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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jun 1913, p. 8

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I&% #y #4 $ op4 * 32 Pn Po 7 390 dn n a e areare ate ie ae P t mor THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. Port McNichol, C. P. R. agent. © MacFARKLANE Town Agent, $ t) © © \ Service Periected by studied effort and years of experience 40MESEEKERS EXCURSION each Taesday until October 28. H $ TAYLOR&CO.Dromore é ; 6 G4#4 2000000006000 04004°0â€"0°0 Winnipeg and return $35.00 )ther points in proportion. _ Return lin ves Toronto 2 p. m. each Tuesday until Parasols with 8 paragon ribs, and patent two bulb ruaners, fine taffeta covers, special .. . . Ladies‘® Paramatta Raincoats.â€">.>>>.>>} ...... Splendid value at $8.50, 10, 11, 13 Raincoats for Men T wo new block patte Redpath‘s Best Gran. Sugar, per 100 lbs..4 3 Ibs Recleaned Currants for ...... ....... 6 bars Comfort Soap for ... ........} k66 6 bars Sunlight Soap for . .......... «ceÂ¥ h Old Datch Cleanger.... .......... ...3 for : Hest Canued Corn...... .... «.. .«.«.0 TK ! Best Canned Beans.... ...... ...... .3 for : Best Canned Pampkins. .... ... ..3 for : Best Canned Tomatoes ...... .... ....2 for : Get our new Cash Price for () When it Rains Have you a good Umbrelia ? t We handle the fimous Bulldog Overall. Peabody‘sâ€"both guaranteed. Boys‘ Pants SKC...li.....r.rn%sâ€">.nnvc00l Men‘s Fancy Straw Hats at.... . ....50 Men‘s Work Shirts at .... 50¢, also T5¢ Men‘s Fancy Shirts atb..............1.0 ne 57 Hours Toronto to Winnipeg Blankets at......4.25 Yarn at ... 50c per lb Underwear ................ .. .. .. at 10no to 600 Prints, Ginghams and Muslins in endless colorâ€" ings and styles.............. 100 to 50c per yd CARPETS, LINOLEUMS and OILCLOTHS * mt F2 1e ns cce Can c Be sure and get our price on Wool NAIRNS SCOTCH LINOLEUMâ€"50 cents ing Tuesdays & Saturdays er â€" luxurious _ steamers, Jays, â€" Wednesdays and Now the Wool Season has started we wish you and Produce before selling. If not a customer, you should be. _ We will welcome you. GREAT Fastest and Most Luxurious of Steamers wol, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie, Port William very large range to choose from. Rolls best heavy Scotch Linoleum, ficsal and us. Four yds wide â€"special per yard 500, TAYLOR & CO. Furnishings for Men LADIES! See our i to get our prices before selling. They are the highest. .00 _ Edmonton and Return $43.00 Returnlimit two months. _ Homeseekers‘ train sday until August 26. Full particulars from any Durham HWloot 4« +« Steamship Express Leaves Toronto daily, except Friday and Sunday 12.45 noon, and arrives at ship‘s side 3.55 p. m. â€" Parlor cars, first class p. m. coaches .3 for 3 for 3 tor 3 for 2 for aye o Eggeege o eSypy eage ujes <ota n ds t sls 0)50 250 ;5c §5c -)5c :50 '-':')o . ... . .3d5¢ per pr . . . . .500 to 3.60 also 75¢ and 1.00 . .. +~,. t.O00 to 200 t!. A. HAY, Station Agent 1.50 io pesppa fhage o reutth Soe yE aipe o C u2C 3 LC |:|!r‘nԤtnfn§ atemiral %mr%:fir? atraut Bost Canned Peas...... .... Old Thaum Tobacco...... ... MeDonald Brier Tobaceo.... McDonald Chewing Tobaceo T. & B. Smoking Tobaeco .. Stag Tobacco.............. Black Watch Tobaceo.... .. 3 pound pkgs seeded raisins THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY : Don‘t Pay the Long Price for Your Groceries Also One third of your life: is spent in bed from dressing. | Special.............. k.k eÂ¥ 00 Twill sheeting, very heavy and full width, Spec ial per yYArd . ... .. 0Â¥ ..6k se k e k66 e e k 66e k d en Circular Pillow Cotton in extra heavy quality per YATO.... ........ 06e aa k d rr de k en 6+ ek k 0e Special Duck and Drill Suiting ~15¢ These new Costume Drills in tan and white are good to wear asd make up beautifully. Per yard â€" 15c Bedford Cords We were oue of these for a few days$ but have a new line in again. _ A splendid quality at pe® yard 20 cents We sell for less The showers of late have been of a ML UCU JcBHIam GP NUSJ "TUCCCCO great benefit to the crops, although the foundation for Wm McDougall‘s they will ‘be light crop. \ new house. Mr Jas. Geddes took in the excur Ml“ and Mrs Joe Rawn and daughâ€" sion to the 0. A. C. and farm Saturâ€" |ter Gladys visited at the home of Mr day, remaining over Sunday visiting | Arch McCaw, Sunday. riends. | The John McDougall & Jno Hunâ€" Mr Geo. Lothian, Deputy reeve, is‘teflamilies atgendtd the Lamontâ€" attending the Counsy CGounci: in!Huntet wedding last week and the Owen Sound this week . | IIut;terâ€"-Robb wedding this Wed:â€" â€"«\~* * rnesday. Miss Jennie Shand, Hopeville, is spending the week at J. Geddes‘. Garden parties are the sole topic at present. All nature is rejoicing after the beautifal ralnfall of last week. The farmers seem to be happy also. Quite a number from ‘our yillage attended the Model Farm at Guelph last Saturday and report a gooa time. Miss Janet Hay is enjoying holiday with her parents here A few of the young people from here spent a pleasant evening at the Garden party at Ebenezer on Tuesday evening . Miss Louisa Ramage spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Georgina Hay. Mr. Wm. Ramage is spending a coub?le of weeks with the volunteers at Niagara. All the High School pupils except those in 3rd form who are writing their exams are home for the holidays. The young people of Amos Chureh are bolding a Garden Fariy and concert at the church on,Taesday the ist of July. Excellent talent from Toronto is being secured. Admission only 25c and, children 15¢. "ile Our Deputyâ€"Reeye, Mr. (Geo. Lothâ€" ian is ia Owen Sound this week atâ€" tending the County Council meeting having motored up with Reeve Calder of Darham. / Dr. Sneath, Miss A. Renwick and Mr. and Mrs. R. Renwick motored to Mc. Forest on Tuesday evening to hear The Royal Gwent Male Choruas. Mr. and Mrs. McLean of Meaford visited the formers sister Mrs. C, McMillan over the week end. = Mr. R Renwick Ss. attended the Sumday School Convention at Fairbairn last Friday and gave a paper on the organized Bible Classy The Dromode branch of Women‘s | effect. Tostitute will hold their next meeting| Rev. Mr Pradham gave an exeelâ€" in Russell Hall on Jaly 7, when the|lent address at each session in 8. 8. delegate will be present. Any perâ€"| work. He also bad the question son wishing to receive the Canadian| drawer, which he handled apparentâ€" Home Journal for the year will kisdâ€", ty to the satisfaction cf all, although ly give in their name to the Seereâ€" some appeared to be yery knotty tary. The price is 50 cents per year.| ones. A great amount of good should Hear Miss Rarbara Foster, Contralâ€" | come of these conyentions it the 8. 8. to soleist. who gave such satisfaction | officers would profit hy ore another‘s in her last appearance here, assisted | g"tlpfia':”“ and not keep in the same un C C sey c d gec s xsd » in EL ioÂ¥ ap pReERARTIAUT ARTTE OA OCOSd by Miss Barbara Watson, Scotch | elocutionist, and the choir, at the, Concert in Amos Church july 1st. | Hrs'Jss. Robertson of St Vincent, who was visiting her father and sisters eeeieie i icstesiectcainsinare o+ Greenside Dromore HoOLSTEIN 2 for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for .3 for for 250 20¢ 200 258 200 200 200 200 THE DURHAM REVIEW a weeks 8 pound select Valencia raisins . 3 poound seedless Sultana Raisins 5 lbs 300 Green Japan Tea for ... 5 Ibs 30¢ Black Cey lon Tea for.. 3 pkgs Gilletts Lya.......... ... 3 pkgs handy Anrmonia.... ... 3 pkgs Comtort Lye...... .. .e 2 tins good red Salmon......... PNS Because w in Mt Forest, visited her brothers, Wm, Heury, and James in our burg on Sunday., _ s yee _ Mr John McDougall has improved | his premises by putting up a new forty rod Sarnia wire fence. . Messrs Joel Grimshaw aud R P. i McCaw took in"the excursion to the Guelph Model Farm on Saturday, the latter visiting friends there over Sunday. C | Quite a number of the Woodland \Pres congregation assembled at the lhome of Mr John Hunter on Monday | evening and presented their organâ€"| | 1st Miss Maggie Hunter with a handâ€"| some purse of money. i _Mr Geo Schram is busy building the foundation for Wm McDougall‘s new house. it Mr Nelson Irvine of Bassano, Alta. who is visiting Holstein relatives accompanied by Mrs Jro Orchard Holstein, yvisited this burg on Thurs day last. Egremont S. School Couvention The fiftecnth annual couvention of the Egremont Sunday School associaâ€" tion was held at Fairbairn on afterâ€" noon and evening ot Friday, June Although the afternoon was showâ€" ery, a goodly number availed themâ€" selves of the privilege of hearing an excellent program at both sessions. Aftter devotional excercises, report and appointments, a paper was giyen on elementary work in the 8. 8. by Miss N. Philp, of Holstein, which was well rendered, emphasis being laid on the cradle roll department, of which she was superintendent the past year and reâ€"elected for the enâ€" suing year, Miss MeBwen, of Cedarville, then gave a splendid paper on the manâ€" 'ngemem of young people. She beâ€" ing a public schoul teacher appeared to be in her element and her paper was much appreciated . Mr R. Renwick gave an address on the organized Bible elass, ourtlining the proceedings as that of getting ore of the young peopte into activâ€" y, something that will surely, alâ€" bhough it may in some cases appear to be slow, have a good and lasting effect. s For tHE® Juxg Wsonvixg.â€"The Hiret requisite is the invitations, and these the * Review can supply you, tastefully and neatly printed and in correct styles. Call or write to see our samples and prices. .30 .39 .25 TORONTO Among the specials bicked up by our buyer in a recent trip to the city is a splendid line of ribbed cotton hose in all sizes from 4 to 94. _ Seamless, spliced toes and heels and past black. Should sell at 18 or 20¢ a pair. Only about 20 dozen in this little lot. While they last 2 pairs for a quarter Ladies Summer It pays to look aroundâ€"you 11 uever know what you‘re missing if you don‘t see these values. See the vests we seil 2 for 25¢ See our special at only 18c See how much quality we offer in our vests at .... 250 Then buy where you can buy the bestâ€"That‘s here. Ribbed Cotton Hose copaper oeae hi i 1ote e e ereae e on en dn for 25¢ for 25¢ .. $1,.0) .. $1,00 for tor for for 250 250 250 EECHIRMIET APURINCY * I TI A 1 M s r ie Annual Me John McKenzie, M. D , of Superi0r | was held on the 14 Junagion is home on a short visit to | was chicefly the ele his father. arranging for the The united Sunday Schools of Mt. | The efiicers and Forest are making arrangements lor | the year were as { la'picnic on the ist July to be held in | _ Pres,â€"W. 8.3 our Park. Vice Pres,â€"J ® LOGAL AND PERSONAL! Teppecceccecceececetuccec" Mrand Mrs Stauger of Toronto, who are on their wedding tour spent a few days with the laiter‘s brother, Mr Jos Switzer. Mr John Little and wife of Saska. toon, spent a day with friends here, Quite a number went to Mt Forest ’ Tuesday evening to hear the cele: brated Gwent Glee Club Singers who gave a concert on behalf of the Agâ€" ricultural Society. | 2 Prs for 25¢ We your pupils of the Holstei «iastean school flgepl;;' r;::;ret that you h::'g‘! Full arrangements were. made for]‘ seen proper to sever the bonds that l:::f")'u':fi:fd'lh:(e‘:':,‘t:‘” of which will be unite us as teacher and pupils. For| , s * * 1 the past year and a halt your labors |ha{r'§’(,(“‘::‘"l':.’";‘(;" § L‘,j“'“‘;fi” showed a have been faithfully spent on our beâ€" | @noOl PC half. â€" Your lady like deportment, | bittmtonstontatnathn hh e. patience, forbearance, and the many | K C tlimeacts of kindness to us we shall | HOpeVl"e | not forget. _ These with many other * | | }g}ood (lllualiv_.:esl. twhif]h you p:ssess Everything was refreshed by 1 ‘I |have all united to endear you to our Tt rhge 3 v las | hearts and your wise counsel to us Thursday and Friday‘s rain and erop| |has not been in vainm but has laid the PrOfDe¢!S are favorable. | tfoundauon within us of all that is Mrs Watt, Darham, yisited last| igood. We therefore desire toacâ€" week with her son, Mr Jno. Watt. ' knowledge our appreciation of yYOU _ Tps snpgal Christi s 1 stian Alli »| as teacher and although we will be ; yention of Bethany Chapel ?iflet?mil f “se.vered far and wide our hearts will| paxt Supday, Jane Ath. Servipe | still remain united in the bond of true| ; 30 ang 7.30 .eacb day nn.!.il Jnlve‘(;. ! flove aud affeetionâ€" Rev. Wattes Oldfield; of China, Rev. | |_ We cannot allow you to depart|I. J, Long, Teronto and Rev. Marphy | | from us withont presenting you with of Chicago, will assist in these serâ€" | | some tangible token of our esteem.} vices, Everybody welcome. l \ We 'wo“.ld ask you to accept of this $ir and Mrs IH. 8 is R | manicure se; which will remind you j 3 Mrs II. Sterne visited in Mt |of the happy days and warm hearts orest Saturd ay {“d Sunday. | of your little friends in Holstein. | _ Mr Wm. MeFachnie had a Bell [# Signed on bebalf of the school, ltolephone installed in his house last Eon licdy. ) dupslaa n m nganie e CC 0 o J ) â€"! Gathrdays Miss Anasie Troup of Toronto is spending a short vacation with her parents and friends, The public school closed here on Monday for the summer vacation. The parents and children held a picâ€" nic in the Park where an enjoyable time was spent in various amuseâ€" ments. _ Aftertea the following adâ€" dress and presentation tock place ; Dear Miss Bride,â€"â€" We cannot allow you to depart from us withont presenting you with some tangible token of our esteem . We world ask you to accept of this manicure se; which will remind you of the happy days and warin hearts of your little {friends in Holstein. Signed on behalf of the schoo!l, Madeline McClocklin, â€" Nora Brown Ruby Kerr, _ _ l\{gimig Pettigrew Holstein, June 23, 1913 Tho following is the report of the examinations held in S. 8, No. 3, Ez: emont, in June : mpapsobsc3dbeDbeapsaedthq Holstein School Report. 6 tins choice Sardines........ Fresh Dates, 3 pound pkgs for 2 pound tins Baking Powder .. Best Corn Flakes, ........ ... Sbredded Wheat Biscait...... Large Bottle Pickles........ .. Finest Leat Lard, per ponnd _ Best Silver Gloss Starch buy for less Underwear A Maimie Pettigrew Viola McClocklin 151. To Jr 2ndâ€"Total 270 ; pass 138. Martin Bye 217, Frank Dingâ€" wall 203. Pearl Dingwall 199, Barâ€" rows Smith 192, Marie O‘Comnell 150, Bernice Petrie 121, Ernie Kerr 48 To Sr P:2nad Total 200; pass 100. Etta Matthews 159, Annie Hamilton 154, Bertie Warling 132, Joe Ellis 122, Austin O‘Consnell 110 W. Burx®str, P.incipal. B. A. Bripx, Assistaxt. ‘ Full arrangements wer meelings, the dates of w Ilmmunct-d later on . | ‘The Financial â€"Repori Everything was refreshed by last Thursday and Friday‘s rain and erop prospects are favorable. Mrs Watt, Durh»am,. visited last The mail route for HMHopeville west will begin Tuesday, July Ist, Jake Smith, courier. w Mt. Forest tair was well representâ€" ed by our people, some fine anima‘ls being sold. Mrs Hugh Wilson is visiting ber sister in Owen Sound. Bornâ€"Â¥riday, Jene 13. to and Mrs Herb. Haw, a daughter/ _ Miss Eve and Mrs J. Dezel ited ut Chas. McLean‘s Dandalk. Baturâ€" Miss Eve and Mrs J. Dezulfinized at. Chas, McLean‘s, Dandalk,, Baturâ€" aVy. " Bentinck: Th« Livingston: Exremont: P Allan. Normanby: _ 1 Peter. (Gilenelg: D. Edge, 8. P Durkam: A. 8. Hunter, < Hanover: . . Milier, Dr Auditorsâ€"C. L. Grant, Edwards. 3 for 25¢ Farmers‘ Institute Boys for for tor for for 2 for 250 or 3 for 350. ihnese CC Tooke Co. of Montreal. Sold e have them in tan, helio and grey. Get one of each shade. Sixty Hurry up â€"We have only a few Dollar silkhosefor75c We‘ve made a price that inakes it easy to na" and we‘re offering quality that pays you to buy of pure silk with gartet top of fine Lisle. Size 9, 91 onlyâ€"Special 75 cents Long Silk Gloves 50c â€" [ S U l nes Â¥bhe Anatite of Ouar Ssilk g]o\‘(_m \\i}l? ‘ If you ;xupare the quality others you‘ll say the price shor them for 1e s so we sell them f¢ Uk NE e s C ol i oo Peap l them for 1e s so we sell them for less.... §0€ Long Silk Lisle Gloves 35¢ . The same thing applies to these, They‘re worth more but because you buy here you get them for onmly 350 250 250 250 10c 18e Dir®k THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO 8. 8c Don‘t you want a pair Successors to Robert Burnett conoess ipaparine cesmm araeae t at 9 C Rich eter etin h ins ction ex cur car£. W . Bivth Best Corn Starch ......>> All Extracts.......0.} .. Fresh 15¢ Jams jams..... Large Pails Soda Biscuits Tomato Catsap in bottles. Best Jelly Powder .. .... Varney Cream Ch.cse ... Soap Chips 7¢, ...... Dre w Morton. â€" W At a special Price Lounge Collars Mutch of this body The business of officers and Baber id ntatives for it be R NU ERRe P e m is These collars aze made by the Sold every where at 20c. We W m "irth iylor rsOn CHme Cw Sixtly cents worth for 35¢ a few dozens _~Quite a number fremithis burg took in theexeursion toGaelph on Saturâ€" day and as usual, report a good \time. The beavy rains of last Thuarsday and Friday were very much needed and will do & lot of good. | DR. JAS. L. WILSON, B. A. A mistake in eur last budget in saying that Mr. Iundsay was in (Qwen Soupd on the Council He did not go until this week Miss Vietoria Aljoe spent part o‘ last week with ber friend Miss Viola Rennie of North Egremont. Mr. and Mrs. John MceGirr spent Sunday at her home in Beniinck. Mr. Robt. Lindsay had a Baturday and got a large part barn reâ€"shingled . A o. Mr. Thos. Reay of Bentiock and Mr. W. J. Reay of Red Deer, Alta., visited at Mr. Robt. Lindsay‘s one day last week. TX _ Mr. Jas. Lawrence burnt a kiln lime last week. The pathmasters nearly all have their men out doing statute labor this week. Bornâ€"On Friday, June 20, to Mr and Mre. Robt. McFadden, a son Congratalations. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Special attention paid to diseases C Women and Children. * Also By« E;‘ar. Nose nndeth\ron & o * Bys thoroughly tested and glasses pr perly d*ed. OfMflce at Holstein Drug Store A reliable French regulator; never fails, 1 hese pilis are exceed mgly %owerlulnfn ugulning. the generative portion of the female system. K fuse all cheap imitations, _ Dr. de Â¥an‘s are sold at #5 a box, or three for $10.â€" Mailed to any adds‘.- s. The Scobell Drug g« St, Oatharines, Ont Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills Between all stations in Canada Wiiliam and east, also to Saul Marie, Detroit, Mich., Baffalo Niagara Falls, N. Y. DOMINION DAY Good going June 28, 20, 8O and July Return lhmit July 3ra Going June 28, 29, 30 : July Ist Return limit July 8rd Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, @also to Dctroit and Port Huron. Mich., Bullalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. _ Tickets now on sale 2t Grand Trunk Ticket Ofices, JAS. R. GUN, Town Agent J. ۩. TOWNER, Station Agt. Good going June 30th abd July Beturn limit July 204 of Silk Hose? it easy to have them, vys you to buy. Made Pominion Day FARE AND ONE THIRD Green Grove Going June 30th ; _ July i Return limit July 3rd atnie . be lt cltiedbe Prmacorth Fare and One Third LOW RATES FOR silk gloves with c,. We bought ‘m 26, 1913 SINGLE EARE Single Fare . 8 for 25¢ .. 3 for 25¢ . 3 for 25¢ +s R5G . a for 25e .. 8 for 25¢ pound 160 .4 for 250 5n i #r it #‘r HA a y 214 Un )18 8t

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