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Durham Review (1897), 10 Apr 1913, p. 4

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t w N The Central Drug Store m llke rds & w w x6# eE EEEITEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET m The Central Drug Store j TA 4 & For all kinds of Commercial Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. ’7/‘:’ â€" «i of this community, because sA ~f( X MA perple have learned that we ***"__* cemmmely take utmost care in filling eversy prescription entrusted to us ; that we never use poor, old drags ; that we never substitute, and that we give you prompt ervice at moderate prices The following are some of the articles that we carry ; caapet sweepers, carpet beaters, dustbane, curtain stretchers, mop sticks and cloths, hair brooms, feather dusters, corn brooms, ceiling and wall brooms, wool dusters, stove and scrub brushes, window brushes and rubbers, paperhangers‘ brushes, furniture polish, cotton gloves, pails, tubs, washing machines. washboards, sponges, chamois, carpet tacks, hammers, carpet felt, paper knives, seam rollers, carpet stretchers, garbage cans, poli.l'xing gloves, mouse and rat traps, clothes mangles, ironing boards, clothes horses, step ladders; sad irons, flue stoppers, bannister brushes, cocoa door mats, whisks, clothes baskets, kalsomine brushes, gold bronze and other articles too numerous to mention. Snd your prescriptions to us, no matter what physician writes them, aad KNOW that they will be filled exactly as prescribed. Con:e to our Drug Store. We are always ready with everything in season and now have a stock of Housecleaning Supplies. Feed for Sale McGowan Milling Co. We have ali our accounts made out and parâ€" ties having accounts ‘with us are requested to call and settle either by cash or note at once. and any one wanting feed will save money by buying it now. We have stil}l & lot of Feed on hand that we offering in ton lots from $12 to $25 Per Ton W . BLACK ..ucANING GOODS! Oatmeal Mills Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. J. A. DARLING Our Diug Store has become "The Prescription Drug Store ‘ Dispensing Chemist Phone 3 S #/ NO s w â€"Refering to the expected loan to the Railway promoters, MacKenzie AN and Mann, the Farmers‘ Sun has the fQQ | following trenchant remarks: ‘"The m government has no money of its own. t | It spends ours. What MaocKenzie K\ and Mann seek from the Goveroment T M aine oi e rarmer,. of Sandy z‘ McGregor the storekeeper, of John Johnson the blacksmith, and of every R§ | osher person in this country the sum A that they require. The more that % they take for their purposes, the less * | we will have leit for ours. The more A{ ; of our money they put in their bank Jn account the less we shall have left in ») A sign of the times is the attention being given to Social problems by Legislature everywhere. It betokâ€" ens a growiug humanitarian spirit which is choking off the mere politicâ€" ian. Discussions bave taken place in the Ontario house during this sesâ€" sion on many questions affecting la bor, the employment of children in factories, workmen‘s compensation tor injuries, women suffrage, &c. Mcst ot these questions have been faâ€" vored by Mr N. W. Rowell, who is showing that he is broadâ€"m nded enough to rise above political exigâ€" encies when the interests of the toiler or of the masses had to be considered. The efforts he and his followers bave made have been almost fruitless this seâ€"sion but seed has been sown which will later produce a crop of justice and goodwill to men in adyaace of auything now existing. Those who looked up~n Mr Rowell as a man of one idea, and that idea, advocacy of temperance> measures, now must admit they were astray. The following quotation trom Henry George fits to a nicety the personal ity, the character and the aims of the Opposition leader. ‘‘The intelligence required for the solving of secial problems is aot a thing of mere intellect. It must be animated with the religious sentiment and warm with sympathy for human suffering. It must stretech out beâ€" vyond selfâ€"interest, whether it be the seltâ€"interest of the tew or of the many. It mast seek juastice. For atthe botâ€" tom of every social problem we will find a social wrong." ‘ our own." 2. The Elliott Billâ€"In short would have granted the municipal vote to married women property holders. Supported by the Opposition and Alâ€" lan Studholme. 3. The Macdiarmid Billâ€"Someâ€" what similar to the Elliott Bill except that no married women property holdâ€" ers would be entitied to votsa only in cases where the wile asked that her name replaced that of her husband on the ‘igt, . Withdrawn. 4 The Studholme â€" Billâ€"Equal franchise to man and woman. Supâ€" ported by some private members. No.: 9, GLENELG. 5thâ€"C MeGirr. 8r 5thâ€"E Patterâ€" son. Jr 4thbâ€"M Lindsay. $r3rdâ€"E Ritchia and J Bell eq., L Aljoe. Jr 3rdâ€"M Atkinson. 2ndâ€"A Lindsay, V Ritchie and O Bell eq., M Latimer, G Bell, A Ritchie. Istâ€"R McFarlane: 8r Primerâ€"G Lindsay, M Aljoe, W Cox. Ir Primerâ€"B Hargrave. The four Bills considered were as follows : 1. The Macdonald Billâ€"Would have given the yote to those women who now have it in municipal elecâ€" tions. Supported by the Opposition and Allan Studholme. It seems to be widely believed that the Government made a mistake in not granting some concessions. The Macdiarmid Bill had been drawn up by Hon. Mr Hanna and every person thought that it was practically a Govâ€" ernment measure. At the last moâ€" ment however, it was withdrawn. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Apâ€" ril 5th, 1913. 1. Government votes down all proposals for extending the franchise to women. 2 Governmen; opposed Mr Roawâ€" ell‘s motion to appoint a Commission to investigate the Eight Hour Day and Minimum age. 8. â€" Mr Rowell censures the Govern. ment for their failure to inaugurate an adequate publicity campaign for the Province. Important Points in Last Week‘s Legislature. 4. Sir James Whitney announces that there is no probability of a Workâ€" men‘s Compensation Aoct this session . 2. J. C. Elliott, Liberal (West Middlesex) introduces Bill to epcourâ€" age the breeding of black foxesâ€" Second reading. Cke Burkam Renitew 6. Hon. Mr Hanna introduces im portant changes in the Marriage Act 7. Chauges in Motor Vehisles Act in Municipal Committeee _ Every driver private and professional must be licensed. LADIES ARE DISAPPOINTED. Those women in Ontario and there are thousands of them in eyery part of the Province, who want to see at least some extension of the franchise to their sex are badly disappointed at the recent action of the Eegishluro in yoting down every yariety and stage of woman saffrage. During the debate on this subject the attendâ€" ance in the galleries wasas large as at the Te perance debates and standâ€" ing room was at a preimium. Sir James Whitney rather antagonized the ladies present by asking the Speaker in brusque terms to clear the galleriea, because at one point a few women applauded sentiments in favor of woman suffrage. â€" The Speaker smoothed down the incident. School Reports. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1913 Social Problems. E, ScoTt, Teacher. THE DURHAM REVIEW We bhope the fine weather will conâ€" tinue, after Saturday‘s blizzard, which was a real winter day. Farâ€" mers are beginning to think we are going to have a lats spring, as it is getting late and not much hope of ploughing as yet. Purnxam, Apr. 9, 1913. Flour per ewt ........ 2 40# Oatmeal per sack .... 2 75 t Chop per cwt........ . 1 36 t Buckwheat...... .... 50 t Fall Wheat........... $ 90 t Spring Wunent.... ... ~â€" 90. 1 Outs, feed . ..:....+.+ > : @0 A Outs, willing........ ..> â€" 881 The Women‘s Institute was held at Mrs Parke‘s on Weanesday 9th, at 2.30. Members were all present an got two new members, so hope we will have a success. We hope others will come and take bold of the work and bave a social time together. as we really live too muach to ourselves Fall Wheat...........; Spriog Wueat........ Outs feed..;:....+.2:> Oxts, wmilling........ .. PeAS +. .: + iÂ¥rrrar‘s : Ar s Darley...:,../ ... css Duatter:..:.+1+«:. 4 +s Bous.... ... .. roul . Datley....,... ....%~.. < > 00 to . D5 Butter:.....:.«:..sp+._ 20 to :20 Lgps.... .....siavour ce T %o.") 11. Potatoes per bag. .... . 1 00 to 1 00 We are glad to report that Mrs. Joe Black and Mr. Will Connelly of the Centre are improving so well under the care of Dr. Lane of Priceville. The Bible Class had a social time on Monday night, quite a number beâ€" ing present, also the $Wiliiamsford choir, which was very much appreâ€" ciated. _ Mr D. Morrison acted as chairman and proved yery satisfacâ€" tory. We understand they will hold a social time every three months. kefreshments will be serveq at the next meeting, also expect the choir. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finney to our burg as residents. On Thursday eyening of last week Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Blask gave a party in honour of their niece> Miss Laviolâ€" ette. All present enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McGrath, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Cameron and Mr. Dan MceGrath and the misses McMillan all of Durbham spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McMeMillan. Mr H. Alexander‘s sale wentoff fine, although the day was wet and roads in a dreadfal condition. Evâ€" erything was a success. Miss Mamio Haley of Ebordale holidayed at her uncles Mr.$Pat Haley of this place. Mr. Angus McGimnnis of town spent last week end with friends in our burg. Mr. Jolhn Meagher jr. intends leavâ€" ing this week for Reging and we wish him every success, for Jack is Johnie on the spot at all times, Little Kathleen MeMillan has been under medical treatment for the past week with pneumonia succeeding whooping cough. _ We are plsased to say she is out of danger now and hope she will soon be well again. Miss Nellie Laviolette of Staffordâ€" ville, spent Eastor holidays with her aunt Mrs. J. J. Black here. The meeting of the W.F. M. 8. and W. H M.S. was held in the basement on Monday last, eleven members being present, topic being ** Mission Work in China." Atter the meeting Mrs Parke invited all the Jadies for luneb, which was very much appreciated. Arrived too late for last week Mr. John P. MceMillan of Toronto spent Easter at his hbome here and called on many friends. Miss Kate Malaney was ounited in the holy bonds of matrimony on Monâ€" day morning in the R. C. church to Mr D. Moran. We wish them a prosâ€" perous journey through rife. Miss Aonie MeDonald, of Darhaw, is specding a few days at Mr D. Mcâ€" Artbnr‘s this week. The Mission Band was bheld in the basement of the charch on Saturday last, 14 members present. Reading was givyen on Mission work in China and Mission Band work by Mrs Darâ€" gavel, Mrs Stevenson, Miss Bessie Wilson, Mr Peter Ledingham. Miss lyy Dargayel sang a solo. Durham Markets. Our CONDITION POWDERS will tone up his digestion and appetite, clear the eye and give gloss to the coat and lightness to his action. d You get a big package for the rice but ever y particle is mediâ€" cine, good medicine, too. It is not filled with cheap meal just to make it look a big bargain. Just as good for & A horse often needs a bitter tonic as well as does a man. James R. Gun Druggist, â€" Durham, Ont G. T. R, Town Ticket Office How is your horse ? Is his coat sleek and glossy ? Is he full of life and action ? Or is his hair stiff and dirty looking ? Is he moving slowly in a tired fashion? Do his eyes indicate good health ? Condition Powders Cattle, Sheep and Hogs Scotchtown Dornoch > 2:406 o 8 0J ++« .. % B0;:t0 150 50 to 50 .... $ 90 tw $ 95 «x >>:90 . toâ€" 05 at*x : @2 toâ€":84 ic...* ~ 090‘ : 84 90 to 100 50 to 55 TORONTO It‘s a long time since we‘ve beard from Crawford, thongbt we would tell a tew of the happenings around the caly. Rain and wind was the order of the day last week, but the latter part looked like if we were going to baye another young winter, A few of the congregation of the Presbyterian church gathered on Satâ€" urday afternoen to replace the shed roof that was destroyed by the windâ€" storm. Miss Annia Supernault spent a couple of days with Miss Sara Mcâ€" Dougall last week, & The W,. H. M. S; held their monthâ€" ly,. meeting Wednesday April 2nd, in the Presbyterian church, Attendance fairly good. Mr Jaok MeKechnie and Mr Hugh McKinnon are engaged with Mr Audâ€" rew Milne repairing his barn rooi, which was destroyed by the wind. Miss Lizzie Teasdale, of Elmwood, spent over Sunday with her parents of this place, For Caretaker of Pres, Church Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted,. For particulars apply to Robt. MacFarlane to whom tenders are to be sent. The heartfelt sympathy of the com» munity goes out to the bereayed parents and ualy brother, a boy of 8 years. His loss is a)so keenly felt by his teacher and schcol companions to whom he was endeared. He was buried on Saturday forencoon at St. Jo)In R. C. Cemetery Glenelg, and many friends gathered to pay the last tribute. Mr Brigham made his round as asâ€" sessor last week. He intends erectâ€" ing his telephone on the 8th soon. It is a painful duty for us to record the death of John Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, who had been ailing only about a week, the trouble being appendicitis. An operation was performed on Tuceday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Dan MeAubiffe, Darbham, and for a time there were buoyant bopes that the bright young life would be restored to health, but such hopes were disappointed for on Thursday morning be died having passed his 12th birthday ty 23 days, Goiioved him too and thought it best To take himvto his heavenly rest, Yetiagain we hope to meet him When the day of lite is fled There, in heaven we hope to meet him Where no parting tears are shed, From ope who loved bim, Mx®s Dax McAvuirre: Making maple syrup is the order of the day now. The weather is kind of disagreeavle, although some report to bave a good run. Miss Rachel McKinnon spent a couple of days last week with her sisâ€" ter, Mrs A. A. Milne, of Louise, The ladies of the Mission Circle met in the church, as usual on Wed. April 2nd, when a pleasant and profitable time wes spent together. Several instructive papers were read und some musical selections were given. Mr, and Mrs. Alex MeDonald and Jolhnie spent an evening last week at Mr. Jas. McDougall‘s, Crawford. Master Arclhie McDonald, son of Rev, Mr. MceDonald and Mrs. Herb SBchenk, who hbave been under the doctor‘s care are recovering. Mr and Mrs Sandy McDonald vis ited at Mr James McDougall‘s one evening last week, Mr, Hugh McKinnon is engaged in the vicinity of Crawford and Louise at carpenter work, replacing the wrecked buildings. Mr Thomas Stinson is having a stoning bee on Tuesday of this week, No doubt Tom is trying to get things in shape for spring work. A number from the neighborhcod attended Mr. George Johnston‘s sale at Lamlash. Mr. Andrew Hastie has rented the farm and moved into the house,. Mr.Johnston and his sister Kave intend leaving for Winnipeg soon. Mrs. Wm. McGaffin uand children have returned after visiting hber sisters at Walkerton and Priceville and her brother in Chatswortbh. She was accompanied by her brother Mr. Alex MceGulliyray. We have to meurn the death of one, We did our best to save, Beloved on earth, regretted gone, Remembered in the grave. We loved him, ab, no tongue can tell How much we loved him aud how well ; Gutioved him too and thought it hoct Miss Tena Livingstone is this week spending a few days with friends in Elmwood. Mr D. J. McDonald delivered some fine cattle in Eilmwood last Saturday, for which he received highest prices. Misses Annie Supernault and Rachel McKinnon were the guests of Miss Smrah McDougall at Crawford last week. Mr. and Mre. Alex Alexander ot Ab«rdeen, and Mr. and Miss Johnston visited at Mr. Alf Redford‘s Sunday. A number of men helped Mr. Jas. Brunt to repair the roof of his baro which was destroyed by the wind storm. Bornâ€"April 4th, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Bieuman, a daughter. Jogux JosErH Burxs. Tenders Wanted. Crawford In Memoriam Mulock # Choice Clover, E & & I f & Timothy y and é Other Grass Seeds 2 MacFarlane & Co. ~ . (eZeeeelaeeloSaffanelovee=nlecelacel e olev elanale" ols "al a%ole "ole ale Solecele ols eleele vele ake‘e ts ty the oQeoe cha cbo obe oho ob ofa ofe cfeofs feofefeofefeenc cesb s = * per yd. We also have some nice Cb tit ofe ohe cfaoks ohe cfaofacfe obe â€" ofe ofecfach oi efenirabecfaagacia n# aie clie 5. ... 3‘ * M 4 Drop in and see us _ xwxmgflxmmflswfflssmsmmgj ,_ We would like to show you our PRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Write for our private address, V cccvm C ic oC ~| Feadeedeete OT Ont. If you desire to see us person; Detroit as we see and treat no patient used for correspondence and Labor Address all letters as follows: for a Question Bi-;:;x-t:o-l'-‘;ll:);;:fl“. .'.l.‘nn.;;Am:’r.‘ If unable to call, write Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY COI'. MiChian Ni un nc h e i n Bm in ol o Pmem e c 0 y ; , °Cl sitmw, 1 Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. "‘NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Epppegee® | Conadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are us,e;i for correspondence and Lahae.4.... 3__ °V (MCSon RETL 5 We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERvVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD andâ€" URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Disâ€" eases and all Ditus!a_gecufiar to Men, e dsc t viivking s dare not marry; if you are married ar out and exposing your past; if you ar li(câ€"DRS. K. & K. ARE YOuUr thein confidentially and they will tell Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods SOWING HIS WILD OATS We have a good assortment of Don‘t be backward about asking to see them We‘re afraid to show them. Try us and see CONSULTATION FREF. jng mss a us n t A b 1 Y :4 fi H C C‘ 6\ oo e e Aanp t taghel *3 / C im [ j 4_.'-;‘- a “"Â¥ % ‘l Â¥ *n {,‘;:'}7 ' 3e cWw e To Adl 1 ~ TR / Un .' 5\‘ 'lk ‘~ s#‘ '»' w L S i y M 6 » 2 .. 9 exBa >3 «* SUAVE P PR > * * id ts oi in W { "_"i‘ 7 C >Â¥A I [ s DEBILTY A F 9 * son 2 h If it‘s QUALITY you want at lowest prices, we have it. Try our Fresh Oysters REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW Our famous yd. wide Silk at $1 C. L GRANT New Kid Gloves New Flouncings, Side-Frillin% Ladies‘ & Gents Crochet Ties Also our Dress Goodsâ€"they are nice 5 o‘clock Table Cover with Napkins to match 7 [ _ ® O CCCCESuy it yOu ure © YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED _â€"__\ Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. " E. A. ROWE EC. Books Free on Discases of Men. nHOME TREATMENT e ep.c¢. 5¢ . _ / _ _ " "TVe n dread of symptoms breaking r past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent . ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before 1d they will tell you honestly if you are curable. o Wny â€" maorank c . P. R. Town Office . New Spring Wall Papers APRIL 10, 1913 Now in. Come and et present within the d;@c!l:et of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; rlmyou’nre sufâ€" fering from the results of clast indiscretions; if your ood has been tainted from any private disease and you iow many ng men can look backyozn their early life and regret their misdeeds. *‘Sowing their wild oats‘‘ in various ways Excesses, violation of naâ€" ture‘s laws, ‘‘wine, women and song‘‘â€"all have their victims. â€" Yiou have reâ€" formed but what about th« geed you have sownâ€"what about the harvest? Don‘t trust to luck. If yvou are How T If you are within the APRIL 10 hvs A7 of different mak 214 to 4 reg 2. regular 3 5 TO MY I desire to thank the liberal patronag: ed upon me during advise you that } Mr. J. D. Abrah tinue to conduct I hope you will . People‘s Store gaged und will h you,. Ibaye kn ham for a num be wide e xpenonc stores successfal can assure you careftul and ho tried to give yo! Small Profits Bring us the s and we will t« Ladies‘ 1913 ance thoug i# 1,00 C Also a few arriving? MceKec} for selvage The Highest ROBER Fresh UG& toaFr Pror We , 1913 W res ralin Sae MclILR AJ mt Groc We have WMo pair

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