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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1913, p. 7

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ma CAR poration co onouvo,o~7 0K GOOD ENT. mama. at. ruspects Are q PARAGRAPH ich we can feature of ticipate, u Bonds in amines l5. OI "ll ill y ear (WEI s so a a much stored World flu an ps are r' were lowing W tern we" un he 10 ?ri-:sitrvedlry Cuticura Soap Interrlty, , " o, t tSki ii:vi,i:niiy In, _i', ’u 0 In of (mammal y J 'wit y 'gauizatron tl. Beautyof Hair lllUl LIN“ ON Bl’NINESS LIFE Banishe AFTER EEFECT If 'slrruirng wasting disuse: ouch 'firr-. many people find it da.. to regain their former strength. ' become breathless and tired at the least exertion; their ap- ¢,. l', firkl: avxd they often feel 'tr, In}: death was staring them d. iare. The trouble lies with y, mud whivh has not returned _ h: rmal. runditinn and is Inch.. c, ths. led corpuscles without .L gusl livullh is impossible. " " Mn:- like this that Dr. ','.r.', Pink Pills prove their ' hinw \ulul-. Every dune helps m‘m- no-W, rich. red blood, which __ hr-ulth mil vitality. Mrs. 11. 41- FM”) . Athens, Ont., “l'nllwulng an atttich of ty- " fru-r I was left in db very ( and disheartened condition. ..iir.hrv,t exertion left me worn (rt-ll out. and l was hardly ll; get around, and mstunslly (ic'i‘p‘indrnt. I decided to try W:'lams' Pink Pills and they ml of this greatest benefit to I am now as well Mid strong w-r. and can do all my own I. and as " live on a farm, it without swing that there is 't to do. I feel, therefore, that Hunt 333 too mach in praise of Williams’ Pink Pilhc" mu are suffering from the Im'cts of fevers, la grippe, or :u-ute disease. you should be- in get new strength to-day nah the tuniv treatment with Williamn' Pink Pills. Bold by "dicine dealers Hr bv mail at grit). Gene'rosity, Humanity, Isursidcration fur others. 'Uirine dealers Hr by mail at 113 a box or six boxes for from The nr. Williams' Medi- 'rr, Brn(-k\i!lo, Ont. o 4,rrnal condition the red corp" gov/d health is ' a time like tl is' Pink Pills mic value. Eve, ' new, rich, red health and vi1 re Foley. Atl ad Through the ht of Dr. William?! Pink Pills nth , an occasional use of ntment. No other emoL 0 much for pdot com; l. rough hands aw, in :uylfallipg {mt- at a sung manna“ IJJWII sking m ttr . nature be aoliUh. we can atone by some use of leisure for the f our working hours. , have abandoned the king a lofty view of '. "itusinoas is busi- Bay, as if tho rerntsrk t word of wisdom and an“ mute to be said. is business life of ours ruling we may take a More wholesome view. flrmly in our thought " is service. To do , serve our tesllow-men. 'IEETHING TIME ty th l Tin. ti ung man or Woman e call a start in life br. some earnest LS point. A business 'tten assumed, must n In d half as hard to r marriage as she Ivr,e, lots of law- tsie' add than each. 710 32-”. mt of "so Iii-M Cyt'ser Drunk 05-. (lf FEVERS tl " loath always keen .lsiness life lty, gener- 'ration of Med nght th canoéf q6,TWtd this T " _ maples are found: to lrf2'ICltri? IJ‘r-gnosis also has improved, and deaths from cancer "a no tonger It, might be said that thvy are tcnrct, Linn \l‘closs, for the reason that a victim of cancer is apt to waste his time on drugs, and so permit the cancer to grow larger and more malignant until a cure by surgery is impossible. The most trustworthy statistic: do not show that cancer is incl-coping with gmt rapidity. They indicate thu; an piicentage of it {a fairly constant. The fact that medicine and surgery have made great et-rideoin etett fears explains why tiuWi, v. l Jr, to t m ' ' le"i1:,'iirtruiAi'i'Mi 'i-tiii/tlit 4 lganizution does not plan to dis- lcm'er a cure nor to undertake in, fvestigatiuna with a view of increas- ing the sum of medical knowledge ‘on the disease. It will act on the principle that the only cure for can- cer at the present time is by sur- gery, and that nearly all cases can be cured if they are recognized in time. Its exports will make ex- aminations looking for caneerous growths, and the medical and daily press of the country will be used to educate the public to the nocessity of a periodical examination by spe- cialists. Part of the funds at its disposal will be spent in exposing the quack remedies, and the public will bo told that X-rays, radium and all other agencies except the surgeon'a lance are useless except for some cases of cancer of the skin. I nu m a Ell car kni onlv Murse to pursue is to educate thc ”.914: to the danger of waiting until the supposed harmless lump has begun to pain before consulting a doctor, and to the necessity of consulting a medical man who is an expert in cancer. Credit ought to be given to a great American in- surance company, which insists that very policyholder be examined at least once a year by the Conv pany's physicians. Should disease be aliscoverod the insurance is not cancelled nor the premium increas- cd. but, the patient is given warn- ing, and can take the necessary steps. fhrhtinx tuberculosis. The public probably needs no education to the fact that cancer is one. of the dead- liest of diseases, but it does require to be taught that the only cure for cancer at the present time is the knife. It also needs to be taught that a case of cancer is not neces- sarily fatal, that thousands of cases are cured every year by sur- geons, and that nearly all cases can be so cured if the surgeon is given his chance in time. When the knife does not cure cancer it is because the disease has become so far ad, vaneed that the growth cannot be I removed without danger to some of the organs of the body, or because the operation is not drastic enough. An operation that removes merely the growth without also excising the surrounding healthy flegh, where the roots may have spread. is worse than useless. It is fatal. Don't Wait Too Long. Under a benevolent despotism it might be possible to abolish fatal cases of cancer. If some enlighten- ed dictator could force the whole population to undergo periodic ex- aminations by competent diagnos- ticians the disease would be detect- ed in time and operations would save 99 per cent. of the victims of the disease. Some allowance would have to be made, probably, for' those rare cases that manifest} themselves in portions of tho body whence it would be. impossible to‘ remove them. Since the age of en- 1 lightened dictators has passed. thei mited f " Possible the Family Doctor In Ito. oponsible for Many Deaths At . meeting held in the Harvard Club, Now York, recently, some headway was made in what prom- ises to be a country-wide campaign against cancer. lt is planned to combat the disease by the weapons thrt.uve_been most effective in Through this examination many uses of cancer have been d.etrvtod :arly vnough to be cured b) the :nife. The point is that the com- miy's physicians recognize cancer in small lumps that had given no min to tho persons examined. In amt- cases they said that the farm ly ds-ctur had warned them of the lungor of meddling with those lit.. h- lumps until they gave them min. Experts say. however. that MINORS n allllljlTlMhl THE ONLY CURE AT TIME PRE, SENT TIME IS THE KNIFE. The Knife '114 tanctal suy nu Campaign of Education a ni) " cspieious Little Lumps. ce r tis 18 can the Only C are. n w of the fact that web Fund has all use, there is every thatthis new cam- , crippled for lack on. The new or- not plan to dis- I to undertake in- the re w a that, the tam- <l them of the with those lit.. y gave them however, that tt t the mm tut un 1m n ED. h "That shows you don't know Charlie very well, mother. When he gets started talking about him- self there's no stopping him." “My wife had been suffvriug from weak stomach atiompauiud by sick luradaches nearly all her life. She is invariably relieved oi these when she sticks to Gram-Nuts, either eaten dry or with milk. Her stom- ach has gradually grown stronger and her heathes less "frequent since she began to eat Grape- Nuts." “There's a Reasoti." Name given by Canadian Pnstum Co., Windsor, .Ont. Read the booklet, "The Road to Weilville,” in pkgs. liar road the show. “It." A new on. leOOl’l trom time " "ma. They an “mum. true, and lull at human tum-on. “I should think you could get rid of that young man before 11 Keep Your Friendships. Do not allow your own friend- ships to lapse-too many do not cherish our friendships while we have them. We subject them to strains. We undervalue them as we do all things that we feel we own. We accept them in a spirit lot lethargy or worse, and when the' lfriend is finally driven from us too loftt‘n wo put up a bitter plaint (about ingratitudc. There are a great many things that a decent, 1'iiiiiC.'di',C'e'i'iri' friendshfp will not 'st-nnd. If we allow ourselves, feel- ing sure of the Jwotod churn, to lasmmc the unpleasant fault-finding j manner, why should we expect any- (one to wish to sit opposite us at {dinner and listen bu our grumb- llingsl When friends dvparb-- ‘friends that apparently cared for (us-it is because we have become unbearable, although this may be furthest from our perceptions. They have sought more, cheerful company, and it is right they should do so. _ "My brain responds promptly to the requirements put upon it. and what is of more importance, the re- sults have been lasting and more satisfactory, the lungcr I have used Grape-Nuts as a food. Grape-Nuts food and began to use it for my noon-day lunch. "From' the first I experienced a grout change for the better. The heavy, unpleasant feeling and sour stomach caused by the former diet disappeared. The drowsy languor and 1lisinclination to work soon gave way to a brightness and vim in my afternoon work, a. feeling ontirely new to me. Mathematieian Figures Out the T Food Quwtion. It any one requires a. clear head it is a teacher of mathematics. He must reason in the abstract, as it were. and full concentration of mind is necwsary if correct results are to be forthcoming. 'sk man writes: "I am a, teacher of mathematics and for 15 years prior to Four years ago, I either took a lunch composed of cold sandwiches, pickles, ctc., to school or hurried home and quickly aio a hot dinner. "The result was that I went to my afternoon work feeling heavy, dull of brain and gem-rally out of must were, mind are t When chewed in large quantities cordite becomes more powerful in its effects, bringing on a blissful state of ecstasy, and sometimes making the victim of the habit see visions. But the real danger of the habit lies in the fact that though nitro-glycerine will only explode when given a. Very hard blow or touched by an electric spark, there is always, a possibility that the grinding of exceptionally hard teeth might provide the necessary hard blow. Within the last few years at least three soldiers -two German and one Austrian-have been blown to bits, the use of cor- dite as a, chewing-gum being the suspected cause. German Soldiers Chew Cordite, the Explosive. One of the troubles of most Euro- pean armies is that those soldiers who can get hold of it insist on using that terrible explosive cor- aito as if it were a, sort of chewing gum. Its popularity is due to the fact that when chewed in small quanti- ties it has a stimulating and ex- hilaming effect, like small doses of alcohol. he taste, too, b sweet, cordite bruitt threeWths nitro-gly- cerine, an vxplusive which is sugary ot the taste. attributed to other comes. ' The cancer Age my be aid to begin about. 35 or 40. It is safe to say that when a mu or women bu reached this age every lump that appears anywhere on the body and does not speedily disappear should be regarded with suspicion and that an expert should be called to examine it. If this advice were genertrlly followed'the death rate from cancer would be immediately reduced by 50 or " per cent. 00 BIJIW THEMSELVES rp. PCT Aw, Y 1'iCliLI%'. vun and generally inally, I learned ts food and began noon-day lunch. Impossible. Tirlithi%-Fui" a bun t An ogotist is a. man who feels {om for the people who don't. like Mother - "That fortune-teller told her that she's goin' ter marry a ttll, handsome, Iitsrlr, npbleman." Neighbor-itat', Mamie eryin' about l" Nefghbor--"Wey, ain’t that a good Leanna” iiotTir'..Drfwd think no; but now she’s broken-hearted at the Aought of givin' up the ugly, little, “Wed-03, trandy-haired bricklayer she’s in love with!” held at 'l'usket Falls in August: I loudd IINARD'H LINIMENT most beneficial tor "No, my better judgment never tells me anything until after I've gone and made a fool of myself." sun burn, II! immediate relief for colic Ind toothache. "Old chap, didn't your better judgment tell you not to make that investment?" Men Swear-Women Complain Just because their cums ache-easy to cure them with Putnam’s Corn Extractor; - "Obey the cusstomer-who has hot yet dined," he said. it acts painlessly in twenty-four hours. For earns. warn and callousen the only thing is "Putnam's"; try it, 250. at all dealers. en," protested a man Who had JUS sat down. The waiter hesitated. The pro prietor settled the dispute at once “Ope'n the uindow, waiter; I am roasting," a, customer exclaimed who had just dined at a Paris res- tam-ant. “Shut, it up, waiter; I am froz- en," protested a man who had just If a man is bald or gray haired, l M tim according to the profestor, you can ':" friend bo reasonably certain that he is not; condit, a born criminal. Of course he may} ilton'es be of a class of unscrupulous money ; result makers, but he can't blame his Dr. ll wrongdoing on heredity. '“j'm' The swindler can be recognized by his thin lips. His features will probably be asymmetrical; one side of the face being different from the other. This characteristic is nut confined to swindlers or to criin- inals, but is one of the traits gon- erally found in conjunction with the others mentioned. At least that is what Prof. Fred- erick A. Bushee says. The thief has.the same egglike head that marks the murdereg and the some long arms and big ears, but he can be distinguished by his flattened nose. His face is apt to show many wrinkles, especially on the side of the face and in the forehead, prob- ably caused by the. shape of the skull. This is a mark of all born criminals, as is the depression at the base of the skull, which prob- ably indicates a similar depression in the brain. . If the man raises his hat and dis- plays a plentiful thatch of hair, if it is not gray, if his forehead re- cedes and his skull is abnormally large, coming to a noticeable point, you can be sure that you have diag- nosed his case correctly and can accelerate your pace without laying yourself open to the charge of cow- ardice. At the Yarmouth Y.3CC.A. Boys: Camp, Professor Tells the Marks of Tar. ious Types. If you meet a man coming down the street whose nose is large and uquilino and perhaps a bit twisted, whose lips are swollen and pro- truding and whose ears are large, “id: large lobes, it might be just as wise to right about face and take to your heels, for in all probability that man is a murderer-potent- ially if not aetuflly, _ _ That rheumatism in one of the results of diseased kidneys is again shown in Mrs. Baldwin's case. She had headaches, stiffness of tho joints and backache. her sleep was broken and unrefreehing, and she was always tired and nervous. Her limbs swelled and she was always thirsty. These, are all symptoms of diseased kidneys. When all? cured her kidneys with Budd’s Kidney Pills. the symptoms vanished-and so did the rheumatism. “I was muiely helplul with rheu- matism for two years," Ibo states. "I got medicine from the doctor, and tried several other remedies, but nothing helped me. Then one of my neighbors advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I bought four lmxea. and they helped mo almost from the first. I have used nearly two dozen boxes and am nearly cured." She Could Phtd 1'01th “.01!" Her Rheumatia- Till On d New-' bar's Advice She Tried Dou’l Kidney Pills. St. Walburg, Sask.. June 9 (Spe- cial).--'U can truly recommend Dcdd's Kidney Pills for any‘ one suffering from rheumatism." These are the words of Mrs. W. A. Bald. win, a highly respected resident of this place. And Mrs. Baldwin gives her reasons; She Was Helpless For Two Years Why Mrs. Baldwin 1treonunena, Dodd's Kidney Pills. -"'".q-.-r--r-o- Love's Torments. BORN (‘IKIMINALS. Alw'a ys Too Late. h Businms "rad. ALFRED SPOKEH. General Secretary TORONTO Toronto. Four hundred people lost their lives in consequence of the typhoon which visited the Philippine Isles last October, and which caused damage estimated at $25,000,000. A well-trained memory-one that admits of discreet forgetfulness. ulnara's LInIrneM Cum Cold). Sts Ulnard's Llnlmunl Guru Care" In Con Try lurine Eye f,t',t;".h, No thnartitstr-3eei. Fuse--Artn th-kly. ry tt tor Rrd,Wruttr, Watery Eyes and Uruulntnd Eyelds. Hmo- trtbteU Book in each Plunge. Murine is armpounded by our 00'!"le not a "Ptttettt Med.. ieinti"--tsttt used In t5uttr"tgt'ut l‘hyslt-iann' Prue- tlco for many years. Now dedicated Io me Pub- lit; and Hold bé brands” an to ttttd Pgtr2,'ttllt arm. Eye awe in Aseptic Tubes, and We. Murlné Eye Remedy Go., Chicaéé "There's no doubt of it," reruiedl, the fund mother, "although Wei can't exactly locate it. The music} teacher says it's for painting and, the art teacher says it's for music.” i When Your Eras Need can Try Murilw I/ve Return)" No Summing- Fuel: "So you think your daughter exceptional talent." Don't waste your time carrying about the time you have wasted. Be advisedr use Dr. Hamilton's Pills they are sun- to do you good. 250. " box, five for $1.00. at all druzgimn m stonsheepery or by mail from The C tnrrhomne Co., Batralo, N.Y., and Kin stun. Canada. grew condition, tutvised me mom, Pills regularly result in my case wax Dr. Harr,iltrrtN Pills 'strengthened the “on” to normal action, in leaned of excessive I railed in so Digestion ' and I grow stomach be apparently Mr. Clommoms' experience is not unus- ual. Nowadays poor Show“!!! are more the rule than the eruption. But the proper treatment in cute to make a quick cure. You can always depend on Dr. Hgmilwu'u Pills, they reach the trouble at once. go right to business. work while you tslvep and have you feeling better it not cured next morning. "My food seemed to dew Momach," wring Mr. P.al of Newbridge PO. "I had a failed in some way to Perf Digestion eeemed more or and I grow thin, yellow, Stomach Always Baulked, Had Constant Indigestion SMELL or COOKING MADE HIM SICK _ BILIOUS TWO DAYS A WEEK. The Ministry of Railways has is- sued an order that women wearing such unprou-cted hat pins shall not he permitted to ride on the Aus- trian State railways until they have removed the perilous pin. Tho management of the Vienna. munici- pal tramways has 30110 even fur, tlru. in directing tramcar eonduc- tors to compel such offenders tn leave the car immediately. If they refuse, the conductors will call in the police to remove them by force. Vigorous Action Taken by Authori- ties in Vienna. Since milder mvasurI-s have proved ineffectual against. the dan- gerously long, unprotected hat pin, the Austrian Imperial and local authorities have decided to take 'ey ssjsorous action. Chaucer. Shakespeare, Spencer, Milwn. Cowley, Butler, "Dryden, Pope, Cowper. Goldsmith, Byron, Moore, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Wal, ter Raleigh, Drake, Cromwell, Hampden, Monk, Peterborough, Nelson, Bollingbrtrke, Walpole, Chathwm, Pitt, Fox, Burke, Wash- ington, Canning. Bacon. Locke, Newton, Hume, Gibbon, Macaulay, Hogarth. Mr Joshua Reynolds. Sir Thomas Lawrence. David Garrick, John Ramble, Edmund Kean. For-Wile Hsen'ation of our illu- sions regarding genius~it probably is far better that thPre should be no disappointing, ordinary persons deft in the World to represent the mighom we delight to honor? families there are which trace their ancestry in a direct line for many generations, it is rather a surpris- ,ing t... avg-here is not a. singlg. {Midge nt in the male line' At i)R greatest men the world I? -d,l%k prodpced. .. row within me. I car nd live like I live man 1Nry,it'tsd .1 Milton engaged in the insumncg business, or I Byron'ol the stock exchange would jar drud- fully on ohe's sense of the fitness ot things. Thd following is a list of the ilimr triuua men whose line never will be represented on the earth again as long -" the world stands _ on" any mien mum ml: Many lame Prom Thurman- q trials In: Law No“ Kin. Whit ON LONG ll.\'|' PINS. Cured by Dr. Hamilton'n Pills. Fortumaivly Pa is Itirh. Hilly the at night wh ol'k. Health an now eat, decomw Ralph 1 ad a slot perform h Cleatmotre $10th tha' rm its work I! TIC! iii}? More Cows in as =TT..r2'=T:rI==r.rerieeer-,--- ""'-"i""-----------==7-t=i==2hTd When" " t oi' , IVA-DR .. /g, They ntopUas Inv l _ opium, morphi lei} A.. / drugs. 252.: any ' m ' NATIONAL OIL . ‘l L_._ If You Have After the age of ten, ears assume an increased form and give the clue to the age of the owner. Noni“. Lombroso, and others, lay groan stress upon the ear as an indication of charucter; yet some of the best men we meet have outrageous can. while almost everybody can reeall some bold. bad man of his uquniuo tance who has small, well formed and won placed ears. " ml. PEOPLES" AGE BY EARS It is declared by those who have devoted their time and abilities to the study of can that the use of . person can be judged by them with great accuracy by an expert. A wanna with Email ears at twenty probably will have medium- sizad can at forty and Urge ears tttuixtg. Again it is said, as the result of the examination of 40,000 pairs of cars. that probably no por- son in the world has ears podoctly matched. In most people the turn ears differ perreptibly, not only in shape, but. in size. Frequently they are not placed on the head at 0x actly the same angle or at the name height. The, can)“ Grow When Rest ' C, _ it My Stops. Persons who have large ears in their youthful days are decidedly unlucky, according to student-s of “atom, tor w‘uther portion of the human body is so ambitious in its growth. We get old and shrivcl up and decrease ip stature, but the our still grows. 'J2iril'lif I TI? WILLIAMS tMis/il I 373138 it will pay you to use the S'I‘Axnum CREAM SruitATo instead of skimming cream by the old method. By using: tho You can have a comfort- able kitchen the hottest summer day if you use a _ " 611 CiiiriiriiEFe'" No Coal. No Ashes. No Dirt. be old method. Pry thing the Keep Cool Furnished with I, 2 and 3 burners, with sthfand tacks far keeping food hot, and indicator on oil tank. For [zest results use Royalite oil. Stock carried at allchxlcfA jigs, . 'ai lilhitllhi, on. COMPANY . 4' INA-mum Headache Waters information on this swat with printed instruction for om- teur bands-mi a prin form ot Constitution on Iy-ans for hands. together with our big catalogue, will be mailed FREE on rcqucst. Address my: th" BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A They ateaedLrur-rar and - Do not omttndtt opium, morphine, phennceun. “mama or other “we“. drugs. 25c. I box It your Druggut'c I” annex“. no. Mao acumen co. or cannot. Dam. Npg.e Eutection, BRASS BAND Whenever you be! A headache oomtrtgott uh ee-et ___ -..""..._ ....-.mn 11 trade; export inrtrucuon: mmuu tmrotire: wok (no: damn In" 0-!»an WWW low barber. qrrite to: rat-locum Holm- (Wine. :21 qttoo" R. Tamara " and light sewing It home. whole hr span- Hme. (on! p"; wort Bent any dintnnm. char-cc- paid: and .tortts for unionism. National lwufkturing Co.. Jt,'ill'i'd'll per urn. mit .rAnGiriGiiai Hum-n; country. Write (hmminionor, Board " h“.. II.,,AI . I. __ _ C ANC‘IR. Tt'ttotttt, LUMP! MTG. internal and "lanai. our“ nub out n": In our home crucial" Wt". " new. too Inm- Dr unma- Ital“! Co.. “mm-d Cniljncwmd Ont Faun. sworn, out»: AND mm Pum- in .11 ”cunn- " Onuno. Sumo "mpg. mm: limma'ntms AND ltr. ilflpo] proved hung. N500 to he.” Trude. . ll uAtiiiit / in! W -"---- I? AUTO!” urns. wrru on wrruovr Isn't-y (ruin... in Toronto. Brlmmnn and other 1mm- nnd “not M. W. DAWION. qnur touLr:cuirtr'_csGrr.T, mp. ‘, ferent Form-n 'ttam.. I‘m-inun- "No, thank George. “I dot color." M. w. oawsou. um" tGGiTriiriii, Toronto. Little George bud jun taken his p110: in the barberuritr chair, - "Do you want your hair Jil" iis mine t" asked the red-haired bar. ber. masters “mum! Cum It a "rent "riiiei.iChtauCiiirisG'G Album. nah hull Cum In" Out. rnmnuvw. 'l‘nmmn when buying your Piano insist on havmg an OTTO H IGEL” EEIDENTIAL Brampton 1. ANTED -LADth't4 TO DO PLAIN 031m: _ mm To A mum -iririaTG Ptano Action HALE HELP WANYEO‘ 07am" Mm com: "an to. an Two or Objectod to Red. thank you." replied "I don't want it cut that IISCPLlONIOIII PIOPEITIEB " nd , than other toqrgt.. carom It. Toronto Dunno"; E

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