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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jun 1913, p. 5

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. 1913 *n‘ An" Ax "ul twX be adgreesnd Ence part= jou desire to see and treat ondence and as follows: : have broken physically and anger signals? > marry? Has Nzw Mctnop Consultation ree of Charge, of Men, No names om of Treatment EBE 3 Cassels Mich, RED foOr 220C c each KS SED7 the â€"oOur nedy & 1 knew ® New during wever warded achi n® YX upfi cht om ecome {amily ded it. NEW M Ag? 3 & ) 3 ce 4 & # Most People do a lot of Walking (C _ es e en ; | M You cannot go any where wi 1 2 &.’,‘;\5‘;\‘:\, m‘ out walking some. _ Our sh 6 s Es‘ 4 ~'; make walking easy because th |A » 5 x eW TB D c B ie bus WWe s Bscc el At th \s we are crowded in our store for room, we will also offer pecial prices on the following : 1.00 Caps, newest styles, for. . 75c . 15c Caps, newest styles, for . . 50c 1.50 Black Fedoras for ......1.00. Reduced Prices on all Fedoras 1.25 Straws for Cut Prices on All Straw Hats Just Arrived 4£3hK )\ MV Small Profits Fresh Groceries are continually The highest prices for ] JUNE 26, 1913 Special Prices on Men‘s and Boys‘ Fine Shoes THE IDEAL MEN‘S FURNISHING STORE Eggs Taken same as Cash Special Prices on Caps and Fedoras \ seloct stock of Rugs and Mats in the newest designs, in the neatest Orienâ€" tal shados and in a large range of sizes. _ We cordially invite you to have a look through on the second floor. Down Town Shoe Stose TAKENK AS CASH, e carry A fine stock of Scootch Ginghams, â€"are neat patterns and fast colors. 10 and 15 cents per yard. @19 V \ protby stock of Wall Papers made by the celebrated Canadian irm, Staunton‘s, rich in appearance theugh no# too costly and in the most upâ€"toâ€"date designs. A large stock of Oeylon tea 1 with all tha arosms for which famous. Custom Work and Repairing as usual McKechnie‘s Weekly News ‘zs: A nice stock of Boots and Shoes in the newest styles. Made on sv fitting@ lasts. See the men‘s working shoes at $1.75. Star of India 25c. . & J. McKECHNIE â€"+>*1cs>s+RO0k 75¢ Child‘s S SPECIAL PRICES ON PANAMAS. largest and most upâ€"toâ€"date stock of Men‘s and Boys‘ Furnishings in town. lere is where Fashion reigns supreme in Everything a man wears. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some niee pumps in stock in Patenot, Tan and Gunmetal. Some fine values in Hosiery, either Men‘s, Ladies‘, Misses‘, or Children‘s wear. _ Trunks, SQuitcases, Clubbags, &c, in stock You cannot go any where withâ€" out walking some. _ Our shoes make walking easy because they are good shoes in the first place and your conscience is at ease because you bought them so reasonable. J. S. McILRAITH We have waited for straw hat weathâ€" er until it is getting late in the season so we have made up our mind to get hats started as we have an extra large stock on hand. _ We have put special reduced prices for the following week : Here are some of them : $2.00 Fine Soft Straws for...... ... .1.50 Geo. S. Burnett Light of Asia 35c. fresh from the balmy island of Ceylon i the tea from that far famed isle is d ‘ arriving Butter and Eggs. Mr Jos. Maxwell, of Radison, Sask., is visiting at Mr John Aldâ€" corn‘s. Mr and Mrs Oldfield visited last Sunday at Mr D. Campbell‘s. Mr and Mrs D. McCormack Sanâ€" dayed at Popular Place. * Mr Sam Gobheen visited at Mr Donâ€" ald Campbell‘s. Miss Gertie Wilson, of St. Mary‘s, is visitiog her many friends in Bwamp College. Miss Tena Ferguason is home from ‘Toronto. Miss Edith MeNaalty is home for a boliday from the Queen City. Mr N. McDonald and Miss Barnett, of Priceville Sundayed at Mr Jcba Aldcora‘s. Mr E. Acheson and Miss Ramage of Dundalk, Sundayed in our burg Swinton Park. 10 patterns 7 1.25 Work Shirts for.............1.00 1.25 Fine Negligee Shirts for ... .. .1.00 1.00 Fine Negligee Shirts for......50c 75¢ Neekties for 50c. $1.00 Ties for 75c A good Hoge at............20c pr, _ or 3 pairs for.............. 50c Fancy Hose for .. ... ....35c. 15c Fancy Hose for.......... Odd Pants, both fine and working, at a Reduced Price Highâ€"class Neckwear at Cut Prices Special Prices on Shirts Readyâ€"made Suits at a Bargain (Our heartiest congratulations are extended to the three couples who were married last Wednesday, namely Miss Ccra Johnson to Mr. James Buchanan. Miss Luella Jones to Mr. Thomas Heather and Miss Sarah Jones to Mr. George Hay. us Mr. and Mrs. Shewell and family yisited oyer Sunday with relatives in Owen Sound. Miss Kathle:n Sullivan of Dornoch spent last week with her consin Miss Marie Walsh. Misses Lolita Walsh and Glenna Campbell and Master John Walsh were in Durbam last week writing on the entrance exams. We hope they will all be successful: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honess visited on Sunday with Crawford friends. Messrs G. Shewell and J. Bailey spent Sunday with Louise friends. Mr. D. Sweeney of Louise spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Shewell, Among the number from this vicmity who took in the excursion to (Gueiph on Saturday were, Mr. H. Alexander and Mr. George and Miss Margaret Alexander, Mr. Doss Campâ€" bell and Misses McGillyray,. _ All report a very good time, Special Prices in Hosiery Mr. H. Boyce is engaged working in & factory in Hanover. Miss Nellie Shewell spent Sunday afternoon with her friend Miss Lolita Walsh. Mr. Will Campbell is busy framing with Mr. Sharp of Normauby. \ ~Misses Lyla MeKnight and Norma \Black spent Saturday with Durbham friends. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones, which was prettily decorated with flowers, the wedding took place at six o‘clock, Wednesday June 18th, of their daughters, Miss Sarah to Mr. G. Hay of Dornoch, and Miss Ella to Mr. T. Heather of Chatsworth. Rev. N. Steyenson officiated. The wedding march was played by Miss Lavina Zumaek of Williamsford. The brides who were giyen away by their grandfather were gowned in cream and blue silk and woere a wreath of orange blossoms. They received many beautiful and costly presents. We extend our hearty congratulations to both. Dr. J. L. Smith and Mrs. Smith leit Friday, to spend a few days with friends in Arthur. Miss Ivy Dargavel and Mre L. Kelly. took in the picnic at Williamsford on Tuesday. Mr. Clarence MoEiwain visited this burg Friday eve. What‘s the attracâ€" tion 0 ? Miss L. Moher returned on Saturâ€" day, after spending a couple of weeks at North Bay. Mr. Jack Rae visited Williamsford friends Sunday eve. Mr., Wess Boldt, speat Sun. eve in Dornoch. Financial assistance was givem to 18 local Horse Shows and 37 local Poultry Over 50 apiary demonstrations were held throughout the Province. The Fruit Experiment Parm at Jorâ€" dan is making good progcress. The big stock shows at Guelph and Ottawa have shown great advances. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Samuel Black is not improving. THE DURHAM REVIEW Welbeck Dornoch A feow odd sizes in ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Next Door to Standard Bank in the Town Hall, with but a small Ltendance and not one delegate presâ€" nt from the yarious branches to reâ€" ort. Mrs Blyth, of Varney, who is the new Presidentâ€"elect of this disâ€" trict, gave a fine report of the Dur, ham branch and Mrs McGirr, the efficâ€" ient Secretary, read the yarious reâ€" ports sent in for the government by the Secretaries of the different branchâ€" es All but one or two report proâ€" gress. Dromore has 35 members, had 9 meetings with an attendance of 234 and 24 papers readâ€"$81.60 funds in hands _ Holstein has 32 members, had 12 meetings with an attendance of 184 and 14 papers prepared and readâ€" $11.00 funds on hands, Durkham branch held ten meetings during the year with a total attendâ€" ance of 414, Twenty papers and adâ€" dresses were given and a debate was held at the girls‘ meeting in August, which was very interesting, 62 being present at that meeting. Over 90 attended the At Home in the Town Hall, Durham, in March and & most enjoyable time was spent. Rev. Mr Prudham spoke on * Good Citizenâ€" sbhip" and gave some splendid thoughts on that line, We also had the pleasure of having the Rey., Mr Kendell at our Sept. meeting and it is necdless to say that their addressés were splendid and will long be rememâ€" bered by those present, Dr, Grant, of Durham, gave an exâ€" cellent paper ab the Dec. meeting on the " Care of the Teeth." The Execuâ€" tive ind programme committee were greatly pleased that the members willâ€" ingly took the papers assigned to them. There was not a poor paper read during the whole year. All were worth hearing, The Women‘s Institute held their nnual district meeting last Thursday A concert was held in the fall and over $37 was made at it and 810 was made at the demonstration lecture by Miss McPhee. Xmas gifts were giyen to each of the editors and flowers were sent to the sick and $12 was given to the fund for the Sanitorium in Toronto, Ous expenses during the year were $31.98 and we still have cash on hand $59.90, Inauguration of Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route Service between East and West Canada. The service afforded by this routé is the finest in every respect and includes Parlor and Pariorâ€"Oafe service between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf, excellent service on the boats of the Noithern Navigation Compuny, including the " Hamonic," the finest and fastest passenger boat on the Great Lakes. Standard Sleeping cars (Electric Lights in Lower and Upper Berths), @olonist Women‘s Institute. Conmpencing Saturday, June 7th, Westbound, and on each Monday, Wednesday apd Saturday thereafter, the Grand Trank Railway will onerate a special "Steamship Express " leavâ€" ing Toronto 10.45 a. m., ltoppl&g at Hamiltion, Brantford, Paris, oodâ€" stock, Ingersoll, Loaden and Strathroy arriving Saroia W harf 4.00 p.m making direst connection with the Northern Navigation (}on&’n’l palatial steamers leavipg Sarnia Wharf 4.15 p. m. feor Saulte Ste Marie, Ont., Port Arthur and Fort William. On the arrival of the steamer at Fort William, special trains of the highest standard will leave that point at 4.43 Steamer leaviog _ Sarnia Wharf Monday does not wall at Port Arthur, p. m., asriving Winnipeg 7.45 a. m. rext morning. haying direct steamer leaves Saroia on Friday, June 13th, _ Full particulaes, reservations on steamer or train na§~bo obtained on application to Grand Trunk Agents, or write 0. E. Horning, Distriet Passenger Sleeping Cars (Berths Free) Dining Car and Coaches on the Grand Trunk Pacific between Foet Willlam and Edmwonton, commencing June 16th. ks A special train will run the reverse wayâ€"from Farnia Wharf to Foronto, eommenciag Bunday, June 8th, and Fine brick store and dwelling on Main street, Durham. Owner in West. A bargain. Apply to A. H. JACKSON,. Agent, Upion #tation, Torento, Ont. Comfortable eightâ€"roomed dwelling bouse with good stone cellar. in the village of Priceville, well situated, very convenient, with good orchard and garden. A bargain to quick hbuy» er, â€" For further particulars apply to Que of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"three houses for the price of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight rodmed houses. Two rooms solid osk floors and trimmings. _ Two mantels farnace, eistern, good garden, young orehard. _ One frame seven roomed house, Must be sold as owher is going West. Apply on premises or write One General Rurpose Colt rising 2 years old, One Olyde Colt rising 1 year. Both firstâ€"class. F. McKIxxo®, North Ling, Priceville, Ont. The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of let 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glénelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Yon. 2, E. G. R. Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Oon. §, 8.D.R., Gtenelg, 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con. 8. 8.U.R., Glenelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., Glenelg, 55 acres Lot 7, Oon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McKEcHXI®E, Darham triesas tothe Hahn House, Durham, Wed., July Z2nd ' protect and adorn your bald head with human hair, In order to hayve a conception of the wonderful achlevement in the art of hair constructing. B n Every bald man should call and see Z# _ g‘% @ the large sample stock of Hair ? *R Toupees and full wigs which Prof. 635 Dorenwend will be showing. 7&@_ A%L â€" A Free Demonstration is extenâ€" ded to all. Comé and bring your Hahn House, Durham ( Wednesday, July 2nd \, Will also be at Walkeston, Hartley House, Thurs, July 3rd; Harriston Collison House, July 4th ; Fergus, Commercial Hotel, Saturday, J uly 5â€" of Toronto, is coming to the PROF. DORENWEND REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY CLARK RussELL, Priceville Farms for Sale. AMERICA‘S GR&EATEST HAIR GOODS ARTIST J. M. Larim®n®, Durham For Sale For For Do not miss this opportunity. See his irans Switches, Wavelets, Pompadours, Full Wigs, Dorenwend SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE Gentlemen who are bald Sold EASY PAYMENT Plan (LIMIPED) 144 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont, will rent a Light Touch Monarch for one month. will rent a Light ‘FTouch Monarch for <six months. cennection mMONARCH DEPARTMENT Illustrated â€" Litorature Malied upon request $3 .00 $15.00 If You are Not Too Lazy to Work a Farm, 100 acres 1 mile South of W illiamefofta a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost, 100 acres near Mount Forest, cheap at __under $4,000, _ : a6oal 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George T wamley‘s t&mkz.- fine wellâ€"tmproyâ€" ed place on which MUr Twamley made money, olfered at a great bergain, 200 acres near Louise, good #arm, extra. Duildings, timber worth most of the price, 150 acres aear DurbhAm, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $14000, 300 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes farm) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near lAstowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved, Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Landgs for sale or exâ€" change, Above are some of my Many Barâ€" gains I will Pay you to Buy from me. H.H. Miller ~°R C ~ & x\ > % NIBS cftag * 81 8} Electric Restorer for Twilled Sizeeting 2 yas wide.25¢ gd Heayy bleached sheeting, 2 _ _ BIG 4 yianwidle............ ....1000pg Bed @omforters from ............. ... .. .1.25 up to 85 each . Floor Oilcloth, .. 80¢ a equare yv&rd Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd New Spring Prints all now is Call and see them yds LADIES ! long, LACE CURTAINS wW. H. BEAN w4 n 40 in 30 in 54 in 60 in GO in See his Transformations, es Full Wigs. Curls, eto. toadt ind CALDER‘S wide . wide . wide . wide wide wide The Hanover Conveyancer BLOCK 1.90 pr 1.50 pr 15¢ pr 1,00 pr 25¢ pr

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