West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1913, p. 4

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tl n S ll "i w 9t ill w 1"t'-:'r"t"a"t"ttft"t,tttti1 as The Central Drug Stored W W m m ”Jog/WM "s / 12f" 'rt.i!.rtt.jl, 'Iii-is/ii/ey, tit w W I w ' m it The Central Drug Store tl 3393333 33333332333333an 33:4)?» Every graduate guaranteed I poo- snion. Thorough courses. Large stat! of Speciahstl. Best equipped College In Canada. Enter any day c A FLt'nUNG, F c A G. D. FLEMING Prineipal Secrdary We have a few tons Feed Meal on hand that we oiler while it lasts at Twenty Three dollars pet ton in Ton lots Any out of town buyer can have this feed shipped to their nearest station. We will deliver it at either station at above price. $riresiq1,lttif1t....s, on Feed We have also a small quantity of Peed that is slightly damaged by wet. While it lasts we are offer. ing it from eight to ten dollars per ton. N0 CHANCE WORK OWEN SOUND ONT The Horse Fair held in Durham last Thurs. day was one of the best Horse Fairs ever held in any town in Canada during the month of June, 52 horses changing hands at good prices. .7 ,u’v‘qu -"e" . . -.-e--"'r, .:.\x- a“ /w of this community. because /. _ 1 l . l, people have learned that we - oHrcR "'l ' _ take utmost care in filling eve-v precription entrusted to us ; that we never use poor, old '1' 1;; V tl " Nt tte/et substitute, and that we give you prompt trr/'; 'd at moderate ptices S -n l y vtr prescriptions to us, no matter what physician writes th 'AU, and KNO W that they will be filled exactly " prescribed, We have the best wire and Wire Fence in Can- ada to offer to our farmers. There is no wire man. ufactured to equal the Frost and that is the kind we sell. Come to our Drug Store. We also sell a lower priced fence to satisfy low priced buyers. Then we have the best quality of Navy wire at a lower price. Further we have Black Oiled Wire for Wrap- ping Rails and barbed wire for jagging the cattle. Diffcrcnt kinds of fence stretchers in abundance The ?eople’s Mills Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Corn Chop Oat Chop Crimped Oats McGowan Milling Co. We have the stuff on hand. Also the coiebrated B1atchford'a 0.” Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds of Stock. Ring us up when you at”: John McGowan HARDWARE All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ion Iota. at the W. BLACK It the Mill or delivered unywhue in single too lbs., ton lots or earlonds Oatmeal Mills Require Flour and Feed 'i5ljlrMSlrti:.Tiiij x. k 70nr drunk: for IL If ha tunnel. supply the MARVEL, "new, no other but lend Name tbr mus- i/iii/d ttoo_ealcd. t gives tttil animal-rs and directions Inulusblo Mu.WlNDSOB SUPPLY C0..Wlm. on Genenl Menu to: Candl- Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. Our Drug Store has become £51“: i' WW siise"iiiisj,i)l (,i,i,,r!ytlralllr,!l,!!,,t!!!,t, "G,",'iiCrG= tot an]: id can oh can no link and does so much!" " The Prescription J. A. DARLING Dispensing Chemist Drug Store in interv-sF-d and would - astmut the woanQI'fq! - Phone 3 fl t It tt.t m R! (glte Barbara £2um ‘A bye-election in July is no sine ours " the men engaged in the North Grey contest. both Liberals and Con- servatives. are f1ndimt out. Both the work ot organization and of speaking is rendered very dsffieult in the extremely hot weather of July. The flood ot talk, however, shows no abatement. Both candidates are speaking every night and are cover- ing the Riding thoroughly. Several Cabinet Ministers including Hon, James Duff and Hon. W. H. Hearst are supporting Colin Cameron. the Governmerunominee and the leading Liberal members ot the Legislature are lined up with Mr McQusker, Lib- entl candidate. A meeting a little out of that ordinary was that held on Wednesday, July and, when Joseph ‘Oliver. ex-Mny or of Toronto. appear- l Id in Owen Sound in Mr McQuaker's behalf. Controller McCarthy, oi To- ronto, is also going to speak at a meeting in Mr McQuaker‘s interests. North Grey contests are always close bat the Liberals hope to win by dint not only cf hard work bat ot the splendid record oftheir party in the House and the Cabinet scandal which seems to be making a deep impression in Nurth Grey. Mr Proudioot is to be in the Riding on July 2, 3 and 4 and will tell the people his story at flrin hand. Mr Howell will speak in the Constituency at a couple ot meetings during the last week of the cam- paign. O.her Liberal members of the Ontario Legislature are J. C. El- liott, J. G. Anderson, William Me. Donald, Sam Clark and C. M. Bow. ma n Quite a controversy has arisen over attempts to compare the Whit. ney-Hanna scandal with the Lloyd Georqe--Isaaes case in England. In both instances actions ot Cabinet Min- isters were under investigation bat that is about as far as the analogy goes. It is a case of contrasts rather than of comparisons. Mr Lloyd George merely invested in American Marconis, a concern not having business with the Govern- ment. His action Was indiscreet but not corrupt and not criminal. Mr Hanna took money trom aGovern- ment contractor who at the time bad a claim pending against the Govern- ment. This is a criminal offense. He also took the settlement of this claim oat at the handsot the Courts and gIVe the decision without appeal to one man, I. E. C. Theme. his con- Metttial adviser, who, withotlttak- in evidence. awarded $2t,000 of the people‘s money to the clsiment. la England both at the accused ministers ins ited the fullest investi- gation. They facilitated it even to the extent of handing over their pri- vate bank books. In Ontario Hon. W. J. Hanna and SirJames Whitney for it is they who must take the re- sponsibility, throttled the investiga- tion, tsuppressed and struck outevi- dance Ind prevented free enquiry. Who will say that the cases are parallel ? __ - The warm and hot spell of lam week was hard on lean and lat peo- ple, bat the showars were welcomed by the growing crops. Rain is badly needed again. llav will be short and smnll quantity when pot togeth- er, No celebration here on Ist July. Some wilieelebrate picking mustard or potato bags, or cutting thistless, and such like. Next Sundav gaelic communion will be held in the Presbyterian church here " ll o'oloek in the fore noon. Miss Kumz, a lady from Toronto, bat whose home is originally at Man- itoba. gave an excellent lecture in the Presbyterian church here lost Sunday. The church was fall to its almost. Miss Kumz is naturallya good speaker and very plain and pleasant in her manner. IIPr ad- dress was highly appreciated by her hearers. Rev, Mr Matheson and the writer attended Presbytery meeting at Orangeville on Thursday of last week. Some vxsitors may be along this Monday, but not many yet. Miss Jessie Martin, a. former young lady of Priceville, is at the Messrs A. and D. McLean's and other places. Reeve Nichol got home from Owen Sound, where he spent last week at the Cpqnty Assqm_blv. -- - 7 A little boy of Hector MeLean's at this town, had a narrow escape from drowning one day last week, He was going down for the third time when another brave little boy caught him and saved his life. The little fellow lee-ll right again. The funeral of Mrs George Tryon on Monday of lest week was largely attended. Mrs Tryon was born in Pricevllle about 50 years ago and had been ailing for some years. Her maiden nlme was Janet McKinnon. She was highly respected and the community sends condolence to the bereaved husband and family. She was insured In MLKeohnle'e cemetery Durham Rottd,Gleneltt, Rev Mr Leece conducting the funeral obseqnies. Quite a number took in the garden party at Ebenezer on Tuesday even- mg ot last week and report a. good time. Mr Arch. MoCunig, of Top Cliff. was delegate trom the S O S. in this place to the Grand Camp in Tor- onto last week and we saw the editor of the Reviewc mung homo on Thurs- day night and by all app-arunce had the whole car to himself from this town. THURSDAY, JULY 3 I913 Lloyd George and Hanna. Hot Weather Speaking. Priceville To Rent. THE DURHAM Glimpses of Niagara Camp. My last budget dealt with our doings up to Monday night if I re- member right. Oar first duty on Tuesday morning was every one answering to what is called marching- iu-muster mil call. Any who are not there to answer their names without a good reason lorieits a day's pay. The pay sheets were immediate-1 ly sent. down to complete by Wednes- day night, of course this was im- possible, nuless one works all night and this being very unmilitary here, was not to be thought of. However by early work on Thursday morning and ftteeointrthe noon hours. were able to tiuiish by 3 p. m. on Thursday. thus establishing a record as far as the 3Itit itegt. is concerned tor speed. The reason is apparent: the oflitsers kindly furnishing the nominal rolls of ‘their Co's on representation of our lAdJ't Capt. Eaton, in short order. Tuesday and Wednesday ttg) occupied with drill of it preliminary‘ nature in it-imation by companies Thursday being showery was a tine' holiday " the men; in the afternoon company attack in extended order was practiced. The grass, on which they threw themselves oat ofsight oi the enemy was still wet with the copious morning showers. and Boon made them feet like wet dish cloths, and reminded one olsheop washing time. The foreman was devoted to a short lecture on military law m the lame marquee of the Regt. which later develi ped into a. concert of songs by the more musical of the viiicers. Friday and Saturday were passed at the butts. where more attention and instruction in rifle shooting was! given than ever has been. No markers are employed as such, bat a third or a half ol a Regt. as the case“ may be, not as markers and register keepers. to the hall ct some other Regt., the lttttct. changing places. By this plan no tayoritism is "S likely to be shown as by the old way. Th, extra. pay to the markers ti early dats or some ot it is now given to the two best shots of each Company in a $3.00 and $2.00 prize, many tailing to quality. they go back today Monday for another chance, tailing which lbs per day will be deducted from the 900 and $1.00 per day that isgiven to Ist, and 2nd year men respectively. 42 out of a possible TU is what is required or an average ol "magpies" at 100 and 2&0 yds,; shots at each. . The usual Sunday parade was held auspich usly and wusa tine sight but utterly uselesa as not a word could be beard. Markdale Co. is at fall slrengthi lacking one man of the 42. This is commanded by Capt. Campbell, Dentist of Markdale. and heats, Mercer and H. rl. Duff of the Dept. of Agriculture of that town. The New Hanover Co. has 20 men and two others. Capt. Snider and Lt. Musgrove, the latter a South African veteran wearing a medal with no tewerthun tour bars indicating the engagamen's he was in, married to a cousiuoi the Lothian family(nee Ethel Luster) gives him a Sort ot local touch with North Egrcmont. He is courteous and engaging and will no doubt make a successiul oitieer. The moying picture exhibits are a great drawing curd, being viewed by hundreds every night, they are thrown againsta large screen erected on the common._ and are inc pubject of many amusing remarks by the soldier boys many ol them being real hon mots causing peals of laughter at times. The pictures are (f a heterogeneous character, embracing loveand courtship, highway robbery, military drill, tragedy etc. They detract largely lrcm the attendance at the Y. M. (3. A. tent, but have the same object in Slew, keep the boys from the town and from ham. Ir duesnutentirely succeed as quite a slice of daylight intervenes between close of drill and the darkness when they can be shown. The days yet ahead of us are " ready beginning to be counted, Major H. V. Rorke is here from Ottawa with the 31st., being Junior to Major N. W. Chisholm of Owen Sound. the latter stepping in on retirement of our tine Col. II. ll. Cleland. The Regi. had a visit on Sunday from Major C. Sproulc one time an Adjt. of the 3m. [leis now teacher in this town, has a tine corps of cadets. The Sgt's mess is giving the satisfaction having a colored chat who knows his business Several houses in Dnrlmm. One nice cottage m Lower Town. A.H JACKSON, Durham The Preparation that kills the Potato Bug and not the Plant JAMES R. GUN, The only preparation that has roved good when others failed. Easily anlied. Cheaper and bet. ter than aria Green. No water to carry. Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Tur. nips us well " the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants are appearing as this preparation kills the beetle " the late bugs. The. only prepar- ation that is a fertilizer as well " insecticide. Dmggllt, nun-m G. T. R, Town Ticket Agent Made and sold only by PARKERS' BOO KILLER For Sale At this season of the year, when the abnormal temperature and humidity at the atmosphere make the weather so depressing, two extremes of life come to our mind, one of which calls forth our symrathy; the other, our envy. These are the days when ttte citizens of our large centres of popul~ ation are sweltering in oftiee, store and factory. catering to the voice ot trade. The contaminated air, will“ in its nature, is not the kind to build muscle. bone and brawn. but since civilized society demands these con- ditions, natural instincts must be sac- nfleed and the excitement, ga‘ety and alluremems help to atone " the loss ot a great tart ot Nature's blessings. In contrast to these conditions, which we do not covet, Would we were with l those who are now floeking in bam dreds to the tar-famed Muskoka region, where Nature has been so lavish that itseems a land of enehant- ment, a fairy land, whose sylvan beauty must be seen to be admired. A thousand times more to be envied is he who enjoys life in a tent pitched 'neath a clump of primitive pines, where the wimpling waves of some glassy lake make sweet music night and day, and where the witchery of the scenery of myriad islands, pie- turesque inlets and bays, placid streatnsand towering foliage along the shore call to being the best instincts ot our nature, than he who gnrbei in the height of fashion at- tends Stste functions, club dinners, fancy balls and----.) the potatoes need hoeing, and for the next few hours we will soliloquize on the per- sistency of the grow:h of weeds as [i,'iiii,iiiiii with plants of a more de- sirablc kind. Mr. Bryce Dargavel of Toronto, ac- eumpanied by Miss B, White, former. ly lumber at Latona. Fpem a " pleasant hours wi'h the iormrr's parents Mr and Mrs It M Dnrgavel. Dr Hastings. who looked after the needs ol'ailing humanity in this vi- cnmy while the local physician J. L. Smith was enjoy ing his annual vaca- tion, lelt on Monday for the Queen city. Ills genial personality enhan- ced the social circles during his short s'joum amongst us. Mrs L. Kelly who spent a pleasant three week's vncation with her Mend Mrs R. M. DargaVel, left on Monday for her lmme in the Queen City. -- _ - . q Mrs. Robb. McLaren acumpnnicd by hertwo daughters Rebecca and Jennie, is holidaying with her par- ents Mr and Mrs Philip McIntosh. In the course of a lurtnig ht she will join her husband Rev. Robs. who has been translerred to a charge near Peterboro. The third or a series of socisls. un- der the auspiceg o) [Janina 33nd” School. was held in the Pres. Church on Friday evening last and wuss brilliant success, greatly cclipsing its predecessors in every respect. The ladies p ovided a chores tea In the basement atter which an elabor- ate and varied program was render- ed in the upper part of the church. At 10.30 tho meeting wascalltdto order by Duncan Morrison who dis- charged the dutles ot chairman in a thoroughly elilclcnt manner. The Williamslord choir was present and added very materially tothe even- ing's enjoyment by their well ren- dared anthems and solos. Solos by Miss Lyla McKnight and Mrs. Robt. Hay. two line instrumental selections by Morrison Smith, our effieient or- ganist and an anthem by the Dor- noch Symphony Chorus enlivened the evening's proceedings. Three Latent school girls gnu recitations t which were received with apprecia- l?? and favour. Mr Itobt Corlett Sr lone ot our aged and respected pion- eers who was present at the opening of the old log church over halt a century ago, gave an address inr bued with sound, practical wisdom I tor the young. Dr Hastings gays a [short address, his spicy humor going far to make the audience forget the discomfort caused by a temperature that was depressing the entire even- ing Rev, Mr SteVenson terminated the proceedings ot the evening With a spirited address in which he held a high ideal bet, re the, youth of the community appealing to them to be worthy of their predecessors and true to the best traditions ol the pt- I",',',',!'),',," ot Presbyterianism in this I place. The re opening of Knox church will be held on July 13 and ll. The services on Sunday will be at 3 o'clock and 8 in the evening. Rev. Mr Milcolm. of Holstein, will occupy the pu'pit. Supper and entertain- ment m'l be given on the evening following. Collections and prccetds are to go towards the Building Fund. Every body weleune. Mr Alex Smith in busy raising a shed for a foundation. Word has been received of the death oi lists Rom. Watson, at Van- couver, tormerly ttthis part. We extend sympathy to the relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs Wes Stormy. Durham: spun Sunday with Mr and lira W. C. Caldwell. Mr Will Watson, of Detroit, 1! mending a few days with his parents here. Mr Thos. Allan spent. Sunday with hrs sister, Mrs ll It Watson. North=East Normanby Mr Will Dodson and Miss Sadie Allan spent Sunday evening " the home at Mr John Morice. Mr and Mrs Thos. McAlliater and l their daughter, Mrs Everett Hay. of Welland, drove to Barrister) last Sat- _ urday to spend a. few days with' friends there. I The tramers who have been busy at Mr And. Picken'a barn, have " most completed their work. The funeral otthe late Mr Conrad aim will leave his son’s residence on Tuesday morning, July Ist. ift,ll,r,1t,1r,x..t.,e,,tit4,r,, TORONTO Domoch ', when“ Any interesting scene then is yc to you and your friends at home ever We havdthem 81 and up. C PR Town Office ftaiseii%i"i"b* sgr/itigsefl+ii+bsfFte-iFsiilrcit J; fl, Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, 't Muslims, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, -/k ete, (l) Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, wiih bib ft and wifhout LL i) Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, 293 . . sik Eml3roideries. WK W.t4scilrceiltsitiiccivicsirsi? ciraeieqieiesiyiFitrsiesiy+tii'; Take THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods At this season of the year you always have a hankering for then. Our shipments arrive fre- quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. lljfhest prices for Bu tar and Eggs. We still" have in stock a fine assortment of SOWING HIS WILD OATS - 7 V w - - an) yuvuw um In“ you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of TRt','?'.' braking out and exposing your past; it you are suffering u the r t of I ninpent :ge-Dag. is, , RAB: may} agrqu.” lay your no; betoee lire-Drtti. Kiel K. 'AR'E them confidentially and they w. Treat and Cm vmcos: vans. m 31.00:) Pf! BRINAR! C9MPL_A_INTS, mom one. and all Disease/dir-aG-tini-ii."'" w".- ' CONSULTATION "EA-Bfih lift: p. Din... d l.- foe . Qua... sink for no“ E _ijlaiElEiiCiiEEiiTiriili used for correspondence and -GGrar, '55: 'iGiriiiu"Tiaiii'.' otsir. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, M. a Write toe our ertmte “an“. ,__ - "'"'-ml"-%t.-M.-- " Cor. Miehitran Ave. and Griswold St. Dani, Niall. 'NOTIGE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our 'ee" Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor. fe: J! you desire so see us perynaliy. all .t_ottr Medical Indium: in t -"V __...-- -v u-» u. “tannin”: I Detroit as we Bee and treat " p.60.“ in used for Correspondence and [Aim-um Ir, YreteA 'ery chdéi Try our Fresh Oysters at a Kodak with you on your Holidays REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW C. L GRANT Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. MacFARLANE & cp, Choice lines oi Cooked Meats, Plain Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, can, entia1ly and thry wht" tlit "yairtiorre"s"trr"it "ria', G7iai"r"iiiie". YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED E. A. ROWE Druggists and Booksellers Buy your tickets here is yours, to prove a delight ever afterwards JUIY 3, ms our Windsor omen Giiicts are How my young men an tt 'at on their early li e an regret their mimleedl. “Sowing their wild oats' ' in "rfous ways. Exceoges. violation ot In- turc’s lame, ' 'wine, women and 'Ong"--" have their victims. You have re- formed but what about the Iced you have sown-wut nbout the harvest? Don't trust to luck. It you are at present within the clatchee of my teen-t Nt w ichieu in; your ite by degree-up?! you are cut- th from the results of get ndiacretioo; u out ood he. been tainted Iron eteivrtt1ueettb.G u‘vvvh) ml I. and mono» Huguenot“.- Most Pm Cut P Lilo Car LSO Bla LN St Profit JULY 3, Fresh TH same Speci Ill eea

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