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Durham Review (1897), 22 May 1913, p. 8

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$4 &# g W FLOORLAC, _ & varnish and | Smouk Famx® ror Vicroria Day.â€" 3 stain combined. 'The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue round trip tickets at Single Ask for a Color card if we forget to gi\’e yon one Il"nreibetween all s:’atinns in Canugda z east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit _.z'\â€"â€";} and Port Buron, Mich., Buffalo, Nia: | gara Falls, Black Rock and Suspen® z sion Bridge, N. Y. Good going Fr:â€" TAYLOR&CO. Dromore 3 ) is aiSawda. Miy Bs Shove Lg » ' id returning until Tuesday, May 27, <3 1913. Tickets and fall information 2090090 #0 09 00909000009090000000 |from Grand Frunk Agents. ~s9 2 I 2A HYome Seekers‘ Trains Leaye ‘Toronto l?)t.‘..’?{i.m. during biarch, Winnipeg and Return _ â€" $35.00 Edmonton and Return â€" 43.00 on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be mmh at moderate rates through local agent. Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, larch to October incluire * Other points in proportion Returs Limit two months. > Make the Walls of your Home ; Sanitary and 'f‘h»i}f“"’!'fi'ii“l'.w" To .» + ¢ i | ww m 2 fl3eaut1iul ,'J"‘:‘"l:wihgv * 5 W\!i,"\\ifl,ga- @4 344 wmnwnno: THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. | Open all Day, Saturday, Ten dozen Ladies‘ Vests, some Wi some with no sleeves, very fine quality, extra special........... .. can b To Manitoba, Sask@'tghewan, Alberta Porous Knit Vests, special 25¢ O SUURoOrT E PEDE MEA ER t t C C 1 s i# April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, Jidy and August. Throwi<h Trains Toronto to Winntpeg and West Bring Your Wool Here TOURIGT SLEEPING CARS Porous kni# vest Well Finished Floors are Easy to keep Clean HOMESEEKERS buy. bout thes «ccessors to Robert Burnett Ladies Vests, 2 for 25¢ 1 particulars from any C Embroidery Flouncings ity and | em patte ese are are the y paints We have willl AU H N A EXCURSIONS 1 Har "WF m Cra TAYLOR & CO. wa n ar them once and you‘ll never be worth mo#we money. We want you to ith others you have seen at same price. rom any C.P.R. Agent or wrige M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Tovonto ; Flouncings in all t nieces to select from ts are the coolest garments you uncings and Skirtingsâ€"an extra fine patterns. 65 Four patâ€" 1 25 C _ terns at.. # iint to do it wall colors 3XE with short sleeves Will leaye Toronto For settlers travelâ€" ling with live stock aud effects. SPECIAL TRAINS CcoLoNnI8T CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths ill the new patterns rom. Very EA. Each TUESDAY MARCH AXD APRIL 10,20 p.m. 2 for 25¢ SETTLERS speere o Lajyed] 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers Settlers and families without live stock __ should use . REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto This line is made in short sleeves and no sleeves. A splendid garment for the money. d cage u â€"acayee See our Special Vests at 15c. Special Value, 15¢ THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY COME TO THE WHITE GOODS SALE Short or long sleeves, some with low neck, some with collars ; buttoned front or back. Two, three and some four rows of insertion and lace The Dromore Bcanch of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute will meet on Saturday afternoon, May 24th, at 2 o‘slock in Amos cemeteryv. A cordial invitaâ€" tion is extended to all those who oan come and join with us to belp beautiâ€" ty the g ounds. Mr C. Renwick bad his sale of household goods on Tuesday and on Moaday left for West Toronto, where they will reside. _ Mrs Renwick leaves on Thursday. They will be greatly missed in the community. We are pleased to report that Mrs McNeil, who was attacked by a cold somatime ago, is progressing favorâ€" ably. Messrs W. and T. Ellis, of Mount Forest, accompanied (by Mr H. T. Sterne, of Hopeville, autoed to the village one day this week. Much syimpathy is extended to Mr Sterne in his severe loss by fire. He is at present nursing a sore hand, the reâ€" sult of being cut by falling glass. Mr and Mrs F. Reilly, of Priceville, were the guests of Mr John Renton on Sunday. Mr J. Fairbairn was in the village Sunday evening > Miss Geargina Hay is home from Toronto for the summer months. 1.25 White Skirts, 99¢ Mr R. Renwick, Jr., is busy movâ€" ing this week to his new homme, reâ€" cently purchased from Mr C. Renâ€" wick. ) <g Miss Ella Renton, who has bean engaged in Markdale dor the past year, has accepted a position with a Dry Goods firm in Guelph and com; mences duties there this week. / White Lawn Blouses 1.25, 1.30, 1.75, 2.00 Mrs Walker and son, of Markdale® were the guests of the formenr‘s siâ€"ter, Mrs Joha Wilson, over the week end. Mr and Mrs Jas. Allen and Master Murray spent Sunday in Swinton Park. Vietoria Day falls on Saturday this year and the business plaeces of the village will be closed as usual on that date. (For Mzy) ‘ 5th classâ€"Helea Seater. 4thâ€"Gorâ€" don Hastie, Elsie Seater, Fi')rence! Ramage, Irvine Geddes. 8r 3rdâ€" Hugh Findlay, Mildred Scott, Wilfrid Renwick. Jr 8rdâ€"Grace Ramage, Cecil Atchison, Alice McKelvie, Sarah Tucker. Walter Hastie. Srandâ€"Magâ€" gie McKelyie, Percy Renwick, Hattie Baxter. Jr 2ndâ€"Bery} Rennie, Kenâ€" neth Findlay, Harold Atchison, Magâ€" gie lsaac, Percy Harrison,. 8r 1stâ€" Artbur Hastie. â€" Priraary Oâ€"Eddie Smail, Irene Hooper, Johnuie Smail, Davie Hooper,. â€" Primary Bâ€"Geerge Hooper, Alex McMillan. Luell®s Ford, James Adams, Murray Alien, ‘Primâ€" ‘ury Aâ€"Viola Henry, Ermest Baxter, Gordon Adams. Average attendance DROMORE SCHOOL REPORT Dromore THE PEOPLE‘S STORE HOLSTEIN Mary Backus, Teacher. Men‘s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers _ & Porous Knit Shirts and Drawers Every man who ever wore these porous knit Under wear will tell you that its ‘‘got ‘em all beat‘‘ for comfort Made with short sieeve shirts and knee length drawers Price, per garment THE DURHAM REVIEW 66 A full range opened this week You pay less here Seeding operations about completâ€" ed, mangolds and potato planting beâ€" gun, with besutifu! westher. Fire broke out in H. T. Sterne‘s store about eight o‘clock Friday a.m. The exact cause is unknown, but as it was so far advance: when noticed, nothing was saved but two sewing machines and while endeavoring to rescue his books, Mr Sterne reocived a severe gash in the back ot his left band, severing its main cord. Dr. Sneath was at onse summoned and dressed the wound and at time of writing the wound seems to be doing nicely. In the course of threeâ€"quarâ€" ters of an hour the building was down, being eonfined entirely to the one bailding. _ We extead to Mr and Mrs Sterne our sympatbhy, as their loss will be great, the stock teing only partially covered by insurance. s1zes Mroand Mrs E. Hockridge spent Sunday at MrC. C Hockridge‘s, Mt. Forest. MrC.C. and lamily leaye for a westcin trip next Tuesday Messrs Waiter and Thos. Ellis, Jno Isles and chaffeur, Mt. Forest, autoed over to our village Monday to view the remains of the fire. Mr Hauce aud son, Toronto, were visitors Friday and Saturday at Mr H. T. Sterne‘s. F The " Last of the Border Wars " is the title of a racy and readable little pamphlet in rhyme by MrJno. A. Ferguson, of Egremont, whose rhymâ€" ing skill and poetic feryor is of no small order. _ By a stretch of poetic license the last municipal contest for the reeyeship of Egremont is portrayâ€" ed as an old time conflict between Scotland and England and local names are freely introduced of che warriors who â€" respectively helped â€" Generals Philp and McArthur, There is nothâ€" ing partizan or ill natured about it, but much in its 45 verses to cause A hearty laugh and leaye an agreeable flayor. A â€"small fee of 10 cts, is chargâ€" ed for the booklet to cover expenses, We give a verse or two to show the sty le : And with him were the valiant Hunts, The Eaketts and Manarys : Their spreading banners waved in front The color of canaries. Thus General Philp in war array, All Scotland‘s power is scorning ; Entrenched beside the river Tay, Awaits the coming morning. TORONTO What warlike music strikes my ear Sounds like the rushing fountains ; The skirl of pipes is drawing near ; They‘re gathering in the mountains. And now upon those rugged heights, I see the clan McArthur : They come to fight for Scotland‘s rights ; They‘ll give or ask no quarter. Came to the premises of _ the underâ€" signed, Lot 34, Con. 1, 8. D. R., Glenâ€" elg, aboui l4th of May seven young ‘The family remedy for Coughs and Colds. ‘‘Shiloh costs so little and does so mush!" Lo c 1 Pibcint n eulie se tires e nA + 1. cattle. Two 2.yr.â€"old steers, one with white face. Five 1 yr.olds, three of them hbeifers, all with round punch mark in right ear. Owner is requestâ€" ed to pay expenses, including this adâ€" yertisement, and remove them. OrTo Koxour May 24 We want Your Wool. Hopeville. Cattle Estray. ooo e aerrooie on o aprag en on oer d ie io ts s t in 1t ihie i+ e hetat Aâ€" EM &T eCB &A Er E: Today‘s the day. â€" Seven patterns in Swiss Allovers, sold everywhere at 1.25. _ We have marked this 1 00 log for quick selling at only ...... .......... .+ w Underwaists. .25 and 50c. Drawers.. 50c Gowns............ special, 99¢ and 1.25 <. c Y0G 50c Allâ€"over Embroidery Redpath‘s Granulated Sugar per cwt . Canned Corn (best Quaker brand) .. .. Canned Beans Quaker............ Canned Peas, Quaker..............0 9 Canned Tomatoes, Quaker........... Comfort Soap ...... ....s. .06. k.k0 .20 Sunlight Boap ... ... .... .206 k6 k k k 3 !b pkgs Seeded Raisins......... ... 3 |bs. Select Valencia Raisins...... .. 3 lbs Seedless Sultanas......... .â€"â€"â€">> 3 Ibs Recleaned Carrants......... . . 5 lbs 30c Green Japan Tea......... . & LOCAL AND PERSONAL $ '*f'cse:(acee»:seeze&wfie&&efis&e-:&:&&w# For Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Springs, couches, etc, come to J, M. Matthews‘, the new Hardware and Furniture dealer. Mr Art George of Listowel!, spent a few hours here in company with Mr Drumim and returned with a fine string of fish, There‘s something in knowing how. M# Jim Brown and Mrs Poetrie have returned from ashort visit to friends in Hamilton and Brantford. A number of Seaforth sports arrived in town by auto Sunday. Monday was spent in fishing on their grounds recently rented from Mr Aitken and son Wm. Rumor states they had a narrow eseape from Inspector Allan, Boy Wantedâ€"To learn the butcher business and for delivery. â€" Apply at once to F. MeClocklia, Holsteis. Now that it is housecleaning time get your paint at J. M. Matthews‘, Ha has the Sherwin Williams, best paint on the market. When returning home one night last week, two of our young ladies| had a narrow escape from serious inâ€" jury. Some wouldâ€"be young men of) our village fastened a strand of barb wire across the sidewalk to a post in | front o# Mr Drumm‘s store. Both | ladies bad their shoes pierced by the| barbs and one of them had her drcssi completely ruined. Such sport would | not be tudalged in by any low down tramp and public opinion in our vilâ€". lage will not stand for this sort of: thing. . ; ""Yale At t.1e§“ecial school meeting call" ed on afurday, Mr J. D. Main was elected as trustee in place of Mr J. H, Brown, who has res‘iéggi(wrflf not envy J. D. the posiffion if he is to fill the place held by Mr Brown ; few men can be found who would devote their time and interest in looking afâ€" ter the grounds aund welfare of the scholars as Mr Brown did, Mr Neal is having a new verandahk erected to his dwelling house which adds greatly to the appearance of his property. A little paint on houses and fences would go a long way in appearance of our village. l Mr. David Allan, Jr., last weel\ secured through one of the agencies a young English lad ot about 13 Another went to some one n, Durham. The Commercial house at present( bha : the appearance of undergoing an expected attack from some unseen foe, the front windows being boardâ€" ed up and around the verandah posts several strands of wire, Some say it is being prepared for a menagerie, the nature of which we do not fully anderstand. _ Perhaps our license inspector could enlighten us, as be emerged from the inside with several bottles of stuff, formerly known as old Rye." _ What the scientific nam> by which it is now called, we are not prepared to say, but we are told it must be carefully guarded, especially in Local Option districts, We understand that the proprietor of the mow closed hotel dad been brightening up the interior of his establishment by painting, reâ€" papering, &o. He had put in several new beds and made the place other wise attractive and felt quite confidâ€" ent of catering successfully to the commercial trade as well as to the important farming trade centreing here, _ Why then is he putting "cloâ€" sure ‘‘ in force ? eumuens comemmmmmmenmenememmmmmnnmmemememmmnmmanis ermemntnmmmnmemeeneme e 000000000 Victoria Day will be crlebrate1 in Durham on Monday, May 26 The Store will remain closed all day Monday omjAdsnobroo5spbsadbBebsr® Grocery Bargains . We are prepared to pay you the Highest Cash Prices. .. .: 8 for . . x~$ for . «++ C Or . «* s% ToOr 6 bars for 6 bars for The second part of Mr Jim Brown‘s letter on his Panama trip again apâ€" pears on page 5. Mr. J. H. Brown‘s sale on Saturday last drew quite a crowd and much fine furniture was disposed of at fair prices as sales go, by Auctioneer MecPhail. As usual though, some things went far below value to the benefit of bargain hunters, Rev. Mr. Malcolm is at present superintending the construction of a residence in the busy town of Galt, though in the meantime he continues to supply his pulpit here * Friends here of Harry Sterne, Hopeâ€" ville, sympathize with him in his misfortune in the burning of his store last week and personal injuries receivâ€" ed. / Mr. John Manary, Toronto was in the village Saturday last, and met many old friends. He is getting up a carload of horses and was disapâ€" pointed to find Durham Fair over, It should not be forgotter Durham does not always follow Mt. Forest. Wiaen the month comes in on a Thursday,. as May did, Mount Forest is the following week. Mt. Forest should make their day Wedâ€" nesday before the third Thursday and they would always be together. Mr. Wim,. Brown at present lying very low at his brother John‘s, is at time of writing still critically l1 and anxious friends minister at his bed side. Mr. Jas. Brown, of Roleau, Sask., arrived from the west last week to see his fatber, Mr. Wm. Brown, who at present is quite sick. He intends returning in three or four weeks, but before doing so intends having a telephone instalied at his home near k)rchatd, where his wife remains in he meantime. Mr. John Findlay, Dromore, was in the village Saturday on business. Mr. Wim. Seaman, Mt. Forest was in the village on Saturday last, as was also Mr. Andrew Seim of the same place and both meeting old friends. nlornhttat ie 3080 i in wasiatecteccictey A dees was seen crossing the road & short distance north of the yillage one day last week. We are pleased to notice Mr Jobhn Blyth‘s name among the successfal students at the 8. P. 8. Mr Jobhn Bailey has leased Mr Calâ€" yert‘s farm and is busy putting in the erop. Mr Jas. Brown is bhome from the West on account of the serious illness of his father, Mc Wm. Brown, who we are pleased io report, is somewhat improved . Jas. Robertsonanod Geo. Baker are busily occupied building tences. The Court of Revision on the Assessâ€" ment Roll for the Municipality of Egremont for 1018 will be held at Holâ€" stein on Monday, June 2ad, 1918. at 1.30 p. m. No appeals will be considâ€" ered unless they have been filed with the Clerk according to law, and no‘reâ€" fund will be made by reason of foreâ€" going neglect. Notice of all changes of property must be forwarded to the Clerk, as well as all names required to be enterâ€" ed on said Roll before it is finally passed, DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Egremont. Township of Egremont 20¢ 20¢ 25¢ 200 Court of Revision 1913 20¢ 2_IC 25¢ :’.’)c §5c 9n Embroidery and Insertions We have just sixtyâ€"nine pieces of Embroidery edgings and Insertionsâ€"in dainty Swiss patâ€" eHS.. _All WIdLHS : 5. 44 as se s saks 5¢ to 15¢ Gloves Orchard THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. : 5 lbs Black Cevion Tea 3 tins Old Dutch Cleanser. .... .... 3 pkgs. Hardy Ammonia......... 3 tins Gillett‘s LyG........ .066 + + 8 tins Comfort Ly@...... ... }}> <+>+> 2 cans Silver Moon Rep Salmon for All plug Toba@@O8 ...... ... ++ +s Old Chum cut Tobaceo. .... .... > Iyory Gloss Starch ... ... ...« â€">»> Best Corn Starch .. .... .««> >+>â€"=< Fresh 15¢ Jamâ€"Jams...... > }â€">>>~ Pound tins Baking Powder..... ... All EXKHACOS ) ..... .6k k k 0k 66 +>> Fresh DAteS . ... .s. .++ «> ++ ++ ++ ++ Successors to Robert Burnett Long white silk, special Long white silk lace .. . Long white silk lisle ... Long white suede.... .. Bring your hogs to Holstein Tuesâ€" days. Satisfaction â€" guaranteed. (ther stock will have my best atoenâ€" tron . Phone 17 R. M. TRIBE, Shipper Sunday Sunday School at 10, _ Services at 11 a. m,. and 4.00 p. m. REV, J. MALCOLM, REV. A. E. MARSHALL, B. A. â€" Pastor DR. JAS. 4. WILSON, B. A. Physician, Surgeon and Acegutgheur Special attention Women and Ch Eh::'. N“l; anc thoro test perlymad. Office at Holstein Drug Store. VICTORIA DAY Holstein Conveyancer Issher of Marriage Licenses CEECRWE NC RELICD® EVUMDECE Meney to loan at lowest rat temmits to suit borrower, Fm uin Life Insomunce glu‘ed w. i reliablka mmi% h gages. Leases and Wills ted f gbuivest notice, All wog Artendad to. pmmennmmmmendommmnmmnnnnpemnsessom inemnnmmensenstomenmsccctus n tm t, PMra Aa UPiAllS$L ghO L120 nfk Single Fare for Round Trip Between all stattons in Canada east of Port Arthur, also in Deâ€" troit and Port Huron, Mich, Buffalo Niagara Falls, Black Rock and 8uspension Bridge, N. Y. Good going May 23 and 24 Return limit May 27, 1913 _ Through Pullman Tourist Sieepâ€" ing cars avre operated to Winniâ€" peg without change via Chicngo and S Pas!l leavine Tarnata To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and St. Paul, leaving Toronto 11.00 p. m, on above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Barnia and Northern Navigation Company Fall particulars and reservations from Grand Trunk Agents or write Dr. de Van‘s Female Pill wWINNIPEG ANDRETURN, $35.00 EDMUNTON AND RETURN $43.00 NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Proportionate low rates to other points, Return limit two months. J. R. Gun, Phone 14, Town Agent J. Towner, Phone 18, Depot Agent C, E. Horning D.P.A.,Union Staâ€" tion, Toronto, Ont. A reliable Fi h Presbyterian Church MAY 23, 1913 Methodist Church iesday aatil O:tober 28th imclusive W.J. SHARP , ... . 8 tor 250 ... . 8 for 256 .... 3 for 25¢ ... . 3 for 256 3 Ibs. for 25¢ ... . . 2 for 25¢ .... 8 tor 258 .3 lbs. for 25¢ .;ni‘m.gq“' t * Eyes tested and glasses pro -l’ll“."s;,:& “?dM-p :__r‘;f at 11 a. m Pastor m aal k iC These ig the If; at 4. 4 ) P THE John Ke OrF eA TOI (§¢ FLO bag of I We | vour he qr MeKFC VYOL. XX HIGI No Ni| | 9 N NPE

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