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Durham Review (1897), 17 Apr 1913, p. 4

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NJ \s es MJ vs Ns s « The Central Drug Store % NS333232323233232202832332 3329 vds «t \ is W Nb [Â¥Y] o C L EtErErUTEEETETEEEEEEEEE m The Central Drug Store j Cone to our Drug Store. Every Farmer wants to provide for his sons,. but seldom will the old homestead, developed with toil, suffice to meet their needs. The boys have been brought up tothe laud. They are familiar with all the phases of farasing. They should have land of their own. How is the farmers to meet this emergency ? .mm < \"‘”fl of this community, because sys [ k people have learned that we eqamseeiiy * â€" * take utmost care in filling every prescription entrusted to us ; that we never use poor, old drars ; that we neyer substitute, and that we give you prompt S ad your p then. and KN RL. Fairbairn, Gen. Pass. Agent, Toronto, erv Thousaads of acres divided into 160 acre farms ard being thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government along or naar the line af ika of the The land gives a wide choice. * open prairie and others again in the districts in 8 Any agent of the Canadian Nortbern Railway or the underâ€" signed will be glad to send on applicatian full information as to the location of these homesteads and the way to secure them,. Write for "The Bread Basket," "©35,000 Free Homesteads and our Peaee River Bsoklet. You will be interssted, A lr\r?e number to mixed farming. Feed for Sale We supply two cans free to each of our patrons, pay all exâ€" press charges, pay twice each month, checks payable at par. We receive cream any day in the week, test each can received and send our patrons a statement of same, Write for cans and give our creamery a trial. We are in the market to buy cream, sweet or sour, at the Highest Market Price. | Treleaven & Ranton, Paim Creamery, â€"â€" _ Palmerston, Ont. The following are some of the articles that we carry : caapet sweepers, carpet beaters, dustbane, curtain stretchers, mop sticks aad cloths, hair brooms, feather dusters, corn brooms, ceiling and wall brooms, wool dusters, stove and scrub brushes, window brushes and rubbers, paperhangers‘ brushes, furniture polish, cotton gloves, pails, tubs, washing machines. washboards, sponges, chamois, carpet tacks, hammers, carpet felt, paper knives, seam rollers, carpet stretchers, garbage cans, polishing gloves, mouse and rat traps, clothes mangles. ironing boards, clothes horses, step ladders; sad irons, flue stoppers, bannister brushes, cocoa door mats, whisks, clothes baskets, kalsomine brushes, gold bronze and other articles too numerous to mention. We are always ready with everything in season and now have a stock of Housecleaning Supplies. McGowan Milling Co. We have still a lot of Feed on hand that we offering in ton lots from s We have ali our accouunts made out and parâ€" ties having accounts with us are requested to call and settle either by cash or note at once. kps and any one wanting feed will save money by buying it now. The Logical Answer is Western Canada Aupriq®t\ ’Li,“ caRa t Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta $12 to HOUSECLEANING GOODS! Canadian Northern Railway Cream Wanted W . BLACK mber of these homesteads are particularly adapted ing. Write or Enquire Toâ€"day ‘riptions to us, no matter what physician writes V that they will be filled exactly as prescribed . Give your Boy a Farm at moderate prices Oatmeal Mills There are some plots on the : well wooded, well watered "The Prescription Our Drug Store has become Bring us your P rescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. Per Ton J. A. DARLING Dispensiag Chemist Drug Store‘ Phone 3 and our LA W\ po W A\ 1 A MV 1 was a great sufferer for a Jong time with Biliousness, Sick Headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do me any good. I had almost given up in despair when I decided to try Alter taking about half a box the bead aches stopped und my appetite impro ved I have jast finished the filth box and fee as well as ever. I can beartily recomâ€" mend Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles, _ Mrs Marz Enusox Sold at all dealers in 25 aud 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St, Thomas, Ont. _ Mrs Thomas Sproule, wife of the Speaker of the House of Commons at Oitawa has made history since she became mistress of the Speaker‘s chambers in the Parliament Baildâ€" ings at the Capital. All her lite an ardent temperance worker and promâ€" inent in the activities of the W.C.T.U. when her husband became the first member of the Commons, she decidâ€" ed that she would not go back in any way on her lifelong principles and announced that no wine ot any kind would be served at any of the many functions that are held in the Speakâ€" er‘s apartments. _ As wile of the Speaker, Mrs Sproule has enerous social duties which she has carried out both with taet and grace. Mrs Sprou!e is a prominert charity workâ€" er and while, naturally, since comâ€" ing to Ottawa, she bhas not taken the same active part in the work of charâ€" itable societies, yet she and the Speaker are most regular attendants at the Dominion Methodist Church. Mrs Sproule is a kindly motherly woman, whose head has not been turned by the bonors which have come upon her.â€"News @ uickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heal :hc throat Mm : : 25 ccen:: With Biliousness and Sick Headache Cie Phurfaom Reatem â€"Among the prohibitions in the new Marriage Act is one forbidding the issuing of licenses to auy party who is an idiot, insane, or *‘ under the intluence of liquor ‘*. Those who are in the babit of getting under shat influence will not appreciate being classed along with idiots and insane as being unfit to marry and propagate their kind. â€"Cut it off at both ends Mr. Hauna. We retes to the new restriction on the liquor traffic forbidding the opening of bars before 8 a. m. instead ot 6 as formerly. An hour off the other end of the day would accomplish more, but clipping off at both ends autil there is nothing more to clip would be the true policy. Restriction at 7.30 a.m. will not prev«nt treating at 7.30 pm. and prevention of treating was at one time Mr. Whitney‘s policy. Mrs Sproule true to Principle. It is earnesty to be hoped that the aboye measure wi‘l not be railroaded through in the hurried closing days of the session without full disecassion. â€"Hon. Mr Hanna introduced the government‘s temperapce measure into the Legislature lass week, and though far short of what temperanee people expect, it contains some good points. Briefly they are : 1â€"The bottle trade is to be eliminated from hotels. 2.â€"Bars are not to open till 8 a, m. instead of 6. 3â€"Sbop licenâ€" ses to be raised to same level as taâ€" vern licenses. _ 4â€"Restrictions to prevent storing of liquor in stables. Pity that two hours had not been cut off the other end of the day, but it is coming. A severe attack on the Education Department was made by Thos. Marâ€" shall, Allan Studholme and N. W. Rowell ; Mr Hanna‘s Assessment Act changes fails to give reform as far as lard and buildings is concerned ; greatest of all, in the last days of the session, is the bill introduced by Mr Hearst to give the Northern Oatario Railway company 1380000 acres of land at 25¢ and 500 an acro, they to build a railway 325 miles in length, gettle 3750 settlers in 10 years, crect sehools and build highways and proâ€" yide plants to manutacture timber cut by settlers. â€"An extraordinary course was pursued in parliament last week by Mr Borden and his friends in bandâ€" ing out an insuls to Sir Wilfrid Lag: rier who rose along with Mr Hazen to speak on the Closure Bill. Sir Wiltrid was given precedence by Speaker Sproule, yet by a preconcertâ€" ed arrangement a vote was taken giving Mr Hazen the floor over the speaker‘s ruling. Cries of " shame ‘ greeted the action and much adverse comment has been made in Canadian and Bricish papers over the insult to the exâ€"premier, who under all cirâ€" cumsiances has been the sou! of courtâ€" esy to his opponent:. Mr Borden it appears is completely under the conâ€" t; ol of Rogers of Maniteba fame, who tried and failed two weeks ago to * jam ‘‘ the Naval bill througb. Amongst the notable things in the Legisiature last week were : the efâ€" forts of Mr Rewell and the opposition to secure speedy action in giving farâ€" mers the benefits of the Hydro; Mr Hanna‘s amendmenrts to the License Act, referred to elsewhere ; the vot iog down by the government of the Opposition bill to excludeciub licenâ€" ses from local option territory ; Eight Hour Day bill tor miners carried unâ€" animously ; supplementary estimates brought down totalling $14,000,000. No Wine at Speaker‘s Functions THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913 Doings in the Legislature. FIG PILLS SUFFERED Calgary, Alberta, July 8, 1911 dn SRpcot ie er 90 . Malicc, to ant adigers ree for A reliable French regulator; 1 pilis m;? exceet{mxl‘ &owerlul generative portion of the femal all cheap imitations. Dr. de The Flesherton Advance last week in an able and timely article, condemns the attempts of a portion of the O. Sound press to work up sympathy for the murderer Love and to hint that something about the trial was not quite fair. It denies that a " wave of symâ€" pathy " is spreading round Ceylon and says : *‘ We have yet to find a man in this section who does not believe that the verdict was a just one or that the aceused received as fair a trial as could possibly be given under British law." Dr. de Van‘s Caswel â€"Grabamâ€"That the thanks of this council are hereby tendered to the Oramge brethren tor use Of hall for this session of ceuncil.â€"Carried. Brownâ€"McLeodâ€"That the next meeting of this council be held at the Pown Hall, Flesherton.â€"Carrie i. The Advance claims and we think rightly, that as long as eapital punishâ€" ment is a tenet of British justice, such a crime as this should see the full penâ€" alty exacted. The closing paragraph reads : Caswellâ€"Grahamâ€"~That all parties are bereby warned that this conncil will bhold them liable for any damâ€" ages which may result through the placing of rural mail delivery posts or boxes on the highways of this munâ€" ieipality. â€"Carried. "The enormity and brutality of the crime under consideration call for justâ€" ice, and no maudlin sentiment should be allowed to interfere with its course. To those who saw with their own startâ€" led eyes the horrible result of the crime no such advise need be applied ; to oth-‘ ers, including the press of the county, we appeal in the hope that they will leave the matter wholly in the hands of the authorities and the Department of Justice, who are quite competent to deal with the matter without advice trom those who appear to be desirous of interfering. The man who killed this little woman is certainly deserviag Of hanging if ever man was deserving_ The jury said that Love is the man, When the evidence is weighed by the Department of Justice that tribunal, which is final, will decide whether the jury was justified in bringing in such a verdict. Any attempt by the newspaâ€" pers to create a fictitious sympathy and cast abroad false impressions, as we beâ€" lieve has been done, is most unseemly and illâ€"advised. Brownâ€"MeLeod â€" That the acâ€" count of W H Wright, $4.00 for legal advice in the Melia and Nesâ€" bitt cases, be paid.â€"Carried. MceLeodâ€"Brown â€"â€"That lots 29 and 30, con 1, N D R, be placed in road division No 39.â€"Carried. Brownâ€"aicLeodâ€"That John Parâ€" slow be refanded $1.00, being dog tax charged in 1912 ; the assessor certifying that whe charge was in error. â€"Carried . Caswellâ€"Brownâ€"That byâ€"law 763 appointing municipal officers for 1913 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and entered in byâ€"law book. â€"Oarried . Graham â€"Caswellâ€"â€"That a byâ€"law be introduced and passed to reduce the Treasurer‘s salary in proportion to the lessening of his work, caused by the incorporation of the village of Flesherton. â€"Carried. Artemesia Council met at Eugenia on Saturday, April 5, 1813. _ The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last session were read and confirmed. The tollowing communications, etc , were presented and read : W J Meads, protesting against placing his laods in another road division ; Robâ€" ert Gorley, complaining that Robt Williams had not yet removed his tences from certain streets in Eagenâ€" ia ; John Parson:, claim for charge of $1 for a dog assessed in 1912 ; W H Wright, account for legal advice, re Melia claim and Nesbitt‘s tages, $4.00 ; Robert Campbell personally waited on the council, asking comâ€" pensation for right otf way through his lot 24, con 12 ; Robt Grabam waited un the council, asking comâ€" pensation for rigbt cf way through his lot 23, con 12. Gun‘s Drug Store It is a tonic that makes rich new blood, supplies nitrogenous material to build fiesh and muscle, and stimulates the whole system to newer effort and energy. Beef, Iron and Wine makes you strong. â€" Composed of a pure extract of BEEF, IRON in a form easily assimilated, and good SHERRY WINE. Beef, Iron and Wine Artemesia Council. Large bottles, 750 and $1 Durham, Ont. G. T. R. Town Ticket Office "Let Justice Alone." Pills TORONTO Meeting to open at 2,80 p, m. sharp under the auspices of the Women‘s Institute. _ Members and nonâ€"memâ€" bers heartity welcome. Admission 10 cts. Miss McPhee comes here bighly reâ€" commended trom all parts of Canada and is a pleasing demonstrator of the highest order Every lady in the town and surrounding country should take advantage of this demonstration and bear some of the latest and most approved methods of cookery, [ It sounds like spring to hear the frogs ence more,. _ Some of the farâ€" mers have commenced plowing. We are pleased to report that Mre. Andrew Green is able to be up again after her recant attack of appendicitis. Mr Wmm Campbell and his two sisâ€" ters visited at Mr John Henderson‘s, Sunday night. meking to the ladies of Darham in the Town Hall on Monday, April 21, 1913, showing how easy it is to make the nicest and bighest bread in four hours, also showing easy methods of pastry making. C Miss Jean McPbec, Honor Graduate of Household Science, McDonald Inâ€" stitute, Guelph, and expert demonstraâ€" tor, will demonstrate bread and pastry Mrs Geo Fisher and the Misses Vena and Milinda visited at Mr Danâ€" can McKinnon‘s of the 9th one day last week. Mr McQuarrie of Chkesley will ocâ€" eupy the pulpit nesxt 3unday in the Presbyterian church in the absence of Mr Leshe. redieaged ud io * Areppageatâ€"tt $ uP lutlstes > dat Monralfiontiaarmiciasied I W T Hicks, J Hertsberger, Jobr Moore, Henry Yandt, J Ryan. Fence Viewers for 1913 : Alfred Widmeyer, Con Fisher, Malcolm McPbee, Wm Stevenson, Joe Schaen, P B Schaos, Patrick Dovle, Thos Wallace, A Fulton, D Widmeyer, Jobn Widmeyer, David Wiilis, Jas Anderson, Thos Park. Poundâ€"keepers for 1913 : Andrew Weppler, Geo Pickert, Jas Anderson, Jas Neville, Joseph Wilâ€" liamson, W Carson, J W Blyth, J W Holliday, Daniel Graft, Win Morris (in place of J Flyun), Jas Kerr, Henâ€" ry Liesemer, N Wettlauter, Henry Schilling, Geo Sockett, Val Fisher, Daniel Fisher, Adam Walter J Werâ€" ner (8 con), Wm Moore, H Binkle. hheeg Valuators for 1913 : Div No 1â€"Jas Anderson 2â€"Henry B Fieck 3â€"John Niehol 4â€"Wm Marshall 5â€"â€"David Leith 6â€"David Leith 7â€"Wm Ovens. A social event will be held in the Methodist churech next Tuesday evâ€" ening. _ A program is being prepared and refreshments will be served. The Presbyterian congregation will open their Sabbath School the first Bunday in May. Con 3â€"W C Caldwell, R W Watâ€" son, (G Seim, Lou:s Grein, Fred Weiâ€" ser, Louis Foerster, C J Ryan, Wm Dodson, J E McPhee, N Carmognt, John C:ark, H BSockett, Chas Adair Thos Robertson, G Pfeffer, H Chitt n, Mrs Nicbol, of Owen Souud, is at present attending her mother, who is very i|l. Miss Lizzie Young is a)so ill, suffering from jleurisy. The couscil decided to build two steel bridges this year, the Koeehler bridge and either the Heipel or Hertzâ€" berger bridge, the council to investiâ€" gate which of the latter. Pathmasters for 1913 : Con 13 and 14â€"Fred Cerber H Dietrich, J Maas, Wm Morris, M Lynch, Joseph Scoles, John Mailâ€" queen, Henry Damm. Miss Hattie Byers has returned to Stoaghton, Sask., after spending the winter with friends here. Con 15 and 16 â€"Joseph Zettler, Henry Ford, L Brusso, D Gilmour, Thos Ball, Louis Krellar, (A Mearos tor Base Line). _ _ _ Con 17 and 18â€"Enoch Weltz J Hertzberger, L Miller. N Metzger, W A Sharp, Jas Kerr, W Backus, W T Hillis. Con 1â€"T Grasby. T Long, John Leith, Mathew Barber, Geo Eddingâ€" ton, J Hoeflin, Pat Heaney, Robert Barton, A Eurig, J R Anderson, Geo McFarlin, Jas Corley. Con 2â€"T W McAllister, James Weber, Alex Smith, M Morrison, Jas Blyth, P Cornish. Mr and Mrs J. Laidlaw are yvisiting the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs W. Geddes. Mr Aoastin Derby left for the West lass week. _ Pathmasters were instructed to have newlyâ€"graded roads made 24 feet wide with a crown of ? feet. Ayton Villageâ€"Alex Shiel, 2 beats ; Fred Kester. Con Fisher. Con A and Bâ€"Emil Petzil, P B Hassett, Jas R Anderson. We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Wm. Nubn, who died at the bome of her tather, Mr Henry Fritz, about a week ago. She was 20 years of age aod had been married only a little over a year. She leayes a sorâ€" rowing busband and a little baby two months old, The Townsbip Park was given to Normanby Ag. Soeiety at a rental of $5 per year. 3 * 0. Widmeser was given contract for chiet items of the township printâ€" ing for seventyâ€"eight dollars. _ _Mr W. H. Crowther spent a week with his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr Jas. Byâ€" ers. Cuancil met on Wednesday, April z2. All present. Com. Baetz was instructed to haye cemeni tile made. Normanby Council Coming to Durham. Crawford Hampden son ® Choice Clover, ?_o Timothy a% Â¥*w [cheeeeleCele Cellevelevelozelowelave|onel av slewe o " alasela. ola" o}e Cele al e Ga e ele ~ole se abeleCole Cole e o se AC CS ce tle ohe te e e ofe ofe ho se ofeofe t se ofi ofe oha ofe ofo ofa ofe ofe P P ma> se oho shoofe ohe ofocte ofe ohe â€" ofe ofe cfach eferfenforfecfecfecfo > efecfiecfe 4 m mm mon ns mei Sn S Sn â€"" m Ee 50 m id t o 3: eX Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Wagpâ€"NOoTICE S\seima All letters from Canada must be addressed WRRpâ€"NOTIGE | Slistcs from Cenadamust beaddressed ampp»»ieesem@m _ mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to seeu:penomllycallatourl(edim!lmtituuinbeuoitunmlndcut umuinourWindmofiwlwhichmflot%emdemlnd hborahoryiot&nndhnbn.’nenonly. Address all letters as follows: mxmnvamv.wuc.o-. Send for Booklet on Discases of Men ( J * THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question List m for Home Treatment Drs. KENNEDY &KENNEDY ah 0 mms se ) a Lkens m ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY NEW METHOD TREATMEN and Other Grass Seeds YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Quar shipments arrive freâ€" quently so are ever fresh and tasty. _ Take a box home with you. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and ai! Bakery goods per yd. We also have some nice Don‘t be backward about asking to see them. We‘re afraid to show them. ‘Try us and see. We have a good assortment of MacFarlane & Co. We would like to show you our Drop in and see us If it‘s QUALITY ~you want at lowest prices, we have it. Try our Fresh Oysters Our famous yd. wide Silk at $1 C. L GRANT â€" Also our Dress Goodsâ€"they are nic* New Kid Gloves New Flouncings, Side-Frillin%, Ladies & Gents‘ Crochet T Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. o‘ clock Table Cover with Napkins to match C. P. R. Town Office E. A. ROWE . APRIL 17, 19138 Most Peop at the Down I EGGS TAKEN For all kin APRIL 17, 19 REMINGTON 21 $1.00 C Small Profi‘s arnvmg MeK ech for 25¢ See our 1 selvage of ever The Highest 1913 inCc {resh W e Gro Custom hnie 8 ITrv t 1¢ heTels 0] t€ M(

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