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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1913, p. 3

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lMlTED HONYIIQL " ased hem... iii; BYSPEPTIB -Wd"2-r-Gar" ‘ - Ght -- HAW H 11 need,' amber al _ . remarked a satiufmion. ’e to my hi- " so anyw , "7.." -I was; half-doll”. “Denier. asked Rich, ' brim l, I n in . myway, u and get a. rakes I on- ', squint'hi. is hands on "' back and ks, ttt M poo etc. 9ka IrteU l late, hon! ' occupant! h with tho w up, and ed a. bail ostritrty be. ' J. Brown, a his “I: s the cor- Ie street. forty-five msnre in received 1 'iutoetn hem. I nou mid udal Co. tat up. and and per- Putting Mons a main you curab- for the Ato, bi. P al ready e sin 22'l N enm’t t your oesn't “gate. squar. been upen- epoh 'tinit od got ithout th " about mean.- paek- pat t ’9’ Tran ou Illlift IHEV EE BABIES [ECOLLECTIONS THAT STAY WITH Tl". GROWNUPS. [any do Wind: Met the Prttteo-- Early Memories " a Noted English Preacher. 513000 in liféi Every one of us can recall some yaa.seriinsr-pratstny some trivial 'ncidons-Grkieh took place when we were mere babies, but which has re- mained vividly outlined in our land: through life. We have grown up with the "r- Iollection that at the important age I! two we fell downstairs, and that it three and e half we ran, panic- stricken, from a. policeman, who, we firmly believed, would arrest us hr being naughty, or something Ilse equally impressive " the time. Why such matters stick it is diiti, nlt to any, numb London An- Merit. Even the bury mater minds tf the world retain these first mem- "iea, and here ere some confes- ions, which we have obtained from tell-known people : George Groves, the comedian, trite: “I remember waking early in the morning and creeping downstairs backward- a most thrilling adven- ture, I felb-and making my way to tho kitchen, where tn indulgent mid treated me to a confection of bread and butter with jam and au- gar on the top, . thing I had never been allowed before and probably ought not to have been allowed then. “Someone about that time gave me I mall blue china dog, which bad formed the handle of t A Vegetable Dish. % In my mind'a eye I can no the dog quit? puinls.at this myrmont. "Apparently I could not walk, but I can remember crawling and main; my way into tb oeUhbor's house, where I appropriated a mall wooden horse belonging to England when I was quite a. small :hild. Owing to my delicate health, n-y early yum had to be spent. in ho country with my grandparents. "On the occasion of the visit ro- lerred- to, I can distinctly remember what the house was like, though I :mnot recall the journey or the srrival there. "My first memory of anything us when, seated in an old-hab- oned baainette, vis-ayvis with . mother of mine, I frUkily took his 'eodinrbottlo and threw it at the mm! Result, hard smacking! I as about six at. the time." "One morning a rather pale, shy ittle boy joined our group, but than we got into conversation I non discovered that he was any- hing but timid and far less "emi- may in speech and manner than host of my French playmates. Bury de Windt, tiolrp1orer, vote to Paris for his first remem- trtbneeyt "We lived not far from the Tail- tries Gardens, where I was taken vy my nurse every morning to play about with other children of my an age and size (the year was .867). "8mnehow I liked the boy so nuch that I begged my nurse to ask u gardener mnding by who he was. " 'What, you don't know I" said he. man, with surprise " her ity norsnce. 'Why, he is tho prince unpaid I' "This, barring ugveral severe cu- igations, u, I think, my earliest recollection.” 'U was born and bred in France being only half English) in the by! of the empire, when Paris was tally The Rev. R. J. Campbell, the nlebrated proacher and head of he City Temple, can recall a ser- ea of events which took place be- bro he could walk: "My earliest recollection is o? be- itg brought from the north of Ire- nnd to pay a visit to my parents in gt-2 N 'at Eli's 's" ~, 5 rr 'e-ttttgist' W ' Ol (‘nucm FOOD Mughout tho qt -r. with tee' The Right Soap For Baby's Skin Is Cuticura Soap _lli,t' g1t-2 N the care of r C7 baby'sskin and (w! hair, Cuticura 'at, I h Soap is the ”#5 mother's fa. 'itttii75iili vourite. Not only is it unri- valed in purity and refreshing fragrance, but its gentle emol, lient properties render it of great value in promoting skin and hair health generally. For the treatment of eczemas, rashes and.other itching, burning in. fantile eruptions, warm baths with Cuticura Soap, followed by gentle applications of Cuti. cum Ointment are usually etree. tive When other methods fail. CuticuraSoap wears to awafer, often outlasting several cakes of ordinary soap and making its use most economical. Mm): The Queen of Capitals. iiii.%Uton. u. ti. can Soap and ointatemt are sold hunt the wand. A liberal ammo! mm 32-93” booklet on the cm and and the skin unduly-“pou- Lmn- Pottetprytrf Chm Cots' your earliest amen» another child and -raud it home with me. “I have aim been inform that my memory of this incident is quite reliable, and that some alarm was occasioned by my disappearance, no one knowing what had become of me until the information was brought from next door. The horse was returned to its rightful owner, I am told, when I van asleep. - “I remember, too, that the ooal in the establishment to which I al- lude was kept in en owthome, and one day I got in there to watch a. young uncle of mine swinging his arms from a. beam in the room, and that I was ignominiously expelled when he caught sight of me. "An older uncle, with whom I was much more familiar, gave a. penny to a monkey in my presence. I an remember tho jingle of the penny on the pavement, the dive of the monkey after it and the queer antics he went through when he got it before giving it up to his master. . "My father, who corroborates these recollections, my: I could not have been quite two years old at the time. I think, therefore, that they furnish a. somewhat excep- tional instance of early memory. - "No doubt, the circumstances of the brief oungo from one home to another and to entirely different surroundings must. have dono some- thing to camp the event- on my Sir Wiiliun Bull, M.P. for Bam- merlmith, can also remember events which happened when he was two: "My memory goes back to almost incredible data. I can quite du. tinctly remember seeing my elder brother drop my father’s heavy hunting crop out of a window look- ing on to a stableyard at a hotel called "It impressed itself on my mind because the crop broke the neck of a chicken and we were scolded. I was born on Michaelmas Day, 1863, and the books of the hotel will show, I think, that we were there in tho winter of 1865. "I can remember about the same date an old lock-keeper on the Gloucester canal presenting to my brother a. three-mashed, square- rigged ship, painted black. Having no lead on its keel, it floated on its side. "I can also remember going to London in 1864. My brother Ed mund was then one your old and was put up in the hatraok, which was thought very ingenious. All the rest of us were very thirsty on the journey and clmored for hours for something to drink. Am hurt we reached a, station, where we were given some milk. The moment it came our thirst flew, and we did not, want it! I remember being scolded for ingratitudc. "A famous college president de- ’ clues that there are no new jokes." 1 "Ah, he does, does het'.' grimly i returned the Old _Codger. "Well, (he ought to no the husband my l niece has just married and brought home to live on me." “I oonfirm the date of the jour- ney. It was by the G.W.R., and the station at which we got the milk was Swimdou. I was nut [our years old," BABY'S OWN TABLETS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED No medicine for little ones is so highly recommended as is Baby's Own Tablets. They are guaran- teed by a government analyst. to be absolutely safe, and besides that thousands of mothers throughout tho land praise them an the only sure cure for childhood ailments. Concerning them Mrs. Edward Me, Donald, Douglastown, Que., says: “I can highly reoommend Baby’s Own Tablats to any mother who has a. baby suffering from oonatipov- tion or teething troubles." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Williama' Medicine CAO., Brxsckville, Ont. The Chirpy Little Bird Is a Nuis- ance in City and Country. To the slogan of “Swat the Fly" might well be added that of "Kill tho Sparrow." Flies and sparrows belong in the same class as nuis- we» and menace: to health, says a. writer in a health magazine. Most. birds deserve to be protect. ed for some service they perform. but whoa all the evidence has been submitted in tho aparnow'a cow it will stand condemned. Perhaps it moanionaily eats a. harmful worm, but the greater part of its food is of grain. Then, it is the constant enemy of native birds which, unlike itself, live mostly on worms and insect: that are injurious to trees and crops. For many years the spumw wasi unknown except in tho towns, and} it, gained the name of "town bird."l But it later yotbrs it has spread all l over the country. until now it is; probably n greater nuisance on thei farm than in the city. The spar-l ruw's habit of living always nvarl settlements 8nd in sheltered places) makes it I most. prolific bird. lt is: almost independent of the seawnsl ttt breeding. Several broods of u many as seven or eight birds may} be reared in a year. _ I The sparrow helps to spread dir ease:- by building nests upon or mar houses. Building on houses is capecially a menace to health in tho country. where people ouch water from the roofs to fill their cider-n5. The nest. are of ouch construction that they no likely harbors for var- ious aorta of vermin and germs. SWAT THE SPARROW NOW. Canell's, in Gloucester. A Bad Joke. THE DANGER every ,ornauiho falls, os/victim to consumption lay Follow Unless it: Ravage: are checked ensemis - that u bloodleunus. They become listless, feel too weak, too wretched and too hopeless to take prompt steps to stop the trou- ble. Too often, through neglect, they drift into th worse condition, forgetting that anaemia. frequently leads on to consumption. If you are anaemic in the least degree you should lose no time in beginning treatment to increase and enrich the blood supply. To do this there is no other medicine so good as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose helps make rich, red blood, which drives out disease and brings again the bloom of health to pale and sallow cheeks. There are thou- sands of women and growing girls in Canada who owe their present good health to the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Among those who have been restored to health by this great medicine is Miss Rose Neville, Mount Forest, Ont., who eays: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills performed almost a. mir- acle in my case. I was a victim of anaemia, in what my friends con- sidered s dangerous form. I was very pale, always felt tired out, suffered from severe headaches, and had no appetite. I was taking dos- tor's moéicino for a. long tinur--in fact I tried two doctortr--but in- stead of improving I seemed to be growing worse. My parents were at aloss to know what to do for me, and thought I would not reco- ver. Then a. friend advised Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I had only taken them a few weeks when I began to feel better. This greatly encouraged me, and I continued taking the pills tor some time longer, and found my health again as good as ever it had been. In fact. I am stronger than ever I was before. I have advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to other girls who have found the results equally benMcul.'/ New Process Depends on the Intro. duction ot Cobalt. Great interest has been aroused in Bheffield, England, in a. method of producing a. superior high speed steel by the introduction of cobalt. The process has been patented throughout the world by a. Contin- ental firm, but there are indications that tho Sheffield manufaoturera will fight for the privilege of mak- ing the new steel themselves with- out having to pay royalties under a foreign patent. Sold by all medicino‘ dealers or by mail at 60 cents a. box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, HIGH SPEED STEEL PATENTED High speed steel is used in the making oi tools required for boring and cutting the hardest materials at a. rapid rate. Such tools are largely used in armament manufac- ture. The new material is said to mark a great advance on the best qualities of steel at present obtain- able for making these implements. A few years ago the discovery of high speed steel itself brought about a, revolution in steel making. The American inventor sought a monopoly by means of patents. The case was taken to the courts and the American lost. It is under- stood that high speed steel contain- ing cobalt had been produced in Sheffield but that its possibilities were not realized. A fgheffield manufacturer says that tested against some of the foremost Bheffield brands of high speed steel tho new produce has shown an extraordinary superior- ity. Tea and Cotteo Finally Had to Go. The way some persons cling to tea and coffee, even after they know they are doing them harm, is a puzzler. (Tea is just as harmful because it contains caffeine, the we drug found in coffee). But it is an easy matter to give it up for good, when Postum is properly mafia and used instead. A girl wrltes: "Mother had been suffering with nervous headaches for seven weary years. but kept on drinking coffee. "One day I asked why she did not give up coffee, as a. cousin of mine had done who had taken to Postum. But Mother was such a slave to cof- fee she thought it would be terrible to give it up. "Finally, one day she made the change to Postum, and quickly her headaches disappeared. One morn- ing while she was drinking Postum so freely and with such relish, I asked for a taste. "That started me on Postum and I now drink it more freely that I did coffee, which never oomes into our bolus) now." Name gin-n by Canadian Postum thr.. Wiuds,ov, Um. Write for book- let. "Tim Road to Wellville." Postum combs in two forma. Regular Postal» (must. be boiled.) Instant Postal: doesn’t require boiling, but is prepared bluntly by stirring . level teaspoonful in an ordinary cup of hot water, which ssutke.s.it right for most percona. A big cup requires more, and some people who like strong things put in a heaping toaspoonful and temper it with A. Urge supply of cream. Experiment until you know the amount that pleases your psltste, and have it served thart way in the future. There is danger tpfvery girl .nd "Therc'a a Reason” for Postum BANISHED. ilf ANAEMIA PM IR" 010 Elli”!!! Occurrences In the Lad Tim Reina Sum-mo In the Con- nerclcl World. A new public plenum garden, covering five acres, has been open- ed in Bournemouth. NEWS BY HAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. It is proposed to erect in London ' hostel as a tribute to Mr. W. T. Stead from women of all nationali- About 820,000 damages was done by a fire that broke out at Mears. Barkers furniture repository at Kemsingtos - _ _ _ It is rumored that the King is purchasing Byrkley Lodge, Burton- on-Trent, u a reddonce for the Prince of Wales. penalty, 1100, gt Richmond for adulterating milk. A fitteen-montu'.old child at A copy of the rare original Kil- marnock edition ot Robert Bama' poems, 1786, was recently sold at Sotheby’o fqr ’700: _ Williim Hitchcock. a. dairyman of Richmond,, was bsed_tht maximme A fifteen-month/old child at Birmingham, in trying to get out of ita cot, got ita head hxod in the ironwork and was Buff-ted. There are now between 15,000 and 20,000 people on strike in South Staffordahire in connection with disputes in various infinstries. Mrs. Alice June Hicks, of Hare Street, Woolwioh, who was known as tho "Queen of the Casters," has died at the 15.36 of ninety. Ann Caterer, who has died in the Henley Workhouse at the age of ninety-two, was first admitted to the workhouso in 1857. Several policemen were injured in a fierce fight at Bradford in oon- nection with the carter strike. Some 3,000 menrgre now out. Selby, formerly an important centre of fhsx growing, has been chosen by tho development as the site of further experiments in the industry. The Lord Mayor of Leeds re- ceived a deputation of citizens ad- vocating a. proposal that the city be converted into a. seaport with a, ship canal. The new tramway route between Rushcy Green and Forest Hill via Catford Hill and S‘tanstead Road, has now been opened for trtufio. Hythe Town Council have inau- gurated a. campaign against wags-pa. They are offering one cent a. head for every queen wasp killed in the borough. __ To effect the reinstatement of a. man who was discharged at the Holyhead Mountain Clay and China Works, over one hundred employes amok Fork.. Captain Fred Wambwell, the famous animal “filer. was badly mangled by a. Mon. at Bostock and Wombwell’a monagerio at Ply- mouth. The scheme to reconstruct the isolation pavilion of Worthing Pier, wrecked at Easter, with a. wider structure at a. cost of $50,000, has now been approved. A suffragette tried to burn down the goods yard of tho Great Central Railway Co. at Nottingham, but fortunately all but two stacks of timber was saved. - The Thames Ironworks property at Canning Town, where the Thun- derer was built, has been disposed of to the Great Eastern Railway, whose line adjoins; the site. Burglars broke into the Berkeley Hotel in Piccadilly, bound and gagged the ten porters on duty and rided the safe of money and jewel- lery to the value of 815,000. The avenge man's ideas of econ- omy is to preach it to his wife. Hebrews are the longest-lived ”we. Tho green of the North Oxford Cricket and Bowling Clubs was ex- tensively burnt by some corrosive fluid aupposed to be vitriol, thought to be the work of 'rurraipsttes. A tombstone erected in the Wel- iord Road Cemetery, Leiceswr, to the memory of a man and his wife, have cabinet portraita of them. The photos are let into the stone- work and covered by glans. The driver of a. motor bus, named Alexander Doe, was suddenly taken ill while driving in the Strand, and had just time to apply the brakes when he fell unconscious. Strong iUh brine will remove su perfluotus hair. . . Silliness women, to avert bad luck, take down their hair when a funeral passes. _ _ _ ")ricuae.r dog in o fUrht gota :11 the sympathy, but, unfortunately, that isn't all be gets. __ \ Some dealers -oomsider an egg newluid till it is seven days old; others till it is fifteen. The lazier a man is, the more he is going to do tomorrow. . It's easy enough to die game Live game! . Tho wandering Acrobats of India are recruited from . low can» of people odled Dombarautos, who live by this profession alone. The children are trained from their earliest childhood. and do not "F oeive my education in whack. They travel from village to town and give_t.lmir performances, which are really wonderful, in the open air before crowds of onlookers. Rajah: and rich Indium no very fond of t'ho acrobatic displays, and engage the best ot the men to per- form before their guests " enter- tainmenta. Ilnard'n Llama" cum Colds. Etc. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Acrobats in India. Fart and Fancy. h Bad Heart, . Its Cause and Cure In", Fir-1y Convinced They Are Dying of Hart Trouble. Rue often the Strand Hearts. Bot-ethn- you with In It night. been throbbing like e one. engine. Your brawn. u abort. and mogul-r; pela- ehoot. through the chm and abdomen. and 6nttqtr horrible “new. Your trouble In". with the hem n Bil. The” eons-acne ere the outcome of tttdi-tion, which he: mtrtqqd In to (on: on the stomach and Dre“ exam“ the heart. 'Three months ago I was a weak. Meh. Ir mun. Mr Inmate was poor. tood ter. mentod In my mom-ch. I had sour ru. inm Ind irtdiireetion. At night I would often "than with cu in the “punch And hurt pa?pitation. "One day I remind L ”mph of Dr. Humilton‘l Pills, otd my cure commen- ced. Today I have a vigorous Appante. wrong heart notion. Ind no “In of in. dltenion. I tool younger 1nd healthier than ever bofore.” "I consulted my doctor and and tem- edies that my friend: advised. Kathi“ helped. Wild Animals Understand Each Other‘n Wars. Once, when Major Stevenson- Hamilton was following the track} of some lions in Africa, a mull troop of zebra a, little distance in from. of him caught. sight of the big cats at close quarters, although they were still invisible to the hunt- ers. Their sudden headlong rush. Major BtesrensorrHtunilton writes in “Animal Life in Africa,” was a thing to remember. Conduct of tbn- other sort on the part of zebra, however, was observed by one of the rangers a few years ago. Jun rend what huppenod to law luuouz, of Belle River, Ont... Your druggist or ntorekoeper sell- Dr. Hamilton'- Pills, tk per box or five bouts for 81.00. By mail from The 13ntarrho. Iono 00., Bunk, N.Y., Ind King-toll. Can-Ail. As ho was riding along the bank of the olifants River, he Budd-only heard zebras making a great noise just in front, and coming into a clearing, he found that three lions had pulled down a, mare, but had not yet killed her. The rest of the troop were standing some twenty paces from the lions, facing them in a. semi-circle, much excited. They were making a. great noise, but showed no disposition to bolt; the foal was between its dam and the herd. When the ranger fired at one of the lions, the zebraa at 0mm atampeded; but the young animal waited about for its mother, which, although badly clawed, was able to get up and make otf also. Another ranger came on a. lion and two lionesaes taking their mid- day siesta. within a. hundred yards of a troop of wbraa. One lion was lying on its back, with all four legs in the air, like a. eat before the fire, while the zebra were standing about, apparently half-asleep. The lions must have been clearly visible to them. Incidents such as this illustrate the perfect understanding that the wild creatures have of each others' ways, and how far man is from a clear comprehension of them. HARD. SOFT, OR BLEEDING? No matter what kind or where muted. any can in promptly cured by Putnam's Corn Fmtractor; being purely vegetable it causes no pain. auarantee with every bottle ot "Patnarn'g," use no other, 230. at all dealers. An army officer, noted for his bluntness of speech, rudely remark- ed in the presence of a. clergyman: "If I had a. son who was an idiot I would make him a Parson." “Evi- dently your father held a different view, sir," responded the clergy- man, quietly. Den Sim -Thiq fall I trot thrown on I fence nnd hurt. my chest very bud. .1 I could not work aud it hurt In. to breathe. I tried all kind. of Linimontl glad they did no no good. One bottle of MINARD‘S LINIMENT. unwed on lumen ind applied on my breast, cured mo oompietely. Minnrd‘a Linlmcnt Co., Limited "ThU inn must be very old," re- marked : tourist, in a story printed in London Opinion, to the landlord. who was serving him with dinner. "Very old, sir.” assented the landlord. "Would you like to hear some of the legends connected with the placer: . " _ .. . . . If we could see ourselves " others see u: we wouldn't believe it. ED. 7. In general pride is at bottom of all great mistakes. “I would indeed," replied the tourist. "Tell me the legend of this curious old mince pie. 1 no- tice it every time I come." MInard's Llnlmont Cum Diphthoru. c, n. COBBABOOM‘ Bunny. Digby Co., N.ik ZEBRAS AN D LION S. An Ancient Legend. ISSUE 27---'18. Incl-ent- Isle In lulu! ell Sweden. Experiment- made it Sweden? with . View to obtaining e “pedi- gree” when. were referred to in I resent lecture by Prof. T. B. Wood, of Cambridge, England, at the Boy- el Institution. The two important ehametori+ tics which the tuner vented, the lecturer said, were a good quality end a, Inge yield. Comparison of the yield per acre over 10 your: in Ltutcashire, " buahele. and in Mon- mouthshire, 26 bushele. indicated at once, he said, that, soil end clim- ate were responsible to a large ear- tent, and meteorologist; were of the opinion that the weether during the autumn sowing in a large measure determined the yield. The average yield per acre in different coun- tries: Denmark, 42.1 bushels; Great Britain, 32.9 bushels; Can- ada, 17.6 bushels; Indie. 12.4 bush- els; and Russia, 10 bushels. Experiments " Cambridge And other places showed that there was no relation between the cite of the ur, the aim of the grain, or the number of Item! and the bulk of the amp. Both aquarehead and rivet, one of which had 1 small car and the other a large, gsve an al- moat equal yield. In this 4Nwn.ee- tion Professor Wood pointed out that the eftorta, to obtain a. pedigree wheat had bores uncvailing. In Sweden, by mechanical separators, they had picked the largest. grains from the largest ears out of (macaw aive crops, but the result was aet. ually not so good as that obtained from an ordimuy sowing I: When Eyes First open-Dozing Not Healthy. The proper time to ritur--if we could only make up our minds to it ---ia when sleep properly ends. Dozing is not admissible from any reasonable or health point of view. The brain falls into the sum we call sleep, and the other organs. of the body follow it. True sleep is the aggregate of sleeps. In other words. sleep, which must be a nat- ural function, is a state which con- sists in the sleeping or rest of all the several parts of the organism. Sometimes one, and at other times another pan-t of the body as u whole may be fatigued, and so the last to awake, or the moat exhnust- ed and therefore the most difficult to arouse. Mlnlrd's Llnlmont Cum can“ m Colts. Try Murine Eye Remedy It you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated E 'elids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye i’aiu. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. “In Yum: no“ In “live-MN“ can. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chic-lo Mother-Well, dean, did you meet any one you knew? The three children (who have just returned from the morning walkF--Yea ; Ruby and Derek. Mother-Where did you meet them? Barbara (the yotusgesty--ht the same place as we was. "BLUE FLAME" ailllh. SPECIAL . Phonon- WP". RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY. LIMITED Every failure teaches a man something if he will learn. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR C0., SPECIAL PRICE TILL AUGUtrr ttry. Our stock must be reduced by that time for the annual MoehAaktng. Solon In. no" (Iotor Drivel) .... Rsg.0tt0.00. sue price 818.” Gallon Nickel lion " .... M18400. $iaUprtee $14.23 Soul-a, Cont. [all & Eierhrle, Bram . Reg. $30.00. blanket”... Bonn, " " Nickel . Reg. $30.00. gate pehoe .22... - I III -.- -_.. -- their to» with on would“!!! on... kl] PM... “In”. nonhuman watt. "pm: do“. AU pus mu (numbed. Positively P? "ka "united. w. furnish tho Prom-o “I obs-huh Bad "July you with tt,tt u mm, whirds you mm. m u cool price- pstd ground! by we woe or With. No 0......(3' or .eltieq our trat cum all t - mod- Ind mo tbold in nun-and for our work " you run clan plum” work the "ar round " "ole or sum “no. It". a. uni '0 will and on ”nu-m Ind the arm I. my. KOIIIIGIAL ART I! at}. - 115 can." wag“; "aunt .nyl ,v At once to do thu" WANTED ”‘0', '.rk..r! ttrrrt home with “Marc's Llnlmont Cures nlltcmper. Limited. Accent“- Dope., WEST TORONTO PROPER TIME TO RISE. Mus-cries new uncut. PEDIGREE WHEAT. iion ind will give nhotter mrk in To lower our mock by July 3tet -- our 1rtocktakt'nr--ms of- any "BLUE FLAMES" give perm igni- for theaes uoelumt Plugs at Per Set of Four Fusion an“. 'rm, but drum“ ”Hut! "who... " Young Its-pm sud m toqrgt. uni cube. n p. ”moon. an; m can. R “RENAL PIOPEI'I'IBI " Br-tms "I! n In!" othqe tour... 3 ooo PRBE KOImTEADI AND m. ' proved turn. .15.” to “I per mm. Boat nun uni mud 2ae' country. Write Con-Intoncr. Board Trude. Humboldt. lack, At, ONCE-MEN WANTED; DRAIN Barber Trader; mat “and: (no. - twenty to tinny “horn-ed be duly in Toronto - glam Call "to. you In III to etch! urea-h, loud toe Cat.- locue. Inlet College. 81 On..- lut. " M! to, CANCER. THIGH. LUIPI. I“). Intel-nil and cum-l. and cub on "In In our home (mutant. Wu: " baton too Inc Dr. Renau- In. N.. [Aland Colllncwood Ont. STAMP coLLe,taxi-HUt0"itt0 mn- t {can '0'.ch Mum. catalog“ Album. on“ Iowa Chub lath 0t... mil". Tom-"a 'iiiiiiii mm mm PROVE!) by seven] mm of experience . moot “nutm- fury hvrn. The Sonar. in mottte drium, win; but little cane-l. By c new device an Senor. don any with the mph; an! WM. samba so much noticed. It plo- duoe. s smooth, alt-91m ”In. "No, sir," replied the young): nun; "on the contrary, he ask me to all main.” "Did Mr. Cumso seem annoyed at Four calling with his hill t" asked Mr. Gaskeu of his new collector. 'g-lee'. Jack Inhiti How an we mu~ ryt I'm only worth hfteen thou- nnd dollars, and that Wouldn't buv your clothes. Miy Spendit~0h. yes. it would, Jack, for nearly five years! SONORA an» on a "a doll-nu we“ not“. Pd Ouch for your -tiort In». and ill: “to o boo-um win. It!“ tor WWI. TORONTO TRADING CO. k “A Leon um. IOIOIIO. on. A , NhM6h'rtt8rtt1." NIAGARA mQLEE lll0llijJillj) 0WD. To _ THE SEA Your W Vacation Trip “man: To 1.0 Niagara I'aliri. Toronto. Tho. sand Islands. tit. Lawn-non Rapids. Munlrval. Quth-r and the Salmons River-one of nature‘s most inlpra-ssim scenic “undo-rs. Low rue- for :ivkmn '.nr'.ud.ntt mm}. and bonin- For infor- c. y » mum“ apply to low-l . " Itl.t ttvhet turerttat or “a! V, ' . Hugh D Put-roan. - Bi " u (hm Att.'l'nr<m- MMI H. $N r w, Ont, or R. k'rdililR M LI _ [man-r (11mm, till! _ ll I . PTM. Mom.- " . .' p. G Heal Qua. BaiiriGGora I in!" oth- ”In: GUARANTEED for one your "and all mob-aka] delect- HALE "It? WANTED OAR-O no - .TAIPI All) 000“. I|£CEtLlIIOH£ cum It. You".- Repeat. my. colorip'_89r g in WEST TORONTO only: an pug: MOTOR HORNS u l: I LI

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