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Durham Review (1897), 17 Apr 1913, p. 5

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uds lesire to nd treat 1, fallen and the 1 up to 13 S and HES, t You eat be Abt 1913 Wall Papers Most People do a lot of Walking ‘or all kinds of Commercial Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. FNINGTON TYPEWAITER CGOMPANY APRIL 17, 1913 {M1 \ D Small Profits Fresh from the Factory iu the newest designs and iu the neatest patterns. Bring us the sizes of the rooms you wish papered and the height of the ceilings and we willi tell you at onee what you waut, Fresh (Groceries are coutinually arriving. See our 23¢ brooms. Try MeKechnie‘s Purs Soap, 8 cakes for 225C See our fine stock of Dress C selvage of every yard. $1 per yard. The Highest Price for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and uce thoug )awn Town Shoe Store o corset TAKEN AS CASK We We carry a full line of the E. T. Corsets, the bost in the market. _ See the Custom Work and Repairing as usual Groceries Sold EASY PAYMENT Plan (LIMITED) 144 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. have a large assortment in the newest oriental shades, rich in appearâ€" ioh not too costly. We cordially inyvite you to have a look at them. McKechnie‘s Weekly News Lisht ‘Touch Monarch MONARCH DEPARTMENT Lisgsht Touch Monarch Malied Illustrated â€" Literature RUGS (On Second Floor) for six months. for one month. . & J. MeKECHNIE will rent a will rent a $15.00 $3.00 upon request J. 8. McILRAITH You cannot go anywhere withâ€" out walking some. â€" Our shoes make walking easy because they are good shoes in the first place and your conscience is at ease because you bought them so reasonable. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some nice pumps in stock in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Some fine valmes in Hosiery, either Men‘s, Ladies‘, Misses‘, or Children‘s wear. Trunks, Suitcases, Clubbags, &¢, in stock Corsets fine black silk with our nrme on the Our stook is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes The barns which ware unroofed have nearly all had the rafters and sheeting replaced, Spring is here once more and none of us are sorry. Cutting wood is the order of the day by most of our farâ€" mers, Messrs A. Clark and A, McLean haye been working on the MacTagâ€" gart barn for the past week. Miss Tena Newell is with her aunt ang uncle, Mr and Mrs MeCoskery, of Durham, who are ill at present. We understand Mr G. Lawrence of l’lgremout.ia engaged with Mrs Robt. Bell for the spring. Mr Dan McKinnon is papering Pricevilie this week. Miss Flora Campbell Sundayed her homs here. Mr Murchison was thrown out of his waggon while going to the bush and received a bad shaking up. The sick paople of our burg are not improving as quickly as we would wish. A number from here took in the sale in Markdale on Saturday las, also some attended Mr Forris‘s sale on Monday. Mr and Mrs P. Patterson. Varney, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs A. Lawrence. Mr and Mrs D. McCormick, of| Swinton Park, spent Saturday ond | Sunday‘with her parents, Mr and Mrs| A. Lawrence, | We wish to exterd our sympathy to Mrs Hartford and family in their sad loss of a kind bhusband and father. Sorry Mrs Hariford is in ill health and hope to soon see her around again. Mr Wm. Zufeldt bas been at Hanâ€" over cement lake the past week or so repairing the dredge, etc., before beâ€" ginning the season‘s work. Mr Chas, Arnett left for Edmonton Alta., on Monday morning, after spending the winter with his son Wes and other friends here. We would like to know if thae young man going west early Monday mornâ€" ing was asleep, as he turned the corâ€" ner to right in place of keeping straight on the gravel. Now yon‘re not to bother Johnny, because we think he was afraid to come home alone at night 2 What do you think of going in the day time ? Glad to see Miss Emma Brown out again after her illness. Mr Henry Sealey is very sick with a seyere attack of la grippe. Proton Station Brick and Tile yards formerly owned by J. C. Wright. will be in operation as soon as the weather permits. _ Prices right. Satisfaction guaranteed,. Wedding bells are ringing. Popular Place Maple Grove On Second Floor Brick and Tile. W. J. Irwix, Proprietor Large Sales Apples In al THE DURHAM REVIEW _ The Edinburgh air is much more bracing than that of London and reâ€" minaded me of home ‘" but I think I must agree with Robert Louis Stevenâ€" son when he says " Edinoburgh pays ‘eruelly for ber high seat in one of \the vilest climates under heaven. She is liable to be beaten by all the winds that blow to be drenchâ€" |ed with rain, to be buried in cold sea togs out of the east, and powdered )with snow as it comes flying south | west from the Highland hills. The weather is raw and boisterous in the | winter, shifty and congenial in the summer and a downright meteoroâ€" \logical mystery in the spring." |\ _1 must say I liked the Scotch peoâ€" | ple and their native brogue and en \joyed the work in the Iufirmary \ which is large enough to accommoâ€" | date almost 1000 students. The first time I saw Princess street I thoughs it surpassed all the desâ€" eriptions I had read and certainly it is most unique and beautital. I; is alimost a mile long and one side is occupied by splendid shops, magnifiâ€" cent hotels and stately clubs and public offices. The other is made up of large and beauvifal gardens, conâ€" taining statues and monuments to the city‘s great dead. The Seoutt monuâ€" ment is the most*striking, 200 feet high, designed and built by the son of a shepherd ; ayoung Scotch mason named Geo. Kemp, who was untorâ€" tauately drowned befere his great wurk was completed. The inside 0J the monument is disappointing and one could not help thinking it mig ht be made much more interesting to visitors. After a stay of several weeks in Edioburgh, which, of course every true Scotsman believes to be the most beautitul city of the whole world, I may be permitted to send you a few briet notes, simply as a reminder of things no doubt familtar to the maâ€" jority of your readers. There is no need to describe ** The Castle," the imost prominent landâ€" mark of the city, high on its mighty rock, nor need I dwell on Holyrood Palace, familiar to every student of Scottish _ history. _ Queen â€" Mary‘s apartments are shown and Lord Darnley‘s rooras, all with the old furâ€" niture and faded hangings. It is no wonder she loyed the place and we cannot help feeling grieved that Cromwell and his vistorious troopers waatonly destroyed so many priceâ€" less ornaments with which the Palâ€" ace was filled, A special permit is required now for admission on acâ€" count of Suffragette depredations. Dear Sir,â€" There can be no doubt that Edinâ€" burgh is strikingly picturesque yiewâ€" ed from almost any direction and presents interesting features not found in any other city of the world. The yiew from either Arthur‘s seat with its lion like outline or from the Braid Hiils, both of these being favorâ€" ite walks, is one impossible to forget even though the city is partly envelâ€" oped in the usual Scotch mist. On a bright day it is a very splendid sight. Ot great interest are the tomb of Joun Knox. the monument of Burns, Ss Giles Cathedral, containing a great number of Seutish banners riddled with bullets and carried to victory by the heroie Highlanders in many a bloody campaign ; the Iron Kirk, outside of which on New Year‘s eve, all Edimbargh meets to wish each other a happy New Year and where very many drink each other‘s health as long as there is a ‘* wee drop ‘‘ in the bottle, beftore harrying away to be the " first footer ‘‘ in some neighboring and expectant home. I never saw so many people at one time under the inflaence of the tamâ€" ous * Sceotch ‘‘ as last New Year‘s morning after the clock in the charch tower bad struck the bhour, The city ordinarily is cemperate, at least far as one can jadge from outward experiences, but on this special sea son, it is the habit of many to thorâ€" oughbly celebrate the occasion, alâ€" though in a yery foviish way as one thiaks. Talks Entertainingly of the sights, the Weather and the Suffragettes Dr. Brown Aiter many periods of dense fog, some of them the worst for many years we are told, when the city at noonday is dark as night and we can see only a few feet ahead, London is beginning to be beautifal. The parks aud private gardens are already bright with a great abundance of spring flowers and the trees are comâ€" ing out in leaf. The air is soft and balmy and toâ€"day has been gloriousâ€" ly bright. Nothing can surpass old England when she has donned her spring dress and we are expecting to enjoy the experience again, likewise the English strawberries which are most lascious. We haye seen some stirring Suffraâ€" gette demonstrations here about which you haye no doubt read and it is cerâ€" alnly a very entertaining experâ€" ience to be in Parliament square for instance, some evening when a " raid ‘‘ is expected on the members of the House of Commons. Thouâ€" sands of police seem to be on every hand and as one of the great goodâ€" natured and excited crowd, we are pashed hither and thither in the jostâ€" ling throng where plenty of Cockney jokes are cracked, keeping everyons in good humor even though your toes are stepped on and your hat knocked off. We never know what is going to happen next, but the women hbave been baving rather a hard time at their meetings lately and have been compelled to take some of their own medicine in the way of interruption anod many. of the gatherings have been completely broken up by inâ€" dignant opponents of the mildest methods. .I hope to hear a portion of thecoming debate in the Commons ‘on the new Suffrage Bill, which is |\ being introduced shortly and over ‘ whico there will be a keen fight. | Yeurs singerely, in Edinburgh London, April 2, 1913. ArtHus® I. Browx. ;By=Law Number 634 4A Byâ€"law _to authorize the issue of | debentures of the Town of Durkham in the County of Grey to the amount of | Two Thousand Dollars (/$2000.00 ) for the purpose of purchasing a site for a factory, to improve the same, and | put the buildings and machinery| therein in a good and proper state of | I't‘[ulil‘. ’ WHEREAS Messieurs Furbur & Jacobs, manufacturers, are desirous of commencing and carrying on the manufacture of weather strips and ventilators, at the said Town of Durâ€" ham and have eutered into an agreeâ€" ment with the Council of the said Corporation for a lease of he premâ€" ises herelnafter mentioned, as a site for the manufactory of the said weaâ€" ther strips and ventilators at the said Town of Durham. a AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation have secured an option for the purchase of the plant, premises and land used in connection therewith from Messieurs G. & J. MeKechuie, of the premises formerly occupied by them as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 on the West side of Qneen Street in the Town of Darham : AND WHEREAS in order to purâ€" chase the said plant and premises and put the same in a fit and proper state of repair it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durâ€" ham for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00) as hereinaiter proâ€" vided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By law) the proceeds of the said deâ€" bentures to be applied to the said purpose and to no other: AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years of the said period (as shown in Schedule " A ‘" hereto annexed ; AND WHEREAS the total amount required by " The Municipal Act " to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of two hundred and sixty five dollars and thirty three cents, ($265.33) AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, aceording to the last revised assessment roll thereâ€" of, is the sum of $587, 120.00 : of the Municipal Corporation ofi the Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the amo nt o{ the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of Local Improvement debts secured by specâ€" ial rates or assessments is £67508 04 and there is no part of the prineipal or interest thereof in arreas : THEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : 1. It shal} and may be lawfal for the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham to enter into an Agreement with the firm of Messieurs G. & J. Mc Kechnie, for the purchase of ard finally to complete the purchase of the plant, premises and site of the building formerly used and occupied by the said firm as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 on the West side of Queen Btreet in the said Town of Durham, and to exâ€" pend the sum of T‘wo Thousand Dollars (§2000.00) in the purchase of the said premises and putting the plant and machinery therein, in & fit and proper state of repair. 2. For the purpose of raising the srid ‘»um of Ewo Thousand Dollars ($2000.(0), debentures of the said Town of Durbham to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (§2000.00) as aforeâ€" said, in Ssums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), each shall be issued on the first day of June A. D. 1{13, each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereâ€" of and shall be payable within ten years thereafter at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada at the said Town of Durham ; 3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasorer of the said Town of" Durham and the Glerk of the said Municipality shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Municipality ; 4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of FRiye and oneâ€" half per centum (5% per cent) per anâ€" uum payable yearly at the office of the said Bank on the first day of June in each and eyery year during the currency thereof and shall have atâ€" tached to them coupons for payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durham: 5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised anâ€" nually by special rate on all the rateâ€" able property in the said Town of Durbam the sum of Two Handred and Sixtyâ€"tive Dollars and thirty three conts (8265.33) ; for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years, fortprincipal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shown in the Schedule "A" hereto annexed) : 6. This Byâ€"law shall take »ffect on the day of the final passing thereof by the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham : 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham entitled to yote shall be taken on this Byâ€"law at the following times and places, that is to say ;â€" On Monday the5th day of May. A. D, 1913, commencing at the hour of nine o‘clock in the forenoon and conâ€" tinumg till five o‘cloeck in the afterâ€" noon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Officers,â€"â€"In the North Ward at George Shires‘ store by Clifton Elvidge, D. R, 0.; in the East Ward at the Town Hall by W. H. Bean D. R. O., and in ‘the West Ward at Norman Walpole‘s office by John $mith D. R. O. 8. On Saturday the 3rd day of May 1913, next, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Durham at the nour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various ‘pollinnplacefl aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behaif of the persons interested in and promoâ€" <1O ARCHIVES TORoNTO Dated at the Council Chamber at the Town of Darham the day of May A. D. 1913. 9. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office in the Town of Vurham at ten o‘clock in the forencon on Tuesday the 6h day of May A. D., 1913, to sum up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"law ; ting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"law respectively : Referred to in the foregoing Byâ€"law, showing how the amount of $2065 83 therein required to be raised annually by special rate is apporiioned. Year â€" Principal _ Interest Total 1914 $155 33 $110 00 $265 33 1915 163 88 101 45 265 33 1916 172 80 U2 44 205 33 1917 182 40 82 93 260 33 1918 192 44 72 89 265 33 1910 203 02 62 31 265 33 1920 214 18 ol 15 2065 83 1921 220 06 30 37 2060 33 1922 238 390 26 94 205 33 1923 251 ol 13 82 2065 3: 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 TAKE NOTIOE that the above is » true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law which bhas been taken into consideration and will be finally passed by the Council o1 the Municipality of the Town o Durhanr (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publiâ€" cation thereof in the "Durnmanm Rreâ€" viEW," the date of which first publiâ€" cation was the 10th day of April A. D, 1913, and that the votes of the eiectors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Frederick Jandt, late _of the townâ€" ship of Bentinck, in the County oJ Girey, farmer, deceased, NOTICOE is hereby given, pursuant to Ontario Statutres 1911, Cap 26, Sec. 55, that all persons bhaving claims against the estate of the said Jacob Frederick Jandt, who died on or about the 13th day of May, A. D., 1912, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of the town of Durham, Selicitor for the »dministratrix, on or before the 19th day of April, 1913. their names. adâ€" dresses and desoriptions and a full statement of particulars of thei claims and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them. duly certified, and that after thesaid day the adâ€" ministratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated the 24th day of March, A. D 1913. 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Darhams, one 10 and other 11 mos old, red and a roan, Apply to The 8rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of let 16, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres, f Lot No. Zand 3, Con, 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more or less, will be sold or rented, either whole or separate, For further particalars, apply to Daxiger McAcuim®r®, Darham, Ont One years vear. Lots 54 and 53, Coneession 3, E.G,R. (Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For parâ€" ticulars apply to Oue of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"three houses for the price of one. Two are sOolid stone and brick eight roomed bouses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two mantels furnace, eistern, good garden, young orchard. _ One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West, Apply on premises or write On Rmuo&ableh tlerms. l;300 acres, comprising West halves of Lots I an * g.rri Con., W,. G. R,, Bentipck 1}% Lot3 on the same Concession, 100 acres cfleared, wgl wmy um creek, two hearins otchards. G frame bouse, cedar log barn. Canvenâ€" ient to School and P. O, Apply to Jas. PATO®N, Pn%p.. Swinton Park. Several houses in Durbham. One nice cottage in Lower Town . A. H.Jacksox, Durham Purnarn, Apr. 16, 1913 Fiour per ewt ........ 2 40 to Oatmeal per sack.... 2 75 t Chop per ewt........ 135 t Buckwheat...... ..â€"â€" 50 t Fall Wheat...........$ 90 to Spring Wheat........ 90 t Oats, feed..... ......... ; 88 A Orts, millipg........ .. _ 22 1 Da&arlGy..>:«:1. +.Â¥ «+ Notice to Creditors CCHS:.:+ ..s»«rs .. .. ; _ 1 Ad :‘ A7 Potatoes per bag. .... . 1 00 to 1 00 t 16 and half of 17, Con, 2, E. G. R. Glenelg, 150 acres. )t 8, Con, 8, 8.D.R., Glenelg, 50 acres )t 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acres t 10, Con, 8, 8. U.R., Glenelg, 59 acres ot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres ot 7, Gon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McKrEonx1t®, Durham Haxxan Jaxcor, Administratrix by her Solicitor, J. P. TEurorp. Durham Markets. $2000 uO For Sale or To Rent. General Purpose Colt rising 21 old. One Clyde Colt rising 1} Both firstâ€"class. | F, McK ixxox, North Line, Priceville, Ont. sCHEDULE "A" Farms for Sale. Farm for Sale. Jouxs EcKkw#arvr, Top Cliff, J. M. LaFIMER, Durham For Sale. A. H. Jac«s0oN, Durham, For Sale For Sale For Sale $653 30 2 40 to 2 90 2 75 to 3 0) 1 35 to 1 50 50 to 50 $ 90 to8 95 MAYOR CLERK 90 to 30 to 90 to $2003 CLERK $265 265 205 260 84 Mf one, . The trustece are -fluu.lflmd spare po patns to # 100 | and pupils have every ud\'.um{ E5 | presentation and aequisition of 9 If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, 100 acres 1 mile South of W illiameford a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost. 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000, 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improyâ€" ed place on which Mr Twamley made money, offered at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good farm, extra buildings, timber worth most of the price. 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $4000, 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm}) good place, oWner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendrdly improved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Lands lor sale or exâ€" H.H. Miller °* _ Oppos RESIDEN University, graduvate of Ro of Dental Surgeons of Onta Over J & J gU’NTEl{'b‘ N change, Ahbove are some of my Many Barâ€" gains. 1t will Pay you to Buy from me. HQNOR GRADUNATE Tor duate Bo{-x Colege â€" Dentistry in all its oranch Ofticeâ€"Over Jewellry site Post Oflice ARTHUR H. JACKSON Telephone Barrister, Solicitor in Court Notary Public Con () amceused A 1 Terms moderate to aates, &c., mus lo&mrhum. (% theke. or to Cey] attended to, Ter: Embaiming a Speciality, Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Suow Rooarrsâ€"Across from,.Middaugh House. Resiovenc®r‘â€"First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop, Phospho"ol restores every PP in Its neanar make ?'uu a new man. Pric $5.. Mailed to any address. Co., 8t. Catharines, Ount. UNDERTAKER an Funeral Director Durham R Continuation Staff and Equipment. The schoo} is thoroughly equtpped in t guility, in c‘le.lch id clecurical sut ttings, &c., for full Junior Leaving an » glation work. The following competeut are in Charge : ffl? ALLAN, Principal and Provinaial Mo4~ Bchooi Teacher, ist Ces Corusigate lnunggq Bwo‘eknb should mgq-r at Lhel.u .fl' term mlfl. uid on Bulfed at reasobable rates." Durham is 1 heal and attractive sown, making it a most desie plg for residenee e record of the School in past yeam I Electric Restorer for Men PPI FEXS:$1 per month in advance «ag WM. FARQUKARSON, D. D. C. RAbAGE Chairmea Becre ts Insyranc New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them Bed Twilled She Heavy blea Floor Oilcloth Table Oilcloth & €, PICKERING D. D . LDS MHONOR GRADUATE of Torono. M J. F.GRANT D BIG 4 . McPHMAIL_.» restores every nerv lâ€"‘g’;_p‘_lflo_lm its proper tens n and vitality, Premature decay : akness averted at once. Phos Money flice on Lan Walpole‘ isyrance ent r1e4; of B.f«.-?f;se DURKHAM, ONT Notary Public fmancial busin« Mr )‘du W Fullll]ine of Catholle Robes and . k and white Cape for 133 people. J. P.TELFORD KUTTOHN,.M.D..C. M CONYEYANCER READ THIS : m A. BELL ommunication Residence at a D. MePHAIL, C(Dylon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham LACE CURTAINS wW. H. BEAN OFFICE HOURS 2â€"4 p m. Ch ) up 1 aby I‘® CALDE ce. Phosphonol will rice $3 @ box, or lr is, TheScobell Lower N w The Hanover Conveyancer Na School 1 € n 12 BLOCK W nd oppo re yard slty, Grm won s uprem SSIoner in the n ; mm i all sexual TR6O DA To d Becretary rono, Mege ooms re carly ite istr £ Sr ,. :r r ), pr ) i pr ire V yd pty i4 # b# [ ,} #* 3+ 3 %

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