West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 May 1913, p. 1

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cg; , ol. S. F. MORLOCK P,', ..--___-_-. '_...- v _'_.b-..4_.' Il 'it FRED. J. WELSH ti fixxxxxxxxxxxmaxxwwmxxaxgmx L tfrtls'N : RulIIRnJN-r the special Ltoomed hon-I079. Two rooms solid oak 5pm.” I (Va-wt Yi-tle for. Kaster. Me, itloors tsnd.rrit"mirttr1. Two Hunters rm " " Hair M-fnn- the hnlmuyw. The ( fnrmu-e, (intern, good garden. young lulhn'nkahlv 'itiatr and not sold in scores I orchard. One frame seven manned " [ house. Mun. be sold as owner in going MRS. J. C. NICEOL, Repmcmmcl West. Apply on premises or write Uox [07, Durham Il J, M. LATIMIB. Durham ovum Thoroughbred Durham Bull for! Service. l TORONTO‘ I DURHAM BRANC 1le,!eet,,i,y.s - an: 223'.I";1-}EZiEMXEEEEEEflEEEWEflEE-E STANDAiéD BANKI Seflel 'ttttvet"? I SPIRELLA CORSETS We have Cracked Corn, Wheat, Buckwheat, Oats, for J ur hens. Mix Chop made from pure grain, Corn, whole O'" ground. Bran, Shorts, Midlings,lor sale at close prices t, i the Mill and In: as tell you all about Gold Medal Flour. " . MAh'Klu' I' mucus FOR ANY KIND OF GRAIN. ism high patent. pure Manitoba North-west Gem Flour, milled expressly for 'hose whn wish an extrn strung Flour, mun! in every way to any Haw mm. a. "nd the price in much lea. You can set may sized bag of rtour from as you require. McKEONlE'S MILLS ls a m .rwl m mudm-n Milling. Sales of GOLD MEDAL otttclass nil ntlwxu I mnhhml wherever it has keen offered. GOLD MEDAL "omt for family "we has no equals. It is the best family Flour "MIMI cm thr, umuneut and the uric? in no hlnhur lhnn nu. mdin. Gold Medal Flourg mulled on Hm continent and the price is no higher than the ordin- wry. every day article now on the market. ©F @ANADA Let us do your Chopping------," know how. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for any amount of WON, Jorrkinsr VOL. XXXV1,N'0. 20 Niee nll' Gd/ide.' m. -... .... F. SHE'ELL. Proprietor W..lhevk 20 percent off all trimmed and untrirnmed Hats, Flow- ers, Feathers,0rnaments,6ye. For the next 30 days we are adrerin our complete Millinery stock including this weekU new arrivals in Sailor '_ Outing Hats, and Fancy Shapes ii Peanuts, Milans, Leghorn and Pan- amas at greatly reduced prices. This is a Sale which it will be worth Four while to attend, and attend early while there will be a large assortment to choose from. . NO OLD STOCK SPECIAL Values in a "yo-year-old for Monstrous illinery Sale Children's Hats Wuhan thiBuk’uhfh Handhmud. Due of the best investments in Dur- hratrr-three houses for the priceol one. Two are solid alone And brick eight roamed homes. Two rooms solid oak it)oors and trimmings. Two umntvh (funnier, cistern. good gar-don. young wrchnrd. One frame seven mowed ‘house. Mast be sold as owner in going Lats " and 65, (Joneesaion 3. E.G.R (ilenelg. Will be sold cheap. For par- ticular. applyrto“ __ 7 7 efff1'ere.r,t.ta,nyttin Cirma,tlsesUnitedth- ilht __ iititttttlitttit h. H. JACKSON, Durham For Sale Hear Getty Sellars in We received the other day a copy of the Daily Evening Empire. "the first and leading newspaper In North. ern British Columbia " now in its seventh volume. Among the news featured on fleet page in an account of monster blasting operations being carried on by Archie McDonnell. con- tractor on the G.T.R. Mr McDonnell is known here, is A brother of lho Don, Campbell, Swlnton Perle end hrother-in-lew to Mr John Turnbull, late of Beatinck. now " Prince Ba. pert. A rock pile, tunnelled and gtutr. ed with 1000 ken of gunpowder and 100 boxes of dynamite should make semewhat of a " display " as the peper callsit. They are preparing yerdein the vicinity of the big dry dock. NORTH GREY Dne.---MeUord failed LO carry Local Option by a fraction of I vote, but Provincial Secy. Hon. W. J. Hanna has ordered no licenses to be issued. A three months extension ls grantedtu get rid of stock on hand, and after that there will not be a single license in North Grey to sell liquor. Ot course there is grumbling and one man has some tensor. having just. noughb a. hotel thinking the by- law dead. It nppetrs that numerous- ly signed petition: from farmers were sent to Mr, Hanna urging no license, and these may have induced the minister to act as he has done. The b'ourhland %rrenaders, a colored troop composed of six. two ladies and four gentleman were on hand in the Presbyterian Church Monday night and pleased the audience, which was not large with .1 varied number of melodies. The outstanding member of the troop was the busso who has a powerful and deep voice and is up in eiocullon Itt' well. The proceeds amounted to $32 which leaves little to the organ fund after expenses are paid. take macs/Vie hope ttfe season " prove auspicious and It is encouraging to know that orders have already been booked. Mr. A E. Trout. of Owen Bound, has resigned aiter26 years of contin' uous service an assistant postmaster to take up the work of Agent Inspector for the Ghtldren's Aid Society in Gray County which was up to recently in charge of the late Mrs J, E. Lediard and Mr M. K, Richardson of Flasher- ton who was recently appointed to the Registrar-ship of South Grey. rtrirRTr.trsacaaasaa--The not”) ties round the new manufacturing eatahlishment of c, J. Furber& Co. on Quevn Btrcet are fast bringing the machinery into shape and before many days Mam] m'mufuclqg'm] gill Wan Van GREY COUNTY SCHOOLS --Mt. A. M. McDermott has been ap" pointed by the Dept. of Agriculture to visit the rural ehools of Grey County and the edJncent district in the cape- city of " tteld"turent." While the titsst duty " these tieid agents is to visit inspect and report upon the schools, undertaking to give eyetemetic in. struction in agriculture and thug quel- ify for epecial (mute, they are free to give their services as far " pmeihlo wherever and in whatever wey the in- provemeut of the country echoole or of country echool etudiee Inge them. They will co operate with inspectors and agricultural rereseutltlvee in their work wherever poeelble end, es i lime and circumstance. permit, cell l on the“ or Image with them for vie- i nice oehoote toumher. .- , Rev. T. A. Rodger. pastor of Knox church. Owen Sound. for about six years. baa received a unanimous call to Cowan Ave. Presbyterian church. Toronto, to succeed Rev. Mr. McDon- ald, who resigned to accept an editor- ial position on the Presbyterian West. minsler puhlietstiohg. Hon. l. B. Lucas has been appointed 1hovincial Treasurer. which mean. an election must be held in East Grey, a nomination at “at. North Grey is also vacant. H on. J. J. Foy is to go to the Senate. so that three elections may be held in o e day. Dr. B;uwn. Eye Ear, Nose Mid Thmat. will he at Hahn Hotel, Dar. ham, May 17. Hours 12 noon to6 AUCTION BaLe,---Mr Thos. Fluke:- has decided to go Well and will dig. pnne of his household etteets by public auction on Saturday. May 17, at 2 o'clock p. m. Terms Cash. Ron'r. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. LANDED A mo ONK,--While fishing " McKechnie's dam Tuesday morning 6:0. Murny. 901 of Mr. Alf Murray pulled out al5inch wedded beauty, which measured t ins. across, and weighed 2 lbs. p. m, Eyes tested und Glasses sup plied. The post officeg at Reward. Sullivan Mills, and Peabody will clean ort81et May owing to the establishment of new rural routes. The West Ridlng of Simcoe doe! nlt now posse-s a liquor license. Same in North Grey. same in Eur Grey. South Grey has them in Normanby. Nonstndt and Hanover. / HAY FOR BArar--Apply " F. W. Kelsey'a Photographs gallery. s/a,,.,:',-',-,:.,..'.,,":,:',.),',,:,)'..?? 2 Ici/cr; fiislzzmpscs' DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 15, 1913 With which I! {ammonia the Ids“ Ltgttta. On Monday of this week, Mess} (in!!! and Campbell called at the manse and on behalf of a number of friends in the congregation, presented Dr. quuhaxsou with n purse of gold, exmesuve of their I m nth with tum in " present il|n§§nd of their desire that means shou not be lack- Ing for the prosecution of his effort,- towards recovery. Dr quuharson acknowledges with sincere Lhankulhe kindness manifest- ed by this gift which he nppreclttes all the more, as " is one of a levies of con- tinued nets of kindness, and expressions of good mll which he bl! received not only from membets of his cungregn- tion, but from the citizens of Durham generally. A THRILLING rhrxa,v.C'cqe ripple ot excitement: was created on Sunday evening, just. after church services were over. Spence Hopkins and Miss Donnelly of Beulinck were leaving for home when their horse became fright- iened by an auto near E. A.Ruwe's. It tore north up front street, and crashed into a rig at. the main corner, twisting the hind axle back. Mr Hop. kins hung on but. the animal took the side of the street, and bumped the rig against, the cement. crossing in from of Mpfiectuiie's store, which being considerably higher than the ditch, "mashed the front, wheel. With Img. " t1ualtlelt and some harness broken, the horse here broke loose and the whirlwind ride came to a sudden stop. both occupants being thrown out. Mr Hopkins kept [muesaiou of the lines: and held the animal, but was not In the least injured, while Miss Don. nelly Aldo escaped, with only a sllght scratch. Be regrets very much the long con. tinued Illness that Ins laid him aside from active service, but trults that undu- God he may be Ipoedily restored to " wanted health and strength and ambled to resume his accustomed work. The Court of Revision for the Town of Dartttun.tor 1918 will be held in Town Hall. Monday, 26th May, at8 o’clock p. m.. No appeals will he con- sidered unless they have been filed with the Clerk according to law, and no refund will be made by reason of foregoing neglect. The world's greatest descriptive organist Gatty Sellare of the Queen's Hall London Eng. Concerto plays at the Presbyterian Church Monday next and from reports from neighboring cities. his ptttformance such of des- etiptlve pieces as bis”Storm at Bea" and the tt Russian Patro I" will come as A revelation, these effects being dwectibed by the world'e preesns the finest ever heard. The performance of the Coronation Music with Cathed- ral Chimes from the Queen's Hall London Eng. will be a special feature. Secure ticket early at 25 cents to avoid disappointment us the m?rlddamed Ur'tranuttrperforttmnces have attracted the lamest audiences or , record in nmny of the larger cities ' fired. Notice of all changes of property must be forwarded to the Clerk as well as all names required to be enter- ed on Assessment Roll before it is lln- ally passed. ____ - ---. - -.-. w.. _ Proton Station Brick and Tile yards humanly owned by J. th Wright, will he in operation as soon as the Weather permits. Prices right. Bautthustian guaranteed. SINGLE FARE FOR VICTORIA DAY..- TUe Grand Trunk Railway System will issue round trip tic-lion at Single Fare between all stations In Canada can of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mach., Buffalo, Nia- gara Fills. Black Rock and Suspen- sion Bridge. N. Y. Good going Fr:- day and Baturday, May 23mm 21, ya- lid returning until Tuesday, May 27, 1913, Tickets and full information hom Grand Trunk Agents. mogul. MCGRATH. The roadbed west ot'ttu, new bridge an Lunbton street, which was lower- ed last fall to supplratraveuor the thla, the nudge, WM hat week level. led off at the corner of Countess and Lsmnton streets and 'he cement. cross- ings rebuilt. i Accotm'm.-All netMTrtts due to the estate of Thos. McGuth are payable Hons: AND Lor Erin SaLtr,--The house, sable and lot cabal-ham Road will be sold eheap tie cash. Price 0500.00, Apply to Mas-WM. [Mum at lhe shoe store on at before June Ist, 1918, after which due they will he placed in other hand. tor collection. Last Notice. S. P. Morlock “59110an great reductions in muunerrithu week. Raw was NEW "orts.--aranr of our readers enjoyed our last serial “For Weal cu for Woe." Another gucd one r' Her great love," com.' mencen this week. Read it, on page '3, the Presbyterian Chu/li, 'ii'fiiii"ii"ii7, May iii." A Kindly Gift Acknowledged. Court of Reyision Brick and Tile. Town ot Durham. WM. B. VOLLET, Clerk. W. J. IBWll, Ray Furquharsou, Vivian Cuwfold Viola Rennie, Kathleen Sullivan, Bar. ah Fulton. Morrison Smith, Nathan G'riernon, Jame- Istae, Florence Ren- wick, Vlctona Aljoe, Julia Uluk. Emma Ritchie. Edwin Sullivan, Bert Marshall, Margaret Kerr. M. P., to stir up the Post Otrice au- thorities and let them know that there is such a place as Durham. Col lectious in Walkerton are made at IL30 a. m. and 9.30 p. m. and the 15 boxes are collected in In hour, the distance covered being 4:} miles. (l) Entrance to Normal. I (2) Lower School Examination. The following were recommended to wrlte on " Entrance to Normal " t Lower School Examination: Alix Edge, Marguerite Hatton, John Led. ingham, Florence Kerr, Zen Crawford Margaret Campbell. Jr 4th--Cameron Wakefield, Hilda Brooks, Georgie Lawson, Chum Wright, Agnes Wakethrid. Jr But-.0 Cameron, m“. NM? Gowan. C Clark, When. ___/ l St: Md--N Snell, R Snell. R Pilkey, W Clarke. I Falconer. Jr 2mi-M McKechnie, J merean' A Graham, E Morris, A Blair. LETTER. Boxzs PLACED IN TOWN,- .. Fitleen letter boxes for posting mail matter in have been placed in posHun here and two more hotel ura yet. to he installed to complete the service, when we will have the distinction of being one of the best accommodated centres in respect to mailing facilities in this part of the Province." Dear Durham. ite, this is not Durham, but Walker. ton, (but is thus favored and tt is ex- uspemting to think that Durham has not got its first box yet. What's the matter P The country is getting rural mail delivery, other townshave boxes or letten delivery, but Durham is Hill in the same old rut and hundreds of citizens have to trot to the post office when one man might do the Work. We would urge upon Mr R. J. Bali, Form I-With Edge, Rita Roberta, Rune! Ecol“. Mary Menmith, John Bell. Br 8rd--C McGirr, J Mekechnie, Ritchie. J McLean, I Elegy-go. Ja Pt 'ttttr-Ihr" Brooks, O McGirr. J Hepburn And L McDonald eq., P Mar. ru. E Torry. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Br 4th-Tillr Levine. Mary Smith, Doria McAulvy. Frank Morlock, Willie Hutton. , Br Pt 2ttd--H Eden, 0 McLean, J Murray. 5 Russell and R Burnet eq., Mary Mcchhnio. Allan, W Welsh. V Ryan. She has four children left to cherish her memory ' Wm. in the West, James at home, Martha. Mrs Thus. Smith nearby and Miss Bessie. also at home. The funeral was held Monday to Zion ceutetery, the BeI'VIC98 being conducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr Prudham. Jr A--A Hewitt. BGun, A Venue. S Hulford. I Saunders. Jr B-E Fulconer. E Cameron. B Levine, I Lowne. W Common. She was an exemplary Indy and was held in the highest esteem by all who came in contact with her. She 'utter. edthe loss of her husband a. year and I half ago and brother, Mr Richard Banks, of Edge Hill, about the unit time. She has two remaining broth. ere, ttolrert from the State, at present visiting here and --, tuso in Illinois and a sister Mrs Brown in the North. west. Jr Ist-at CHI, M Somnderl. G Watt D 'icDouaid, A Clark. WILLIAM Gnome: JACKION On Tuesday but: in Chicago this well known gentleman passed away having pussed by several years the three score and ten limit of the Psalmist. His son M! A. B. Jackson hurried to his side when he leaned of his Illness, but would barely got there in time to see him Illve. The remains are being brought to Durham and will be interred beside his kindred tn Trin. ity Church cemetery. Those who knew early Durham will look with regret on the passing of "Willie George"es the braking of another link with the past. We have no other particulars at this writing. Mas WM. BANKS Last Saturday there passed away on the 6th con.. Glenelg (Zion) an old pioneer in the person of Mrs Wm. Banks at the ripe age of 82 years. She was born in England in the year 1831 and coming to this country flot settled at Laurel in Amaranth Tp., when: she and Mr Banks underwent all the trials and hardships incidental to pioneer life and coming on to the present homestead. where they have lived for the past 35 years. Result of Test Examinations Sr Ist-k Kelsey. E McOomb. A Durham School Report April Honor Roll ------- si---.- The Roll Call TORONTO Those who have heard Ihislecture will he glad to hear it again. We strongly recommend those who have not heard it to make a point of doing Bo, Entertainment. interest and edu. cation are in three very outstanding tetrturer. EMISS E. M. McAULIFFE We are and to announce that the Advance Agent of the National Sani- tarium Associatinn bu been m town this week arranging for a lecture to be given by Mr J. B. Watson, Field Secretary and Lecturer of the Associa, tion, on Tuberculosis and the work of the Muskoku Free Hospital for Con. Iumptivee. The lecture will he deliv. ered In the Town Hall on Sunday, June 22nd, at 815just after the close of the usual church set vices, ----- o o- - - BORN ltgAs.--In Durham, on Sunday. May ll, to Mrand Mrs Mike Ryan. a son. NlcHoL.--At the mane, Dundas, on Thursday, Aprii 2tth, to Rev, W. and Mn Nichnl. a daughter. $$$$$$$$$$$$¢$$$¢4¥¥$¥¥$¥i ir'ooirsiist'osrsasi'soassooirssooiiseeqsora' Rev. Dr. Smith, formerly of Camber Ont., t1lled the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday hot for Rev. Dr. butquhnrson Both his sermons were of a direct practical nature, a spade was called a spade and few there mun: have been who did not feel shaken up by the envious gospel appeals to attivily in the Christian life, For six months past Dr. Smith [ms been doing evang- elistic work tor the church In the went and lately has been called to a charge near Gorrie, where he in to be inducted on Friday of this week. We extend congratulations to tw Durham boys. Robt. L. Lnidlnw an Keith L. Newton on passing with honor-their exams, at the School of Practical Science. Toronto, Keith has completed his fourth year in Mining Engineering while "Bob" uccom' pushed the seldom attained scandal-d at bone" on 2ad year " ms. He has taken a position With Iron Works at "alt the Marie for the summer. Straiford mourns the deal h hf her Fire Chief, her Chief of Police and Police Consume, killed wnlie on duly It the destruction by fireor the tine Preabyteliun church which had been struck by lightning. They were killed by falling timbers. Mr Jao. L. McKinnon, of Top Cliff, who is a student at Queen‘s Uuivers icy. Kingalon. is telebing school for the summor months at Lloydminster, Balk. He states there are consider- ably over two hundred Queen’s stu. dentu who teach in the prairie pro- vinces during the summer. Misc Jean Baird. of Thornbury. is a guest at her aunt's. Mrs Ju. H, Colt. ridge. Henry Love's senteme may be churned to life ituptisonmer.t. Nt'. cordiug to the Bun. The one? is now being considered at. Ottawa. It I: rumored lint a new gents' fur- nllhing More will soon he opened in tho Calder Block. TIE Illllflit BANK (ll: CANADA w Wt Jam Branches. LONDON In" our: NE! dhmg "irlqT"i%i'Ws"i. or, W. Important Lecture Coming. Our cheap sale commenced last Saturday, May 10th, and will continue during the months of May and J une. _ Big Reduction in Ladies' Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats thttttutmptton the Subject. '_r"'e8"M.M"BBovTe. . I . WHIP-MU, o" - " tiC'l'lvr1','ll"' f o {C a. TM“ . a, u, a Childrens' Hats and Bonnets MILLINERY SALE “URI-IA" IRANCH: B. HUGHES $$rr.)mttthetrthmttghtnitaaaia J1llmllEatllfllilt tf mm WITH WHICH tS UNITED mdottPortaTEiniia ”but! mum at "mow. C. lulu}! & swim I Mr. Donald Fuquhnrson. Cultoml 'ietiidr,' Chatlmm, came up In: wool: x to spend a. few days mth his brother (herd, and teft on Wednesdly. Dr. I FarquUrson is gradually calm-g but not able yet to {are the work of the pastorate. Next Sunday his pulpit will be supplied by I". J. A, unthuou B, A., B. n., of Priceyllle. o . . 25mm 7' 't f . , MtttMt0tt p 'I 12.50am I, a . 'mm.“ Mr W A. Mntthews, of Gaming- ton, In visiting his brother 1nd “It” here, Mr C. Dun-moor. “computed by his mother, Mrs J. Duomoor, visited oven the week end with Holllnd Oeu- tte relatives Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Fluker sad theee daughters. after a number of your: residence in town, are holding nod. of household etfeet. on Summit] and purpose leaving next week for Van. Cuurer, where relnlives resale, and will make their homo then- if favor ably impressed with the city. Mr sud Mrs Chas. Luella and two ohlldran. of St. Marin, spam (to. Friday to Tuesday a Mrs Uurriru. Mr and In J. P. Whelm. of In". “Ion. and Mrs Vanilla“, " Me. Me in town visiting their puma. I! Ind Mu T, Whelln. Mm Mamie Munro returned to Bur. falo funny to take ap her duties as a protection“ ttttNe. Min Zorn. Man lull holiday“! over the weak end with Miss Ethel Willis, Allan Park. Mr sud Mrs Wm. Calder and family motored to his home at Calderwool the beginning of last week. Mr A. H. Jackson left for Chicago Monday. Owing to the Serial" illness at his lather there. Mu Wm, chaQn And two children of Wolloly. Sui!" who bu been Tuit. ing but many friends and relatives ll uound Durham since last fall, return. ed Tuesday to her home. Mr and Mn Geo. Hubcltlo an! baby left Wednesday for the Boo, when they will visit for two week with ttis pan-outs there. Rev. R. W. Wright, B, D., hu. 0. account of Mn Wright's poor health, decided to resign the pastor-lo of Lb. Methodist Church here and gin up active mlnisterlul work tor I you. The Congregltion ind people of Pais. ley genenlly will regret the Bar gentleman's intention to leave town " the and ot MI first Fenr.-Adyocat.. Mr Harold Aljoe went to Toronto Mondly for n time. Mu. Arch. lemmas", who, with three childten. tpaob the winter with relatives here left on Mount, toioit' hel husband in Weylmrn tuek. Mr. Robert Burnett is spettditttt two or three weeks in Genie on Dunno... Mr, Ed. Bums spent over Sunday with In sister Mrs. Buoy. \ lil.?.,. Howell of RouiNew Ontario us siting at mat 1th F.tth.ott md l-lge Hill friends. J In A list of nurses who graduttod go. cently In Toronto. .rhe name of "II. E. N. Campus“ of Swlnmn Park Appears. Congratulations to Ethel. NEW YORK AGENCY anWillian and CedarStt. Come early in t Minuet.

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