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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1913, p. 1

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) Van‘s ".au,inm at led to any e$3. Cuhrbu.d“ 1913 le Pillis IN ARIO @<SIONS tore . l mang icheur vo :’.4 E.é Custom Chopping Promptly and We!ll Done o) t=" A Carload of Salt just to hand. ko3 = To make a Long Tail r Short â€"â€" Cut it off © npbubss ?E':I-::-C:-Z:-::-ZEEEEEMEXECQXEEEF.'?; $5 a box, or three for $10. The Scobell Drug Co that date , Rey1s108® or Vorkrs List.â€"P lans looking after revisison of V List shoald take notice that Egre | it was completed last week and officially posted in the Clerk‘s offi NEaUKkNchikt SE BaPI _ Whinkes pu..l A reliable French regulator; pilis are exceed ingly gowerlul generative portion of the femal all cheap imitations. Dr. de s s a i w o i o n FoRr Sau®e hicken feed L L ME CR C en e PEs VC CEEEAAMEWRENE CCC CADW AeUCC OME ELKE E LkiglN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. THE STANDARD BANK l am propare Bring it here . de Ask your Â¥ ou ( using by | S F. MORLOCK Toronto, 17th June, 1913. By order of the Board. :otice We carry a liféé ;f;)â€"c-i-o-f'f;é;;;r.;‘n; purpose Your goods delivered anywhere on short notice Headquarters for all kinds of Hen feed osted in the Clerk‘s office on 5th Jaly. Thirty days from will be August 4th. Van‘s Female Pills Gold Medal or North West Gem This is a Sale which it will be worth your while to attend, and attend early while there will be a large assortment to choose from. For the next 30 days we are offering our complete Millinery stock including this week‘s new arrivals in Sailors, Outing Hats, and Fancy Shapes in Peanuts, Milans, Leghorns and Panâ€" amas at greatly reduced prices. SPECIAL Values in 2 ) 3: ent off all trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Flowâ€" ers, Feathers,Ornaments,&c. NO OLD STOCK Mlonstrous Millinery Sale Mrs OF CANADA _ _ Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 N« n alst iying is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN . PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has t ighbor, th«y are using it. 1 t» piy th» highest cash price for any kind of grain I want it . Fred J. Welsh 8O lator; never fails. These wertul in regulating the female system. Refuse r, de Â¥an‘s are sold at Mailed to any address. , 8t. Catharines, Ont . XXXV1l, NO. 28 cut off your troubles with the flour you are now a birg of our celebrated 1 xgs and Â¥on Children‘s Hats .â€"Politicâ€" of Voters‘ Egremont echnic‘s first LADIES : Remember the special Spirella Corset Sale throughout the summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. MRS J. C. NICHOL, Representative Box 107, Durham The undersigned will receive offers for any, or all. of the properties of the late Jane Brown, deceased, up to 1st. August. 1913. House on Bruce street, house on Countess street, 3 houses on Lambton street, and house north Saddler street, No offer necessarily accepted. ArtTHuUR H. Jacksox, Durham. CEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, SPIRELLA CORSETS guarantee every bag i?)s For Sale. General Manager, 149 he Burhim 1 The Review to new subscribers to the end of ‘\ * | Oraxar Lopars ATTEXNE Cnuron.â€" In the neighborhood of 100 Orangemen representing the lodges of Durham, Varney, Glerelg, Allan Park and Greenside attended divine service at the Methodist church on Sunday morning and listened to a sermon in their behalf from the Rev, W. W. Pradham. The procession lined up ot the Indge headquarters on Mill strest and headed by the band, theloyal folâ€" lowetrs of King William marched two abreast to the church. In the line of march was Robt. Aljoe, Sr., probably the oldest Orangeman in these parts. Mr Prudham‘s sermon was an impresâ€" sive one. He first reminded his hearâ€" ers the significance of iheir being memâ€" bers of the Orange society and especi® ally their duty in behalf of the Bible and the Obristian religion. During the course of his remarks, the speaker also urged the brethren to cultivate a friendly spirit to the incoming foreign population to Canada instead of an anâ€" tagonistic or hostile one. He remarkâ€" ed that it was their duty to .do such and that it was an assured fact that the incoming tide of emigration could not be put aside. He especially imâ€" pressed them with the need of looking after the people coming from Southb, ern Europe, who he said, did not have the religion of the Bible and whose faith wasfounded on principles differ. ent from our 6wn. <et? S TurE® YEars at Mrmico.â€"Charles and Ermest Wright, the two young boys who committed theft at the home of Mr. J. P. Telford last week, on Thursday reseived a sentence to spend a three year term at the Mimico school. After making their escape, the boys liyed like bandits for two days in the woods east of the town. On Wednesâ€" day evenng they were taken in custody by Constable Whalen and incarcerated in the local "coop". It is said that the boys at first were very downcast at the thoughts of going home but brightened up perceptibly when they learned they were going to jail. Their trial came off Thursday morning, the case being heard behind closed doore,. The lads were taken to Mimico by Constable Whalen on Friday morning and with a bag of oranges under their arms, they displayed a holiday spirit and it seemed as if they were picnic bant. CHILDREN‘s Ain.â€"Our list of the names of committee of this new town activity as it appeared last week was not quite correct, The Convener of the committee has given us the followâ€" ing corrected list : Mrse N. W Campâ€" bell, Convener ; Mrs T. McGirr, Mrs Farqubarson, Miss A. Gun, Mrs Dr, Wolfe, Mrs John Graham, J. P. Telâ€" ford, W. H. Moffat, Huagh McCrae, Rev‘ds. MceCausland, Farquharson, Prudham, Hartley, Iasrretors to co to Scnoor.â€"On August 4th next a class in Agriculture is to be formed at Guelph 0. A, C. for the ben:fit of the S :hool Inspectors of the Province. Of course our own pro« gressive Inspector is going and will be able to giye counrtry teacbers and country boys something practical aloug these tines. The bost in lect ures and demonstrations by Untario Proâ€" fessors and able men from outside the province will be put before them . Horse Fairr.â€"Thursday ofâ€" next woeek is the date of July Horse Fair» 17ih inst. Thess fairs are now thor" oughly established and for the last two fairs buyers in ample numbers were present to muke competition keen, Farirers through with their spring work will be able to jadge if they havye surplus stock and if so, they may disâ€" pose of them profitably, The official results of the Entrance are not to hand at time of wiilting, but it is a happy certainty that Mi<sMaeâ€" garet McKenzie is again successful in passing her 23 pupils. (“r. Jamieâ€" son‘s 8. Grey, medal goes this year ,:.bomgirfn'mgie Campbell, a pupil ot Miss Lizzie Aldcorn‘s, Swinton Park. s / e Â¥ é':‘ _'-: Ow N:lé :’ @OPICS At ListawEst Races.â€"Robt. Scott, who drives Calvert‘s horse Maggie B.," failed to break in the prize money at Listowel Races on Tuesday, although in two of the heats he captured 4th place« There were nine horses entered and a purse of $1000 offered for this class, the 2.30. One heat was won in 2.134. a. m. and reaches Guelph 10. 5 0 a. m Returning leaves Guelph at 5. 30 p. m Reduced fares, The Annual Garden Party of Burns‘ Church, Rocky Saugeen will be held on Mr. 8. Putherbough‘s grounds on Friday evening, July 1l1th. Good prograim. _ Supper from 6 to 8, Admission 25¢ and I5c. A special Grand Truok tr&ain wili be run from Darham to Guelph on Satur. day, July 12 b. Leaves Durnam 7. 30 at MicFarlane‘s. The Presbyterian Garden paity is to be held on Thursday 17th July, at the Manse grounds. See billis for extended notice. Band in attendance. len feet,. from the Rey, W. w. The procession lined up ot adquarters on Mill strest LoC Â¥N a box & DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 Wepaihs Mr Joux BairD iN ax Acomext.â€" Saturday mcrning last Mr John Baird was attending to his duties at the Furniture Company‘s sawmill when an accident oecurred that might have cost him his life, In turning on the steam, which was at 90 lb. pressure, something went wrong, for a violent explosion occurred, the steam vyalve on & 4â€"inch pipe being blown out and eyen split in two and thrown some distance. Escaping steam and water caught Mr Baird blistering him badly on chest and arms with a slighter touch on the face. Fortunately an elbow of the pipe in the explosion was tilted away from him or a more seriâ€" ous result might have followed. Asâ€" sistance so0n came to him, his clothâ€" ing cat or torn off and he was taken to the home of his aunt, Mrs Jas. Coleâ€" ridge nearby and medical help secured. He is now at his home and progressing fayorably, His parents Mr and Nrs Hugh Baird, Thorabury, _ motored over or Sunday tosee him, the datter staying for a time, | .. o f «vorr«rox_â€"Merem®*"*â€"The clection contest in North Grey between Mcâ€" Quaker, the Liberal and Cameron, the Conservatiye, is in full blast this week the election being on Menday nexbs Opinions differ of course as to who is to be the winner, but the perfect unâ€" animity on the Liberal side gives Mcâ€" Quaker a good show and bis popularâ€" ity in Owen Sound and business inâ€" tegrity is also in his favor. Premier Whitney‘s course in shutting off inâ€" vestigation in the Proudfoot charges is also hurting his candidates, Botb candidates arelocal option men, but McQuaker the more prominen of the two, Prominent men on both sides are speaking in the Riding A steady rain during the day preâ€" vented a large turnout at Glenelg Cenâ€" tre Baptist Garden party last Friday night, nevertheless the evening was tine. _ A splendid program was given consisting of addresses by _ Revs. Hartiey, Prudbam and McOausliand, quartette by the Binnie family, songs by T. H. Binnie, trios by Misses Gerâ€" trude and Rita McComb and Liilie Walker, and by the latter two and Mr Allan Bell. Hutton Hiil whitewashed the Glenelg boys in baseball by a big score, About $23 was netted at the gate and $40 additional at the booth, which was sold out bf eyverything. The reâ€"opening of Knox church, Normanby, will take place on Sunday and Monday, July 13th and 14th. On Sunday, Rev, Mr, Marcolm, of Holstein will conduct services at8p m. and 8 p. m. On Monday evening a supper from 4 to 8 will be seryed followed by a high class entertainment in the church, Admission Monday 25¢ and 15¢c, and special collections on Sund iav. Proceeds in aid of building fund of the church. The attention of the public is calied to the rates of postage on letters on rural mail routes. _ Some are under the misapprehension that le carries a letter to a rural mail address from the office where the route commences. This is incorrect. A 2¢ stamp is reâ€" quired on all letters addressed to a rural route, coming from a rural mail home, or between the homes on the same or different routes, With which isfincorporated the Holstein Leader "Stick xo Bitus."â€"Frequenters of the Post Office in Durham feor some days hack must have noticed the deâ€" serted looking appearance of the walls This is due to an order recently issued that no outside advertising matter must be allowed in the office, conseâ€" quently MrSmith had to take down sale bills and everything of that naâ€" tare, _ Only government notices will be allowed in future, an excepti on being made in favor of fuaeral notices. sores, lood an" wonge=" freatment. She left Monday w\ .8 z Mtér e tor Miss Smillie of Torc »to, a university graduate and trained murse was the speaker at last Saturday‘s Women‘s Institute meeting in *he*Town Hall She gave a yery interesting and useâ€" ful address on home nursing particuâ€" larizing on bathing Ast . fi;?‘vm. bedâ€" sores, food an"4 wonge*" freatment. Dromore Mayor Black last &eek sold three fine horses to a gentlugran in Niagara Falls, Ont. for a farcy figure. The purchaser had never spen the animals but felt assured he was ecéiying good value, Mr. Black is ieshaps the onls man in this vicinity who can close a deal in this mannes. 17 O Wll e‘ is IMpUOsged for imporied for bonafide pr'wateaae, we have and have had, nothing tosay, but when an officer of the law thirks there has been a violation of law and »makes a seizure the case is altered. ~Bhould it turn out that the seizure was illegal we stand ready to announce thatfact also when brought to our attention. * Mauke it a pnin!t;'to attend Presbyterian Garde ‘Party at Mause grounds, on IThurad;t), July. w Where beer is imported for for bonafide private yâ€" we have had, nothing to $ay. bu _ However in a do%xcnt handed to us by Mr Mcintyre, a different view of the incident is afforded ‘and he desires in justice to himself that we give it in full. We haven‘t the leasiâ€"hesitation in com. plying retaining evem his editorial form, it is as follows : _ We find in an inter. view with Mr, Mciftyre that he was perfectly within the daw and his rights in having shipment made to him . Furâ€" thermore Mr Allan came to him on June 30, and stated that he (Allan) had been too hasty, was the wrong and it would be doing himt (Allan) a favor to accept the stuff and ‘not let the matter go any further. _ We hope this explanâ€" ation will exonerate Mr. Mcintyre from any insinuation that may have been created by this article." ‘ Our remarks last week under the above heading on the seizure of liquor by Inspector Allan have given offence to Mr Norman Mcintyre Jr., one of tho three parties to whom the liquor was shipped. Needless to say that in namâ€" ing the parties we were not in the least actuated by anythml'llkc personal malâ€" ice, nor were we trying to make it apâ€" pear that he, Melntyre, habitually made such transactions. We regret that he took this view of it arj would be sorry to think any injury has been done to him in reputation or character by our remarks. _ We wrote the.article after an interview with the Inspector and our remarks reflected that interâ€" view fairly. . ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Liquor Seizure the the l7th Bessie Drimmie, Ourrie McArthur Thelma Browp, Lillie Hamiiton, Miss WILsON REMEMBEREDâ€"School closing at S. 8, No 10 Egremont, where Miss Eliza Wilson has been teacher for the past few years was marked with unusual excercises, Miss Wilson has resigned her position at the Yeovil school and the respect in which she is held by the section was testified by parents and pupils gathering to spend a farewell afternoon togetber, Miss Wilson was the recipient of a handsome mantle elock and a silyverâ€"mounted butter dish, accompanied by an adâ€" dress which reads as follows: Dear Miss Wilson: Having learned that our relations as teacher and pupils were now to cease, we take this opportunity of acknowâ€" ledging our love and respect for you, Your untiring patience and zeaious devotion in our beBalf since we haye been under your charge has endeared you to us and we feel that the kindly advice given and the good principles that you have taught us will never be forgotten. Your christian bearing and firm yet fair dealing at all times cannot but fail to influence us for the better in the years to come, We ask to accept these gifts as a small but tangible token of our esteem for you and pray for heaven‘s richest blessings to be yours, Signed in bebalf of the school: AUCTION SALEâ€"All the household goods of the late Mrs. J H Brown will be sold by public auetion at her resiâ€" dence, Bruce St, on Thursday, July l17th. Everything must be sold. Rost BRIGHAM, Auctionesr Rural mail delivery routes are sten‘(h ily being inaugurated in this riding and it will be but a matter of time when the whole of South Grey is covâ€" ered. Jnly 1st saw R. R. No. 1, Priceâ€" vills, commenced with Mr R. Shorta, as carrier, The route is wost from Priceville, along Darham Road to y A McFadden‘s corner, thence south to south line and east back to Priceville. A new ropute proceeds from Elmwood ‘ alovg the 6th of Bentinck, east tobaseâ€" line, doing away with Habermehl. Lamlash and Mulock post offices, aud returns along the 8th con, tofi‘?lm- wood. R. R. No, 3, Durham, will be started about the Ist of August, with J,B. Whittaker as carrier. The route is south along Garafraxa road to Orâ€" chard corner, west to Blyth‘s corner, thence north to Hutton RIll and in, Thus are our rural neighrors graduâ€" ally acquiring conveniences which but a few years ago were little dreamt o Mayor Black sold a very handsome saddle horse to Mr Jos. Jacobs, of ronto, in the presence of about 50 friends. The wedding was solemnized of Miss Margaret Janet Jack, the youngest daughter of the late John Jack, of Durham, to Mr Charles Cockâ€" ing of Torontoat 880 p. m. Rev. Mr Fallet, M. Church, was the ofliciating clergyn an. The bride was dressed in white mull and carried a bunch of carâ€" nations. Miss Margaret Cowan, bridesâ€" maid, was dressed in white and carried a shower of carnations. Mr Alex Jack supported the groom. After the cereâ€" mony the party sat down to a wedding supper. Montrveal At the home of the bride Alfred Cresswell, 32 Cond ronto, in the presence The day following Mr James Johrâ€" ston further up the road had a raising of a 60 toot addition to end of his presâ€" ent barn putting a bent higher on the old portions. Mr John Meagher laid out thetimber but Mr _ Jno. mortiey superintended the work and the raisâ€" ing Everything passed off well and safely. ABest Ans budntoite, 1. 08B c 1c c i i d firstâ€"class job, the framer is Mr *Â¥ m, Haas, of Egremont and everything went together perfectly, The dimenâ€" sions of the barn are 10 x 61 feet, 21 feet side posts, the centre ones being 30 feet, ample stable room beneath and provision for a root house at the driveway. Most if not all of the timâ€" ber was sawed, got in Holstein, and instead of heavy overlays, the system of joists is used, these being bridged. Mr Haas with a group of five men will have it ready for the hay crop, by an acciden at migh* have A m The plates were being put on amid all the usual intense excitement. A heayy beech section of the plate 10 in. by 10 in. and 26 feet long was being raised and was up about 20 feet, withâ€" in one foot of its place, pike poles beâ€" low it, ropes attached in the usual way, when some slip occurred, the plate tilted and lurched, pike poles useless now, so were the ropes and down came the heayy timber where a moment before stood 25 or 30 men. How so many escaped seems a miracle, the fact that it teli one end first, gave a moment‘s time to jump and thus there were few casualties, The most serious injury was that of Elias Edge, Jr., who had his arm broken, Albert Middieton and G, Newell, also receivâ€" ed some injuries and one or two othâ€" ers, Lachian McLean and others got hands badly burned by the ropes pullâ€" ing through them while endeayoring to hold on. 1t may be imagined the sensaiion for a few minutes among the crowd of spectators, me ny of them being ladi~s, of whom one fainted and many sickened. This ended racing for the day, the timber was raised agaih and ultimatery amid less exciteâ€" ment, was got to itsplace, Mr Orutchley claims he has got a firstâ€"class job, the framer is Mr o \Â¥m. A barn raising is now a somewhh rare event and one coming so near town as that of Abraham Crutehley‘s on Monday last attracted a great deal of town attention and drew a large crowd of yvisitors after supper when the raising took place. The method of raising was the old fashioned one of captains and chosen sides, the captaing being Messrs George Ritchie and Thos. G. Lauder, both capable men, but the latter‘s chance of yictory was spoiled A Barn Raising and an Accident the year for 35 cents â€"â€"â€"â€"*+#4%â€"._._.. Hymeneal CKINGâ€"JACK 32 Condor Ave ieYioen. s sister, M 118 o#: ce uty ce ol ts io se o t ie efi ofs ts t ols is oo is t ops ts s is Mr. Dug. Campbeli who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity, returned Tuesday to Lyleton, Man. Mr. ond Mrs, C. Ramage and Miss Agnes attended a reception given by Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Watson, Normanby on Monday eyening in honour of their son Arch. and Mrs. Watson, the latter being here on her first visit. McRonn â€"WaTrsox.â€"At the residence of the bride‘s sister, Mrs. R. Braithâ€" waite, Durham by Rey. W. W. Prudhbatmo, Mrs, â€" MHarriet Watson, formerly of Priceyville, to Councillor Chas, A. McRobb, of Egremont. Messre (GGeo, McKechnie, Pete Pat. erson, Thos, and Dan McGratbh, Arch. McPhee, Ed Limin, D. Nichol, Percy Danie!, (Geo. MeMeekin â€" and w, McGirr are among the number taking in Listowel races this week, Mayor Black is attending, acting as official timer. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Miss Maudie Kress of To holidaying with relatiyves in town. Miss Enna Burritt, who modelle@ here last of her friend Miss Jean Inspector Campbell and fam leaving this week for Glenmont of Bays, Muskoka, where any pondente will reach hm antil . ith. After that date he will school in Guelph, at the Agric class formed for Inspectors, Mr. Alex MeComb returned i onto last week after holid ay home. : Savings Department at all Branches. .ONDON, ENG., OFFICE NE Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St.> Cor. W Miss Jessic Caton Moore of Pticeville, \ broke three ribs a coup fall. Messrs Hugh McDor Nichol are in attendan Races. ing the summer months Mr, John L. Greenwood def day for New Ontario where have charge of a missi Rey. Mr. Cra will oceupy the on Sunday next On the list of every publisher there are many who need no remind er, we thank all such beartily and ap peal again to those in arrears to 1e member the printer, whose mone y comes in in littles. and whose outlay meets him weekly and monthly and must be met, Trusting to bear from you if in ar. rears, | If the glance at the label shows it in arrears, then we hope an effort will be made at once to put it in advance. We are always anxions to have verything right, itry to be exact, but t is possible among. many changes that an omission may occur, We hayse this week made alt neces sary correctiohns and additions to our mailing sheet and would ask our subâ€" scribers to take a glance at the date and if they discover any error or missfon let us know at once. The Little Yellow Label Capital Authorized * % * $ 25,000,000 c.p“ Paild Upr a ‘a " * o * :'m'm ‘Total Assets . . .. " . ~ . 180,000.000 hang . (PSiviced t NEW YORK ACENCY â€"Princes St.> Cor. William and Cedar Sts. DURKHAM BRANCH ; S. HVUGHES, Manager. â€"~â€"#+â€" 64â€" MARRLED Uranston of Palmer 290 Branches throughout Canada. ( THE TRADERS BAXX OF CANADA SCn Of Lalinerston, Presbyterian pulpit iple weeks ago Tus Posusurrs who aco WITH WHICH iS UNITED of Kimberley, {all is the guest McGowan. nd family INCORPORATED 1869 and J. C it Listowe nronto, is i her ofd he will tion durâ€" ng Mrs, dentlally h Satu y are Lake Quar mailing sheet has been correct ed to date and we would urge all those who have not renewed to attend to the matter at once. **Dec2" does not mean Znd of December but 3Ist of December 1912 _ "Dec 3" means 81st Dec, 1913, and so on, To those who are further behind than *"Dec 2" we specially ask for settlement. da y promoted Montreal lishing O« Miss Vi visiting a Mr., _ James Standard Bank his holidays. _ Mrs Wm. Meaghan is visiting hevr aunt, Mrs Jno. Backus, of Poplar Rill. Miss Marion Gun returned Wednes. day of last week from Toronto Conseryâ€" atory, having passed 3rd year exams in theory with honors., Mrs, Andrew Brown of Mt. Korest is vidtinmarith relatives. the MeRjanon and MeComb familics hev and at Williamsford, Mre, W. D. Milis of St. CUatharines, is visiting with relatives in Bentinck, and among old town friends. is J Published Weekly at $1.00 a vear, 0. RAMAGE & 30N,Posusares d 16 coast western where Miss Kathic from Sarnia. 1 mer home a{ Bays, Muskok Miss Kathle a hy th Mr. W M spend her holidays in Mrs J, 8. Mclivraith i wedding of a sister in Miss Jean Crawford returned bhome last week end from Buffaio, when she will holiday for two months here and at Oliphant. _ wethin.,, Mrs Chas. Seymour (nee Christeng Jackson) returned home for the sum. mer last week from Shanghai, COhina, Mr Seymour will foin her here in two. B M M )1 Miss Art pend her h: M+s and Mrs John Towner left Mon y on a months‘ trip to the Pacif coast, to Vancouver and othe: stern points, M# Roy Loftus is re ving station Agent during his ab N at vicinity, Ur and Mrs N. W M M Glen thre H n 1| rent ti M H 11 e (G she hel Willis h in Abraham me to Allan na Kress, of Nrw Jersey, is t her father‘s here. ill Farquharson has been from Toronto to the oflice of the MacLean Pubâ€" ind visiting ¢ W ron t Kate and L ton, who h 4 Y 11 M L R 1 8 at a Grant left Saturday r Northern Navigation lliam, from where she t, direct to Edmonton , a remunerative posiâ€" Durs le( wa friends, Dan McFadden and ire holidaying with DW a V Clocklin of _ the ronto is home on M PC QPTV EC 11 returned Saturâ€" s‘ visit with Owen is resigned her a store and reâ€" Park on Tuesâ€" zzie McDougall, s been yisiting urned Saturday. left Monday to Barrie . s attending the Cromarty, Huoâ€" her relatiyes i9 v for her ‘home Campbell and \ for their samâ€" oint, Lake of W n the old At PC #L

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