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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jun 1913, p. 8

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Tiff” i _______pAcmc " 3‘3 In 5'! C .'. - ”Manna-ounce” i' mic-1h” I'mw (Kn P,triticAgentior write M G MURPHY, D P. A.,Torontcr K Mac! AILANE Town Agent, Durham E. A. MAY, Ststlon Agent ': ppet Lakes Navigation , Eri'e',rjr,'1idili,f'iii'iy,lilrf'rii/ 1 Highest Cash Price paid north of Toronto. Yop'll be sorry if you sell ' you get our new Cash offer. We're in the game to stay, and will be right t -. and plenty of it. " Cr: i.F'ei.,a!li " ttoarseekers' Excursions Mane , leave Port MeNieoit Mon. 4, Tuuuhys. WeaLsetsdarr, Thurs , and Sulurvhys tor SM)". Sta. w. Put t. Arthur an! Furl. William. swarm-r .. " unmha" awning hom t McN mull weiuesdars, will call Uwrn Smuul. having that point. " [mu \Iner F, u h Inesduy until October 2ftth Winnipeg nnd return 8.351!) E inmmnn MM return' " oo THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. Shaman], Express T, r.mtu 1185 pm on sailing makmg dawn-l connection with ers at Po,t vtcN'icoll Did you know that there was “SOMETHING DOING Somebody else started it -- we're going to finish it. (let our new Cash Price for General Change of Time June lst Wool aiily.,'ilia,ii'ir-1/ri' Other points in proportion. Return I limit two months. 2 no p m each Tuesday May to August inclusivv. Best trail) to toe. Vta trupres, of Asia. Leaving Liv, erpuolJune ll. calling at Madeira, Uape Town. Durban. Colnmha, tiinRa pure and [lung Kong, arriving Van- cnuver August 30. Vessel remains ll days at "on: Kang. Rate for entire cruise 8039.10 Exclusive of mmntew an“: hymn-ten arrival time in England and depurturtr ot "Empress of Asia," and stop over at Hong Kong. 'rom-ie cram leaves Toronto Around the World 'Mir'OOilliu, THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY 323.5953 Mr. Wm. McMurdo returned home for a holiday trom Montana. Mr.J. Parleow of Vancouver ll visning his many friends in this vicinity. Mr. B. Martin, W. Knox, and J. Fox go to Niagara Camp this week. Miss o. Knox visited the first part. of last week at Dromore with her sister. Mrs J. '1'. McMurdo. Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson and B. Knox spent last Sunday at. Mr. Ham Irwin’s near Dundalk. Mnand Mrs. ll. Knox waited at Corbetton last. Sunday. Miss Irene Haw and Marion Ferguson who have been on the sick list for the past. couple of weeks are able to be around again. Miss Marion Knox is able to be around again after being oroofined to her bed for I couple of weeks. Mr. A, Fergulon 19th Con. had his barn raised last Friday. Mr. Nut Mo Fayden was the frame: so every thing went together right. After the raising the young people arranged a platform on the lawn and Fred and John L. got tn the picolo and violin and a very enjoyable evening was spent in square dancing and some step dancing. Wedding Bells are ringing; detail! later. Garden parties are the order of the day. Mrs. Wheeler, Muss Mabel Wheeler accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brenock and baby arrived home, Snurday. Mr. and Mrs D. Christie. Dromore spent Sunday at Mr. H. Sternes. Mrs. Geo. Gillies, Miss Lizzie Christie, Mrs. E. Hookridge 3nd Mrs. Jos. Seott accompanied by Mrs. Jack bchmidt drove over to Kimberley Saturday to attend the Annual District meeting of the Women's Institute. We understand Mr. Geo, Gilkes has been elected Pres. of the Farmers Institute for 1513 and 14. On Saturday evenlng a number of people gathered in Mr Niehol'e field to witness the ball gems between Hampden and Red Bridge teams. The Red Bridge team were not ell present and the germ resulted in en easy victory tor Hempden. The Annual picnic u Hampden will be held this your on Jane M, in Derby 's grove. A program is being prepnrod and a good game of base- bxll it expected. Everybody wel- coma. Rev Mr. McLenn returned but week from Toronto and on Sunday gave an interesting accour: of the work of the Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byers of Stoughton Sank. are visiting Mr. Jan. Byers and other friends here. Miss Hallldny of Knox spent Sunday with her friend Miss B. Menus. Swinton Park. " The Store That sets the Pace " Hopeville. Hampden HOLSTEIN WANT YOUR THE DURHAM REVIEW 1rt,telFjl. " “3+1.- The 13th Annual Sunday School Convention for this township takes pivce to-morrow, Friday 20th of June, in FairGtrntlhurch. Mr. Rom, D sdds is President of this worthv organ- ization, Mr, J. Stevenson. Holstein, Svcy. The Kilogram. inst issued, has provision for a profitable afternoon and evening. Itev. Mr. Prudlmm, of Durham. havinga prominent purl at both sessions. Alias N. Philip. llnlilein Miss K. McEwen, Cedarville, and Mr. Robt. Renwick, Dromore, are among those taking part and all phases of Sunday School wok will be covered. Many resolutions have been passed by benevolent and philanthropic organ- izations, many sermons delivered, many editorials written by leading news- papers and magazines, many personal suggestions made, that the law dealing with children on the streets and in parks after dark should be more string- ent. At the recent session of the On. tario Legislature these numerous ro- quests have been met and the amended law in " follows ', Children’s Protection Act. Sec. 17.-Hi) No child (und'er sixteen) shall loiter in any public place after 9 o'clock in the evening, or be there un- less accompanied by his parent or guardian or an adult appointed by the parent or guardian to accompany such child. (2) A child found in a public place after the hour named in subsection; unless so accompanied may be warned to go home by any constable or proba tion officer or otfteer of a Children's Aid Society, and if after such warning the child is found loitering in a public place, such child may be taken by the constable or ofBcer to its home, or the Children's Shelter. (3) A parent who permits his child to violate this section shall for the iirst of. fence incur a penalty of $1 without costs. and for a second offence 82, and for a third, or any subsequent offence, " 8 Edw. VII, c. 69, s. 19, amended. Sec. 2. (kl " Public Place " shall mean a Itreet, highway or lane, wheth- er a thoroughfare or not, and a tavern or other place of public resort, and gen- erally any place to which the public have or are permitted to have access. Tom Martin has syeceeded in pass- Ing his first veal: exnms in practical science at Toronto Unwemty. J. M. Blyth, of Orchard, passed his ttnal year in the lame course. Jamel Mc- Queen, of Egremont. puwd' " final year in Arts, obtaining Int-clue hon. off in mathematics. MARRIED. McDouc,acL--CHAPMhN-At the resi. dence of the bride's parents, Unity, Sash,, on May '2tlth, 1913, Ada Maud, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm. Chapman, formerly of Mt, Forest, to Mr Stanley A. McDougall. The bride is a niece of Wes. and John Sin: and Mrs Robt. Mead. Egremont S. S. Association. Children Out at Night. J. J. KELSO. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, --- -t.+ TORONTO (lrliiiii.%ii/isiistwu."j:l 'hetmsxarattse.:mratctetatstdr Miss Edna Homer is enjoying her holidays with Lucknow friends. Miss Hay. who has been in train- ing tur a nurse at the Fergus Hospic- al. arrived home Manda for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs Dr. Dixon, who has been at- tending her number for the past seven Wetks, returned Thursday to her home in Chicago. Some nine pupils from our public school will write, on the Entrance Ex- ams. Great interest is being taken in the results. There passed away on Mohdny,‘ June Iii, George, son ol Mr and Mrs! Henry Reid. Though not entirely; unexpected, it was hoped deceasedx would live tor some time, as he had I neently renewed Dr. Freidman's second treatment tor consumption.' There was however no perceptible! improvement up to Saturday. when; he began to gradually gruw weaker! and at IU o'clock Monday passed into 1 the spirit world. The body wasi taken to Totvnto by train on Tuesday I for interment. Their many friendsl and acquaintances extend their sym- 1 pathy to the srrrowing wife and rel-l htives. I Rev. MrJulustun, ot Preston. will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here and ot Fairbairn Sunday next, Rev. Mr Malcolm taking his Work at Pretpor.. Mr Keith is visiting old friends in the vicinity. Hulately purchased a new live passenger lieo car, which he intends shippmg to hishume in the West. p m. l cordial invitation ls extend- ed to all. Lunch will he provided for all visitors attending. _ The Egremont Tp. S. S. Conven- tion will be held in Fairbairn ohurch Friday.Jnno 20, There will be two sessions, commencing up 2 and 7.30 Messrs Buller and Brebner shipped another carioad of their iamous pick handlesto Liverpool last week. Not only do they turn outs superior malls ot pick handles, but also miners and all kinds o' hammer handles, neck. yokes, whiilletrees, ete.y We belleva it is the'tirm's intention to add other wood turning machines to their plant so that all their timber can be nul- ized. We are also informed that or. ders are coming in quite satisfactory and the mill will be kept busy all summer. GWEN AWAY FREE. -Otte quart can of Robertson‘s paint free to every one buying 8roo worth of goods for cash or one quart can of Sherwin Williams paint to everyone buying $10 oo worth of goods in cash, dur- ing the next 30 days. J. M. Matthews, new hardware and furniture dealer, Holstein. We noticed one of our esteemed cinzens wending his way to the early train Tuesday morning. Rumor states he weal away with high hopes of obtaining a bride and that he will return next Week with the Woman of his choice. We are pleased to notice a marked improvement in oar village as the re- sult utthe recent by-laws passed by our Tp. Council. There are still a law improvements which might be carried out if our citizens will take a little pride in having the front ot their business places kept tree irom accumulated stock and rubbish, it would add greatl y to the appearance 555% ':osrsr'ersrers""4v9s"r"Rt. " gttrnW3'J-' Cei Relatives from I distance at the wedding were the bride'. gmndmoth er Mrs Brydgestf Belxmve '. Mr. A. Brydgea. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brydgee. Mr. and Mrs. Arch, BrydRe, Mr. and .Mrs Henry Brandon. Mr and Mn Jno 'Grmhy. all of Belgravr: Mrs. Joe. Ruddy, Wtnghsun, Mr, and Mrs Jag. McGallum, Brussels. of our streets. We are proud at our village t in no place our size in tln, province is there am'thing to eqad iteoeially, morally or commercially. We hope our young men will d, all they cm to help the older ones in keepinx,a hitrh record for the home of their childhood. Let old customs and habits be forgotten and let us all work together tor the good of our homes and village. The Holstein Branch of Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Murdoch on Thursday, 19th. at 230 p. m. Topic to be discussed by Mrs Mul- colm, " Love, Life and Laughter, " al- so music and a reading. Allure welcome. Mr Joln Walker recemly put 1 nice can ol-melal shingles on his barn and don't. they gluten like sil- ver , Too bad leap year is over girls. Oar teacher, Miss Weir, is prep"- ing some of her pupils for the en- trance examination to the high school and Is spring no pains to ensure their success. Now June skies are blue and lovely Scent of blossoms till the air, Birds are warblmg their praises. Nlture n so fresh and fair. Our sturdy citizens repaired part of his majesty‘s highway. our main street, list week and the way the gm. vel was hmtled Was In eight to see. Mr George ilawc as pulnmster “as the right man m the right plow. On Tuesday afternoon ol last week, Mr Ome lluut had a large nddnuou to his barn raised. Success Urrie. ”AXLURAVE Tl'i'h MI physician. Surgeon " In tlwpresenceofulnrutsixly friends l Syd“ nttentiqu paid and neighbors. a not ty wedding wanl Woman and Lhtldm minimized at c, p. m., Wrdueedar, lg; NOT? ttut, June 11, at the in me of Mr. and Mrs. pcx'lrmg. en ow Jas Tucker, 2ad 0011.. Egrement when': their daughter. Mary Either. became I othtte " “cum I the bride of Mr. Jag. u. liulgruve v:?)--------,-,- _.._.___ north east ligament. The teremonr, W. J. 881 was performed by her pastor Rev W. moms"! Conveyance:- ll Huxley. tihe was giver: away ivy‘ issuer of " her father and was unattended, except ' r . by the fl )wer girl, little Islay Mckech. l, '"t',1.'g,/M.'t'l {3,133 nie ot' Rorky Swarm. Mrs. Jos. ' lute [hummu- place; Brown, Durham. Shier vi the tundra? "mu" ',2':.',n','d'tv, played the wedding march. The In ide: 1',t"t,J,ttrti, t'1t was charmingly attired in white ductr: allmlded to. . ess satin, with pearl trimming and: 'Hee-e-ee-tere-e-, carried a white prayer book, while’ or de Vanu Fe her suit mm of n u y blue broadcloth, ( A 4mm. Freoet, m] . _ ' T . _ '.. ' '..; _ pills are "canny, . Tlu yum; couple n: 'l ”hf.“ I]! 'iete"mt.pyttiyirtl Nuts oi muln‘ lmndmme wifi-, In the ttll cheap Imiunons. . l . 1 '" box, or three (or lu-ide the prom” gave a hu kt! and ‘11:. ”to! In“ than), to organist pearl our rings and l _#' TPe-e-it-e..". - to the tiower girl a bracelet, Follow. a splendid supper the evcnmg was? “mu pleasantly >[N‘lll in Hume. games and dancing. I “The happy principals have taken up residence on his farm on the 22nd can. Egremont, where the REVIEW heart. ily joins WIN) many friends in wishing them long life and happine-s. in the sell your Wool before _ {ht there with the Cash "c-u'." South Bend fifiif'aéfiéfii‘fifilméfiéfififififlfilflfif THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. H ymeneal Successors to Robert Burnett Wool business p all. I I 'Wmuen and thiititi%. - -q 16ml”; Ear. Nose and Throat. thes than)?” tented um! glauc- pin I puny ited, games at Holstein Drug Store. Now leaves Toronto at It) 1.5 a. m. daily. except Sunday, arriving Muskoku Wharf 1.40 p. Ill. (linking direct connection with Glennie” for all points on Muskoku Lakes. A hand new main. consisting of baggage cur, Vectihulo Coaches. and Parlor-Library-Buffet our will be opemlvd and passengers are uum d td aeomfortabk tide along the tttost interesting route to Muckok. Whtof which isthe original gnaw-y lothr tar famed Muskokl Laker. This train lulu right to, vide of alealuvr at Munich Wharf, thus “aiding any inconvenience to pneum- Sundu y _lcltttot 1:710; tiaFrtee ttt tiuudaytkhoolat IO, Service. at ll a. m, and 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. IARSBALL. B, A. Pastor REV. J. MALCOLI. Maury to loan at lowest run. and [when] to suit borrower. Fire And pins are "eunuch ie,' generanre poman o! g It all cheap mutations. £5.- Kerri. Itrthee tor ti DR. JAS. L. WILSON, M. A. Physician. Surgeon and Aoooucheur Sag-i4! 11tltit.,tyy. "vert: of Dr. de Van's Female Pills .9 "lubhftwch.ml-!°ymw Wk}??? luff [humane plugs] in thoruufhly Nth-He oompmi Deeds. A m1- gugvs. Lena t'dltmli oxrculed on chum notice. All work promptly allvnded to. Presbyterian Church up New Muskoka Train Methodist Church Mivr' tit, 1913 Issuer of [when Licenses w. J. SHARP SEEK-airs} Putor PF i8 ill: " the Mule Iold It Cr [KL Eff LIN THE ii VOL. Qua!

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