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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1913, p. 4

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44 m : The Central Drug Store it (eSeseser3e3332333333332 3329 NO CHANCE WORK & dy d & h e£E@eCEe¢¢escs¢gssessseccscese 555“ a The Central _ Drug _ Store \ & 0 36 OwWEN soUND _ ONT. Every graduate guaranteed a posâ€" sition. Thorough courses. Large staif of Specialists. Best equipped College in Canada. Enter any day CA FLEMING, F CA G. D. FLBMING Principal Secratary / NORTHERNYY] J | 4) HISLWIL é//f/fl [ We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Blatchford‘s Calf Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds of Stock. ~‘+ John McQowan Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop _ Corn Chop _ Oat Chop _ Crimped Oats Ring us up when you The ‘"eople‘s Mills sind your presctiptions to us them, anad KNOW that they wi Come to our Drug Store. evesy prescription entrusted to us lrazs : that we never substitute Do not forget that the leading Hardware Store in Durham keeps everything you require in Hardware. Cheap Feed McGowan Milling Co. In order to prove that to your own satisfaction, when ou fail to secure what you want in any other store, give us a call. We have a great supply of Scythes from 25¢ to $1, snaths home mode grain cradles, Turnip hoes, Garden Hoes, Ladies Hoes, Children‘s hoes, Hand Garden Cultivators, Post hole Augers, Post hole Spoons, Hand Rakes, Hay Forks, Whetstones, Grindstones with or without stands, Spades, Shovels, Machine Oilers ; the celebrated W. Black Machine Oil is thick as your arm : Paris Green and Bug Firisher, For the lawns we sell the greatest Lawn Mower manuâ€" facturedâ€"the Gold Medalâ€"also several cheaper mowers. (ur grass catchers will satisfy you as we carry the varâ€" icty, _ You should examine our Rubber Hose as we sell! the quality and our price is right. HARDW ARE All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lors. We have a few hundred bushels of Feed Barley on haud that we are offerieg at a iow price for a few days and we have Peed Oatâ€" meal, Cat Feed and other kinds of Feed that we are selling at low prices for a few days as wo need reom in our storehouse. If you need Feed of any kind call aud see us at the Oatmeal Mill. at the W . BA CK at the Mill or delivered any where in single 100 lbs., ton lots or car loads tiptions to us, no matter what physician writes ‘ that they will be filled exactly as prescribed . at moderate prices 33 ; of this community, because * f pesple have learned that we C * take utmost care in filling trusted to us ; that we never use poor, old r substitute, and that we give you prompt Require Flour and Feed Oatmeal Miills ‘The family remedy for Coughs and Colds. "Shiloh costs so little and does so much!" <~~~ ~ecory Woman Our Drug Store has become "The Prescription Drug Store Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. J. A. DARLING General Agents for Canada. Dispensing Chemist Phone 3 .. Windsor, Ont w\ M M\ M U $# TORONTO Winnipeg and return $35.00 . Edmonton and Retarn $43.00 Other points in proportion. _ Returnlimit two months. _ Homeseekers‘ train leaves Toronto 2 p. m. each Tuesday until August 26. Full particulars from any C. P. R. agent. R. MacFARLANE Town Agent, Durham E. A. HAY, Station Agent The Review and Weekly Globe fOK YOGPA+zesresserrsritarsvÂ¥rerre ces The Reyview and Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 year.................. The Review and Grain Growers‘ Gurde, Winnipeg, for one year The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness for L YOBU::.s.siccsirevcirerersernenre‘s The Reyiew and Weekly Sun for EY OWEs cxrvesee xh cerr tÂ¥ iÂ¥ vsvavertrirarrs The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" CFTOY ORC FOBL :: rerscsvisssÂ¥irs areess The Review and Weekly Free Fress fOt GhBC YORI..:.....+«+....... The Review and Farming World TOFY YOBEr s aveerksrextverris2 n szarveus The Heview and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" Â¥ooub® fOK LYORF... +. is+.sssserarses TheReview and Canadian Farm POr T YORK:».seresrieriartarte certavers The Review and Daily Free Press Tor I YOWE..ssi«.ieris irsersaÂ¥reries ats The Review and Toronto Daily Obar 1OF I.YBRE:.::1.:rsssrerezasreces The Reyiew ard Toronto Daily News or one year.................. The Royiew and Toronto Daily WOrKL TOX : YEBE:â€"ssse:iyretrariarsss The Rovicw and ‘Torouto Daily HODYâ€"AOF A Y EME css cqrersrerrser zks The raw and Toront Daily Mail _ d Empire for 1 year...... Fastest and Most Luxurious of Steamers Port McNichol, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie, Port William Mrs John Ray is spending a tew days with her sister in Swinton Park. The fourth rural route out of Elmwood started on Tuesday. Only Tara which has 5 rural deliveries has this burg beaten in the rural mail delivery business. The new line is up the 8th and down the 6th of Bentinck. Solway, Mulock, Crawâ€" ford ard Habermehl post offices have been closed and Lamlash will a similar fate. Then the Dominion Govt. will be saved $175 for postmasters‘ salaries and the country postmasters‘ wives and daughters will not have so much scrubâ€" bing to do. The country postmaster served the people well for the meagre salary he received. Hcehas beenapublic benefactor and outside of reading postâ€" cards never got much fun out of the job. â€"Chesley Enterprise. Miss Ivy Dargavel spent a few days with friends in Durham last week. The meeting of the Women‘s Inâ€" stitute was held on Wednesday at Mrs Neil Wilson‘s and was largely attended. Messrs B. Campbell and A. Becker of Chesley, spent Sunday with Dorâ€" noch triends. Mr Will Trafford called on Dornoch friends Sunday evening. We are glad to hear that Mrs 82 m uel Black is improviog a iittle. We are pleased to have some cool weatbher again, after the very bot spell. We hope it wiil remain cool for a while. Mr Brice Dargayel and Miss Bessic White left Thursday, atter spending a tew days with the former‘s parents. 4, After you found that Mr, Hanna was guilty of the act admitted by you, did you place the fact before the Lieatenantâ€"Goyernor of Ontario? 5. If you did not, why not? 6. Do you think it is in the interest of clean government that the Licutenantâ€"Governor should, in the circumstances, accept you and Mr Hanna as two of his responsible adâ€" visers ? 3. Can you suggest any other reasom for retaining him? A Service Perfected by studied effort and years of experience HOMESEEKERS EXCURSION each Tuesday untilOoctober 28 . 2. Is it because you were personally an accessory after the tact, and feel that if you compelled him to resigu, you should also do so? 1. Believing as you bave so freâ€" quently said you do, in the British form of government and ideals of public men, and knowing as you do, that no British prime minister would for a moment retain in office a colâ€" league who had been guilty of the act which you admitted in the Lagislature Mr. Hanna was guilty of, why do you retain him in office? At a rousing meeting held at Brooke in North Grey last evening Mr. Wm. Proudfoot K. C. M. P. P., who spoke in the interest of the candidate, Mr. John MeQuaker, propounded a series of six new open questions to the Premier, Sir James Whitney, The questions fellows: SOME SEARCHING QUESTIONS Che Burham Review Leaving Tuesdays & Saturdays Other luxurious steamers, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 57 Hours Toronto to Winnipeg Clubbing Rates. GREAT LAKES SERVICE Dornoch § ~"65 3 75 1 95 1 90 L 9o 1 9 1 7 THE DURHAM REVIEW Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also ageuts for Allan and Dominion line steamsbips and C, P, R. ocean liners. Phe following timetable will be in effect until fmtfin-r notice : Read down read up a. mP.m p.m. p.m (5.25P.15 Walikerton 10.5 12. 40 0,47.8.37‘193\'(: Hanover ar‘ve 9.4212.17 6,55,8.48, Allan Park 10.33 12.08 7.10(4.00 Durham 9.19 11.54 7.214.11) Mc Williams 9.00 11.44 7.34]4.21) Priceville ;8.56‘11.31 7. 4514.35!ar‘ve Saug.Jot. leave/8.45)11.20 Connectira; with trains to and from Toronto. nly one change . between Darham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety. Tourist tickets at reduced rates, good to return until November 80th are now on sale to above resorts. Write for ilustrated folders and time tables telling you how to get there, and containing list of hotels rates, etc. to C. E. Horning, D. P. A. G. T. Ry, Union Station, Toronto} Ont. Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan and French Riyer, Georgian Bay, Timagami and Kawartha Lakes, Excellent train service yia Grand Trunk Railway to and from above resoits. The Most Popular and Only Direct Line Reaching all Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontarlo. Moorby in goal played a pretty game for Durham. McGirr and Saunders shone in spots, while Allen at point cleared the flags on seyeral difficult occasions,. Hanever has a wellâ€"bal anced forward line and their consistâ€" ent combination and boring in on the cal goal gave them the victory, How. ard McDonald made a satisfactory referee. Darkness w as commencing when the last period started and this prevented fast lacrosse. Play was even throughâ€" out the last half hour, but the German boys seemed more fortanate in their shooting. They gradually came in the lead and while the Durhams fought brayely to reverse the tide, their efforts were of no avail. Durham‘s Juvenile lacrossc team lost the first home game of the series to Hanovyer last Thursday evening by the score of 7 to 5. Notwithstanding that tne locals were defeated by the visitors, it was a fair exhibition of the juvenile brand of the game, From a spectator‘s standpoint interest lagged considerably at periods and the csowd did not give vent to the enthusiasm as was their wont in the days when the town boasted a more experienced team, The first quarter was in favor of the home crowd, score 8goals to 2. Hanâ€" over secured the first counter and the blue and whites dented the net for a trio of shots followed by a second tally for the yisitors. In the second bailf Hanover took the lead and scored twe points, while the locals notched one and made the score 4â€"4 at half time. Steamship Express Leaves Toronto daily, except Friday and Sunday 12.45 noon, and arrives at ship‘s side 3.55 p. m. _ Parlor cars, first class coaches. JAMES R. GUN, The Preparat®n that kills the Potato Bug and not the Plant The only preparation that has iroved good when others failed. asily apslied. Cheaper and betâ€" ter than Paris Green. No water to carry. Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Turâ€" nips as well as the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants are appearing as this preparation kills the beetle as the late bugs. The only preparâ€" ation that is a fertilizer as well as insecticide. Druggist, Durham G. T. R, Town Ticket Agent Haneover Won in Durham. Made and sold only by PARKERS‘ BUG KILLER Fuil Bill ot Water Sports to be a Fegture of this Year‘s Conadian Netional Exhibition. Water sports are to be a big feature at this year‘s Canadian National. The splendid water front of the Exbhibition City offers spiendid opporâ€" tunity for this line of amusement, and arrangements arc being completed for motor boat races, war canoe races, swimming races, aeroplaning, hydroâ€" planing etc. There will be something doing on the watertront every dly‘ and for those who like their‘s with water there won‘t be a dall moment Interment is taking place toâ€"day, Wodnesday, in Trinity Church buryâ€" ing ground, Rev. Mr Hartley conâ€" dnc ing the services, Mrs Edge was Miss Mary Gordon Lawson, davughter of the late Wim, Lawson and sister of Robert and Wm Lawson, near town and of Mrs Hopâ€" kins. She was born at Huatton Hill and lived some time at the farm north of own hefore her marriage to Mr Edge s me 27 years ago, Her removal will make a marked gap in the community where her good neighborship and Christian character were recognized ard valued, but it is in ber home where her loss will be most serlous!s felt and most sincereâ€" ly mourned. â€" Besides her sorrowing husband, a daughter, Miss Valerie and son I!s.b., will long cherish ber memory. On Monday kes, 7th J aly," Miitine wiBgze.lmiby passed away at the age of 52 years, alter 9,1:5&?%(}%5 due to unaeQ{i‘;. {It had been Tntwn that she was M delicate health, but it came as a startling and painfual surprise last week when it was learnâ€" ed that the illness was goin;g te prove fatal. Mr Lauder was the youngest brothâ€" er of Thos. Lauder, Sr., late Regis trar, who died on 25th January last, and was thelast of the wellâ€"known family of six brothers, most of whom took a prominent part in the early life of this country. He was bera in Cemberland Co,, England, in 1839 and came out to Canada with the rest of the family in 1851. About 45 years ago he married Matilda Moore, sister, of Ben Moore, formerly wellâ€"known in town. She died some 12 or 13 years ago. Thirtyâ€"five years ago be went west and took up ranching in Nicola Valâ€" ley, B. C., in which business he conâ€" tinued for about 20 years. Me held a government position for some time and for the last 12 or 15 years has lived re:tred in Kamloops, B. C. Three sons and four daughters, all liying and in British Celombia, re main to mourn his loss, the telegram being sâ€"nt by his daughter Acnie, a nurse, who visited in Durham some four years ago. About S years ago Mr Lauder spent most of the summer hrre meeting and fraternizing with many old friends made in the years he spent in this locality hoth betore and after marriage. These will yet rememâ€" ber the suavity and kindness of heart otf this last member of the Lauder stock. On Satarday last Mr A. W. H. Lauder of the Registry office, reeeivâ€" ed a sad telogram announcing the death of his uncle, Joseph Lauder in Kamloops, B. C. The details of his last illness are nos yet to hand. It was our privilege to know the deâ€" eeased ¢f recent years and we can well believe the testimony borne of him by old neighbors as to his kindâ€" ness of heart, his genial disposition and is worth in general as a man and citizen. We extend our sympathy to the family bereaved just as they were hoping his life would be prolonged, He was buried on Sunday last in the family burying ground at Maplewood cemetery, Rev, Mr Prudham conductâ€" ing the services, Mr Jas, Eddington, Owen Sound, a brotherâ€"inâ€"law, attendâ€" ed the funeral, To this couple now both gone were born a large family ; Mrs McLean, Roleau, Sask. ; Oliver and Will of Paisley Brook, Sask,. ; Jno, of Wilcox, Sask. ; Agnes in Roleau; James in Orchard ; AMrs Collins, Palmerston ; Mts Mel. Storrey, Durham anod Sadie. A daughter, Mrs John Watt, died two years ago. â€" Besides these cbief mournâ€" ers there is his wellâ€"known brother John, cattle buyer of Holstein, who is, as far as we know, his only brother, Wirr1ax BROWN. "In the midet of life we are in death." This saying was illustrated vividly on Friday last in the case of William Brown. For two months he has been ill with pneumonia and kindâ€" red troubles for the most of that time being cared for at the home of his brother John of Holstein. Care and skill were bringing him around again and he was able to go for a while with his son near Orchard. Friday last he left Holstein by aftercroQp train for Durham to make hbis home with his daughter here, but alas | it was only for an hour or two for he died that evening, the excitement of travelling no doubt causing a bheart shock that brought on the end, Mr Brown was born in Co, Tyrone, Ireland, over 74 years ago and came to Toronto with his parents and other members of the family whey a boy. Later, with his mother, bis father bayviog died, he moved to Egremont in the pioneer days,. Here he married Miss Jane Eddington and moved to Crebard where they lived till wife and mother died five years ago. After that he moyed to Ducham where he has liyed almost continuously, the exâ€" ception being some months in Holâ€" stein. Grand Water Carnoival. The Roll Call. Mrs Wa. Epncc JosErH LAUDER ++ ++ mbia, re | "Â¥" elegram | > Acnie, a| ; am some &? xÂ¥ ler spent X# meeting | e ainy â€" old % spent in | * ind after | % rememâ€" | o§o s of heart * e Lauder J a#: Ks ‘3: Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, # Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, ;fi etc, %Q Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with bib f; and wifl'lout bib. 3& Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces. #o c es «> Embroideries. ce Aic oo chaoks ofe cQaobe ofe ate . cfe ofe chaok cfenrfertoofante ofarfe Bs cQuote : s gg Druggists and Booksellers §3 C P R Town Office Buy you y n ts 68 sns 1 Pe s x EEEHEEEE&EEEEEEZMHESEEREEEE t t e ohe ho ie oo ie ofe se ige EIRV EPC CECMS ECRTWITE All letters from Canada must be addressed -‘IUTlcE to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" w o ooo mreaiaiitita mt on,, Un Sol n t see us persona at our i it an mo patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory ior&nadn‘nbu-lneuonly. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address, Te in crtlon A ® Upormmmmen....._._ _ _ CC 2007 ;. 00 7°°@ @PRrls Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., EP NOTICE iss from DRS. lfiâ€"-â€"d(fl l" E for Home Treatment _ Cor. Michigan Ave anad r__é mNEDY YOUR BLOOD is TAINTED Highest prices for Butter and Egxgs. At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Oar shipments arrive freâ€" quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. We still have in stock a fine assortment of THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakary gocods CERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY NEW METHOD TRFATMEN® Try our Fresh Oysters C. L GRANT Beautiful Goods at rock bottom MacFARLANE & CO. Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. . A. ROWE for of M ,‘?:E .O‘Id-mu.u" em If unable to call, write for Question List ‘-lll-.lhfi.-u r, _ C P‘AUâ€"Pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you.‘c\'e apy blo}‘\z gllease. m:’.- Iullu;r,..“q...“ let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove MR prodiicgec. 1 CCFS, h heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen Prire mefiition nd Shiver metine aotine urn, ;mln realizes a new m opened up to YOU CAN ARRANCGE To PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED *5¢ WRooke ofo ahe ofo oo oo ofa ofe ofo s# e y Buy your tickets here Keep your Cows free from the pesky fiy and they will do better,. 25¢ large bottle, CONsULTATION FREE JULY 10, 1913 Under the influence itment the skin beâ€" «O * McFAR) [ II Most JU §A JULY 10, Markd

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