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Durham Review (1897), 10 Apr 1913, p. 5

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10 are )X vou ing ent ore Is heir heip Pss s3 5 the hat m‘t are the ibit life ufâ€" ; of ~ur eur 14â€" a# 35 =r Ee APRIL 109, 1913 ro MY CUSTOMERS Small P rofits dies‘ Dongola Bals 913 Wall Papers Frosh Groceries are covtinnally arriving. See our 23¢ brooms. Try MeKechnie‘s Purs Soap, 8 cakes Also a See our fine sto selvage of every yard. The MHighest @OBERT BURNETT We car o corset resh from the Factory iu the n : us the sizes of the rooms you W we will tell you at onee what you ~‘ > LE Th borie We have a large assortment in though not too costly. We con MclLRAITH. it makes, small sizes reg 2.75 and $3 lines «ave arranged to remain at the store : woeeks to introduce my successor to Groceries "tore _ All the staff has been enâ€" ! will be there as usual to welcome iye known my successor Mr. Abraâ€" number of years. He bas had a perience in conducting large retai ‘essfully in Western Ontario and I c you he will give you the same ind honest treatment that I have »ive you in the past. > 1k to thank my many customers for | patronage which you have bestowâ€" ic during the past ten years and to i that I have sold my business to Abraham of London who will conâ€" mduct the same as I have done. will all contiuus to trade at the n thanking you for your pa tronage, We have in stock 35 pairs McKechnie‘s Weekly News‘ss: few pairs in PATENT LEATHER ind 4.00. out they go at......> .$2.59 carry a full line of the E. RUGS (On Second Floor) Terms of Sale, Cash stock of Dress Goods, rd. $1 per yard. Yours Truly, & J. MeKECHNIG The Down Town Shoe Stora for Butter, Eggs, reduced !*° $2 Corsets ent in the newest oriental shades We cordially inyvite you to have a a y raicifainia* T. Corsets, newest designs and iu the neatest patternsâ€" wish papered and the height of the ceilings waunt. fine black silk Our stook is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come the bost in the market. _ See the Boots & Shoes Poultry EEREESEERSESEXXREEEEREXEEERS Byâ€"law Number 634 qh QQ _4 iha Maunicrinal Cnranratian nf and select your Spring Shoe. es apSelneelanelaala calave peele olena ceb Cele ola ela cele "ole Sele Sele Sela SlaCale Sef e ele ele ce Tke spring work is beginning a little earlier this year than last. A few have already started to plough, while last year very little was done before the 15th of the montb. The barns which were unroofed | have nearly all had the rafters and sheeting replaced. Some have the shingles on but the majority are unable to get them. Mrs. Perry of Foronto is visiting with her sister Mrs. Chas. Ritchie. ‘ Mr. Robt. Lindsay is busily engagâ€" ed laying in a supply of wood at the sehool. Miss Millie Hopkins has returned to Toronto." \ Quite a number trom this burg took in Rey. Mr. Wilson‘s lecture on the lL te of David Livingstone and all agree that it was an evening well spent. tal shades, rich in appearâ€" to have a look at them. burg auickly stops coughs the throat and lungs. Wedding bells are ringing in We haye pleasure in advising you that we have purchased "The People‘s Store" from Mr Robert Burnett and will endeavor to conâ€" duct it in the same successful manner that it has been carried on undes Mr Burnett‘s manâ€" agement. There will be no change made in the business, as all the members of the staff will remain with us. It will be our aim to make this store asatisfactory place to do your trading. Ounly the best goods will be carried in stock, and we will keep up the reputation that this store has long enjoyedâ€"" Often the cheapest, always the best." OGo SPatrons of Ohe Peopte‘s Store May we ask for a share of your business ? 1t you are not a customer, "let‘s get acquainâ€" ted." It might be to our mutual advantage. We‘ll do our share to make it interesting for yor and offer you reliable merchandise at prices that. you cannot afford: to pass up. Come in and we‘ll tell you more about it. Thanking you in advance, Green Grove with our nrme on the and Dried Apples On Second Floor , cures colds, and heals . it i 25 cents. . _Hbraham Yours truly, THE DURHAM REVIEW this Parsuant to adjournment Council met at above time and place. f Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Metcal{eâ€"Brown â€"That we make an appropriation of $£300 to each of the four divisions, all culverts being paid oat of general funds and all accounts be passed by Council beâ€" fore cheques are issued. Carried Metcaltâ€"Brownâ€"That Gus Wittie bs paii $71 for sheep worried by dogs. Carried. Fischer â€" Shewell â€" Haase be paid 19.35 for ried by dogs. Carried. Fischer â€" Shewell â€"That Chas. Emke be paid balance due of statate labor 1912 $23.00, tile $6,08, gravel $6.88. Carried. Fischerâ€"Shewellâ€"That Reeye be paid $9.55 expenses in conveying Henry Bartman to Hous« of Refuge. Carried. Shewellâ€"Metcalteâ€"That Mr. Evâ€" ans be paid $9.12 for groceries supâ€" plied to McGi!] since Feb. lith last, no tobacco being paid tor and that Council will not be responsible for faurtber supplies. _ Carried . Metcalfe â€" Brown â€" That Noah Wiildtang be paid $17,20 tor wood and groceries supplied to F. Bryden. Carried. Aipeitoe To lra Bentinck . Council _ Fissherâ€"Metcaltâ€"That 0. Eby be paid $3.060 for flour supplied to F. Bryden. Carried. Brown â€" Metcalfe â€" That Brant treasurer be paid $4.85 due for work on townline 1912. Carried. Brownâ€"Shewellâ€"That A. Magâ€" wood be paid $5.00 for valueing sheep of Wittie and Hasse. Carried Fischerâ€"Shewellâ€"That Registry office be paid $5.20 fees for registerâ€" ing deeds of lots 56, 57 and 58, con 3, 3 D R. Carried. Fischerâ€"Meticalfeâ€"That Mr. Mceâ€" Kechnie be paid $2.25 for gravel. Carried . ifi . Metealfeâ€" Brown â€"â€" That petition presented by J. Mather be left oyer until next meeting with a promise of tavorable consideration. Carried. Metcalteâ€"Brownâ€"â€"That report of Cominittee re timber on road allowâ€" anee lot 31 aad 32 con 14 be acceptâ€" ed ; Wm Hudson pay to treasurer $8 for timber taken off road, the reâ€" maining timber to be lett standing and each commissioner be parid $1.50 for his services. Brownâ€"Shewellâ€"â€"That the Coun:â€" cil autborize the Reeve to correspond with Mr M. K. Richardson regarding Mr F Bryden‘s children being taken away, knowing that Mr Bryden in the near fature will haye to be taken to the House of Refuge. Carried. Browaâ€" Shewell â€" That Council adjourn to meet at Lamlash Monday 28th day of April at nine a. m. for transaction of general busimess. BENTINCK BD. OF HEALTH Lainlash, April 3, 1913 Second meeting of Board. Members ail present. _ Minutes of lz:lst meeting were read andâ€"confirmâ€" ed. Lunneyâ€"Wilsonâ€"That the literaâ€" ture being supplied by Provincial Board of Health be distributed through the schools to overy rate payer. Carried. the year. ! Dr Brown â€" Lunneyâ€" That each member of Bosard obtain a copy of ; public health journal for balance of year. _ _ Wilsonâ€"Lunneyâ€"Thbat M. 0. H. havepower to order Formaline for use in Township if necessary. 7Lnnneyâ€"-Wl-lsonâ€"That it is the opinion of Board that M. 0. H. exâ€" amine schools and children during + Lunueyâ€"Wilsonâ€"Tha# we adjourn to meet at Eimwnood at call of Reeve. J. H. CHITTICK, Secy. Lamlash, March 31, 1913 J. H. CHITTICK, Clerk That Amos sheep worâ€" of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham. A Byâ€"law to authorize the issue of \debentures of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (/$2000.00) ‘for the purpose of purchasing a site for a factory, to improve the same, and put the buildings and machinery therein in a good and proper state of repair. WHEREAS Messieurs Furbur & Jacobs, manufacturers, are desirous of commencing and carrying on the manufacture of weather strips and ventilators, at the said Town of Durâ€" ham and have entered into an agreeâ€" ment with the Council of the said Corporation for a lease of he premâ€" ises hereinaiter mentioned, as a site for the manufactory of the said weaâ€" ther strips and ventilators at the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation have secured an option for the purchase of the plant, premises and land used in connection therewith from Messieurs G. & J. McKechnie, of the premises fosmerly occupied by them as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 on the West side of Queen Street in the Town of Daorham : AND WHEREAS in order to purâ€" chase the said plant and premises ard put the same in a fit and proper state of repair it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durâ€" ham for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (§2000.00) as hereinafter f[.no- vided (which is the amount 0 the debt intended to be created by this By law) the proceeds of the said deâ€" bentures to be applied to the said purpose and to no other : AND WHEREAS it is desirableto issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the.other nine years of the said period (as shown in Schedule " A *‘ hereto annexed : AND WHEREAS the total amount required by " The Municipal Act " to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of two hundred and sixty five dollars and thirty three cents, ($265.33) AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereâ€" of, is the sum of $587, 120(00 : AND WHEREAS the amovnt of the existing debenture ‘debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of Local Improvement debts secured by specâ€" ial rates or assessments is $67508.04 and there is no part of the principal or interest thereof in arrear : TiEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Councit of the Town of Durham to enter into an Agreement with the firm of Messieurs G. & J. Meâ€" Kechnie, for the purchase of avd finally to complete the purchase of the plant, premises and site of the building formerly used and occupied by the said firm as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 on the West side of Queen Street in the said Town of Durham, and to exâ€" pend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00) in the purchase of the said premises and putting the plant and machinery therein, in a fit and proper, state of repair. 2. For the purpose of raising the said ‘sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00), debentures of the said Town of Durham to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (§2000,00) as aforeâ€" said, in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), each shall be issued on the first day of (June A.D. 1613, each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereâ€" of and shall be payable within ten years thereafter at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada at the said Town of Durham ; 3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of" Durbam and the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attach thereto the Corporate Beal of the said Municipality ; 4. The said debentures: shall bear interest at the rate of Fiye and oneâ€" half per centum (54 per cent) per anâ€" uum payable yearly at the office of the said Bank on the first Hay of Jun@ in each and eyery year during the cuprency thereof and shall have atâ€" tached to them coupons foar payment of. the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and . Treasurer of the said Town of Durbam: 5, During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised anâ€" nually by special rate on all the rateâ€" able property in the said Town of Diurbam the suam of Two Hundred and Sixtyâ€"tive Dollars and thirty three conts ($205.33) ; for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years, for principal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shown in the Schedule "A" hereto annexed): > 6. This Byâ€"iaw shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof by the Municipul Council of the Town of Durham : 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham eniitled to yote shall be taken on this Byâ€"law atb the following times and places, that is to say ;â€" On Monday the 5th day of May. A. D, 1913, commencing at the hourof nine o‘clock in the forencon and conâ€" tinumg till five o‘cloek in the afterâ€" noon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Officers,â€"In the North Ward at George Shires‘ store by Clifton Elvidge, D. R, 0. ; in the Kast Ward at the Town Hall by W . H. Bean D. R. O.._ and in the Weat Ward at Norman Walpole‘s office by John Smith D. R. O. 8. On Saturday the 3rd day of May 1913, next, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Durham at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forencoon to appoint persens to attend at the various polling places aforesald and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalif of the persons interested in and promoâ€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO nt of ting or 0ppocl.nl the passtng of this Byâ€"law respectively : 09. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office in the Town of Uurham at ten o‘clock in the forenoon on Tuesday the 6th day of May A. D., 1913, to sum up the number of votes for and againss this Byâ€"law ; Dated at the Council Chamber at the Town of Varham the day of May A. D. 1913. of Refepred to in tbeforegomg'By-law, Uver J & J BUNXIEKN S New store allx‘uwiing how"l;:e tt‘nour::do 026583‘ Mess ie e therein requ: to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. "'_ ui “ERANT D. D. S., L. D. §, Year â€" Principal â€" Interest Total | Hofig}‘w“&fi’}’&l ‘i‘lorl(:&xl& University, Gra ig}g ‘}g‘gg 31](; 00 $265 33| Dentistry in @ll its orauches. ‘ ueep0n 101 45 265 33 | p F 19186 172 89 J2 44 265 38 | Ofticeâ€"Over .‘le\\ ellry store and oppo 1917 182 40 82 93 265 33 | site Post Office, 1918 192 44 72 89 MG3 33 | To es }g-l:) ?302 62 31 265 33| 214 18 51 15 26533":AB ; ol 0 B0 so 37 265 33| TaUR H. JACKSON 7 238 30 26 94 265 33 Notary Public, Commissi w IkL R s rverdiad | 3 1 X6 issioner, 1023 251 51 13 82 205 33 | CUNVELANCER _ m TAKE NOTICE that the above is a | Issuer ol Marmuge Licenses, gen true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law which | eral hnancial business lmnsnclé has been taken into consideration and | DURHAM, ONT. (Lower T N will be finally passed by the Council of | * Â¥MAEOWwiCL Doh the Municipality of the Town of liurha:cn (in the event of the assent of | â€" the electors being obtained thereto) after on;month from the first publiâ€" | J. P. TELFORD cation thereof in the "Durnanm REâ€"| vIEW," the date of which first publiâ€"| cfi;fi“fl?&p s?’llll(t:)lltiorc in Suprem cation was the 10th day of April A. D. | Â¥ © Commissioner 1213‘.‘ and :‘hat the vo:eu of \{w elect‘:)u | Money â€"to Loan, of the said Municipality will be taken | / flice on Lambr § s thereon on the day and utlhehoursfo \';"nlpuiligl ]é(t):hl:‘u:' opposite and places therein fixed. Cutting wood is the order of the day by the most of our farmers, while others have tapped the maples and are kept busy day and night to keep up with the flow of sap. Did any one boil on Sunday 1s the question ? Mré W. Kuox, 8r., is still under Dr Lane‘s care. Mr R. Patton, Jr., goes this week to Toronto to attend the Presbyterian Convention. Mr W. Lawrence and Miss Bessie Milligan visited at the former‘s sister. Mrs D. McCormick, Mr R. Knight made a business trip to Toronto lastâ€"week. Mrs Knight and family sccompanied him back and are now settled in Mrs Watson‘s home. "w, Mr H. Watson has taken possession of the general store here and is doing a rashing trade. Mr Geo. Ferguson has purchased Bob Aldcorn‘sdriyer. Geo. says * Now wait till sammer vacation."‘ Mr and Mrs R. Aldcorn are at présâ€" ent visiting their many friends around the Park before moving to Toronto. Â¥ * _ Mr Sam Gobeen Sundayed in our burg. . Mr D. McCormack made a business trip to Durham last week. Mr Thos. McFadden has been apâ€" pointed by the Dominion Goyernment as Canadian Govt, Employment Agent for the yvicinity surrounding Darhawm. Farmers wishing laborers or domestic servants will communicate with him, so that an order may be placed for such help. The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 aeres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Con.2, E. G. R. â€" Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Con. 8, 8.D.R., Glenelg. 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con. 8. 8.U.R., Glenelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres Lot 7, Gon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J., McK®zouXxI1®, Durham 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Durhams, one 10 and other 11 mos old, red and a roan, Apply to Lob No. 2and 3, Con. 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more or less, will be sold or rented, either whole or separate, For further particulars, apply to Daxige McAcurrE, Durham, Oot Wedding bells are ringing again. One years year. Lots 54 and 53, Coneession 3, E.G,R, Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For par« ticulars apply to Que of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"three houses for the price of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two mantels furnace, cistern, good garden, young ECEECAATC C ERE CCEA eC CCR t} orchard. One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises oP write 2 SR Con., w. G. EPPEA LCC CR 00 2; 'fn‘i Con.. W. G. R., Bentinck and Lot 3 0{3 the sux‘\e Cancession. 100 acres cleared, well watered by spri creek, two bearin;i orchards. w frame bouse, cedar log barn,. Convenâ€" {ent to School ana P. O, Apply to Jas, Parox. Prop., Swinion Park. Swinton Park. Several houses in Durbam. One nice cottage in Lower Town . A. H.Jacksox, Durbkgm sCHEDULE "A" On Bgauonnble terms, 200 mprising West halves of Lots For Sale or To Rent. (General Purpose Colt rising 2 old. One COlyde Colt rising 1 Both firstâ€"class. F, McKINXON, North Line, Priceville, Ont. Farms for Sale. Joun Ec«uarpr, Top Cliff, the passtog of this! J. G. HUTTON,M. D. C. M Farm for Sale. For Sale. For Sale J. M. Larin®a, Darham For Sale For H, Jac«sox, Durham, 30 MaYoR |W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS ourErk |_ HONORGRADUATE of Toromo. | University, graduate of Royal College » | of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario Rooms no Bvu.Jaw. Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store COLERK 2053 30 200 acres, Member eA W and Surgeons : O t A ® O ver J Telford‘s office, nearly RESIDENCE : Second house sounth of RegWtr£ IISOKB:NCE on __ office on east sige of Albert St. _ _ OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p m. 7â€"â€"9 p. M. Telephone Communication between Ofice and Mnu at all hours. lInsurance Agent, Money to | Issuer of Marriage Licenses, 4 eral hnancial business transacte D. McPHAIL _~ &@* Mr McPhail has a telephone in his resi denee in Cevion. TAcensed Auctioneer for Co,. Grey gfl.rnu oderate. Arrangeme; for A dnn:&c.. must bem.ie uutth‘e Rew fice, Durhaim, $#* Correspondence add there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be prompily atvended to, Terms on application to AN 31 BIG 4 Heavy bleact _ yds wide C .. Bt [willed Sheeti Floor Oilcloth Table Oilcloth New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them UNDERTAKER an Funeral Director Full line of Catholle Robes and black and white |Caps for aged people. Embalming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Rooaxsâ€"Across trom,MiGdaugh House. REsIDENCEâ€" First house" south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Bed Comfort yds long Durham j Continuation The schoo] is thorough]y e ulpped in tea bility, in cLemlecl and ele%mml sum su.lnn. &ec., for full Junior Leaving a glation work. The following competent are w charge : TEO?. ALLAN, Principa) and Provincial €l School Teacher, | 1st Class CertitiOt« Intending Students should en m the term if possible. B at reasonable rates. . Durh md.zfllv:mmwn. m:lng it a w*. ._..E‘;c Po;('hn @ahant in The retord of the Sch mflnf one. ‘The trust cationally and spare no | and pupils have every a presentation and acquisit FEES:$1 p WM. FARQURARSON, D. D In the In NOTIOE is hereby to Ontario Btatures 1: 55, that all person: against the estate Frederick Jandt, who the 18th day of May, required to send b; otherwise deliver to the town of Durham administratrix, on ( day of April, 1913. t CUOUNYEYANCER. &e M ob 45045 5 dutiediudiiatert i6 /b T the 18th day of May, A. D., 1912, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of the town of Uurham, Solicitor for the administratrix, on Or before the 19th day of April, 1013. their names. adâ€" dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them. duly cenillex. and that after theeaid day the adâ€" ministratrix wil}l proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, haviog regard only to the claums of which she shall then bave notice, Dated the 24th day of March, A. D., 1918. HANKAH JAKCT, Administratrix bf her Solicitor, J. P. TerroRD», Notice to Creditors i the matter Frederick J ship of Ben Grey, farme D. MePHAIL, Ceglo‘n‘ or to C. RANAGE, Durham LACE CURTAINS wW. H. BEAN Staff and Equipment. Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. matter of the estate of Jacob sick Jandt. late of the townâ€" 24 in 40 in 30 in 54 in 6O in . ~BELL in ) UJ Chairma (V) ng 2 yds wide d sheeting, 2 CALDER‘S nlin« Across from,.Middaugh wide . wide . wide. wide wide wide hereby given, pursuant atures 1911, Oap 26, Sec. persons baving clatms estate of the said Jacob adt. who died on or about On f1 $1 per month in advance () i equare vard ride, 25¢ a yd each BLOCK School estate of Jacob e of the town»â€" the County of A‘¥en pM er at the oard cwn be am is a en most desimibie 100 pP 1,00 pr 1,90 pr 1,50 pr LC du C. RAVAGE Secretary suppies ai0 rand M%C' ipetent etaf incial Modâ€" titionte pr pr pr yd Â¥ G vo 0n b

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