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Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1913, p. 4

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Â¥% 1 \w w w TY W 14 & w / w & ib ib [( w W 34 e ce keErererEeretCEEEEEEEL m The Central Drug Store { »SB3E23S%SR33SI3I33IS3I333 3332% ; NORTHEFTHY o n Es & /z////z,&’é OwEN soUND Every graduate gua sition. Thorough c staff of Specialists. College in Canada. CA FLEMING, F CA Why worry at Ottawa is giving . Canada. _ The b Northern Railway "A Creator of Business"â€"A story of the Oanadian Northern Ry, "Peace River, Alberta, and How to Reach it." "Key to Prosperity"â€"A story of the wheatfields of Western Canada ©85,000 Free Hoittesteads." Any agent of the company will gladly give you any or all of the above publications or write General Passenger Departments at 68 King 8t East. Toronto, or 226 St, James St., Montreal, Quebes . every prescription entrusted to us ; that we never use poor, old drags : that we never substitute, and that we give you prompt ervice at moderate prices never lacked the railway pioneer. NO CHANCE WORK From now on to the end of October Homeseekers Excursion tickets to Western Canada are on sale every Tuesday. These ticâ€" kets are good to return with two months from date of issue, except tickets sold from May to July inclusive, may be extended for two montbs on payment of five dollars for each month or part thereof to agent at destination, Stopâ€"over will be permitted at any Canaâ€" dian Northern station west of Port Arthar. _ For the accommodaâ€" tion of passengers a tourist car for Wiunipeg via Chicago and Daltuth, will leave Toronto Union Station at 11 p m on the following grtes : JuneSrd, Jaly 1, Jaly 22, Augast 26. September 23 and netober 21st.. Write for all narticulare. Sond your prescriationts to us, no matter what physician writes them, and KNOW that they will be filled exactly as prescribed . Come to our Drug Store. We have also a small quantity of Feed that is slightly damaged by wet. _ While it lasts weo are offer. ing it from eight to tem dollars per ton. The Central Drug Store # Come to the Leading Hardware Store for Everything you require in Lawn Material. We have a few tons Feed Meal on hand that we offer while it lasts at Any out of town buyer can have this feed shipped to their nearest station. _ We will deliver it at either station at above price. Special Prices on Feed Principal McGowan Milling Co. [l Lawn Materials | Some Canadian Northern Publications s title was earned because lacked courage to build it Twonty Three dollars per ton in Ton lots Our Lawn Mowers are selling fast, because we have the quality. We are selling nearly every kind of Lawp Sprayer that is manufactured. We have in stock some extra good Rubber Hose, a far superior quality to any ever kept Have you seen our Grass Catchers? They are laborsaving and keep the lawn free from grass 0e at the Canadian Northern Railway vas earned because the Canadian Northern Ratiway conrage to build its steel into new districts, placing ind all that it stands for within easy reach of the Pioneer Farmers‘ Railway ination, Stopâ€"over will be permitted at any Canaâ€" station west of Port Arthur. _ For the accommodaâ€" ors a tourist carfor Winnipeg via Chicago and ve Toronto Union Station at 11 p m on the following ‘d, Jaly 1, July 23, Augast 26. September 23 and Write for all particulare. Best equipped Enter any day G. D. FLBMING Secrotary out the future of your sons ? The Government at iway this year 150,000 free homesteads in Western ilk of these are located along or near the Canadian , the line recognised in the West as the Your Boy is Entitled to a free Canadian Farm ONT. inteed a posâ€" irses. Large // /7 AHrge . BA CK Oatmeal Mills ulare ‘The family remedy for Coughs and Colds. "Shiloh costs so little and does so muth!" of this community, because people have learned that we take utmost care in filling "The Prescription Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. Our Drug Store has become Dispensing Chemist Drug Store DARLING Phone 3 A\ th ;'\ l #4 1t\ ifl.\ 1J R\ Ing Whas does this mean ? Just this : that desplte all the experience gained from years of practical dairying, the farmer finds that in order to become thoroughly ‘ practieal‘ he must reâ€" quisition the aid of dairy records. Neither the eow‘s appearance, nor the owner‘s knowledge ot some shortâ€" peried yield of milk (extraordioary as that yield may haye been for a day, or a week, or a monthb) will testily with certainty to each individâ€" I ual cow‘s ability to pay her way for , the whole year. Cow testing proâ€" | vides a simple and eminently practiâ€" ‘cal way of knowirg, not oply it each |cow pays, but which cows pay the |most profit on the twelve months‘ ‘transaction of feed consumed, and milk and fat produced. Those large | profit cows are reyealed only by pracâ€" tical cow testing. to their ucter astonishment and reâ€" gret. Don‘t take chances with your herd, be certain that each one pays : it pays you to find out. Individual Cows are apt to cheat the unsusâ€" pecting dairyman unless he keeps tab on the performance of each one ; many dairymen have found this out Almost every dairy farmer who commences to weigh and sample his cows‘ milk individually says at the end of a few months * I find some in my herd were kept at a loss." Some men find only one or two cows, others state that they have found too many on the herd play a losing game. It seems as thougb, at the present moment, the whole civilized world is imbued with a broader and fuller spirit of brotherhood tbhau was ever known before.â€"Westminster cable to Witness, Lastly there is to be a conference in London for the settlement by peaceâ€" fal inethods of questions which the arâ€" bitrament of the sword in the Balkans has failed to adjast. Then we bave the British Ameriâ€" can peace centenary, with which Canada has direct connection. This event should not be without value outside and beyond the people imâ€" mediately concerned. The imeeting of the Emperors in Berlin, though only in the nature of a family festival, cannot fail to have a good effect. The bond of friendship is a strong instrumens of peace, and this is being strengshened by the happy event which has brought the monarchs together. It has been feltthat many ministers and congregations in our farâ€"fluang land are carrying on a noble work unobtrusively and deserving of some sort of encouragement and inspiraâ€" tion beyond the usual routine of a Presbytery meeting, of the Cburch paper and of the press. Huandreds of these men will rarely or never get to an Assembly, toâ€"mingle with the leaders of the Church and to receive the enthasiasm which numbers give. The expense alone in many cases would be prohibitive, doubly so to bring the *‘ better half *‘ ot the manse though in almost all cases she is in thick of the work also. The world bas probably never known a time when greater efforts were being made to promote peace and goodâ€"will among all natlons and people than are being made at the present time. ‘"The men who bhave put time and strength an4 days and nights of work into preparation for the Congress are very hbopeful that throughout the Church there may be increasing prayer for blessing upon all the meetâ€" Ings from Saturday to Wednesday. Te whole gathering has been planâ€" ned not for a vacation or pleasure time, but as a means to develop and sharper the life and the spiritual powers of those who are in the thick of the fight all over this growing land. If delegates come looking for a series of entertaining meetings in Massey Hall then for them and for others through them the Congress will likely resolve itselfinto an amasâ€" ing affair. If, on the other hand, there is a desire and demand for a yision of our land‘s need and the high way by which that need may be m :t, the Congress will be memorâ€" able for its profit in essential things. In Toronto next week there will be a gathering the like of which has neâ€" ver been seen in Canada and we think nowhere else at any time. Evâ€" ery pastor of the Presbyterian Chaurch in Canada and his wite and at least one lay delegate from eyery congreâ€" gation are invited to be present at a " Preâ€"Assembly Congress " in Toronâ€" to, ftrom May 31ist to June 4th. The invitation is accompanied by the assurance that all expense will be paid both of transportation and enâ€" tertainment in ‘Toronto and enroute, this extraordinary expense being borne by ten wealthy members of the Presbyterian Church, each ot whom contribute $10000.00 for the purpose and we suppose more if neâ€" cessary. The idea, we believe, oriâ€" ginated with the Superiatendent of Foreign Missions. * They were all with one accord in one place ‘‘ was wristen of a gathâ€" ering in apostolic days that was folâ€" lowed by a wonderfal blessing. Will sueh a Pentecostal blessing follow this notable gathering ? _ Earnest men and women with common ideals could not possibly meet under such conditions without being moved to deeper devotion and a more earnest (tiiesire for personal service and sacriâ€" ce. The visitors are to be all billeted amorg the Presbyterian homes of Toronto, there being exhibited a fine loyalty and generous spirit towards the aims of the promoters of this great gathering. w Cke huwham Reutem From Newfoundland to Vancouver Presâ€" byterians will assemble in Toronto. Will be an Historic Gathering. Practical Milk Records. THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1913 Promoting Peace. THE DURHAM REVIEW It is reported that Jack goes West on Saturday night and doesn‘t return till Monday morning. Dsesn‘t he go as far as Allan Park ? Mr R. Knox has purchased a dan. dy new buggy. Wonder who the lucky one will be. Mrs Neil McCannel, Sr,, is seriouly ill at bher daughter‘s Mrs Neil Mcâ€" Millan. She is suffering trom paralâ€" ysis. Mr A. Richardson bas his mill in operation again. â€" He will be meying this week to 8. P. to saw a stock ot logs tor Mr J . H. Richardson. Mr J. W. Carr and men firished the steel work on the bridge, 19th con., last week and are now painting it. Coutts Bros., West Luther, comâ€" pleted the cement covering on the bridge last week. cow records help the practical farmer to baild up a profitable herd. 20th May, 1913. C. F. ./. â€"Inu 1912, expenditure on Public Works was $10,000,000 ; in 1913, $13â€" 000,000; in 1914 it is to be $28,500,000 Hon Mr Rogers is "going some." Customs taxation is now $16 a head, in 1910 it was from g10 to $12 a head. Deliberately, determinedly, in spite of the strong opposition, emghatic protests and earnest appeals of the friends of the temperance cause, the Ontario Legislature took away from the electors the power (co free them selves in any locality by a majority vote from the curse of licensed liquorâ€" selling, and that traffic is now forced upon the municipalities set out in the subjoined list, all of which have voted in favour of Local Option byâ€"laws, Mr Frank Moore has been laid up with sciatica for the past two montus, we are sorry to say no betier. Mss Sadie Heard, who has been in Toronto for the last few months, has returned home, Under the above heading last week‘s Pioneer has the following telling arraigment of ‘the work of the Legislature at the last Sessiont As a result toâ€"day lives are blighted, characters wrecked, homes brokenâ€"up, and immeasurable misery forced upon many innocent and helpless women and children, while the only gain to the Government is the paltry revenue from the license fees and the approval and support of those who are willing to gratify their own selfishness and greed at the awful cost of ruin and loss to others. Messrs R. Knox, W. Knox and A. Richardson wheeled to Lucknow for the holiday. Mr and Mrs John MceMuardo yvisited last Sunday with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Robt. Knox. â€"â€"With a surplus last year of 55 million dollars and a probable surplus this year of about 80 millions, one wonders why duties could not be lowered and the consumer benefitted. Mr. MacLean‘s argument is usanâ€" swerable : ‘‘No Government is justiâ€" fied in taking from the people more taxation than is needed to properly conduct the affairs of the country. It is cpening the doos to unprofitable, unwise, and corrupt expecditure.‘" The 24th was anexceeding quiet day. Fishing was the whole sport and the Saugeem was lined up both sides. Some report that all the chubs were taken out. Mr Dan Waiterhouse, of Toronto, Espending a few days with Mr John a w. Mr H.J. Murney, of Toronto, spent the holiday with air H. Watson. There are other countries which have not yet advanced so far in the pathway of progress as to give a majority of the electors the right to vote out the liquor traffic, but there is no nation or country, so far as we know, other than the Province of Ontario, that ever took away that right from the people after once it had been conceded to them. There is no party question. Thousâ€" ands of the staunchest Conservatives, as well as Liberals, deeply regret the wrong that has been done, and unhesitatingly condemn it. Supportâ€" ers of the Government in the Legislat« ure have felt it their duty to vote in fayour of the abolition of a ceruel injustice which their loye of fair play and their consciences could not apâ€" prove. Well Mr Editor a long time since you beard from this place, but you know that the seeding was so good that everybody was hard at work. Surely the Christian intelligence, the honest manliness, the high moral purpose of the Province of Ontario, will not leng tolerate this discreditable and mischievous legislation, Gun‘s Drug Store We have the best compound made in 25 and 40¢ jars. Simply add water and your solution is ready to use. Now is the time to begin spraying your Fruit Trees and Bushes if you want to have good fruit. _ Spray when the bloom is on, then again when the leaf is well formed, then again in about three weeks time and you will be surprised at the results. Spraying A Scandal and an Outrage. Swinton Park. <iO ARCHIVES TORONTO rham, Ont. Town Ticket Office Time ‘tx The first sitting of the Court of Reâ€" vision for the township of Glenelg for 1913 will be held at the Township Hall in said township on Baturday, the 7th day of June, at 1.30 o‘clock in the afâ€" ternoon of which all parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselyes accordingly, Dated at Glenelg this 18th day of May, 1913, J. 8. BLAcK, Tp. Clerk. Several of the young poople attendâ€" ed the Box Social in Lamlash school on Friday, Mny ©3, and report a good time. The Lamlash picnic is to be on June 27, in Mr Garner‘s bush. 4 Wedding bells are ringing. More Wedding bells are ringing later. Miss Hattie Lawrence was the guest of Miss Jennie MeDonald and attendâ€" ed the social on Fridey evening. Mr Wm. Falton and Ted Leeson visited friends at Hampden Sunday before last. MrcWin. Bailey lust a valuable colt and Mr Thog. Reay lost one of his horses last week from being kicked by anotber horse. A number of yourg people from this vicinity and Crawford were enâ€" tertained at the bhome of Mr Ed. Boyce last Taesday evening. Miss Beile MceGirr, of Mt. Forest and Miss Agnes McGirr, of Shelburne, spent the boliday at their home here. â€"Miss Janie Peters spent a week ago Sunday wich her cuousin, Miss May Patterson. Plougking and putting in roots are keeping thefarmers busy at present. Nearly all bave in thoir mangels and a few have in potatoes aud corr. The continued cool weather is very hard on the grain crops. Miss Barbara Knisley spent Sunâ€" day with ber friend, Miss Nina Me:â€" Fadden. Miss Ethel Weir has returned from Toronto. Mr and Mrs Wm. Weir spenot a few days recently in Woodbriage and atâ€" tended the wedding of a relative. Rey. and Mra MeDonald and family moved to their new home in Chesley last week, aiter residing in Mulock for over two years. Mr McDonald intends te retire from the ministry. Mr Wm. Fualton is baving the woodwork of the outside of his bouse repainted by the painter, Mr John Dezell. Miss Annie MeDonald, of Durbham, spent a few days last week at her grandmother‘s, Mrs Hobkirk. Miss Sarah McDonald, of Hamilton is home on a visit. Miss Evelyn Coutts a})em the week end at the home of Mr Joseph Atkinâ€" son. Mrs J.. MceDougall and two sons Noil and Norman, of Brant, are spendâ€" ing a few days with their friends around here, Mr Ford and s n, of Toront», yisit» ed with his sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Walter Nichol, over the bholiday. The many triends of Mrs N. Mcâ€" Cannel, Sr., regret to learn of her death at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs McMillan, in Proton. Mr James McDougal, accompanied by Miss Rachel McKinnon, spent Sunday at Mr Geo, Brown‘s, of Lamâ€" lash. Mr and Mrs Thos. McGirr spent the bolidays with friends at Dornoch. Anumber of young eattle strayed from the premises of Mr Tim Grasby last week. They got on the C. P. R. traek near the overhead bridge with the result that one got its leg broken. Mr and Mrs Dan MoeLean and children Janie and Cecil, of Duarbam, yisited their many relatiyes in this burg over the holidays. The rural mail route will commence on the 10thand 12th on June 2nd, Mr Dobney, of Elmwood, has the contract. Wedding belis are ringing in this burg. Mr James McDougal has the conâ€" tract of putting in the telephone poles and intends starting this week. Mr Revell Boyce, of Edge Hill, visited his mother, Mrs H. Boyce oyer Bunday. & The weather is keeping very cold and some of the nights feel like winâ€" ter yet. But we hope to soon haye it more like sammer. Mr and Mra Ed. Boyce entertained a few of the young people fast Tuesâ€" day evening and all report a good time. Miss Lizzie Miune, of Chesley, spent the 24th at her brother‘s, Mr Andrew Milne, Mrs Hugh McDonald, of Duarham, is visiting her mether, Mrs Hobkirk, at the pregent time. Miss Sarah McDonald, of Hamiltor came home last Tuesday to spend a few weeks at her mother‘s Mrs H. McDonald. Miss Annie Hobkirk is spending this week with friends in Toronto. A number of the young people around here took in the Box Bocial at Lamlash last Friday evening and reâ€" port a big time. Miss Lizzie Teasdale, of Elmwood, spent over the 24th with her parents of this place, Miss Nell Henderson returned home from Detroit last week. kiy stops coughs, cures colds, and hea Jg',‘3“'4‘“‘!- : @“u;fl,‘ Wedding bells are ringing, Court of Revision 1913. BRownship of Glenelg. Green Grove Crawford Mulock m mm maeaiee ol mdit Snd se on ind =" o ie w ts io td Een e n o y hn e m ts ty the ce cho ohe ofe oha ofe obe ofaofe cferfeoferfeofeienforferfeato sn s# Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with bib g and without bib. :g Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, s s 3 s Embroideries. ow eeuecericaneleeelenalacopaalaxeles elanela elec ele al"ole ale Solo Sela le ole sel ue eceleSelaice tho ts ho chaoh: ofs chooke ofe oo . ofe ofe cfach efecfertarganfeatatfe Bs ofe ciiooke i+ in our Winds ....uéw m-fi:cnl:emu‘emntuwenemdu:‘f Ro patients in o ‘indsor offices whi are for Correspondence Laboratory for O:rnadx;n lmineueeonly. Address all lem'u_tolbn: DR3. KENNIDY&W. Windsor, Oant. Weita file save melonis ata..._ T. : <For vadtegp cives. 1 * vertstcint w umt nam o. , _ Ooâ€" mm | mentin Windsor, Ont.wn you desire to gsee us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we See and treat ho. ”m. in our Windsnr aféa.2 _ 3 i 1 /° 12 ZEHort Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Rp>NoTICE :sz E 100 TE â€" AEERERATCR) OH DISCases of Men. NONAIESUSEDWITI-IOUTWR"TBCW. PRIVATE. No names on i a To mmfim’w Question List and Cost of Treatment P o e e e t victim? lost hope to 7 Has fEAUEM your Liood been giscazed? Have gou «ho Fou en ting o mareet Has en Bo melicr on hoabeet e has €one for othens 16 wl so dor 59Â¥ Genentiznien er who has m an ::.k'- Freeâ€""Boyhood, Manhood, Fua:.rhood." (ILllustrated ) anofinn.-d l'-‘- At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Our shipments arrive freâ€" quently so are ever fresh and tasty. _ Take a box home with you. Hi?hest prices for Butter and Eogs. THE CITY BAKERY Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, etc, Headquarters for Confectionery and ail Bakery goods Kkxy* NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN OOIBEN'I:. Confined to His Home for Weeks: Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, We still have in stock a fine assortment of HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED: Try our Fresh Oysters Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. Eggs Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. . L GRANT uac agiau dlda C OTCC HOrd To would become gevere and 1 was often laid up for a week at a ame. My tlmfl{ physician told me an operation was my only ho but I dreaded it. i tried several specialists, but soon found out Alfou; wanted was my money, 1 commenced to look upon all doctors as l‘&b better than rogues., One day my boss asked me why I was off work so much and Â¥ told him mly; condition, Jicadvised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Trx New Mctaon Trearacyr, My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month‘s treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However, J continued treatment for three months IQF and ‘was rewarded with a complete cure. 1 could only enm&ll & week in a machine ehup‘!‘)ef,?re treatment, now I am earning $21 and never lanas a Anu wigh all avanll l i2 B h anumatu l d es nm‘n L 5. ) . WV reatment for three months lq’u' and was reward with a complete cure. 1 could only earn $12 m week in a machine shnfix?efore treatment, now I am earni mm loose a day, 1w uulmtexenknewotyour'dnnm atment. "Heary work, severe straininp and evil habits in youth brought on 'nricos‘:!y Veins. When I worked hard the lchmouu bmo ;]\'cljfi.undtll was often lnguup ‘tvor :‘ woek at a *3 My |£'. s1c an 0 on ml, hqpo-bu dreaded lglc‘dlflaflg‘m(;fl :'l)gclnmfi, were -M..“n....,.:‘ TS DCR E E. A. ROWE to Ol!r” 10 00 ECSE SERES DC SUUTCDSEU mant in m:-a_.c&'ES'P'fl‘!‘!‘“.D?M' All letters from Canada must be addressed Macfarlane & Co House Cleaning ; Farpitare Polish KRESO â€"The best disinfectant Cedar Flakes. Alabastine, Jellstone Household Ammonia Wall Paper and Winrdow Shades Dry Pasteâ€"ready for ase. Sticks like glue. Moth Camphor C. P. R. Town Office Buay your tickets here. vey 4 MAY 29, Wi3 M o peay Â¥ C. LOCUST. A ) J« The REVI Most P at EC REM] Small Profits Fresh 29, NG T 11

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