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Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1913, p. 1

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B. A #43 nts ay BX ns {row an AN Iy PA £4 (uele®elan ale®aletale s olor ale=elera io "ale® ol a 2s 201s "olo "al o ala" s o Cule Sol oc o e be °ol ane o l aleSel MRS. J. C. NICHOL, Representative Box 107, Durham P THE Spire : Gold Medal Flour gyeb? OFFicp I form of investment. _ TORONTO D UR H A M BRANCH, John Kelly, | 11 Al 4) ,,,,,J Every friend of Temperance in South Grey i) BANK h ne A DIF ella SPIRELLA CORSETS or EANADA We have Cracked Corn, Wheat, Buckwheat, Oats, for your hens. _ Mix Chop made from pure grain, Corn, wholo or grouad, Bran, Shorts, Midlings, for sale at close prices Cill at the Mill and let us tell you all about Gold Medal Flour. MARKET PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF GRAIN. MceKECHNIE‘S MILLS VOL. XXXVIl, NO. 17 ty d % R, No/ R A1 CAKQ, AJ _ ITRRKIRALRT ?, FRED. J. WELSH 5 io o on n t wl e o tak n n an0) aua ann) x d a o ate ato 2 ate ata uPn s s May WrC ’ t y is a high patent, pure Manitoba I\U: th-“’ eSt Gem Flour.g x[:xilled ':-xpressly for » who wish an extra strong Flour, equal in every way to any romillod, and the price is much less, _ You can get any sized of Flour from us you require. Sâ€"ANDARD Let us do your Choppingâ€"â€"we know how. Durbham will remain lay evenings after 6 t, when they will be nesday and Siturday m Spring Millinery Opening You are invited. Everybody is invited to come and look over at their leisure our display. The diversity and charm of the new hats will at once appeal to the modish woman in search of fashion‘s latest innovations. The new Millinery is best described as a sumptuous color scheme. Garlands of velvet flowers cirele the crowns while while Oriental mounts play an imporâ€" tant part in trimming this season. No effort has been spared to make this event more attractive than ever to our patrons, and we are certain that the satisfaction ensured each buyer will make our rooms yery popular to our customers through the season. n modern Milling. â€" Sales of GOLD MEDAL outclass vod wherever it has been offered. GOLD MEDAL y use has no equals. _ It is the best family Flouar ntinent and the price is no higher than the ordinâ€" rticle now on the market. holda v= . MORLOCK the special aster, _ Seâ€" days. _ The old in stares standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal investment ; the ability to realize quickly the second, Judged by these . Orrers CroTHwEs ror SosRrI®ETY.â€" l Immediately atter imposing a fine of :$20 on two brothers called Larose, for \ being intoxicated last week, Reeve | Brown of Chesley, who is also a magâ€" \istrate of that town reversed from his judicial state and suddenly became kind. He offered each of the men a suit of clothes if they did not taste liqâ€" uor for a year House ror SaLe.â€"6 roomed house, corner of Garafraxa and Park Sts. with 4 acre of land and fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Lauric, Durham. ECURITY for both principal and ) interest is the first essential of an The Burhim 1873 Manager. 137 Box WaxtsD.â€"A good stout boy to learn the Hardware bnsiqess. Apâ€" ply to W . Buack. Hay ror Sarek.â€"Apply at Kelsey‘s Photograph gallery. The U. 8. S. of Edge Mill opens for the summer montbs on May 4, with Mr W. J. Ritchie as sugperintendént, _ Furxiter® Saue.â€"Ono Saturday, 3rd of May, Mrs Jas. Lawrie will sell by public auction her housebhold Furâ€" niture and other goods. Sale at 2 p.m. at her residence, Lower Town. Terms Cash Pusric HrautH.â€"An official train illustrating methods preservative of health will arrive in Durham by the morning G. T. R. train on April 30, and remain till May 2. Keep these dates in mind. Axotasr CrHaxg®,.â€"The bus and dray business is soon to pass into new hards, or rather old hands, Mo John Whittaker, a former proprietot, who has returned after a year in the west, having repurchased the business from Mr D. Doherty. No papers are as yet drawn, but we understand possession will be given May lst. The Young People of the Baptist Church will hold a * Rubber " socia! in the church schoolâ€"room on Friday evening, May 2. A good program will be rendered and light refreshâ€" ments seryed. Admission 2 Ibs, of old rubbers or 10c. _ 1st and 20d priz. es given for largest quantities of old es giy en LOF DAERE®L . LEUULLOTEARTR . CC tingas rubbers. LapiEs‘ Aip to Heup tHs GurLDpâ€"At a meeting of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Presbyterian Church on Monday even. ing, a grant of $50 was voted to the piano [fund of the Young Peoples‘ Guild. The Guild held their second sale of home made baking on Saturday and realized the sum of $19 which will be applied to the same fund. In the list of beneficravies from the late J. P. Morgan‘s will, we notice the name of Captain Porter, captain of the late Magnate‘s steam yacht, down for the sum of $15,000, It may be reâ€" cslled by some that Captain Porter‘s wife was a sister of the late Mrs (Rev.) Newton and visited her here on differâ€" ent occasions. s Newâ€"Prrenwrgonâ€"Pas#@o&.â€"The in â€"\ duction of the Rey. Archibald Mcâ€" Vicar, B. A., as pastor of Chalmers Church, Flesherton and an associated congregation â€" took place Ja@se on Thursday An presence Of a large conâ€" gregation. â€" Rev, W. C, Mercer, modâ€" erator of Orangeville Presbytery, preâ€" sided. â€"Rev. J. A. Matheson, of Priceâ€" ville, preached,. Rev,. Dr. McKenzie, of Shelburne, addressed the new pasâ€" tor and Rev. G. W. Rose, of Oorbet:â€" ton, addressed the people,. After the service a reception was tendered the new pastor and his family. Mr Mcâ€" Vicar is a brother of Mrs (Rev.) Mcâ€" Lean, whose husband is the pastor of the Hampden and Hanover Presbyterâ€" ian churches, and of Rev. Donald Meâ€" Vicar. formerly of Dromore and Knox Normanby. _ The Gaiid on Monday gave an evenâ€" ing on Tennyson, when a large numâ€" ber turned out ta do the poet honor. Misses Julia Weir and Vaddie Caldâ€" ! well contributed a duett, **Sweet and Low " ; Mrs Bert Stonehouse, a solo, * Orossing the Bar." while Miss Marâ€" guerite Hutton gave a piano solo and little Marjory Pickering a pleasing recitation. The major part of the eveâ€" ning though fell to Miss Niven of the 3rd room classes, who gaye an exhausâ€" tive and excellent paper on "* Ulysses" the great warrior of ancient Greece, and in which Tennyson considers he put most of himself into. So well had this paper been prepared that a moâ€" tion was made and carried to haye the press insert it for the further benefits of its readers,. Mrs G. McKechnie alâ€" so gave a good rendition of Locksley Hall. Lorp‘s Day ALLIANCE. â€"Rey. W. (G. Hanna on Thursday evening last, gave an iHlominating address in the Baptist ehurch on the aims and work of the Alliance. The Alliance, as its aims were getting better understood was gaining the respect ef employers as well as employes, Its aim was to promote the welfare of all, the efficiâ€" ency of the people being the greatest National asset. The Alliance bas seâ€" cured recognition in 9 provinces and no fewer than 135,000 toilers haye in recent years got the weekly rest day through its influence. Ontario was now fast becoming a manufacturing province and it was important to have the law well euforced, He showed how necossary was yvigilance to preâ€" yent encroachments by Railways, boat lines, so called " Sunday Concerts, &c., pointing to the awful fact that in England 700,000 men had to work to provide amusement for Sanday, Vigilance was necessary too to con. trol the many foreigners amongst us. if Canada was to hbold her Sabbath sacred. Mr Hanna is retiring from the arduous work of the fieid Secreâ€" tary of the Alliance. He is a convineâ€" ing speaker. Rev. Mr Hartley is presâ€" .dent of Duarham Branch. is urged to attend the Convention in Durham Methodist Church, on Monday, 28th April, at 1.30 p. ost. BRGHAM, Auctioneer ©"OPIC®G DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913 F. W. With which is incorporated the Holsttin Leader Messrs Robt. Watt and Wm. Wigâ€" gins left Tuesday to take positions in he cement plant at St, Marg‘s. New MarRiaGE Act.â€"Henceforth Issuers of Marriage Licenses and clergyâ€" men are subject to a fine not exceeding $500 if they know or believe that eithor of theâ€"contracting parties is an idiot, insane or under the influence of liquor. To put a stop to berder towns like Sarnia, Windsor and Niagara Falls becoming veritable (GGretna Grecns the new law provides that if neither of the parties has lived in the town or district where they propose to be married for 15 days before the date set for the marriage, their marriage must be published for three weeks in a local paper. c ol..citizens hadâ€"gathered beside Robt: Ewen‘s livery barn, Wwhegh was tihen in flames. The rain checked the rapidity of the blaze but the stable was doomed and a bucket brigade extending on to thc‘ roof saved Robt Burnett‘s stable in clos proxWfiFfiSfi&g the fireE" and had it been a dry windy morning, their residence and the Baptist Church nearby would probably have been wiped out as well. The Fire Brigade turned on the hose in 25 or 30 minutes and soon quieted the blaze. When the fire was in its incipient stage Mr. Limin had removed a stallion and another horse and vehicles were also pulled out, so the only contents destroyed are some robes, harness, and a small quantity of hay and oats. The cause is unknown, but supposedly was accidently started by someone in the loft, as the blaze was first seen there on East side. The stable was owned by Mrs. Warner and carried an insurance of $125. Monday, 28th April. In Methâ€" odist Church, Durham. Beginning at 180 p. m. a Conyention of 8. Grey Tempom«*tooworkers will convene as above for the purpose of planning the most effective means of still further and sveedily prpobibiting Â¥he legal and public sale of intoxicants. Every congregation, temperance \Suciety, Young People‘s Societies, }sbould send representatives, " Law Enforcement," " Objections to Local Option," * Our Goal " are some of the topics, Kev,. Dr. W. 8. McTavish, Rev. J. Muir, M. A., will be the chief speakers and there wil} be an interesting " Roll Call " from municipalities, This week every operation is in full blast at the Cement works, the first ears of marl having been brought in on Monday, With prices at all fair there is a prospect of a good season ahead foo our big institution, Pendâ€" ing the arrival of a new chemist, Mr Robinson, of Owen Sound, chemist last year, has kindly come down for a few days to take charge of that imâ€" portant department, his own mill not having started yet. The new chemist comes from Jackson, Mich . Burning begun at Cement Works * It does seem a consotation that he is at rest after all that he had sufferâ€" ed." said Rev. Norman McCausland, referring to the late Rev, W, L Newâ€" ton, in his memorial sermon to the departed pastor on Sunday moreing. " His family are glad to see him at rest after the affliction. Peace came to Mc Newton after the dark hour." Mr McCUausland stated that death was spoken of in three forms, The tirst form of death was spoken of in the Bible as sieep. The second was a sense of departure while the third form was death in the Lord. The preacher contended that death to the latter of the three forms, robbed the graye of its victory and death itâ€" self lost its sting. Mr Newton‘s death he would classify under this head. He had been resting from his labours and waiting for the final call, Mr McCausland pad a high tribute to the iutegrity, ability and charactep of his predecessor. Hestated that he had but slightly known Mr Newton, but eyen in the interval that he had been with him, the qualities which had endeared and had made him beâ€" loved of his congregation, had been recognized. The speaker averred that the church building, the sermons that had been preached and numerons kind deeds which had been performed, would be permanent monuments to Mr Newton:â€" Previous to his discourse, the pastor read a letter from Mr Keith L. Newâ€" ton. of Toronto, thanking him for the memorial rices which were being paid to his father and regrebting deeply that circumstances did not permit him to attend the services. Convention Call Memorial Service. w 4# # 4 _ Tuesday last Inspector Wm. Allan, had two cases before Police Magis: trate Telford for violations of the Ltâ€" quo? Act. Mysterions Local{Option Beer The first was against the proprietor of the Middaugh House, Mr. J. C. Nichol!, _ He was charged with baving supplied whiskey or other intoxtcaâ€" ting liquorto three men who were summoned as witnesses ; Messrs Samâ€" uel McComb, Dayid Allan and Ww. Ryan. MrCameron, one of the legal lights of Owen Sound, appeared for the prosecution and Mr Klein of Walk» erton for the defendantâ€" ‘The witnesses were taken over their doings and babits in regard to liquor ’nd liquor bouses,. All three of them denied having got whiskey at the house, all &greed that it was the barâ€" tender who served them, though they did not all agree on the number of treats. _ There was general obscurity also as to what constituted local opâ€" tion beer, would scarcely know the difference between it and laager beer, though MrRyan was confident it was not like the beer he had sold years ago. _ Pressed if they were sure there was no whishkey in their drink, they supposed not, there "imay hbhave," but any way they asked for and were supâ€" plhed with the tender stuif. Mr Nichol swore he had no whiskey round his premises, he ordered his beer from Huether of Neustadt, didn‘t know where it came from but supposâ€" ed it was the stuff he ordered, The magistrate decided the proseâ€" cution had not proved their case and dismissed it. In the other case John Gibson was accused of being drank and disorderly on the public street. _ Messrs W, J. Lawrence, Jas. Lioyd, E. J, Watson, A D Browning and Revy Mr Prudham all testified with perfect unanimity that shortly af.er 10 p. m. on Tuesday l5th inst, they met him near Gara= fraxa St. bridge reeling and staggerâ€" ing and plainly under the influence of liquor, _ Mr Klein took the witnesses far afield, but did not sucrseed in provâ€" ingfrom them that a sober wan usuâ€" ally staggers or that the staggering they saw proceeded from cocaine, morphine or some other drug. Iu rebuttal Messrs Val. Habuard sun Oscar, Arch Black, David Ritebie John Whittaker, V. Damm, Fred Gibson, Geo Arnett and several Qthâ€" ers supported the defendant in his declaration of sobriety that day. Some had worked with him all afternoon, some had taken supper with him, some accompanied him to a dance beâ€" tween 8 and 9 p m at Arnett St‘s., saw him there off and o» till 3 a m., had no liquor that they knew, &c. There is needed evyerywhere, and in this town, a eombination of all moral elewents, both of persomality and inâ€" Huence, to form a public opinion aâ€" gainst the degrading drink. The curse of the liquor traffic, even in locâ€" al option beer, is bringing down the manbood of many toâ€"day, as it ever has done. War, famine, pestilence, rages awhile and then stops, but this monster incessantly is on the trail of hamanity. Few wholistened thas day to cerâ€" tain of the evidence given under oatb after kissing God‘s holy book, but must have been shocked, _ That menâ€" tal reservyations, perhaps worse, were being made far from consistent with "the whole truth and nothing but the truth," seemed very eyident,. . Some will place the blame on local option, oyerlooking the fact that in licensed districts, whiskey cases show the same perversity. k His honor however thought the case proved and imposed a fine of $20 and costs, Spring work is again in full swing. Quite a number have already sown some seed. â€" e k & "‘;I;-\R"l_ll Buchanan of Williamsfotd spent the past week with his grandâ€" father Mr. Andrew Scott, On Monday evening a meeting was held in the school to elect officers for the Sunday school, which opens on | the first Sunday in May. 'Miss Anna Scott and Miss Sarah McDonald spent the week end with {riends at Williamsford. Mr. George Herd from Allan Park is at present very ill at his sister‘s, Mrs Robt. Lindsay. Miss Belle McGirr has been unable to attend to her studies at Mt. Forest for the past two weeks on account of an attack of pleurisy. Mr. Will Andrews has the timber for his new barn on the ground and hewed. Will was lucky this vear. He was ‘about the only man in the neighborhood who bhad not the roof blown off his barn very ill. Mrs. Alexander spent part of last week at Ms. George Aljoe‘s. On Wednesday of this week Miss Sadie Whitmore unites heart end hand with Mr. Robert Wells. Congratulaâ€" tions,. x We are sorry to report that Mr. Aljoe is not improving very fast. Mrs. Waliter Nichol Jr. is at present Liquor Cases Green Grove â€"â€"â€"â€"@ 44â€"â€"__â€"â€" RIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO Mr Thos. Scarf belieyes in the best stock and last week imported a fine Yorkshire hog from the fansous Woodâ€" stock breeder, H. J. Davis. I want to rent a good house with 4 bedrooms, down town preferred. J, D. ABraABAM, The People‘s Store. A Goonp Faim â€"No fewer than 33 horses were sold at April tair and conâ€" sidering the season this was a fair record. Prices were an improvement on recent fairs too, buyers being keen, Greatly delighted was the [’renh;-‘ terizn congregation here on Sunday last with the presence and preaching of Rey, R. P. McKay, The warmth of the setting he gave the 21st chapter of Revelation, which he read and come» mented on, will not soorn be forgotten, nor the Missionary appeal of the morning service, founded en the " Great Commission." In the evenâ€" iIng to a large congregation his text was ** God is Love " and his fine presâ€" ence, winuing way and almost aposâ€" tolic presentation fell like a benedicâ€" tion on all beart‘s, He came without fee, to givye a day to his friend, Rey Dr. Farquharson, whom he regards as a power in the church, and whose temporary illness he hopes will result in richer blessings in the days to come to himseif and to his people. BORN Pick®rixga.â€"On Thursday, April 17, to Dr, and Mrs W. C. Pickering, a daughter. oge aBe se afe ofe e c abe ofa ofe agarte ofaniie ofe ofe alta ole alfe abe ale oo ce oily ake sls se yÂ¥ J ie n e o To n oo Ip e i o e e h o i ip ip y tp i s ts Bp op THE ROYAL BANK OF GANADA Bank Bldgsâ€"Frinces S Cor. William a miIRHAM BRANCH : S. HUGHMES, Manager. VALLEY FARM Replete with tender pathos, vivid character portraits and homely humor SPECIAL MUSICâ€"â€"NEW SCENIC EFFEOTS and a well balanced cast. Popular Prices â€"â€" 15, 25, 35c. Plan at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. _ Curtain at 8.15 New Goods will be Maintained during APRIL, MAY and JUNE MISS E. M. McAULIFFE of the Anglican Young People‘s Association of Durham, will appear in i the Town Hall, Durham riday Evening, April 25% Try and visit our Show Room. _ We can show you something that will suit you in shape and coloring and in price, Visit us as soon as posâ€" sible and get your hats before the rush. h t# 4# ANNOUNCEMENT ! A Comedy Drama of New England Farm Life, from the pen of Arthur Lewis Tribbs Play â€" without 290 Branches throughout Canada. " THE PLAYERS " « THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Savings Department at all Branches. WITH WHICH IS UNITED ‘INCORPORATED 18eo Published Woek!? at $1.00 a vear, C. BRAMAGE & 3ON,Posurea®as ; NMre Dogalda Campbell and little son 1 Walter, of Maxbass, N. Dakota, is yisâ€" {iting ber parents, Mr and Mrs T. | Greenwood . ue | _ Miss Clara Ritchie is learning operâ€" ’nting at the telephone Oenu_nll._~ yuiure i Mr W. A, Campbell left on Monday morning to take charge of a school \uear Dundalk He has just completâ€" ied writing off examinations in Engâ€" lish and Pbysics which if he is eacâ€" wceuful in will entitle him to drop ltwo years in bis university degree | course. Miss Maher, who has visited a coaple weeks at Mr John McAukife‘s, left Wednesday for her bhome in Paris. Mr Jim Allan left Wednesday for Buffalo, where he may take a position, Mr Jas. Brown, of Holsteic, visited his cousin Joe this week, Mr Ted Lamb, of the C. P. R. staâ€" tion staff, has left the road and reâ€" turned to his home near Gueiph on Tuesday, Mr. Charles Vair of Texas, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dz. Gun for a few days. Miss Verna Cross, teacher at Irish Lake, and a ‘12 Model student here visited town friends over Sunday. Miss Jessie Munro, nurse of Toronto is home for a few weeks‘ vacation Mrs Donald Morrison, of Qakville, Man.. arrived last week to yisit her father who is ill. NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sts. Plot

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