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Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1913, p. 8

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* :1. T AYLOR& CO.Dromore 33:33; L-..-...-;,:.'.)"',"),"." t nt M o a...” ”muuunm” '.MacFARLANE Town Agent, Durham 'td rrticular,, from Can mune Agents or write M G Munrnv, D P. A., Toronto ‘ves 'l‘mmntn 12.15 pm on ailing; ya. 1.. Jun}; tllrect connection with ~1thst Post McNicolt i :3 THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. I I1: rusvr I-I: 0 , I Vl‘h “a; v. .. ..._......__ " (; You pay less here . . _-i-I' I Watch next Week’s paper for the greatest Bargains ever offered III Durham Lrie. Pott " "Banner rt McN'irt Own: a ll p.m. tiomeseekers' Excursions Er 75%? £5 tiii/d Ext-h T uesday until October Mth Winnipeg and retttrn .35 oo [511quan and return $13.00 CARPETS, LINOLEUMS and OILCLOTHS \\ v handle the famous Bulldog Overall. Also Peatsody's--lroth guaranteed. Boys' Pants at .....................35cp¢rpr Men's Fancy Straw Mats at. . . . . . . . . .500 to 3.60 Men's Work Shirts at . . . . 50c, also 750 and 1.00 Men's Fancy Shirts at. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 to 2.00 Blankets 11?. . . . . 4.25 Yam: at . .. 500 per lb Iraderwear...................... at100t0500 Prints, Gingham: and Muslins in endless color- ings and styles... . . . . . . . . . . .100 to 500 per yd r. '35 L4r;,2rEF-TF:-i I' y,uccessors,' to" "RdiieFfuriiirii These are all worth more money. We want you to compare them with others you have seen at same price. 1-4 inch Swiss bh'otstteittgs and Shirtings--an etttrafine quality and mum. patterns. 65 Four pll- 1 26 Eleven puttcrus at.... ..... C toms at.. I 27 inch Swiss Flotttseitegs in all the my patterns. Scven (Iniucm pieces to select from. Very Mk specialvnlue....., ...r.. M............... ...... B_ring Your Wool Here Porous knit vests are the coolest garment' you can buy. Wear them once and 'you‘ll never be without them. Ten dozen Ladies' Vesta, some with short sleeve: some with no sleeves, very fine quality, extra special. ... . ...... . . 2 for Me Porous Knit Vests, special Mc Steamship Express Be sure and get our price on Wool and Produce before selling. If not a customer, you should be. We will welcome you. General Change of Time June lst we wish you to get our prices before selling. They are the highest. Now the Wool Season has started Embroidery Flouncings " Manhunt" “Him; from; sll We inr"idttrts, will rall‘ mud. leasing that poll!” Ladies' Vests, 2 for 2Sc BERE very large range to choose from TAYLOR & CO. Furnishings for Men LADIES t. ig" _l CL.".yg-U-t-o.r.t-i! PS _iaiii/rii8ltiit, l, mum r' 'r'es [tii,%'g'tidEiaiii/rii' 1 Via Hmpresn of Asia. Leaving Liv. m-puolJune ll, milling at. Madeira, Cape Town, Durban, Columln, Singa- pore and Hong Kong, arriving Van. couver August30. Vessel remains 14 dar. at Home Kong. Mate for entire cruise $630.10 Exclusive of mmntew ance between arrival time In England and departure, of “Empress of Asia," and stop aver at Home Kong. See our Around the World E. A. BAY, Station Agent This line is made in short sleeves and no sleeves. A splendid garment for the money. THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY See our Special Vests at 150. Special Value, 16e COME TO THE WHITE GOODS SALE Short on long sleeves, some with low neck, some with Collars ; buttoned front or back. Owingto the cool weather crops are growing slowly but we hope to so: warmer weather noon. Victoria Day passed " quietly here some went fishintt while others were too busy to Ipend the day. Two, three and some four rows of insertion and lace, Miss Mary Hooper. who was Changed " Jacob Halpenny’s for some time returned home Friday. Seedimr being over the farmers are busy engaged in working up the root ground. Well Mr. Editor it being some time since you have heard from us we will now try and write a few items. l TheDromora Branch of Women‘s [Insthute held their annual meeting lab the home of Mrs Rom. lienwick on May 218%. 31 ladies present. Mrs Rogers, of Holstein, gave an interest. ing report of the convenuon held in Toronto in November. m Kondell gave I splendid address on our motto tt For Home and Country. otlieerg were appointed for the year as follows: lPl-esident --M" W. Hustle; \'xce 'q?resiiunt--am, Wm. Philp; 2nd Vice PretfuUat-sm, Wm, Brown; Seer. Tmus.---srsndy Renwick; Di. reetorr-atrg James Wilson, Miss Ag- neu‘.Rauwrck ; Dis. Director-sms Jno siesiardo; Auditors ---Mrg Findlay, we Ramon; Program committee-- nary Brown, Belle Patterson, Laura Eccles. Eliza Wilson. The next: mootlng will be held at the borne of} xiss nary Brown on June Mit, All: India Ire welcome, Questious to be' discussed : l, How to get rid of the home fly. 2, Flowers and shrubs that are any to grow. Everybody'; come prepared to take part. I Mrs Kendell and Douglas left on Wednesday for the Queen City to at tend the General Assembly meeting. Mr Kendell will leave from Durham on Monday next. MISS Myrtle Caldwell. of Varney. spent the holidty at Mr George hotb- ian's with her friend, Miss Mary Bac- kus and attended the picnic at the lake on Yietotus .Uay. Miss Eih'a McMillan 15 home from gehool two weeks on account of suck- mas. On Victoria Day quite a number of the young pearls from this vicinity journeyed to IIamllton’s lake and spent an enjoyable afternoon and eye- mng. Mr John Snail. of Durham, will oc- cupy the pulpit here next Sunday. owmg to the absence of Mr Kendall, who will preach in the Presbyterian church in Durham. Lint week Mrs Cohn McMillan re. ceived the sad news of the death of her nephew, the son of Mr and Mrs G'eorge Cameron. Jr,, of Calgary. The ladies of the Insmtute spent. the afternoon of Victoria Day in pltintingtrees around the graveyard. On Tuesday lut many of the ladies from here attended the l’resbyterml meeting held in Durham. Lust Friday the choir met at. the home of Mr John Bunston and spent a very pleasant evening. Un Friday next it will meet at. Mr Robb. Isaac‘s_ 1.25 White Skirts, 99c White Lawn Blouses LM, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 John McBoth is making the at; 411;: “$31.1 '),i'lii',riii1iyj'iei'iili,ii?rii Greenside Dromore THE PEOPLE’S STORE Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Every man who ever wore these porous knit Under wear will tell you that its "got 'em all beat" for comfort. Mad. with short sleeve shuts and knee length drawers. Priee,perttarment, ............50c Drawers t/ Porous Knit Shirts and Drawers fifl$§fi=fi$ifi¥ék$§§$fikésfi illlhllr'a'iliiia,ilis-fi; illilallllilliaaiiilmiilllill4llallililalliili'iili, Ilriilis'tl', .'iNllift.'allilNtdllilgiMlil, £333 3 Iii) #3:; THE an. aid to the agricultural induttry in a very short time. They are also being fostered and encouraged by the Womenu Institutes societies. Reports from various schools state that the children are enthusiastic our the scheme and taking their views es s criterion. the rural school hire will " ainly be a nucceu. Competitions for aways, samples of baking by the pupils thermreiver, nature collections and along other lines of domestic work are being arranged for and will be leatulu at the fairs. These pnmary exhibition- nre innovations which are bound to be Prizes Will be awarded as in the rural fairs to the have and girls having the best plots, the healthiest brood of chickens. etc. This will take place at the school fair which will be held sometime during tho latter part of Septemlwr or the first week in October at a central school in the township, not yet decided on. What promiseh to a most interest. ing experiment in Agrleultute and which is now in its infancy is the rural sch Tull fairs in the townships of Egremunt and Pinton. Mr H. C. Duff ism the head of the undertaking and his alsistant Mr, u, L. S. Palmer of Markdale has visited a great number of Ichools in each municipality and distributed plantings of grain and potatoes and settings of eggs. The making of plots and intending to them is the wopknt the children on thelr tatherts'farme and the and and up which are supplmt fron, the o, A. O ' Gtwlph and are No. 1 brand Will become the property of the children after maturity. l, Rnral mail delivery was waned or; ‘our Main bl. on Monday, 19th. It in {agreat convenience. Climbing city Ward you know. 'diy l, And so a poor taper can't get a 'driuiroi fire-water beforn 8 o'clock in 51116 mornmg. Too bad, but we think fit bars were closed four hours earlier in!!!” usual, tt would do far more :good. A full range opened this week All sizes...... ...... ....'... The first mail received in the new box was a handsome birthday card from Me Hartley Lefiar, of Calgary. He says that. is a tine city, but when it rains the mud is six inches deep. Hartley is missed at the Bend Ind We wish him the best of good luck. Mr E. Payne, having bought a farm in Normauby. will move there next year. We regret to lose Mr and Mrs Payne, but are pleased they are not gomg far away. Seeding is ancient history now and we have beautiful growing weather. " Mr. John McBeth. Prieisyille, called on some of his old neighbors recently. The beet ring is giving good satisfaction this season so far. Miss Mary Farrell, ofNiugarnns visiting her cousins. Mr D. Farrell and bis sister MISS Margaret, ceumntcorner blocks for Mrs. Jones Harrison's new barn. Miss Caldwell, Normanby was the guesz ot'our teacher Miss Mary Backus over Sunday. Children Become Farmers TORONTO South Bend -----iqi------ We want Your Wool. REVIEW Today 's the day. Seven patterns in Swigs Allovers, sold everywhere at [.25. We have marked this 1 m lot for quick selling at only...... .... ...... .. I mtderwaists, .25 and Me. Drawers. .50c Gowns. . . . . . . . . . . . special. 99c and 1.25 50c All-over Embroidery Bring your hogs to Holstein Tue.- dare. Satisfaction gunman]. Other stock will have my beat nun- tion. Phone 17 " It. M. TRIBE, Shipper _ We are pleased to see our hotel again open to the publicand webe- lie"e Mr Lougheed will not again be led to snob action in closing bis place of business. All good citizens Rte strongly in favor of having a {while place where travellets and farmers coming to one village can ob. tain clean meals and beds, but there must be no selling of steong drink in connection with it. We are also ot the opinion that the temperanee peo- ple should use their iufhenei in helping to 8tyrport the man who will adhere strictly to the laws governing ‘ local option districts. i The Section men on the G. T. R. have completed the foundation work of the new sidewalk from front street to the station and when finished will add greatly to the convenience of the travelling public. NOTICE TO H00 IthlseRs Messrs Cook and Ellis. of Reid's mills, have arrived and are busy stock-taking. It is expected the store will be ready for business in I few day s. Mr Ellis is the possessor ofafine driver and will be heard from later. Dr Wilson has dismissed his chat. fem. he having taken upon himself the use of the Dr.’s auto to give his many friends a joy ride. The result was not altogether what was expect. ed and the end is not yet. I The following are some of the vis. i [ itors to our village over the holiday : 1 Mrs Moses and son, Toronto; Mr i Bert Edwards, Toronto ; Mr and Mrs Robertson, Toronto ; Miss iuiiil Rogers, Toronto ; Miss Gladys Kerr, ‘ Hamilton ', Mr Louie Kerr, Elora ; 1 Mr and Mrs Sudd, Clifford ; Mrs) Smithers, Brampton ', Mr Dlxon, i New Liskeard. Out of town visitors I were: Mr and Mrs Alpheus Smith i li; Rochester, N. Y. ; Mr and Mrs! Nicholson, Brampton; Mrs Bruce,’ Guelph ; Miss Thompson, Listowel; l Misses Irene and Pearl Drumm, Lis- I towel ', Miss Bride, Palmerston. , Mrs Sparling and children, of Port. age La Prairie, are visiting " Mrs Burrows' and Mrs Jas. Smith's. Mr and Mrs John Seim and Mr Nel- son Irwin, of Grenfell, Sask., are vis- iting at MrJohn Orchard‘a. Rev. Dr. Burrows, of Youngstown, Ohio, who is home visiting his moth- er, preached in the Methodist church here and at Yeovil Sunday last, in the absence of Mr Marshall. who with Mr] D. Main, is attending the Con. ference at Hamilton. Dr. Dixon, of Chicago, is spending a few days with friends here. We have received for publication tt communication signed $t Admirer." Such cannot be inserted, as we " ways require the name of sender, as a guarantee of good faith. Mraud Mrs P. F, Thair, of Lums- den, Slsk” announce the engagement of theuvsecorut daughter Florence to Mr Ralph I, Traynor. Regina, the marriage to take place in June. fsazéwza§?2%:$s3%55523929§9§2:% a LOCAL AND PERSONAL t "hit-es/a-sau/sis-os/Cacia.,;.",,",,"';".. Redpath's Granulated Sugar per cw: Canned Corn (best Quaker band) . .. Canned Beans Quaker...... ....... Canned Peas, Quaker.. ...... ....... Canned Tomatoes, Quaker. .... . . . . . Ctunfort8oap...... ...... .... ...... SnulightSoap...... .... .... .... .... 3 lb pkgs Seeded Raisins. .... .... .. 3 lbs. Select Valencia Raisins . . . ... . 3 lbs Seedless Sultan“. ... .... .... 3 lbs Recleaned Currants. .... .... .. 5 lbs 30c Green Japan Ten. .. ......r Grocery Bargains I. We are prepared to pay you the Highest Cash Prices. ...............6bnrsfor25c 'iliiti.i................21re Ruining.................25c n. Jr..................?) Inu................. ...250| v"'7iiinl.C./..........-..1.00i LINN“ connection with staunch .. lull points on Muekokn Lakes. , A brand new train, conslalin r huge-go cur. 1yrybuu'coaiiid ""ioraitmkrv.iiiiiil' cu will dtreet ... mu name ot Mrs. A. H. mGit. Every body welcome. A number of our villtgou holidayed " Eugenia on the 24th. l Miss Bern Wtdenun, Mt. Forest rape“ Sundav and Monday under the mutants] roof. Mu Hunter. Pleasant. the dclecnto tor the Women’s Institute mil be here June 6th, 'l‘hursdny, 2.80 p. In. She Will address the ludieo on turning children in tho house. At 7.80 she will be glad to talk to a mixed nudience on ”The iieuetit, of Immune work tt at the homoo! In. A. H. Brunet. Every body welcome. I i Mrs. Wheeler is visiting her aught. er in Toronto who u very ill. Mrs. Edingron, Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Gilkeo. Messrs H. T. stems and Wm. Burnett were in Toronto inst Friday I on business. I Mrs. Ball, London. is visiting her doughrer. Mrs. Wm. Dingwsll. Mr. Arrliurs. Bolton is a Visitor " 'H. T. Sternes' Miss Edna Smiley. Toronto renew- _, led old acquinlsuces during the ltoltdar. Mr, Will Scrimingor, Toronto woo home over the holidny. Master Sylney Forward, Toronto i311?!“ Mutu- Geo. Smith over moi 1 Our school was closed on account of our teacher Mr, Reg. Kerr being !lnid up with I sore hand. Fine weather still prevails picnics Ind garden parties will 'soon be to hand. Rev. J. Fl and Mrs. Dingmnn of Mt. Forest and the tormer'a mother arein our bare this week villung Imam; the members of his congreg- anon. The Master Roy and Misses Inez and Ella 1feDoogall spent the holidays with their grandmother Mrs Jnu. Ross ot Lunderkin. Mrs. Angus Mchohern who has been spending some time with her daaglfter-in law Mrs. Alex Morison era of Mt. Forest has returned to her home here. Mr. Reg. Mauser and ion Ernest. ot Toronto spent toe 24th with his brom- er Robt. Master Peter Mchchern of Mt. Form spent the holidays with " uncle, W. J. McDouzall. Quite a number of the people of our burg spent the 24th fishing, Mr. Wilfred Downing is at present. engpged with Wm. J. McDougall helping him to dig oat the cellar {or his new house. Most of the farmers around here are through seeding some have 'their potatoes and mungels in. t.........4.75 ......3for Me ..... 3 for 25o ......2for25ts .. ....2for25e .6tmrsior25e .6 bars for 25c ...........25c ...........25c New Muskoka Ina Little Germany NON Hopeville. We have just sixty-um. pieces of Embroidery “my” _ and Insertions-in dainty Swiss pat- . ' terns. All widths...... ...... .... Sc to 15c Embroidery and Insertions Gloves L to p.iu. Mann. with llelmol‘. tor THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. 5lbg 13in Ceylon Tum... ....... 3timr Old Dutch Clan-er. .... o..... 3 pkgu. - Ammonia... .. 3iituGillett'ts Lye.. ,..... .... ...... 3tinscoaitortLps.._,... ..rr.. .... .. 2cm: Silvor Moon RID Salmon tor.. All plugTobncoos...... r........... adtyantsut'rouetso-.. .... ..... IvoryGlouSurcb...... .... ..... . BestCornSurch...... .... .... ..... Fresh 15cJam-Jnml...... .. .... .... Pound tins linking Pardon... .... . AllExtracts...... r....... ..r. ....., Fresh Dates.... ...... .... ...... .... Stk-dis-ii-si-diss" to Robert Burnett fonehrt tug of and Long white silk, special Long white silk lire .. . Long white silk llsle . .. Long white suede. . . . .. vi ill __ puriiitiasE Dr 83'” V d. . . I" . I that tor 310. Mailed . ' " tkhtititl on. c... u. 1gdyl'l,W, DB. JAB. L. WILSON. u. A. m! Moon ma AMMeur tl9rast It” t _ of Wom- Iliduails::. ", 1$?w. E"- “9” and Tin-m7 Lu- Br. diirGiFiiiia, Pm- J-l-Gn. Me H, Town Agent J. fen-s Pinon. to, Depot Agenl The Court of Revision on the Aw meat Roll in: the Municipal:" Euro-am: for 1918 will be held a: " atom on loudly. June 2nd. Pplrf 1.3”). In. Mo appeal: will bond» and unlm they have been tiled “1 the .UletAtecoaingto law. and lit fund will he made by "new n " t 1 Rain: neglect. Notice of all changes at Prll must by {awarded to the rm well u a" names required to M " ed on "id Bull before it is.- ih passed. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Hgmnu ml “3301! an nlm on Hair via Emma in. Northern Navigation Cotuparl "lt awn-aim and resoruuunu Iron rad Tlmsnk Azom- or wrxw U. . Homing. D.P.A., Uuum Sam “on. remain. an. through human tourist Slec p- “! emu-e era-am: to Winni- with.“ c Ange v“ 0:1ch " Patti, knvlng Toronto "-00 p. a. on can: antes, Full puticnluu and 1 Grand Trunk Age-u. James R. Gtr, City P Tomi": Tithe“ at reduced Iii', new on mo to Mucknka than! for nap-oven " any point and " return until Kaye-mm 30th {in Return connection: is llmdv " ilh w. teasing Nuskrka Wharf ttt l' .15 a. midi]. - Sunday. autumn Toronto & IO p. m. operated and pusengms are; I comforuhle tide “lung Interesting route to Mmkuk which is the original gult‘“: {attuned Mmkokn Lakes. This train was right tr ' gunner " Munich- Wharf Avoiding my itteottvenientw [w so". Ticket Agent V I Iobn Towaer Sun ior, Phone 18 WINNIPBG AND RETI‘RN. if.“ [0310me ANDRETL‘m Fu, Rseh 1“:qu until 0 Indus“. To Manitoba, Saskatcheuan. Alberta Lilly!!!“ h. rum HOM ESEEKERS' EXCURS IONS "wanton-to low rates to who: 93min. Return limit two Invnthk Township oi Egremum a Romain Drug Store Court of nevm'on 191 MAY " 1913 tiiied ma V (have! IW; .....3N, , " mm: SIM. for .....2for ....3Ior 3 for 3 for Phone n 3 tor 3 for ti br "St't Tttty. )C pm " It I0 as itt pg] " " lr " m ' " new It'll“)! h " the pr lo the eff, It prnc'ic in 246 nil are bur- " thus ct trom whi L "tal Op nhle tt Theta” in whit , Ch D John Kelly. is McKFJ xwxxa 3 IP, h',' y,' 2' or' cw 'et? ( 'TH E Gol FLOUR thore who Flour osille - ot " VOL. We ht your bear or groom {a " HIGH Nor m

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