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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1913, p. 6

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The Bulgarians delivsred their heaviest blows at Guevgheli, where they severed the Greeu-Servian line. and at Istip. They still hold Guevgknii. but were driven trom Istip eve.\xall_v with heavy losses towards O.\hcpoyle. when the Benign army was massed. The Benin supporging tones, coming heaviest lews they severed line, and at It A dempateh from Belgrade up: Army headquarters report that the Bervinns. utter capturing lstip. pursued the enemy. capturing over 100 "ieers and 1,000 men. Press despntches report that. sanguinary Atrhting has occurred at 0vtche~ polye, where the Bulgarian log-es were enormous and 4.000 Bulgar- inns surrendered. In this engage- ment 2.000 8erviann were killed and wounded. According to the best Nomination to be obtained at the Bervian capital the battle line ex- tended front Ketchana. Istip and Strumitza towards Guevgheli. and thence onwards to Ps, Gulf oi Or- fani. FIGHTING IN THE EAiKANTS Enormous Loss of Life (no. He fin: iron bar. Repairs are the Roman Catale. lt is att the "mph Carmen, son of a Hitchin) nursery man,was savagely attacked l by a large eat, which flew at his: pm. Mo finally killed it with an! thr Shiv year on it The Edi: granted who pled children A woman Landon coun A (Many of bees have made their home in tho parish church at Red- nick, Leicestershire. Lord When; has been elected president of tho Epsom and Dia- triet Boy Scouts’ Association. In the west end of London the in- tant death rate, is 11 per cent. In the east end it is 38 per cent. Lighthouses and lightships dot the cons-t. of Great Britain at, the nverage distance of one every 14 miles. The United Kingdom imports more fruit than any other country in Europe, spending $32,500,000 in I war " tl In Lon Ind 1,17 Occurrences In The Land That Reigns Supreme In the Con- menial World. fillllil MERRY (llll flilll.jlllll Buildings at Ontario Agricultural College, $51,500; including Poultry Building for administration. class, mom and laboratory purposes; to tinUh and equip Field Husbandry NEWS BY "A". ABOUT JOHN BULL AND ms PEOPLE. Kl Faiuc.tional _ work in connection with wanting of farm products, .1500. Tho Federal sum for Ontario for 1913 is apportioned u follows: District representatives, 880.000. o. A. C. short course, travelling and living expenses of winners of Acre Profit competition. $1,500. To enmunge agriculture in the Public whools, 010.000. A despatch from Toronto ssys: She Ontario Government is to re- ceive $195,733.32 this yet? es the Province's shun-e ol the Fedenl grant of 8700.000 for educational purposes. In the Bill es passed by the Dominion Parliament $10,000,- 000 is to be handed over to the several provinces for educational purposes within the next 10 years. Each year the smoum apportioned will be increased until the total of "0.000.000 is expended. thr Ontario Will Receive this Sum for |9l3 for cational Purposes FEDERAL GRANT $195,733 young d died tal ng ll She ant, n h'duetstion Committee of the t County Council have I. scholarships to ten crip- It I are being carried out on nan lighthouse on Dover lt is in wonderful preeer ondon there were 2.329 births I75 deaths last week. lame-Id woman has just, died age of 81 from consumption. and uses 450.000 tons of ice of which London takes 160,- a mg man named James eel at Haverford West njuries caused by a horse him and seizing him by " fr In giving midence in s nut. protested that she a sSuffragist, but a re- married woman." umway ' tram woman " Life Is Reported In Despatches From the Front mnnttee are Hrs to the travel with ‘d nct {Kort-hams. where a fieree fight en- _.qued. The Bulgarians suffered lbusily. the Senians capturing an 'impurtan: height near Osiguvtt. Hailed lletkibukwe. On the other Ride of Guevgheli the Greek armies l'munrirmed despatehe, on Wed, nesday night report further heayy frghthre in the istip district. m -- L.- t , »- . Side of Guevgheli the Greek armies are concentrated. and the Bulgar- ians risk gating caught betewen two fires. Parents of Boy Convicted ot Drunk. runes.» and Aegleet. A despatch from Montreal says: Striking widow-e given in the Re- corder's Court on Wednesday by their unwashed, halt-starved, eight- yearrold son was sufficient to con- vict buth John Sneiden and his wife of drunkenness and neglect of their ohiid. It “as a pathetic and T.ry) did case, in which the little, ill-l kempt boy‘s word was taken rather thud that" of his motWIIer 7‘. __.........-v v. ”1110101“, Surrey. It had been ailing some days and ultimately had be to des- truyed. the ring Mr. R. Wright, of Wycombe Marsh, has made the unusual cap- ture of two stunts in one trap at the samr, time. One was caught, by the teeth of the trap and tho other in Two names were Fouhd rembedded in the heart of a cow belonging to yr. Percy Remnant of Dinsfold. A large portion of the water at Chellew Dean reservoir, Bradford, has been polluted with chemical used in dye works. The outrage is attributed to suffragettes. I Willsden Council condemned as unfit for habitation the last of the original cottages erected on the one-timo village High Street at Willsdvn Junction. A scheme for an important ex- tension in Oonnection with Palmer shipbuilding yard, Jarrow, has been decided upon by the firm, at a cost of over $125,000. my routed. It is asserted that fighting was the bloodiest in history of Balkan wars. ' Nation and has stood on Dover heights for nearly 2,000 years. Worthing pier shareholders have approved the directors' scheme for making good tho damage done dur- ing the recent gales at an estimated Cost of $50,000. Owing to the increased cost of liv- ing the wages of the men employed by the Middlesex County Council on the roads are to be raised by 48 cents a, week. ce Ontario Veterinary College, addi- tional land, 85.000. Lectures on Horticulture, 8500. Miscellaneous, $4,283.32. Demonstration in beekeeping: $1.000. Demonstration and instruction orLlive stock {and poultry, 84,000. Demonstration ivork 'forr Spray- ing, pruning, and packing of fruits, 83,000. Short courses for {all fairs and field crop judges, $5.500. Drainage work, 85,000. Demonstrations and instruction in vegetable growing, $2,500. Demonstration work on soils. courses and institute" leétuie work, 87,600. Women’s institute work, includ- ing courses in cooking, sewing, etc., 36,500. _ Building and Apiary Adminitrtrw. tion Building; to remodel and equip Bacteriological Department; extensions and equipment Dairy Stock and, seq] judging short A P.rrtr F.TiC Ch SE. Sir Lomer Gouin, Premier of Quebec, on soils, TORONTO Two-year-old Girl Drowned in an lee Cream Freezer. A despatch trom Winnipeg says: While reaching for a tin can which was fuatins m the tub of an ice (Twin: freezer on Wednesday, two- year-old Gertie 'Wolf slipped and MI in. hetvd-ftrst, and drowned in 18 inchel of water. pany's station exploded on Wednes- day. The station is located in a re- mote spot on the railroad in the interior of the inland. N It"senteneed to Three Years in Jail tor Arson. A despatch from London, Eng- land. says: Two militant suffra- ceues. Kitty Marion and Clara Elizabeth Giveen, were sentenced at the Assims on Thursday to three years' penal servitude each on the charge of setting fire to the stands on the Hurst. Park racemurse on June 9 and causing damage. amounting to 870,000. When told that he had won 8v.0o,000in the Charleroi Exhibition Lottery, & railroad brakeman of Arlow, Belgium, earning an a month. dropped into a dead faint. German experts say that no large steamships will be able to pass through the Panama Canal for five wan-rs owing to the frequent land slides. General. Nine dresuinousrht,s, three forts, and a naval militia are Manned by the Netherlands Government, to protect the Dutch Fasst, Indies. Sew-n mm were stabbed in a. rightsCn the dining-room of a. Gettys- burg, Ps., hotel, as a result of a fight on Wednesday, which started when several men aroused the an- ger of an old veteran in blue by abusing Lincoln. Miss Jvssio Woodrow Wilson, se- cond daughter of the United States President, is to be married in No- vember to F. B. Sayre, who is in the of1iue, of the District Attorney for New York. Instead of cutting out a. tonsil, Dr. Harold Foster of New York, announced at Chicago that he could pluck and has plucked out a dis- oauod tonsil “as a man would pluck a cherry." A New York jury convicted. in his second trial, Peter Duffy, a former policeman, charged with ac- cepting money from a. gambler to give him immunity from prosecu- tlon. Miss Agnes Lake, manager of The Suffragotte, was re-arrested and will be taken back to prison. The Marquis of Northampton paid $250,000 to Daisy Moss, the ac- tress, in settlement of a. breach of promise suit. The Brifish court haCiiiiiied that women are barred from the practice of law. Dr. Robert Bridges has been " tered tpepost of Poet Laureate. London is in danger of a, serious ice famine, duo, the ice dealers claim, to tho action of tho Board. of HnaJth in restricting the areas from which ice could be ha,rvested last winter. The King may pardon Mrs. Ptsnk.. burst. The Cook Construction Company of Sudbury, Ont., and A. B, Whes- ton of Amherst, are joint contrac- tors for the Halifax Terminal Rail, way (5 miles) at a. contract price of $1,500,000. A writ has been issued against tho corporation of Brockville, claiming 810,000 damages on behalf of Wm. Hewitt, whose son, Morton, met hiss death by grabbing a, live wire. C. E. Dewey, general freight agent of the G.T.P. at Winnipeg, has been appointed freight trtUfie manager of the G.T.R. at Mont, real, and is succeeded by A. E. Rosewear. Last week in Montreal the deaths of children under five years of age numbered 116, an increase of 56 over the figures for the preceding week. James Pridle, aged M, died at Ingersoll from sun stroke. He had only been in Canada. from England about a week. PECl'Ll.\R ACCIDENT. MILITAN'I‘S co y VlC'I'l-ID. The Railway Commission has is- sued an order requiring tho rail- ways to accept trunks as freight if securely corded. Annoacement is'made that the Canadian Northern Railway would be in operation to the Rockies by fall. Three Hamilton policemen were mauled by a crowd while they were arresting two foreigners. Notices have been posted on the Montreal what-veg, giving warning as to oonhdence mem Canada. The Curling block, London, has been bought for 8140,000 as a post oiiice site. IE NEWS Ill fl PARISH?“ Canal. the Empire and the “all In Gamer-l Before You HAPPENINGS "" ALB OVII In! 61.033 " A ”UTE!!!“ F.rtAt, EXPLOSION. Vnited States. G rout Britain. , Gold Miners of South Africa Resort I to Violence. A despatch from Johannesburg, South Africa, says: Already seven» teen mines are inwlved in the strike and more than 5,000 men are out. The mine owners are remov- ing the gold to banks for safety. Several terrifie explosions occurred near Benoni on Thursday night in an attempt by the strikers to de.. stroy the power station, but the attempt, failed. Troops now guard all the power stations. 1 Young Millionaire Worked on a I Railroad in Arkansas. 3 A despatch from Van Buren, Ar lkansas, says: “I just grew tired of I being a millionaire with nothing to ido but play the society game and ( study to keep me from killing Mime." This is the explanation of lJohn O'Brien of New York city, missing Columbia University stu- ;dent and heir to millions, who dis- _ appeared three years ago. and who :‘was found working as division en- 'gineer on the Iron Mountain ltail: l road at Van Buren .on Wednesday.; l Toronto, July 8. Luttlo-Choice, export, $6.80; choice butchers. $6.50 to $6.83: good medium, 8505 to $6.40: common. $4.75 to 85: runners. $2 to $2.50: cutters, " to $325; tat cows. $5.25 to $5.50: ammo" cowl. $3.50 to $4.25. (hivesAkmd veal. $5 to $7; choice. " to 88.50; common. 83 to $3.60. Stockem and feederie-.Rteerrt, 700 to 1,000 pounds. 34.50 to $6.25: yearling. $2.tt; to $2.50; extra choke heavy feeders. 900 pounds, 55.85 to $8.25. Milken and spring- err-From " to $70. Sheep and lambui Light "on. " to $4.50; heavy. $3 to 8360; lambs. " to 810; bucks, $3 to $3.50; spring lambs. 88.50 to $10. Bope--89.M, ted and watered, and 89 f.o.b. l Montreal, July 8.--4lorm-Amerietsn No. 2 yellow. 68e to 690. oate-Ianadian west- (ern, No. 2, Cat; do Canadian western, No. '3. 400 to 401-Zc: do extra No. I feed. lie he 411.'at. Barley Manitoba feed, 500 to ,610: do maltinl. 62a to 65c. Buckwheat-- iNo. 2. Mo to 600. Flour--Mvuitoba spring awheat patents, tirstir, 5560: do seconds. M510; do strong bakera‘. $4.90; do winter :p_att'nta, choice. $5.50; do straight rollers. i $5.10; do bags. $210. Rolled oats-Barrels, ;$4.55: do bags. 90 lb... $2.15. Bran $18: Mums. tur, middlirtrg, $23; moume, 826 to .332. Har-No. 2, per ton. car lots. $11.50 to 812.50. (Jheerre--Finotrt westerns. 13ry to lame; do ttnmrt enter“. 121-20 to 123-40. Rutter-Choir-t creamery, 260 to MIMO,. do amends, 251-24: to 253-40,. Egg» Fresh, 220 to 230; do selectrad. 25a to Me. po. ttrtomr Per has. car lots, 60 to 75e. l -.No. ' yellow. 571-2c to 500. Out: No. 3 white, ELM to 40c. Rye No. 2, 550 to We. Flour unchanaed. Bran unchanged. Duluth. July 8.-Wheat-No. l hard, 930; No. 1 northern. 92c; No. 2 northern, 891-N to 900; July, 910: 'dept. 951-40 to 953-80 big; December. 94sec. ttominal. Minneapolis. July a.- Wheat -Julv, 901-40: Sept... 92Me to 92 5-00; Dere., 977-80: No. t hard, 9534c; No. 1 northern. 920 to "Per, No._2 northern, 900 to 91r4e. Corn TIRED " NOTHING TO DO Winnipeg, July 8.-Caerh-WhoaF-No. 1 northern, 963-40; No. g, 93 340; No. 3. 690; No. 4, Me; No. 5, " Me; No. 6, 70e; teed, 60c; No. 1 rejected Rods. 89c; No. 2, 86c; No. 3, 811-4c; No. t tough. 89e; No. 2, 88e; No. 3, Me; No. 5, 670: No. 6. 62e; feed mush. 63e, No. 1 red winter, 951-40; No. 2, 921-40 No. 3, 871-20: No. 4, 811ae. Oats _ No, 2 C. W,, 345-80: No. 3. Jet-ae.. extra No. 1 feed. 531-2c: No. l, 521-242; No. 2, 3ikr, Barley-No. 3, 471-20; No. 4, 46%; re- jaded. 450; fired, 43c. Plax-No. 1 N. W., 31.191-2; No. 2 C. W., 81.17; No. 3, 81.03. Quotations, tnck. Toronto.. Ruled hay, No. l, 811.50 to 812.00; No. 2, $8.00 m 89.00; ita." tra? to " 00; Baled straw. $8.00 to . . .- Potatoetr-0ntario potatoes, 750 per bag; car Iotr, 65c: New BrururwieU, 90ts per bag; out of store, Mo in on lots; Vir- triyia. qew. $3.00 peg barrel. per doun; No. 2, 82.40 per dozen. Beams-Primer, bushel, $1.75 to tr, hand- picked, $2.35 to $2.40. Poultry-n-killed yearllnn. 19e to Mo per pound; fowl, 160 to 18e; live year- linga. ta, to 16c; live fowla, 14e to 15c; dressed wring chit-hens, Mc; live, 25c to 270; turkey. 200 to use. V - _--..l. ""'.'-. m“ Burter-Latmrt butter quotations are: Creamery prints. Mo to 28c; Creamery solids, Me to 27c; Dairy prints, 20 to Mc; Interior 'bakers'), We w 190. Honey -Bachwheat, A, a pound in tins, and Be in barrels; strained clover honey, 121-20 . pound in mpound tins; 1234:: In 10-qu tine; 13e in Mound tins; comb honey No. 1, 82.60 pfr down; extra, " Frirs-Newnaid, in case Iota. 21a to 294: Cheese-Twins, new. 14c to 141.2e and large, new. nt 131-2c to 14c; old cheese, tey, ISo'm 151-20; Luge. IM. MiniuiG h;G--rirrt patents, $5.50 in juta his!“ Itronz bakerW. $4.80 to Jute gags! In cotton bags ten cents more per arm . Ontario Ptour--Wintcr wheat Mur. 90 per cent. patents, ls quoted at 54.10 to $4.15, seaboard. in bulk. Millttsed--5unitoU bran. $19.00, in Itatrm track, Toronto: shorts, $20,00; Ontario bran, $1900, in bags; shorts, $20.00; mid- dl}yzs. 121 to $25. Ontario tut.-ir. , white. 360 to 36e it canary points; Wo to 580 on tuck, Tm ron . Manitoba onu-No. 2 C. W. oats, 390 to 40e, truck. bay port-z No. 3 O. W.. 370 to 38e; No. 1 food, Wo to 500. Gtn-Aapericii, No. 2 yellow. 66c; No, 3 yellow, 64c, cit. Rrer--No. 2, 600 to 62e, nominal. Peas-No. 2. 900 to 950 our lots, outside. BuckwheatiNo. 2, 62e to Me. Barlevaood muting barley. outside, 5% to Me. Rolled oats-Per has of 90 pounds, $2.15; per barrel. ”.55. wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. WW..- "a" .w. ., 1" lots outside. Imaging down Hyde; EirfptitufdnGnCireriiii, ms to 32.4.5 5,000 MEN oy STRIKE. 'rt-e " with. enln. Chou. and 'tthe from». n “on. and Aims BrqttSatttttt. Toronto, July 8.-Hartitobn Wheat-Lake Porta, No. I northern, 31.0214; No. 2, 991-30; yo.. 5. Nts,. food when. 65c. t ?..'1tr.tyhedtu.tG. ' 97a to Rh, for car REPORTS PRO. '" LEADING TRADI CENTRE! " AIERICA. PRICES if HRH Malls United Baud Hay and Straw. Montreal Markets. WInnlnel Grain. Country Produce. Status Markets. to m, for piror It ll prob-My perioctly at. to u] that should . world-wide dean-ion dovelo; within the next year there is no country anywhere which will feel it. elect: u little u wlll Gen-41a. Home of the real an”. dabble” may get nipped. but there 1. no prawn-l. of guy humane banner: being badly hurt. Next winter may poe- mbly see mm. luck ot emyloyment among unskilled labor. but only among those clam who are alwayn on the "I". of penury whether lime- are good or bad. mum New Canadians. The rel-unn- of what any be donorlbed an aeehmatUed Canadian, to our new «Mums are cumin; considerable diorur rion. It in not merely tho cue of tor. eignere. but the attitude which Canadians bear towards Old t'ourttrr immigrant. And which thou lmwigrnnta bear toward- (‘aundiane that is running rams-vent. It in new overlooked by nanny poo Such is the connection between the Bulk- aus and business in Ontario. Lmla Dullnau In Canada. So tar there in little sign of dunno“ in this country. 0cvusrrlonully one hunt a annulniut about collections, particu- Iarly m the Well. being glow. But the situation imam: lo have nothzng to do with the Balkan-i. but regim- from the inmount of real estate apoculation which (has been com; on there, thus tying up trendy cash that rhouid have been used to pay amounts. Immigration continue. to come in by the ahipload. and, of course, this adds new wealth to the country and puts {rah money in cirrulation. Bend“, the CP.R. haa announced that they pro- pose to spend at once “WANNA!” in new extensions and improvements in Canada.‘ It in uranium than. they have made the necessary Bnaneitt.. Other corporation- are prepared tor similar expenditure... though no". on " int-n- a scale " the c. ' Pa. These, things. taken in eotuttwtiorti with the prospectus tor n bountiful haunt : both in Eastern and in Wet-urn Canada a make it dink-uh tor anyone to be psi-Ln» , into about. either the immodiaw or the prospective future of thin country. It in probably perfectly nah to as] that CM?“ , world-vul- tuna-ion develop is laid that the underwriters of London have declined to take any further bond issues until October. This prIA'ticnlly means that tho municipalities or private enterprises which hnvo not already Ir- rauged for their loam or the we of bond: or debentures will be obliged to get along as beat they cut: for some months. lt will be seen that the etrect of this situation will be thnt. businesse- planning extensions or new enterprlm starting up will be disposed to unit until money can be secured with lean diMculty. This in turn will rem-t on employment. and if men are out of work or wages Ire reduced, it will then react. on busines- generally. 7 "mu.“- VeNbt"qF6F" ynuwruuua anu will-I . T V porarily decreased the world's eupply all” “as generally tsttppogtd that he liquid capital. |had been murdered. Word, how- But a permanent lo" was sustained by i ever was received on Wednesday the actual destruction in the war. A vast; ', . f C ikil h P .. amount of property and wealth was lit. by Chie M? fs l t at 0pe TP lera'lllly wipes} otr 111% face or thgneanh-d [well and residing in Texas. Pope a l en runways, n sea. pu 0 mm a. , _ a - public buildings. telephones, triumphs? .horso was found one tunter morn and works of all descriptions. to lay hath-1 mg, two years ago, lying dead on " of private property, are destroyed ini . ei a habitable country. they have to be re- [I the. 'Ir"i) and. there b Pf 'l 1")": placed. They can only he replaced ‘byltrall of blood it _was suppose tin Iry,2'g .up"n If?!” "tra,'it, and TilGi,'gAoPs had met with foul play. The t TOUR It (‘IS rum 6 money en ntri . . centre:, of tho world-London, pub. Ber. l deteetis es could find no trace of. the lit: and tPye I',',',,',, 2% Many of; man’s body, and the case remained moss war a are a aoutey mperatlve. ' . - Thua the cash for them baa to be "cured i , In) stery until walkway mom regardless of what it costs. It:- tor thin , mg. l reason that succeeding a war of any pro- portions there is always a angers money . tightness even more mute t an during . ' . the time of the war itself. The proceaa . Tho uth lyyrim.ent ol. Kingston of rehabilitamon in even more expenalve " to have a bicycle section. than the actual cost of ran-yin. on the] m_i_l_itary operational Ihemselveul "-"e'-"'"."-e-.---"r"---'"-u--"'h'Pi.----.i.-..=-..- That u ireridd of "turi-ina/e., has ar. rlved_ in "f"t. gener_ally _rooo¢uist~d. It But a permanent was was sustained by the actual destruction in the war. A vast amount, of property 5nd wealth mu lib ery.).lr wist.i at! th? {we of the earth. The reason tor this phenomenon in that war not only makes capital timid. but destroys a large slim of it. An cxamplu of timidity was Been during the rwczit Balkan eruption. when the peasants ot France and Germany, fearful of a con. tiatrratiou which would umbroil all Eur. ope, are credited with having withdrawn from the bank: all their n-ady money. Their purpow was to be in a position to cache it in case of trouble, so that alter the clouds rolled by they could bob up serenely with their nest eggs. This pro. cess of withdrawals is what " known as "hoarding cold" and in said to have reached extend“ proportion: and tern. porarily decreased the world] pupply of lipid capital. -_..-..... --._..._. mar-v. the Daughters of the Empire. the Oversea- Club, the Navy League. and the Cautadittn Defence League. m, therefore Advocate! the organization ot Kingdom (‘luha with ‘the detiniu, purpose a outlined. l Attertttath of War. That there should be any connection bs tween the slaughter in the Balkans in the yen 1912 and the conform of life in the Province of Ontario in the your Ind, mar be ditbtult to understand. P is nevertheless u fact. All warn leave I per. iod of almost world-wide business de- premion in their wake. Sometimes these periods no of abort, duration. or from special circumstances they may be of con. aiderable length. The latest previous ex- ample was the South African war, auc- ceedintt which, for a year or two, there, wan-I somewhat acute commercial and "l uncial stagnation. Mr. Ewart points out that those who are working tor a more centralised or- ganization of the Empire have no end of organization. including the Across the Seas Club, the Imperial Colonial Club, the British Canadian Club, the United Bmpire Club. the Ladies' Imperial Club. the We. toria. League, Festivals of Empire, the Imperial Minion. tho Imperial Parlia- mentary Auccluion. the Royal Colonial Institute. and in Canada such organlxw Itie she ImperiaL Pesd.ersstion Abeague. - 7,7,._-v., _w., - walnut“ nu. _ "Although pertinent prone“ townrde, political culmination hu been the molt interesting and important eurncteriatio of Canadinn history. yet there In. new! (with one epbermal exception) been any endeavor to end the allegiance of Ctttw ada to her Sovereigns. The perpetuation of that ulleriance will not in any way be affected by the attainment ot the object of this Club. King George is now King of Canada. Instead of Canada being one of his dominions. she shall be one of his Kingdoms. "When framing our federal constitution in 1867. Sir John A. Macdonald, observing that the period of our colonial subordin- ation was approaching its dose. desired that our omvial title should be tho King. dom ot Canada. Thin Club declnres that the fiftieth anniversary of our natal-day, would be a fitting and appropriate year; in which to realize the wish of the great-l eti,t of gut departed Canadian statesmen. 'l --'-.'- _.r_...Frl.. .u .. an In". W t'oqroirtg that after u long period of pa- litlcal evolution, Glued: has " lenlth attained to the union of u sell-[overn- ing lute; that ile'l leglelntive Ind turru Independence ll undisputed; that her right, to mike nrrengemenu with toremn oountrlel in undoubted; that exclusive control of her towel. both land Ind eel. la admitted; end that. therefore. ebul- doning the title and lppell'lnco of n colony she ought to name the ltltul of a nation. this Club baa for its object the elevation of our muntry to the in. ternatlonal rank to which her acknow- lodged“ matLurlty must, justly entitle: her. Hie GUG; iTGiiGU in a clause whk‘h he “(can u a. trtaternettt of the object of 5/eee. Clubs. In it he as”. We - - ALA; - 1A . A somewhat Itartllng suggestion Lo been made by Mr. John B. Ewnrt, WC., of Ottawa, to the elect that there should be organized throughout the Dominion th series of what he proposes to chi-men u "Kingdom Clubs." Mr. Ewart for many "an has been . leading ndvoclto of complete autonomy for Canadn within the British f1'y"p,r, He likes to talk of "the Kingdom o Canada"; in tact, be gave to the am and in may reopecu tho most important “drool be has delivered on thiauhject. that title. l With each recurring dietribnuon of honor! there u some Inoculation no to why PW.',',",',',', in not oonierred on Mr. Borden. o none venom it aeenu etrenl'e that the Brat citinen of Canada should not have, at lent a knighthood when eo many others have received the honor. These Demon target that at the nut oppor- tunity alter hie election to the Premier. ship, Mr. Borden had conferred upon him the rank ot Privy Councillor, and this rank in a very high one. lever-l degree: higher than that of G. C. B. or Knight of the Grand Cross of the Bath. It ranks immediawa after thnt of Knight of the Garter. a degree which is very rarely con- . ierred on any but member- of the Royal i funny. Sir Edward Grey being a notable1 exception. The President of the Privvf Council is the third Oliver ot State. After a man has been sworn in an n Privy Coun- cillor. it ie very rarely indeed that he k quoted even the Order of the Bath. Men 1 like Bright. Gladstone. James Bryce and John Burns. all Privy Councillors, were never knighted. [clinician mm] nu unpuun-mI-nug 1n L'uuldl.‘3 " "s " ed that they have made the: "ttr'trt., U'her k'-orlroriitiottt, ' y tt totatrt " ‘ 8tteolat PHD. I for annular vxprndxluren, An overstock a" " Jarre a and» " the I' , 2 out hero" A in our warehouse mun bo club“ mums. taken lll ronuwnun ll l " vr _ “at lat. Heruse ttte Prim, you: tor I buunnful h'trvu: _ f ' _ V N pr" and 11. Wrnrrn (arucu Blt ' ult tor unyule lo be. Wan-.1117 " BlEiI ’ Tttre. 'tteh all] -5t) mile mixer it? glutamate or an ”.3, I “madman" enclosed. IO.. mum o t " country. 7 . 000 m a“ ' " perfectly “I: to on: iii) tus . on odometer. lrld-wido depreasion develop' » unlu- “.50 at year there ls no country! . wk will teel m. emu-u. “I Owl-I Peloe tom. Canada. Some of the real > '3 may Bet nipped. but there ----- t of any legitimate bumueul wr nun. Next ulnar may pos- , a lam-k of employment mung l, film mob dial " a". or. but only nmonx more" D omelet. 101000 In“. m- than an the “no ot ' r,T . IOIIOn odometer. Auto. er umeu are good or bad. "t ~ - matte matting trip regtr , " Now Can-diam. " " graham . [Whoa - I . a of what any be déwribod ' ed Canadians to our new new!" Phee '27.‘0. unplug oouridorat,le dist-urn 8tteciat Value .17.”. at mereir tho can: of for. ‘" ?t.rit_utu which Canadians. RUSSELL MOTOR ”A- --a.-, "TM Kingdom at Can-Ga." emuloyment only among m on the " are good o, the real but there , buuneu may poo- Ross: LL MOTOR on A derpatch from Winnipeg says: After three days of union. inces- Sant min, the wetsther in Manitoba was clear and cool on Thursday. No complaints of lack of moisture are now being hard. and the crop is said to be coming Along flturly at all points. Straw will be than. Expectations axe that wheat will be headed out at many points by July 20, and some barley will be ready to cut by the end of the month. Mr. S. A. Redford. Deputy Minis Outlook ls Somewhat Uncertain In South, But the Farmers Are Optimistic MANITOBA CROP LOOKS FINE [is good enough for him And become- natuulimd. he forgot. that he ever bu been nnything but nu American cltlun. [A lady from Chicago laud out to me lthh interesting (not JI' other (by. In lChloago she had met English, Iriah and ,‘Smuh girl: in numbora. but there In! ‘no Bill‘ to indionto that they were In!- lthing but Americana. They had even dil- ‘cudod their accents. The on" who take [the longeat to lose their distinctivenesl were the tlwrda.. but ewn with them It (was only I mane! of n few will. They wrro all Americunl. Mystery of Supnom-d Murder Two Years Ago Is Solved. A despatch from Montreal says: The mysterious disappearance some tow years ago of Wilfrid F. Pope, a well-known manhunt of Brompton- ville, Que., was cleared up on Wed- nesday. The disappearance of Pope created quite a sensation, for It he. been “M that In Can-d: we make too much of the netlonelity or our enceemn. Even In our oenM" return: we insist on thin information, no that the only person: who nppenr 1n the eutHu'tV cation in the Canadian oeunue n pure Cenediene no the Indian tribes. A dil- ferent state of “hire prevails in the United Stun. There an coon u an im. nligrnn} nrrivep, decide} that (he poumry In Toronto there no whale street: and in some soot-ions whole blocks compose] entirely of Englishmen or 'lootvhrnen. They Ire bud workers in I rule Ind moat of them are linking good. And the neat generation will be pure Cnntdian u are the present children And grnttd<etti1drett of former urn-ink. No tint an entirely augmented ginn- tion in developing in in country. Not since the that in." of the 19th century has there been any immigration in Tol. urns to Can-d: until the he: ten you". It is doubtful it there ewr bu been Eng- lish immigration in any and: comparative quantum; u is coming in now. The Ir- riull of tho 30U and 40': were largely Emu-h and Irish. Scotch and Irish ..rrss coming now, the English are new ll'er- in: also in 3 way that will have the effect of balancing up tho composiw na- tiéqnnliiy which one day in to be out. a tan. WILFIHJD r. POPE ALIVE. Partlculuo of our current - - up” W000. Government Bonds-To yield 4.1095 to 4ydqti. City Detrentrtres--To yield " to 6%. Public Utility Bonds-To yield " to 5 " Industrial Bonds-- To yield f X qh to " WE an: PREP”!!! re ”AK. Pkmw. FOR TH. R'TIRIMINT OF ITIND‘RD IONDI, “MTLY ro "£703., "t EXCHANGE FOR .017“. SECURITIII OF DESIRED "A YURI r " THERE are a great many Bondsandother similar Investments maturing at this period of the year. The present market oifers splendid opportunity for Investment. JiiiirtbseostxnotrBomoa 'stt, Hun omen "iriiiiiiiiv. m7. mum MONTREAL wagon. can no. , tte-tttttttsmelt' Of MATURING BONDS AND NW DIVIDENDS certain in southern Manitoba. u the rain came almost too late to sue the crop. The next two neck. will decide. Farmers take m opti- mistic view, and are hoping for In lu‘rlge yield. leen on the whole, the Province can get. dong for an day. without rain. ter of Agriculture, bu jut roturm ed from a. tour of the Province in the vicinity of Portage In Pmirie and Net-purl, bud ny- condition. are fine. Was Blown Fro- llls Engine and Severely Injured. A despatch from Montreal says: Blown from the cab and over the tender of his engine, Alexander Normick. fireman of an incoming New York antrnl expreu. nlight- ed first on a standing train and then on n heap of rod-hot cinder: in the C.P.R. Glen Yard, West- mount, about midday on Wednes- day. His hand wns no terribly in.. jured that the doctors of the hon- pitnl to which he wu conveyed no uncertain of his recovery. a he says, to be can it would not. be broken. A railroad detective saw his act and Arrested him. Thereupon his oolleaguea went on strike. The superintendent, cl the road ordered the prisoner released, and the men resumed work. The fate of the e“ is still under con- sideration. Railway Porter Mk the Egg and Wu Arrested. A despatch from London, Eng- Und, says: The untimely and in- considerate action of a hen in lay- ing en egg in a. crate in which sov- eral other hens wen travelling, caused a strike of the Noeth-eaast- ern men at Leeds. A unload men abstracted the etrtr and put it aside. EG G-IA WING CAUSED STRI RE. There Will Be In, at the Catt. adian National Exhibition. A deapatch from Toronto says: The display of paintings at the Canadian National Exhibition draws lovers of the beautiful from all parts of America. In the gal- leriea will be gathered the best works of Canadian and United States artiste. and the great galler- ies of Europe loan their treasure: to further enhance the value of the collection. This year the galleries will be divided into four sections; British, German, American and Canadian, and the entire exhibit promises a distinct advance on the previous great collection: that have featured the Canadian National. A FIREMAN'S MISIIA P. oqtlook " still mortua- un- FAMOUS PAINTINGS. l LIMITED Dick had gone wit! a b call, He had now he “as ther an. it w“ much f The" were no boys C with, and he had In " and prim on a v Clot talked to the 's, kinds of dull thugs. At Int Dick .0 - of it. the Indy were talk to see hit his chair and t into the ttext. and books, and tl qrtsorn he had new laid for tea, nu how there tbe good to on. u trying in vain New Dick Wu vety kind hear little pups on tn atood w wand. - the Jug it up " the ci to make tshc qakes. The cakes ates] door an" that Dick the bo w Purr fish hott Dick sh unk At " tteat dung the first fe oUsntteviry " In It? ity. " panel (tom and bom mother to l VIN had an ootogte my hops to mm arian hint“. aasd d ortoeenariau mother Th votht u re.'" B "You'd better " said Willie to the o v" dining with the l a. - éivoe more Young 1 Mte Little Deeds of but down at 10f! I IN‘ lathe ked H pa n ked "

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