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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1913, p. 8

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s bauy (y 0 se tss CORORET AH OOE Wiek 4 aKE #0000006 20000000000@0@@O°G@O@O@] W L. Dixon has blossomed out into a i SHERWIN â€" WILLIAMS s best ol z PAINTS & V ARNISHES the market $ _ SPECIAL ;c4Ss&s 95, € § $ BRUSHES f BROOMSâ€" ?: amnnnn,»annnnannm“, TAYLOR & CO. Dromore â€" Laces==â€"Insertions Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums Tac. "A very 1ige display of th Mattings S t "sme o ht ‘< THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. FLAXâ€"SOAP Spring is here and with ib, houseâ€"cleaning time comes with a rush. Ars you ready for it ? We are with all the necessary articles. _ You will find perâ€" foot satisfuction by purchasing your requirements here, â€" The following list conveys an idea of the wide range we carry, ard may give you a few hints : Brighten up which is approved by gyovernment engineers, and with it, can do ali work quickly and most satisfacâ€" torily. _ Any and every job entrusted to me, whether large or small, given careful attention. I am prepared to do any work in the way of Cementing, building Silos, Bridges, barn walls, etc. on shortest notice. I have purchased an Cement Work of All Kinds g We pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool Garden Seeds Steele Briggs, D. M. Ferry, Rennie‘s All atyles for voung men and maidens, old man and ehildren Successors to Robert Burnett It is the aim of this big store to give you dependable goods for less money than by the immense amount of goods we sell and by the army of satisfied customers We divide the profit with YOU. If you are not aware of this, vou have We have to offer this week a Special sale of Lacesâ€"all widths from one to four inches wide. ‘These are nearly all markâ€" ed 10c per yard but just to make it inâ€" teresting we have made one price of the lot Four cents 4¢ Four ceats About thirty different patterns â€" If you are looking for lace for less money than you ever saw it before, don‘t miss this ©pportunity. Star Ammonia, Dutch Cleanser Call and see me, or write NKEA B0 3C BG 9X BP BX BM PC 34\3X B BC PC BC PC PC\ PC BC TAYLOR & CO. â€"Ami, Soaps of â€"all kinds New Straw Hats ! Ay â€"12 1bs. SALTS 'LIAL or sm.:nun for 250 Also $1.00 pkgs. CLYDESDALE 50 STOCK FOOD, now ... ....... C Upâ€"toâ€"date Gasoline Cement â€" Mixer Scrub,Stove, Shoe and Whitewash nrxÂ¥ ks k k ks r ce e .++ +. + All prices all prices. Our 25¢ broom is a special . HUNT, Holstein YOUI’ Home Specially adapted for cilâ€"cloth of 10c to 1.50 _ Come in and let us show you what we â€"â€"Manâ€"tailored Garments made of the finest to fitâ€"and fit to wear. The 1913 Mode see them to appreciate their real value. V Mr. Manâ€"â€" Your New Spring Suit is Here THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY It is not generally known that (without the influence of spring which is said to exert itself in that way) Mr | The Rev. Mr Kendell, at Amos alâ€" so preached from the text ** Wine is a mecker, &c." and showed the ill effects and evil consequences arising from the indulgence of streng drink by Bible characters, Noah, Lot, Anâ€" non, Nabal, eic., as well as men of eur own day, holding high positions in society and learning sunk low by its use. to have backâ€"bone not merel;' wishâ€" ) bone. He stated that local option did improve and showed that in districts where it was is force (oneâ€"halft of Ont,) there were 159 cenvictions, as against 1250 where license prevailed in the other half, showing that Local option was not conducive to breaking / the law, a clever speaker with the j interest of the cause thoroughly at : heart. I Mr A Wesley Martin, M. A.. Torâ€" onto, gave an animated address on behalf of the Dominion Alliance at the Ebenezer on Sunday afternoon. He made reference to the great ebanges of social custems in later years and warned the boys and girls of the danger lurking behind ihe first glass. The burden of drink was not borne by the drinker, bus by the children. We should strive as good Canadiaos with the first country unâ€" der the sun to so improve the con-j ditions that the eurse of the liquor traftic would be driven from our land. Many wished that the traffic was done away with and urged upon all | con. He ieaves behind a sorrowing widow, son and daughter. The famâ€" ily sustained a severe loss some 18 years ago in the death of four of their «hildren by diphtheria. The symâ€" pathy of the whole commuauity goes out to the bereaved ones. Mr° Kress was the undertaker. The community was shocked to learn the other morning of the sudâ€" den taking away of Mr \Wm. Lee, from an attack of beart failure. He had been aiiieg for some time, but was able to get around and was spfitting or preparing to split wood when the call came. His funerall yesternay (Sunday) was ‘argely atâ€" tended and econdacted by the Orange-l' men. Rev. Mr Hartley preached tho‘ funeral sermon at St. Paul‘s church| and held a short service at the house! previous to that. The pallâ€"bearers‘ were Messrs Joseph Patterson, Sam / uel Patterson, Glenelg. Abe Crutchâ€" ley, David Ham:ilton, Waiter Fergasâ€" on and Jas. Matthews, of the 20th Mr David Hamilton got a hen‘s egg one day lass week tha; measured 6 4 inches around the middle and 8 inâ€" ches around the long way. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold watch and chain. They were married by Rsvâ€" J. A. Leece, ot Priceville. We wish in common with the community long life and bappiâ€" ness to the happy young couple. } In regard to the wedding of Mr Walter MceDonald and Miss Mary Moore on Tuesday of a week ago, additional information has been forâ€" warded to us. The bride was attired in a lovely dress of white lustre, trimmed with silk and allâ€"oyer lace, wearing forgetâ€"meâ€"nots in her bair and carrying a bouquet ot roses and terns. Her trayelling suit is of navyy blue serge with hat to match. The happy couple were attended by Mr Thos. Moore, a brother of the bride sod Miss Tacey Gordon, an intimate Iriend of the family. | We Sell for less North Egremont HOLSTEIN _ LEADER THE PEOPLE‘S STORE 1n0%6 JLOFC iN&AL 5C125 [E PaCC. We pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool _ 5 0 Meoieeonie oncenpednesanie:st it oi ob Coginges a m o sgrps a s oo s â€" aarx a eooombes ns se py enpe> opptucorips C » p ] rraRarar araear o aparedies cedR Snateanale ob oo s en in io op ie ip oob ie mds iess Uoayblraess d Es cE SEECCEE Mi the Proton Station Brick and Tile yards formerly owned by J. C. Wright. wilt be in operation as soon as the weather permits. . Prices right. ~Satisfaction guaranteed, | DR, LIvixncGstrox®. |In a little Scottish dwelling | _ Amid the heather bloaming fair, Love, peace and happiness were found Although poverty was there. A thoughtfnl boy bent over a book By a turf fire‘s fiiful gleam, One c;est,ined to proclaim tidings of oy By African hill and stream. Working in a factory at ths age of ten How the weary beurs did last, His gl;,nmmur placed on a bench nearâ€" \ Y He eag'erly scanned as he passed. No obstacles daunted the noble youth As bhe pushed toward the shining goal, A physician to the African race ; And a lamp of light to the soul. And when after years of fatigue and sickness, * He sank to the finalreâ€"t, His heart was buried in the jungle By those who loved him best. Don‘t hurry Stanley, the phones are very handy, although the disâ€" tance be great. Mr H. Love spent Sunday at Mr E. Hookridge. Last Friday was Dandalk borse show day. Our village was well represented in rnambers, while Dunâ€" da‘k report a good day. Thursday is nomination day for a Councillor to fill the vacancy causâ€" ed by the death of Mr Alex Gillespie. Mr A. H. Burnett is visiting Darâ€" ham and Mt. Forest triends. We bear that Mr Chas. Haw is starting a wood shop in the village. Success Charles, for one is much needed. Mrand Mrs Ostrander, Priceville, spent last week with their son Oscar in our barg. Mr and Mrs A, H. Barnet attended the funeral of the latter‘s niece, Miss Sarah Burnet, Priceville, Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary Shand visited last week with Holstein friends. The Store that sets the pace. Seeding operations have begun, last week being ideal weather. Miss Susy Halpenny arrived home from Toronto Monday evening, a phone message haviny been sent to meet her at Priceyille. All track or dealings with the Yan* kees is not yet done away with we find, as several of the neighbors have ordered oats, barley and potatoes from some firm in the States at a fancy figure, when the same grains may be had from our own Prof. Zaâ€" vitz of the 0. A. 0., or the Central Experimental Farm at Oitawa, both reliable cources and all for nothing. poet, so mueh so, that the Globe has recogniged the worth of a piece on the west, by publishing it in their great paper and rewarding him handsome!y as well. We congratuâ€" late Mr Dixon on this bebalf. Rev. Mr Kendell paid his anno»l visitation on the north line this week. w you what we have picked out specially for you ride of the finest Tweeds and Worsteds. Made The 1913 Mo'df]s are c]agsy modelsâ€"-you must or less money than you pay elsewhere. That we are doing this is proven satisfied customers who drive many miles to benefit in our profit sharing system. _of this, you have only to ask your next door neighbor. South Bend Brick and Tile. BECAUSE Hopeville. . IRWiX, Proprietor. Always the Best ery special values at $10, 12.50, and 15.00 Dont forget the Choral Society conâ€" cert on Friday evening in the Tcwn Hall. _ Over thirty singers are exâ€" pected to take part in the choral numbers. Solos, duetts, piano and yiolin instromentals, will be reuderâ€" ed by the choral members. Rev Mr and Mrs Baker of Drew who for some tine were leading singers in the Cenâ€" tenary Churcb, Hamilton, will also render munsical selections. The proâ€" gram will commence at 8 o‘clock so come early and get a good seat. Of this Society Mr J W Hunter is Presiâ€" dent, Miss Bride, secretary and Mrs AE Marshall, musical director. Rev. Dr. Ross who spoke in the Presbyterian chuarch last Sabbath a m delighted his audience. Dr Ross is a strong and forcefal speaker and especially is he a strong worker in the cause of the Dominion Alliance. Rev Wm Kettlewell gave a fine adâ€" dress in the Methodist Ch speaking of the work of the Allianee and the need ol help in carrying on a mission so worthy. ® The meeting of the Women‘s Inâ€" stitute will be held at the home ct Mrs W H Rogers, Thursday, May 8, An address will be giyen at this meeting by Mrs Wm Groat on "The farmers‘ wife »s an economic factor." This is the annual meeting. The choral members will bave their final practice in the Hall on Thursaay evening. _ All members are expected to be present. Mr, J. W. Hanter lef; Monday for Torento on business. * Mr _ Mickleborough of Toronto, son of Mr R Mickleborough spets, Sanday with his father and mother and sis ter Mrs Nicholson. iv a ftew days, we respee't'l‘ully reâ€" quess that all persons having acâ€" counts with us will call and setile at once. J. H. BROWN, Holstein As we have dispoged of our business to Mr A MCooke who takes possession Come with the crowd to Matthews‘ slaughter sale of turniture. _ Come early and get the choice. He also has a full stook of hard ware on hand. Best superfine coal ofi only 20c a gal. Mr. Hershey is back again to the old stand. _ He reports that he is fee]â€" ing much better and feels his trip away has done hitn a great deal of good. _ We wish him the best of health. Miss Raby Rogers returned from Toronto on Saturday and will spend the summer at home. J TORONTO Mr Jas Brown and Mrs Petrie were among the number who left on Tuesâ€" day for Toronto. NTresecssescecceccccccesssect Several of our citizens have taken aivaniage of the cheap rates to the city during the Toronto Horse Show . We buy for less M ens2effAsssssscesse5g, LOCAL AND PERSONAL & _ _ j95)4 7 j / "10cal option, than was sold illegally under license, He drew a vivia picture of the drair of the bar on the pockets of sailors lumbermen and others on the front. lers when they come under its influâ€" ence. He had a striking list o pairs, one under license, the where prosperity was seen 1 rest on the "dry" town, and again that no more liquo illegally under local option, sold illegally under license, | _ The features of the evening were the speecues of the yisiting Fieia Secreâ€" taries, Mro Muir‘s tOp‘c was " Our Goal," He traced the growth of the vause by many evidences, showing that the (rs Me was being driven into the dark, th.t against it were being ranged men j; higth places in comâ€" mercial and nationa} life, all eivilized communities were opposing it, and we would not stop n Canada © til half the traffie was thrown into the Atiantic and haif into the Pacific ; that will be our goal," Dr., McFavish took up objections to Local Option such asâ€"the barâ€"room the poor man‘s clubâ€"you can‘t enforce itâ€"we lose the revenueâ€"it kills a town, &c, He had looked into many barâ€"rooms and believed the man who said it was the first place to look for crime, the list place to look for vir. tue." It was a club indeed : it club. bed him on the head, the pocket, the bheart, the liver, the blood. As to the cry of blind pigs, it was found that these flourished best where license prevailed. Montreal with 1100 licensâ€" ‘ es had 500 blind pigs, i en e evening, Rev,. Mr Prudham acted as chairman. The choir of the church a intervals gave choice selections and Mr Alian Beli gave a solo that won hearty applaase, A fair audience evening, Rev. Mr chairman. The ch * That this Convention expresses its strong protest at the growing practice of actual second and third offences against the license law, being treated as first offences and punsished accord. iogly, and urgentiy request the Onâ€" tario Government to take all necesâ€" sary steps to carry out the manifest Mteht iof, the law and that a copy of this resolutron e seat to the Governâ€" ment," X. Contimnued from page 1 moved by Rev. Mr Cooley, of Har seconded by Inspector Campbell, carried unanimously, side of the teacher and working to the advantage of" the school. â€" He too took a keen interest in the moral lite of our citizens and ever touk his stand solidly for right. ~ In the plays and sports of the young people he took & leading part finding here not only relaxation from his hard work bat also took real interest and delight in the games of the young In the [Methodist church Mr Brown was one of its leaders. _ He has held almost every position of trust, being Secy. ‘w«na Treasurer of the Trastee Bd., a steward and member of the Quarterâ€" ly Oflicisal Board, superintendent of the Sabbath School and a member of the parsonage Board. _ He will be greatly missed but all wish him the best of success in the west. f oc e s e s SOuUe He traced the growth of the YÂ¥ »many evidences, showing tra Mc was being driven into k. ih=t against it were being min iv high places in comâ€" TECY: @NDe J 004 4e d E Alliance Field Day Evexixc Sesston audience assembled in Lhe _ _ Cofe issen striking list of towns in ju cce 2 P CC _ I life, all eivilized opposing it, and ) in Canada " til thrown into the into the Pacific ; a 9 THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. Pics,"" GROCERIES Prices on Redpath‘s Granulated Sugar per owt ...... ...4.75 Canned Corn (best Quaker brand)...... ..3 for 250 Canned Beans Quaker............ ..... 3 tor 25¢ Canned Peas, Quaker........ ...... ...... 2 for 25¢ Canvned Tematoes, Quaker........... .... 2 for 25¢ Comfort Soap...... ...... ... .... .. «6 bars for 25¢ Sunlight Boap ...... .... .... .... .... 6 bars for 25¢ 3 lb pkgs. Seeded RBaisins......... .... .... ... . 200 3 lbs. Select Valencia Raisins........... ...... 20¢ S 1bes Suedicss SUItRHRE. ... +««x:«++++*>1»++>+206 3 lbs Recleaned Currants................. ... 200 5 Ibs 30c Green Japan Tea......... ...... ....1.00 5 ths Black Ceylon Tég..... +.; .. 1. .+1+ .++s 100 3 tins Old Dm.chCleanser........v............2&_')0 3 pkgs. Hardy Ammonia......... ...... ...... 20¢ 8 rins Gillett‘s Lye.. ...... .... . .............. 206 o vinsCombert Ly® 1. +; :s1 s 1s a1+s #s 44 s +**s48 MB 2 cans Silver Moon Rep S«lmon tor..... 250 5 tins Pennant Salmaon.... . :.: .1> ,>..s. +25+» 1 1 » +208 All plug Tobactcos..;.,. . :.. «.++. ... .0 tor 206 Old Chum cut Tobaceo......... ...... .... 3 for 258 Ivory Gloss Starch...... .... ... ....,.3for25c Best Corn Starch ... .. >.. ..s>«.1,*s>.113 Tor 200 Fresh 15¢ Jamâ€"Jams............ ...3 ibs. for 25¢ Pound tins Baking Powder..... .... ...... 2 for 25¢ All HEHFRCLS s« « ..~« s1++ 42254 +2#5% + +s 5 i0 TOr 208 Fresh Datés... . ..;... ...Â¥ ~.¢..%..» .0 thy,. tor 208 ‘, the other not, een plainly to , and instaned “‘IUOI'_wn sold C], ol Hanover Campbell, and omed rrongagonye And perticulars from J. R Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent _ uy _ _ _ _"__"2C 6f Faul on above dates, h’l‘he Gung Tnlm.k Pacific R:.l'lm lq' tgo shortest an quickest route ween * nipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, Ruau t o iz leaving Toronto 11 .00 p, m "‘tnout change, leay ‘oron .00 p, m via Chieago and 8t Pnu.l'on above dates, _The Grand Trunk Pacific Raas .l« To Alberta and Saskatchewan Every TUESDAY until April 29th in clusive, from stations in Ontario, Port Hope, Peter. boro and West at very low rates. Through comches and Pullman Tourist s‘?‘.}”,)‘!.pn are operated . en augio0 RONSt uo »ar roappipiatiy wreiP sc ut wlssccssr mm no....w The family remedy for Coughs and Colds. “lhno:mco:a so little and dots so much!* Dr. de Van‘s Female Pilis Seg_tjers’ Excursions Man« Winnipeg & return, ”s Edmonton & return $43 Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses DR. JAS. 4.. WILSON, B. a Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Special attention paid to dise of Women and (7%ildma. * Also Eya. El?.' Nose nned'rbtgnl,' QTT yea t molg;hl Lest n â€" perig¢ tt'et’l. PCs 48065 ht Office at Holstein Drug Store. each To MANITOBA, Presbyterian Church Sunda ool 0Q, Service at 11 a.m. ygdi’ B.‘d E. at 7 p.m. REV. J, MALCOLM, â€" Pastor Homeseekers‘ Excursions Sunday School at 10. _ Services at 11 & im. and 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. MARSHALL, B. A. â€" Pastor vG Di Oom patk L wraxes, Leases '"d.,‘?fll- eney to loan at lowest rates, ter«ls to suit borrower. Fire Life Insumince placed wnrou rekhable commanieen Arle â€" N P roportionate low rates to other points. *‘ Return limit two months ANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA TUESDAY until Oot. 28 incl. Methodist Church MAY 1, 1913 J. SHARP . All wo to WINNIPEG ecuted on prompty i ole" qlecale"ale®alaâ€"alet o. c* op_ ols d fal o C old din "ols" cle ols "ole"alc" ole o MRS. J. C. NICHOL, Represa charges involving ney and Manna sustained by the LADIES spirell= Oc 2 THE John Kelly, SPIRELLA CORS MeKECHNIE‘S We have Cracked your hens. Mix Cho or groun d. Bran, Sho OF CANAD The Proudfoot Cha TORONTO D U R H Let us do your HIGHEST PRICE P VOL. Northâ€"west § For the next our complete this week‘s : Outing Hats Peanuts, Mil: amas at great 2( LV peY ce and untrin ers, Featlu This is a Sale your while to while there w to choose frox SPECIAL Values in NO Milli r family this von PV a N the holwd a v Box 197 h an «extr@ ind (the pri from us y un i M RICJ T no

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