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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jun 1913, p. 4

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Mr” Lyla McKnight , nt Mond with Barium "lends pe " Q Ma. numhor cf tit.. young no lo Iron-d took I- the dune.“ It ii)!!! Sulllvn’a on Wednrs lay In: All "pong.“ lime. y', Mke. . I Mr J. Laidlaw IcturnldtoPittsbqu Alisa Ly. la MsKnighL Sundnyed with I last week after spend“. new. tirnir, M In Nor um BIN k. ' . f d [with friends here. Mrs L. is ungme Jr “ms. now: of " “ham: or; to return at present owing to illness. I r L 'ed on Hornoch trn-rds Sunday ee " . . I Ms. B nche Hui! mum oFerthel Mr Howell, of Toronto, is visiting: v. k and " her hon-n in Dromure. twin, Mr M. W. Byers. _ if. ke ly. " Inn” cr, is spending a Mr and Miss Keane, o' Perum,,l (q .912 of vteks with Mrs f",':,';,,'",'), d ‘33.: Sunday with friends here. l, ‘3" . N. Slovenwn and w: 0 an . . : 1.; HIV. 1 Isa Dr Smith loft‘nondny Miss Kay]??? l ieh'Tigtr,tat1,t f w Turomo. where they WI" spend. weekend wit or nu m], m. I m r “muon' . I A number of the young people " Mr he“ McKenzv h" 'lh','ier,t ”tended closing meeting of Hanover tb, a new may. There v" be scum. Guild last Friday. A planning. troto tni"ttdotmt Bow. . --- --A-o L_ ‘-0,_, - . - ‘l... F-c. n-lr_:_|.. _,~A ‘- aa, Lyla McKnight Sundaycd with Miss Norma Buck. Me Wes. Boldt. of wuliamsford, caltqd on Dorrtoelt frietuig Sunday two. Win. B Int-he new spent our the w, ‘k 0nd " her hon". in Dromoro. .’ '11 Ke ly. of T'oronte. I: spanding a '0 "ate of Jock. with Mus Darttavef. t " will be held on Wednesdur, the rub. " Miss Mar Skene's. dents Raoul and Mel. McKny. ac. c npatried by Mil-ea Mugs"! Mort. I . sud Ethel Armstrong. of Wtlliarmr. f d. arm! Bunday with Mr and Mrs l Manley. " Herb Roberts and Misses, Bert " but. and Mary Cumming called on t: and: at Dornoch Sunday. 'den Alex McIntosh. Nr., ot Owen S and, I: visiting friends ground the vile.. _ _‘__ __ 7 W in / 3.; I . . . . sa.: a. 'd is. . a. . 3a. ' as a i . 't W m w ti) ll: ttt W w w W a! rhe lagging o!_tha Ivtmrn's Insti. l., evevy prescription entrusted to us ; that Jr; (n' : that We. never substitute, and th ergice. " maul-ant- -- s :nd your prescriptions to us, no matter them, and KNOW that thev will hp mm Come to our Drug Store. The Central Drug Store Every graduate guaranteed I pos- altion. Thorough courses. Urge at." of Specialists. Beat equipped College m Canada. Enter any day c A FLEMING. F CA G. D. FLEMING Principal Secretary If you :re in search of a Present, call and have It, ook through our Show Cosrs, as we have what I tlvink will suit the majority of people in Water Pit- clmrs, Fern Dishes, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, quit whims, Biscuit Jars Sugar Bowls, Card Re, Ct overs. Pickle Jars, Setts Silver Knives and Forks, B Try Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Pie Knives, Cake Knives, Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, Manicure Suts and other articles too numerous to mention. NO CHANCE WORK Ct OWEN ROUND ONT tl June Wedding We have also a small quantity of Feed that is slightly damaged by wet. While it lasts we are offer. ing It from eight to ten dollars per ton. Any out of town buyer can have this teed shipped to their nearest station. We will deliver it at either station at above price. We have a few tons Feed Meal on hand that we offer while it lasts at §Qggi31m£riceswon Feed C)- Mgr/7mg _)2(lif,ClCffitt'i'i- McGowan Milling Co. Dornoch Twonty Tine donuts pcr ton in Ton lots " the :scnpuons to us, no tetterwhat physician write HV that they will be filled exactly as prescribed. :uuusreu to us ', that We never use poor, old er substitute, and that we give you prompt at moderate prices . BLACK Oatmeal Mills - - r"""‘. “‘"V was rendered by Miss Tuning after which Mr H. H. Miller gave an inter. esting lecture on his trip to the old county. Refreshments were Beered and an enjoyable evening we: spent. Mr Ed. Sullivan left on Monday for _ Toronto, where he will spend a few . day. before returning to Cobalt. I Miss Lavina Manley went Sunday I with her parents. i Mi Alox McIntoah had the misfor- , tune to lugs a valuable colt. l, The W. RM. N. and W. A, M 9 met in {in church last Mrondny. A number of the Indie: Attended an“ mini varied, ia"""earG and Colds. .“Shlloh can so um. and do“ so much!" of this community. because people have learned that we take utmost care in filling Our Drug Store has become "The Prescription Drug Store Bring us your Prescriptions. We till them with pure, fresh drugs. J. A. DARLING resents ,l)i,ic'iij,iiiitsl!,trttt,t,r,tt, Woman "Q N: (it' lsr [matured and nhould know (“mural aaroritd FG -caiiiiic __ - Hampden ', and w. H. M. S 87! Quite. --There is s rumor of a possible ap- peal to the Dominion Parliament tori ' another national fe.'"itet upon the us I liqaorqttestiort. r. Bszin, of Orms- i le town, P. Q., brought the question be. 's t fore the Quebec Alliance at the last _ meeting. The Convention expressed g ' its cordial approval of the suggestion ,that " Dominion elections a vote t, 7 should be taken by an independent ballot paper on the question of pro- e hibitiori. It is argued that this meth- r. od Would secure an expression of F (opinion free from partisan obliga- "d; tions. The mstter is beinctslked 5 ! about at Ottawa. ' on ---Hon. Sydney Fisher is expected to have offered him the nomination in the riding or Ctyuttmuqttttty, and than he may tor he is likely to win, be an I. P. ones more. _ --TN, Liberals of East Grtty in ‘Conventlon last week, decided to of. 1 tor no opposition to the return ot lien. I. B. Lucas, at the nomination render- ed necessary by " elevation to the Treasurership of Ontario. A wise move. We hope the Conservatives of North Grey will be equally court- eous when a successor to Hon. A. G. MucKay has to be chosen. -The London Times ot May 1, 19(3, says: " The difference in methods which separates the propos- als of Mr Borden‘s government from those of that far-seeing imperial statesman, Sir Wilfrid Leaner, are not of vital importance. From a wider standard than any which the Admiralty can occupy the principle of Canada coming forward for the world wide naval defence of the Brit- ish Empire is of inestimable value and that is the principle upon which I understand Liberals and Conserva- tives in Canada are at one." i " When we joined with the other Dominioneto fightfor the Empire in South Africa we did not tend empty uniforms. Uniforms we sent, to be sure. but there were 5,847 courageous Canadians inside ofthem. This Bill calls for money, not men ; for models of steel and iron ; not for models of courage and during; it appeals to no man's fiesh and blood. Empty as an exploded cartridge. and soulless as its plated sides. it arouses no sym- pathy, no sentiment, no emotion of joy or glory. Our feelings. our judgment. our sense ofdnty to our country. all combine to ask forlor- ther delay in the hope that even at this late hour we may show tothe whole world that the disrupting forces of party warfare have been sab- merged by the loyalty oinunited nation in the naval defence of Canada and the Empire." tt la 1909 parliament was united. on a. common naval policy ; both parties united. la 1910 there was a separation. We stayed by the ship. Somebody went of in a jolly-boat, or a lifeboat-am result ot his aliena- tion, for regions which I do not quea- tion, for I do not know them, this navy Bill came down before us. No such billeoaid originate trom a unit- ed parliament. it We do not assume to be above the Canadian people; the House ot Common: 15 not above the Canadian people. I have seen in my shorttime tour Houses of Commons putoutot doors, and it may again happen. The sovereignty of the people is above the House of Common." Sir George Ross, the Liberal leader also made it clear throughout his speech that the action ofthe Senate had not been dictated in the slightest degree by Sir Wilfrid Lsurier, as Mr T Borden had tried to insinuate. In ringing toneshe denounced Mr Bar. den's remarks as offensive and de. clared t No DICTATXON FROM LAURIER. " We are not here to suit any pre- mier. leader of the Opposition, or any body else. We are hereto do our own sweet will according to our judgment and good con-,cience "t and then Sir George challenged Mr Bor- den to say definitely what his threats meant and not to "tshootdartg into the air." Some Striking Extracts from Speech of Liberal Leader Ross in the Senate. It was a memorable scene and for once the Senate attracted the attem tion ot the whole of Canada to the ex- clusion of the House of Commons. It Was a scene made the more memor- able by the powerful stand taktn agninst Premier Borden's roliey by the very man whom Mr Borden in his Toronto speech had designated as " at sound Imperialist. rt The motion was presented alter prolonged and grave deliberation by the Liberal Senators It was present. ed with a brilliant and patriotic speech by that veteran imperialist, Sir George Rose, and was received with unnimous applause by the Liberal Senators. It passed the Sen- It. on Thursday night by a majority of 24 and Premier Borden now finds himseli face to lace with his pledges to appeal to the people if Parliament refused whatever he might demand if,' an emergency contribution to Eng- and. This was the Senate‘s answer to the open and veiled threats of Prem- ier Borden and his press that unless the Senate ebnndoued all claim to a share ttt the government of the coun- try and dropped into the puerile pos- ition of accepting any measure the government should propose he would take stop: to remove or so alter the Senate u to make its perfectly use- less sppanuge at Parliament. (tthe autumn 391mm “loved by Sir George Ross, sec- onded by Hon. Hewitt Bostoek. that this House is not Justified in grunting assent to this B.ll until it is admitted to tho Judgment of the country. " Liberal ladorlty in Senate refer Ntt- val Tribute Bill to People. Face the Issue Squarely. THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1913 ------ q i-----.--- --The population of the United States istbirteen times that ot Can- ada. The national' expesnditars Ir, the United States for the current year te only foar times that of 'él)ia'i"a'.'j Yet the Americans are famedtobe grant spenders. --Ex. - THE DURHAM REVIEW palities to get together and devise some sensible plan whereby all three would do their share in the very large contrucn of cnnstruotlng and maintaining good roads. The Do. minion to provide their share ofthe money ; the Provmcem construct and maintain the leading roads, leaving the rest to the trunieipaliuea, OI course improvements should be done gradually until. Elle machinery begins to run smoothly and -iii'as"t'lGri friction. The roads are vested in the Prov- ince and under its exclusive jurisdic- tion. The Dominiort.eoaid have no aythority--perharn not even from the provinee-cto interiere with them even tor the purpose of improvement. Bat there can be no doubt of the province accepting money from the Dominion and expending it in that way. It Would be wisdom for the Dominion, the Province and Munici In any good roads scheme, the first thing necessary is to do away with the statute lishor system. It has served Its day and served it well but it does not now meet the problem of road making in the greater part of Ontari " Its chiet lailure is perhaps not in laulty road construction era waste of time and energy, bad as all that may be '. bat largely in notI being able, to look after the roadsl durimr the whole season. Some titnT ago the province set apart aha-get sum of money to assist in road mak-‘ ing. Any county that Would con- struct nude up to a set standard‘ would receive out (E that tand one _ third of the cost of the work. Al number ot counties took advantage lot this plan and built a large mileage ‘ofroad. _ But I fear it has not been a brilliant success. To lay the cost of building and maintaining all the roads diiiiiGl good roads syszem on the manusipal. ities would be too great a burden. Unless compelled to do so things Wouid be pretty much as they are Bat the people will ttot submit to any such arbitrary method under anyl seheme and the power that tried itl would soon be swept right out at the way. Bat if we are gently led along the path of least resistance We may willingly do a great deal in the ac- complishment of anything that is] good. JAMES ' R. GUN, A week is just about what it costs you when you invest in a good Hair Brush. A ficst.elatm brush costing from $1.50 to $2.50 will last you from 3 to 5 years and you will have a brush that you will be pcrfcetly tsatisfied with all the time. A great variety here at 50c Mc, $1.00, $1.25. 51.50 and up to' 84.00. 'Come in and let us show you the difference between an'or- dinary brush made from Fibre wood and the pure Bristle brush, Yet it Would be advisable to com- mence at once and get some tow of the roads in good repair. There are some parts of the country where im provements are more uecessarv than others. In a iret clay district as the south Western part of Ontario. the road sometimes get extremely bad, when it is hardly possible to get to market or anywhere else. Bat in the county of Grey we have few mad roads and never have any oitft'ieulty in getting over _henr except when the snow is too deep. Mostoi‘lhe heavy work is done in winter onthe snow and we do not feel so much the necessity of better roads. Yetim- movements would be acceptable it they do not cost too much. J We are often compared with the conditions found in Britain and other ytiops?fEarope. It is quite true that in these countries are lound mag- ttificent roads, constructed in the moMtreitsntitie manner. solidly built and smoothly finiahtrti. They are kept in splendid repair by gangs of men who are on the roads the year round on the look-out t'orthe least necessity tor repairs. That is all true ; bat they are at leastu thous- and years older than we are, and this should be taken into considera' tion when making the comparison. It would be no discredit to Canada if she were behind, a long way behind, in the matter of roads. Give us half the time and in tive hundred years We may be tally abreast with Great Britain in the matter of good roads. Tho question of good roads P" veryiinporutntotie and “Canadian Farat"doea well in having it venu- latedthroueh its columns. .Evtsry, body should be interested ID good roads-the city dueller as Well as the country farmer-and I think meryone would be willing thatgood roads should be constructed allover this country as tar name financial sndent the question willallow. Bat there is on tbls as well as on every other question a good deal ot nonsense spoken and written. A Good Hair Brush For 1 cent Druggut, Durham _ R, Town Ticket Agent The Road Movement (F'rom “Canadian Farm") By Geo. Binnie, Bunemn TORONTO Mrs. Will anont nnd two children of Brant visited at her father's, Mr. Alex McDonald for a .tor dayl Int week. Mr. and M rs. Fischer from Norman- by spent. over Sundly It his brother's Mr. Geo. Fischer of this place. Rev. Rom. Ledingham and Info fIom----------inted n his line!"- g.__ TTa " . . - Mrs. Ed. Bosie%Giiis. '1 ma W. ll, hi, S. ol the Pres. cougrnguuon wt.ll hold their monthly muting It the mane: in Elmwood on June 9th. [union s-‘rynce will be held in the Pre: bytemu church. Sundny. Juno 8, " 10 o'cloek in the morning. Mr. Loadley of Elmwood Will conduct the names. Mia: Annie Ilobkirk returned home from Toronto Saturday. Mrs. D. H. McDonald and two children accom- panznd her fr: In Toronto. Miss Mary McDougall from Windsor is borne to visit at her brother's Mr Archie McDougalla. Mr. and Mre. Ricblrd Boyce and Beta visited at Mr. Robt. McCaslia's of Louise last. Saturday. Mr. Dan Campbell has rented Mr MmAthur's farm for the coming year. Messrs Pearson and MncDonald have been working on Mr. P. F. McArthur's barn. Mrs. Slmuleworth and two children of Toronto also Mrs. Ferguson and daughter of Holslem visited their brother F. MacKmnon oyer the holiday. Mr. A. C. MIcLean and little girl have arrived home after a visit with Chatsworth friends. Mr. Conkey turd neice Miss Emma visited at. Mr, Archie Conkey’s one day recentlv. A number from here Intended tht funeral of the late Mrs. McCanneI. of Durham hurt Thursday. It is along time amce you heard from our little burg, l The funeral ot Mrs McCannel was largely attended on Wednesday. the 28th May. She wasa long resident of the south line and endeared hel- self to everyone that proyed her ac- qunintatsee. As already seenwe will not say much mots, as some one else will be giving an account from Swin» ton Park. Mr Alex McCannel. brother-in-law and Alex McCennel, nephew, from Bruce, attended the funeral. The Rev. Mr Matheson preacheda suitable discourse at the funeral. We wrote the foregoing but for last meek but someway It did not get to the post office. Mr Otto Konoldis again shipping a catload of hogs and cattle this Tues. day morning. _ Miss Lizzie Mather is away visit- ing friends down the country. Gaelic in the Presbyterian Ihutch again next Sunday No service on the 8th June, as thepastor will be away at the Assembly in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Brauder are away vis- iting at the Rev. Mr Campbells, fer- mcrly of Dromore. Mrs Campbell Wm) Dr. Brander.who served faith. tuily for years m Priceville and sur- roundings, attending the sick and was very successful In her treatment. Peter McArthur closed his business at the store Monday and he and Mr Pattison will be busy for a few days taking stock. Clerk Bellamy, of Artemesia and the Principal at Flesherton school, spent Saturday afternoon taking ob- servations of our town by going from street to street, but still they didn't get lost. The weather keeps cool and in {not Mummy 26th inst., was as cold a day as we had for some time. MI Rabi. Shortréed visited friend: at Galt and other places on Saturday. Quite a racket in town one evening latstly-two young lads came in con- tact with water that had an inobrint- mg effect and we understand the law had to but applied to pacify them from we effect of partaking too freely. Too bad that young lads indulge in what takes their senses trom them. Some went fishing on Saturday, while others didnt know it was a ho]- iday and went to town with their old clothes. probably their kneel project- ing through their pants. . Mrs McLachlan is under the Dr's care again at her daughters Mrs tihortreed, south lmo, Glenelg. Quite a number took advantage or Vietorin Day, some going hither sud thither. From Toronto we notice Miss Alice MoDoug-ll vlsitinz fuel)“ on the south line, Glenelg and In Mclnnes, daughter ot John “clones of Calgary and Edna Benton. daugh- ter of the late Jae. Bealon. of Toronto at Donald McDonald's, Wm. Cookey. ot Guelph, an old time resident at Pncevllle. at his brother's family, Mrs Robt. Conny: Mr Lane and mother... brother and mother of Dr Laue ot this place. at the Doetor's ; Mr and Mrs John llargrnve. of Don- dalk, at some friends in town and country ; Laura and Ella McKinnon, of Owen Sound. at their home " the poiuottitus; Donald McKinnon. mail clerk C.). P. ll, at home for a day. Mr and Mrs Cross, of Toronto, moved to Mrs Cross 5 old home " the townline (Sara Me Donald) where they intend to put up for some time. ------- Maple Grove Th is Weck's B udget. Crawford Priceville of $6$$$W$$$$ v}? Shirtings, Skirts, Overalls, will, bib :3: and wifhout bib. ii Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, cg: . . a? Embroideries. :3? Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, i.' Muslims, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, a: tbn ete, s?'Ml'Fl"ii64llilrvil? citrrbi)rsieiFeilr%iratMFiirsirqir , arrrsrgwegrisirareNierir'nii8lmlfelieliilrw,oy: Li,xssxxxxsasaxxgsesiasexxxsai:i, a. - v... vuuuwr one“ m If: “ - yy"et'PmtGettce and imtwy tor Claudin- “In. 001’- Addrem all letter. as $0110“: DRS. KENNEDY & MY. Wud-. ' Write teoar print: add-In = - -- vv-Oul‘ yum We Trent and Cure VAMCOSI V3148, NERVOUS .r?.ely.Tr. BLOOD and URINARY comm KIDNEY and when DIO- ouoa Ind att 2ientiiGiiic'i"ioTa'. , g-l-P-eggs/sacred.' 'ltte.eepn-m.. [who-I.“ 'ueubGTtroTai'rft for “0MB 'l"aamoirFnir.' " "d.-----.--, M."" a -e ' . a 4.. . ..e" '/ How may young men .3 if "i",). ' Bella. V can 1fy?k back on they! rr 2:1 - , 9/19, 2.9,, x, _", early life and regret their Je. Lit ’ "tE/tii/stirs,!!],!:), f 'gif/ht/e,. “Sowing their h ii , . _ ,7. 3 ‘ F , wi oats" in various ways. ?i 3 CG h w li F tras CCP, Cl CT Excess“, violation of m- I'."; liiia , " ,., A tureU laws, "wine, women - [KP , , , ' Cs /i'il, y Ind 'ong"-O have their .". 'tlil , " I g“! ItfhE;j'it, victims. You have re- ;;._‘. , lli8 r . 3 ” a ., 2" formed but what about the :53” Sl . a ‘ ‘ l 51i PSC' - Iced you have ttowtt--what 2i.'r..'. I 7 l Mkt, n F ' about' the harvest? Don't 'i'. . , l gm ‘9 3,14" ' trust to luck. If you Ire I....' [Ill , (,liii'ij)f =rtie. " present within the .. r'.' '. ‘ il fih'itg clutches of any .ecret habit £5: IG., _ I u Bil, I which is upping your life .' ic'...") I I“ tW F, e by degrees; it you are suf- i ' 9»! , 'l Nt' p, . tgh, from the telults of _ j pqs .. 4* Ki " L', i glut ndiocretions; if 'our h' - My c' " q oodlus beentainted IJ',',',', " . ' an " dim and vou 332:? Parry; It you m harried and live in (Image)? J,,', :ebteuk'ing ijir'r'rlr'6l'.oterd'or. 1ah"'d"r'ts"ae again. In the Tall',','?,', Iniupent them co"1e'vtJi?/iiei, they will tell you 15:215.“ ft,' If.” attitude“ AN PAY WHEN w. e..c"r'frYr-tc"-'h'P,,dr2Sut%gtLf10RED . ”:11. r, at) a flieltiiltl1l A .V" >- lB9bd9elfiiS'idhi' I?. Bal ' I , -f. _ I ig, f"". _ ' /c.: fll l! il u " iid,iiii,-? [i fl @1230, I '.l we; BBi'trt, x. 1.93.2. y Bi a m _ l . Zi CS/ls' v l.').:; W; I j I Ihlit, o. .- p, tro , , 3 (r'iiitPr a/ 'lMi15 ' e'.... " Vt.81Va? - f'.V, q i ilfiht " . .3333; . I r "3/ 0,233.: I (fl gal. fifif: V _ i, "x! ' rr a.” m. _ ' N- " t ' - h' -_ = KI B, " J] dare no} than." n --e_-- “ . ' 80mm. HI_S_WILD OATS {aghast prices for At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Oar shipments arrive fre- quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. We still have in stock a fine assortment of THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakary goods ,7 __.. . w my V“ REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW Try our Fresh Oysters C. L GRANT Beautiful Goods at rock bottom "trl,: E. A. ROWE Choice lines of Cooked Mom. Phin tad Fancy Cats. Fresh (km. etc, etc. siFsi)rseieicieiFoiesb6ae',; Macfarlane & Co Cedar Flakes. KRI‘BO -The but dislnfecu m Dry Puta-mdy for use. Sticks like glue. Moth Cnmphor Hon-chow Ammonia Furniture Polilb Housq gaming Algbutlue. J alumna Wall Paperand Window Shades C. P. R. Town Oitiee Buy your tickets here Kai": JUNE b, “I3 av M. The REV” at Most P REM! Fresh Small Profits JUNE NV W ne Cu

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