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Durham Review (1897), 22 May 1913, p. 5

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lnbele®slece m wogt e des 8 1 bib ds reâ€" 2eS, avstem, quack®e TMENT i» id ts, C n * W Â¥ C \\ost People do a lot of Walking The MAY 223, 1913 hK A MIWN aruINCTON TYPEWAITER COMPANY Small Profits Just Arrived Down Town Shoe Store TAKBEN AS CASKR. REVIEW to the end of the year new subscribers for 50c. Fresh Groceries are continually arriving The highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Custom Work and Repairing as usual A select stock of tal shades and in look through on Sold A fine stock of Scotch Ginghams, colors. 10 and 15 cents por yard . A nice skock of Boots casy fitting lasts. See 1 144 Bay McKechnie‘s Weekly News A large stook to choose from. A pretty stock of Wallt F4) firm, Staunton‘s, rich in @pP the most upâ€"toâ€"date designs . with all famous. will rent a Light Touch Monarch for one month. A large stock Illustrated Literature Malied upon request mONARCH DEPARTMENT will" rent a ight ‘Touch Monarch for six months. EASY PAYMENT Plan G. & J. McKECHNIE An e c un $3.00 (LIMITEVD) Street, Toronto, Ont. $15.00 , stock of Ceylon tea frosh* tho aroma for which the of India 25c. in a large range of sizes. ou the ssoond floor. of Rugs and Mats in the newest designs, es yc L Mt <It, You casnot go anywhere withâ€" out walking some. â€" Our shoes make walking easy because they are good shoes in the first place and your conscience is at ease because you bought them so teasonable. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some nice pumps in stock in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Some fine values in Hosiery, eitber Men‘s, Ladies‘, Misses‘, or Children‘s wear, â€" Trunks, Suitcases, Clubbags, &¢, in stock J. S. MclLRAITH of Liinoloums in the neatest patters. _ 10 patterns 4 yds wide ab $2 per yard, t of Wall Papers made by the celobrated Oanadian _ rich in appearance though no# too costly and in oots and Shoes in the SYee the men‘s working % Light of Asia 35c. sh*from the balmy island of Ceylon the tea"from that far famed isle is in the newest styles. »rking shoes at $1.75. are neat patterus and fast vess dosigns, in the neatest Orienâ€" We cordially invite you to have & \ _ Sea Breeze proved all its name imâ€" , cast and were surprised to find by plied and the days and the nights th. map that Panama, which we duly | passed pleasantly at this fameus reâ€" ‘reached is almost directly south of \sort. We wert for a boattrip up the | Toronto. \ Tomoka river which was & very fine | It has been the dream of centuries |and delightinl experience. It runs | that this narrow neck of land, across ‘into some of the swamp country of which the railway takes you in an | Florida and its bottem and its banks ; hoar and a hbalf or less, might one |are infested with snakes, alligators, | day be cut across and allow plain \&c. We saw at least one dozen | sailing between the nceans, making ‘large alligators and one was twelye South Ameriea a vast island. The \feet long. We ran the boat quite | Progress of engineering in the 19th ‘close to it before it jamped inte the | @@DSUTY and more exact knowledge \ water end one might be excused for | Of the locality showed that a sea level \feeling thankful that no compulsion canal mus: remain & dream, and a \forced us to bathe in these waters. | CaDAl by lifts and locks attempted. ‘ The water is very dark and the reâ€" | The success of Ds Lesseps in the n d t haner L 2cta: * _ mc_Lt Auad ‘tha Franalh with tha flection of trees and objects on shore l is most distinct and very beautiful, surpassing anything I had seen in‘ rorthern latitudes. ‘ The temperatnre here was about 75 degrees and weather simply grand. One day we bad a sample, a mild one though, of a tropical storm rain, lightning, thunder. This counâ€" try is an ideal spot to winter in, but one might be excused tor shunning it in summer time. We had screens on our windows, yet some nights we were buthered a good deal by mosâ€" %quizos, so what must they be in samâ€" mer when the temperature §0€3 up to ‘ or over 100 degrees ? One of the surprises a traveller gets : is in unexpected meetings. Mr Beott was walking along the road one | morning when he encountered totally unexpectedly, Mr Frank Nash of Reâ€" gina, a imutual acquaintance, who was staying at Datonia, about three imiles from Seabreeze. We were \able to compare notes and to reflect \that the world wasn‘t so big atter all. _ But ten days passed quickly. Com:â€" | fortable Hotel Clarendon, (boasting to be " absolately fireproof.‘‘) Seaâ€" breezo and sea breezes all had to be bade goodâ€"bye to. _Mr Scott and I had to get back t» New Orleans to ‘catch the boat ftor Panama, brother George staying a fow days longer, | but Regina cailing bim home. | |\ On 15th March Mr Seu‘t and I | boarded one of the United Frait Co.‘s | boats in New Orleans bound for Panâ€" ama, containing many tourists like | ourselves. _ The rash is on now as it ‘never wili be again to see the caral | empty, to see all the wonderful aeâ€" | yices of construction in operation, to see the marvellous success that saniâ€" tation has aeoomolishog i‘g fl‘\“is d’i‘s': C o e i en aroate c Tul D. . trict that became a veritable Frencu graveyard in the first atsempts. W a Fige 35 cents By James Brown, TOURING IN THE TROPICS 10 patterns Made on The Wonders of Panama.â€"4 ; Brown, of Regina, at present in Holsteid. Large Sales The success of Ds Lesseps in the| Suez Oanal fired the Freneh with the | aimbition to distinguish themselves| as Canal builders and rights were | secured at Panama. Thousands of| men and millions of money were flung | into the jungle, the former to die ofl‘j like flles and the latter to be wasted | in vain but brave attewpts to solve | the problem. Toâ€"day can be seen a| pile of junk, oonsleging ot&discardedx whe i o o o t en e 12 in co" snn tacls 1 THE DURHAM REVIEW EOW M Mo ce ce t HP .l"‘rench cars, machinery, &c., which| have been rotting and rusting in the ‘[ damp climate for nearly 30 years. | An _ enterprising _ houseâ€"wrecking | company of Chicago has purchased | this trom ibe Isthmian Capnal Comâ€"| mission, and is turning it into scrap| and shipping it to the United States.| The miserable heap tells a pitiful| story of ruined hopes and ambitions, | partly caused by official mismanageâ€" | ment and graspivg treachery. | 2 ut § d- th St es in lsm‘\llflv _4 4 401. Aid i Acdubtiandt I PP PPEPEOTT uo® Anvik Gorm Britain an e1 & :hac it ever| We need not say that the four days , Indisates ladigeciion," conslipation or ;n:&dflea? g::tt‘)yurlfix:g:‘nfe‘“hef of them | spent Iloflg this way 0{1"01812::;' taot:a l\ liver trouble. FIG PILLS will regulate 1 | med impressions on t and build up the nerve es partoof Goniral dom"fl‘O“ (l;verlm“elf &“ will never be effaced. :Â¥:r‘:::ls’e':“tglat you can sleép aud enjoy | * sn ie wade. A new iteaty in | We bad soen in constraction D8\ jife, Ab all dealers 25 and 50 cents to it might be made. A new treaty lnigrealess engineering work evyer Att | ppg Fig Pill Co., St Thomas, Ont. . 1900 had this claase in it too but the\‘empwd by man. _ Greater works o pnmmpmoetmmieess glause was rejeeted by the U. 5.| may be done in the fature bit po| â€"~â€"â€"~=«*~â€" se o 2 c io s bdine a'ret;(othur such canal as this is possible on | Brick and Tile. bellion broke out in Panama whid! \This globe: _ 1t was planned to let j f . f t of Colombia. It is| o i d \ Péeoton Station Brick and Bile yards nniperel the arâ€"| the waterin this year but there noe foumerly owned by J, 0. Wright,. will Aosnepy 10 (Me C 'Sc“es s up e“mb be no surprise if the day of opssinf | be in operation as soon as the weather oc that P ds naneproreg froim is delayed so many and so vafled. are ( permits. â€" Prices right. Batisfaction k oc se a TT av ere l from\"the obstacles on such an OFrigiOA] | puaranteed. Colombia aud shortly after a zone| ors. i T;E Propdes tlg s°°°r§d “"’53 th:n:-“ll}?&: fé‘:m‘ Befure sailing for New Orl@ang WQ | _â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"___â€" ces qulraiGornin the Newk off his coat and made preâ€" | had a delightfal variety . furnished | y o(, 5; anq 3, Ooneession 8, E.G,R ;"‘l‘.“n’"tig?’s to build the big ditch, havâ€" \ us in accolt)npanymg ul]; st:,lp Lionsc.i?ll:‘l'xot Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For par i itai | nas. ve ulman 0 mllg anlngrigm'etm' :Lle:hg?:::algel:enxflhinnl?:g (:x"op?::l land mrnig’bes lc»me-\m“h“Eg “"p'yA" H. JAc«S08, Durbam. o dX be 10 â€"| thi ovel and interesting and the| _______________________. 4x DR k ge o nat \::;:?ug we got into tropical frait proâ€" } Sal viopgwere o bave equel SreRHs!! ‘duc.ion, marketing, etc., is one of | For e in its use. s s doak 3 : Pemes ram memen ie as â€" \ Oue of the best investments in Dur was secured across [NC IBLUMULIAM® 1DIET | he New State and your Uncle Sam| Befure sailing for New Orleans we hen took off his coat and made preâ€" | had a delightfual variety . furnished parations to build the big ditech, hayâ€"| us io accompanying the ship to secure | . ing an agreement with Britain and | & load of bananas. _ Every incident| all pations that for the great benefit | in this cropical land turnishes some-\ it would be to United States all ua.‘thing novel and interesting and the tions were to have equal treatmeutEinS*Rht we got into tropical frait proâ€" | in its use. \duesion, marketing, etc., is one of | While there has been some sel(ish-iour memories. ness, 1t Das vo bea admitted that Unele| The tropics in their beauty and Sam has done the jJob wel! The | profusion of vegetation, of fower and whole feyer breeding area was stud â€" “frui; Are @x¢romoly interesting ; the ied and examined, the conservation | works of man as seen round the of life being of first consequence and |canal are astounding but as our ship toâ€"day the district is babited qnd | ploughed its way homeward, aod habisable by northera men. Sanitaâ€"| thoughts ran ahead of the ship to tar tion is forced upon one as screened | away Canada we were censcious they barrels and other vesseis are seen to | lacked something to satisfy that only keep out yellowâ€"fever breeding mosâ€"|our homeland can give. So here‘s quiroes. You meeta man with a tank | to Canada, the best land under the on his back, a pumping device over | sun all things sonsidered and readers one shoulder, worked with the right | of the ReviEwâ€"LEADER will no doubt hand, the other hand gaiding the| join in the toass and maybhap feel nozzle spraying wivh oil to kill mosâ€" | thankfal that these rambling notes qaito laryae. Famigation of dwelâ€" | are completed. lings, destruction of pest breeding | a se ctie t ty cre mcmens places, isolation of patients, a betier | & water supply, seltâ€"closing garbage| Glenelg COU“C[I cans, &e., es all studligd la:m(ii pnttl.l in use, the result being that the death | rate hLow is quite norn?al. ‘ The Council met May 3rd, pursuant % to adjournment. All the members t is estimated that out of it Wili COMO| _ _ ./. r ibout half the whole excavation of | Lindsay â€" McMillan â€" That the he canal. At Gold Hill, the highest | Clork notlfy the C. P. R. Co that the point of excavation is almost 500 feet | Assessment of the Company in Glenâ€" above the bottom. _ The intention is | ®!# will be fixed for 1913 at the same to bave a bottom width of 300 ft, an | rate as in 1912.â€"Carried. average depth of 45 feet and the: The Council adjourned to Jane 7th water surface width of course much | at 10 a. m. wider. _ On this cut last year there | J. 8. Buack, Clerk. was employed about 900 ADETiGANG | e e and oyer 7000 Earopean and West | Indian laborers. The drills employâ€" INSPECEED AND APPROVED ed get their paxer tn;m cou:ipressed ‘l air and the @ynamite used annuâ€" s s illy is said to average about 6.000, | Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board 000 ibs. Dozens otf steam shovels | +. k y on & are loading handreds of trains and | Certifiicate of the Pure Bred Stallion the dumps of course have to be mi|!|e?{ BALLIE BOY, [13766] ty P Es N Cl eC uie s ies away. There are nine parallel tracks at all points of the cut. | A great and quite uranticipated | trouble has been the sliding of the | banks. Several times after fine proâ€"| gress, a great movement of the whole | bauk will take place millions of | yards of new material coming â€"down | which must patiently be removed. | Ishas been estimated that over 200, | 000.000 eubic {ards has been reâ€" moved, a quantity sufficient to build | 63 pyramids as large as the big one in EBgyptâ€" Leayving the big cut going westâ€" ward we come to the Pedro Miguel Locks and the Mirafiores ones, a‘so immeose structures and of & size of course equal to the Gatun ones. At the Pasific end of the canal are ONTARIO ARCHIVEIâ€" TORONTO _ ‘The Stallion Enrolment Board of Onâ€" | ‘ibuio certificn that the Name, Pedigree | and Descriptiou of the Clyde sdale Stalâ€" \lion Ballhe Boy (Imp.) Registered in the | Canadian Clydesdale Stad Book as No. \13766, Owned by JAMES PATON of | Proton Station, and foaled in 1910, has | been enrolled in accordance with Chapâ€" ter 67 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2 Geo.V The above named stallion was, under said Act, imepected by the Officers of the | Board on the 15th day of November 1912 and found to be free from the malformâ€" â€"| ations and diseases named in the Regulâ€" | ations under said Act. )| Joux BricHT, A. P,. W:s‘l;nvm.r. Jnnu Brickt, A. P. WestERVELT, Chairman s Beoretary Dated at Toronto, Ontario the 9th day of May 1918 43 Indicates indigestion, constipation or liver trouble. â€" FIG PILLS will regulate your system and build up the nerve forces to that you can sleep and enjoy life. At all dealers 25 and 50 ceuts to The Fig Pill Co., 8t Thomas, Ont. Oue of the best investments in Dur» hamâ€"three houses for the price of one, Two are solid stene and brick eight roomed bouses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. . Two mantels Ternare. eistern, g00d garden, youug orehard. _ U..> frame seven roomed house. Must be sola as owner is going West. Apply on premises or Wifte 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Durhams, one 10 and other 11 mos old, red and a roan, Apply to One General Puarpose Colt rising 2 years old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 year. â€" Both firstâ€"class, F, McKI®KON, North Line, Priceville, Ont. The 3r4 division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 aeres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Giéhelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Con.2, E. G. R, _ Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Con. 8, 8.D.R., Glenelg, 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con. 3. 8.1U.R., Glenelg, 59 aenes Lot 4, Coa, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 aeres Lot 7, Gon. 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McK®couxit®, Durhiam Lot No. 2and 3, Uon. 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more or less, will be sold or rented, either whole or separate. For further particulars, apply to Daxigke McAvuirr®, Darham, On t On Reasonable terms. 200 acres, comprising West balves of Lots I an 2, % Con., ‘% G. "h.. Banflfi)ck n‘fl% Lot3 on the sm‘ne Concession. 100 acres cléeared, well wuq'my spring { Several houses in Durham. One| nice cottage in Lower Town . | A . H.Jacksox, Durham ‘l ladies. WINDSOR SUPPL Y €CO., Windsor, Ont Geueral Agents for Canada. For Sale or To Rent. NO CHANCE WORK Farms for Sale. Joux ERcoxuaro®r, Top Cliff J. M. Larin®®r, Durham For Sale. For Sale Por Every Vlolq is interested and ehould kno for at the If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, \H.H. Milier 100 actes 1 mile South of W illtamsford a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres nean Mount Forest, cheap at under $4,000. 800 acees near Pornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s farm) a fine wellâ€"improyâ€" ed place on which Mr T wamley made money, offered at a great bargainp, 200 acres near Louise, good far@, extra.buildings, timber worth most of the price,. 150 acres near Durham, wellâ€"improvéed and cheap at about $14000. 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near Listowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Lands for sale or exâ€" change, Above are some of my Many Bearâ€" gains. 1t will Pay you to Buy J. G. HUTTON,M. D., C. M QFHICE :; Over J. P. Pritord‘s office, nearly oppasite Reistry Office, RESIDENCE : @econd hpuse squth of & ogon on east glae o!?lbcv..qst. seabir oFFIE 40UKB &~11 a. m B4 p m 7==$ p, MA Telephone C unlm? between Offce and P mhu all hours. W. C, PICKERING D. D 8., L DS HoNnOR GRADUATE of Toremo. University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Bnrgeons of Ontario Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Btore H4o DenQeiry in @Dils uranc ARTHUR H. JACKSON lnsur «Money to » siepd io tden ons . 4 mm ness t:mr‘::):it ."n D. MoPHAIL._*+A Momber College Firygieiuns and Surgéons \n- Mfiw a telephone; in hbis res> J. F.GRANT D.D.S, L. D. | m___lgn;?â€"uâ€"m its proper tonsion ; rostOres | Tim and vitality. Premature decay and all ‘un& | weakness averted at once. Phosphono wi | make you a new man, , Price $3 a box, or t“ $5. Malled to any address. Â¥he Scobell l Co,, 8t, Catharines, Ont. Notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER. &z 2 yas long, 27 in wide .. 9f :; 40 in wide .. 3 «* 30 10 wide . . 8| * 54 in wide. 34 ** 60 in wide . 38} ** 60 in wide. L&%w Toronto ms‘l;-fi Gre iry in ”'u uunabbl. or* Anapclal tbusiness transcote0, DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Twilled Siteeting 2 yas wide.25¢ yd Heavyy bleached sheeting, 2 _ _ Phosphonol restores every nerve in the T MUPOPDZOOO_ _ to its proper tension ; ro# BIG 4 House, R‘le«:ltf-&::t house south of Lawrencé‘s ksmith Shop. Electric Restorer for yQs wide............ .. .. 400 y€ Bed Comforters from .........>>>>+ ......1.25 up to $5 each . Floor Oicloth, .. 800 a equare yard Table Oilcioth, 45 in wide, 250 a yd New Spring Prints all now in Call and gee them Durham s | Continuation UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director site Post Full 1j f Gatholle Robes l:d &gl:sn: wglitte teq‘ps for aged people. Enbalming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Rooxsâ€"Across from{Middaugh READ THIS : J. P. TELFORD Hoivy Publis commissianer Waipoloh Btables «Oy N Money oP eE taikos Burk LACE CURTAINS A. BELL W. H. BEAN CALDER‘S y store and oppo The Hanover Conveyancer Bt,, opposite BLOCK School b0e pp .Tb¢ :. 1,00 pr 1.00 pr 1,50 pr 25¢ prp 400 y

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