West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1913, p. 8

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.: e @EY)I~ ‘-‘C"n”””&”"*m’*@ 2 Cement Work of All Kinds f: 2 NNNEA BIO 30 PC.Bt B PC( PC 3A PC $¢ Bi. BC PC BC PC BC PC BCBC :) THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. Ppress vorreryresabseneveith J TAYLOR & CO. § 54 $4 I am prepared to doamy work in the way of Cementing, building Silos, Bridges, barn walls, etc. on shortest notice. I have purchased an which is approved by government engineers, and with it, can do®alt work quickly and most satisfacâ€" torily. Any and every jab entrusted to me, whether large or small, given carefual attention. E""" GROCER Frices on Rodpath‘s Granulated Sugar per cwt .... C inned Corn (best Quaker brand)...... . Cipnped Beans Quaker................. C inned Peas, Quaaker.............. ... Caopred Tomsasoes, Q@aker........... .. CIGLOEE SOUK . . «ces us««« ««ss.uersss «G U SHETnEEAE OME ..« « c« «ies ss‘x «s sis «+s c O D 3 ib pkgs. Seeded Raising..............â€" 3 lbs. Sclect Valencia Raisinsg........... 3 lbs Seediess Sultangs. .........+.}.>.â€" 3 lbe Recleared Currants............... 5 lbes 30c Green Japah Tea......... ..... 5 ibs Black Covloa Tes............ ..... 3 tins Old Duatch Cleanser........... .... 3 pkgs. Hardy Ammonia............... 3 tine OilIGtt‘s LYG.. . ..... ««.««<‘«ers iÂ¥ «* 3 ting COLAIOTL LYÂ¥G...... ...« ««««c«sk«««rs 2 cans Silver Moon Rzo Salmon tor ... .. 5 ting Pernant Siltmpon.... ...... ...... «. All plug Tobacteos ...... ............. ... O‘d Chum cu: TobAGeo............... ... Fvory Cioss Startly...... ...« «««.c.«c«res Bast Cota Starch .. .... ...« «.«2..6« ««r««s Fresh 15¢ Jamâ€"Jumes...... .. .... ....3 ID Poand tins Bakigg Powder.............. AIE EHIKHOLS... .x.« is ucesdes «scu «++ @2Â¥ us t Nreuls NUMIGE. .: ... . 1«c00 z00 d i¢s id 6e «o Th Best Canned Tomatoes 2 cans for 25¢ We have 64 casesâ€"â€"128 dozenâ€"1536 cans. _ We can ship these back to the wholeâ€" sale and get more money for them than weare selling for here, but we want to give the benâ€" efit of our buying to ull the people of this country. â€" Get your share while they are going Call and see me, or write * GROCERIES Upâ€"toâ€"date Gasoline Cement â€" Mixer o oo reegnigpo o ooo eneneesmaes pamuparenane o oo uo mogpatonpoumae s opo en cae en geatatal on on Eie e oe on read Pore n rean on ve 20 o Se on 25 reada n aa oi ona + snn cEEdeae: 1 OO nnnnommommmrmnnnnnn mm ated Sugar per owt ...... ...4.75 it Quaker brand)...... ..3 for 25¢ taker............ ..... x for 200 UKEK. . ..>...1..... «.. . +«+xlor 20G & Quaker........... .... 2 for 25¢ oo vkes‘as autes ssiesne +«\ MKRETOEARIC ade Ui<a‘vixt‘s siess asre WGDRREIO 200 FTHHIBING« : . .. «.w ...« voss+*««200 hcitk RéllLk....... ... ... .290 MAOLKG. @... scsa‘susrsss «â€"«s+eâ€"vadd JUEAALK. ... .... x« ... .: «x+200 EPHH Tok .:. .....««,.... +««r£00 ts Tém....â€". .i«.ri vi..+< is« MmO0 JECKOBGOLE. . ... ««««.« ¢1.«... verm0@0 MMRORiIL......... .. «... .««+«+20G h. «xins‘c iranim uesd nÂ¥ eao un emaraiilt n Rzv Salmon tor..... ...... 256 INEIE . . 2. 2er ire 2o oe ut e Ar h av e . HUNT, Holstein . .. .. 8 tor 200 ... .8 for 250 ..... 8 for 2i€ ... .. 3. for 256 3 lbs. for 23¢ .. ... 2 for 25¢ .. .. 8 tor 250 .3 lbs. for 25¢ You can save both by coming direct to this Store Did you read our advertisement last week ? Take your pencil and figure that little problem we gave youâ€"â€"Why it will pay you to shop at this Big Busy Store. First, our position with the wholesale trade ; secondly, buying for spot cash and taking largest discounts ; and thirdly, on account of the very large amount of goods turned over every year by this bUSy store, weâ€" can se]f dependable goods at a closer margin and be satisfied. * It is simply a Matter of Dollars and Sense and your good Sense will bring you Dollars. Last week we placed in stock a range of Suits from one of Canada‘s Leading Tailoring establishments. â€" The Suits are above the average garments, both in quality and workmanship. They are hand tailored, by expert workmen, made to fit and retain their shape. _ Absolutely correct, the latest spring styles. _ Two lines, in navy blue serge and the new browns. Priced for Quick Sale, $12.50 and 15.00 If Time is Money, and Money is Time THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY If you want something cheaper, we have good Suits at 5.00, 6.50, 8.50 and 10. ooâ€"worth more money. â€"HOoLSTEIN â€" LEADER Mr Jas. Brown arrived ia Holstein last week from an extended trip to points in the Southern States, to Cuba | and the Panama Canal. Heis a most observant traveller and his} graphic descriptions of conditions in | Florida and the great work going on at the isthmus are only second to| seeing. He was accompanied for| much of the trip by Premier Scott of | Saskatchewan. His broth<r George, | the Lieatâ€"Governor, was also along‘ for part of the trip. | i If men are the salt of the eartb, women are undoubtedly the sugar, Salt is necessaryâ€"sugar is a luxury. Vicious men are saltâ€"peter ; stern men are rock salt ; nicc men are table salt. Old maids are brown sugar ; good naâ€" ,tmd matrons are loaf sugar and pretty girls arse pulverized sugar. } Please pass the pulyerized sugir, A Mr W. A. Martin, a layman from Toronto, will preach on social retorm under the auspices of the Dominion Alliance on Sunday next at 2.30 p,m. at the Ebenezer. At a meeting of the members of this church on Tuesday evening last, it was decided to mect the new reâ€"| quirements of the conference, by each | member giving the 50 per cent inâ€", crease towards church ordinances,| fully a better response if anything | than the other stations, though they| were good enongh and did well. It} remaing now for the hall appcintâ€"| ment to do likewise, which no doaubt . they will. | We regret very much to hear of the serious illmess of little Miss (Gertie Lawrence and trust that she may soon be restored to her wonted strength and bhealth. Miss Mary Hamilton and MisS Beenie Bunston yisited at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Ramage on Sunâ€" day last, the latter contributing in the yoluntaries given at the hall in the evening. Miss Belle Lee is at present assistâ€" ing at Mr Chas. Moffat, of (Glenely, Miss Maud Hamilton being at Dr. Jamieson‘s, M. P. P., Darham. Mr Geo. Lothian returned on Wedâ€" nesday last from North Keppel, where he bad been the previous two weeks repairing his uncle‘s barn, the wet weather retarding very much the operation, > Mr David Hooper has had the east side of his barn covered with Rubberâ€" pid and looks a fine looking job with the rafters more substantially faste ed than in the first instance. Wedding bells rang at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Moore at 8 o‘clock, Tuesday evening, when the marriage was solemnized cof their youngest daughter Mary to the man of her choice, Mr Waltar McDonald, A prayer meeting is announced to be held at the home of Mr _ Joln Hormsby on ‘Vednesday evyening of this week by the Rev. J. A. Leece, a. ;t't-xr(-i;.waialwan higblander of Glenelg Contre; the immediate relaâ€" tiyed of the contracting parties were present. North Egremont Home from the Tropics THE PEOPLE‘S STORE Often the Cheapest, â€"â€"â€" _ Always the Best SPRING SUITS for Men and Young Men We Sell for Lessâ€"â€"â€"BECAUSEâ€"â€"we Buy for Less THE DURHAM REVIEW fagnmagaswsa%mgga;% & LOCAL AND PERSONAL $ %efiifi&fiefiifi-flfiécflifiéfiifii&&&fiififi*wg Miss Ada Manary left Saturday to visit a few days with Harristoo triends. Mrs. Sam Seaman has been quite ill with tonsilitis. Come with the crowds to Matthews‘ slaughter sale of furniture. _ Come early and get the choice. Healso has a full stock of hardware on hand. Best superflne coal oil only 20 cts. a gallon. The cboral society are holding their entertaioment in the Town Hall on Friday evening, May 2, commenâ€" cing at 8 o‘elock. _ A first class proâ€" gram will be rendered consisting of choruses, solos, duetts, and quartettes and also violia numbers. _ Rey Mr. and Mrs Baker of Drew will also render musical selections. Mr W. B. Satton has now so recupâ€" erated that he Iost week was again able toresums his duties asstation agent. _ Mr. Roy Loftus, relieving agent left Saturday morning. Rev Winficld Haunt of Belwood has, just completed his examinations in Theology at Elora. _ These examinâ€" ations comprise his first ygm_y_oak as a probationer . _ TTis many friends will be giad to know he bhas bad a very successful year at Belwood . Farmers in this vicinity are busy seeding. cpmhine, The Sunday School executiyve of this township met Monday evening in the bres. Church to plan tor the comâ€" ing S8, 8. eonvention. The male members of the choral society are expected to meet for pracâ€" tiee at the parsonage on Thursday evening. On Friday evening a genâ€" eral practice is called when all memâ€" bers of the choral society are expectâ€" ed to be present. Mr. R. M. Tribe took train for Torâ€" onto on Tuesday and expects to reâ€" taro in a day or so. Rev Wim. Kettlewell, Secy of the Dominion ‘Allianee, will preach in the Holstein Metk. Churoh morning and afcernoon. _ Rev. Dr. Ross wil preach in the Presbyterian Chareh, Sumday morning in the interests of the Dominion Alliance. The regalar meeting of the Orange lodge was held en Monday evening with good attendance. . The lodge is growing gradually and promises to be one of the best in the district in the near future. Mr Hershey is expectcd to be at his old stand this week, The sympathy of their many friends throughout the township goes out to Mr J A Swanston, Tp. treasurâ€" er, and Mrs Swanston, of Maple Lane iu the death of their youngest daughâ€" ter last Wednesday from scarlet fever. â€" Thelittle child was only 14 mos old. â€" Others in the family{xad been ill, but not seriously and they had almost completed their six weeks quarantine, when the little boy who had sofar been immune, took the fever as well, and thus prolonged the quarantine afew weeks. Bring your bogs to Holstein Tuesâ€" days. Satisfaction â€" guaranteed. Other stock will have my best attenâ€" tion . Phone 17 NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. R. M. TRIBE, Shipper UN T A TORONTO i F §ém’-u us A racy sketch appeared in the Globe of Wednesday last by Miss Emily Weaver from which we exâ€" tract the following ; This county bearsthe name of the Liberal nobleman, Earl Grey, who was Premier when the great Reform Bill of 1832 was passed by the House of Parliament. Grey is a huge counâ€" ty of sixteen townships, the western ones once forming vpart otf Wellington and the tthers of Simeoe. It was set apart in 1852, From very early days Grey was for:unate enough to bave some atâ€" tempt at great roads through the county. Charles Renkin made a survey for the Garatraxa road in 1837, but the outbreak of the rebelâ€" lion prevented the completion of the work till 1840, when the surveyor of the Canada Company laid out a tier of lote on each side of the line and immediately many of theee were taken up as " free grants." In 1848 the Dorham road was laid out, leadâ€" ing eas »nd west trom the village of Durham, which vigorously contested the claim of Owen Sound to be counâ€" ty scat. Another great highway was the Torooto asd Sydenham road, ranning diagon«lly across the counâ€" ty in a southeasterly direction and a fourth was the Northern road, leasâ€" ing from Coliing wood harbor to Owen Sound and thente to Saugeen in Bruce couuty. â€" About 1861 these tour roads which reached every part of Grey were gravelled at acost of $3.0,000 and the people had a right to take pride (as they did) in the fact that there was not a tollgate within‘ the limits of the ccunty. â€"From the: roads, settlement graduall extend-‘ ed in every direction. geing " & bardwood county,"‘ Grey had no. lumber to export, and from the first the settlers depended on the cultivaâ€" tion of the soil, but the grayvelling of the roads gave the farmers muck easier access to their markets. With its long coastâ€"line, its numerâ€"us waâ€" terfalls and the " Biue Mountains ‘" of its northeastern townships, which rise to 1,500 feet above sea leyel and 900 feet above the lake, Grey has the attraction of pictaresque and beautiâ€" fal scenery, but to the pioneers of eighty years ago it must have seemâ€" ed sadly ** out of the world,"‘ for thei firstâ€"comers reached it by travelling up Yonge street to Lake Simeve, Early Days in Grey County. ‘ _ Mr Murray Hoy, of Welland, visited at the parental home here during the | past two weeks, * Miss Beatrice McDracken visited her thence they made their way to the Georgian Bay, to skirs its shores in batteaux or (later) in steamboats. The farmers around Varney are busily engaged in seeding and fencing. The weather so far has been favourâ€" able and they are making good proâ€" gr_e_S_F. w PM a fuae 1 _ NMisses Eva Burnett and Bertha Allen, of Dorharm, visited the former‘s corsin, Miss Evya Bilyth, on Monday last. #s t 8 lt ens nAE uo. CarXxEcIE GrvEs $10,000, â€" Andrew Uarnegie has donated the sum of $10,â€" 000 so that the town of Walkerton may bave a new public library buildâ€" ing, The contracts for the transfer of the money were signed last week, It is said that the thought of receiving such a large sum for nothing almost caused a series of fainting . spelle among the town legislators when they met to attach their signatures, ~ A few of the young people of this viillage took in the taffy social at Ebenezer on Friday night and report a good time, 9 The pastry exhibition was a toothâ€" some delight and will probably in crease the desire of the male sex to have such delicacies made, The mortâ€" ing was well attended, there being about 100 present. Miss McPhee was the recipient of a vote of thanks at the close of her demonstration. Mr Thos. McFadden has been apâ€" pointed by the Dominion Goyernment as Canadian Govt, Employment Agent for the yvicinity surrounding Durham. Farmers wishing laborers or domestic servants will communicate with him, so that an order may be placed for such help. Quite alittle excitement was caus ed on Friday when flames were seen ascending from a flmmlding adjoining Miss McVean‘s barn. «+A number of the neighbors soon gathered and alâ€" though the burning building could not be saved, the fire was kept under control and none of the other buldâ€" ings bharmed. Practical demonstrations of the simplest and easiest way of bread and pastry making was given by Miss McPhee, a trayclling demonstrator, under the auspices of the Women‘s Institute, in the town hall on Monday afternoon, _ Besides her Aemonsiraâ€" tions, Miss McPhee gave many usefal hints and snumerous new ideas for the ladies to practise on . She stated that bread could be made in four heurs from methods which she cited and @oclared that if her direcâ€" tions were.«©?>wed that the day for sour bread was past. Valuable ideas on the ma‘sing of brown bread and hbuns were also given. * A number of ladies attended the Wothen‘s Institute demenstration in the Town Hall. Monday, and enjoyed it yery much. VYarney THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. Extra heavy serge for Ladies Suitsâ€" â€"all shades.... ... Mirror Poplin in two be_aulLi navy and brown, Black wool poplin, Shepherd‘s Plaids, Shepherd‘s Plaids, black and white checks, three patterns 54 inch Tweed for Ladies‘ Su: ial, per yard ...... ......>++ All styles for young men and maidens, old men and children Toâ€"day‘s the day to | uy Garden Seeds. We sell the best guaranteed Garden Seeds, also Turnip, Mangold, Beet and Flax Seedâ€"â€"any kind you want. Here is a new lot of Ginghams in pretty checks and stripes. Sold everywhere for 12!4¢. Pick out your new dress from this lot at.â€" c lll.......... . 10e per yard Dainty Ginghams 10¢ Successors to Robert fl Burnett, â€" DURHAM â€" New Dress Goods Gardern Seeds Straw Hats in two beautiful shades of w wno, very bhighly finished .. . lin, very special ...... 60c per yard Sunday Sthool at 10, _ Services at 11 a. m, and 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. MARSHALL B. A. Pastor Sunday REV, J. MAiCOLM, D. JAS,. 1. WILSON, B. A. Physicign, Surgeon and Accoucheur Special attention paid to diseases of Holstoin Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Maoney to loan at lowest rates, and tern [; to suit luirroe:(;r. tbFi" and Life Insuran«e plac ! orol’b'y preb bbe c:)m;mnio%1 l,ee'dl. ortâ€" gages. Leases and Wills executed on Ask your drupgist for it. IÂ¥ he _ eannot supply / the MARVEL, accept no other, but serd nl-mg for fus» d* trated hookâ€"-flx_led. t gives full grtirnlan and directions invaluable ladies, WINDSOR SUPPL Y C., Windsor, Ont General Agents £ zAanada. J. R. Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winâ€" nipeg, Sasketoon and Edmonton, Berth Reservations aod particulars from Grand Trunk agemts, Through ceaches and Pullman Tourist Bleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto 11.00 p, m via Chicago and 8t Paul on above dates. Every TUESDAY until April 21{\ ip clusive from siations in Ontario, Port Hope, Peter boro and West at very low rates. Winnipeg & return, $35 Edmonton & return $43 Homeseekers‘ Excursions Settlers‘ Excursions To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct. 28 incl. giages, Leases and Wills executed an shus uwst notice,. AU work prompUy attended to. Every graduate guaunteed a posâ€" sition. Thorough courses. Large staff of Specialists. Best equipped College in Canada. Enter any day CA FLEMING, FCA G. D. FLEMING Principal Becretary " 50c, 60c. 18¢ ‘ Suits, very specâ€" To Alberta and Saskatcnanewan NO CHANCE WORK Proportionate low rates to other points Return limit tw o sunths Presbyterian Church OwWEN sOUND â€" ONT Methodist Church CÂ¥ KCs 4l¢a."*" 95, 30. 50¢ 10c to 1.50 W . J. SHARP NORTHER <very Woman is interested and should know at the Pastor MRS 1| fil [ E6 THE 1 John Kelly, | S. F. SraA BANK A 1 SPIRELLA CORSETS OF CANADA “QD OFF'CQ TORONTO D U R H A Gold M FLOU c Ond To Pomnamniiyâ€"" VOL. XXXV1, ur h C. NICHOL, Representa th We hay North=west G ©i Qli aIt dle W YOUI‘ ind, Bran, Shorts CHNIE‘S 1y irom us you racked Cor Aix Chop m are we our uJ Lan ditur gom mt Call van the « pers M

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