallen and where the bald eagle builds its nest, and then far ; upward, just as Cape Trinity soemsl about to melt into the pale grey of the sky the radiance of the setâ€"| ting sun crowning its triple brows with gold. Is the most delicate fabric in the world. You may cause it permanâ€" ent harm by using poisonous minâ€" eral ointments for the little rashes and eruptions that every baby sufâ€" fers from occasionally. Don‘t take any chances. Use Zamâ€"Buk, the baby‘s best balm. l‘j M :.\ Kill Germs gfiz{:firn. en vell‘e o LA GCRPCOC\ P e us : < u. rire uh as Cw iiintangc s Arelr depend on any powder in this class of Diseases. Give it brood mares in times of Distemper. Booklet, "Di uy ~ , Cure Prevention," free. Druggiste sell Spoan‘s Cure. ifsowner, . Asuste, 4 Zamâ€"Buk is made from fine herâ€" bal extracts, and is free from any harmful poisonous coloring matter. Like the grasses and the flowers, nature has colored it green. It is nature‘s own healer | Just put a little Zamâ€"Buk on baby‘s skin, and see how soon it is absorbed, showing _ conâ€" clusively that the pores of the skin are greedy for it. Use nothing but Zamâ€"Buk for baby‘s skin troubles and wash with Zamâ€"Buk Soap. * Ali druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zamâ€" Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Reâ€" fuse harmful substitutes and imiâ€" tations. If you have dyspepsia try a con: tinuous treatment of handâ€"made la bor. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets« Druggists refund money if it faile to cure E. W. GROVE‘8 eignature is on each box Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. "‘That‘s a heavy burden you have got, my lassie,‘"‘ eaid a gentleman. "It‘s no‘ a burden,‘" replied the girl; ‘it‘s my wee brither." "Would you mind making a noise like a frog, uncle?" ‘"And why,‘" said the uncle, with an amused smile, "why, Tommy, do you desire me to make a noise like a frog!" "Because,‘"‘ replied the urchin, "whenever I ask daddy to buy me anything he always says, ‘Wait till vour uncle croaks.‘" Care Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper Eyes qporseors -y g'oedlf;l,n‘e" {vw Mle e d ssssxxx: A man is apt to be suspicious of a pretty girl who talks only comâ€" mon sense. The Thames, England, was last frozen over in January of the year 1814, when the ice was so firmly froâ€" zen that it was soon â€" secure for footing, â€" and thousands availed themselves of an opportunity which had not occurred for a century. 8o thick was the ice at Greenhithe that booths were erected for refreshâ€" ment. Between London and Blackâ€" friars Bridge swings and games of hazard were much in evidence; a gheep was roasted and sold at so much a piece. Musicians and daneâ€" ers were there, and altogether the scene had the appearance of a Greenwich fair. Whern ECE td No Sraartingâ€"Feels Fineâ€"Acte Quickly, Y Try it for Ked, Weak, Watery I'xu and o ",' Granulated Eyelids, Illustrated Book mer _ _ __ __ in each Package. MUKINE is comâ€" THE CHARM OF QUEBEC. ONTARIO TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Last Frost Fair on Thames. YOUR BABYV‘S ShIN Morses, Mulss and Cows. They are bealthier and render better service When the h.?nu that holds the wet sweatand dirt is removed, they aremore easily kept clean, look better -m-onfoodfmwwm are better in every why. Insist on Medicine" but used in Buccessful Physiâ€" clans‘ Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Poblic and sold by Druggists at 2beâ€"50c per bottle. Murine Eye Halve in Aseptic Tubes, 2¢â€"500, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicase Try Murine Eye Remedy It Pays to Clip TORONTO Given on the Horse‘s Tongue, it unites with the Auids of the alimentary canal, thrown into the Blood, passes fin& the Glands and erpele the Germs of Discase. Ah-olmoga and sure for Brood Mares, Baby Colis and all others. no# Catarrhal Fever and Inf@uensa, under the micreocope our Ceulistsâ€"not a ‘‘Patent SPOHN MEDICAL Co., Bacteriologists, Coshen, ind. change, London, Ont I" ped; in crop; must sell; terme easy. Perevy Love, Hawarden, Sask. H. W. DAWSON, Nincty Colborne Street, Toronto. gnvmul, DESIRABLE _ FARM® IN $ Manitoba, Alberta and Raskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDREp GOOD farms in different sectione of Ontarie on my list. If you want a farm consult o ©OD sTOCK FARM OF 500 ACKE® K with Three House«: large Bark Barn. Must be «old quick. Price is very low. lfilm‘Y ACRES IN BRANT COUNTYâ€"â€" Frame house, number of outbuild« ings. Owner anxious to_ sell, going to Northwest. The Western Real Estate Exâ€" ]; EES FOR _ BALEâ€"ONE _ HUNDRED first class colonies of Bees, g;flly Italian, in Eight frame Langstroth Hives, Delivery in May. K. F. Holiermann, Brantford, Ontario, Canada. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. qnnp COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDERELD DIFâ€" k3 ferent Foreign _ Btamps, Catalogo® Album, only Reven Cente Marks Btamp Company. Toronto. Cascxn. TUMORS, _ LUMP®. ETO, internal and external, cured w i tie out pain by our bome 'I’!'.t,,',“,'“"..';f“.. (V Suu HEVOmM, MERUEE NI" aooâ€"4 K ° der Btones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, "@anol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetesâ€"Mellitus, and sure cure, ie "@rnol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes." Price $200 froum drugwists or direct. The Ranol Manufac turing Company . of Canada, â€" Limite4, oul pain UF OHP PA NUR CC C Cayâ€"atet us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medicad Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINS and wl kinds of house bangings, also lflCE cU RT"“S DV(Dul“'tO 'ClL'E'IIE & Winnipeg. Man MVE mb t Lt _ LIKE NEW. Write to us about yours. Gold Medalist. URITISH AMERICAN DVEINC CO., Box 233, Montreal "‘What walk in life has your son adopted !‘ "No walk at all ; he‘s in the auto business Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily, March 15th to April 15th inâ€" clusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, 8an Francisco, Portland, Balt Lake City, Beattle, Victoria, NVancouver, Nelson, Roseland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclinâ€" ing :,;air care from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. Forâ€"full inâ€" formation as to rates, routee and literaâ€" ture, write or call on B. H. Bennett, Gen« eral Agent, 4 Youge Street, Toronto Economical _ Hostâ€"*"Alice, just play some popular song that our guests can all join in singing. They are doing nothing but eat and drink." NARM TN RASKATCOHEWAN â€"EOQT mMRTIIOM MIUOED, °Y Te NUA se 1 have handled MINARD‘8 LINIMENT during the past year. It is alwaye the first Liniment acked for here, and unguesâ€" tionably the best seller of all the differâ€" ent kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. Marion Bridge, O. P., May 30 tain eoattails."‘ ‘"‘True enough." "Fortunately, when a man does attain success his entire family can go through life hanging onto â€" his goc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money back if GIN PILLS fail. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 181 29 Broadway, New York. "I bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September, Your remedy I find, at 60 years of age, to filmeflect relief from the Kidney and ladder Troubles incident to one of my age, I urgenuzemeommend GIN PILLS to friends as being the one thing that does me good." nii G. WOODFORD. CONSULTING ENGINEER ENDORSES GIN PLLS GLOVES That Are Guaranteed made from specially tanned horseâ€" hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and heat proof. Send for illustrations. THE CLEAN Kome pyeEe Gives rich, even colors, free from streaks and absolutâ€" ely tast. Does not stainhands or kettles 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors Why take chances in buying a pair of gloves when you can get a positive guarantee backed by Canada‘s largest glove factory in the H.B.K. Pinto Shell Gloves HUDSON BAY KNITTING Co. Canada‘s Expert Glove and Mitt Makers, k MONTREAL. <d 10¢, black 10¢, at your â€" deeler‘s or t::k- paid _ with let "How to Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Dye" from o 107 F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal 10¢, black 15¢, ALL 8TONES, KIDNEY AND nkbAl:- One Good Thing. "Suecess is very difficult to atâ€" No Walking for Him. STAMPS AND COINS FARMS FOR SALE Maypole Soap MISCELLANEOUK

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