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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1913, p. 1

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try. a". l Ir In y,', YI i": y'. y',', 3313-: =rpy,y,y,rd4lyiM'hl1lll= 'ir""'""",',")? y, f?/7cuif"eehm'e Is Will: ti i) To make a Long Tail E: 3511011 - Cut it TIE. STANDARD BANK '.', 'tice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 3lst July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders oi record of 25th July, 1013. By order of the Board. --= _ _ -.-.--.-_ - h th th Toronto, 17th June, 1913. Notices to the Public. VOL. XXXV1,NO. 27 's'i'iiriret1 J. Welsh iii casaxaamxxamgxxaxm33333§§ p ti " OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 To Rent. w, my". um. 11mg from On Inn to the Can Station and in u ing said hm- v of July next. Ct .u-cnrding to I Imrr4 MOKEC Monstrous Niillinery Sale I) )2': ent off all trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Flow- ers, NO OLD STOCK FI,r the next 30 days we are offering our c unplete Millinery stock including ghis week’s new arrivals in Sailors, Outing Hats, and Fancy Shapes in Peanuts, Milans, Leghorns and Pan- anrtf at greatly reduced prices." SPECIAL Values in This is a Sile which it will be worth your while to attend, and attend early while there will be a large assortment to choose from. Win! or North West Gem won that I will hum Durham the tunadian n and my per- nid lune nn " “IV ttettt. 1913. Ming to law. as for all kinds of Ben feed. :. rug». stock of feed for any purpose J. delivered anywhere on short notice Mok Bows, [inhuman h eathers,0rnaments,€fc. h Newly are mung it large "Ben" highest cash price tt' lrnuhles with the In celebrated Promptly Children's Hats will [my the highest cub price n MORLOCK Lot I. con. 4, in the township of Glen- elg, containing I00 acres. " acres cleared, 5 cedar swamp. balance good hardwood bush. Well watered l about r, miles from Durham. Good pasture land. Will be sold on easy terms. Ap. ply to q.r-te.IV A r " DI'D\:[:TT LADIES: Remember the special Smrcilu Corset Sale throughout the summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. MRS J. C. mcrrororterentative Box 107. Durham GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD. Sph.. a f . 2 " iittt 311mm. ll.il,i)triitjljtil. SPIRELLA CORSETS We guarantee every hug HERMAN I). BURNETT, Box ISO. Durham and Well Done Farm for Sale for arty kind of gum General Manager. "' The Review to " Mr you'nre now off EC? rn P A KN The Preshytnian Garden Party bps been changed to a later date. Partic- ulms next week. ' Owing to the holiday Tuesday, some of our mails are u day late this week. We hope to have all out in good time la future, The Ulenelg Centre B otist Church will hold its Annual Garden Patty at Mr. Jns. McGillvray's on the evening ofJuly Ith, T Mr Sam Vrcker.u, 4th com, Bentinck, in having the raising for his new barn to-dat', Thursday. The ntructure is tw, ieet by t2, fem. There was A Mg crowd at Flesherton’s Dnminmn Day celebration. John Hunter won 2nd. money in his nee while Jno. L. McDonald competed in two events with the one horse, taking a lst and 2nd. The Dornoch Branch Women's In. stitute will hold a meeting in Foresters' Hall, Domoch. onAJuly Ith., at 321.90 p.m. Mrs 'dr'i'iiGire' TiGileio ihe Worrien‘s Institute, will address the mectmg. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Haunvvr Juveniles play the tin,t lacrosse of the souson here lo-morrow Thursday, at 630 against our boys. The locals are dvtermined to win, and the game will he fast, Don't miss it. tht show grounds “13.30. The Dmhnm branch Women’s ln-, s’i'me “Ll HIM-L in the Town Hall, Dur hum, on Saul-dam July G, at 2.30 p. m, A delegate will ttddreto the "Heating and ltrTr "ddvess wrii be worth homing All India an- cordiallyin- vited in "New! mt] Ming their friends with them, for sale The "-npersirut of linux enurcn. Nm-nmnlxy. “ill talw place nu Sunday and Monday, July 13911 and “lb. On Sunday. i'sev. M r. Malcolm. of Holstein will conduct setviws at3p m. ands p. In. On Mumluy evetiinga supper from H toh' will he served followed by a high claw entertainment in the church. Admission Monday 1350 and 13c and special collet lions on Sunday Proceeds in aid of building fund of church. Los'r IN WAi.liF.itTrr?i. -.- Though making " lu-tter n-lmwlng than in the home g-nrv. Durham ball t-luhuguin lost. to Walkerton last Friday in u 6 t innings gums. the scoro living 20-0. Some rutlu-r ripe errors hytne visitors were respomitnle for the leaders run- Hing up tho large count, and they have yet to lose a game. Experience Counts and has practiealls' cinched the tongue for "'altertott. Durham goes to Cheek-v Friday evening. Mann!) A FINGER --Returningrrom Palmerston sports Tuoaday night, Mr. Alt-x Kenrrry had his urm on the window of the car when be notttxed it falling. Quickly he drew it back but barely in tuna. for the window e,"ught hi; second fingrw on the left hand, jamming it llut slightly below the nail. It was " painful wound, and on arrival home two stitches WH'P required, and the unit may yothe useless. As the left hand is Alex's "right" hand it will inronrenhmee hlm for some time. l Durham Continuation Scum-1 tnkns its place from July lat, among the High Schools of the vainoe. This will give enlarged powers "I charging nmintonanco from pupils outside the County of Grey from the counties thPy come front. It will also give the town a higherreputjttiiut us an educational rentre. though in the meantime the wor k dour will he the same as formerly. Principal Allan in response to an _ nppltcution not an "tw"ptanee from Kingeton Model School at a Stith of 81800, but has devided not to accept, a decision thnt will gratify the town of Durham. BAKING Bummxln’ AND THEFT.A saturday last Mr J. P. 1'elford and family It'l't by auto to: Owen Sound and in their absence their home was entered by two little English boys named Wright living near by and plans laid to nuke an extensive steal Milling-4 valuable and usei'ttl. Their plans likelv reckoned that the family were nwuv over the holiday, but they rsmned Monday night, while the boys were actually in tlie, house. The lads, about 11 and 13 you” of age. hearing i them come slipped out through a cel- lar window and ran " for the night and itdul not take ".minute to dis- cover the timings of the intruders They had been all over the house, h id packed some vulises with clothing, had a collection of knives. forks, aw., discovered some rings and other jew- elry and appropriated them along with a gun and other stuff. This was being cblleetedin the coal bin and the intention evidently YI" to draw same of it to hidlng in a little waggon when night fell. The unfortunate boysweve in hiding till Wednesday evening when they were captured east unlit-2 town and placed in custody, till such time as they can he sent to a "ox-rec- tive school of some kind. ThisTs not the first Lima we believe that one of the boys at least has gone,nstrar. and it is high time inthe mic-rests id the boys themselves. and of societrWut I they be planned under surreillanttdr' at oncr. Their mother died tr"rlted' years ago and the father has ad much trouble since In attemptingito control the wayward spirits. . Master, Gordon McLean andth‘lwm Moors were'dispurting ttwtmsgtvts in he Saugeen river and a tragedy was Itibt rowly averted. Gordon ldiiontrN of himself and sank the second. time when Elwin. xmly 12 years,an at the lisk of his own We 'plu'nged in and rescued him. His presence ot mind and clevernerq ent.itl" lip to "a!!! arloud of a life-saver and we hope the community l wiiltake steps to honour' the young hero as he deserves. by applying“ the Royal Humane Society of 1y'woitto6ir the medslgiverrfrtr life saving. The occasion could he improved to the advantage of the whole community and perhaps ata public meeunz foo presentation a demonstration of I "sanitation of the apparently drown- l ed might be given. In Priceville fl", 'r1narsd,tt,/1iit A Brave and Gallant Deed. r/ew '"s"Ga=ii'riirek" itoifhe end of the year for 35 cents §¢¢§ IFF? J King Edmund Flour f, rs. Arp, 'ggs and Han, aim: of Knvx church, ill talw place rm Sunday July 13911 and “lb. On M r. Mmcolm. of Holstvjn -ihramai,TmmmAY, JULY 3, 1913. OOOHH 335 With which 1stinmtrrorated the Inspector Wm Allan met. the Grand Trunk Railway train on Saturdty night and succeeded in intercepting three casesot liquor addressed respectively to John Schutz, N. McIntyre and one "Louis." This latter was claimed by Louis Bauer, who said that they had simply got the wrong end of his name down. All pleaded that the stuff was intended for private use and the in. spector gave them the benefit of the doubt and allowed them all. We would like to have an authoritative statement as to just how much liquor a person may have for private use, how often he 1 may get it and some other points. There seems to be a certainty that the Grand Trunk is, whether knowing- ly or not we cannot say. the avenue by which surreptitious booze is coming to town. Mysterious rigs and automo- biles are said to be doing duty to switch the stuff out of sight on arrival and if this can all he established surely the Inspector should have power to Bee that the law he is appointed to admin. istcr to is observed. Mr. Allan demandcg from a railway employee the right to search a certain cur but was stubbornly refused. He is, we understand taking steps to discover his power in this matter and we certain- ly think such power he should possess. Thcre is work for the Railway Com. mission in this connection and great carrying companies should not be al lowed to violate the law by transporting the stuff into local option communities. We never can be all of one mind, that is certain : but one is surprised to lin.l champions and supporters of the hateful liquor tranic in quarter' un. suspected. It will be. a good day for Canada and for devotees themselves whcn the drink traffio and the drinking customs of to-day are entirely abolished. lnspcctor Allan should keep right on and [ind out just what his powers are. With conrtnentiiaple vitr'lane License Bruins AT PALaisutsros.--uai)e a number of Dm'lmmites. including Mess: ". D. C. Town, Jim and Cam McL wlslau, Ly nn (in an! , Guy and Alex Kearney, N. l-ldutyrv. C. Darimg, chur Hahn. w. Spam, c, Marshall, S. Ferguson. and Misses liladvs Whitmore, mzel and Vadllk Caldwell. Wt'lc in Pumerston on the Ist. for [he races and hall games. A popular local Witt was ll. Scott', '. Maggie B 'which wun t'ost in three etruiplst heals m the 2 30 class. Palmerston trimmed Arthur in lull morning and afternoon, the iicst a. league game: It was n good day's spot t. Results oi Promotion Examina- tions “Durham School. In order to pus. pupils wrru rcquir- pd to take 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per cent on the total. than Scum". DEPARTMENT. Form ll to Form IH-Alix Edge: (scholatsiu'p), Marguerite Huttoni4, Mary Mt-Ahster. John Ledinghautdi, Mnrgnret Campbell, Bile Petty, Jen' nio Kelsey, Flank Mvltrwith, Edgar Runwix-k, Zyll Crawford, Ella Barber, Wilfrid Barber. Margaret, Leeann, Florence Kerr, Janet Marshall, Lucy Mekelvie, Jean Ald n, Irwin“ Mort- ley, Grace Petty. . Forut I to Fo It-Edith Edge (scltolarship), Ret beets, Mary Mr- llmith, Neila Marshall. noward Mc- Naugall. Russel Eccleu, John Bell, Murilll l’iadlmm, (Semis Mrl'uaig, Nmnmn Lenahan, Theodore Fullainp. Marion Marshall, Wm J McLeod, Mary Mekechnie, Jack Bryan, Smart. Grunt. Myrtle Spalling. l’l'r.L1C SrmmL DEPARTMENT Jr lib to Sr 4th-Edie McKenzie' Cnuwmn Wakrmeld, Gladys Br'yan' Irene McPher, (mingle Lawson, Ag- l nos Wakefield, Russ Gun, Fred Cat' tou, Nellie Mcketthute, Waltel-Mm' shall, Eddie Hilderhrandt, Edith Hughes. Melvin (h‘Pig. Harold Rum- :lgr, Hilch Brook, Nettie Lloyd. Sr llzd to Jr th-Lama Ritchie. Clarence McGirr, (lleimnie Coutts, Marguerite Kelsey, Stella Mcurae, buuima Lawrence. Janie McLean, Edna Browning. Myrtle Koch, Elsie Welsh, \Villet Snell, Jack Mekeetr.nie, Raymond Search, Joe Whntchurrh, Hazel Hutton. Belle Lauder.James tturrierrord, Ruby Susan. Robert. Ululk. " 3rd to Sr 3pd---11 Kress, L Smith, P. Bell.UClmk, C' Cameron. A Mc- Gowar...) McPhee, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 8r 2cd to " 3srd--A Smith, M Holmes, It Snell, IV Koch, K McAul- We. D Heather, E Wright, M Snell. It Pilkpv. J Moriock, W Clark, ll Fal- luv. u nut-1w.“ ., -- V H" . Pilkey, J Morlock, W Clark curler, D Johnston. - _ L'Uuu, u ”\Iullu\--~V Jr 2nd to srt.trad--M McKerhnie. P Walsh, A Crrphtum R Davis. E Morris u “New Sproule. J Lawrence, ’f Sproule} Vallett. _ Sp mum to Jr 2r.d-Msudie Brym, Royden Burnett, Violet Bartlet. Joe Crtitehiey, w (Jollinson. Irving El- vidgo. Harold Eden, Nellie Fulking- ham. Hilda Harvey, Albert Kress, Mary McKechuie. Stinsnn McDonald, James Murray, Cecil McLean, Beatrice I Pilkey, Beulah Stonebouse. Sadie Rus- ‘sel. Hilton Rowe, Wilbur Traynor, Eva wtsketleld, Myrtle Yirrk, Thos Brook. Lorne Horbook; Peter Mbuts. Wittrid Thomplon. ",r" Br Ist to Jr Pt ttnd-Archie McKér'h- l Hie, Willie Walsh. Verbena Ryan, Dam Melanin] Katie Kelsey. Esther McColub.A‘dd Allan, Mabel Duncan, Donald DAL-Donald. George Watt. Mabel CrMchley. Kathleen Hughes, Royden’ McDonald. Irene Hind, Mel- ville Ryan, Margaret tMft Intermediate to St lst-Tom Brown ‘A Clark. E Bean. 0 McOrue. B Hit- chie, I Sharper M McDonald. N Mc- Lean. J Letesr.e, w Bryon, H Mc- Fadden. . T V . Br 3rd to Jr tttr-K McNally. R Pay- lor, W Ritchie ree. Jrr 3rd to Sr trd-- C tuyiorC0 Williams. L Morrison. J Morrison rec. Br 2nd to Jr 3rd--J Ritchie. Pt 2nd to Jr gnd--H Ritchie N MeKequo, I Morrison, J Boyd rec. tir lst tiff! 2tur--1il Timmlns, M Boyd, W Morrison. Jr Ist to Br lst-E And- erson, M Anderson, E Ritchie, V Par. lor, Liquor Seizure New: D. Human. Teacher, Na, a, GLENFV? if: On Saturday, June 28th, 1913, at the home of his son George, of the 3rd (Jon. of Normanhy. the above gentle- man passed away at, the age of75 years 7 mos. 22 days, the Immediate cause of death being apoplexy though for some time previour, liver and kidneys had given trouble. The funeral, amid many evidences of IDI‘I'OW and regret, took place on Tuesday last to Zion Lutheran cemetery, Ayton. Deceased was a native of. Germany. w but had lived in Normanh": since the pioneer days 'tst at the opium“. Ol east of Ayton and for thepott few Ct years With his son on the old Colin 3 Blyth farm. He married Mill Eliza- “ beth Schenk. sister of Mr Geo, Schenk , who was prominent in municipal pal: .cl “its tor many years. The chief " mourners are his Wife. six sons and two daughters l John and Conrad, Jr ' v at Ilarupden, Dr Andrew Beim, iii: Forest. Henry and George of the 2nd 0 of Normnnny, o, M. Seitn, editor of a the Hepworth Progress and well- n known in Holstein and vicinity. Mrs Louis Wettinufer and Mrs ur. B. Better, of the 13th Con., Normnnby, t are daughters. Two daughters pre; I deceased him, Mra P. E, Weltz and t Mrs Geo. Alles. No fewer-than 39 grand-children survive him. t MRS Rom. WATSON ', The death took place on 20th June, I 19l3, of the above lady who for over 40 years was it well known resident of N. E Notntnnby. She but] been in _ failing health for 3 or ' years, but the immediate fame was paralysis, she sullered very little. says a luief note that. ha“ reached us. " wrist fully pre- pared to die and her end was: pent-e." For the past tive years she Iras lived at New Westminster, B. c., with her husband. tive of her thildten being near her. She was, butwtl m New \Vesttuinster on 22nd June Mrs Watson was it Inetnberof the well-known Gadd family and WM born in tiotuerselshirc, England. Tllyeurs ago. When l0 years old. Eh? can)? to Canada with her [uterus and settled on lot 15 on the 3rd Fun. of Nt'rttmnhy. She was untried to Mr Robert Wat- , son about 51 years ago and made their, i home on the farm now owned by Mr David Leith, where they lived for 30 ', years. The, union was blessed with i eleven children, all of ,shotutsurvive I and these with the bereaved tin-band, . will sincerely mourn the loved one, i who was a woman of rare intelligence and the pomessor of many amiable i qualities as wife, mother, neighbor and friend. She was devoted to her fattt- ly and they loved her in return. Their sons are Rom” John and . James in B. c,, Thos., George. Chalk-s in Rainy River. The tire daughtets are Mary In Alumna. Maggie in It tiny River, Alien-.ndw'mni" in I10. and " Roben't. My. th. Grant, of Vurney. '.t The dang a are nil married. Unt- . sister, Mr as. Marshall. Nornmnby and one brother Chas. Gadd, of Rainy River, survive her. 'i' Sevbntceu ymlrs ago they sold out Ind went to Rainy Rwer. hut on mu count of the climate. Mr Watson and she moved to the coast'souuetwelve years later. The writer from ten yemsintinmte neighbor-ship, knows how sincerely her memory will he cherished and ex. tends his sympathy to all the relatives in their bereavement. The pupils of the Rocky Sangeen school hid a pleasant little function on Friday lost and pteswrrted their tench”. who is leaving, with the ful- lowiug nddress, a toilet set and u. vol- tuuedi'Whittakes's poems, Miss Es- ther McLean read the address and Misses Merton Mchrthurand Mabel Gruw,by tuade the presentation, Miss Towmomi replied appropriately. To Miss Townsend ', Dear Teacher and Friend r-As the lime approaches when we must part as teacher and pupils. we feel that we should mark the occtsion by ”puns- ing to you nul' sotrow and regret that the separation must come. During the year you have been " ill) us, we have learned to love you. not only for the training and tin, teaching you have given n", which has been faithtul and true. but for the kindness 3 of your manner towards us. Mien we doubt when we did not. deserve it. We will long remember our school days of 1912-13. connecting them wit h the happiness we enjoyed In learning under you. As a. small mark of our love and at: tect)uutr.we ask you to accept this gift as a reminder of the pupils of Union I B. 5. No. 2. Bentinck and Glenelg. and when you are far from this part: we will be. glad to think it may remind you or the friends you have made here. Our nest wishes will follow you wherever you go and w; will always be glad to hear of your welfare, Signed on behalf of the pupils of U. S. B. No. 2. Bentinck and Crlenelg l EstherMcLean. Merncn Mch-thul Mabel Grashy, Armetta McKeebnie Address and Presentation Newly Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening a Children's Aid Society way tot-med. Owing to the fact [but very little prominence had been given to the meeiing, the attendance was nut Inge but those who were present were enthusiastic over the work to be con- ducted by the society. Greater interest will likely lieiuvulved as lime progresses. -- A . .. 7 A¥_i.:.»L_A Mrs. N. W. Campbell was appointed convener of a committee which wan appoinul. The other members arr. Rev. Dr. Fuquharson. Revs, Prudlmm Mchusland and Hal-Hey. Mound. Chules Brown and W. H. Mtfihtt. Mrs. Telford. Mrs. T, McCrirr, Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Farqubarson, Mrs. Kelly, Miss A. Gun. Mrs. C. Brown. "hm principal work Involved will be that. ofluoking after destitute child- ren and thou without protection. CONRAD Sm M, " At a meeting ot citing? In the The Roll Call. r1rorgirpiy1ed.' Children‘s Aid Soc My will may Enforce Curfew. Children Off the Streets. Campbejl Wu 1p.pyiured l Lexi-ht ion also empoweru them to enforce the curfew law, keeping child- ren under 16 " the sweet: that 9 o'clock at night. One of the member. of the newly nrgnnizwd society 'tated this morning that this law would he rut in force at an early date. -----_. ------ Perfect weather prevailed on Tues-l day for the thousands in Canada. one! would like to any millions: who turned 1 out of the beaten tracks of business to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our glorious Dominion. The date was wisely chosen. it is a time when “no can get close to nature by buUt "teel lugs. boating, picnics. lawn parties, elr. The Intense heat of Monday gave way to more temperature the I-howvls of the previous night had hid the dust and what more could you want from nature. For: SALe--All kinds chicken tved. SUCCES was " rain A new feature of the spurts was a. lacrosse match, the first ever held in Glens-lg. between Durhmn Juveniles and picked team flow town. Many of the crowd had never seen lacrosse and it was regrette4e that the Iuut. was ln such poor ships: as to woven: them from witnessing a good exhibition. " was almost itmiorsitrie to pick up the hull quickly among the clover and soft ground, but this lack was made up in strenuous play. the Juveniles winning iiiGu'ut, Mn th it renuuus play. The program tir ly appreciated. P nie was in the cha ed a humorous sun forced to respnn of Hanover met. tl gave a splendid Laudell Lauder, o: dared two fine T Lyla Kelsey was lunch had been which hid comme lemoon. was on evening was fnl music In itself w, l tuuniciuns my Mes ‘Dan McDonald l violins. Fred IO and Alf. O'Neill eotttivany'ttyt.un 'l The ( ionic it cmnpanying on organ. The Mex-nun brothers, John of Priceville and Thos,, of Durham, gave some fine exhahitinns of t',',ti2'lt't"l; Two booths on the grown I did a thriving business. vile tFili'ib;flrsit d t 'Ot at? * 'e, ud on Dominion r em. though possibl scaxcely a', iargeotti I Ideal picnic weather no dust after the pre Picnic at Scotchtown. Till ROYAL BANK OF CANADA is! Dominion Day. LONDON, ENG" 0”“ Bank Bidrs--KbatSt. q Our cheap sale commence< 10th, and will continue during and J 11110. Big Reduction in Luiies' Trimmed and all other millinery novelties. Come early the week and avoid the Saturday rush. _ MISS E. M. McAiJLiFFEI', , wax r" In ,' was tniov' 1 itself was a as as Messrs oDomtid and Fred Rum-i f. O'Neill or .vimz on orqnt ntre Glenda Far" now well eltahhshu yer met many old tr splendid address v 'vtuder, of Durham. vo fine vocal numb WV was nu-uunpnni lit am th le chair no song 'ie,stspt,srsi;vruueeosttetffeti.ervf.sf. Also Marge assdrtment of teen served, the dancing mmenced in the late " 5 on in earnest tuuithe i tniorthlr spent, The If wasntleat. with such Messrs Black, MrKeuwn Md and Jun. O'Neil on d Rum-innit) on piccolo. Neill or'EH, Binnie, ne- on organ. The McGrath Childrens' Hats and Bonnets MILLINERY SALE n hout town. never seen how He that um MI: up! as to men g a good exbihi mssihle to pick long the clover his lack was um . the Juveniles c.me Authorized . . . WUWPP’ " '" V, . Taliban . Ewan-Mi 'Fiid . i' e' I are more we may h curbig neighbor, aTfiFvfiWMvawwwmag DURHAM BRANCH: s. HUGHES, ttiutratettesthntsthartNtttiia .me'i'n'A'nEns BANK or 0mm hl " Mr H. H y old frie 1rese. wt wl til Saving! Dq6rtme'st Li att Branches. sale commenced last Saturday WITH WHICH IS UNITED h was high ' H. Bin t, render d ll] . After dancing it77iiisoRaTEtt 1339 leM Miller, ds and Published Wavy u $1.00 "an c. annals a 30mm” 'lulr the big awd ren M is , Trimmed and Untrimmed tfats My. Geo. Duncan. ot 'l‘orouw - hohdnylng n tsome.. Minn Annie and Tren- Melt-y of Paris up home over the holiday. Mrs. A. W. H. Lander sud non burtin, I.“ {Mum-y l0 Ipend a few weeks II Jul; son's Point. Lake Slmcne. Mr. Lauder motored them down. Mr. Murtay. of tu'imvtele " the new ledger-keeper in Hm Senndnld Hank, Elie Kelly having heen promoted to the can: Dr. Juniwuu New tot'tr I father, Mr. Ales Janna-mu. It spent Tlunudny with the brother, the Dr. here. Mnund Mrs. Dr. D. B. g, spent over Sunday in South Miss May Young have: We to visit for a few days in Ogre; with her (dead. Miss [Ann I u " “a Miss May Young luv" Wednesday to Mail for a few days in Owen Sound with her friend. Miss Laurn Murphy. Mrs. 3. Hughes and children hue hem holidaying at Ncutouvllle. Mr. Hughes leaning Monday to join them for a couple of week. Mr. Arthur Allan. lately of Toronto, is relieving manger of the Roytl Bank during his absence. Mrs. Catch and In: holidnying this week sound “lends. Mr. Fred Smulh Is rpm holiday in Toronto. Principal Allan left M, chum. of Inc Model Sch bridge tor a month. Mr, Chan. C. Humane v in London the heginnlup Mi holic fr ituulin. has In James and J m Arremesis, few ‘weelu. from him and iutersstitrg is dr Misses MM leave this wee inn by Chic Dakota to Vii h M hit Mum! WIN?“ M t' M I' a McAnhm " M . Harold Lee of Palmerston visited (it in North Egremom this week. ' W.J. Atkinson. of Poplar, tun. in, has been visiting his brothers es and Joseph hero and relttivei tremesic Hi- any “and: tor a. mun-h- Pl-nmd to have a can Jana (mg MI" Mooney in spending 1 :' the week in Toronto r. Ju. Burnett. Toronto, Arrived wn Wednesday night. and. VIII [some time among old “may. mu... n‘hoil the quest of Mm h [ v - . - iimm " '. ”500.000 . . . 100900.000 Ann g here duting we holldey. Mr Banks and Mrs It, Limin. In s. Mmkdnle. ulna visited roll- Mr ndcthuslnnd went to Toron- ndnv and returned with Mrs shad and babv. who had been t het old home in Victoria 00. May Quinn. of lolluld 00M" her avandmother, Mu Dans. ovu- the holiday. evine " in Toronto thio week " some tiute, last Saturday, May the mouths of May Hill and NIB. Himm- undid over the [10“ng Knlney .19 of we! tru, titty Pleated I to b we I [In Lssels. of Holland. who " mini tnvorably, as lying Ban t,' having undergone' by Drs. Gun and Ill-nth- “YORK AGENCY cam». and CedarStt. ad Iliu- week of laurel. visited hitt dutiug Hm Jsoiirierddr . 25999-999 M Toronto it Manager. Monduy to take euool at. Brue- u. J amino“ Southampton " and his I. It. Forest the lumen-'- I (but Jud? a" with Owen ft Tuesday In s at Linwood. V holidaying of this week. W zines 'wn tite begin. er the 2n the on u Ji'

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