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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jun 1913, p. 5

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Blessed to all but in Windsor. al Institute is tate hieh ‘" only. It r:'x'l4ixifial5t caning k. If you an t within the 1? secret habit ping your lib tf you are sub the Tit',', ot :tlons; , mammal: isease and you toms braking "rt a aim In case beta. tenable. mu ers $00064“ e&Co tc T iiNE‘éQ" X323, lisinfeeum OtBee a hero ' use b, ISIS young Ille- k on their regret their owing their serious wsr.. laces , Ar, women mve their have rec nbout the I'll-win! W Shade. tooth we a fre- box bib it? “he REVIEW to the end of the year to new subscribers for Sk. l Most People do a lot of Walking _is,y'u_1iir'ii(rf()ll TYPEWRITER COMPANY Just Arrived Small Profits Fresh Groceries are continually arriving The highest prices for Butter and Eggs. JUNE 5, 1913 l silect stock of Rugs and Mats in the newest designs, in the neatest Orien- t d shades and in . large range of sizes. We cordially invite you to have a hmk through on the second floor. , ,xu Town Shoe Stooe yuan: AS CASH. l tine shock of Scotch Gmghams, .-..' m‘ms. 10 and " cents pot yard. A large stock ofLinoleums in the nastiest to rhoosty from. 4 yds wide at $2 per yard. A nice shoot. of Boots and Shoes in the newest stylos. Made an i' my titting lasts. See the men's working shoes at $1.75. A large stool: of Ceylon tea with all the atoms for whio famous. A pretty stook of Wall Papers made by the celebrated Canudian firm, 8tannton'tr, rich in appearsnoe though not too cosbiy and in the most up-to-date designs. Sold EASY PAYMENT Plan Custom Work and Repairing as usual McKechnie’sW eekly News (LIMITED) 144 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. will rent a Light Touch Monarch for six months. MONARCH DEPARTMENT will rent a Light Touch Monarch for one month. Illustrated Literature Mulied upon request of India 25c. Light of Ash 36g. Fitto 35 cents $15.00 $3.09 t, J, McKEGHNIE -"e W'"'"""'". In olW‘ in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Some tine values in Hosiery. either Men's. Ladies', Misses'. or Children's wear. Trunks, Suitcases, Cltsbbaes,ae, in stock You cannot go anywhere with- out walking some. Our shoes make walking eesy because they no good shoes in the first pleoe and you: conscience is " use because you bought them so reasonable. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some nice pumps in stock " 0-.-..5 - - - it tea frelh'from the balmy island of Ceylon which the tea from that far famed isle is . MclLRAlTH the nostest puterr, 10 patterns are neat patterns and fast i We hare the power and the machin- l ery working together in India, How? The girls in our schools give themselves ‘to prayer two by two every hour of l the twenty-four they go to the prayer- ltower and the missionaries also take "their hour when their turn comes. l, What are they praying for? That the lgoapel may be preached to their irelatione. their countrymen. Why don't they no its missionaries? Because lit id not safe for an unmarried native liwomtm to pass a night in a. native :village. We can trust ourgirls but we ( cannot trust Mohammedan and Hindu xmen. It is necess try that amissionai v i accompany a girl Through prayer the i revival came and the girls confesaed and put away their sin. Even the smallest children became '0 absorbed in prayer that they forgot their sor- roundintr.s Someone asked " meeting of this kind was it wide or profitable to teach t-hildrer; of the Mission Band topray? Yes, teach the children to lpray. one day out there in Neemurh. (the matron of the school heard a j murmur of voices in the school room int an hour when there were no chines. ‘opon going toilenquire into the cause iqhe found thirty little ones proving ;what for? The restoration to health iof your misiionary who was verv ill. iTtse answer to those prayers is before (you, until may say that my health ihau been better than ever before that IIll-misc. Who shall any that God did ‘not hear the prayers of those thirty little ones? A tesult of the revival was an ”unease in giving. In studying the minor prophets we tind the Jews had been bringing in maimed and blind cattle for murrifiee;, yet they had been told to bring only the but without spot or blemish. " Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed mo in tithes and offerings. " Would you offer £0 a high otneirtl in this town, as a gift. a Dr. MacKolln begin her address by saying " In order to get machinery to work we must have power. we have the machinery in our church organ- izations, and the power? Ye shall receive power from on high utter that the Holy Ghost in come upon you”. [As we intimated last week we give below the sketch of Dr. McKellar's ad. dress before Saugeen Pretsbgterial, by Mrs Rice, of the Nigeria Mission in Atrita.--Ed.] The president and Indian presnt or me to hld Dr. Merger“ MuKellar welcome as she stepped on to the platform, After bowing hon npprcci. ation, she apologized tor her luteness by saying that she had spoken at eleven meetings In the past week, end the day heforo had been celled to attend the funeral of the lute Dr. Marion Oliver of India. Dr. Oliver was designated for Indie twenty seven years ago at the time when (Dr. MncKellnr the speaker) wu entering upon her medical course. She joined Dr. Oliver (our years later and had been associated with her in the work almost ever since. Jr. Margaret MacKellar’s Ad. dress on Mission Life in India. Large Sales 1e "rm coming to you tomorrow at 1e'PrPl"eeyEre-_2'Peyet"ieAeePAe2eeee, tottro'elotsk, will you meet me with _ "H . --__ the bullock cart ? I am going to fol. Amer the adjournment of the Court low Christ." I told her I was giadiof 1tevitsion, Council met for transac- of that bat I could not meet her with 3 tion of general business. Minutes of the cart because her people would iinst meeting were read and con- say Ihad taken her by force. After i firmed. prayer, I said $5 you are here new", Sheweil Brown-- That W Sher- She acted upon the suggestion and l man be ‘paid $1.50 (or removing logs stayed. We sent Word to her peopieifrom road in Stewart's swamp. -Car, and soon they had gathered at our; Figeher-Shewell--. That w Bers doors making such threatenings that l man be paid $1 00 tor burying sheep. we "h Ur ttli/tmf/get/net,',); _-Carried. ties, tt magistrate lime” “my Fisher-shewell--TutH Cross be :33; Jt,uht ,tept?,'tate,t the: Eflty. K $3320 for bridge, lot ll, con u.- ter to court." which they did. They. L ' t. y T procured men to witness that the girl ; Br.own--r igeher-- PM" luimwotod was a minor, only fourteen years of;recewe amount f money a” or age. though she was ofage. thejudge 1 Sam“; labor an $50 ot 9. grant.-- leit the matter in the end for the girl] "fie . to decide. She said she wanted to) 11aeysr-Br.own-Tut.Pseto and May with the Christians and so shegGeo- Brown be a committee to 900' has remained and is now completing suit owners ot lot 43 to 47 with a View her course of education. AnotheriOf making a deviation around bill. case Was a Parsae, who was brought 1 They 1ave power to WWW“ land to Christ through the circus of Abra-ism il no agreement can bemade burn, a native helper. His peopie'itlies' have powar to tirbitrate.--tJar. said he must not confess Christ and; 1h'owri--bmewell--.TUt on account accused Abrabam of having given l oi statute labor being paid in tans ot him $, a cup tF (medicine) to makelJ Ferguson, C Sheweli. Robt Wade, him think as the 1Jhriuiams did. They , Wm Dubney. Hrs Filtzell and D Eldt, said they would give him a cup, and i We recommen'i same to be expended after several attempts they did and ‘ in their respeetive diyisiotm.--4Jar. gym: tlo"llnethUtio'"Uhriit1id 14'.iselter-0ewell--TUt tho tol. bat we believe in answer to prayer. [lowmg accounts were recommended his reason was restored to him alter i to be paid . three months. The Parsee‘s iriiGd/Arel1 McLean, team and two ., asked that he should not taonletsts, men halt day.... .... ...... - 50 Christ for six months. He never)”.3 Meltonaid, team on grader F, eoniessed Him! For before that time; i%)days.. .... .... .... .... ... 10 50 they had taken him away to tbe‘lilla/tterson, tearn on grader o a, mountains somewhere and he has not i"/i. days.... '""'."' '... .... PJ. L'D been heard from since! Such areleatterson, cperatmg grader some ol'thedittiealties oi'beeoming a' ill lass-.... ."" ............ 7 00 Christian in India. " I'erter, pitkuyt.stoneis..... .. 2 00 One ot the results of the medical work was a girl who attended our girls' school, her people became alarmed lea: she should become a Christian because she began to tell them of Christ. She was taken away from school, bat continued to come to the} dispensary. One day she said We temembar when the awful dis. aster occurred in the Atlancio last gearthac the signals c, Q D. and . 0 S were heard by One ship that might have saved most it cot all the lives ofihose on board the Titanic, bat she did not respond t. You have heard the call of need to-day, are you going to respond ? At the close " Miss McKellar's in- Igrring address she was asked to s ow the medal awarded to her by King George at the Darbar in Delhi which she had received only a few days before she left for her furlough. " is of silver, of handsome design and engraved $e For Public Service." I Medical walk is one of the strongest‘ “actors in pioneer work in India.) ‘A medical woman can work where men cannot and where the education- nlist and the evangelist cannot. I; opened a smell dispensary in Neemuch and the people began to come. One’ morning I found the symbols of at curse on the door-step it meant I weal not wanted there. I did not know) what.they meant but the patients told l we. no one wouWaemove. them lest; the curse should come upon them, so I 5 had to do it myself. After Watchingl for some time and seeing no harm; betel me, they came in l u-ger numbers. I To-day we harea tine lmge hospital) where we can take 80 patients. besides _ threedispensaties. Of course I cannot duall the work alone. Native girls who have taken a. medical course nurses also and dispensers take over a large share of the work of treating] often as many as 200 patients daily. _ They are asking for more mission- aries, our people sent to the Home Board, asking for 17 more workers this year, 8to be medioals. By tho death of Dr. Malian Oliver, we need you mother and the Board has not a shape name before them yet! Is there not some young Woman who has not yet decided upon her life work who will give henselffor India? Mr Metcalfe. deputy move, being nluent, We as a council and offieert, "tend our sincerest aymgathy to him and his family In their . ereave- meat of a loving wife and mother. The members having taken the declaration of oftiots, the reeve took the chair and the following appeals were considered. Lamlash. May 26th, 1013. members present l Reeve and Messrs Brown, Fisher and SheWell. Shove“ - Fischer - That assess- ment of Thou. Daniels, lot 2 of? be reduced $150.-0arried. Pisusher--Bromi-That assessment at Robert Grierson be tsottfirmed.- - Carried. Bromr-shewell--That appeals l8- qnemng the tollorrinrtrinsier of Ions be granted t - - _ Ed HoLsehlan to S McCracken ; A S Hunter to A Manon ; W Hopkins to Thou Hopkins l G Campbell to Jan McDonald; H Sobcnk to G MoGeagh; G Barrie to W Ins l G Hendotuon to J Maxwell. deformed animal? No. youewould be. ashamed to do so. We began to who and I have a list of the aivings of our people for the put twpnty years For the first ten you! the average per year was 168 rupees, for the next ten you: after We begun to give a tenth the offerings were on Hemp of 908 rupees per pearl We have a church. built m Neemuch now nut of the offerings of the converts not a cent. of your money went into that building! stMoreu--rmeher--Ttust the follow- ing nuns: be added to roll ' Fred Nichol, Wm Pun, Rois Boidcr, John Lana, Goo Mtghwn. Theo Davies and Wm tydt.-.Carrted. Total ”acumen: '1,311,476,00. Total population 2,610. The ligt of upped: boing board and docidod. Calm of Revision was de. emod ou-L-R-. isheww--Brown--Tlt" oppeal ol J Noble. J Russell. G Schmidt and Joe Whiwman “king to have dogs can- celled on roll, be griutted.-UUrrisd. Béntinck Council TEE DURHAM REVIEW M517, and“: btTAhii:y ARCHIVE‘S TORONTO Browtt---Figeher--TUt Elmwood receive amount of money due for statute labor and $50 ohtsgrant.- Carried. 1s'itseher-Brown-TUt Reeve and Geo. Brown be a committee to con- sult ownerl of lot 43 to 47 with a view of maxinga deviation around bill. They have power to purchase land and if no agreement can be made they have powar to tirbitrttte.--tJar. Amer the adjournment of the Court; of Revision, Cunncil met for transao-‘ tion of general business. Minutes oil last meeting were read and con- firmed. I Brown-st-ell-That on account of statute labor being paid in tens ot J Ferguson, C Shewell, Rob: Wade, Wm Dubney. Mrg Fiazell and D Eldt, we recommen'i same to be expended in them respective diyisiotm.--Cmr. men halt day.... .... ...... J as McRonuld, team on grader 3days.. .... .... .... '... ... ll Patterson, team on grader 3}; days.... ...... .... .... J 1.'tttervon, operating grader b'lselter-0eweli--TUt the tol. lowing accounts were recommended to be paid t Arch McLean. team and two 31, days.)..-.... ...C.y...... J Porter, picking stones.... .. J Bray.,. .regairlna culverts con 7, $1.25.. ..Y, .... ..... J Patterson, new tongue in grader .... .... .... ...... .. GiBrown, new sleeve for grader c, Brown, plume.... .... ...... Wm Kerr, repairing grader... G' Brown, removing grader to shop...........'.'.."......... 100 GBrown,eom.... ........... 800 Nan meeting on Monday, July 7. J.H CRITHCK, Clerk A recent issue of the Olds Gazelle, Alta., mcnrds the marriage of Miss M-tye M. McArthur to Mr. Harold E. Sand.» only son of Mr. and Mrs. H H. Studs of Medicine Hat. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. McArthur, of Inglewood Bunch Tvoeha, and what is said to have been awry pretty wedding took plum at their hottto on 20th May last, the ceremony tuning performed at high noon by Her. Gosling, of the Pres. Church, under no arch of creeping cedar and violets. Tholrride who was given away by Itttatheruwy hindsqmelx gowneq in Ivory Duchesse ttaria with. pearl pasmenu-rie trimmings Ind draDPry of shadowy lace. the bridal veil of Brussels net being caught by uncut] handmu. She carried anhower hoquet of roses and amllux: her only ornament Lela; a sunburst of pearls, gift of the groom. Rem and Emma Mehrthur, neice and cousin of the bride, made very dainty little Ilower girls in beha Irish embroidery frock! with punk Juliet caps, and carried baskets of lilies-of- the-valley, violets and smilnx. Mast- er Arnold McArthur, nephew of the bride, acted as ring Inner, carrying the ring on a silver salvel. The groom's presents to the flower girls were pearl solltsires and to the ring bearer a oignot ring. I {Only immediate fl ionds were present and after the ceremony a dainty luncheon was seryed. the (this being tutemIly decorated with roan. violet. and "nun. After luncheon Mr. tutd Mrs 51nd: motored to Oldl where they left by train for Winnifred. Allen, the hide travelled in a tailored suit of dark champagne 1nd hat of white milan straw with carrot brown plume shad. ing to mauve. The present: were numerous and handsome. Came to the premises of the under signed. Lot u, Con. I, S. D. R.. Glen- elg, semi Hill of May uven young cattle. Two Frr.-otd steers. one with white flee. Fin lyr.-olda. three of them heifers, all. with round punch mark in right our. Owner it request- ed to pay cinema. Including thin ad. yertiumenr. And remove mom. The RIVIEW and friends here wish bride and groom all joys. nytntsnaal SAN DS»McARTH L'tt Cattle Estray. Ono Kouow 5) l 68 25 The titat sitting at the Court of Ite. vision for the township ofGlenelg tot. 1918 will he held at the Township Hall In said townchlp on Saturday, the Til: day of June, It 1.30 o'clock In the " ternoon of which all parties concerned wnll pleue take notice and gown: themselves accordingly. Proton Station Briek and Tile yards Eclmnly owned by J. C. Wright. will be in operation as soon as the weather permits, Prices right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lats Gi and 5.5, Cuneession Glenelg. wnll he sold cheap. liculars apptrto, _ Dated " Glenelg this 18th dar of May. 19H. - --- One of the best investments in Out. Gm-tttree houses for the price of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roamed houses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two mantel- tarnace, cistern, good garden. young orchard. One frame seven roamed house. Must he sold as: owner is going West. Apply on premises or write 2 bull calves, holh thoroughbred Durhami. one 10 and other 11 mos old, red and a roan. Apply to Lot No. 2&nd 3, Gun. G, Glenelg. 200 aural. more or his. will be sold or rented, either whole or separate. For further parhculara. apply to DANIEL McAcuurartt, Durham). Ont One yeurs year. On Eggnog/Mulch ST,',,",; ite', acres. or) mung 2st uves ot mush". 2%Cun. W. G. R., Benfipck 'd [1):3 on an: “we (Waggon. 'tlfl an " sign. of tho alum being clogged. The Lint 3nd Bowel: are Innctivn uni the Stomach in went from undigv-stcd foods Ind 10:11.13“. The 3rd division of Int 9 and the lst division of lot IO, \V.G.R.. Buntinck, 100 acres. Lot 1.0011. ll, Gumeu, lOOucres. hallo 9nd in" of 17, Uon.2, E. G. It, Glouolg. 150 urea. "W - V. _. h . V Lot 8. Con. 8. 8.08... Glenda. 50 Miles Lot9, Gun. 3, B, D. R, Glenda. 50 urn-s Lot 10, thm. 3, 8.U.R.. Glenda, Nl new: Lot 4, Coa, 4, S. D. R, Glenda; 55 acres Lot T, om. l, NJ) R., Glenalg, 50 acres Apply to G. t J. McKrrcH.sue, Durham a}: , Chara wilt wuirraG, "sawii'isi ugh. - two during ogchurdz tSi (mini Igmse, cedsr'Tog turi." Gh/Gr. lent to chool and P. O. Apply to JAh. Fume. Pugh Sw’inton ark. Liver Spots, Pimples Dark Circles Under the the great fruit r,emc {unite a new puke» Winnipeg. June 27, 1:411 After Ialuug tlsro, buxu of your Fig Pullu lur "t m .etorul liver troublu It”! strong and v»-1I uni nil-u to do my own weak. Has A. H. Human At nil dollars M and 50 cent bow or tell" by The Fag Pill Co., " Thoma. it. Court of Revision I9l3. General Purpose Colt risingzl old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 Both first-cues, F. MCKINNON, North Line, Pliceville, Ont. For Sale or To Rent. SALLOW SKIN Township of Glenelg, Brick and Tile. Farms for Sale. JOHN ECKHABDT. Top Cliff Farm for Sale. PIG PILLS w. J. IRWIN, Proprietor J. M. LATIMER. Durham h. H. JACKSON. For Sale. For Sale For Sale J. 8. BLACK, Tp. Clerk ..ll.J Eyes u ill make you For par Durham tii ‘:'.',*§ UNDERTAKER a n ::5:;_,:¥£ Funeral Director _ H.H. Miller !!!) we. neu- Louise. good turn. etrttshuiidintpr, timber worth no” cube price. 150 um nou- Durham, tii-improved and cheap It about 81000. 300 urea in Egremont. (Dr Fens farm) good place, owner in the Wert olfeled at a snap. loo acres nem Listowel. one of the i best fat ms in Perth (In. tiplemhdlr improved. Astuuiahiugly cheap It 87000. North-west Lasts for sale or ex. change. Above are wrun- of my In" In:- J. ll. HUTTONJH. D., c. I klephone cetrr.uyuentG W. C. PICKERIN] B. D s, L D S HONOR GRADUATE of Tatum. University. gradual: of Royal College of Dental Bur n: of Ontario Rooms Oval J a J 'if'lroG'uohl'/,? New sum OFUICE: Over J. P. 1W3 on: om My one; amalgam: '. Second Imus. noun: of o aer0tteaatgtae of but. m. Bogotunwuuz 'Jn'l1gfd,pret; Mali-y 'LtWu1'tttidil . ' 1Mitse-over J try stow tad on site Panama. ARTHUR H. JACKSON [as a! Mam a Lineman. I ",f,1rtf,'ld'tl bane“ 'dll/tah/ DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town rt r (or in Supra-I 60:5 Bah-ym $htttuntgitone. Money to tan. ttice on In bran ts , o alto O \anpolgi Stable: ppo yel;k"ittt,,rag'r,'rltie2i, "kr.',', D. McPHAIL...’ 100 Acres 1 mile South of W illnmcfood . good tum too, offered for “can, less than the buildings would cost. 100 acre- neu- Mount Forest, cheap " “gander "ooo. If You are Not Too Lu, Full line of Cat hollc Kuhn and Mask uni white Caps for ago people. Banning I. Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice In" and [II-lumen. The "hoo 110mm: ut , In Ste, “Amy. In cilelllgl And Ittfi1gr'.l','l7,'l bundi Ac., [orMJuntor Lawn: mg” ”on work. following comm - II m ' " ALLAN I l and wounds! lob Qhthtt Kar.' an cm a“ Immun- Huxdenu ',t&o enter at um m of ttte term it - “all a! I. Ilm " Runnable mm. mm- . nun-louvclo‘n. In“ it . M is. In mun [In and at the school tu tmst you " s “a, an. The rum we Imam-nun du- tad "Juno Bee ma!” 'iiieh'iiii))i'i for the - on of kuowlot'u. IMAM]. M. - n. was g in? - W -CiiriiG "6% 'lah/f to, tttF/il?,)'?'),','),'? Durham . ©ontinuation 'GGG-fat-im.- Fri/did H}; 'iiidii kifiexurt welkkneu “and " Wt Phtttt,ttl will ma e oulnew mun. nce -| ml or o tr, Llf/l1t'll'lls' Iddgsg. A1tld'galt= licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey m modest om M 'l.1'lt."tlfi, A'tfllrJ'll'Wiutiht bo., 'i.daut_rirG.-diiit. Phospbtautt renal“ every nerve in the body -tr-=Fqairraict.? ”I proper tensor! I Eaton! Electric Restorer for Men 01"an nouns 5.1; n u H p " N “In. It Vii-ill Pi): Gir"s 3;; from me. Twillod sheeting 2 yds w Floor Oucloth, Table Oilcloth. New Spring Print: all now in Call and see them ya. wide...... ......U.. Bed Combrtcu from ..r.' ......L2liuptoNeach Heavy bieehed shietiru: I) we. near Dornoch (Mr George Tmley'u farm) a tine wall-improv- ed plus on which Mr Twnmley mad. money, altered at a grant Dustin. BIO 4 J. F. GRANT D. D.S, L Iunour Cull-*- do long. 27 In Ly " 40 in " 30 m l " IU in F s4 (I) in i " (ho in Notary Public, Comtuiaaimter, 00] y EYANCER; " I'cughttW, J. P. TELFORD A. BELL 13% to Work I Fun, READ THIS t Jdt"lh%Wtt t BLOCK' LACE CURTAINS W. ti. BEAN rmzupmmum "p1ttut+ between Ollie; Ind who. at .11 noun. Til-'53 orniiertiesir tes" e Parm- ud in...” (We PJW‘. “In: - CAL0ER'S . . We a uqunro yard " in wide. 25C 3 yd wide , wide. wide wide wide wide tit y Mos, 9" The 'ra-ee Conveyance School ”my uni on» 10.250 " 1.00 i" Loo no >41).- Rec-tn 10c " k Opt Gra pa p. pr

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