West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1913, p. 5

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s have a rrive freâ€" KQ illing, 24, 1913 Cers Par nnule ele"nle"ale@s(a7s ery goods ne month, so that ulate you."" Later aing to feel more my condition i# cok." His last re« â€"As I feel this i® tment that I will IN ONE MONTH. "his patient (aged a of Nervous Deâ€" aese and was rum tality. After one * reports as fol~ very well. 1 have nsent 8 CURED 1 but he st * * §A# 4# 5 US ) belfeve I will. kind attention," at match are nic© ind am very myself cured, ompletely diwâ€" e and it seems® and feel lea® for that habit toms when he 21. single, in« several yemr® silesâ€"pimple® two months‘ know it Cares a box to our CaRe $1 128 en The Ideal Men‘s Furnishing Store Spring Suits are Here We â€"have something for your selection and worthy of your inspection. We certaimly have the classy woods in Men‘s Odd Pants, tailor: made, for spring and sumImer. , Here is where fashion reigns supreme in Everything a Man W ears. «s We carry only what is Newest and Best An attractive crop of the newest desicns in Caused by Kidney, Stomach ana Bowel Disorders For the Workshop 1/ F\ Men‘s Tailor ard Furnisher all and examine our stock and see the ArS > n At M APRIL 24, 1913 LOST VITALITY 5mall Profits ‘resh from the Factory iu the newest designs and iu the neatest patterns. Bring us the sizes of the rooms you wish papered and the height of the ceilings and we will tell you at once what you want, 1913 Wall Papers We have a large assortment in the newest oriental shades, rich in appearâ€" ance though not too costly. We cordially inyite you to have a look at them. We carry a full line of the E. $1.00 corset Frosh Groceries are coutinually arriving. See our 23¢ brooms. Try MecKechnie‘s Purs Soap, 8 cakes for 25¢. See our fine stock of Dress Goods, fine black selvage of every yard. $1 per yard. Men‘s Fine Shoesâ€"we have the Queen of all shoes and Prince of all styles a J W MAXNXVERS lealers, 25 avd 50 cents or the 0.. St Thomas, Out. John, N, B,. Sept. I8, 1911 rother was a great sufferer ‘v, stomack and bowel troubâ€" as given up by two doctors. lvised â€" to try â€" your Fig Pills, lid and after taking five boxes etely restored to hea‘th and toâ€"dav than he has been for ‘ou can‘t recommend Fig Pills Samples of NEWEST BUDS FROM FASHLIONS GARDENS Special in Negligee Shirts Prad o oparor soilgr it e to match ‘rop of the + ® * s y c o5 Shirts, Collars, Neekties, H051ery Groceries Highest Price for Butter, Eg McKechnie‘s Weekly News‘xs: GEO. 8. BURNETT RUGS (On Second Floor) . & J. McKECHNIE Holding the record as we do as headquarters for the best of Men‘s Furnishings, it is quite natural that we should have the best Dress Shirts You will find them entirely correct in fit and shape, with every detail which fashion deâ€" mands. Proton Station Brick and Tile yards formerly owned by J, C. Wright, will be in operation as soon as the weather permits, _ Prices right. Satisfaction guaranteed. A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pilis are exceedingly g’oweriul in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations,. _ Dr. de Yan‘s are sold at #5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Coâ€", St. Catharines, Ont Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills in all sizes, all up.â€"toâ€"date cBrts," a New Lot of . P m Hats & Caps C// s rlaims attention. Fedoras, we have the best that can be had. See our Leather Label gooud:â€"Overalls, Smocks, Shirts and Gloves. Corsets orystt en‘ Brick and Tile. W . J. Irwix, Prop:ietor,. orsets, the best in the market. _ See the Our stock is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes Next the Standard Bank, Durham $ _ Also a fine line of Gloves, A Raincoats and Umbrellas claims atteation. Fedoras, Christys, Caps, etc. See them while the assortment is fresh, ; silk with our nrme on the Among things just opened up Fine weather and good roads are welcome visitors in the burg, after the long wet spell. We weleome back Miss Win. Greenâ€" wood, who spent the last three years in the West. Those who had their narn roofs damaged with the windstorm, have them all replaced and shingled again, Mr and Mrs Thos. Moore and baby girl, of MeWilliams, visited with hber On Second Floor Edge Hill Apples x /6 99 t ... 2t THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr 1. Davis and Miss Jennie Dayis of Zion, visited at W. J. MceFarlane‘s on Surday last, > x Mr Jno, L. McDonald, of Pricseâ€" ville, visited friends in this burg a souple of days recently. Little Marjory Ritchie, daughter of Wm. Ritcbie, Jr., is ill with couflestioa of the Iungs. FEP Miss Maggie Firth who was successâ€" fal in hber Normal esams, left last week to take a course in Demestic Science in Toronto. Misa Pearl Wilson of town spent one evening lately at her sister‘s, Mrs Thos. Ritchie. Ploughing is the order of the Cay in this part. mother, Mrs D. Firth, one day lately. Mr and Mrs Doug. Campbell, of the West, are at present visiting at Mr Thos. Greenwood‘s. Ploughing is the order of the day in this neighborhood. Mrs Wm. Bailey and two children visited her sister, Mrs John McKelvie near Hanover, for a tew days last week. Mrs Robt. Long and . Edith, of Walkerton, visited her parents ard sisters here the past week. Agentâ€"McFadden, of Darham, deâ€" livered an organ at Mr Malcolm Mcâ€" Callum‘s. Mr and Mrs Alf. Bailey, of Allan Park, visited the former‘s brothers the first of last week. Mr and Mrs Robt. Carrie, of Lamâ€" lash were visiting at their son‘s reâ€" cently . Miss McLaughton and Miss Jennie MeDonald, of Lamlash, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr John Phillips has been enterâ€" taining the neighbors with his new Ediscm gramaphone lately. Miss Annie Brown spent an atterâ€" noon last week with her friend, Mrs Andrew Hastis. Mr Alex Morton, of Aberdeen bas purchased the McLarty farm from Mr Robt. Long. On Sunday evening, April 27, a representative ofâ€" the Dominion Alliâ€" ance, will speak in the church here. In there a man in the county of Grey who does not want to get better prices for his apples than he is gettiug at the present time or than he got last fall 2 We do not belieye there is one. Then if there are none such we are all willing to work together for the good cause. To get these betâ€" ter prices we must look ahead a little, It we do not then we will secure only the same prices we secured last fall. In the first place let us announce the tact that an apple exhibit ftrom the County of Grey will be made at the Toronto Flower, Fruit and Honey Show next fall and we all want to be in readiness for it. The county counâ€" cil have geverousiy donaied $200 to this end and it is up to us as fruit tarmers to get busy and make the best use of the money possible. In the first place have we our orâ€" chards properly praned ? If not then i; is time we were getting busy with that job. Many of us cut ovut the limbs we can reach from the centre of the tree. This is not the proper method of pruning. We should leave all the centre wood possible as long as the sanshine gets into the tree and thin eut the outer edges ol the trees to let the air and sunshine in as far as we can. There are some men who make a practice of doing the pruning tor others but we can all do our own if we set at it. And what about the spraying ? Haye we never doue any 0t is? We should give at least three applications of the spray. This will assist us in driving out the insects and the tunâ€" gus diseases. The first application of lime salphar should be given jast before the buds open. Not tou soon before or you may injare the young bads. When the wood is dormant is the proper time. This will kill off the Oyster Shell Bark Louse and oth erc lossets that harber ander the rough bark of the trees during the winter. _ The second application shi uld be bordeaux inixture sprayed on the trees just after the buds are open and ere the blossoms show their petals. The last application should be given jast after the blossoms fall. Do not spray while the blossoms are |open because you will kili the bees and will not have the blossoms proâ€" perly fertifized and your frait crop | will be small if this is the case. This ]la.st.dose of spray is specially suited \to meet the codling moth and get it | out of the way. Make the spray solution as follows : Limo Suiphur :â€"Slake 20 lbs. of fresh lime in about 15 gallons of ~boilâ€" ing water in a kettle or some other boiling apparatus. _ While slaking add 15 lbs. of sulphur made into the form : of a (paste. Stir well and boil vigorously for ene hour. Strain and apply at once. This should not be applied to anything but the dormant Bordeax Mixture :â€"Dissolve 4 lbs. copper.. sulphare (bluestone) in a wooden or brass vessel with hot waâ€" ter, pour igto a barrel and add cold water to make 20 gallons, Slake 4 Ibs. lime with bot water and pour into a secoud barrel diluting to 20 gallons. Stir both barrels well and pour the limeinto the sulphate barâ€" rel. To this I%ixture add & lbs. of Araenate of Lead. Let us all get to work and make the fruit grow the best that is so that we wi‘l haye the best exhibit possible in Toronto. This exhibit will show the world that we can and do grow the best apples in Ontario. Then the buyers will come here and we will get the bigger and better prices we are looking for. For fortber informâ€" ation write to Secretary, Grey Connz Board of Agriculture, Mr H. C. Do a} Markdalo®. After Better Prices. Mulock A Byâ€"law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars /$2000.00) for the purpose of purchasing a site for a factory, to improve the same, and put the buildings and machinery theérein in a good and proper state of repair, WHEREAS Messieurs Furbur & Jacobs, manufacturers, are desirous of commencing and carrying on the manufacture of weather strips and ventilators, at the said Town of Durâ€" ham and have entered into an agreeâ€" ment with the Council of the said Corporation for a lease of <he premâ€" ises herelnafter mentioned, as a site for the manufactory of the said weaâ€" ther strips and ventilators at the said Town of Durham. of the Municipal Corporation ef the Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation have secursed an option for the purchase of the plant, premises and land used in connection therewith from Messieurs G. & J. MceKechnie, of the premises formerly occupied by them as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 onthe West side of Queen Street in the Town of Darham : AND WHEREAS in order to purâ€" chase the said plant and premises and put the same in a fit and proper state of repair it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Town of Durâ€" ham for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (¢$2000.00) as hereinafter proâ€" vided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By law) the proceeds of the said deâ€" bentures to be applied to the said purpose and to no other: Byâ€"Law Number 634 AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years of the said period (as shown in Schedule " A ‘‘ hereto annexed :. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by * The Municipal Act " to be raised annually by special rateâ€" for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is the sum of two hundred and sixty five dollars and thirty three cents, ($265.33) AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereâ€" of, is the sum of $587, 120.00 : AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of Loeal Improvement debts secured by specâ€" ial rates or assessments is $67508.04 and there is no part of the prineipal or interest thereof in arrear : THEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham to enter iuto an Agreement with the firm of Messieurs G. & J. Mc Kecbnie, for the purchase of and finally to complete the purchase of the plant, premises and site of the building formerly used and occupied by the said firm as a sash and door factory and situate on Lot Number 5 on the West side of Queen Street in the said Town of Durbham, and to exâ€" pend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (§2000 00) in the purchase of the said premises and putting the plant and machinery therein, in a fit and proper state of repair. 2. For the purpose of raising the said ‘»um of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.(0). debentures of thesaid Town of Durham to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (§2000.00) as aforeâ€" said, in Sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), each shall be issued on t he first day of June A. D. 1€13, each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereâ€" of and shall be payable within ten years thereafter at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada at the said Town of Durham ; 3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of thesaid Town of" Duarham and the Clerk of the said Municipality: shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Municipality ; 4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Fiye and oneâ€" half per centum (5$) per cent) per anâ€" uum payable yearly at the office of the said Bank on the first day of June in each and eyery year during the currency thereof and shall have atâ€" tached to them coupons for payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durhans: 5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised anâ€" nually by special rate on all the rateâ€" able property in the said Town of Durbam the sum of Two Handred and Sixtyâ€"tive Dollars and thirty three cents ($2065.33) ; for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years, for principal and interest in. respect of the said debt (as shown in the Schedule "A" hereto annexed) : 6. This Byâ€"iaw shall take »ffeet on the day of the final passing thereof by the Municipal Council of the Town of Durbam : 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town of Durham eniitled to yote shall be taken on this Byâ€"law at the following times and places, that is to say ;â€" On Moenday the 5th day of May, A. D, 1913, commencing at the hour of nine o‘clock in the forencon and conâ€" tinuing till five o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Officers,â€"â€"In the North Ward at George Shires‘ store by Clifton Elvidge, D. R, O. ; in the East Ward at the Town H_uLl b&W. r!.“ée:n-- D. R. O.. and in ithe West Ward at Norman Walpole‘s effice by John 8mich D. R. O. _ _ 8. On Saturday the 3rd day of May 1913, next, the Mafior of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Durham at the bour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various Pollinpipl.u- aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoâ€" TORONTO 9. ‘The Clerk of the Oouncil of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office in the Town of LVurham at ten o‘clock in the forencon on Tuesday the 6th day of May A. D., 1913, to sum up the number of votes fer and against this Byâ€"law ; Dated zt the Council Chamber at the Town of Uarham the day of May A. D. 1913. Refepred to in theforegoing Byâ€"law, showing how the amount of $265 83 therein required to be raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year â€" Principal â€" Interest Total 1914 $155 33 #110 00 $265 33 1915 163 88 101 45 265 33 1916 172 89 92 44 265 33 1917 182 40 82 93 265 83 1918 192 44 72 89 265 33 1910 203 02 62 31 265 33 1920 214 18 d1 15 265 33 By 1921 TAKE NOTICE that the ahbove is a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law which has been taken into consideration and will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of the Town of Durham (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained therelo) after one month from the first publiâ€" cation thereof in the "DurHaM R®â€" VIEW," the date of which first publiâ€" cation was the 10th day of April A. D. 1913, and that the votes of the eiectors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. The council met April 5th as per adjournment. All the members presâ€" ent, minates of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications read trom Angas McKechnie, John Robinâ€" son, Pr Hutton and the Municipal Werld. Peartâ€"Young â€"That the reeye and John McMiilan be a committee to see about a road to the station in the " Glen.‘"â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"â€"Youngâ€"That the annual salary of the Medical Officer ef Health be $100 30. â€"â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Youngâ€"That Hugh Meâ€" Eachern be paid $3.00 tor repairing read at lot 51, con 3, § D R.â€"Ca«rried McMillan â€" Lindsay â€" That â€" Joe Black be paid $2.00 for repair of road at lots 23 and 24, con 4, N D R and A Black $2.25 for repairing washout at lot 33, con 2.â€"Carried. Lindsay â€" McMillan â€" That the Municipal World be paid their acâ€" equnts of Jan 30th and February 10th $10.80 for supplies.â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€" That â€" John Moffat be paid $2 forinspecting sheep for Dascan McNab anad Geo Ritchie. â€"Carried. Peartâ€"Youngâ€"That the Assessor be paid $50.00 on salary.â€"Carried . Lindsay â€" McMillan â€"â€" That â€" the clerk be paig $40.00 on salary. â€"Car. Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€" That â€" Richard Engiish be retunded $1.00 for dog tax paid in 1912, as he had no dog.â€" Carried. Lindsayâ€"Young â€"That Wm Weir, J A McMillan and Thos Nichol be paid $1.00 each for trip to Markdale on legal business. â€"Carried. Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€"That J and W Firth be paid $2 22 for ploughing out second con, E G R and that Geo Hopâ€" kins be paid $2 for fill at washout at lot 1, con 2 and that Alex® Beli be paid $2 for fill of washout at lot 56 G R and cutting timber at lot 3, con 1, G R.â€"Oarried. MceMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€"That â€" Isaae Traynor be paid $194 00 for briige steecl for McGillivray bridge.â€"Car. The Council adjourned to May 3rd at 10 a. m. quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. : n 25 Cents. The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres, Lot 16 and half of 17, Con. 2. E. G. R. Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Con. 8, 8.D.R., Glenelg, 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con. 8. 8. U.R., G)enelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres Lot 7, Gon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McK_®ouxi®, Durbim 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Durhams, one 10 and other 11 mes old, red and a roan, Apply to Lot No. 2and 3, Uon. 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more or less, will be sold or rented, either whole or separate, For further particulars, apply to Daxigt McAvuiFFrE, Durham, Ont One General Purpose Oolt rising 2 years old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 year. Both firstâ€"class. F, McKI1®xxo®, Narth Line, Priceville, Ont. Lots 54 and 53, Coneession 3, E.G,R. Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For parâ€" ticulars apply to \ One of the best investiments in Durâ€" hamâ€"three houses for :h« price of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed bouses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. T wo mantels furnace, cistern, good garden, yom: orchard. One frame seven room house. Must he sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises or write Glenelg Council 251 51 For Sale or To Rent. sCHEDULE "A" Farms for Sale. Joun Ecxuarv®, Top Cliff, For A. H. Jac«son, Duiham, J. M. LATIMEE, For Sale the passing of this J. S. Buack, Clerk 62 31 d1 15 89 37 26 94 13 82 MAYOR CLERK $2653 30 CLERK 265 33 100 acres 1 mile South of W illamsford a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000. 800 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improyâ€" ed place on which Mr Twamley made money, offered at a great bargain, . 200 acres near Louise, good farm, extra buildings, timber worth most of the price. 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $4000. 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm)good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly uaproved,. Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Land®s for sale or exâ€" change. Above are some of my Many Barâ€" aalc. It will Pay you to Ruy om me. If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, H.H. Miller J. G. HUTTON,M. D.. C. M FRICE: Over J. P. Delforts office, nearly U opposite hexisury Qdice, RESIDENCE : Second bouse south of Registré oflice on east sige of Albert 8t. OFFICE HOURS 8â€"11 a m 2â€"4 p m. 7â€"9 p. am. Telephone Communication between Office end Residence at all hours. W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS HONOR GRADUATE of Toromo. University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Over J & J 'KUNTER‘S New Store OMvar Jewellry store and oppo rcuadd hiiu'fi?fi'@m_ e Dental Surgeons Dentistry in all its vranches, HONOI GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra Auata Raval Hallaes Jramea) euaal d ARTHUR H. JACKSON of Martge Lic . :gfin&nd:l hnfl:ess g::::u'(é.gn) insuran Agent, Money bflifi‘f Sfimflqe Ticenses, _ t ns s J. P. TELFORD Barrister, Soliqitor in Suprem Court Nomysol’u%lig Commissioner Money to Loan. flice on Lambron St., opposite O Walpole‘s Stables, #@r Mr McPhail has a tel in his & Lln h/ ephone in res Terms moderate. A for sales a to dutes, &c., must be m".ie at &e Roview fice, Durham, #&#" Correspondence QMI-& there. or to Ceylon P. O will be promptuy attended to, Terms on application to anommentemenmâ€"=> i0 it$ pFODPET 4CDSION ; FCStOTE® tim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual we:kkneu averted at olf;cc. sm.l ‘;m make you a new man, Price a box, or two fer & Jailed to any address. ‘lnloohfl‘r.‘ ., 6t. Catharines, Ont. Phosnhonol restores every nerve in the y H‘M ta its nroner tension : rum UNDERTAKER an Funeral Director Insuran Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Momber Goitege Physicians and Burgeons Ontarto Snow Roomsâ€"Across from{Middaugh House. ResIDENCE*â€" Fint house" south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. 2 yds long Electric Restorer for 24 3 34 34 3} J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. S. Twilled Sheeting 2 yas wide.25¢ yd Heayy bleached sheeting, 2 t Durham Continuation Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equ! in teachi !?tlm,_ in and elWqu. ;3 ings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and MA#MC qlation work. _ following competent staf %Afljw‘ldpl and Provinolal Modâ€" Bchool , 1st Class Certificnte piswide...:..,..... .. .. . A0eyd Bed Comforters from . ...........> ... .. 1,25 up to $5 each . Floor Oilcloth, .. 30¢ a equare yvard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them are m charge : WM. FaRQUAARSON, D. D. BIG 4 Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey . McPHMHAIL_~ Notary Public, Commissioner, CONYEYANCER. &e. DURHAM, ONT, (Lower Town â€"Uver Jeweliry site Post ?’m«:e. id Full line of Catholle Rghe- and hifik um: white |Caps for aged people. Embaiming a Speciality. A. BELL D. MePHAIL, Ce or to C. RAMAGE, lfiorfl * BLOCK LACE CURTAINS W. H. BEAN 27 in wide . 40 in wide . 30 in wide. 54 in wide 60 in wide 60 in wide CALDER‘S The Hanover Conveyancer School 20¢ pP b0e pr .15¢ pr 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr

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