West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 May 1913, p. 2

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F% M . timo u iwn mymmuu was at its For“. yt mun-l he turmrul for months atuthno. I mu w'tina not, only Uuhcartened. for nnvhuu min-d, but "ompletvly dtstittumd um, Cut (“me forumo smiled upon me on. ttar in the K'uttmer of lino And “be!” my a)“: an 'tuvcrtisement of Cunar- Rum-(Has. I ward them wording tod- Iium and um- a row minimum: 1 m to be] and sec relic! sham]. " in M 1eye.o.e.eftimttte-oitiTG, truthfully any I‘ve but] I can." (Signed) uh. Loni. E. Wk. Dee. 12. Mbtt. Cancun an...“ _ than” In nu by M and - «ml... For a laud ho - ot can. an 0-; 2lt'."gt'gtarg2t'i,tiiaifu4 can» I.- “ II. . A. Yo u r 3.11;; Ey as Q’s-f?" N e e gf 2|; Cr, f? a re 57-7; of blown"! Ind water oldl iWG7, It; {Jayme Eye Remedy " am only thirty you. old, yet for llmnut two you. I have felt more like Dummy-nu. I have found it (“lean to “up at night. and in the morning [on m devre-d Incl heuy that "ort In Huh-um My ham" were uny- than! Ind pen-ninth“: on slight olort would break out all over me. It I“ DO! un- natural that I should begin to brood on: the ammo that I almuld be tgttttt to do my work, Ind this dread made my Ilean- "ma mghtn perfect minor]. After repeated "uh of medium“ and mixtures. Dr. Iamihon'o Pill. I." ma the Int [lu- " hope. From the wry um I could no Dos-v "were dim-rent in union from at)" pillo. Thr, didn't [ripe and oeted u Illa In”?! no ll nature 3nd not tho pub: new a-lmnam‘ my trlotrtted-up Iyatem. Mr .trtr.ts rope. t tel'. much better. Tho )lumnah amon of the, Ayah-ll gave way lo nnrmal activity, Dunne" 3nd head. when: ”and, uppetiul. ttood color and unhiuun to work returned. 1nd have n- uni-ml. t gm Mo 3 new mun. and l Maul Dr. [lumzltun'o Pills for It ill." EMMA FROM HEAD Tl] ANKlES gnaw-Iva. I Bat Ilup at night. " no den-reused and 'itBcult. " hunt Ind perspiration break out all on Danna] that I Ibo the c-ham that l -y wart. and this but mzhts perk-ct win!» or medic-In Inmilton’o rm. I p! hopo. From the Ibrr 'wre ailm- Ftlls. Tiny didn't malt! an " use porn u-lranam' my ”Inn Man I I! mum: nation ot to normal activity Debra craved. um Prod That Health and loan“! wumy 0quth loturn Whoa light Randy In Us“. 'ort All Who Lark Tigor, Those are lHapirlu-cl and Worn Slumld Road This Carefully “I Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New ob Time. Used Cuticura ifemaiies and Found a Cure, The trick 1 then the cilia whispered on terpreter. Drtured With Terrible Itching and Burning. Scratched Until Tore .r.ltysh. Ly hnktftrr Nights at a strongly to the assembled retinue 0nd to the chieftain as that in which a white duck was made to up- pear with 3 black head, And a. black duck, after a moment's manipula- tion, with the head of the white th, many A Magician's Entries” in m Fiji Islands. The test. of one who claims super natural powers u to make him per- Iorm his tricks under everyday oon- diziom or with lppmtus not his own. In such I trial at least one madman failed. He was touring the ghxbo, and appearing before rulers 4! many strange lands in all aorta of outlandish places. On one occasion his manager had arranged an exhibition for him before the {may of a province in tho Fiji Is- ti Lam Ola. o----" When I'm! ten m but“! to be torture" with a ten-dbl. " and burning of the akin, Ind was " was era-ma. I have bad it right , n P sen-n years steady. it man. . t" . wry war. I was uncut-d hom head -L!. m ll learned to apps" like live: 6. than I would begin to mach until , my Bel. " would always be at its at mum. l have walled lay-alumna N 'iris-ttt and my ttmtera would be .:.*r and cramped from scratching. no 1 would be hardly able to anthem out. My. how I have, Mend! My ml whole body would be im a 'm- »;rlnm red ma Bro and alter 1tavtntt loop Mater on my face thou I would but: If". lhnhln arraMfsornhgttt.at W h T00 Muo FOR MAGIC. the nt as n at is d 1; trick- intrrpn and tl pected with , mum En Rem“: chit-7;; Plas ing Nate crowd that saw the exhibi- , "any of the black and av” of the Chieftain. All atom were unazed at the Huge manifestations of the t that the magician per- hr, but go manttet, that the; I I no trick tad to be repeated, and 4tain engaged in a lqng awersation with the m- ter "wud apologe- spunded ..-- ur honored sire [W0 of his black "low head on a te If you must money in the Mack "ad?ir head on w-rvitnr. Our would be vety .¢., 'tota"tutottt yum-aura! “a... any Jean. L - am: t.e eP1Ar l J. E. Park queried the nuts, iii aid tand my Ietn Qu ml}. pry Eyrr and "and Boo. " Who on, If In"!!! Uni-om can. - An explosion of several boxes of cart-ridges in the More of George Leaf at. East Burnaby, set tho premim in a blaze, and before the fire. brigade could roach tho scene seven thousand dollars' worth of stock and druotum had been do strayed. only a portion of which u insured. 70.000 inhabitants, the actual popu- lath.“ being estimated at 68.785. This n-prewnts an increase in eTsen months of ll,916, An old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, pm‘ishod somewhere on the Russell Glacier at. the head of White River. the only trace of them Ewing a couple of blankets and a rith, found on the ice. One of the leading real estate dealers in Vancouver's Grundview district. estimates that property valuerthere have increased ten per cent. u a result of the passage ot the C.N.R. bylaw by the rate» payer; a ghqrt time ago. l At tho Canadian (fanning Com. pany's cnnnary near Stoveston on tho Fraser River, 24 experienced Scottish girls will be omplosed, as an experiment in replacing Chine-so with white labor. Henderson's Directory shows that G'.rtuer Victoria has nearly Ratepayors in South Vancouver are objecting to the erection of stabling in their vicinity. because it is feared that the value of property might go duwn as a result. The Dominion Government are anxious to take over the city hall property in North Vancouver, which they purchased some time ago as the site for a post office. to a. woman. Merritt Council is in favor of put. chasing, fur a public park, nine acres from tho executors of the Voght estate for $3,000, to be called Voght Park. A contract will shortly be award- ed for additions to the Land Regis- try office at New Westminster in- volving an estimated expenditure of $25,000. A new national park of 6,000 square miles, comprising some of tho wildest and most picturesque scenery on the continent. u plan- nod for British Columbia. A feature of the new liquor li- oonso by-law in New Westminster is that no woman can hold a license in the city, not can liquor be sold The British Columbia Gazette contains tho oifieitsl proclamation of tho incorporation of the new cities of Port ('oquitJam and Port Moody. "We want a provincial university without provincialism,” says Dr. F. T. Wpstlrrook, the new president of the University of British Columbia. North Vancouver Council will re- quest the Board of Trade to prepare detailed proposals for the extension of the city boundaries. Owing to an epidemic of scarlet fever which has broken out, the school authorities have closed the West Peirt.tflre.v High School. The Yukon Council has voted to abolish grants to Catholic Separate schools at. the end of the term, July Work on tho Lulu Island C.N.R Lulu Island line is progressing rap- idly now that favorable weather has arrived. The South Vancouver ratepayers have rejected tho proposal to erect moss tchooUjn tht municipality. Teelin will prove another Klon- dike, declsrea a prospector on reaching Skagway from Silver Creek country. Plane are being prepared for tho G.T.P. hotel at Prince Rupert, wlLich_is expected to cost 82,000,000. Progress ot the Great West Told In a Few Pointed Paragraphs. It is proposed to organize a. joint hospital commission for Greater Vancouver. NEWS FROM SUNSET BUASI WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cu., Brockville, Ont. 'same condition is due attacks of I rheurnatism and lumbago ; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neu- ralgia; poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. You cannot cure these troubles by the use of purga- [tive medicines-you need a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, life-giving, nerve-restoring powers. Every dose of this medi- cine makes new, rich blood, which drives out impurities, stimulates every organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired, ailing men, women and chil, dren. If you are out of sorts give this medicine a trial and see how quickly it will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health-giving; blood One of the surest signs that the blood is out of order is the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema that come frequently with the change from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has had its affect upon the blood. and that a tonic medicine is herded to put it right. Indeed, there are few people who do not mod a tonic at this season. Bad blood does not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this BANISH PIMPLES the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine AND ERUPTIONS The Reason. Customer-That was the driest, flattest sandwich I ever tried to chew into. Waiter- Why, here's your sand- wich. You ate your check. Dear Bin; Your MINARD'S LINI. MENT ie our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It nelmr fails to relieve nud cure Mm..." " It _ 123% promptly Port Mulgrave, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited "his dear, listen to this, and tell me what you make of it I" exclaim- ed the elderly English lady to her husband, on her first visit to the States. She held the hotel menu almost at arm's length, and spoke in a tone of horror, "Baked Indian pudding! Can it be possible in a civilized country I" Your druzrin! will refund money if Pazo OlNTMI-INT fail» to cure any cue of Itch. inn. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in t to M days. 500. Medium---Shall I call up the spirit of your dead wife? “Half a mo.. ment while I put out my cigar; she never allowed me to smoke." A spoonful of Instant Postum with hot water, and sugar and cream to taste, produce instantly a delicious beverage. Write for the little book, "The Road to Wellville." Postum now comes in new, con- centrated form called Instant Pos- tum. It is regular Postum so pro- cessed at the factory that only the soluble portions are retained. "I am steadily gaining in physi- cal strength and brain power. I formerly did mental work and. had to give it up on account of coffee, but since using Postum I am doing hard mental labor with less la- tigne than ever before." Name given bfi‘zihadian Poi, tum Cu, Windsor, Ont. "Then I became despondent, and the desire to be active again show- ed proof of renewed physical and mental strength. "The first noticeable benefit de- rived from the change from coffee to Postum was the natural action ct the kidneys and bowels. in two weeks my b4 art action was greatly improved and my nerves steady. 'U had drank coffee for about twenty years, and finally had what the doctor called "coffee heart." I was nervous and extremely de- spondent; had little mental or physical strength left, had kidney trouble and constipation.” (Tea is just as harmful because it con- tains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) Increased Capacity for Mental Labor. Many former tea and coffee drink.. ers who have mental work to per- form, day after da ', have found a better capacity 3113 greater endur- ance by using Postum instead of tea and coffee. A Western woman writes: Chief hydrographer of the United States Geological Survey, who says that the loss of life and damage to property in the Ohio floods could not have been helped by any hu- man agency. The deluge of water was of such gigantic proportions that no reservoir system could be devised to take care of it. “There's a Reason" FILES CURE!) IN 6 TO " DAYS, MORE THAN EVER. It. o. Leighton, cur A RLES WHOOTEN‘ 1sticriTi-CT, for Postum TORONTO Impossible. ‘ "Row do you get rid of the Lyra. that c9me_ ty? your Mieo ty "Can't I get my pants pressed while you cut my hair?" "Certainly, sir." "All right. Boy. shine my shoes at the same time and' hand my that newspaper. By the way, get the restaurant next door to send in I. couple of sandwiches, and I an be eating my lunch." Good men can more easily under. stand bad men than these can un- derstand the good. 'tlttaree Ltttltttqrtt all!“ than ht can; It is thought clever to say sharp things, but it is often more clover not to say them. rm: LAXATrVE munrd GTG, mum. Draught: refund money it n In“. to cure. ti, W. GROVES signature in on each box. 600. family lilo bottle; trial size Me., It all 'rtorekeeperi, and druzgiua. or The Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For curing colds. hoarreneso. tight chest and winter ills Nerviune 1- a mar- vel; " for Lumbazo, Sciatica and Rhou. matism. Noniline is considered to be without a peer. In the homoitis especially valuable, because it oureg cramps In halt a. minute, nop- nausea, controls vomiting and upset stomach. For internal or external use. wherever there ls pain. apply Nervillne. Get the Ilnnrd'; Llnlmtm Burn mptttttsrta. To cure Lumbsiro-surelp it's I zood lthiug to know how. This information meant to Jno. E. Nenve the diaerence between invalidimn and robust health. Writing from hit: home near "ornwlll, he 'usyr.--"A severe and prolonged attack of Lumbmto in my youth rendered me at all times liable to ache! in the back and loins. So mtnblished became the predis- position, and so frequent tho attacks. I Conroe I accepted the condition as my particular weakness to be borne with u much composure as any evil circum- stance might permit. One day an un- usually bad attack developed, And un- fortunately there was no medicine of any lkind in tho house. I sent to a neigh- 'bor for help and received with A strong recommendation a bottle of Norvlllne. My friend was surprhed we didn't user) Nerviline. saying that they found use for it in their family almost every day. Bo quickly did Nerviliue check the attach, and so grateful was the relief, that I was in a day on the high road to recov- ery. I have cured my tendency to Lum. bago with Nerviline. and consider it the most powerful pain-subduing liniment ever made." " don't." Release, Yes, and a Care for Lum. bago is Now Known. Aching Lumbago Backs Are Quickly Helped And Permanently Cured “Be sure to tell her Majesty, Queen Vigtprja, phat. I love English- “Ail Englishwornen who are not governesses l' ' To draw particular attention to the diminutive island representing England, she wrote below it, “Land of Miss S." (her English govern- ass). to the minister flenipu;ntusry of England: the Queen added .. women, In the revived edition, the story is to the effect that she found it hard to learn English, and perhaps for that reason did not love Eng- land. The first map of Europe she drew showed an enormous Holland, 3. fair~sized Belgium and France, but; an almost imporoepitblo Great Britain. Queen Wilhelmina’s recent visit to Paris has moved a. Paris Correa- pondent to tell again tho story of the days when her Majesty of H01- land was tho most popular young personage in the world. Urinary troubles are caused by diseased kidneys. So are back.. ache, rheumatism, lumbago, and heart disease. The natural remedy is to cure the kidneys by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I am indeed thankful for what Dodd’s Kidney Pills did for my husband, and I hope other suffer- ers from Kidney disease will bene- fit by his experience, and use Dodd's Kidney Pills." "My husband was suffering very much with his back and legs," Mrs. Marshall says, speaking of her husband's cure. "He went to see the doctor, and he told him he had urinary trouble, but he did not seem to get any better. "Then I sent for some Dodd's Kidney Pills. Since taking them, he has no more pain in his back and legs, and his other troubles are all Cone. Mrs. Marshall Tells How Her mm. band Suffered, and of His Speedy Recovery When He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Parkinson, Algoma, Ont., May 5 (Speeial)--Living far from towns and with doctors not within easy reach, many of the settlers have found Dodd's Kidney Pills an ines- timable blessing. One of those is, Mr. Charles Marshall, Sr., whose recovery from a severe case of kid- ney disease has recently been the Muse of much satisfaction to his family and friends. to CURE A f?" IN ONE DAY omen, i Enirliahwornen." - TOAVE‘3 Q19 piniater bowed, and Yers Iqtpr tho young Queen CHAS. MARSHALL CURED BY .rDODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. An Old Sewer Finds Quick Belief YOU CAN EASILY PROVE THIS. Not a Minute Wasted. A Remembered Grudge. A Icon-hold Rowdy To put through the license, reduction will require come tall hauling. Mean. time lots of corn: will be trumped on. The cure is “Putnam's." the old reliable corn extractor that has been curing coma and wart. for yum. "Putnlm'u" never fails. 26c. " Ill denlerl. Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pill. "A woman's heart," my: the Chinese proberb, "is like the moon. It changes continually, but it al., way: has a man in it." But even this, as he pointed out, is not conclusive against the non- smoking evidence, for the thumb might as well have been stained by tho mixture at licorice. Whatever be their ultimate truth, tho non- smoking and nonemuff taking the- ories are delightful. tmyed as a. habitual snuff-taku; and M. Filon himself deposes to having seen on the margins of an "Orlando Furioso," which was in the library at Longwood in St. Hel- ena, and is now at Farnborough the yellow marks of the imperial thumb, a thumb yellowed by inces- sant smoking. _ take a, piece and lift it to his nose with the gesture of tho ordinary snufttaker and then quickly put it into his mouth. This, says the Westminster Ga- zette, is a somewhat startling vari- ation from our customary pictures of Napoleon, who ia generally por- trayei a; a. habitual tmuft-taker.. Nor did, it we may believe the some source, Napoleon ever take snuff, although we find it cadegori- cally asserted in most histories. He did worse, however, for he, pre- tended to. He used to take, in or- der to alleviate a disorder of the stomach, a mixture of licorice and black sugar. This he kept in his weistcoat: pocket, whence he would and ieifriniTGi2Gii." inky-2;: a: they relieve or cure Biliouoneu, '?,dlrett'to,n, Sick Headaches. Rheum. in horror and "liiridCiiit"r""tii'i', words: “Take away that filth." NtyPoloop (htm taxed tobacco. needy meet the need which so often arises In every famil for o medicine to open up and ir',"l'uC,' the bowels. Not onlé are they effective in " one. of mutation, but they help goody iln bro. it.ttr up a Cold or La to smoke, but scaréély; @1341)le tho .aanber mouthpiece of a. hookah in his mouth than he thrust it away c, L "V -_-- ' .. . . .. 7 The memoirs of Bertrand, Napo- leon’s secretary, were transcribed by his daughter Hortense, after- ward Mme. Amadee Shayer, and from these. as reported by word of mouth by the Abbe Saliuet, comes M. Filon’s Mry that Napoleon hated bobagoo. Once only be tried . ,___ --_..r-.w “J Gen. Bertrand which are as yet un- published, whence it seems equally certain that Napoleon was not only no_t_a. smokey but a tobacco hater. Assorted Now He Was Tobacco Hater-Did Ho Take &uattt It has long been tuscepted as a. historical fact that the First Consul was a great smoker, but in the Journal dos Debug reference is made by M. Augustin Filon to some memoirs of Napoleon compiled by In... 11.4”, I .. . a. mother has used the Tablets for her little ones she will use no other medicine and never fails to recom- mend them to her friends. Con- cerning them Mrs. John Thomp- ‘son, (butts, Alta., says: "I have given Baby's Own Tablets to my baby for constipation and think them the best medicine I have ever used. Please send me two more boxes, as I would not care to be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The m. Wil- liams' Medicine Car., Brockville,li Ont. "The best medicine I have ever used" is what thousands of mothers any of, Baby’s Own Tablets. Once l The Original Lemon. The lemon, which ia going to be dear this year on account of a shortage in the crop, has 3. very clear history, my: the London Chronicle. Unknown to the Greeks and Romans, it mu introduced into Spain by the Arabs in tho twelfth century, and in 1494 was being cul- tivated in the Azores and shipped in large quantities to England. The lemon tree, of which there are forty-seven varieties, is particular- ly fertile, a. good specimen in Sicily ripening as many as 3,000 lemons during the season. THE BEST MEDICINE I HAVE EVER USED Wrspping it in his handkerchief, Master Jack took it home. The rabbit was housed in a, chocolate box. It was too young to lick or chew anything, so a. fountain-pen Eller was obtained and a. drop of milk squeezed into the rabbit's mouth. After a, time Pineher, as it was called, opened its mouth eager- ly when it felt the first drop of milk and sucked away at the filler. Dur- ing the first critical days Pincher emptied a filler of milk three times every two hours. CITY COUNClL DOINGS. Schoolboy Brings Baby Itatait Through Critical Period. A billy rabbit; Kobe property of a Harley (England) schoolboy, has been successfully reared with I fountain-pen filler as a. feeding- bottle. Jack St. John Smith, aged 13, was walking in the grounds of the Burstow Preparatory School, near Horley, when he saw a rabbit run down a. hole. He dug around the hole, and two feet below tho sur- face found a two-days-old rabbit, no bigger than a full-sized mouse. There was very little, fur on its body, and its eyes were closed. 7 NAPOLEON AS A SMOKE“. FED BY PEN FILLER. in}: the. Gai; What some .ot more educatson once. V .. -'CT' -s" mun...“ was so common that, grants of the right, to indie capital Punishment ran “with 1)“,th gallow.” The pit or well was for drowning female de, linquents, but the penalty was Fomctimes iuflieted on men. The doom of the parricidv was to he tied up in a. sackvand cast int, the era. Drowning seems to have been re- gurdod as a mild form of the death penalty. for in the year 1566 a mun convicted of theft and sacrilego was sentenced to be suffocated by water, "by the Queen’s special grace.” At this date the penalty had grown nearly obsolete in England. but in Scotland it survived until 1685. The lust execution in Switzerland was in 1652, in Auatria 177B, in loo-; Land 1777, and in Russia. 'sarly in the eighteenth century. 9e 9f tho most. eccentric modes tst. minding the mslty WI. adopted in Saxony in 5:: your 1734. A walnut oow. vioted of and mum.” "‘ 'l'"JU'i' in . not. dons with tsfM, ‘-- This mode of capital punishment has not long ceased in Europe, and is probably still in use in other parts of the world. As early as the first century of our era the Ger- mans executed the meaner and more infamoun criminals by plung- ing them in b s and tens. In the Middle Ages {igniting by drowning um: an Alum-AAA " _. ' - - lists. or It "oeutnuUtion ot phlegm In the nose and uront. One day I tried Catarrhozone. and In ten mlnums nu wonderfully re. lleved. I could breathe freely nud um tux-ally through tho no”, and blood spit. tine wan tstopped-the, phlegm wu cleared any and my regular breathing mun» ed. No remedy can do more than Ca. urrhozono." There In no remedy so certain and sale as Catarrhosone, but being n good pe. medy it la imitated. Beware at the sub- nltuwr. Lax-u Cntarrhorotso lut- two months. price 01.00. annular .m- PA., The extraordinary enemy of Catnrrh. OIOM ll without . parallel. A mooning cold is cured in ten humus. I harsh ooutth in eased in An hour, the may! or. fenaive ”tank is thor. otuthlr drawn from the sysmm. In ruse of t "than and brow-hula the relief And certain cure thlt come: from the healing balsamic extract,- in Ctttarrhosoue in simply wonderful. Cat-"Mum Inhaler the OM Hunt ttf Roll", and " Cured Qulchly. Couldn’t Breathe Through His Nose Staffed With Catarrh EXECl'TIDN BY DROWNIVG. ing to pieces because people will not do just exactly what this partic- ular pcnson thinks is right. Such an one gets up on his wrong side in the morning, and nothing goes right all day. He grumbles at the weather, grumblee at his breakfast, grumble: at hie clothing, grumbles wt going out, would grumble all the same if he had to stay in; grumblee at his wife, grumble: at his chil- dren, and at last grumble; himself away to his work. When he comes home it is the same old story, and his wife gets any youthfulness she might retain crushed out of her; tho children are indifferent, it is like the pattering of rain on a rainy dtsy---they have been used with it all their lives and they have ceased to regard it, and so it goes on, until some day when it is more than usually depressing. or when the woman’s overwrought nerves give, way, and them is a little scene. But a. rumbler never thinks him- self in the wrong-it is mother trial he has to contend with, and posssi- bly he may think himself a kind of martyr to his wifoU cantrips. while all the time the plain fact of the matter is that he Is the one who is responsible. Many Home: Are Made l'nhppy and Cheeriem by It. Tho man or woman with a. griev- ance in a candle of light compared with the habitual grumhler--the one whom nobody can ever tsatisfy, and who thinks the world is all go- or. Largo Cntarrhororse lul- two In. price woo. Smaller use. Be. Rke. At all atom-keeper. 1nd drug. or The Catnrrholono Co., Bull-lo, ,. and Kingston. Canada. HA BITUA L GRUMBLING. Quite a Common Thing in the Middle Ages. "For more than twen- tr year-- I suffered with B a cough, bmnohitia. asthma. and Inn! on- tarrtu" write. J. F. Pen. L wick. ot Summon P. o. "Every “not I had [seemed to - worse, and I could hardly breathe on Account of Ill ot phlegm In the new and day I tried Catarrhozone, Inhalation on this subject with print“ instruction: ttr am- tear buds and I w{1mm tom of Constitution and By-Luvs tor hands. together til our big anionic, will be mailed FREE on request. Address Dept. " D." BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A I??? WILLIAMS Shipping Fever Tui, e e,opi|oouc. distal-pot and All use and t't',',eh'"la'l's'ltl, cu’red. ind m others. no mum how V L tred .. kept from having may of those div-om with "orort monk) ollftlfll 6 It. Thus to II! don-pfu-n cun . cue Ono bottle slur-mood to do on. Best mm. hr “,4 irGa. Act. on the Mood t,'s"igrgii,tdi"ld't,7.""" show. iiiJrrrtiu_terrcaotrd MokF:heth, fttrqhqgc Inuit-n. Il c A "i'Ai'iiiiistnir" BRASS BAND I‘rl'ur-uv v' --- - stop them In quick time and do“ your head. do not contu- who: phonwmn. mum)“. mo opium or may other d-ou' drug. 25c. A your Drum“. - -_-------. -- -..- l -----"""""""_." You cannot Alford braia-tretoggtttg headaches. NA-DRU-CO Headache Waders - _ 1 44.. -.-..- L--A Inn“ 7"- V - 7-- lulu-AL out. Al. Culllcll. Co. or CAIAOA. Luann. turned out well, atte Yes. You Bee, they b, several clubs and don' e'nough to get tired of Willie-ire every tune." Ila-Hr. Llnlmcm Willie's Mamma--. nice boy for you to with t" RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY. LIMITED 100 Richmond " lent, TORONTO HAS been overhauled and is in splendid condition. Fully equipped. irtan TIRE nod In 1 w! 'hr-dt' o UT or EMPLOYMENT? Exams YUP right. burn barber trade; nlwau num mntr1ormertt for bnrber. Our irn nroved methods. count-m Drum-e and imtmtionl and"! you tor "Wilma" ll. than time. thertd for "(dogma Inim- Pollen. m Qua-n E.. Tetronto. w"'"""""'- - - '17.?” tTsrlh'l1'ltld'.STisAl'dii "MNMHW! SEVEN'I'EEN ACRES 3 MILEE FROM London market; ttoil (""117 day loan. Witt etch-"ca tor any. town 'rt villm property. or tor larger farm, Thu glacial-n Bell Estate Exrhtnxe. buuduh, ' Ami Zara-Bah to m woun andsocu and you Will Summarised how quick? tt “of" the stunting to “all use. It men the War” t2's ttit a teeth: __ 'h.' “a L ef b Intel-nu] Ind aura-I. our“ Club on! nun " our homo treatment Write u before too Inte Dr. Belimnn lulled Co.. Limited. China-wood, Ont. gnu? CotaLBC'HMtN--tiUNDt0'.0 DIP t ferent Forum": at...” t_oets than. only new" Cum lurk. luau fl EVERAL DESIRABLE FA ttst _ Iv A; Innltobn. Album Ind Illkuwhowun that onn be bought. Worth tho money tor Gulch uh. M. w. DAWSON. 71mm". Cam nn'nv t'orrtrteo I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED on". hm- tn alter-om qoetioms of Onuvm on any tut. " you want I [am com-uh M, w. oawsou, runny comm» sum: Toronto. tiUt “will Hun-Vi" Pruso '1. very low Illltgill-l0illlllT iiti.TiitGiiiiFtVdit_ Imam... u.s. A MODEL "att" Cost 85000 Prion S2000 HUDSON BAY KNITTING co. Cm“- Inert Glove and In! Intern. ' MONTREAL These are the best Wearing gloves ever turned out from n (Amory. Send for Interesting story “The Puto'. BBL Pinto Shell Gloves It you no looking tor a pair ot gloves that are a toughas 1 Mexican Snake whip and that will give you full utisfnction or a new pair in. ask your denier for we“. Juneau. wun_ up, Phone. . "MN, 301- ooo moo: "an or 600 A' mm with thy“ 3911-91: Jarre Bonk H .vn. Their marriare tteetns '5 NILE HELP WANTED . SONS CO.. TORONTO LIMITED ONTARIO .TAIPI IND COIN. GLOVES (I'll POI IALI‘ II‘CI‘LLAN‘OII‘ well, “tar iiiliii,' 'e, they both belong l , my! don't meet oft! Nico. Cum Dismay". v.2". -”Is "mes n 0 play marble. can beat him Mme toi. 2So. all" u 131 t meet often each other. to hum (tro- HOMEJYE W It"! " a Kind! Her ri-iirsir. 'ovw M bu. Lo ' We“ “ONE . Or, MIST‘ CLEA Sill

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