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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jul 1913, p. 8

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*g ® o @105 109 ags e ame gie e wciate 1cage; ggesye: e SnE S Eon "1 121 12â€" _ Oc SE e eE S 12 01 1Cs ie o ts 1|E tte se ies d %:"â€" ‘% i”"“%‘fi %"" tele e Se Ee areite ane Lc uns *4 i8 7A 1.‘51%-3'1.':‘{Ba.{n‘ffl#;gmmfi%nfilfigfi?mififr:;?rnfiâ€":‘n‘:%mrflfnâ€"flfiflrn’mn l’%%‘f‘l«%’ll’fi'fi% »nfrfi %::I“ g %gfiakâ€"“- fifiéz’é%}mmfin TFAF yaas oao : eonepieets @‘ THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. ie wedding balls spoken of in lasg ue have chimed and are now still. ‘essrs John McKenzie and Tom loore together with their brides, iss Mabel McKelyy and Miss Tacey ordon, Znd., con. Egt., respectively 1ook themselves to Aiceville on ‘onday, and were qaietly imarried by 1e liey J. A. Leoce. Congratulations After a pleasant week‘s stay at the ame cof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ramage ig:os Barbara Foster and Barbara atson who are each in their own. ne good entertammers and who gave reat satisfaction at the concers at ‘romore, left on Satarday last, the rmer to Stratford and the latter to wonto. The week was pleasantly ent in dmying, visiting and boating, ith galore of music, vocal and strumental, sandwiched in betweer. At a reception held on Thursday ‘ening to the ladies, a pleasant tims as spent and friendships formed and North Egremont The Store that always satisfies These new Costame Drills in tan and white are good to wear and make up beautifully. Per yard â€" 15¢ Bedford Cords we were oue of these for a few days but have a new line in again. _ A splendid quality at per yard 20 cents 6 bars Comfort Soap for . 6 bars Sunlight Soap for Old Datch Cleanser .... . Best Canued Corn...... Best Canned Beans.... . Best Canned Pampkins . Best Canned Tomatoes .. Here‘s a chance to get a splendid white Underskirt at about half price. These Skirts are made from a splendid quality of cambric. They have ten tucks and have two rows of deep insertion. The bottoms are hemstitched. The regular price is $1.35 ; just to get you coming we cut the price almost in two. O SHIG MOW OM ... ... xxirs «:.cce sretrrtrcrecte sohiys a3srianh‘s 79C Special Duck and Drill Suiting~15c¢ Redpath‘s Best Gran. Sugar, per 100 Ibs..4.75 3 lbs Recleaned Currants for...... ...... . 5¢ 1.35 White Underskirts on Sale, 79c " Davie Rooper. Ilst to « Hastie. ) _Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€"Hugh Find!=y, Wilfrid Renwick, Mildred Scott, cec. i Jr 3rd to 8t 3rdâ€"Cecil Atchison, Grace Ramage, Alice McKelvie ; rcâ€" comendedâ€"Walter Hastie, Willie Eoâ€" (cles, Sarah Tacker. 8Sr2nd to Jr 8rdâ€" | Beryl Rennie, Maggie McKelvey, Kenâ€" neth Findlay, Maggie Isaac, Percy ‘ Renwick, Harold Atchison, Hattie | Baxter. _ Primary O to Istâ€"Irene \ Hooper, Edward Smail, Johnny Smail renewed. Miss Foster‘s skill as a | pianist bemng almost equal to that of |her singing gave great enjoyment to | those present, as also the reading by Miss Watson * Bairnies cuddle doon" { and its sequel,â€"a gem in its wayâ€" ; was much appreciated. The new house of Mr. Geo, Lawâ€" rance is on its way to its new foundaâ€" |tion but making slow progress owing | to difficulties encountered. + + & for .. 3 for . .3 for . . 3 for â€"« "COr DROMORE SCHOOL RESULTsS b¢ be 5e M. E. Backo + o + is THE ]. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Some Bargains â€"â€" Worth While Best Canned Peas .......... Old TShum Tobacco...... ... MeDonald Brier Tobaceo ... MceDonald Chewing Tobaceo T. & B Smoking T bacco.. Stag Tobiceo..:... ....... Black Watch Tobaceo.... .. 3 pound pkgs seeded raisins s, Teacher 2ndâ€"Arthur Don‘t Pay the Long Price for Among the specials picked up by our buyer in a recent trip to the city is a splendid line of ribbed cotton hose in all sizes from 4 to 94. _ Seamless, spliced toes and heels and past black. Should sell at 18 or 20¢ a pair. Only about 20 dozen in this little lot. While they last |_ Mr and Mrs R. P. McCaw visited | her grandmother, Mrs Arch, McCaw in Arthar tp. on Satardoy last and although the old lady has jast passed | ber 90th birthday on July 2nd, she is still very active and enjoying good | health. Ribbed Gotton Hose 2 Prs for 25¢ Mrs Rev. Jno. Davidson, who has bean visiting her father, Mr Henry McDougall in Mt. Forest, has spent the post week with her brothers, Wm Henry and Jas, of our burg. Mc and Mrs Jnao. Hanter visited her sister, Mrs Moore, on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Angus McDougall, of Owen Sound, visited her sister, Mrs Archie McCaw, from Wednesday till Saturday last week. The Little Germany people spent a very enjoyable atternoon in Mr Nichâ€" ol MeDougali‘s bush on Taesday. Miss Myrile McEachern has bern spending the past week wich friends in Arthur tp. _ e ‘% airs aorrison of Toronto is spending her holidays with her parents bere. ars Jas Renwick and family, North Dakota, are visitng the Renwick famâ€" ilies of this neighborhood. miss Eva Renton is home for the holidays. Her cousin miss Armstrong teacher near aarkdale, accompanied her and later left for her home near Peterboro accompanied by mrs Renton who will visit old friends shere and in Toronto. Mrs. Colin McMilian spent the 1st with friends in Bolton. Mr. Sam Kinnel and daughter Reta of Dundalk spent Thursday with friends in the village. Master Ralph Payne came up from Toronto to spend a few weeks at his uncle‘s, Mr. Robt. Renwick, Mr. John Browu and daughter Edith of Torontc are spending holidays at his fatherâ€"mmâ€"laws, Mr. Jno. Garson. I‘r. Sneath motored to Barrie last week to attend the ** Old Boys Reunicn" of that town. Ne was accompanied home by Dr. and Mrs. Bird of Gananoque who some 17 years ago practised here in Dromore and many were the hearty handshakes he received from his old friends. Mrs. Hyland and son Eddie of! Toronto are spending a couple of | weeks with her father, Mr. Jolun / Garson Sr., who is nearing the age of| ninety and still able to be arouad] evecy day. lHe is tenderly cared for' by his daughter Aune who although deprived of her sight is an excellent| housekeeper. [ Mrs. Robt. Russel and daughtor Bertha of New Lnskeard, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Taylor. We sell for less The August meeting will be held at the home of Miss Eliza Wilson. The girls of the Institute are to provide the programme and a pleasant time is anticipated. m ,~ is 4) $ .; Mrs Frank hoss of Fort William, visâ€" The Women‘s IIhPlll][C held th“r"iiedtheir sister, Mrs Win. McDougal]) July meeting in Russel Hall on Monâ€" lon Thursday last day July Tih. Miss Smiley addressed , Mr Henr: McI.)ougall Was in our :he“llaq‘ms or; i!]e" a;llb]eclt) of“. gooc}; burg last week visiting her son and Nak 11 _ CP AMIAE the sbenelts â€" of l on Fridey evedtog "&ll gathered "as sunshine, pure air. good V"’"Yh‘“o"' \ the home of Mr Henry McDougall, Jr and exercise. The District Secretary | ang enjoyed themselves at what Mrs. McGire was present and gave a , might be called a barn pionic. Prizgâ€" short address, Misses Renwick and es were given to the children for racâ€" Eccles rendered a pleasing solo and | ing and other sports . the meeting slosed with the nutionali Miss Marie Lyons, of Hamilton and anthem. Miss Lizzie Allen, of Varney, are visâ€" The August meeting will be heldliling‘ at the home of the former‘s at the home of Miss Eliza Wilson. uncle Mr Archie McCaw, this week. Little Germany 2 pairs fo: a quarter Dromore HOLSTEIN for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for DT 25¢ 23¢ 250 20 C 200 200 2D¢ " You THE DURHAM RBV)} W 8 pound select Valencia raisins . 3 pound seedless Sultana Raisins 5 lbs 30c Green Japan Tea for ... 5 lbs 30¢ Black Ceylon Tea for. . 38 pkgs Gilletts Lye...:. ......... 3 pkgs handy Ammonia.... .... 3 pkgs Comtort Lye...... .. .... 2 tins good red Salmun......... Lothianâ€"Roobâ€"Adjourned to meet Jaly 24th, carried. ; D. ALLAN, Clerk,. V Alles could not_take required oath â€"Inspector‘s fees 75¢. ed by dogs.... Ins fees:;..::}%>. UfaIWM : creil aAtil ns t is ts . Reeve, services Drewry‘s bridge and telephoning .... John Hunter, sheep killed by Lothianâ€"â€"Fergason That the folâ€" lowing accounts be paid : orders for gravel and other small amounts amounting to $47.73 were paid. Clerk‘s quarter salary..... ..$ 50 00 Postage & stationery, 6 mos , 5 00 Treasurer, % year‘s salary.. 62 50 Postage & stationery...... .. 8 50 Reeve, delivering pathrolls.. 4 50 Re‘eve:, services McDougall‘s _ Reeve presented Engineer‘s report on Davidson‘s bridge. Plans and specifications were examined minuteâ€" ly. Clerk was instructed to adverâ€" tise for tenders and get posters for distributions. Plans and specificaâ€" tions may be seen at Clerk‘s office, Holstein tenders to be addressed to J R Philp. reeve, Holstein and will be reccived up to Jaly 24th and will be opened at 2.30 on above date, The lowest our any tender not necessarily accepted. Report adopted and Reeve be paid $2.00 for his services with Engineer. ;; Mr Henry McDougall was in our (| burg last week visiting her son and | on Fridey eveaing all gathered at *‘ the home of Mr Henry MeDougall, Jr | _ Pho following orders for wire fences | have been examined and approyed of | by Comr.â€"R Isaao 40 rods on con ; J |Sinclair 125 rods on sidelire ; Geoq !Lnnhian 120 rods on sideroar ; w 1, | Dixon 100 rods on sidero«* D Mceâ€" | Connell 80 rods on side"‘ _ | _ Road reports : COmT _ Lothianâ€"Jas |Fergusonâ€"Pathir‘ _.r with grader, |day‘s labor, $18.4 ; Chas Reid, do |£9.50. Report adopted. Com fees |$1.50, carried . | o_Â¥ rPorester ‘or wire fence, 10th! A few short speeches from a number sideline, con 6. Report adopted &nd | of the members, with selections from Coc e 1e oofy o pTpppE it the brideees | the Eho aassed wery plesuandy whes Â¥ h ‘ae ni d & C vil (“’ml.'ec"wved $19.00 and for gemeral | gether a very pleasant evening was road improvements, Com fees $3 00, ;spcnt after which the meeting was Comr Ferguson reported having | brought to a elose by all joining in singâ€" spent $323.16, including gravel and ' ing the familiar hymn, "God be with cost of operasing grader, all given in | you tili we meet again."‘ detail. Report adopted and $16.00 To Mr. Malcolm, Mrs. Maicolm, Miss Com fees paid . | _ Maleolm ;â€" Reeve presented Engineer‘s report ) We, the members of Holstcin conâ€" on Davidson‘s bridge. Plans and [ gregation have met toâ€"night to give you specifications were examined minuteâ€"| a parting Sarewell. w12 Fas 0s P _ ' Comr Robb reported in detail havâ€" ; ing spent. $103 51 on Drewry‘s and / MceQueen‘s bridges and $107.06 on general road improvement and $50â€"09( to F Forester for wire fence, 10th sideline, con 6. Report adopted &nd | for work and overseeing at the bridges | Comr received $19.00 and for general} | road improvements, Com fees $3 0O0, | Robbâ€"Ferguson That said ac count be not entertained as we con sider it should be paid by the county Carried,. * Council met Jaly 3rd, Comr Meâ€" Robb absent. Minutes adopted. An account of $1.50 for maintenance for A Taylor for two days while in casâ€" tody of Chas. Melanes was read. Miss Blanche Ross, of Landerkin, accompanied by her «isterâ€"inlaw, Mrs Frank Ross of Fort William, visâ€" lied their sister, Mras Wim. McDougal) on Thuarsday last. Egremont Council pay Less Here " BECAUSE we Just about two dozen of these. Most of them have low neck and short sleeves. Eyery waist in the lot worth at least 1.50 and some are worth more Special 1 19 Sate Price ouly ..;i, .}fig..5.0f.,...; ..? :. & 1.50 Lawn Blouses, 1.19 24 00 3 35 1 50 Lots of Waists here. _ Some are all white, â€"some hbave red collar and cuffs, ..nd Materials are Linon and Bedford Cords, _ You have your choice of Middy Waists, Norfolk Coatsâ€"â€"buttoned and belted . Special ‘values at ...............+++*+** for 25e for 25¢ . $1,00 . $1,00 for 25¢ for 25¢ for 25¢ for 25e Your Sabbath discourses were pro® found, pointed, and applied in a calm christian spirit. Your mbility to eluci date difficultics was a great factor in our spiritual upbuilding, thus creating within us a hungering after the Word of Truth. . Your social intercourse, pastoral visitations, administering comâ€" fortto the afflicted and bereaved have endeared you to every heart and the six young people who made public profesâ€" sion of their faith in Christ and became united with the church on the last Sabâ€" bath of your ministry in Holstein will ever be to you a great comfort and a foretaste of that reward that awaits the people of God. The aged were not overlooked by you but were tenderly borne on the wings of faith to the mercy seat.~ Fresh 7insibiriafit'i;hl wt(;ol; But although our church bonds are severed, our hearts are still united in Christian fellowship and love. Our union under God‘s providence has been of short duration, only a littte over two years, but in those two years great achievements have ~been made, that eternity alone will reveal your faithful ministrations in Holstein. Our relationship as pastor and people | is now dissolved. This diss»lution has been brought about, not hy'any act of yours or any desire on our part but by that unseen hand and loving wisdom | who doeth all things well. _ Therefore | we would not grieve or murmur at this ‘ event but bow in humble submission to the Divine will and say ""*For so it seemâ€" ) eth good in thy sight, O Lord." . uh mi o m m LA Ves J. Malcolm, wife and daughter cre their departure Tuesday morning. _ Mr. D. Allan Sr. was called upon to take the chair which he did in his usual hapâ€" py manner. â€" The following address and presentation was then made after which Mr Malcolm replied in a few well chosâ€" en remarks, He assured the congregaâ€" tion his sole reason for leaving was his ‘declining health : he found that he was unable to study with the same mental strength and grasp as when he came amongst them two years ago and alluded to his stay as being the best and happiest years of his ministry. Nothing had arisen to disturb or annoy but everything had been as calm as a lake without a ripple . Mrs. Maleolm also made a few remarks and commendâ€" ed very strongly the parents to send their children to the mission band under the very able leadership of Miss Stevenâ€" son. _ Bhealso expressed her regrets at parting with the choir ; the time spent had been to her a great pleasure and it was her wish that the members might carry on the service Of praise with conâ€" tinued strength and unity. On Monday ovening a large gathering of the members and friends of the Pres: byterian congregation met in the baseâ€" ment of the church to spend a social evening with the retiring pastor, (Rcvl J . Malcolim, wife and daughter cre | ulau‘s + °2 177 9H PUCRFAU 07 our young pCopIc iÂ¥ ! Rev Mr James and family arrived last ' improve and develop t%cir musical tal week and are busy getting settled. On ents, together with your leadership in Sunday evening Mr. James preached a our chureh choir and your cordial coâ€" sermon to the Orangemen and was well | operation in every department of church attended considering the lodge has but | work. _ These we are all conscious o recently been organized in this place. _ |and desire to let you know that you! Quite a number ol our citizens went | Services have been very highly apprec to Listowel to attend the races. "dfl"?d-“ § n LeNatte F ‘ i o Miss Malcolm we desire to expres: sp:c\z::.()lr\k;;\a‘ilcljl%x‘ \xgs?g i(r)nrgfi?t \lhll(fghchl:St- our high appreciation of your services A I > anie f found very little to complain of. |as church organist and your faithfulness Mr Lou Kerr of Elora, is home for his holidays. *""a2sss3sepss3s mBsessiy & LOCAL AND PERSONAL %5&%&&5‘@%&&5â€":@2%‘&@5 fi»’fi:fif‘&‘&'â€":éfié‘? Your Groceries You must see these to appreciate them. They are ‘"‘classy‘‘â€"â€"that‘s the word. 6 tins choice Sardines........ Fresh Dates, 3 pound pkgs for 2 pound tins Baking Powder .. BestCorn Flakesg, ........ .... Shredded Wheat Biscuit...... Large Bottle Pickles........ .. Finest Leat Laid, per pound . Best Silver Gloss buy for Oh __ You Middy Waists css _A ___a _ MB j ET ~ â€"â€"â€" â€"__â€" ___. â€"â€"s > T Ee t CE ? al‘y ioak eapabaeic ie oc it oiE i aarenient 2+ we hn for aie it fie RB hie an ie per pound Starch.... less As a remembrance of your work Amonget us, we ask you to accept thig tamera with our best wishes for your health and success in the future, Higned 0o behalf of your pupils ; i +5 Emo.Mclnnn, Ethel Bpicer, | _ Mr. Jacob Hoeflin had estape the other day whe driving a wild Rorse the 1 and he was thrown out of he escaped unhurt but the buggy was smashed. It is with feelings of deepest ro. gret that we part with you as our teacher, _ We appreciate yous kindâ€" ness to us, which has been shown is every way possible since you have been in our widst, Your efforts have always been to fartber the interests of your pupils ?nd what was best was s{ways done or us, The Misses ‘Vilson of Mt. I visited their brother Chas, a few last week, » 1reF" ol some bere over bunday, Mr. and M.s Abe Tuck arrived home after a moutbhs visit in the west. They enjoyed their trip greatly, still Abe says there is no place like home,. The Misses ‘Vilson of Mt. Forest W. T. Pinder bad a emall barn raising Monday forenoon. A football match was played between Gleneden and Orchard on Tuaesday evening in Rob Lewis‘ field. Jolun Dickson gaye a dance to his many friends last Thursday night. It is with sorrow we report the death of our old neighbor Mr. Wm. Brown a nuwmber of friends attended the funeral on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bert Dyors from Owen Sound spent Sunday at Mrs. Douglas. Mr. Jolhn Pust and yisited their home here Mr. and Miss Hunt and Miss Harâ€" bottle spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Falkingham. A number of people around here atcended Mr. N. Carmont‘s barn raisâ€" ing on Wednesday. To Mis. Malcolm we owe a debt of gratitude which we feel unable to pay on account of your untiring efforts put forth on behalf of our young peopic to improve and develop t}ynir musical talâ€" ents, together with your leadership in our chureh choir and your cordial coâ€" operation in every department of church work. _ These we are all conscious of |and desire to let you know that your Holstein, July 7th. 191 prayers are that in God‘s good time and way you may be restored to your usual health and enter once more upon your labor of love. Signed on behalf of the congregation, D. Allan Sr J. W. Hunter J . Stevenson _ Mrs. P. Mutch To Miss Malcolm we desire to express our high appreciation of your services as church organist and your faithfulness as organist at our prayer meetings. As a slight recognition and appreciaâ€" tion of your united faithfulncss we ask you to accept of this purse of gold as a token of esteem from the congregation of Holstein. _ Our kindest regards will foliow you to your new home aod our As a tion of you to token ¢ hold of them and the pathway of life was thus made smoother and easier to walk in on account of the Heavenly vision presented to them. + Address and Presentation P Miss Ferguson : is with feelings of kiz R PuS Sewe Acdats Aacdh ce t es d 35 t rhne> w e 3 for 25e we part with you Ve appreciate yous which has been sho â€" possible since vyor for for for for for Orchard At a special Price » for 25¢ or 3 for 35¢. _ These collars ase made by the Tooke Co. of Montreal. _ Sold everywhere at 20¢. We have them in tan, helio and grey. Get one of each shade. â€" Sixty cents worth for 35¢ Hurry upâ€"We have only a few dozens Boys Lounge Collars 250 250 250 25G 10c 18e 8, No. 11, day when l;eâ€";g; THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. e the lines broke out of the buggy, but the top of his The Store that sets the Pace and son Sl.u!]ey Best Corn Starch . ... ..... All EXHrACLS....::..>..s Fresh 15¢ Jams jams.... . Large Pails Soda Biscuits Tomato Catsup in bottles. Best Jelly Powder........ Varney Cream Cheese .... Soap Chips 7¢, ...... ..> Egremont, on as our ous kindâ€" shown in you have & narrow days Is, and others are trimmed in blue. Waists, Middy Blouses, or Middy â€"â€"~â€" 195 and 1.50 P mCome â€" |_ NOTIOCE is hereby given that I have | transmitted or delivered to the perâ€" sons mentioned in sections 8 and 0 of | * The Ontario Voters‘ List Act," the |copiec required by â€"eaid sections to be |so transmitted or detiyered of the list, \ made pursuant to sard Act, of all { persons appearing _b the _ last \revised Assessment l&)ll of â€" the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elecâ€" tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections } ’und that said list was first posted up at myoffice at Holstein on the 5 h day of July, 1913, and remains there for inâ€" ‘npect{on. Electors are called uponto examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein. t o take immediate proceedings to have llhe said errors corvected accordingy to aw. Dated at Holstein on the 5th day of July, 1913, Municipality of the Township of Egremont, County of Grey. The span is 30 It, 16 t wide, iron railings, steel beams, cement coverâ€" ing. Plans and specifications may be seen at any time at the Clerk‘e office, Holstein and tendéers marked " Tender " will be received by J. R. Philp, Reeve, Holstein, up to Jauly 24th, when tenders wili be opened at 2.30 p. m. on said date. The municipality of the township of Egremoat ask for tenders for the construction of a flat top cement bridge over the creek known as Davidson‘s, about one and a halt miles east of Mt Forest. One Mereford heifer one twoâ€"yearâ€"old red st« tion leading to their rec ed. We hope the agitation in Ireland about Home Rale will soon cease and peace and good will prevail among all parties. May the clouds that dim ber brightâ€" ness Soon torever pass away And for troubled gifted Ireland, Quickly dawn a brighter day. Mr George Rawn ably represented the Bend at the military camp at London and should a foreign toe dare to invade cur land, no doubt would show them that Canadians can fight. A recent letter from Mr Hartley Leflar, of Calgary, in which he says : ©The sun shines bere from 4 a. m. till 9 p m." He was working for bis uncle, Robert Hant and likes it we‘ll. Suceess Hartley. Mr Jobhn Earig, one <f our most progressive farmers, last week preâ€" sented to Mrs Earig, a fine piano, purchased from Mr Gilroy, of Mount Forest, _A go d example gentiemen ., Jauly sun is shining brightly O‘er flelds of waying grain O‘er sparkling lake and river, (V‘er green and flowery plain, Mr and Mrs Kirkness of Arthaor, were recent goests of Mr and Mrs Durant. Voters‘ List, I9I3 Tenders Wanted South Bend Cattle Estray DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Egremopt ‘(llq redll”;â€" l'(;f(;l m: IULY 10, 1918 R., MclxxEs, Yeovil ... 4 for 25e recovery reward .. 3 for 25¢ .. 8 for 25¢ .. 8 for 25¢ . 24%Â¥" ~#§6 . 2 for 25e .. 8 for 25¢ pound 16e , oneâ€"yearâ€"old, AIF AJik The Scobell Prug Coâ€", St, Cat Dr. de Van‘s Fema a e e e tss o s VOL. XXX) Don t Mis Custom Chopp Quarterly NT. PER ANNI &4 M H Headquarters 1 We carry a lat Your goods de Gold Med Dr, de Yan 0. Mailed t« ind U1 NO a N he Boar SPEC W A Ca 14 Er 1 in UHC 1e

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