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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jun 1913, p. 4

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# i Nt U 4 br b 8 ® 8 3 d# wb ds s \$ 62 K ® «9 & o , n . go9 c t . l . t .. mt . y . it .. ut . wl . pt) . 0) t yyE=ECSessgess2s2282E88m Every sition. staff 0 We have a few tons Feed Meal on hand that we offer while it lasts at Special Prices on Feed A FI NO CHANCE WORK OwWwEN soUND Any out of town buyer can have this feed shipped to their nearest station. _ We will deliver it at either station at above price. We have also a small quantity of Feed that is slightly damaged by wet. _ While it lasts we are offerâ€" ing it from eight to ton dollars per ton. The Horse Fair he day was one of the best any town in Canada dur horses changing hands : The â€" Central Drug Store Come to our Drug Store. We have the best wire and Wire Fence in Canâ€" ada to offer to our farmers. _ There is no wire manâ€" ufactured to equal the Frost and that is the kind we sell. w e aiso Seii a iower priced tfenc priced buyers. _ Then we have th Navy wire at a lower price. We have the stauff on Hand. Also Calf Meal and Stock Foods, and Prim all kinds of Stock. %, ss John McCGowan Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middiings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop _ Corn Chop _ Oat Chop _ Crimped Oats The â€" eople‘s Milis Ring us up when you 9-,70,_97'#[/?4’/ Z4 {of y MIAIUIIIINOE | $s McGowan Milling Co. c yC1 i K <¢\» wl( O + > V *!â€" C L s% 09 $ T2 ~p oo Further we have Black Oiled Wire for Wrapâ€" ig Rails and barbed wire for jagging the cattle. Different kinds of fence stretchers in abundance * ;“â€" ® p ; fi.\/ P': b.| ‘ "\.\. CA > 5 benyV V & (| | â€"â€" y p MINC , h . , uy Bring us LN 31c LL _ we fill tt f fAay 2 %9 TWMAAA â€"drugs. We a Twenty Three dollars per ton in Ton lots HARDW ARE All Spec W . BIl L.A CIS «. the Kinds of Grain Bougcht and Sold at the Mill or delivered any where in single 100 lbs., ton lots or car loads at moderate prices luction on Flour and I Oatmeal Mills Require Flour and Feed 18 E) /; ® j 74 Ofals, 1 Tho Loulls wamaio far Panoke and Anlic ) us n The family remedy for Coughs and Colds "‘Shiloh costs so little and does so much!‘ 1D Drug he MAIYLL, accept no a ther, but send stamp for Mas« i m rated bookâ€"sealed. It gives full articulars and diroctions invaluable ) ladies, W INDSOR SUPPL Y CO., Windsor, Ont General Agents for Canada. o Durham last Thurs rse Fairs ever held in the month of June, &2 od prices. ed fence to satisfy low Our Drug Store has become "The Prescription Drug Store r what physician writes 1 exactly as prescribed. s 1y Marvel s saime, _ _ _ . A. DARLING l Dis 1 in ton lots J ssrampay B \ voery Yeman \ LaÂ¥ )!A!]’ w ebrated Blatchford‘s . Molassine Meal for + for pensing Chemist est quality of ur Prescrip.ions. i with pure, fresh Phone 3 en i E & nVE hm n en No x*. " “'w is on t % Wairling Spray Douche uld know D & 1¢\ M fN & A\ 1 as h\ t 1M M i § m\ t i4 Che Burkam Review Jaly lith is the date of the byeâ€" election in North Grey for the Ontarâ€" io Legislature. This means that pollâ€" ing day is less than three weeks off and a short, sharp campaign is thereâ€" fore the order of the day. Both parâ€" ties, headed by John McQuaker, Libâ€" eral Candidate and Colin Cameron, Conservative nominee, begia holding poblic meetings on Monday, June 23rd and indications point to a great flood of speakers of both Conserva: tives and Liberals in every part of the Riding. The Liberals this time, however, fee! that victory will be theirs. The Cabinet scandal involying both Hon. W. J. Hanna and Sir James Whitâ€" ney has deservedly shaken public confidence in the Government and when once confidence is shaken as it has been during the last two months, the Government starts on the down hill road. The Liberal policies are popular in this Riding Not only Abolish the Bar but the whole proâ€" gram of social legislation includi~g Workmen‘s Compensation and adeâ€" quate factory laws. The Whitney Gvernment is also unpopalar owing to its inefficient policies in Agrlieulâ€" ture and Edacation and it is freely said that the independent voters are, in this election to qaite a remarkably degree of unanimity, in accord with Liberal polic¢ies and are going to vote to see their ideas carried out. The old Babel of sounds is going on in the camp, the clatter of the cook‘s dishes and the blows of the axe of his | assistant splitting wood. _ Mingled with this is the distant command: of innumerable officers blowing of bugles and playing of bands, while your correspondent sits in the shade writing this Iingo to your numerous readers, who may eall it trash, but there is a ; charm about it all to one possessed of patriotic spirit and having a strain of militarism in his veins. The most striking feature of the sitâ€" ration is the enthusiasm and confidâ€" ence with which the Liberals are working. The Constitaecncy is hy no means a safe Liberal seat ; in fact it has always been a very close Riding and with the exeeption of the last election when personal consideraâ€" tions made Hon. A. G. MacKay‘s election easy and inevitable, the parâ€" tigs have been almost evenly matchâ€" ed. Setting out carly to eateh the mornâ€" ing train your correspondent, after a fine refreshing, dustlaying â€" shower made connections at nearest station and found 20 recruits from Hanover aboard, this manufacturing centre for the first time baving company represntâ€" ation, while Darham for the first time in many years has none. A special from Owen Sound arrived at Saugeen Junetion at 9.30, baving companies from Markdale and Owen Sound aboard. A few more were preked up as Proton and Dundalk and after that we travelled right through with few stops, reaching Toro«to at 1.30 p. m. The Regiment now includ ing Meaford ard Thornbury took boat at 2 p. m while your correspondent took the liberty of calling on friends proceeding to Camp by a later boat. On arrigying at the historic grounds about 6. p. m., after a delightful sail on the Chippewa, regaled all the way with ragtime and other music, old friendships were soon rerewed and mutual welcomes given,. Supper is not guaranteed the first night in camp. and some we fear not aware of conâ€" ditions, went supperless to bed, thus early beginuing to real‘ze there were hbardships as well as pleasures in soldiering. We were comfortable in the hogpitality of old friends Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, the former now owner and manager of the enlarged and successful Union Jack Canning factory. Marching in Muster Roll Call this, Tuesday morning, at 6 a. m. cn an empty stomach, caused two "fall cuts"‘ after which the men were told to sit down while waiting for the officers from the pay department. Medical inspection proceeded and there is evidently more thoroughness in this process than ever before. I have not heard the result. . Appliances and conveniences of a sanitary nature are more in evidence every year; the incinerator, shower bath and filtered water are notatle instances of modern camp sanitation and much appreciated by the men. HManover as we said has 20 men and would bave had more ouly for the uncertainty of having a camp at ‘Owen Sound in the: fall instead. Markdale has its full comâ€" pany of 39 men, as also has Mealord. Owen Sound and Thornbury are below strongth, the latter having 15 to 18 meh., The Band, 18 strong are from Owen Sound. The Bugle Band, 16 strong is also from that town, little chaps .seme of thein but great to blow, More attention is being paid to firing exercises apparently, from a perusal of the order. At least 95 per cent of the U. A. C students return to the farm. The eyer popular Y. M. C. A. are doing â€"a grand and noble work here; Hon. Sam Hughes is persistently clearing the camps of the liquor traffic. and the movirig picture shows are a great source of pleasure. The Sergeant‘s mess is in full swing th‘s morning, radiant wich bright silver ware, the outcome of the fire at Owen ~Bound, necessitating a new supoly of many articles in use by the ofticers of the Regiment. â€" Our chetas dark but fally proficient and efficient. THURSDAY, JUNE 26 1913 A Short Campaign. Niagara Camp. June 17th, 1913 W. W. R THE DURHAM REVIEW « Mr and Mrs Wm. Weir visited friends in Proten a couple of days last week. Mr and Mrs D. Edge took in the excursion to Gua«lph on Saturday last, while Mrs Edge went through to Galt and remained a few days. Mr Chas. H. Moffat and W. J. Me: Farlane attended the races io Dunâ€" dalk on Monday of this week. Mr Arthur Greenwood was in Tor. onto last week on business. Mr Vin. Goodeve, of Toronto, visitâ€" ed his cousin, Mr Artbur Greenwood, ons day lately. Mrs H. Williams and daughter, Miss Nona, was in Guelph on Satarâ€" day last. Mr W. R. Edge w«s also a yisitor to the Model farm on Satâ€" urday last. Mr. Joe Jasper of Walkerton called on Mr. Thos. Ritchie and day last week. Mrs, Brydges of Woodbridge and daughter Mrs. Jas. Tucker of Egremont visited at Mrs, Robt. Ector‘s one day last week, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Greenwood returned bhome after spending a week visiting friends in Hamilton. _ Miss Irene Ritchie is visiting fiends in Walkerton at present. Miss Ada Staples of Markdale visited with her brother Fred a couple of days last week, Miss Mary Ramage of Thistle was the guest cf Miss Val. Edge a couple of days last week. Miss Nellie Colliee arriyed home from Toronto last Wednesdaylooki ng hale and hearty. We extend hearty congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Alex Aljoe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir attended the Tuackerâ€" Margrave wedding on Wednesday last. Mr. W. . Edge disposed of one of his horses on Fair day for, a neat sum. Miss M. MaFayden took in the excursion to Guelph on Saturday last. Mr Ben Whitmore took in the exâ€" curslon to Guelph Model Farm on Saturday. Mr. Ceoil Wolfe accompauied by Miss Bea McGowan of town visited {mends on the avenue one evening lately. Mr. Dan Firth ol Toronto visited with his mother Mrs. D. Firth a couple of days last week. Mrs. Richard Bavks leaves shortly to yisit friends in the west,. We wish Rer a pleasant journey and safe return. Mr. Jno. Boyd has been seriously ill but is improving slightly. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staples and Mr. and Mrs. W. J, McFarlane attended the (Allenâ€"Donnelly) wedding on Wednesday of this week. Pleased to hbear Mrs. W. R. Edge 1i improving. Quite a number of men and ladies arourd our corner were at the barn raising at Mr Jos. Patterson‘s, (ceâ€" menot lake) on Tharsday last. In the evering young and old enjoyed themse!ves in music and dancing. Miss Millic Hopkins came homs from Toronto on Saturday. The L. 0. L. 1192 have decided to celebrate the 12th Jualy in Hanover this year. f Bornâ€"to Mr and Mrs Robt. Mcâ€" Fadden, on June 20th, a son. Conâ€" gratulations. Mrs J. Wincgarden, of Hamilton, is spending a few days this week with her brother, Mr Wess Arnett Nr Thos. Whitmore and Miss Tena Newell were among the exeursionâ€" ists to Guelph on Saturday. Mrs. Harry E. Bye, Main street north, Mount Forest, Ont., writes: * Your remedy for kidney, bladder and stomach trouble has given me great relief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like liv. ing and better than I have felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS a‘l the praise, for they are the best I have ever tried." _ At all deaters, 25 and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill‘Co., St. Thomas, Ont. JAMES R. GUN, The only preparation that has proved good when others failed. Easily upglicd. Cheaper and betâ€" ter than Paris Green. No water to carry. _ Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Turâ€" nips as well as the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants are appearing as this preparation kills the â€"beetle as the late bugs. â€" The only preparâ€" ation that is a fertilizer as well as insecticide. C The Preparation that kills the Potato Bug and not the Plant G. T. R, Town Made and sold only by A Woman of Few Words Popular Place PARKERS‘ BUG KILLER Druggist, Durham Edge Hill TORONTO Ticket Agent The arid conditions which hbave prevailed without cessation for the vast six weeks were terminated on Thursday and Friday when the lowâ€" lying clouds dropped down their garnered tullness on a thirsty, sufferâ€" ing earth. Things were about as dry as one of Billy O‘Mara‘s last year whiskey : flasks, but the downpour bas reyived the wilted vegetation and transformed the very face of Nature. «It has come rather late to promote a goâ€"d growth in the meaâ€" dows, as the ccmbined rcourge of drought and frast have reduced some of them tothe condition of pasturage areas, but che roots and spring erop wil! be vastly benefitted and with ideal conditions thencetorward, will | be a good yield. Several pupils from this vicinity were in Durham and Chatsworth last week writing on the Entrance. May their efforts be rewarded with sucâ€" cess and may this be only a stepping stone to higher mental attainments and wider knowledge in their future career. Rural schools close on Friday of this week, when the seyeral teachers will spend their vacation at their reâ€" spective homes : Miss Reid at Droâ€" more, Miss Frook at Hanoyer, Miss McGillivray at Paisley and Miss Moâ€" her at Peterborough. We wish them all a pleasant vacation and trust they may return physically and mentally recuperated to carry on that most glorious of all work, the moral and mex(:ital education of the youth of our land. The third of a series of socials in connection with Latona Suanday school, Dornoch, will be held in the church .on Friday evening ot this week. There will be a choice proâ€" gram of social and instrumental musi¢c, addresses, recitations, &c., and the ladies will proyide a choice tea. All are cordially invited to be present at this social function. Contractor Nabn, of Williamsford, is erecting a stone foundation for Mr Colin Melotyre‘s new barn, which will be raised in the course of the next fortnight. â€" Vahl is a competent imechanic and many evidences of the superiority cf his handiwork is seen throughout the adjoining townships. Dr. J. L. Smith, accompanied by his estimable partner, are enjoying their annual holiday with friends in Artbhur. _ The Dr. will attend the Meqaical Conference in London as well. The home of Mr and Mrs Geo. Jones, on the 2nd concession ef Benâ€" tinck, was the scene of a very pretty double wedding on Wednesday of last week, when their two daughters, Luelia and Sadie, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony to the men ¢f their choice, Mr Thos. Heathâ€" er, of Chatsworth and Mr George Hay. of Dornoch, respectively. Preâ€" cisely at six o‘elock the two grooms took their place under a beautifal arch in the partor and a moment i#â€" ter to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Zamack, of Wiliiamsf. rd, came the two brides leaning on the arms of their granaâ€" fatbher, Mr Cron, of I‘reston. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev, Mr Stevenson, of Dornoch and was witâ€" nessed by a very large number of guests, not only from the immediate community, but many from outside points as well, After many hearty congratulations and well wishes the guests sat down to a samptuous weuâ€" ing feast and did ample justice to the many tempting del.cacies so abunâ€" dantly provided. In the enchantizrg hours of the gloaming the floors were cleared and the melodious strains of the genuine Pat Malone‘s yiolin soon attuned each spirit to harmony and the guests were soon enjoying the whirl of the mazy dance. This was continued till the hour of dawn when the merry gathering dispersed. We might add that the two brides were the recipients of many uselaul and costly presents, which attests to the esteem with which they are held by their large circle of friends. We voice the sentiments of the communâ€" ity, when we wish th: two young couples many years of prosperity and connubial bliss, as they sail o‘er the billowy ocean of time. The Women‘s Home and Foreign Mission Society of Barns Charch will hold their next montbly meeting at the home of Mrs Heslip, Glenroader. on July 20d at two v‘clock in the atâ€" terrodn. All the ladies in the conâ€" gre»«ion are kindly invited . Miss Mary Morton, teacher, from Chesley, spent the week end with friends bere: Mr and Mrs A. Morton and Miss Townsend spent last week end with Mr and Mrs Jobn Milligan, at Vieâ€" kers. Mr Thos. Scarf made a business trip to Markdale last week. M: J ho Newell called on friends here one day last week. Mr Ritchie, of Markdale, visited for a lew days last week with his son here. quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heal the throat and lungs. _ :: :: _ 25 cents. (On the same atternoon as the preâ€" ceding eyent took place at the hour of 4 p. m. Mr James Buchanan, of Paisley. formerly of Dornoch, and Miss Cora Jobnston, one of Dornoch‘s bonnie latsies, were united in bholy wedlock. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. N. Steyenson, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. After enjoyâ€" ing an abundant wedding dinner a pleasant time was spent in masic, games and dancing till about the midnight hour. Mr and Mrs Bacharâ€" an take up their residence on the farm near Paisley and all unite in bhoping that the new home formed ‘‘among the myriad homes of earth *‘ may be une where loveand happiness wil'l] dwelii and where prosperity will smile. SHIILOFHI Rocky Saugeen Dornoch ++ > ++ â€"__._ Rack T Rexall nameelaSela Ceferelacelete[exeovelac e #ela® ol la ole ala" ola ala o eve abelacale eleue ecelacetede i Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, us $ Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, ki 4: im # etc, f‘g 7’%; Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with bib a % and without bib. a & Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, %g & kz * Embroideries. i 2 4o o Aost: ce cQo ce ce se . ofe ofe ofe oh efecfeefrafanfrofiacaai» s ce ofie + Ip 4 o o Qo ce ce ofe cforfe ofacfe _ cfecfecfacfe foofe Prafec¢e ce faait oi are instantly relieved by Rexall Foot Tablets 25c a package. Try them Violet Taleum abe Trailing Arbutus 25¢ Rose Bud toilet water 5oc Wood Violet 50c are each a toilet gem. Ladies who have used them are highly delightâ€" ed. Take them with you on your vacation. Q P R Town Office Higlest prices for Butter and Eggs. THE CITY BAKERY .orlc E All letters from Canada must be addressed ' to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" ppoooate o mcnt in Windsor, Ont. " If you desire to see mnfially can‘gt_our Medical Institute in De‘ot:oit as we see and tmaé mo n our Windsor offices which are Correspondence an Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : ___.___ ___ DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.‘ Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakary goods We still have in stock a fine assortment .of Books Freeâ€""Bovhood. Manhana wai "} V_j,@ 40r an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€""Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Lllustrated) on Eueuu of Men. NO NAMES USED wiTHoUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No mames on bo: lopes. ing Confidential, Question Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TrEarMent. Pungglige /.. e 0 Mhs+ ao+ & Eul READER very life blood of the victim and unle fi\fl complications. Beware of Me ‘HOD cures all blood diseases, YOUNG OR MIDDLE AcrD wEX down your gystem. You feel the sym Â¥itally you are not the mal, o. y ryInPtoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will youheed mm"mr MR BPRA A sls s lplun l a e 2 C VARICOSE VEINS CURED #@~ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT wnrm:!i CONnsENT, Confined to His Home for ‘W“ksg HAS,YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POTISON RLOOD POTSONS are the most prevalent Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Macfarlane & Co. Try our Fresh Oysters C. L GRANT Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Grocemes, The rat Saet oi‘ . S 3 Procress was somewhat slow and during the first month‘s treatment I was samewhat discouraged. However, I continued treatment for three months Ioufcud was rewarded with a complete cure. 1 could only earn €12 m week in a machine :h(m;:hm 'rmtmgz. ng}v 1 am earning $21 and never loose a day. w. sufterers knew yournlum treatment, HENRY C, LOCUST. "Teavry work, severe straining and ovil habits in on Turicos? Veins. When I worked hard the mn:fmmwwm severe and 1 was often laid up for a week at & time, My “""1'! i)hy_ai&-ian U"I‘j me x}r;fi)perl;)u:m wns‘ my gnly‘hsfo-bum t I Mtod y tried several specialists, but soon found ou * was money, Icommenced to look upon all doctors as W than rogues, One day mrv boss asked me why I was off work so much and Itoid him m{ condition, _ Ieadvised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and ski‘lliul I wrote them and got Tax New Merrop Trearicyr. My progress was somewhat slow and during . _ A. ROWE W Summer Reading A dandy lot of Cassels Popular Novels. Paper Cover _ 2 for 250 Cloth 35¢ each See the list. Buy your tickets here ". M.__%‘ JUN 3 26, 1913 4 Mos Cut P 1.00 Cay 1.50 Bla 1,25 St Proi Jus JUNE 26 «t E Fresh TH WC ca Special Speci

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