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Durham Review (1897), 10 Apr 1913, p. 8

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« %6 The Post Office Site again the Burning Question claimed the éonstable winked at vioâ€" I«tions and wanted a constable with eyes,. Mr. Whelan Gefended bimself yigorâ€" ously. All knew how hard it was to prove a man druwk. He was doing his duty to the bestof bis ability. He exeused himeelf for not taking action, beeause Mr. Kinnâ€"e depended upon witmesses and the man was out of town. * You gyve hm lots of chanee t)get «way" retorted Kinnee, The constable said be was out of town on in@gtructions from the magistrate. Counciliors MeKechnie, Lemaban and Lioyd passed severe strietures on the comstable, Councillior Coehrane bad heen around bu: did not hear the bad language, Reeve Calder satd there was ovseness somewhere for the state of the town was bad for a month or two back. Councilior Saunders had also been beariog complaints about ineffiâ€" cient work and thought quite a lot of thinge were gomg on in town that «hould not be. The Mayor said " Mr. Prudb«m I think both constable and magistrate neglected their duties that day: they won‘t do it @gain. " The ceriousness of the sitnation was trongly felt by the council and no doubt the ventilation the subject has wot will produce better results. The following motion was unanimously m»rried: Calderâ€"Furneauxâ€"That after hearâ€" ing deputation referring to blasphemâ€" cas langnage on the street and infringeâ€" ment of the Local Option byâ€"law, the town constable be instructed to instiâ€" tute prosecutions against any such offences and that failing to do so after sufficient evidence has been placed with bim, the Council shall then take action on the subjeet. Carried CLaARK AsSESSMENXT A long discussion took place on the status of Mr Zenns Clark as to his asâ€" sâ€"esment. Four or five years ago Mr Clark was asked to come to town and was promised a ~fxed assessment" cf $500 for a term of years. _ Messrs saunders and Cochrane bave the idea this was to be the total, certainty Mr. MHome Seekers‘ Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and August. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return _ â€" $35.00 Edmonton and Return â€" 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. Every Farmer wants to provide for his sons, but seldom will the old bomestead, developed with toil, suffice to meet their needs. Th» boys have been brought up tothe land. _ They are familiar wi h all the phases of farming. _ They should have land of their own. â€" How is the farmers to meet this emergency ? Thousands of 1cres divided into 180 acre farms are being thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government along or naar the line of the The land gives a wide choic open prairie and others again in districts in Any agent of the Canadian Nortbern Railway or the underâ€" signed will be glad to send on application full information as to the location of these homesteads and the way to secure them. W rite for "Th« Bread Basket," ©35,000 Free Homesteads and our Peace River Bsoktet. You will be interested, Continued from page i A large mun'-x'l' of these homesteads are particularly adapted to mixed f«rming. Write or Enquire Toâ€"day . To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta REMINGTON : TYPEWAITER COMPANY Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto HOMESEEKERS The Logical Answer is Western Canada Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Fairbiira, Gen. Pass. Agent, Toronto, Thro_uéh Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West EXCURSIONS Canadian Northern Railway Sold EASY PAYMENT Pian 1442Bay Street,‘3 Toronto, Ont. Give your Boy a Farm will rent a Light Touch Monarch for one month. will rent a Light ‘Touch Monarch for six months. moNARCH DEPARTMENT Illustrated Literature Mailed upon request wide cbhoice. There are seme plots on the rs again in the well wooded, well watered $3.00 $15.00 (LIMITEV) l It was now 12 o‘ciock and there was yet to tackle the post office site. The reeve suggested leaving the matter over but tthe majority were for closing the matter up. â€" The reeye went into a rebearsal of the steps taken up to the present time and one member of !the council facetiously thougbt closâ€" | ure would haye to be applied. l While not opposing the Town Hali \site he urged delay till & clearing up ’ol the title took place and not follow what be designated the cowardly lcourn of leaviog trouble to future | councile. by the assessor to mean only realy, and to t+his is to be added, business tax and sidewalk tax, MrClark objects to the pusiness tax as a violation of the agieement, which seems to have been loosely made and pot recorded.. It seems only fair Mr. Clark should have censideration. â€" He was asked to come and since coming has built two good houses, _ Assessor and council will no doubt see justice done. Clark n nderstood it so but it is taken Saunders â€" Cochrane â€"That Wm. Collin@eon have use of east end of Sadâ€" dler 8t for one dollar a year, Car. ByAaw 634. which appears in this issue, receiyed its two readings and K“"d through eommittee. A change ad been made from the original draft and Coun. Saundess objected to shis hbaving been done at special meetings of council called during business hours. His arguments, strong as we believe they were, did not weigh with the Council. A motion drawn up by Counâ€" cllior Saunders, seconded by Coun Mcâ€" Kechnie, brought an amendment by Calderâ€"Furnesux urging delay till steps had been taken to clear the ticle, The amendment was voted down and the yeas and nays being called for it stood 2 to 6. The motion was then about to be passed when reeve Oalder polnred out a grave defect in the wording which implied that the town had porchased the property. _ Drawâ€" ing up a new motlon caused more deâ€" lay and in the midst of it a motion to adjourn was made by Caiderâ€"Lloyd. This caused mrore wrangling but parâ€" liamentary rules had to be followed and the motion to adjourn was supâ€" ported by Calder, Lioygd, Fuarneaux Will leave Toronto For settlers travelâ€" ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS Each TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. . No charge for Berths SETTLERS du‘t Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Settlers and familiea without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS 10.20 p.m. Daily Leaving Toronto and McKechnie, and lo ! the meeting ; was over. 1 A r:gecial meeting was called for| Thursday evening of this week wheu ! the whole matter will be threshed out again. _ The question is certainly worthy of the greatest consideration. Accts as follows were ordered passed : Thos. R. Whelan, 4 salary as _ _ CONStAWDIG .... .200 0k 6k 0k k ++ Geo, Watt, earetaker....... Geo. Watt, lnrplin..... I‘te® N. McIntyre, lights...... ... W. Irwin, printing 1912..... R. Torry, Chief and Stoker H. Haws, Stoker...........> §@PFVIG@ ... ... .. .66 6k 6k 266. ++ + Registering Byâ€"Law No. 621. ... C. Ramage & Son, printing Deb, Bell Telephone acct...........â€" W. B, Vollet, sal Maroh,...... W. B. Vollet, supplies., ...... .. Town Hall Insurance.......... Expense cutting iceâ€"jam....... Geo, Saunders, work........... P. Harrison, piling ............. Jos, Billings, gravel..... ...... F Mcliraith, lantern service... W, Byan, drawing gravel...... Jno. O‘Donnell, work........... Form IIIâ€"R Farquharson, K Salliâ€" van, E Sualltiyan, V Aljoe, J Clark. Form lIâ€"Alix Edw F Mcliraith M Hutton, May Cliff, Barbour. Jr4thâ€"C Wakefield, H Brooks, K Gun, G Lawson, C Wright. Form Iâ€"M Mcliraith, E& Edge, R Roberts, R Eccles, N Marshall. PusBu1o Scnoor DEPARTMENT. 8r 4thâ€"Tilly pevine, M Smith, D McAulay, M Hartford, G Search . 8r 3rdâ€"L Ritchie, C MeGirr, W Snell, R Search, J McLean. Jr3rdâ€"H Kress, L Smith, C Clark, C Cameron, R Bell. Jr 2ndâ€"C Wiggins, A Smith, W Kocb, M McGirr, W Snell. Sr 2ndâ€"N Pilkey, R Snell. M Snell, E Wright, W Ciark. x Sr Pt 2nd4â€"E McQueen, F Fluker, W Vollett, E Search, M McKechnie, R Burnett. Jr Pt2adâ€"M Yirrs, D Graham, C Mc@Girr, J Hepburn, B Stonebouse, J Crutcbley. nie. 8r 1stâ€"Esther McComb, Willie Welsh, Katie Kelsey, Archie McKechâ€" Jr 1stâ€"Margaret Cliff, Royden Mcâ€" Donald, Willie Bryar, Alex Lawson. Rural mail delivery from Mount Forest made a new development on Tuaesday. The route to Conn is now Rural Koute No. 1, with James Mark as courier and a new route to Cedarâ€" ville, Rural Route No. 2. will have James Roberts as courier.â€"Confed. The Review and Grain Growers‘ Gurde, Winnipeg, for one year _ 1 6( The Review and Weekly Globe fOF YOBL......ccssseflvcrncremernsin«<M 478 The Review and Weekly Mail and @QDDâ€"Dlpy “““““““““0: Eapire for 1 year........ Hionx Scnoor DEPARTMENT. Durham School Report New Clubbing Rates. HoLSTEIN â€" LEADER $ 537 81 $ 36 23 4 THE DURHAM REVIEW Movements in Stock, Buildings and People. Mr David Hamilton added anogher fiue clt to this stable at Chapman‘s sale last week. Mr Austin Harn recently deait the Leask mare in exebange for a colt with some boot with Agent McFadâ€" den, of Durham. Mr Wm. P. Wat:on has a prolific cow that gave birth to twin calves reâ€" cently, a repetivion of some 2 or 3 years ago. Fve Mr Jas. Rentoa recently purchased\ from J. M. Lawrence the frame baro on the uld Jobn Wilson property to take the place of his old one, which was badly wrecked with the wind, while Mr Geo. Lawrence bas purâ€" chased a dwelling house once occuâ€" pied by the marl diggers at Hamilâ€" ton‘s Lakefrom the Cement Co. $300 is the priee paid in each inâ€" stance, w« are credibly informed. / Mr Herbert Harrison moved"~into Proton township. last week onto she Ferguson tarm trom the Tacker place the new owner, Mr Peter Daly, moyâ€" ing toâ€"day, Monday, to the one vaâ€" Cated. Mr Geo. Lothian went to his uncle‘s Mr Peter Litster, North Keppel, on Wednesday last to repair the damage done to his baru with the windstorm . Wedding bells are ringingâ€"two different places. Now get your guessing caps on. Mr and Mrs Geo. Hooper visited at the bomeot Mr and Mrs Wm. R«mâ€" age Monday evening last, and hayâ€" ing bis violin with him, which he can bandle with delicacy of touch and precision, it is superfluous to say a pleasaut social hour was spen.. Those on the phone lines were also treated to a selection or two, not forâ€" getting Mr Saunders and his loneâ€" scme yigil at Central either. We regret to learn of the death of Mr Bernard Hartf»rd ot South Glenâ€" elg, after a lingering illness of some years. 4 Miss Jessie Reid left for Port Arâ€" thar and probably tor her brother Gavin‘s at Regina on Friday last. Being of a sociable turn and mausicalâ€" ly gifted, her absence will be much regretted ° The best wishes of the community go with her. She inâ€" tends taking a business c'ollty corrse. The retere: ce in our lass budget to the large supply of logs in, was at H;rriso_u’s mill, but somehow omitâ€" te * â€" 1 2 1 F _cFappEx.â€"On Tuesday, â€"April 8, to Mr and Mrs Wm. McFadden, at the L«ake, a daughter. Bring yvour hogs to Holatein Tuesâ€" days. Satistaction _ guarantecd O:her stock wiil have my best attonâ€" tion . Pobone 17 R. M. TRIBE, Shipper NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. North Egremont Malos ol TORONTO {Efil:“fl PERSONAL e ce m can e w e es on lt e it se t on iA n ts td The Nomen‘s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Petrie, April 10, Thursday at 2. 30 â€" The following is the program ; "Our ways of Houseâ€" keeping, vours and mine," Mrs J. Ww. Hunter and Mrs. T. J. Reid; "An Ideal Home,‘‘ Mrs. D. Bruce. Mrs Hooker, of Gnelph, is the guest of Mrs L. B. Nicholson. Mrs Freeman. of Mt. Forest, forâ€" :wrly of this burg, is visiting friends ere. Miss Minniec Kerr paid a fly ing visit here this week. Mr Lougheed, the new proprietor t th& bhotel, is in full charge. Mr ordan has removed to the south end t the village. Mr and Mrs Jack Carter have reâ€" oved to Palmerston. Mrs Petrie and Miss Anna Carrs spent Sunday in Durham. The Choral Soeiety will meet Monâ€" day and Friday evening it is expectâ€" ed, until the 20d of May. On the 2nd ot May the Chorar Society exâ€" pect to give a musical entertainment in the Town Hail. Mr Merchant, of Hamilton, called on J. M, Matthews on Monday on reâ€" turning from a business trip to his old home in Proton, Mr Wm. Brown visited relatives in Durham the beginning of this week. Mr Wm. Coleridge, of Owen Sound visited his brother here, while in the village last Friday on business. The road leading in to the station has for the past few weeks been in a disreputable state, the mud and soft ground making it disagreeable for both foot and vehicular traffic. Our village trustees accordingly last week through Mr Roy Loftus, the local agent, forwarded a petition to the Grand Truuk authorities, asking that a cement sidewaik be built and a suitable roadbed provided. Mrs Joe Dowling, 20d con., visited ber sister, Mrs Joo. McEachern on Tucaday. t 1. m / Mr Alex Russ, otf Yeovil, sawed woud tor R. P. McCaw with his gasâ€" oline outfit on Tuesday. _ We are sorry to hear that Mr Jas Klein‘s baby is pot so well again. Miss Jean McCaw left on Saturday | fo a week‘s visii with Falmerston | friends. | Mrs Robt. Manser visited her sister Mrs Alex Stephbens, on Taesday. We are pieased to hear that Mrs Stephâ€" ens‘ little girl. who has been very ill with i; flammatery â€" rheamatism, is im proving. Also Mr Hagh Eiwards little girl is yery iil, baving taken a relapse trom searlet fever, but hope that s he will soon be alrig ht again, Mr and Mrs R. P. MceCaw visited at Mr Jas. Brown‘s on the 20d con. last Phursday. Mr Gordon Mclowyre, of Mt. Forâ€" est, spent the week end at the home of Mr Jno Hunter. Com. Robb reported work to proâ€" tect Drewry ‘s bridge ; Gilbert Keith 4 1â€"2 days with team drawing stones and timber, $13.50 ; James Hunter, 2 1â€"2 d«ays. $7 50; Chas. McPhee, one day‘s labor, $1.50 ; Jas She, team and man drawing iron hods from MeNair‘s bridge, $4 00. Byâ€"Law No 276 relating to aid to encourage the construction of wire fences in places liabie to be blockadâ€" ed by dritts of snow. Particalars of this Byâ€"Law will be given by the Reeve or any member cf the Covucil. Mr Drumm‘s tender for cement was accepted at $1.60 per bbl., bags to be returned . Council met March 3ist. Miuutes approved . Byâ€"Law No 274 to authâ€" orize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow m ney to pay graats on teachers‘ salaries passed the usual readings, &c. Fergusonâ€"Lothianâ€"That foregoâ€" ing repâ€"t be adopted and Comr Robb receive $3 00 Com fees. â€"Car. Byâ€"Law 272 relating to morals and good government was also passed. As this is a very extensive and imâ€" portant Byâ€"Law it wes deemed exâ€" pedient to get 200 copies printed for the guidance of Magistrates and othâ€" er ratepay ers. Comr McRobb reported Jno Hiucks filling washout $1.00 ; Alex McGilâ€" livray filling washout, 75c. Robbâ€"Lothianâ€" Report adopted, orders granted.â€"Carried. Resolved that six road scrapers he purchased for the use of the muniâ€" cipality and the following accts be paid ; Mrs Cooper, grayel, $2.52 ; Municipal World lup‘glies tor Clerk and Treas., $10.05 ; B Sutton, exâ€" press charges, 35¢; Ramage & Son, rinting Auditors‘ Report, $25.50 ; J B Noonan. sundries for bridge, $2 60; Clerk‘s quarter salary $50.00 ; Mr Wilson, se p killed and worried by dogs, $3000; Jno Sinelair, Sheep Inspectos, ftees, 75¢; F McClocklin, ase of Couneil room, $2 00, McRobbâ€"Ferguasonâ€"That we adâ€" joura to meet on Monday, June 2nd, as a Court of Revision on appeals ot assessment for 1913 and no appeal cr retund wi l be considered uniess such is t\ ted with the Clerk by the 15th Mavy and decided upon at the said Court. â€"~Carried. e vier slsc righe. d®%â€", h th Nh as. aiehadatiet Npti Egremont Council Little Germany D. AuLax, Clerk. It was expected by some that when Rural mail started that our burg would be wiped off the map. Buat not so yet. And even though the authorities think it wise to close the post office, that is all they have any control over. _ Everything else will be the same as of yore. Mr Alex Gillespic is not improving as speedily as his many friends would wieh, J. A. Swanston‘s family, who bas been quarantined with scarlet ftever, are progressing favorably. Some are minus quite a number of shingles since Gcod Friday. Buat oecasionally we get a shower which fills the vacancy pretty full (ef water). R. T. Dodds‘ have their large evaâ€" porator goimg fuil blast day and night sometimes. _ They have over four hundred trees running the sweet. Harry Horsburgh is engaged with W. Fairbairn for the summer months, Last week rains caused the river to rise almost as high as the spring freshet, but we haye not heard of any damage being doue. A numbe: from our burg are laid up with la grippe. The W. F, M. S. ended their first year on Thursday last. There was a good attendance even though the day was disagrecable. _A very favourable report was given of their work. Many of the farmers have comâ€" menced ploughing, but we haven ‘t heard of any sowing being done yet. (February and March.) 4th classâ€"Annie McCannel, Mury' Cameron, Mary McCannel. 8r8rdâ€" Eidon Runctman, Annie Witter, Tena Williams, Anniec Marshall, Tena Mcâ€" Cannel. â€"Jr 3rd â€"Isla Runciman, Nor m in Haw, Gordon McDonald, Sr 34 â€"Charlie Scales, Katie McCannel, A1 Lane, Willie Lane. Jr_ 2udâ€"Leda Wicter, Gordon MeCannel, Jewmie McOannel, Harvey Williams, M«~y Marshall. Pt 2ndâ€"Ada Wilson, Naâ€" than Haw, Roy Williams and Ellwood Kinstoan eq., Johnny MeCanmel, Pt 20dâ€"Pear) Williams, Annie cCannep 1and Willie Marshall eq., Alex McCanâ€" \nel. The possibility of a long session of parlisment, or perhaps a General Election, has led the Globe, " Canada‘s Natiooal Newspaper," to make an offer through us of the Morning Daily edition to January 1st, 1914, for $2.00 «and of the Weekly to same date for 30 ots. [o new Subscribers to Review and Globe to lst Jan., I914, the clubbing rates will be Review and Daily Globe $2.50, Review and Weekly Globe .85. ‘The family are all signs of the system being clogged. The Liver and Bowels are imactive and the Stomach is weak from undigested fcods and foul gases. > -cs kx skemgen*""~â€" W 21( x FIG PILLS the great fruit remedy, will muke you feellike a new person. Aiter taking three boxes of your Fig | Pulls for stomach and liver troubles I teel l strong and well and able to do my own | work. Mrs A. H. Savurer At all dealers 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co,, 8t. Thomas, Ont Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circles Under the Eyes A reliable French regulator; nflet fails. These pilis are exceedingly g]owerlul regulating .‘xho generative portion of the female system. Refuse gl ctl;;ap im'l‘:mo(ns.mI‘)r. L?.ll:d.:'. are ;?‘ld at a box, or three for $10. Ma o any address. The Soobell Drug Co., 8t. Catharines, Ont > NORTHERKNY] ) ‘hzizlolhht? (%4;10’/(7%7({9/1 Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills School Reports. Maple Lane No. 14. EGT. & PROTON. 1 am prepared to do any work in the way of Cementing, building Silos, Bridges, birn walls, etc. on shortest notice. _ I have purchased an which is approved by government engineers, and with it, can do all work quickly and most satisfacâ€" torily. Any and every job entrusted to me, whether large or small, given careful attention. Cemesi Work of All Kinds rily remedy for Coughs and Colds. costs so little and does so muck!" SALLOW SKIN Orchard A Great Offer. Call and see me, or write F. Wiusox, Teacher. Wintiipeg, June 27, 1911 ended their first Upâ€"toâ€"date Gasoline Cement â€" Mixer HUNT, Holstein If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, 100 acres 1 mile Sou h of W illiamsfopg a goud tarm 100, offered for actual) less ihan the buiidings would Hm(_y 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap 1t unader $4,000, 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improy. ed place on which Mr Twamley made money, offered at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good fary extra buildings, timber worth most of the price. 150 acres near Durbam, wellâ€"improveg and cheap at about $14000, 800 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm)good place, owner in the Wes offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, Astonishingly chonp at $7000, Abor»â€" are some of my Many Bar. gains. Iu will Pay you to Ruy H.H. Miller Sunday School at 10, _ Services at 1] a. m. and 7.00 p. m. REV. A, E. MABSHALL, B. A. â€" Pasior Presbyterian Church Sund«y School at 10. Service at 11 Y. P. 8. C. £,. ut 7 p.m. RkVY. J. MALCOLM, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheu, Special attention paid to disemses o Women ana Children.. " Also Ey» Hur, Nose and Throamt, * Eye thoroughly tested and glasses pro periy firted. Office at Holstein Drug Store Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates, and lemnis to suit borrower, _ Fits and Life nsm n.e placed in lhm'm#u,v relmble compames, _ Deeds, Morm. yages. Lenses and Wills executed on «B â€"vest n ice, All work promptiy change, x iRV}4, accopt no ter. sat sond s'nmg for Wus» f m.oc beokâ€"sealed, It gives full ar ie wre and c<roctions invalanble 0 : al..s, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont Homeseekers‘ Excursions To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA Winnipeg & return, $35 Edmonton & return *43 each TUESDAY until Oct To Alberta and Saskatchewan Every TUESDAY until April 20th in clusiv from stations in Ontario, Port Hope, Pct boro ard West at very low rates. J. R. Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent Through cemcbes and Pullman To: Sleeping cars are operated to WINN! without change, leaving Toronto 11 .00 1 via Chicago and 8t Paul on above dates The Grand Trunk Pacific Rallway is artest and quickest route between | nipé¢, Saskatoomwsd Ldmanton, Berth Reservations and particulars fro Grand Trunk agents. Settlers‘ Excursions m me. . SJAS. 4. WILSON, B. a oOwWwEN soUND _ ONT. Every graduate guanntccd a posâ€" sition. Thorough courses. Large staff of Specialists. Best equipped College in Canada. Enterany J@y CA FLEMING, FCA G, D. PLEMING Principal Secretary Proportionate low rates to other | Return limit two months APRIL 10, 1913 NO CHANCE WORK Methodist Church READ THIS : General Agents for Canada. *A W J. SHARP at the for sale The Hanover Conveyancer Pastor n

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