West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1913, p. 6

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tIN "Q A ketch. the R. Fabricious, re- cently sailed from St. JohnU, NN.. for Oporto, with fish. are is aid to be one of the mulled crewed vessel: to on». tho Athntic, hav. ing only I “Mn. Innu- "-4 Pom-t. REL. At. $700,000. Now they have withdrawn from the con- tract. "ter paying a forfeit deposit of ’570.000. James Morash, a man who was found wandering about the streets of St. John, N.B... told the police he had seen men setting fire to buildings, and then admitted he was the incendiary himself. The angler tish, one of the most dreaded pests the tishemnan knows, has appeared in large number. this reason along the Atlantic mat from Cape Cod to New!oundhnd.i It destroys trretst quandtiu 01‘ small tuh. John tty a to ha to F, Hahfax harbor is to have another new fort built for its protection. It will be on one of the hills near Pureell's cove, have three guns, and can $150300. sinee May 23. The Drummom Bathurst. N.B., tons of iron ore , claim to have 3 their holdings. Halifax harbor new fort built [or th r Il mm att, tr m, t r Stun! catch what while playin other lads. Keith Dav " by hanging Freddy F M. John. N qt, M Items ot Interest Prom Plum Lapped by Wares " the Allutlc.‘ A new wharf, 1,700feotlong, is to be built at St. John, N.B. W. G. Salmon, mid to be the most experienced angler in Now Brunswick, died in St. John. (imrge Holta, a prisoner in Pic- tou, N.H., jail, committed suicide‘ by hanging himself in his cell. Freddy Fox, a. T-year-old boy of St John, N.B., was shot in the lung while playing Indian with some across the Atlantic. and claims have backers who will send him France to purchase a. machine the trip. mu HHS OF NEWS F3031 THE MARITIME PROVINCES. lf DOWN h IHE (lllllliilln SEA Thr ‘IIH' at rest the pufdic mind. I "7” if The ofiieiat Report. Dr. Porter of Ottawa read the {allowing report on Dr. Fried- maryr's treatment for tuberculosis: the Sn nu}. front t cut F. 311' It jer. They secured 40 dozen fino It between them. any cases of cruel and inhuman tment of children have lately t drawn to the attention of tho John, N.B.. police. She TS r013 John, N.' al practiti tho med u, beeinni Unqualifiediy Condemned By the Canadian Associa- tion for the Prevention of Tuberculosis n 1t THE FRIEDMANN TREATMENT fi In order to allay 1LbuisGijil, " d , B., din-11.3.3 prefix; Ti, oi the smdlost crowed cm. tho Atlantic, haw . captain, Dunn and oarried 2,336 quintds the Maritimes, And the sonly about two-thirds of was hurt season. of St. John's, NM., men hing for three days at Sul- They seen red 40 dozen fino Jive constables of Stellar- .. captured five tslugs) after chasing them over mtios. The chase lasted b mmond mm areas, near N.B.. will nhip 150.000 n ore this summer. They ave 30,000,000 tons in th ntsguo Chambers, a. St. )avidmn, of Windsor, N. working in a sawmill, fell t a saw and had both his was no discussion upon the the report being received lamation. the applause ap- signifying not the associa- easure that Friedmann’s was ML a cure, but that litter had thus publicly ex- " alleged remedy and let Tnlf1 at I" " po ner “on is about over 8 le will appoint a r, who will look inspection in next fall. only one (rapt. Scott's Vessel Will Not Be l Taken to London. A despatch from London says: The Scott Antarctic expedition', vessel, the Terra Nova, will not, contrary to expectations, be brought to London' for exhibition purposes. She has been repur- chased by Messrs. Bowring, the original owners, and will proceed shortly to Newfoundland, where; she will again be em loyed in sea]- ing. There in much 2'u"j'd,f,1',dLQ',t at Camliit been» the venel he. at been thrown open to the pub- -%e""m, 17-11 III-IVA all one~half the c.ontracto.t's rate, which is five cents per mile. Half Rate for Settlers Going Into Hearst and fortune. A despatch from Toronto says: Arrangements have been made by Mr. A. H. Maedonell, Director of Colonization, with Messrs. O'Brien, Mellougall and O'Gorman, operat- ing contractors on the National Transcontinental Railway, for a halt-fare rate for settlers going into Hearst from Cochrane. This meang, that all new settlers going in to‘ the ,Ht.arst, agency will travel at Iceu'ed here, was unprovoked, and Ifhrhting was still in progress when the despatch left. Later reports {from the scene of the fighting' say that the Servian artillery had gone into action, and a fierce battle was in progress in which both sides had suffered considerable losses. The Bulgarian attack on the Servians has created a dangerous state of excitement here. The newspapers publish special editions, declaring. in large type, "War has begun." Tho streets and cafes are filled with excited crowds. Strong Force ot Bulgarians Attack Servians. A despatch from Belgrade, Ser- vis, says: A strong force of Bulgar- ian troops attacked the Servian position at ZIetovo and Ralkovatz in Macedonia at 1 o'elock on Wed- nesday morning. The attack, ac- cording to official information re- ceived here, was unorovoked. and LOW RATES 0N Till-I y - -- w- -e'eM" "J will, some time this summer, retire on a pension. took tho total abstinence pledge when 7 years old, and kept it, being the oldest member of the New Brunswick Temperance League. The Loyalists' Society of M. John, N.B., are taking steps to stop the desecration of the old graveyard in that city. The old graveyard was ofNislly closed on May l, 1848, and the Loyalists’ So- ,ciety now wants it protected from "encroachment and prvtected for an historic value. After being admiralty pilot for H. M. ships for tho past 60 years, Pilot Hagarty, of St. John, Niki., was on board H.M.S. Sirius, pre- sented with a suitably inscribed sil- ver cup, valued at M guineas, the same being tho gift of the Lords of the Admiralty. Pilot Haggtsrty ( A 3-yearold boy in Newcastle. N.B., had a narrow escape from death. He was playing on the street with a, toy cart, when a. wa- gon loaded with wood knocked him down and passed over him, but the toy cart fell over the boy and saved him from all but slight injuries. John D. Robert-sou, a retired to- bacco manufaoturor of B. John, N. B., died there in his 88th year. He Ur. Wm. If. Ross, Dr. J. H. Sir Archibald Hunter, Governor Elliott, Dr. Porter." of Gibraltar, is to resign and be Dr. Chas. A. Hodgetts, a member subcoeded by Sir Herbert Miles. of the committee, being averse from For purposes of entertainment making any report whatever, did I for the King and Queen when they not Sign the above. Dr. iiii,Ir,i,i.i,"ririi,'i.i.i Lord Derby's seat, in Lanca. is Director of the Health Depart- shire, the conservatory has been ment of the Conservation aiii'isi-riiii.'r'sd, into a playhouse for a. 81011. ~----‘4 L_rr . ’ "(3) Thus, upon investigation, l the committee find that the results have been disappointing, and that the claims made for this remedy have not been proved, and that nothing has been found to justify any confidence in the remedy. "(Signed) Prof. J. George Adami, Prof. J. J. MacKenzie, Dr. A. Caulfield, DrPE. B. Harding, Dr. John W. B. McCullou h, Dr. Wm. B. Ross, Dr. J. ll Elliott, Dr. Porter." Dr. Chas. A. Hodgetts, a member of the committee, being averse from making any report whatever, did) "(2) The cure or progress toward cure claimed by Dr. Friedmann for his treatment has neither constant- ly nor even frequently taken place in the time during which théae cases have been under observation. "il) The inoculations have nei- ther constantly nor frequently been followed by any marked change in the clinical course of the disease. The report states: "As a result of our observations hom March 11 to the present, the following con- clusions peep jtrstifiable: Vment, and to attord to the medial profession and people ot Guam an authoritative statement regard- ing the value of Dr. Friedmsnn'l treatment, the Canadian Associa- 1[ion for the Prevention of Tuber- culosis nominated a committee of five members to stud and report upon the cases inoculated by Dr. Friedmann at Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London. That com- mittee has added to itself those physicians who have under obser- vation the cases treated in those cities. The committee thus constia tuted reports that it has carefully studied the case histories of the pa- tients inoculated by Dr. Fried- mann. These number sltogether lol, namely: For Montreal, 55; for Ottawa, IO; for Toronto, 81; for London, 15.” h Fhhi0r.is' SHIP. h PIERCE BATTLE. A despatch from Washington ,says: Free sugar in 1916 and free raw wool are now established in the tariff revision hill, having been approved late on Wednesday by the Democratic caucus of the Senate after a two days' fight. The sugar schedule, as reported by the ma- jority members of the Finance Com- mittee and practically as it passed the House, was approved by a vote of 40 to 6. Free raw wool u sub- mitted by the majority, and just " it passed the Home, swept the Ben, ate caucus by I vote at 41 to 6. He inoculated twelve guinea pigs with tuberculosis bacilli and then inoculated them with this micro- coccus. Ten months later one only was dead; the others had overcome the disease. Sugar and Wool Will Be Put on the Free List. were recovering from tuberculosis, and was astonished to find a micr- coccus identical with that which he had found in the centre of the pearls of certain oysters. i It has been found, however, that 'certain consumptives might add chalk to their organism without the slightest benefit, and could even adopt the old-time remedy of pow dared bones, which Prof. Robin has brought back into fashion, without improving their condition. Ho analyzed the concretions formed around the tuberculous parts of the lungs of two oxen and around the liver of a pig, whichi But an oyster is not the only bo. ing which reacts in this manner :against a menacing pathogenic agent. A consumptive cures him. self of his ill when the microbes which are destroying his lungs have been isolated, enclosed in a calcare- ous product. For this reason it has been argued that it is only neces- sary to enrich a tuberculous body in chalk to allow the calcareous se- cretions to take the place of the de- l struceive lesions due to the ici) bacilli. - ' ,,_, V- - "'FN9.0Nrb6.m uawuxc, so that the pearl is but the brilliant coffin of a. worm, but in many other cases the parasite is a. micmooccus, which Prof. Dubois has tsucceeded in cultivating in an appropriate me- diurn. Trench Physician says Pearl Is the Oyster’s Weapon. A novel treatment for tuberculo- sis is being studied by Prof. Ra- phul Dubois of Lyons, F rance. For the present he refrains from drawing any omxclusions or making (any predictions from the experi- ‘mcnts he has made. Prof. Dubois has made a. special study of the na- ture and formation of pearls, and it was on his suggestion that the use of X-rays to discover which oysters contained pearls was adopted. The pearl is, according to his theory, a calcareous secretion made by the oyster to protect. itself from an in.. vading parasite. This parasite is frequently of a, verminous nature, l' SITE!) STA TBS TARIFF. After tho adoption of the Govern- ment bill introducing three yeasra' service France's standing army will number 727,000 men. The crew oi the Imperator, in port at Hoboken, N.J., have de- manded better food, better sleeping accommodation, and & nine-hour day. visit Lord Derby's seat in Lanca- shire, the conservatory has been turned into a playhouse for a. music-hall performance. Mr. Lloyd George has introduced a bill in tho British House et Com- mcins to mend the Insurance Act. Martin Shapiro, aged a. year and a half, whose parents reside in Hamilton, was taken to the hospi- tal after swallowing some writing ink. A stomach pump was used, and he is out of danger. Dr. F. W. Kelly scored the Mont- real Presbytery on the low pay to mission teachers, stating that. it was no wonder girls of good educa- tion gave it. up and entered restaur- ants as waitresses. _ The sawmillg of the Fassertt Lum- bor Milling Co." at Fassett, Que., were destroyed" by fire, the loss be- ing $125,000. Moses McFadden, K.C., of Sault Ste. Marie, has been appointed to the junior judgeship of West Al.. goma and J. C. Drumgol, KC., of andsor, to the judgeship of the County of Essex. An tsnti-caneer campaign tor Canada was advocated at the con- vention of the Canadian Medical Association at London. Arthur Young, demonstrator for the J. I. Case Company " Calgary, was crushed to death under a. trac- tor at Baugh. Joe Lagrace, a. French-Canadian carpenter of Montreal, was instant. ly killed by lightning at Regina, Canada, the Empire and the mm In Galen] Before You IE NEWS Ill A PARAGRAPH HAPPENIXGI [ROI ALI "" “I 01.083 " A IUTBHPLL TCBERC l'LOSlS C tuthl. United States. Great Britain. General. Canada. The Hamilton City Hospital needs $50,000 to put it in proper condition. l, Mrs. Boreman had dropped in "just for a minute," and the min- ute had extended already to an hour and a half. This was displeas- ing to Thomas, who sat and thought things. "Dear little chap Y' gushed Mrs. Boreman. "What are you thinking about so deeply, my little man?" "I was thinking," said Thomas promptly, "if it wasn't about time for you to go." "Hush, Thomas!” said his mother hastily. "Look, daddy will have to spank you it you any such things. You) mustn't be offended, Mrs. Bore- mnn, please. Children have such a dreadful habit of blurting out the truth without thinking." Strange! MrcBoreman remembered that she had 1trfirt....to cgtch. ie." 'As the judge Lid-hit-iii, court judgment has not been en- tered. _ Father Fails in Action Against the White Star Company. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: In a test case brought in the King's Bench Division by Thomas Ryan, a. farmer of Cork, Ireland, against the White Star Steamship Co. to recover damages for the loss of his son in the Ti- tanic disaster of April. 1912, thel, jury handed down the following verdict on Wednesday: "There was no negligence regarding the! lookout on the ship, but there wasl negligence in not reducing speed.‘ There is not sufficient evidence tol, show it the message from the steam- ship Mesaba, reporting ice, reached a responsible officer on the Titan- Montreal. July 2.-Miht cows, $30 to $65 each. Calves. 3 to 6 cents; sheep, 4 to 41-2 cents; lambs. 84 to $5 each; hon, 10 to 101-4 centa. leo Stock Marlon. Toronto, July 2.--Civtsa--Good veal. 88 to $7; choice, " to 88.50; common, $3 to 83.50. fltockem and feeders, Steers, 700 to 1,000 pounds. $4.50 to $6.25; year-liars. 82.10 to $2.50; extra choice heavy tee!ierm.900 pounds. 85.85 to 8825. Milkers and sprint- ers-Prom $40 to $70. Hheen and lambs ~ Light. ewes. 85.75 to 86.25; heavy, $4.50 to $5; lambs. year-links, $7 to $8; bucks, 84.50 to tr, spring lambs, 88.50 to 89.00. Hogs -89.50, fed and watered; $9.15 Coh., and 2330101! cars; heavy hora. over Mo lbs, .. an. Duluth, July 1.-Wheab-No. 1 hard. 95 7-80; No. 1 Northern, 921-80; No. 2 Nor. thern, 9034 to 93 7-8e., July, 917-80 naked; September, 94 to 941-80 asked. Close - Linseed. 81355-8; Qt $1.34b8; Beptem. ber, $1.35 " bid; Octo r, 81.3614. Unllod Mam Markus. Minneapolis, July 1.-Ttteat-9ulr, 91c; September. 931-80; December, 95 to 951-8c1 No. 1 hard, Me; No. 1 Northern, 9214 to 93blkt; No. 2 Northern. 901-4 to 91140. No. 3 yolk" corn. 661-2 to 610. No. 3 white can. 315-4 to sol-ac. No. 2 rye. Mia to 56c. Flour unchanged. Bran un- ch_auged. FOR THE LOSS OF Ills SON Winnipeir, July 2.-Caetr-Wheat-No. t Northern. 9734c; No. t Northern, 94%: No. 3 _Northern, 901-40; No. 1 rejected needs. 8954c; No. ' do,, 065-40: No. 3 do., 821-40; No. 1 mail. 89140; No. , do., 8814c; No. 3 do., IAe; No. 4 do., 771-40; No. 1 red Winter, 975-40: No. 2 do., Mb4e,. No. 3 do., 9014c; No. 4 do, 86e. lute- No. 2 C.W.. 34Me; No. 5 C.W.. 321-2c,. extra No. 1 feed. 331-20; No. 1 feed, 321-40; No. 2 feed, 291-20. Barley-No. 3 48e; No. 4 4hr, rejected, 4hr, teed 43c. ilGTr'si'. 1 N.w., $1.16”; No. 2 EW., ”.1554; No. 1‘ C.W., $1.05 1-2. I Montreal. July 2.-Corn--Amerimut No. 2 yellow. 671-2 to 680. oaur--Ctu1adian west- ern. No. 2, 411-20 to 420: do Canadian western. No. 3, 400 to 401-20; do extra. No. 1 feed, Mo to 41iac. Barler-hLutitrob. deed. Mk: to 510; do making, 620 to 650. Buckwheat _ No. g, 580 to 60o. P1our---Mani- toba spring when pawn“. tinrta, $5.60; do.. aeoondu. $5.10; do., strong bakers’, $4.90; do., winter patent. choice. $5.50; do/ straight rollers. $5.10; do., strairht rol. lens, bars. "40. Rolled out -Barre a, $4.46; do., bags. 90 lbs., "d.ttl. Branrrtla; shorts. $19; middlings, 81.2; mouille. 826 to 852. Htsr-No. 2, per ton. car Iota, $12.50 to; tu. Chee- Finest western, Mo to 131ae; do., tlrMmt eastern, 121-20 to 12 540. But- tor--Choicast creamer ' 25540 '0 260; do., seconds. 251-40 to £140. EuaiFreahu 220 to 250; do., selected, 250. Pontoon *Perl has, an lots. 600 to mt. Cured menu are quoted a. follows:- Bacon, lone clear. 153-4 w 160 per Ib., in can-10 lots. Pork-Short cut, $28; do, mess. $22. Hamer-Medium to light, 19 to 20e; heavy, l? to 180; rolls, 16 to 161-4c; breakfast bacon, 2tc; backs. M to 25c. Baléd’ iii-Eh? iiCtV"ii.iln"l'iiici"',' in; ronto. Ruled har-No. l " $11.75 to 81225, or tre?, ‘Toxfonto, And " , at $10.50 w $1t "'it Poutoei-Ahttario gotitoea. 850 get bug; carlota‘. 75c; New run-wicks. 1.25 pf! bag: out of store. 81.10 in car lots; Vir- ziyia. new. $5.25 barrel. ‘....w..v. ”manor. " no to no. . Wrrtfrr-Buehwtiut, 9o I and in uni. and Go in barbell; atrainedpglover 110117. 121% a pound in abound tins; 1234c n lO-pound tins; tht in 5-pound tins: comb honey. No. l, 82.60 you down: aura, $3 per dozen; No. 2. " not down. Beams-primes, bushel. 01.15 to 82; hand. picked, $2.35 to 82.40. Poaltrr-Fresh.ktued yearlings, 190 to 2to per gaunt fowl, 160 to 180; live year- llnzn. 1 to 16c. live lowla, 14c to 15e; dressed spring chickens. Rkr, live, $50 to 272: turkeys, 200 to 28e. country "Mum. Ext-~Now-lnid. in can Iota, 210 to 220. Ctusestr--trirus, new. 140 to 141-20 and large. new. " 13 Mo to Me,. old cheese. twins. 150 to Mit'.. large. 15c. 1Mttet-H)retsmorr prints. 26c to ahr, do solids. 250 to 27c; dairy prints. we to Mo; trtryrrior Llyxkprt'), 180 to 190. Munch: P1our--Pirist plums. 05.50 In Jute Mn: ”non: Intent 04.80 in into burs. In canon at ten cent: more pt! barrel. Ontario Ptour--Winter wheat Mur, 90 per cent. pawn“. is quoted at 84.10 to $4.15. 'seatrohrd, in bulk. "In. of Como. can. on... no 'tttte ”an. at “on. Illl mu. Innate“. TON-to. I L-aEanitetU whit-m0 for“. No. tth-det tau-4: No. l 1.0014: No. a, 'rot M w " “a. Ontario Whut--No.n, no to In tor on lots out-Mo, ringing down to tk for poor grub. Ontario Our-No. a white, 360 to 360 It 'ltydt,7 points; 814: to no on uni, To. ron ' lunch. Onto-No. I O. W. on". 890 to 400. track. buy got-u; No. a o, W., 310 to 300; No. t food. o to no. Corp-Agn-r, No. , Jollow, “no; No. 3 gallon 6134c. track. buy part... nyr- o. 2, 60a ’to 6As. nominal. Pi-No. 2, Rht to 950 can lots. outaldn. _Bairtusab-"so. t, 620 to Mo. Barler-aood muting barley, outside, 520 to “a. Rolled thstr-Per bag of 90 pounds, "ts.. an barrel, 04.55, whole-n10. Windsor to antral. . Mi1lfeed--tanitotsa bran, .1100 to 81.it, in bun. track, Toronto; shorts, 20.00; Ontario bun. 818.00 to 819.09. tn boss; aligns, te0.0iti.midd.y.ttra, 82100 to A23_.f0.. sr'srs/o uid . 1iriioiiir-iiG sack. "pom no: nu “Kama "an "tmt" " mum“. PRICES if FARE Mi)lltit The Gentle llint. Salad Hay and Straw. Winning Market. Montreal Markus. Provlolom. 32.25 to l lt is said that throughout its whole his- Ltm'y (rt,,",",: man has been appointed up the Pato tog other than r',',trl'ihr. partY reasons. l' e Quintin!) was on. cube John Macdonald, ot Toronto. I merchant who was appointed by hi. namesake, Sir John Handout”. under tn. tereeting circumstances. Charges lining been made in tho beergl Pres. that dur- lng the Faniln Raids Bir John had nude ?uestionnble use of the secret unto. ands, the matter II! brought up in inhuman. Mr. John Madonna. who ad . nut in tho Home ot Commons. declared that the stuck on " po- lltlcal opponent. nu most. nun-t. He role In his place in the Home a!!! “(ended the Premier in . few sentences. - ,,,_VV,__.. -. .- I-vlll but guru of the other side. For example, one dis. tirurui.ehed writer declares that tho Cart. adieu Senate "wan born In common“. and from the cradle up it has been I pretentious and costly humbuc." W. read. too, from the “no source that it “ha- never done u useful More of work since it was orgauined and that for the purpose for which it In. clotted h.- been digregardggl in ‘th actqnl pquorglqncgq." of caution " sonata Inform. It looks as thoturh we were within measurable distance of an agitation tor the abolition of the Canadian' Senate. A number of Liberal papers are than” committed to the complete tttrolitron ot the second Chamber, and now we gm h'ui‘ng 1eySi..ttiont, of it Iron: the pry. During his tour ha maintained that neither the Liberal Party nor the Con. nervntive Party oortrstitttted Brim-h insti. tutions. At the name timo he Mill dir nvowa nnv idea of forming . Nntionnlict Pnrty. "I consider there in more than enough with two parties. and I would not desire to take upon my shoulders the responsibility of creating a third source of evil doinirr" of of our patriots get no tGarriiciau :51er they talk about the British 2tr/ort that ylgulwould think they had unloved it w o e." V Vv~_ --__ -w"..i-. Va L I" "EUR" leriea. Brewery ownership is understood [to apply to many hotels. And in other ‘nation individuals own more than one lhostelry. This system of tied homes is. ,however. frowned upon " the License Ckynmirsrionem, who desire as tar as pos- sible to nurtures "aim-king or speculat- _ mi in hate licensee and it can therefore on y be put into effect under cover. Iowan: In the Wot. Henri Bouraasa, the Nationalist leader, has been t',f.'l','1,'X Wain-n Canada. The party leaders, ex austod by their Par-lisp] mentary duties, have been content to re- tire for a geriod of rent and quiet, but-not] so with ma irrepreaaible Bourausa. Int l the West he has been expoundinz the doc. l twine of Nationalism and he awe-sue. himself as entirely "tistusd with the re-i re tion he has been receiving. gouraasa‘s eloquence and his brightness! always command attention. Hi: Ipmhea glitter with'aparkling him which break forth with apparent trpotttatteitr. For ex- ample. at Winnipeg he made reference) to "our railway magnate-e who have grown so fat. so powerful and no loyal?! And again to "Sir Thomas Rhaugbnesay,i who is so concerned with the unity of the British Empire, oucht tlmt to nail tho British Government some meana by= whieh he ran become a British subject before he {eachea lessons of patriotism," Rhanghnesny being an American who.. Canadian naturalization dom not natal him a Britilh citizen.‘ or..eirt._"iGirl TORONTO It is understood that the property which has been in the possession of one family for upwards of forty years. now passm into the hands of interests which Ire controllgd by one or other of tho brow. v..- ...~»‘v.-. l There are those who 'Ir that tbo chief executive of the old world's solitary Roi public of lists is the most. remarkable public future in the world to-dsy. \ Motels ‘lrin; III-h Prices. The prxaftu which are ret to be made ini the hotel business in this country may be' indicated by the fact. that tranefor hi, just. been made of a Toronto hotel licener at a price said to exceed 'sotyrideratrlr the 1 sum of $100,000. It was the highest “sure! that has ever been paid in (‘enada tor a, hotel lieenee. Tho property in question! in centrally situated down town. its mainI business being in the bar which, though! almost one hundred feet. long, date not by any means hold the record for To; route. there being two or three otherii with greater dimensions. I His service: to France 11:" been T. murkable, and it is understood that in h I short term of oMee he has already pon. vertod a shaky Republic into one of con- siderable Itronfth and stability. " trote ulnrity with all clam of people in tre, mendoua. And in addition to his marked success " a. statcsman he its known as . moat gamma: and discriminating put- ro..'?. of nrta and latte". , " such a system of countervailing da. ties actually comes into enact in the United States, the immediate result is almost certain to be the immediate re- vival ot discussion in Canada of the no I ciproolty Issue. Tho lame will have du. _ tinguishing points. but in the main it will be the same as caused such an furore two years alto. While there is little discussion on this point as yet, I have heard shrewd ob. servers tn the last week or two may thnt the next general election in Canada will be fought. not on the Navy Issue as has been generally supposed, but once again on the Tariff Question. These predictions _ are based on the foregoing developmental at Washington. It is easy to see how the controversy might be revived, although! there is no certain indication as yet as to what the tim" outcome of the deliber- ations of the United States Congress will 0. A Versatile Ruler. Canadians do not know much about the politics ot Franco, but the visit of Pre- sident Poincam to the King of England calls attention to one of 210 most remark- able men in tho world to. ay. Poincare ts the that man who has been both Premier and President of France. It is rather (difttcult to understand why any country should have both a Premier and a Prem- dent or to understand what the respective function ot the two are. In a broad sense the powers of tho President are slmilar to those ot the President of the United Stews. with the exception that the once h supra“ to be not a party one, but demlw and judicial. something like that of the 1lovernor.0endrnt of Can- ade. The Premiership is. on tho other band, held by A party leader but as in the case of our own Premiership. Poin. care is tho tirnt nun who has been con- sidered aumciently impartial and has had _ sumcient popularity and ability to se- cure elevation from the Premier's posi- tion to that ot President. 'AI tuGiir iGiii'i?iiiru, duties on food products the would be on this black Inn. of Uncle Sam’s. - ,._7_â€" -.--v.»-1v w \-ll.lll-Il‘> The present pro al in that wheat. live stock. etc., shank! be placed on the free list, but that in the can of countrivu mnnuinlnc A duty against these articles, u duty of a similar amount will be levied br. tht Untysd Sums. "W ___,.--.- -.._. lac-I: yum-Elli. tumour. the more radical Democrat. have declared thu the only thing to do In to nuke I clean sweep of dutien on food nuns. lt now looks as though their new might {new} with u certain pro- viso. 1nd it a this exception which in of Difficulnr iqmrmv. to_Catusdiann. Interest in the progress of the Demo. cratio Taritt Bill at. Washington hn been revived by the turn of recent develop. menu. In the original draft of the bill provision was made for nub-anti“ re duction in various n- food product. and! u live stock and wheat, but they ware not, placed on the free list, tho unount of duty remaining being. it wu claimed. luncient to provide the American farmer with Imp]. protection. and to prevent the manure from being much good to the Canadian farmer. Finished food Pro- ducta Inch u menu Ind ilottr were on the free list. Incidentnlly this looked film a pretty soft arrangement for Call luau Pyle 1nd meat antigen; l auTri". Giiiiii; who push. of Dominion Du bu mud new. tttii, u to frtttt.her Gun-dint! II . what. It. r9511] trailing Csnldl'l and day quite (nu-Ly. tn most I tlytt it b about the Itltttt holiday oi be you. It in undw bod betwun tho Nth of Kay. which 001111an to be uni- nruny observed. Ind tho August onto holidur which tow" uni oltiu o.Utrrato. Bravo. y unywhou in it mud. II oooatrion for I Mitt' celebration. and tta that mom. in marked oontrut to the Amer- icsn’n name:- at dnmonatratini on ttut, Fourth of July, Tho "not: enact Ii. in In! up”!!! on tho part ot Cnnudiun- tow-rd their uni" had. Perina- it Ito partly in the nelson of tho your. The nm of Qt and. that portion of the ral",',",': Whit taken summer holidays " or preparing to tiit or t1tttimr or settling down. And it titttU tho rural popuhttion entering on ita busiust season. Another oxplunr.tiou rally be that we have not been taught to ful y ngpreciaw tho ligumcuuce ot Con- fedont n. The fact that men nnd newrpupem are discus-in! _Ues,,rryrttvr in I licu that I Ltr/yr! a. mum I IM_p.ul_nc of Another Dominion; Will Revive Inn. Hon. The U. I. Tull. Steward Anderson of the l gown Swept Overboard A despatych from Montreal With her flag at half-mas Calrngowan crept quietly into Her chief steward, Mr. Guthrl derson, was swept from the l at sea by the great wave on 7, when the vessel was about 1tALei_rtti_mues from Scotland German Dentist Gets Mitt Sent in England. A despatch from Winche: England, says: William Klan German dentist residing at IN mouth, was found guilty at the sizes here on Wednesday on charge of espionage at Portsmo England’s chief naval station. was sentenced to five years' p: servitude. Tornadoes and subr. ines, it developed at the trial. , the special subjects of Klare's search. 'i Delivers All Eloqueu Speech at the ': Gull! Hall Banquet. A despatch from London, Eng- ; land, says: “Today the friendship -' between the eve nations becomes-, Ilit possible, strengthened and re- iieiyityfl. Co-operation continue. 1. between them which does not ex- " clude the coopernticn of any other ,l power, but which tends, on the con- ltrlry, to the maintenance of Eur- I openn cace and establishes be- tween [fritain and Fiance traterntul eonfidettee and common goodwill.” iThis we: the keynote of the elo- l quent speech which President Poin- lcare delivered at Guild Hall on‘ i Wednesday. It further emphasized , lthe stirring message which Poin-l Icare has given to the British um, ltion. The President's visit to the, ‘city was a. personal triumph. He] 3received a great ovation as he ldrove through the densely crowded (streets. Wednesday night he enter.. _', taiued the King at the French Em- :busy, the banquet being in every 3 respect French, the valuable plate, decorations. and even tho chefs coming from across the channel. ' I?" Deliver. An The pressure relieved, the scalp was stitched. Nothing was placed in the opening made by the removal of the home. It u believed that owing to the use of the child the bone will grow and close the space. It is thought that the boy received a, blow on the head in some man- ner when an intact. A sect-Son of the forepart of the skull two and one-half by one inches was removed and evidence of a compression was discovered. _ Finally, he came under the care of Dr. Tueller and Dr. Fox, who suggested that an ex-my photo- graph of the boy’s head be taken. This was done, and a portion of bone compressing the brain was discovered] An operation was then decided upon. l Charles H. Jamison, 8 years old, was placed under tho surgeon’s knife. Frequently in the last six months the boy, apparently physi- cally healthy, has been examined by medical experts to determine the course of his seemingly unoontmL Iable leaning toward wrongdoing. especially theft. Several times he was picked up by the police and taken io the House of Detention. Surgeons Operates on Boy and Ito. move Part of Skull. An operation which it is pre- dicted will furnish additional proof that criminal deoncics in the young can be corrected by magical skill was undertaken at the West Philadelphia Homoeopathic Hospi- tal. ' LlEUT.-00L. J. DUFF STUART, at Vancouver. Commandant at th Canadian Bale: lean. You! lamr he wu Ippoinlnd to the tlpn. un. And furnish“ the only examplo of I Son-tor appointed by a Gavel-mm of the opposing politics. THE FRENCH PRESIDENT. FIVE YEARS FOR SPY STRANGE COE FOR THEFT. LOST l T SEA “must remain; at Ports- " found guilty at the Ar , on Wednesday on the eT.ioystre at Portsmouth. from Winchester, WiH‘ipm Klqre, a, hillf-Ipiét: -fiie' years' penal and submar- _re_trial, were the Cairn. run-r;- 11taiik tttenee 88X ft re the Indy: you five." "WhntU the price of this silk?" naked I deaf old lady of I Mung shopmen. '/!ysverohillintra," we: the reply. “Seventeen shillings!” she ex- claimed. 'Wil give you thirteen." "Only seven shillinge, ma'tsm, is the price of the silk," replied the honest shoplnan. "Oh, seven shillinpi" rejoined the l:dy.nlharply. "Well, I'll give All. this time the little Archduke Chub. wu looking on. mwling and silent. He, too, had dreams of becoming . great toldicr, and this defeat at the hands of a stranger hurt him deeply. However, when in later yen-I he found himself pilr ted against his former opponent. he showed that he had learned well the lesson of. the wooden soldiers. I It wu indeed young huplrm who, with the wooden new.“ aad . toy Ewnnon, had given oeHenoe of the great military gelling within him. Monsieur de Bonaparte had called with his son to uk for the grand dub’l pot-0nd recommen- dation, which he hoped would be of service to him in getting his son " mitted to the military school at Etienne. l "Eh, but your youngster is be, ‘ginning well, Monsieur de Bona- putt." he said, laughing. “I see he ha been outmaooeuvring my Iona while we have been talking Well, good luck to him! I trust you will have no trouble in gaming him into tho eartalrlishmont " Brianne." eoE1ernr," Limited tri? 1htidn-iiiust The boy, whom he left waiting in the room, was I. allow, aggressnu child, with fino grey eyes and a prematurely serious expression. In his tather's absence he amused him, self by joining the two small arch dukes in their mimic warfare on tlie cnrpct., Gradually, to their dis, (pleasure, he began to get the let, ter of them; his toy cannotr-which he worked vigorously --- mowed down their soldier: as fut us they could set them up. At hurt, when a quarrel Wu imminent, and the " tie archdukeu were on the point of pornmelling their adversary, they were restrained by the return of his father, mompmied by the kindly grand duke. like Mane - One day in 1773, tho Archduke Charles and his brother Ferdinand, Iced seven and nine respectively, were phyin‘ with a box of Wooden ‘ooldien in an “new of th. gnodducul palace at Florence, It happened that a gentleman, Mum: panied by his little eon. called m pay his respects to the Grand Mike, of Tuscany, the father of the two brothers. After waiting for mum minutes in the Intercom, the stran- ger was summoned to the grand dukeh, study. "__...- - II" - anw-bl'o by than and bar Inor- ut no. dno ruched um do“ with": WI. We and: out " town manna. whlcl my to _ by - . 'r"ou-oe _ __ - rcxwml having “I. M! on hand [or hungry or longer periods. or an In. run-out Invul-nnl. can "tuit “UR PER CENT. ‘I'Gfm. R.---- A- a " the Great Soldier Fought a Bottle. It in n matter of history that, m, [the Bath ot AtsporiEtrediutt in 1809, Archduke Chub: of Austria, ouncidered by may one of the groom 'soldiers of his day, inflict, ed upon Napoleon the first serious defect that he had ever tsufrersi. Not so well known is the Ivory of an earlier bottle between was two soldiers. Ina. Hugh Fraser tell» it in "Beminiasoeaoea of a Diploma» tutu Wife." PERSON: having - _.hqrtd "r to." NAPOLEON'S FIRST VN‘TOIH'. Cllj"jj"iiii)k7ii" Bound to "7.. -.... v-I-II ruuR PER illernh CN'OIM.‘ gm. LY con-h-.- -----_-- . -- I. You». . 0'3”...” Bargain. an ya]? Ila-r11 Llulm an lit-aw tK. M “mum-I‘m what” " o-asdtMutkm.th.ttt Marmara- on woodman. mm m I I.“ (“at Moundmyu eumfhr-rtdo, (I‘ll-Ada." Doc-8.1011. TIE SECRET i) 600 down, weak C no defence alt Old! . cumin and: u mm PM, noun pi. itself. People “in Chou” take Pills for Pale MIPS to main - blood strength. TI, tie [up the Blood Rich Dr. William I The corridor: oi att tho dilemma OI! sickness. h “on; healthy he mot Bo together thin every part coma weak. Th, dream: and u... poor. The um Q)! Chm: and tr ot disest appetites, general r Hero is Maude M fl poor. 1 though I onougn nuuv'na Old soon the plain and the table, den-mum “Nous. For ing I. yours voles h has! " Chapped an Put Then In HANDS S ll Are Your I ERUPTIONS COVE and All Sw and Ointme FIX“ l ($lil UULU NU “I M (5h

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