West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1913, p. 5

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td mi '9 you - ry goods rs 'apers t$l ng R' £33333 Comm IS *fPQWRV? ate " Co. "Inequ- ir'Ntsu? have a ' ram " (9v. ed with m tried .'. a fre.. 1 box if vii ' 1918 nice m tes bod Spring Suits can” The Ideal Men's Furnishing Stotis Herc is where fashion reigns supreme in "fivroaing a Man A, ears. - We carry only what is Newest and Best It or the Workshop {213: your selection and worthy u'll' inspection. " MAY 1, 1913 ttmctive crop of the st designs in We have a large assortment in the newest original shades, rich in appear- .L no th-mgh um coo costly. We cordially invite y, ll to have a look at them. Small Profits 1icsh from the Factory in the newest designs andiu the neglect patterns. firm; us che sizes of the rooms you wish papered and the height of the ceilings ml we “ill tell you at once what you want. i; I .00 corset 1913 Wall Papers Fresh Groceries are continually arriving. See our 23c brooms. Try McKechnie's Pars Soap, 8 cake: for 2 5c. tun See our fine stock of Dress Goods, selvage of every yard. 31 per yard, Men's Fine Shoes-we have the Queen of all shoe- and Ihince of all styles ttVt I 1'N amino our stock and see the FIG PILLS 1} Special in Negligee Shirts Samples of We carry a full line of the E. T. Corsets, the best in the market. See the nan of Few Words rat Groceries NEWEST BUDS FROM FASI-HQNS GARDENS "ilddKahr1ie'g'W eekly News are Here u. ll nu street north. F . wrtteN: " Your Mulder and "oemuth r' ”mu relief. Have ml n 'W feel like liv- I l, up " for "e d Fnrnisher, GEO. S. BURNETT RUGS (On Second Floor) thet a boat I haveé '. 25 and 6ol, "it. 'riiGlUl, ' t, J, 1lfdKEl0fTlflIfl t n Negligee Shirts :13}; ctoh/L,rgeeiftr' 1133113,; to match Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Hosiery You will find them entirely correct in fit and shape, with every detail which fashion de.. mands. A very pleasant evening Was spentI at the home of Mr Duncan MoKlnnon pn Monday night. April 21, when a goodly number ot neighbors and friends assembled to spend a social time together prior totheir leaving for the West. Holding the record as we do " headquarters for the best of Men's Furnishings, it is quite natural that we should have the best Dress Shirts Ih'.io-aaaittir hit A. A. Milne was appointed to “the chair. . Social Evening The MMrittttottty Kindly Remembered for Butt: in all sizes, an up-to-date Corsets have the best that can be had. See our Leather "sl goods-Overalls, Smocks, Shirts and Gloves. at Crawford fine black silk with our nrme on the Our stock is full in all lines tram the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes At Next the Standard Bank, Durham a New Lot of claims attention. Fedoras, Christys, Caps, etc. See them while the assortment is fresh. Among things just opened up Also a fine line of Gloves, Raincoats and Umbrellas taraasguesauy-o+t,Nre1ledl on Mr Wm Cooke to read the address and at an appropriate time, Mr John Mekeehnie presented a purse. to which Mr D. McKinnon made a gait. able an! lengthy reply thanking the friends for their kindness, and wel- cnning them to their home, Mr Hugh McKinnon also made a few remarks., Addresses Were given by Rev. Af R. McDanald. Wm. Cooke and Alex. MeDonald. A euuplo of ti ve solos by Miss Nancy de varied the program fear which refreshments were served y the ladies. The remainder of tho evening was spent in social emu and Hats 8, Caps On Second Floor Large Sales "i"itrsrsAi, mi; ; beedmg Is the order of Ae day in gm: Vicinity. i We are pleased to any that. Mrs. Neil ‘Umnpbell who has had an attack of ’La anpe is better again. Mr. George and Mio Nelly Sbewell 1, spent. Tuesday evening at the home of luey sister Mrs. Jas. Lister of i Sullivan. i Mr. f'ccdMwa'ell ia‘tolday. Monday _ attending Council meeting at.Lamhurh. ', Miss Maggie Inland is engaged iwixh Mrs. Hugh Ridden for a few 'months. Your voice and labor [fill be mined in the church. and your cheerful smile, kind words and helping hand will be missed by ullyonr neighbors. You have grown up in our midst and when you leave, you will leave behind you a monument built of something more pretious.thyt gramme or bronze-tr monument bttilt of kind words, kmd leads and honest delling than will last as long an the memory of )our neig hbon last. We, your friends and neighbors. "ttttot let you lesve as without in some way giving you to expansion ot our appreciation of yimr qualities as neighbors and citizens. We feel that by your removal from us. we cumin tr loss that will not easily be replaced. 1 singing nu the midnight hour, when the mmpauv alone and sang “God be with you till We meet nggiu. " The address t Te Duncan, Katie & Hugh McKinnon: Dear Friends t J, - When you leave this old home, you will not leave behind you your Father’s God. He will ever bu Jour friend and guide, and our prs yer for you is that you may inherit His blessing that maketh rich and uddelh no sorrow. As a slight token of the esteem in which you are held, we would ask you to accept this purse, " a slight remembrance of our pleasant annula- tion with you. We bid you good-bye fueling that our loss will be some others gain. Signed in behalf ot the neighbors and friends: The- next meeting of the " Women's Instule " will beheld at Mrs. Alex Campbell's on Wednesday May 14th. Mr. Win. Campbell visited at the home of Mrs. Jae. Stimson one even- ing recently. Must be some attraction Mr. Chas Shewell purchased I horse from Mr. J. Pieffer oi Elmwood on ‘Saturday. . Mr. Doss Campbell visited at. Mi. John Stewarts one evening last week. Call ngum Does! Misses Annie and (Hay Superman of Umwfond spent. a. week ago Sunday at Mr. F. Shewell. I Mr. Malcolm (hunpbbll 18 putting " a new house for Mr. Hugh Ridden. The Women's Home and Foreign Mlasion Society will bold their next monthly meeting on Wed., May 7le, at the home of Mrs Duncan McQunr- rie,Bentinek, at half past. two. All the ladies in the congregation are in. yined to attend. Rev. Mr Logan preached on the Lord’s Day Alliance here last. Sunday and " an earnest, able speaker. Mr Tom Scarf has put a new root on Iris kitchen lately and John Veaaie has a new Nepouset Paroid roof on his house and a tir" galvanized one on his barn to replace the old one taken " by the gale of March 21at, We are all well planned with rural mail dehvery. which mlkes it very convenient to have our mail left at the gate every evening, Credit Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer has bum instructed to sell by public auc- tion at lot 41, con 3.W.G.R, Bentmck Wednesday, May 7, I9l3 at 1 o‘clock, sharp, the following : Bay Clydesdale Colt 3 yrs old, weight about 1400 lbs. Bay Clydesdale colt2 yrs old weight about 1100 Ibo.. Mare aged, cow with cull, fresh cow, Steer 2 yrs old. Steer 1 yr old, Heifer 1 yr old, Spring calf, lSsheep, 25 hens. Bain waggon complete, Democrat waggon,Gutter, Top buggy, set bob. Ileighs. set light bob sleighs, long sleigh, scuffler. Bisael disc barrow. Coulter Scott Hoe Drill, Iron barrows. Land roller, 2 plows, 6 ft Deering Bin. der, 5ft Peter Hamilton Mower, 4 " John Elliot mower, l0 ft Peter Hamil- ton rate, set heavy double harness, set double driving harness, set single har- ness. saddle, Pr horse blankets, Goat skin robe, 3 inch leather belt 35 ft, 25 grain bags, Turnip slicer, Turnip pulper Hay rack, Grindstone, Wheelbarrow, Chatham fanning mill, 2 sugar kettles. 'et platform males of 600 lbs capacity, boring machine, , cross out nws, blackemiths outfit, carpenters tools. A qnantity of hay and potltocs. quan- tityof olm and hemlock lumber, 10 cords 20 inch wood, forks, chains, shovels and numerous other articles. THE DURHAM REVIEW Household goods l beds, springs, mattresses, chairs, tables, stoves. churn washing machine, wringers, sewing mn- ttr' &c. No reserve " the farm in 80 . All sums of tr, and under canh. Over this amount 10 mo! c.redit given on fur- mshing approved jyint notes. 5 per cent per annum discount for cash in lieu of notes. Geo. cymbal. Rott Brigham Farm Stock, Implements, &c. _ Proiriator Rocky Saugeen ------._---- Welbeck WILLIAM T. Coon: ALEX. MCDONALD RquRT TWAMLEY of valuable i? Auctioneer WHEREAS Mossieuu Fntbur & Jacobs, manuhtctttrera, are desirous of commencing and carrying on the manufacture of weather ltripl and vttrtttlatortr, " the add Town of Dur- ham and have entered into an agree- ment with the Council of tho said Corporation for a lease of uhe prom- ises hereinafter mentioned, as I the for the manulactory of the said Wes. ther strips and ventiltttors, at the said Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation have seemed an option for the purchase of the plant, premises and land used in connection therewith from Messieurs G. & J. Mekechnie, of the premises formerly occupied by them as a sub and door factory and situate on Lot Number s on the West side of Queen Street in the Town of Durham : of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS in order to pur- chase the said plant and premises and put the same in a fit and proper state of repair it will be accessory to issue debentures of the said Town of Dur- ham for the sum oi Two Thousand Dollars (taooo.oo) as hereinafter pro- vided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By law) the proceeds of the said de. bentures to be applied to the said purpose and to no other: A By-lme to authorize the iuue of debentures of the T own of Durham in the County of Grey to the amount of T tt'O Thousand Dalian ($2000.00) for the purpose of purchtuing a site for a factory, to improve the same. and put the building' and machinery therein in a good and Proper Mate of By=Law Number 634 AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal at the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being ot such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years oi the said period (as shown in Schedule " A " hereto annexed '. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by " The Municipal Act " to be raised annualty by special rate for paying the said debt and interest " hereinafter provided is the sum of two hundred and sixty five dollars and thirty three cents, ($265.33) AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised assessment roll there- of, is the sum ot $587,120.00 '. AND WHEREAS the .1110 at of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive ot Local Improvement debts secured by spec- ial rates or assessments is 867508.04 and there is no part of the principal or interest thereof in arreu : THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows '. l. It shall and may he lawful for the Municipal Council of the Town of Durham to enter into an Agreement with the tion of Messieura a. t J. Mc. Kechnie, for the purchase of and finally to complete the purchase of the plant, premise: and site of the building formerly used and occupied by the. said mm an I sash and door hetury and minute on Lot Number?) on the West aid? of Queen Btreetio the said Town of Durham. and to 9x- pend the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (t2000 00) in the purchase of the said meaning and putting the plant and machinery therein, in is tit and proper state of repair. 2. For the purpose of mining the suid'rum of Two Thousnnd Dollars, (82000.il)), debentures of the said Town of Durham to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (02000.00) a. More. said, in Sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). each shall he Issued on the fitatday of June A.D. 1913, each of which debentures shall ha dated on the date of the issue there- of and shall he payable within ten years lhvreuftor at the omco of the Standard Bank of Canada at the said Town of Durham ', 3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durham Ind the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attach thereto the Corporate Sealot’ the said Municipality l i. The said debentures shall bear interest at the mm of Fly. and one- hnlf per centum (6h per cenl)per un- uum payable, yearly at the oftiee of the said Bank on the fltat day of June in each and every year during the currency thereof and shallhuve at- tached to them coupons for payment of the said interest. which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durham: G, During the currency of the said debentures there than he rained an. nunlly by Ipecinl rate on all the tate. able property in the said Town of Durham the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-tin- Dollars And thirty three cents ($265.33); for the purpnu of paying the amount due in one!) of the said yearn. forrrincipal and lnurnz in respect o the aid debt (an shown in the Schedule "A" hereto annrxed) ' 7. Tbe votes of the electors olthe said Town of Durham entitled to vote shall be taken on this By-law n the fullowing times and placen, than: to uy ',-- 6. This By-lnw nhall take “loot on the day of the final passing thereof by the Municipal Council of tho Town of Durham t On Mend“; the 6th dav of May. A. D, 1913, commencing " the hour of nine o'cloek in the lnronoon und eott. tinmng till (in o'clock in the after- noon ot the “I. day In the following Deputy Returning UMcers,--ln the North Ward " Gum-g: BhiretsUtoett hy Clifton Elvidge, D. R, o. l in the Eur. Ward at the Town Hall b&w. H, Bean D. R. 0.. and in Cthe an Ward u Norms" Wnlpole‘n one: by John Imith D. R. O. rrpai r. E On Saturday the 3rd d" of Mny 1913, neat, the Mayor of the “id Town of Durham Ihnllnttend in the "ttbe of the Clark of Eh. Town of Durham " the hour {If to: o’clock in tho forenoon to appoint personl to attend at the vuiouu rolling pince- nforeuid sad at the tina g',',h','."l','g up of the votes by tho Clark on bolas f of the person- tittereetU III and promo- ONTARIO ARCHIVF TORONTO . he Clerk of the Councll of tho aid Town of Du: hum dull “(and at his omen In the Town of Durban " ton o'clnck in the foronoonou Tuna-y the 6th day of May A. D., 1918, lo sum up the number of votes for and "Hall this BvJaw I baud n the Council Chamber a the Town of Durham the - of MtyA. D. 1913. ting or opposing the push; of thin Br-taw respectively '. 1922 238 31) 1923 251 Gt 11 TAKE NOTICE that the altove " a true copy of I proposed Bay-law which bu been taken into consi vrntum am: will he t1rtally pruned hv the Count il “I the Municipality of the Town ol Durham tin the event of the ttrtqtattt “I tho electors being chained thin-Hm after orte month from the titst put-h. cation thereof in the “DURHAM RE- Vluw."lhe date of which first pull. onion was the 10th day of April A. D. 1913. Ind that the vole. of the elm-tun. ofthe said Municipnllty will he tuken the-non on the day and at the hour- and pluces therein tized. North-EastNormanby Mr Archie McDonald is bury shing- ling W. Culdwell’a house at. prseent. Mr Greenwood spent Sunduy with his friend, Mr A. Backus. Mr Will Wallace, teacher at. Eber- dale, wheeled home last Friday night and spent. over the week end with his parents_ Mr Alb. Mush-ll lost 3 fine coll last. week. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Knox. Normanby, intend holding their monthly meeting " the home of Mn 11.11. Watson on Wedneudoy after. noon. Last week‘s budget Farmers are very boy just now getting :be gronnd ready for need. Borne luvs got som‘e gram noun. Mr Thou. McAhster In. “We: Ch" lucky one day Int week in urine bin ankle hurt. Hope he will soon be around again. Mr and Mrs Jno. Marion spent Sun- day evening with Mr and Mrs Wil. liam Pusken, of Bentinck. Mr William Lauder. of town, spent Sundry with Mr McAlister. Mrs Jno. Thompson 9nd Mrs Jno. Sharp spent. last. Friday with Mrs Jno. Buckus. Mia: R. Halliday and Miss E. Fee spout over the week end with their friend, was Currie Wilton. carpenters from Ayton are expect- ed Icon to rerun Knox church. which was badly wrecked by the Windstorm. Well Mr. Editor things have been quite dull in our burg mot news no source and as every body is hard It work m seeding operations nothing much of importance his buppened. Many of our farmers hove a lot sown And the majority have the most of the ground ready for the seed. Mr. T. McArtlnur and J. I’Attilon of Ceylon were visitors in our burg Sunday last. Miss Flossie Campbell In: gone to vim in Toronto. Mrs. W. Knox Sr. is still and" the Dr.'s one. The young people of this Commun. ity drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs Corbett of Wide-rwake lend I week lust night and presented them with a parlor clock. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were taken by surprise, and thanked their many friends for their kindness. The evening was spent in games and dancing to the emu-hours of the morning. The music was supplied by the S. P, orchestra. An excellent time we: spent throughout. Tin showers are out of date in these parts. Our gamer-l bltcklmitb, Mr. Knight is kept busy all the um. Mr. Knight " a first class mecbume. A number of the farm.“ and slockmen attended the Horn Show in Dundulk Int. week. Mr. Joe Fox is engaged with Mr. Wm. Watson for the spring work. MLGoo. Campbell Sundlyed in Mt. Forest. Fishing season now. Our general merchant has a supply of rods and tackle. The next will be the fUh Labs 51 and SI, Concession s, E.G.R. Glen-lg, wall be cold chup. For par- ticular: apply to stories. One (imeral Purpose Colt rluing2 years old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 your. Both lint-clue. F. McKnmox, North Line, Puccvillc, Ont. One of the best invert mama in Dur. Gm-three houses for i he prion)! “he. Two are solid “one and brick eight mowed housel. Two mom- oolid on floors, and trimmings. Two moonl- fumu-o. cistern, good garden. you: arch-rd. One from. seven room house. Mun he sold as owner in going Wat. Apply on prenatal " who Swinton Park. SCHEDULE "A" A. H. JAcstrott, Darin-n J. M. Lawn. Durham For 26 ill " 82 an MAYOR CLERK 3-5553 :4: CLERK $5 33 NS 33 ar, 33 Ar", 333 young 100 ten! 1 mil. South of “r mum-ford l (on! tu- too, acct-ed (or actual, lens then the building. would coat. 100 new an [out Forest. cheap " under “no. mo m on: Donn-ch ttdr Georg. Twain's hm) a no. wall-improv- ed plus“: which Ir Twmley made money. at!” " n are“ bargain, mo um um Louise, good Urm, any: buildings. timber worth moat of the price. 150 um near Durhnm. Weil-improved and cheap at about 34000. 300 acres in Egrcmont. (Dr Faun. farm) good purce, owner In the West oifeled at a snap. 100 acres near Iaitstowel, one of the heat fume in Perth Co. tiplenduily Elmwvd. AtstonUhitrgly cheap at If!“ are lot Too Lu, “Workum. North-west Ml fur rule 01' ex- change. Above are home of my Many Bar. guu. It will Pay you to any , to. It. " Miller u . - dull." Panama-I sud Cut-goon (mm FFtt'E. our J. P. "V once. nearly U amnesia hm 0mm RESIDENCE: Semud house south of nub"! one: on out do: at “but tit. OFFICE HOURS '-tiIm .-apm. 7-irp.m. Telephone Communicato- bemoan Ottice an new a All noun. J G H0TT0tl,M. D., ty M wf PICKERING B. D s., L o S HONOR GRADUATE of form. University, madame of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roman Over J a J UNTER‘S New more HQtiflhUile.1Pe,'LP1eetPe,t.e.t- otnot-,flvt,r, .16er stone and nppo u JrGVEiiiaTaTu% ”lama-m“. Dena-In In 'fl in menu. ARTHUR H. JACKSON my.» in Suprem Cam 'tttuntitled,',',,,,',',",')',",',',',', "Hoey to “an. lnuurunc has“; of 'it UGGG GGaaii T. Tia GT, "aan ., ___ E5. Jailed to my lddrell. Ad k'gst'utBlg 0.. It. cannula. Ont. Full litre of C (bollc Robu- and Isak a): white tClpa for " people. minimum 1 Speciality. Picture Fanning. Shortest Notice Bqpw BOOKS-Arron homiMlddtu‘h a nerve in the "ho_sphttettr1 rP/htt,'.,tr.' ten-ma , In. '____’ """P"""". iifiiiiriaui mm l "ma rim and vitality. Pronnun deny and Ill ”an! wegknes: averted " 05cc. guanine“ gill UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director The 3rd division of lot 9 and the In. divhiol of lot to, W.0.R.. Boutinck. 100 um. Do! I. “on. It, “lunch, 100acre. Lot 16 and halt of 17, 0011.2. E. a. it, (Mauls. Mio um. Lot 8. Con. s, 0.0.3.. Glenda. lin new. L n. 9, Can. 3, I. D. R, (Hench. Mute- Lot 10, Son. tk 0.0.8.. Glenda, bu urea Lot 4, 00:1. i, 8.D.R., Glenda, 55m” Lot T, om. 1. M.D R., clonal“. 50am Apply to G. t J. ICKICHSII. Durham Bonnie; V I R'tg.",,zigirirl'sht home south Lawrence'C acksmlth Shop. Mn modenle Annual» lot so M. ac.. mun be m cum la; Mr. Mun. 00m. 11% . was. or . gnu P, 0 .mle I “tended to, M: on .wnutiou to Lot No. 2nd s, Gun. 5, Clem-lg. 2L0 wt“. nor. or Inn. mil be sold or rented, either whole or -parete. F on with» part;traum, up” w Dunn. lctuurn. Durham, 00! Electric Restorer for Men 2 yd. long, 27 In wide. 25 .. 40 In wide. 3 " M to wide. 3i " trt in wide 31 .. 60 in wide a; " m in wide a; " 54 iii 'iifdr.r.r.r.ai;i. 81 .. 00in wide.......l.00pr 8t " 00 in wide. . . . . . 1.30 pl Twilled Sheeting 2 yin wide.25c rd Heavy blanked meeting, 2 ydnwide...... ...... .....40cyd Insuring; Agent Bed Comforters from . w... ,,.... .-..L2liup to 'treach, Floor Oilcloth. . . 30c a square yard Tabla Oilcloth, " In wide, 25C a yd New Spring Mat- nll new In an I.“ one then J. [GRANT D. D.S, LO. B. BIO 4 Mit, licensed Auctioneer tor Ca. Urvy ttice_pn, Lgmhron Notary Public, Commissioner, WEIEYAJCER. 6m. mutant: Agent (they Co Lotto l a? his hg, avg. NJUltMi'lJd 1'r":2uteti.t"" DURHAI. ONT. (Down Town Vl' WV. “any.“ IIIIIIIIH xxMchdJ'hu . telephone ht " an enoeluC Ion. bower Je ellrv site. Part 11'll2, J. P. TELFORD McPHAIL- " wupae". sum; For Sula or To Rut. A. BELL D. lo”! L, Ce or to C. RNAGE, My!) Farms tor Sale. W. ii. BE AN LACE CURTAINS Mffrg'h"llt tor ”I. A ttrn “My “may 2 CALDER'S The Hanover Conveyance: BLOCK' opposite .25e pr .500 pr .750 pr 1.00 pr 1.00 pr 1.50 pl "tttrtptlr 40c yd of =.,

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