West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1913, p. 4

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l , m :4 The Central Drug Store (t $333335 53:95:53 'S:ai:a:s.a.a:s 33331» lit VI VI w I I " w W w l“ t) I I! N I U signed wifi he glad t the locstion of tttee, " rite for "Thu Kin-ad Pour. River H, km. A large mum." to mixed fanning. The land gin-mg {wide own prairie nnd when " dutrrete in Every Farah-r wants to Provide, for the old human-ml. developed with toil, a Ithe hoyl have Iwn broughl up tothe I tl with alt the ph IN“! of hrmmg. They own. How u the tarmersto meet mi. - Thou-nods} acres divested into or: for entry hy the Dominion Go o t o (one to our s utd your pro the n. and KNO erw " - prescripu dra " : that v-- ( HARDWARE Any ”out or. the Cmsdian - ___ ".ny nun '"""wentry? - H . The Logical Answer is Western Canada Phou'nmluvf .un-s diI'Idn-I h.“ um - a Then We Staples. etc. Oar stock at plain Gninuizod Wire for Braces: Fence and Guy Wire will "titty you. I Bl k C) lad . t il “out n ac I Wire " wrapping ran a. we ha Ite,,',?,'.,', if???» tUtd mm. _tttrtsaira, We have nn the IIYI Wire Fence and Navy Wire, We also have in stock .1 enables us to he in a nmilinn Feed for Sale McGowan Milling Co. Treleaven & Ranton, Palm (nanny, -- Palmerston, Ont. We are in the market to yea-n, sweet or our. at the High“ Market Price. - We supply two can free to and: of our patrons, pay all ex- preae dunes. pay twice each month. checks payable " par. We receive cream any day in the week, teat each can received and lead our patrons a antenna! of eame. Write for cans and give oer ""'t"rr a trial. We lcv/t_, ali our accounts made out and par- ties havhcraecoants with us are requested to all and se-ttle either by cash or note at once. We have still a lot of Food on offering in ton lots from and any one , buying it ttow, Canadian Nettle“: Railway stives, “will. “mu... an, Tritt or Enquire $12 to m. “wido choice. There others again In tho well Give youTl-{F}: m entrusted to us ; t .1333! substitute, and ue or Enquire 10-day ne Candi-m Northern R-iluny or the under- to and on application 1t1ihjtoriniiToi"irtr, " homestead, and the way to ”our. them. ad Basket." . 36,000 Free [lemonade and our t You will be inter-sled. ~riptions to us, no matter y that they will be filled .0": Store. of these homestead. at moderate Jiieis" u Gtruted into 160acre farm-net Dominion Governnwnl “on; or Cream Wanted the wny nnplhpr oarload provide for hiw ~sous. but seldom mlt with toil, trttMee to meet. their ands. up tothe I ma. They are familiar ng. They uh mid have land of their meet this emery-racy P wanting feed will save money by Oatmeal Mills ence W Ire one are some plots on the well wooded, we" watered are particularly adapted tarm. no being thrown " along or nut the line a Firm Per Ton _ Toronto, hand that ( In View ot this wonderful action of China how humiliating it is to contem- plate the opium situation in that country. We find that the rulers of that lately so-called heathen nation l are using all their powers to save their people from the curse of the opium drug. They have prohibited the cultivation of the poppy at home, bat find it dimcumo keepit out ot their! , extraordinary changes which have! taken place in the nation since the I revolution. The appeal was distrib, ated broadcast by telegraph to all thei governors and high oillaials within ,hosejarisdioti, n Christian commun- ities were to be found, It was also sent to the leaders ot the various missions. Prayer was requested in the appeal tor the National Assembly, for the new Government. for the President of the Republic who is yet to be elected. tor the constitution of , the Republic, for the recognition at the Republic by the pOWels, for the maintenance of peace and for the election of strong and virtuous men to office. The representatives ofthe provincial authorities were instructed to attend the services. A similar service had been held already in Pekin at the request at the Govern-l, ment. The appeal has given extra- ordinary satisfaction to mission circles, where it is pointed oat that this is the first time in the history of the world that such a request has come from a non-Christian nation. .4 at the Down Town Shoe EGGS TAKEN AS C Few things in the Mission or Christian World have caused such a sensation as has the appeal at China about two Weeksago. The appeal was made by the Chinese government to all the Christian churches in China to set aside April 27 as a day tor prayer that China might be guided to a wise solution ot the critical problems besetting her. This is regarded in China” striking evidence of the! extraordinary changes which have taken place in the nation since the! revolution. The anneal w»: (lint-Gk Most People do a lot of Walking 'sh -_H a,“ _. -.........v to try the case. lelt thetseleetioi: of; thesejudges eut.rely to the accused, 1 but his request was not granted. 111- , stead the evidence will be taken be. I More the “Committee of Privileges end Elections " composed of 29 Con serVative M. P. R's. Before such a body the verdictoun be easily tore. ( outed. A majority will find them l innocent nude minority report will ( tend the other way. Before' Judges, 1 free from the taint ot policies or part- l iaamship, Would have been the better l 2 way. /aalil..C,fi'-C'ii"i'i'u Both parties indignantly denied any wtong doing, but as the charges were printed boldly and legally, action had to be talun. Mr Proud- toot asked tor a Commission of J ndgu tn on, .1... A...” '_., -' . - " no -"-- - .-..-.w.., M. P. P. for West Huron. brought In grave charges against the Premier and Provmcial Secretary tor alleged corrupiacts in connection with a tirm of contractors haying dealings with the government. Summing bf a sensation was cani- ed last week when as the Legislature Wan about to adjourn Mr Proudfoot, " D D LA- In-» .. . - Sir James Whitney and Hon. Mr Hanna Charged wnn corrupt acts. l -Little Montenegro, who began the Balkan wer has alsoclosed ir-in the mftrntirtttr--by the capture of Senterl, to which place Kink Nichol- " proposes to move " eepitel. An l emusing illustration this ot the week- _ ness of the "concert ot the powers." These powers heve ordered Monten- egro to desist and sent Warships to try to frighten her, Austrie has troops ready to compel her to tt stop- her nonsense.” but the little King- dom kept on and won the coveted city. Whether she will be sliowad to keep it is mother thing. Uttt of " incident like this may come the Enr- opean 'sotif1agratioi, we have heard oi. --Hon. W. J. Brynn has set I standard " the White House, never before attained. Wine is abolished‘ irom the tables at the Secretary of. State stall big functions. Before accepting offiise he hndepprised the! President of his purpose and that sen. , sible gentleman lett it to the discre i tion ot himself and_wife. “Mrs'i Bryan and l have been teetotallyipl from our youth and our parents be: fore as ., said this man of principle) and he did not propose to change} now. His guests, including sevenr foreign diplomats, applauded, though I one British paper raters sneei'inglyi to .' Wishy--utkshinsrton.o . on " A. GK: " defeat in Edmonton and some irregularities may yet on investigation prove that he has been elected. -Hon. A. G HIcKey'a resigna- tion as member of the Legislature of Ontario for N ttit Grey wu tabled In: week. Before long an A matter ot course there will be nn election in the: riding and both parties will no doubt soon have candidate: lathe field. ‘SOEJe doub! he been thrown (“PM imam Wide Awake China. The Proudfoot Charges. u. would have ireea/tiduTcr I THURSDAY, MA Y I Custom Work and Repairing as usual a Store CASH. ITL', P,:t3b' ”a! ‘ r.“ -. i8 b"79,aitrv'::fe,5' LTiCuV7irr' l ”has I913 V You cannot go anywhere with. out walking some. Our shoes make walking easy because they are gootUhoes in the first place and your conscience is " use because you bought them so reasonable. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some dice pumps in stock in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Some fine values in Hosiery, either Men's. Ladies', Misses', or Childrett's Wear. Trunks. thoitcnsetx Clubbags,ac, in stock ; Died at her brother-in-law's. air [Alex Whiz. ot Artemesia, on the 25th lot April, Miss Sara Burner. altera Ishort illness, sister of Mr John Burnet ’south line. The funeral took place on Saturday, the 26th. Rev. Mr Math-, lesion emanating at the house and grave. l [Our correspondent givesa full ne- couut of the Browrr-MeCuaie Wed’ ding, bat as another account reached us, in type on Ist page. of simllar import, we leave nut the main facts and give his closing words. --Ed.j ...... ......The companv enjoyed Gun’s Drug Store It is a tonic that makes rich new blood, supplies nitrogenous material to build flesh and muscle, and Stimulates the whole system to newer effort and energy. a form easily assimilated, and good SHERRY WINE, ‘l Sunday. the 4th of May, will s f’zaelic day in the Presbyterian {church in this place. As there was gan interval of six ma nth: since " was Iprenched before, We expect the good lpastor had lots . . repar- WWW {for a o of that poor old langu- Jage to patronize it as well as possible fby presuming themselves on the oc- Ionian. Mr Ono Koncld is getting to be quite an orator, as he is as good on the platform as a speaker. as when be is having a earload of cattle and hogs, . Beef, Iron and Wine makes you strong. Composed of a pure extract of BEEF, IRON in -_.....,,..w ly to see Mrs Nichol'a motile was unwell for some time, bat ting better again, utter a never ot sickness. Largo bottles, 75o and SI Mr and Mrs Thus. Nichol (Reeve paid a short visit to Collingwood late In on--- “a, " . .. Beef, Iron and Wine 1‘ John L McKinnou paid his home a short risit from Kingswn University, :‘wbiie on his way to Suskntoon, wheie We is to be engaged during the sum- iiiiii' as one of the teachens in the iHigh School there. A We Wcrsto see Neil Cameron, of Boothviue, a day or two ago. He is a sufferer from that dreadful disease, cancer, for the lustchree years and Iwethlnk ot‘all the ailments human iboings are subject to, canccris the {moss dresdiut He bears it patiently _ although suffering excruciating pain. (Yet he knows that it is not to Instlong glnd is patiently awaiting to be rc-i ‘lioved from bis pains and tumbles, I which wiil be a blessing to himself; and family. ' '. MclLRAlTH is heaving badly on a late frosts. Oar mereha al hive a lareeqaamity' piled in some corner, so they will be used soon, mer is (as: 11pt.roaehirur. 1 Not much change in the weather since last week, onlycolder and dir agreeable to get along with the seeding. Lose places are ttttfit " work upon. as the late rains made the land as soft " when the snow went away. However the one warm days of the past Week gave the are“ a start and cattle can make a living when and where they have to, al- though it'sa poor way " living yet, bat as feed in general is getting small they have to get along the best way they can. We notice fall wheat in general look: good and we also no- tice that some newly needed low landl is heavimr hmw nn Ina'...-.--. _e_t__, re- ports, where immense stores an 'collectine by British traders from India. Surely the gran British ’government. will not attempt to tome upon China this cum of her people, ‘even iftreatiee give her the right. She once went millions to tray West Indian slave. to us them free: Let her bay up this opimn and fling it in the as: rather thin “tempt to tome it an unwilling China, and then see to it, that it is publicly proclaimed that DGVer will the Empire be found‘ supporting any _subjem or citizen who engages in this tute"tiiGii"i, Durham, Ont. R, wan Ticket Office Priceville maly on account ofthe Oar merchants in gene!- 2:101". triither," who ', 80 we expect soon, as the sum my of at"; hits a severe spell TORONTO is get- 2 hull calves. both Dam-me. um- 10 and old, red and tt mm. A l, MusaMMie '%itmore, of Inger-all, ape“: a few aaysdnsl week with her mother and attended the Whitmore-- (iF. Ha wedding on Wednesday. i Mr and Mrs A, Lawrence and Mr ,mu Ans Rom. Hopkipa. Utter of Hinton 1,'lll1tyynt.tuiedir' wub the - =C.."ee'wf"-HBe. Quickly my. couch. can. .. tutttimtudTGG". " "l.'.." 1e.tter. Mr And. Lindsay lost have on Sunday Inst. Hutton 1iuGia"iili farmer's magma, Mri or. f3g,t,kiiijiiQrir'ij"'i"i'ii'i We regret to learn of death of Mr Wm. Lee, of who died on Fnday mar Lee and family have our dc patby in their bereavement Mrs J. W. Jenkins and ten started for their hon atoko. I',. U. on Friday spending tt couple month: J. Ilopkml Ind Mrs C. W. other kinds. ( We are sorry to learn that Miss 1 Belle, McGirr is suifermg with pleur- isy and hope she will soon be able to “Lend her studies again at tho Meant Forest College. Mr W. J. Wilson viarted Mrs C, W. Arnett one day hurt week. Mr Robr. Lawrence has treated himself to a dandy new buggy. l __....~. .0. vvcuuiuuly, April 23rd. They were tmtrried " six p. m. by Rev. Mr Matheson.of Prmeynlle, M the bride's home, Top Cliff. We leave the paruculars to the Top Cliff or Pricurvilie correspondent. _ --eee' “"8 u: cuuuu- mg hearty congratulations to Mr Wm Brown and Mum S, McCuaig. who jomed heart and hand on Wednesday, April 23rd. They were married " The guests from a dIItnuce were {Mrs Stevens. Mrs Dawson. Mr ttnd Mrs Swm. all Austen of groom, hom Cut-slay. Toronto and Hlnover w." sprctlvcly and Muss Millie Whitmore, cousin of bride. of Ingorsol and Mines Mabel and Com Gillies of Mount For Mt. The evening was spout in music, games and dancing till 4 a. m. when each betook themselves to their various homes and satisfied that they had " for as good wishes go, given tho brutal couple bon voyage through " prosperous and happy married life. The best wiehcl of our burg go with the young couple to their home near Allan Park, Bentinclr. The bride1, going away dress was a navy blue suit with white hat trimmed With white Willow plume and dainty moss raves. ”Vi -..-. ”an. v: luau, useful Ind costly pgsefna, the bride wearing a. dress of blue silk. In the evening a reception was given. The young couple receiytd congratulmona and best wisue! from about a hundred young friends in the lull and Were the reeituentntmxn,, Wojoin with oul_burg ,fi - - .“la. qu' quet of beautiful cream roses. tied Ir! white ribbon. the gift of a friend in Toronto and were lily of the valley in her hair. The wedding march was played by May liapkms. About six ‘p. m. the bridal party sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. A hand- some bride's cake (me product of bride's mother) and large pink roses adorned the table in the tastily decor. 1 ated dining room. = ' A very pretty wedding was solemnj Iized on Wednesday, April 23rd, m. at c, p, m. in. the home of Mr an"I Mrs (ll/l/li/ll' Wlutmore, when their eld. aabdaughcer. Sarah Annie, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr Ilobt. Wells, of Allan Park, b the Rev. Mr Hartle of i1/rl'i.ii,,a)Nttl//r,r4'rtu'/pltet parents of bride and groom witnenaed the marriage ceremony in the prettily decorated parlor. The bride, who was given away by her father looked pretty in a white silk voxle dalnnly‘ trimmed. She carried a large bou- nnnl " L- A'l‘ I Glad to see Mr. MacDonald able td be around again. also Mr. Murchison who has been confined to his bed for a few weeks. Mr, Dunlop of Toronto was a via-nor at Mr. A, Carson’s a few days last. week. JOHN EcsarLirfr, A number of the ladies of our burg attended the demonstration on Bread Making, in Prieeville, given by Miss MiarMcPhee. They came home wih a great many new ideas. which they intend patting in practice. A number from here took in the last Horse Fair in Durham and they say there was quite a numberof fine horaes sold but the people of our burg were so hard to suit with prices. that they took their horses home again. The beautiful weather we are hav- ing now malt" the farmers kind of mxnous, an we notice the moat of them are busy on the land. in her mnnner and sympathetic in disposition and we are assured the young groom lacks nothing ot being a. gentleman in every respect. s, personally the writer extends to them his most hearty ooesgratautiona. The young bride was one ot than young ladies, who was always kin-d We vouch the sentiments of all who knew tlm contracting parties, in wish- mg them much happiness and lone “(w-fund prosperity on their voyago o 1 a. themselven in various "tttgetttetttit till the crowing at the roosters re- minded them it was time to go home and, at parting, may warm good wishes ware extended to the young couple for In, pine-s in life. For Popular Place to learn of the sudden m. Lee, of Egremont, Friday morning. hire have our deepest sym- I their home in; iiriiir. on Friday last, after Maple Grove both thoroughbred and other 11 me- . Apply to mimthl mu; um: has; ', Top Cliff. recipient of many a With Mr: . Arnett and a valuable two child- in extend "ihsoii"i%sssseo,s, VVwmmmuviuccndt-NE WW- .u our wmdaor 015cc. Which m in: ftt-diiiiii and uhittatorr" for mandala busines- only. Adda. all later. as 50110"? DES. KENNEDY dk manor. Whig-r. ' h'ytet-reoatiui"."'ii." Daimvfléfiifi' i? (,'8'p"'s'ilis'ieissie 'bssilni)uiei)rtgtr_i)r6g4ttte.sties g SEQ-:33 gsegega:oansiaxxamsarsrxxxya"ii E“: MacFarlane - "e"'""'" Lu Il Don't be backward about asking to see them. We're afraid to show them. Try us and see. llilta1,,1,lll,l,,,8,_uftji"iji"i"ii'ii per yd. We We have ,?ipimsirinxrrrisiMmml"rrisrmaestoae We Drop in and see US _Hitrhest prices for Butter and Eggs. At this season of the hankering for them. C quently so are ever fresh a home with you. Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods THE CITY BAKERY and Other Grass Seeds Choice Clover, Timothy would like to show you our (t L GRANT New Kid Gloves New Fjoyneings, Side-Friuin%. Ladies' & Cents, Crochet ies Also our Dress Goods-thes, are nice Try our Fresh Oysters If it's QUALITY you want " lowest prices, we have it. PEmLvthrG'"iviiiii ur famous yd. wide Silk a good assortment of T o'clock Table Cover ' with Napkins to match t awkward about “Irina 'ss -4- AL-, Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes. Fresh 010m. em, etc. also have some nice 18011 of the year you always have a them. Our shipments arrive " ever fresh and tasty. Take a box C. P. R. Town Office '. A ROWE *vsiirseiesssssoe,r'li, _ New Spring Wall Papers Now in. Come and at Co. $1 . Int “4 Spring Suits We certainly lum- till goods in Kert's Odd tailor made, for slur: summer. Cull For the Wur Mn. Bury E. li.sc Mount Forest. Ottt., remedy (or kidney. b trouble " given me ' “In. looms an inn and better than I Ind Isuve ,1 ur _ Men's Tail ere is where Tears. 'T8B1 t'?'t' In.” he Idea MAY I, 1913 A Woman oi Fe Words Small Profits an "dt'ts'c Bring us and We ll We lace tht $1.00 cors 1913 arrwmg. hue o Mekechnids P for 25c. salvage of every y Men's Fine Sh ll') Fresh " FIG PILLS We c See resl Highest “I Groc hlv.'urr are Mo pecia our hue tcl

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