West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jun 1913, p. 1

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. a. “A.“ a". fteogts x I '. :NWCI. A: . . - u. Ato"ii. I. -- H. M... “van: kaitmtrit' remonl Ht? tne "t'rtlrrr and w H ket Alon. “It!“ " 1913 GO an r A no» 1913 " ”0. new to pun-I Hf " if. u trom " ll " a-, si" STANDKIéD . . "yacy:ya'/x/xx1sr'r"5fj""'ri'i" _,.,:::.,,::',,:" Medal Flourg TE [ll _' r" CANADA THE T , AD OFFICE iC'l'i"iriiUiiiiU""" ', 'ORONTO l D URHAM BRANCH, w's'iy, I!!! EI I VOL. XXXV1,NCL 23 T ‘1 - . iga hi h Mam. are Manitoba ' H s'll---11 est Gem FlourfI grilled '2'i','/'2i',' for ', Is': rritt'it strong Flour, squat in every way to any _ i M.» pl ive is much less. You can tret any sized _ F l from us you require. ll he - --" / trucked Corn,Wheat, Buckwheat,-Oats, tor hand ont that ttyn , hich prohibits bottle!' wistor consumption ',m, an Important aid "in' of Local Optical whims home sellingl ".N in which chem n- no licensed coops. ls \‘KH'OBS cf supply‘ sb thirsty residents of I ryirts were torrnerlv) ' " was of liquor. "C, uonnieipalltitlett Monstrous v/iillinery Sale L H’ percent off all trimmed _ 21 untrimmed Hats, Flaw- i'A. Feathers,0rnaments.&’c. iNIE'S MILLS n he rétail selling " on theprcmi-cs NO Fur the next 30 days we are offering mar complete Millinery stock including this week’s new arrivals in Sailors, Waning Hats, and Fancy Shapes in Peanuts, Mums, Leghorn' and Pan- umas. at greatly reduced prices. ENIE'S MlLLb 2 FRED. J. WELSH 53: s.:yyy,yxxzxxxxxxxsaoil?tElE.l do your Chopping------"" know how. PRICE PAID for any amount of WOOL SPECIAL Values in This is a Sale which it will be worth your while to attend, and attend early while there will be a large assortment Mis Chop made from inure grain, Corn, whole 3mm. Shorts, Midlings, for sale at close prices ', Itlt dun Milling. Sales of GOLD MEDAL nut-thin my! wherever it has heen offered. GOLD MEDAL A who has no equals. It is the beet family Flour III men! and the price is no higher than the ordin. 11 1 u-le now on the market. md M as tell you all about Gold Medal Flour. / PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF GRAIN. OLD STOCK Children's Hats SEifie,'1riYh'it,'tgt,the, inteemtisthefi-ttialeGn investment; the ability to realize orith.Jrtheemd.Jtyhre.dbrtlrse madam!» a sick-{fake Line Width Bankionida (nudism Last week's Sun had a strong let- ter from Mr H. J. Pettypiece show- ing the utter inadequacy of the sys- tem of Railway taxation as it obtains in Ontario when contrasted with Michigan and neighboring States. It will be remembered that last year Reeve Philp of Egremont introduced the question at Grey County Council and succeeded in getting the County to act in the initiative in calling a conference of Ontario Couuties to consider the question. Nearly 20 counties have responded to the in vitation and the Conference will like- ly be held this fall. Itt tttttttit Benign]. This" Itevied" 10 iiirii/" éubscriibers to the end of the year fot_liil. B.ih"ii's'ia"i, Gifts for the bride at MacFallanea. Hots: AND Lo'r an SALE-JIM house, stable and lot on Durham Road will be sold chtap for cub. Price .50000, Apply to Mm, Wat, HAZEN_ Fon TUE JUN! WrtDDmtr.--The first requisite is the invitations, and those the” Review can supply you. hatrfully and neatly printed and in correct styles. Call or write to see our samples andprices. ‘ Sporting Goods an the best at Manrlunea. To-day, Wednesday, Mr Alex aiioP of the 2nd of Glenelg, is to be married to Miss Dnnm-llv, of Bentinck. We wish them much hi iness iy,...tte.i..r. nedende'it {For Dur am Juvenile Lacroue team goes to Hanover Friday" for their first ached. uled game. The team has been round. ing out in good shape and though the boys scarcely expect to win, they be have they can make it close. New CATHOLIC cortcH...Hanovev'ts new R.U. church was dedicated on Tuesday " last week when Ravi Mon. signer. Vicar General of Hamilton. representing Bishop Dowling,tho head of the 'lioceert, declared the building otticinlly opened for service. There WM 3 Lugs attendance nml the cere- mouie, were conducted by many [imm- inent churclnnen who were present. memrss-Nu FAVORAHLY. --rbav. Dr. liarquhnrson and Mrs Falquhar- son lnfl on Sulurdzny for Agineourt where they will visit relatives for four week. Th" vacation is being “then largn-ly to allow Dr. quuhm-son to furtlwrre-cuperale his health. Prilr to his departure Lust mek a medical examination ruvealed that he was physically stronger than at any period during the past three months. _ aaaasoal-r4Pryrs---1Thile any! ing at the Preshyterian mange on Sut- nrday. Rev. Geo. Kendell of Dromore, mdulged in several games of lawn len- nis and surprised his youthful oppon- ents with the skill he displayed vol. leyinq and serving the ,i'iii'i'4iiii'i, man of his age. MLKende ttem. . Int ion of the racket would ddcredit lo players one half his ago. Me Ke dell was an easy winner In the J4ifik) l played, - BAND RtroRoAsiztw.--At a meeting] held Thursday night, the members of the band formed themselves into the $t Durham Musical Society,“ which tn. cludes orchestra as well. The band, if ls confidently expetted, will take on . new lease of life and still he known as the tht "zems' Band. Ottiteertt of the new organiz ttion are usfollows l Pres ident--Peter llzuuage l Bert-Wm, MacDonald ; 1'reatiurer--Jtss, Bogle l l Musical Director-Geo. Yirrs; Exe- cutive comtuittee--Wru. Meoowan, Ed. McClocklin, Chas. Moore. Weekly street concerts w,ll in all probability be commenced in the nenr future. With Urge chunks of plaster falling out and eracks extending dingonally‘ the whole length on one wall in the south wing of the building, the inter. ior of the public library is becoming anything but beautiful in appearance. In fact if the furnishings and fittings of the building weie equally distiguts ed, the Carnegie strur-lure would be. gin to look like a New York tenement. /iie. wallstamed to crack about three weeks ago and has slowly been break- ing away ever since. It would appear to be good advice if the board of true: tees were to follow the old adage. " a stitch in tune saves nine." . mrsrq-rser-a---Tm' or three weeks more will see the rc- construction of the William McGow- " dam. Repair work has been going 1 on for some time and replacing tho work ofthe ruinous Spring freahotc _ is proving to be an arduous task. To ward " future disasters the new structure will be strengthened by three new plers which are about 12 feet long and 4 feet wide and placed " right angles to the main ombnnk out. is also the intention of the prop! etc! to erect a foot bridge across the main wall facililtlng the work of removing and placing the boards " the top of the dam. Citizens are also pleased to see signs of industry in connection With the dam as it meant that pretty nrtsticint lake amid the scenic aur- ronndlngs will be "stored once more. The Sunday School convention and Deanery meeting of the Church ot England met at Markdale on Tuesday. May 20, with an attendance of about 60. Papers on " The Boy Prohlcm."\ " How to teach the bor," .. The Adult Bible Class.“ etc,, were rend. The ad. visnbility of having the clung in up, cute room: was dlscuued that there would be more attend Adult Bible class if not in some room an childrcu. It would seem as though they we" not coming to Sunday School with the chlldrcn was proven. An cxnmlnnuon l for cl; mouths'. lessons wu decided on l oommcnclng with June l. Thu unm- lner will present ouch pupil with n cer- t titlcate on whlch the total Inn-kc ob. l l mined by pupil no given. The Donn- _ -- "h, ___, -. "“"‘“ "I r‘-r~ - cry will meet in Henthcota no", Where the Sunday School convention in to be not! is not decidod 1.0, but will be held out In. b DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader Characters in the Mock Court AI there is a ttertertudetrire on the part of our people to know who are to participate in the Interesting proceed. lngs connected with the Bresch of Promise Trial to be given under the auspices of Durham Bowling Club, in theTown Hall on Thursday evening, June 6th, we publirh the list in full. As will be observed, with the excep- tior. of Cot Newton, they are all Well known people who need no Introduc- tion to our readers. Wherever' simulau entertainments have been given under the directioti of he present management, their success as been phenomenal and it is not ikely that. Durham Inks the material to give the Mratr a. hvelmess and pi- quancy equal to the best. The following in the make-up of the court l Judge-Dr. D. Jamicson. M. P. P. Clerk-\Vm. Calder. Plaintiff-Miss M. Hunler. Detetidot--fhi. McCloc-klin. Prosecuting Attornev-Col. A. V. Newton of Worcester. Mane, Court. ottlcer--J no. Graham. crier--Thos. Whelan. Witnesses-Miss Edith McKenzie. Miss May Young, Frank Irwin, Dr. J, G. Hutton, J. Stedm'm. Anumber of the leading citizens town will act as Jurors 20 per cent dist-bunt " Cut Glass for 30 days at MscFtsrlanett. The pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be occupied next Sunday morning by Inspector Campbell. who will give a report of the big Assembly meeting this week in Toronto, to which he is delegate. There will be no evening service. GUELI’H Excuasrox.~The annual excursion conducted by South Grey Farmers' Institute, to the 'Guelph ' A. U,, will be held this year on Sat. Iday. June 21. Excursions from Womworth and Dutferiu counties are billed for the same day. _. Tumnmuwr. UONVENleNr-W. C. T. U. delegates ts-cc'-'? "aunties of ttref and bulletin will meet in their sixth annual convention in Hanover BROKE HER Leo elderly lady resid and mother of Mr l the misfortune u Sunday. Mrs Hav led with bone di, Dr. D, B, Jamiesor to turning from Durham on Tuesday Mr} and Mrs Geo. Binnie had an unpleas- all experience. They met an auto which was safely passed, though the horse was a. bit nervous. and this m" have led him to take (right at 3 log on the side of the noad for he wheeled around. upsetting buggy and occu- pants. Mrs Binme's collar bone is in‘ Aland and Mr Binnie not a bruise on the face, but {nitufltely nothing not: various s",'::":,?:',?,',','?',:,",' might have ed Worse both will soon get over it. LOCAL BaSEBALL SEASON "t.--The ifumiliar words in balldom "strike lone” will soon be heard here for thil iThuraday evening at 6.30 sharp, the opening game of the new Saugeen base. ball league comes " on the Show grounds. Walkerton will be Durham's opponents and being composed of ex- peeienced players who have been in the l ume together ln previous seasons. they Ire looked upon an the team to beat. The home boys have had a few practices and will consider themselves fortunate if they succeed in winning or keeping the score even. Turn out and root and help them to do to. Admit" iron only 15c. 10c for ladies and child- ren. Fun I Fun l. Fun 1 At the grant MOCK COURT TRIAL " w you", which for to be given under the auspices of of herlife wat, spent 1 Durham Bowling Club, in the . She Ipenl three ye: Tint m June 5 where she was a " Shun: milk, r , -- In“! in tttReview One of our most. respected eitisrene' wilt be charged wah BREACH OF PROHISE. Regular Court Rules. t-tltntt Dpghrl'h1'l." Ludicroua Sim-(ions. Gres Bite. An evening of Relned Fun. Prices 25 and 35c. This“ on ale st ggurrarury1N Drug Eton, Mtsr sun. {Quanta}. commas. Let no innocent man e9Clkpe. TAtFitCji"iRii"iiFiEi" TORONTO mtrr"ri's"irsETftir" ed worse. We hope -While re-' of NINE o'CLocx--Tt" Amended Child- ren's Plotectlon Act came Into force this week and no child under to unaccompanied. it allowed to be on the street or other public place one: 9 p. m Toronto mil other cities, towns and villages are preparmz to enforce it strictly and young Canada. will have to get to bed only or risk having his parents fined one. two or more dollars and himself sent to a tJhildren's shelter! WILL THE MEN BTAY IN c-?--- Will the efforts of II. C. Duff when, he laboured and brought onto band ot 100 practical men trom Scotland. placing them on the farms of Grey County, be wasted? Sacha thing is possible and may easily occur. Al. ready the ranks are broken and men who formed the original compeny have departed elsewhere, partially leavingthe farm help problem in as acute a position as ever. Some members of Mr. Dutt's party were, metaphorically speakingjtolen on him in Eastern Ontario, when he was‘ heading the contingent for Grey ‘Uounly. Last week one of the party ‘Ieft his place near town although he had a good home, and seemed tt position in New Ontario. It ls also post,ihle that the Western haryest excursions will prove an irresistible magnet to many of the newcomers. Whatever happened to his men. Mr. Dutt' is through with the tnrk of securing men from the old country. The "REVIEW" has this statement on the best of authorit y, our informant stating that the task involved was an enormous one and a person under taking such being continually suhieet to the greatest difficulties, For}; IU-N Crawford. K Sullivan. It ltr"""""""" N Gain-son. FRett. wnc , Form H-M Hutton, A Edge, M Mc. Ahsler. F Kerr and J Marshall (q , B Petty. Form r-E Edge, R Roberta, If Me. Dougall, G McCuaiz. M Maura-Nth. PVuLlC SCHOOL DttPAWrNENT Sr tttt--T Levine. w Lawson. M Smlm. D MeAukV, V Allen. Jr tth-C Wakefield, H Brooks, A Wakefield, G Lawson. H Ramage. Sr 3rd--U McGirl, S McCrae, l Mo. Lean, E Browning, J McKechnic. Jr 3rd-H Kresw. S Smith, A Mu Gowan, " Campbell, u Cameron. Sr 2nd--R Snell. M Snell. A Smith, K Pnlkey. H Falconer. I Jr 2nd--M McKu-hnie. R Davis A " Blair, A Graham. E McQueen. " Pt 2tui--W Oollinson. II Eden, B Stonehouse. M Yirrs, M Brynn. Jr Pt '2ad--P Morris, F Brooks, C Mcdirr, J Hepburn, E Willis. Br lgt--A Allan, K Kelsey, V Ryan, w Welsh. K Hughes. Jr 1st---il McDonald, A Lawson. M Urutchley. A cure, E Bean, Jr lat a-A Hewitt!) Havens, B Gun. B Fraynor. F McKay. Jrlst B-R Beale. F, Falconer, B Levine, 5 Levine, M Lauder. was“ A 1 DEATH or Mus. MwrcALrurcMrn) Henry Metcalfe, wife of Deputy Reese Melcalfe of the township of Bentiuck, I" Hum Scum» DEPARTMENT Durham School Report Thursdny lutin Sour". Mam, I!" death occurred of Miss Edith Marduk; " 29 yours. which for the greater pan of her life Was upon! at Allan Park' She Ipem three year. in Durham where she was t valued member of an! in the Review on!” undistu- moved to Hanover. where the nraa' compo-{ml on the .. Post " out! ton h number of years. A few you" ago User moved we" not it “I the in- tontion to has come cut thin summer to visit. She is s cumin of In Rom. - -- n 71-I_I. -0 “I "an. uuv .._-,,V Burnet ot town and In Rudolph, If Baum. (formerly In Redford) Man" the Council Asked to Consider Better School Accommodation. Council met " a Court of Revision! on Monday night. There were few l, complaints. Mr Zenue Clark asked for) more consideration in his factory as-i tenement in line with the promises made l to him when he decided to (some tol to town. The council are disposed to' meet him flirly and have made some re ', duction. i Mr C. L. Grant, vice Chairman of the l Continuation School Board, Rev. Mr I Hartley and Mr Neil McCannel, mem- _ here Ilsa of that Board and Secy, l'.': Ramage appeared before Council as a delegation to “It their attention once- morc to the necessity of providing bet. ter school accommodation. The dan. get of losing the Model School is inr minent, and a reason for the removal is foundin the fact that the. Continuation Classes being housed in the Public School building, there is not the accom- modetion and convenience required for the Model School. Besides the Continuation School isl cramped and confined in its operations‘ also. Anyone at all conversant with the 1 conditions of the building and the mod. ern requirements of the Upper School, l knows that the space at the command‘ of the trusteerand teachers is ll holly inadequate for the proper teaching of i Art, Physics and Chemistry. For years Inspectors have been pointing this out and the grading of the school at last visit showed plainly how we lose in grants owing to imperfect equipment, though the teaching under the adverse conditions is highly creditable. cents The delegation impressed these and other facts " to the value of the best educatlonal facilities and the necessity of the town doing something at once to redeem the situation. The Council were sympathetic but asked the Boards to get together and formulate some- thing tangible and they would give it consideration at once and act upon it. The uueetion of salary of the Medical The question of salary of the Medical Omcer of Health was again discussed, but the amount asked by that ofticial was so out of proportion to what is paid br-rounding townships and the mun- lcipulity of Hanover that it was left over again. Some Sdmol Reports and other matter unsvmdtbly left over. Mrs Gilbert M:Kechnie will receive Thunsduy, June 5th and then not again i ( till October. l, The l. o, F. Society wilt parade tol, Trinity Church on Bundny. 2.md inst” , 1 for evening "tvice, [had in attend. I once. The Great Pro-Assembly Congress has been 9. mnlked sucrose. It ill impossible to exmgerate its Import-l sure as an iuspirtttiotMU gathering of earnest men and women, 5000 at least l in number and representing every i corner of the Dominion. It was the!, privilege of the editor to hear some of} the greatlendera of Preshptet0nttrttt in the opening days and to see Massey‘ Hsll filled in every corner with people chuled with an electrical enthusiasm In 3 “rent cause in I grant, crisis. The meeting wlll he historic-l. and epoch I making. *¢$$$$$$$*@$$w$$¢*$$%*&$$ V 7uossarseotroisssoqstear4isi1rse4uei"-t', THE fltlflil, BANK li. CANADA Our cheap sale commonoed last. Saturday, May 10th, and will continue during the mouths of May and J une. Big Reduction in ladies' Trimmed and Untrimmed tiats and all other millinery novelties. Cc the week and avoid the Saturday rush. moon. mm. m Bank "igdiict_ti" Hunt-0AM BRANCH t MISS E. M. McAULIFFE --- --V . F---- - Also Marge assortment of Childrens' Hats and Bonnets MILLINERY SALE "e"N"ee ifiiirupe . d' - MAWHJ "fiiiiiihuets . ". . . . W 'iiiiGaeitett!t1fty" GEE "CTG" iraaut AU Branches. WITH wmcu ' UNITED "rims iiiijiiiiil tf 0mm -"--r= Human-canto 1869 Puum “any n noun-r. G “I“?! & 30mm:- I s.' . f . Winona“ ' reg“, l . Atiillltfd'f?, Mrs. E. F. Rice and 1ittletson, return. ed minionary from Africa, rcturncd to Toronto Saturday after spending I month at her old home with Mr and Mrs Thos Banks. Mr. H. H. um» of “mover wn . visitor in town on Monday. cuperating We regret to learn that Mia Ida Wilson has been ill in Regina Hospital with throat lrouhle but she is now re. Mr-.Thon Allan left on Saturday to visit for a few days with Grand Valley friends. Mrs Patterson, mother of Mn Bean, Mr 1nd Mrs Jamicson and Mr and Mrs. Cooper Ind little son. the Indie. being than of Mrs. Bean, motored from lFordwich to spend over Sunday with ,'thern hers. . Rtrtxnaerttso.-witt, the aid of a trtefr Mr. Region“ Chadwick is oblc to be around main following A two week: enforced rest is a mmuit of a sprained foot. Mn Ju. Wilson, Mrs Wm. Rilchie. Meters Gee. Thou. Wm. 1nd Jan. Rit. chlo attended the funeral of Mr F. Blough in Paisley on Saturday. Mu Slough In I comm. Ye Editor spent from Saturday to Monday in Toronto " the opening M the great Presbyterian Assembly. Mr Burnout G Noble, an old Durham boy now of Toronto, called on relatives herclut Thursday. He is travelling for a motion picture Co, and spent the winter touring Ohio and Illinois, giving an illustrated lecture. Mr Irwin and Min Rita and Mr Peter and Min Alice Ramagc are attending the annull meeting of the Canadian Press Association an Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday. The latter two will mend the balance of this week taking in the annual trip, this year to the miaea of Cobalt and Porcupine, a sail on Lake Temiacaming and visit to Al. gonquin National Park. Mr. And Mu. And. Derby left - nan-sung tor Tacoma to oke in the Pa-Auembly Uongren and the mummy following. In Green Ind baby have returned to “In. that spending seven months st tho home of her plums. Mr. and Mrs. I. Litmn, l an. Will mug. of Edge um visited l with her ado. Mrs. Grimm recently. Mia Annie “cult! from Erin open! , I couple of any: at her home on the 2nd con. Glen!“ recemly. Mr. J. W. Crawford came home from the West on Snturday to spend a few months with his family In to“ n. Mrs. Bert Hmdfovlh und dCUgthl of Toronto are visiting her parents Mr mad Mrs. James IcNully. Maura A. R. McIntyre and Fred Kelly mkolidlylug at their respective hem... Inspector N. W. Usmpholl is n lay deleguc from the Punhyurian Chum!) tome General Assembly in Toronto this week. Mu. Culpbell and In. Grant on “loans!" to the Minionary societies. B. HUGH ES, ".0..." m was actucv Car. Brtttiam and Cedar 5 Come early in was “89

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