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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1913, p. 5

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'.'xy'l'lvl8yiyg MI Lbout ti must be adduced ipondence Dell!" If you desire to " we seeandtreat napalm mad titers a m: SEQ TY. 81.9.09. All? 19. 1013 "iit rite lotto-O“ 1n Yunnan? I ITY “my! ad , anoint _ --- it, Mich. ’ 'iPiPraiiifi /E snub! 1 "‘an um oat m 1:121 wants STYLE, FIT and QUALITY, here is SPECIAL I ('ire"or the Man who wears Over-Hauls JUNE 19, 1913 REMINGTON Tnglllfll'llllfl COMPANY s/ltr, E0 ’33! u imam] all over Canada as one of the best made. Our Motto is Once " FREE rice i‘aEE Fer the next week we will -------". give FREE with every Suit Corn cob Pipe. This Pipe to smoke worth the price itself. c' you know and wear LEATHER LA- Bljl. BRAND, as thousands oi other workmen do, you will wear no other. :ville Sold EASY PAYMENT Plan (me of our bust- .ling, for its noth- ,‘.H so many corn- .lsut and the other I human control, lly a complaining i act he did when .vorld was a com- tture followed up seen and experi- 144 Bay Street, Toronto, Once Worn, Always Worn .VXONARCH DEPARTMENT illustrated Literature Mulied upon request ight iy about a s doubtful h in gen- m expect. setting up h church. althy ap- laces the will rent a ht Touch Monarch fo r one month. for six will rent a Touch Monarch . six months. NEH $3.00 $15.00 (LIMITED) enced the many changes in life Water is getting low in quay. plates. We notice the Saugeen river is away down and a person could get ncross in many places dry shod on stones. The old fishermetCare holding up their good reputation at the angling and some good iasg (tish) hav. been caught, although parsonally we haven't seen any or tasted any of them, but we only judge by hearsay and hearsay is no good at court or breakla t table. The Rev. Mr and Mrs Matheson are home from the Assembly. Mr Matheson in his sermon on Sunday gave a synopsis of the doings at the Assembly. Just think of all that was there besides 1500 ministers' wives. So we see that ministers are not in general like some of their hearers, who spend their days in loneliness, for the tint act they do is to get a woman after they are or- dained. So they are setting up a Ont. . Eturtrilllirr"r', LEATHER LABEL MD Dan McLean was finding innit lul‘ I crediting the police tilibtus with I ditches made near his pi emisuu, Ns hr” 1 it was done by his man cash, But? we didn't know who was paying for l it. Visitors lately at Donald llc- l Donald's should read at Duncan llc- Donald's; John Nichol should tend John McNichol ', the latter is a Iliph- "ander and the former Lowlandcr Sin agus an teadarghcalluishulli a than or that's the diffuumcc in tlt,: name. Miss Charlotte McDonald nurse at Fergus hospital, spent a couple of weeks at her father's, at Duncan Mc- Donald's, Durham road, (ilenclg and returned again this week. Mr John McMillan, south line, Ar- temesia. is somewhat laid up for some time, but we hope to see him around the farm again attending to the many duties connected therewith, David Hincks is buay at the founda- ltion for a large brick house he is putting up this summer. Dave says i the old house was getting too small. good example for all likewise. We are sometimes ac in: errors, but if we do it intentionally, so we 1 to take all the blame. putting up this summer. Dave says the old house was getting too small. We notice that the old poplar true that stood the test nearly litty years wns cut down lately. We don't know who is the guilty party, but the old tree on one oi the main streets suffered the sentence, kk cut it down, cut it down," for apparently it be- came more of a nuisance than aHy- thing else. "s. Hugh McKinnon, south line, pull: ed down the old barn that stood the blastsof 50 years. The building by its looks was beginning to get tired standing. tttrit was half way lcamn T. Bo it didn't take much to "Gly') down for it wasn't used for some time. We notice some sheep Carry ing their winter garments yet. It's tlllll: it was taken off now and sent to the manufacturer. In olden times it would be picked and hurried to the Carding mill, but now there is no such a thing done, for it appears peo- ple are above wearing sheep's cloth- ing that is manufactured at. home. Some will remember that there Were two Carding mills in Du.rl1atn, one at Kelly's mills and one at Pattersou's, but this is away ever so far, but not beyond memory, although some who are not so very young may say " I 'don't remember." -...-_ i Inspector Campbell visited our schools lately and gave an excellent report. Top Cliff under Master Dix- ';ort is amongst the best. The old teachers hold their good reputation. There are a few of them in Mr Camp- bell'sinspectorate Set, _,,,.w' 4itttit1ta..eq.,ltii,,ll,, ttdrNehiillllilt' 'T." co..'.." 'g,' 3:2: tt tl LEATHER LABEL o tt Honors to Peter McArthur Priceville S. oi s. Camp th ll spersed with innumtal pu painted by In Each succes: “mountain pipes" fur the gathering middle of the floor, consent, the only carried oil' the hm ll ii!) (P) I‘IELIICCS us mud Shem") Tn uit “'Ishlng ttHun nun vuy life, The toast list for t appended l “The King" Bro. Geo and Bro: Nell 1'1 ttre THE DURHAM REVIEW 'qtreGttest.'t, Better Halt" Bro, Neil McKmnon Jr. st J. L. McDonald and " P, F. McArthur The evening was brought to a dos. with the .singing of Auld Lang Sync and "He's a Jolly Good Fellow." During the evening tl tevences tor the bum -tler half and daughte Ishing thmu bun v" fe. The toast list for The Guest of the Evening" Bro. Arch McCuuig and .. Angus McLachlan " Rubt Shortreed " Angus McArthur and " P, F. McArthur u urada d Scotland" Bro. D. McCormack and " Clark Russell tl lll'l' 'cr"'" nun rF.'w.. ....y . to Hinge)...” uigr.rrand-i, llev. My Kendall 15 back from the l to " tvet in retiptoti" to l Assembly and took charge of the ser- which has evorhurn the V1095 heru last Sunday- Cr tisis souls in c-voryland.l Mrs, Everct Hoy, of Welland, is “him followed were inter. Sexpeclcd home to-morrow to spend a h tungnnd story from the month with her parents. Mr and Mrs mg“ of Scottish life nel'l‘. 1lehlister. her own il'iustrious bins, We wislt success to the Entrance ssive selection on the pupils, Misso Mal)“ Wallace and pipes" was but the signal Katie Kerr, who go to Durham to trp hating of the clans in the their exam tlns week. he “our, when. by general> ---------'-- m only Irishman present,) the Lumen in such purelyl Welbeck "ces as the Highland long), Mr. and Mrs. John lnnesville and D ~pnns| him nt B NV c ll h ut Ding many La bonored whirl it [lislltds i tlle bha " (hi). Lothian :Ntll McKinnon Sr P F McArthur and Neil McKinnon Jr, Fred McArthur It tl h a d dn Arthur isyiNortlrcaEastNortttanby yug‘ the TORONTO etin Stti rtl w ht th where he can get all three combined in the we made, a through eveniugis ED ll prov id. rything ,0 tltkle lid: (ms test. bis m the ll tl K hi pa m ll tim wee The alot II Mr Chas. Bailey and duugbter from Hanover, visited the Sharp Bros. last Tuesday. sad news on son Daurald We extend u the member vicinity. Miss McGillvray of Bruce is visiting 3 with her Sister Miss Christine McGill- l vray, the popular school teacher of} this place. t Mr. and Mrs. C. Shewell and Mr. l Geo. and Miss Nellie Shewoll took in I the circus in Hanover on Friday last and report a good time. Mr, and Mrs. J. Kennedy and daughter Rita visited lo a few days last week with the latter: parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Sbewell. Miss Victoria Cnmpbell has recently gone to Hamilton where she intends to remain for some time. Victoria will be missed in the burg. Mr. Ed. Sweeney of Louise accom- panied by his sister. Miss Marv of Hanover visited on Snadny with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sbewpll. _ Mr. Geo. and Miss Nelly Shows“ spot-t Sunday with their sister Mrs. J. Kennedy, Louise. -"iireGre"pustuseti to say that Mr. Robt. Ledimrham has recovered from Irs recent attack of pneumonia. IL " And burn l Wedding Bells Are ringing. Next Door to Standard Bank tl ll' Bl‘ll . Halliday spent mm Miss Belle hone wires were , of Neustadt, is expected painting and papering of h to day, Monday. Mun Wilder (nee Editlll, l' Indiana, 18 waiting old schoolmates around this‘ lat Wednes-day, ilurty present and almost " 'tl, All report a good Pieken expects to raise Friday. 1nd Mrs ll. ll, Watson al old time quilting, Abe. Campbell received the Tuesday last that her had died in Calgary. " sincere sympathy to ; of his family in this These are not a tight=fittiny, made, but a large. room ed garment, made to fit Sizes from, Waist, J? to iii: Leg, JO to M For Farmers, Train men. Factory hands, and all trades, there are none to equal this tan' LEATHER LABEL BRAND. over the Manna. ringing We are the Agents l Where Canadian Navy is Needed., in: Hon. Mr. White Silent The Underwood Tat'iii‘Bill. which is now being put through the United States Senate and Congress, gives to Canada practically every exporting advantage which she would have obtained under the reciprocity treaty of 1911. The Canadian tariff. as preserved by the Borden Government, serum 5 to the Canadian peeple every importing disadvantage which would have been wiped out by the Reci- procity agreement. The United States will gain the advantage: of the reciprocity treaty. Canada will gain every disadvantage ot reciprocity and tariiroombiued. Up to date Hon. Mr, White has not appealed to Ontario it have no truck nor trade with the Yankees, nor has he done anytlfrng i to help the tax burdened Canadians In a recent issue the Toronto Mail and Empire points out that Canada's richast coal deposits are on its Athi mic and Paeitie coasts. exposed in case of way to immediate attack. In such event any enemy could easily take Every Pair is Guaranteed Hahn House, Durham ,. Wednesday, July 2nd ' Nllllp' protect and adorn your bald head with human hair. In order to have a conception of the wonderful achievement in the art of hair eottstrueting. " . ' . Every bald man should call and see es! T tri _ A! ' the large sample stock of Hair ' ' Tonpees and full wigs which Prof. u Dorenwend will be showing. -l'stf?,l - . - A " PA. ' : A Free Demonstration " exten. {"2 -,s"t,tes'iTft'i.t),irsiv(s,, ded to all. Comegnd bringyour "'." " y a J, ace _ I tricnastotne Hahn House. Durham, Wed., July tnd Will also be " Waleertott, Hartley House, Thurs, Jule 3rd: Harri-.0- Collison House, July 4th ', Fergus, Commercial Hotel, Sunday, JuIy 5. of Toronto, is coming to the PROF. DORENWEND AMERICA S G REATEST H Durham to replace hair on , ik, "'""I _ . T _ the heads of Ladies / Ntkl, 'uitS'r'lklt and Gentlemen who tf., It", have lost their hair. L "JV '. V By his beautiful na- (3" tural hair construc- tions, which are C..., V ,: known allover the _ world. EVERY WOMAN AND MAN can be made to look younger and have the natural protection to the hood which means Health, Comfort and Good Appeannce. Do not miss this opportunity. See his TranMoetttatiotr Switches, Wavelets, Pompndours, Full Wigs, Curio. et Dorenwend SAHITARY PATENT TOUPEE Gentlemen who are bald ll DUI. I'".'"'.' lit tot' 'h the Un.ited ideclurc WINES» fr1.vei' be iett err exvomng same l would have ; 1.1m iel procity treaty “he" v n tariff, l3 defence Government, It is haw Wei”? "cf-X 2 even ""idtti i 'nite . gas of the l I" will gain ta oeity and ‘di Hon- Mr. I " )ntariolo Itat ow. ll LADIES ! and wear. an K " IR well=finish- V e cheaply w I TIST " ‘of Mr. Bord Manor. tl t so maven. l ttont using metimo "in The organ ought nu to Vida CO a what tr M. imporm Borden w ,. It won Jt ul lat dilap- e is on ry maple up- wernlelz Int-auras. “Rational " should My uses the defence j an t he require . m " d

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