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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1913, p. 1

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re hy ‘II .. 913 LLS F irewmks ore m er y Night kr, mu" ed Event' Falr Bonds! Jaily Ontant Prize Liat ittrt 1013 .VO nship of Urey. in- u W. ION I have tip ot as alt B. A , " the t h. 3P0 Ibo to hear all In. " to of n! " of lama roomy dwellirg house, 1 . laugh to keep hoardr-r-o. ('uanI " litigated to all public wor In. N deeornted. Cheap rant. Applv t h ft 223$MEE’EEXMI';EEEEEEENEHEEE5:2 il;' '0leXeehztie ls Wills ttl i,,',';',"".,), To make a Long Tail i: Short -- Cut it off TIE, STANDARD BANK I" Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending gth July, 1013, and that the same will he payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on pnd after Friday, the first day of August, 1013, to shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. --. - _ “A--.“ - n 'iii, Fred J. Welsh g 310333143".EESEEKiii-33326923333333 Pl Custom Chopping Promptly and Well Done tcsc" A Carload of Salt just to hand. using by I an) prep Bring it h mm your nvuh Toronto, 17th June, 1913. VOL. XXXV1,N0. 30 OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 N. MCINTYRH Headquarters for all kinds of lien feed. We carry a In? stock of feed for any purpose Your tgoo0s (lei vered anywhere on short notice Gold Medal or North West Gem J. M S. F. MORLOCK To Rent. For Sale m AI 3) 93:: ent off all trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Flow- ers, Feathers,0rnaments,€7’c. Monstrous Millinery Sale NO OLD STOCK For the next 30 days we are offering our complete Millinery stock including this wcek's new arrivals in Sailors, Outing Hats, and Fancy Shapes in Peanuts, Milans, Leghorns and Pan- ama: at greatly reduced prices. SPECIAL Values in This is a Sale which it will be worth your while to attend, and attend early while there will be a large assortment to choose from. It vr " h He, huge ovetsient l' wr Du are mung it h 1r troubles with the tl mr you are now ar celebrated Children’s Hats wly alt The undersigned will receive offers for any, or all. of the proportlen of the late Jane 1trowo, deceased. up to Ist. August. 1013. llouwon Brut-e street. hum? on Couttitss street, 3 hon“! on Lannhtnn sun-ct. and house north Saddlrr 1-! I‘M-t. _ LADIES: Remember the special szrcllu Corset Sale throughout the Summer months. The unbreakable stay and not sold in stores. stay this J. c. tucmth,Re-ersttstive Box 107, Durham GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD. nab price The Review to SPIRELLA CORSETS J, t',iii,i. Hocusarily accepted. Mrrm'n H. JACKSON, Durham We guarantee every bag For Sale. w any kind of grain General Manager, :49 m iiti'f'iititlirtpiti, i, Eowm iiiitiii5, _'"t-iiil"-difrirtfl'?t..l new I subscribers to "(he end of the year for 35 cents GENERAL SERVANT wawrirrr-Ap- I p y to .. n n ,,,L‘_ n“...t--a Rt ery 8t yds. more at that famous Black Silk at 01.00 per yd. Also Blue and Tan Suit". Bee these goods at Graut's A car of Heavy Chop for finishing ott “one at a. special price per ton. MRS. A. Buses AND Son. Tr Foot Ta lets for y atgett aching nth! swol- len ieet. 25L: a In)! at MacFarlane". WANTerx--Young lady to act as Cush- icr in our store, one who can write Shorthand and operate a Typewriter preferred; ' " AL L p - y The J. D. Abraham Company. A mixed Durham team of Junior and Juveniles is playing etrhibition lncmsse m Oesngevi'le to-day. Wed- nesday. The Omugmnan and accompanying friends were a thirsty and hungry erowd in Hanover on the 12th. One hotvlaluno, the Reid House, took in $ll)15thatdny. Friday night, 25th inst,, Saugecn League baseball, Durham vs. Chesley in Durham. Game will commence slurp at 6.15. This is the last game- don't min it, On Monday morning Me Wesley Mutton met wilh a paintul accident in tne furniture faclory here when the nail W18 torn tiom his little finger by the machine he was running. Wesley will not be able to attend hls work for a week or two. Wc u-nice by several exchanges that cemetery lots have been raised in price in several localities, and now to the high price oiliviug is to he added the high price of dying. This is carry- ing the joke too far. J |\l Mr: B, Hughes, Counteu St. Apprentices wanted to learn millin- ll Cars of hue Windsor Bancl Salt, special price to Aug. Ist, only $120 per hhl. "Lillie" Hamilton, not "Leslie" should have appeared in the nu of successful pupils writing tor Entrance at. Dromore centre. The mistake must have occurred amOng the examiners, We followed copy. This puts it right uuw Lilhe: congratulations. Tee Bull Telephone Co, have laid " nearly all their linemen in thin section and as a consequence large numbers ot uwn were llu-own out of work. The Con puny it seems haveahnndoned for the present, some "oi0006 worth of extensions to their lines in Outario ow- lug to matket. At Txiuity Church last Sunday 12 boys and 9glrls joined the Church by Uoutirutation. Thu Bishop of Huron gavea splendid salmon touching on Baptism. Uoiuration and Consum- umuonur Perfection. which is not obtained in this world but lho next. He stated the church members are not peHect, just in training for Perfection. A town team played a team of Ce- ment Wotks employes a tr inning baseball game Monday night the citi- zens putting it over the marl boys 15 to 5, The town cinched the game hi the tiual round by counting 8 mm. Canton cauttht and Town pitched for town ', G. Lloyd caught and J. Me. Lachlnn, R. Watt and Brooks. pitch- els, were the Cement battery Following is the standing taken by 1 some of the pupils of Mr. A, ll, Workman of Uhesley, at London, Eng, College of Music exams.: Mina Isa- bella Fulton. Hampden, senior piano. 7” pass; Mr. Arnold Jackson, Hanover advance senior singing 70, flrat class piss: Miss Elma Btll, Hanover, elementary singing 80, tirst class pass; Miss Janet Kerr, Hampden, lenior piano, oc, pate, Miss Edith Fortune, Ches1iit, Elementary slnging. 86, honors. NoR.utsP,Y Pio?ittEIt Passes.--; grim reaper on Saturday July 12, l claimed Frederick Keller, a pioneer of i Normanby for over 50 years, who died. in Berlin from heart failure. Decons- ed was " years of age, a man of fine moral character and highly esteemed. He leAves eleven childven, than of whom are Louis on the 16th com, Normanby. Mrs. Julius Kale! and Mrs. John Bl” of Varner. Intertnetts took place the following Monday in the _ Union cemetery. Artom ‘. . The Horse Fair last week wu again eminentlv auecesstur and no fewer than 88 horses " leash change! hands. Quite a number of mm. we" of an ln-. tenor nude. whieh horny" brought satiafsctory returns. nnd the" mm- to be Jastithutitrn for the remnrk that horses can now be told. that new. your: Ago would have been akin to the bush and sho_t. Someof thou who sell " the Interior stun no buying better. so that spruce“ oflmprove- ment is going on that will gradually improve the breed of hone: in the neighborhood. Durham Horn Irate Is now well ontablished and the best buyers take note of it. the tightness of the money Mas. A. 81-2005 AND SUN. U' 1511mm, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1913. L. McAULun-‘n. WM: m “incorporated the 1mm Lender M" Civic noaay---h1onday, Aug. 4. In accordance with By-law So. 534 I hereby proclaim Monday, August 4th, a. Civla Holiday for the Town of Dur- ham, when all atom and other places of trusinesswill be closed. All interested will govern themselves accordingly. John Stu) es This whole community wan shocked on Sunday to learn that John Staples had died um morning from the effect of gunshot wound received the Wed- nesday previous. Up to Saturday there was hope of hls recovery but during the night he got worse and died at 5 it, m, On Wednesday he had taken down his doutibarrelled gun to some crows from " cherry trees and Led " one barrel, leaving the other loaded and apparently with humour up. On coming in to the house he caught it by the barrel to hang it up in its place on a nail just won a window. The practice was to hang it up bp the trig, get guard and in groping for th . nail in the shadow he lifted the gun too high and in lowerlng, the nail caught the trigger, discharging the conten s, shot, into his left thigh just aboue his pocket. His wife Was at the ham and heard the shot. noticing that it had a. kind of tuuttied sound, bar thought nothing of it till he came to the door _ and culled her, Tkinking he must haya shot something she barried to the house to learn the truth, and soon from aneighboring phone [Ltd a phy- l sician aniuuioned. The closeneu of the discharge. about. two feet. set tire to his trousers, but this he extinguished before calling bin Wife. The doctors found that two nails in bis pocket had been driven light into the titsb and these and some of the shot were extracted. the patient being under chloroform. Some coins tuso were found bent by the fearfui impact. Everything was done too- wage the pain, 't " though others hoped, tturphtitmfisimseit had little or none and so expresssd himself. Deepmt sympathy is felt for the wi. dew who within a. dozen years has seen. two daughters. three mus and now her husband removed by death. Mr Staples was born in Quebec pro- l Vince. of Scoto-lrish parentage and came to Glenelg with his family in early youth. Over 40 years agohe married Miss Eliza Harrison, sister lo Edward and Thus. ht North Egremont and to them were born afumily of nine children. four of whom survive, theae being Mrs, Dciiuguid Mrs Femi- umn. Toronto, Mrs Ball. Mt, Foretrt, st Wilson, [oval-may. bush. The deceased memle of [be family Were Emma, Kate, Joseph, Williuui‘nud Matt. Titre" brothers of deceaud are well known, James of Murkdule, George on the horuesttad, Wm. D. dentist of Hanover; another brother Ben In in the States somewhere. Mrs Jas, Whi more and Mrs Cowrie, Allandale are sisters. lutelment took place on Tuesday lo Trinity Church cemetery amid a great concourse of mum hers. The pull-bearers were Menus T, U. Morton, Wm. Ritchie, Hugh McLean, Wm. McFadden, Rom. Torry, 1'hos, McFadden, three representing the Sons of Scotland Camp, of which de- ceased was a member and three the Orange Society, of which he was alto a member. A Fatal Accidental Shot The mortuary services at. house and grave were conducted by Rev, Mr Hartley. who made an impressive dis- course from the words" Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth" coupled with "and the duet shall return unto God who RBve it." Following the English Church burial service. the Orange 'service was con- ducted by Mr Rom. Brigham, tho brethren encircling the grave in the usmttwar. About a. dozen members ‘of Ben Nevis Camp pald thelast tri- {bath ' ' The three daughtertrin Ontzu io were present at the tuners], nlso deceased’s sister, Mrs Cowie pt ARandale, and her daughter Mrs Johnston, ot Barrie. F -a----i. F-----"- TRISIIY Gamma PARTY. .- The weather and'gudrn parties seem io be l on the but of terms this year. The finest conditions prevailed on Tuesday waning tor that. hold by Trinity church on the Beetorr.grnutuic The ground was lit up‘as usual and the band furnished music " intervals, which In the absence of any other plantain, mu much enjoyed. The gt. tendance was large and the tables; seemed all too few to accommodate the many who we” socially inclined. The gross prooeesuamotmted to near- ly 9113, over $39 of the sum being ta.. ken at the gate. Rev. Dr. Farquhu- Ion attended for a while'and met many (Honda and the same remark may be applied to Tur. Thou. Parr, of Blyth. OMITRIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “I! Digs trom Gunshot W. BLACK, Mayor This enterprising village has an am. bitious program on hand for their sec- ond observance of Civic holiday, on Monday, August 4th. Those who en. joyed their first one in 1912 will readily believe that 1913 will be a further suc‘ cess. There won't be a dull minute all day if the wcathcris good. Thereis to be water sports in the forenoon and I Cal- ithumpian parade. The event of the day will be a Foot" ball match between the stalwartl -tyf Walkcrton and the Toronto Parkvicws, the latter team two yam ago having won the Provincial championship. Then there is to be abaseball match between teams from Walkerton and Flesherton. a tug of war between the strong men of Glenclg Ind Proton and a band will be in attendance. Besides this a program of sports such as racing, jumping and Caledonian events will be called off. A splendid concert has been arranged for the evening, J. H, Cameron, To. ronto, has a provincial reputation " a comedian, Miss Tait, Toronto, In I Str. prano singer of renown, and the Prawn orchestra in a local organization of tal. ent. On the whole Prieeville will I). a bad place to stay away from on 4th of August. Admission to grounds and sports, 25c To Concert, adults Mc, children 26c. Swloton Park Anniversary Ser. vices. Sunday and Mondaylnut the above section had their anniversary service' when on both days large numbers turnedout to do them honor. They had for the occasion Rev. Thos, Wil- son of Wulkerlon. who gave every satieftu'tion, from his pointed discours» ea Sunday and his address with lime, light views on Monday evening. The choil on Sunday under the leadership of Mr Wm. Roman. contributed ml. teriully to the two services. from which 827 mu the plate collection. On Mood-y evening the garden l party an Mr Rabi. Knox'u ample lawn . adjoining the church, brought a. large contingent from every direction, but the Indie! of Swintou Park were mum to the work of catering for them, pro- viding an abundance of good and sub. stunllul baking. After supper allud- journal to the foothlll field where CoNretton and the Maple Leafs (Ven- try and Swintou) tried (onltlusions. the former winning to the tune of I-o. As it won now about dork all proceeded to the church, which wus mole than packed, to hear and sec Rev, Mr Wilson’s address and View: bearing on David Livingston, the Afii'l San explorer. It was followed attent- ively by the audience as his distinct voice carried to all parts of the church. The choir again gave Able assistance and the Haw Bros.' orchestra was a pleasant feature of the evening. Mr Crtto, Lclhmn. Drainore. closed the meeting for Rev. Mr Matheson who had left early on nccountof him and his family leaving next morning for their Muskoka home. The proceeds ot Monday evening came to .100 or over. sk': Pricevllle Civic Holiday Ideal weather and warmth prevailed last Thursday evening for the Garden Party on the Presbyterian Manse grounds. and a crowd of over 400 swarmed through and among the trees on the pretty grounds incidentally git. ting around the tablel Where an army of waiters supplied tight refreshments as ordered. As usual the ground. were electrically lit, and there was a any line moon; the band was in attendance and furhlmed tine musk, there was a good progmm and the one thing lacking was the presence of the pastor, who" enforced absence was greatly regretted. i Dr. Jamieson, M. P, P. made . splendid chairman, even though he had to cut out politics facetioully ”walking it was a pity too, at such a good place to work on, The program in the main cousts.ted at am instru- ment-l duett by Mu. B. Illanrlnm and Min Lyln Kelsi, a. laughable trio 't A Little Inn) well tilled " by Messrs Jas. Coleridge, Allan Bell and P. ”Image. Menu J, P. Telford and Jae. Coleridge gun "The Pilot Brave." l Solos much appreciated were giynn by Mr. Grant MoComb and Mr. Gila the latter . new star in the muslosl firm:- wont. lately tron Baghdad. In. Bart Stonehou'n ind Mr" Del Lauder gave nduett. All“ Alice Bum-go acted as accompsalso except to Mr. McComb, Miss Les McGomb uni-ting him. Elie proceeds amounted to about 0110 trout which some expense Ina to be deducted. Presbyterian Garden Party. PASSED EszRAscrr-Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J as. A. Unahan, Owen Sound, paused the Bntrnnce. Her school mates here congratulate Helen. REXALL Health sm- ooch tho blood. AK A bottle a MuFu-lsno‘u. Mr Fostex and Miss Maud Inuuders, of Toronto, come up Saturday to holi. dny a couple .weekq at their home here. Mr R. A. Kelly, of Toronto, spent over Sunday with his wife, who is visiting " his parents here. In Allan came home last week fur a holiday and Ielurnod Saturdny to Gatttrstorts, where her tuber is serimr - ly Ill, Min May and Mr Will McGow .n dxove to Swmtcn Park Sunday. in» former remaining a few days " ith hit friend. Miss Jenn Aldvorn Mr Rom Watson of British Columlfa who” wife died recently thcrr. came cut soon after visiting sex-oral memlu rs of his family in Rainy River and other points in New Ontario. He arrived in Durham on Tuesday and will make his home for a while with his daughter, Mrs Wm Grant, Varney, and other relatives. Misses Margaret and Grace Pctty letton Wednesday for a three week's visit to their uncle's. Dr. John Moore in Willon. N, Y. Miss Sadie Brown left on Wednesday for a visit to her sister in Palmerston. Mien E A. Evans. of Simona Falls, district manager for the Spirellm Co., spent the week's end in town with the representative hero. Mrs J . c. Nichol. Rev. Thou. Farr and Blyth are here visiting The Kisses Tienmy and Miss Thomp-' Din!" "égl‘k‘ ___' __ Ion. "teller ot Blym. are visiting ""i . ey, b ' . sud Mrs Hutley at the lectury. l Mrs Dan McAuliffe ', last Tuesday. other spa It Iss. Matthews, of the mm of 50,- weeks with her I Egremont. left for a buaiuesI trip to: Kenzie of UbalIum i, t ' . I',',',',',',','), lzrttnnectiOn with his Inai Mica Serum Gadd p p . . -- _ ‘gueut this week with The Misses Sutherlmnd, no guests of their rel uiv Mrs W. B. Volleu. Miss Laura Armstrong, 0 is the guest of Min Edna l Mrs Calder and Mr and Mrs Finlay Graham left Int week on I u ip to the "elfio Coast. Miss Marion Calder m holidaying in Toronto with her friend, Min Annie Russell. Mr N. H. Sternall left for Berlin on Wednesday, where he has trceepted a good position. Miss Rose Watson, of Guelph, is the aunt of her cousins. the Misses Cau- well. Min Margaret Petty returned last Friday after holidaying a week with her friend, Mrs G. J. Brew. of She!- burne. In Walkerton on Fliday. July 15m. 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stephan. a daughter. Moruusos--1n Glenda. on 23m. June to Mr and Mr: T, J, Morrison. tt son. Thousands of Men required. Ihls Year's Harvest promises to be the largest in the History of Canada According to present indications the wheat crop of 1913 will be the greatest ever harvested in Manitoba, Saskatche wan or Alberta, thus requiring the farm laborer' of the East to assiut in harvest- ing the world'ts greatest bread basket. The Government of the respective Provinces state that many thousand men will be required for this year's har. vest. These will have to be ptipcipally recruited from Ontario, and the pros- perity of Canada depends on sccuring labor promptly. The Canadian Pacific, on whtch Company will fall practically the entire tank of transporting the men to the West, is already making special urnnumenta for this year. Excur- Iions from points in Ontario, to Mani- toba, Saskltchewan and Alberta wrll be run and special trains operated. making the trip la ttttttut thirtysix hours and avoiding any change ofcars or transfers. This will be a day shorter than any nth er route. Dates, rates and conditicns will beannounced in a few days Tweatrdire term of hay in the cull. price Iodorntg: _ -- I TIE iltlfllt BANK ili: CANADA DON, cam. "2'l'd 1tugeeia'dMt , A Bumper Wheat Crop 'edeuir, bieiiiiBB, AFP, BORN For Sale iiAMcru. Hammneus. . Prmeville. Ont, 5,talgl t'llgEt oraFiaiarardaksts. DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Inn-got. ttiHtmaetrtimrttghinttNaiia. (“IE Tums BANK or alillll n friend relative of Flea} m thpertmertt at" " Bunch... WITH WHICH IS UNITED M Ot tNttORPOttATE0 13:9 rt " In Publish-I Walk a 01.00 "H. O. BANJO! * 50mm mud u H n Mr. Duncan McKn-uzia of Roche-tar. N. Y. spent A few any. over the week end with his father and shun he". In. Clarence C. Douglas. after um- ing her parents here, left Fridny (on Sturgeon Falls where with Mr. D, an. hisfuther. arecamping wlmhis out“ Norman Drmp,rvs for a few weekl. It Misc M unw Mauro accompanied by her [rm-nil Mi,s D uh. of BufNio. uniwd borne Thursday for her holl- days, and with Miss Jenn Urawtord, left Tuesday to camp " Oliphan. Mrs J. N. Grieve, who with her mother, Mn Arpowemith, has been via. icing old town friends, left Monday for a day or two in Hamilton. Mrs Arrow- emith intends taking up residence in town in room: over Morloak'a store and :we welcome her buck to our citizenship. Min Easel Laidlawcamc home from Toronto Monday for a couple week. holidays. Miss Tillie Levine left Tuesday to visit at M r. W. Lyom. Milvorton. Mr- MaKelvey left Tundny " Flatt a couple of weeks with friend! in Dundnlk. Mr, Rom. Smith left on Tum” toe Disley, Sink. Mrs Din McAulilfe returned homo lustl‘uesday. aloe:- upeudlng n couple of weeks with her liner. “NEG. M r gueItthis week with her old friend. Miss Lottie Daniels. ot town, and Tio. ited at the Review 061cc and with other friends before going to on her aunt in Nurmmhy. Mrs Jun. Hush.“ and other mum-s around her birth. and other relulves on place. Mrs Bond, Toronto molher, Mn Geo. Town, prior to going! Ills John Quin and daughter Lillie visited the formerh Mrs L. Wyundoue with the Morton, tit w Ma. Wm, SC Wednesday “Ht “he Anne Ma on Saturday Mt, Edge Hill and G Mrs. [inhy of tl had Nich i Mr Chas. E, Seymour. of Munch“ ‘Chihn. n'rrived Inst lulurdny to hoiP day with his witbin" Min Christen. Jnckson) he her old home hm. It Seymour in u If... Govt. amok] to. thin In M: ant via! to this part " Canada. Mines Alive at visited a: Mr John Park, this week an ulverlnry comers Mr Ind Mr children spent and Toronto. M Mr B. Hughes returned In! week and Mr Luann All“. tell-via. mun- axerin his absence. bu been tum- fenol to Alma for A couple ot week- M lenviu Wtdnu‘lY M n " ll " k with Mrs. Buehar if Nellie Hepburn _ d tit bn Quinn and Mrs Young new Lillie, of Holland 000m ' farmer's mother, Mu Joh- d tieett Mrs. R w u by of l’enntylunin. up.” " in town with In. LC. old uchnnlmne whom III. um for ovenlwenty yous. u mule to Dauphin. Inn. Alive ard Agnes [tun-go Mr John Aldmrn'l. Quinton week and attended tho an- t week end wsbr Ind Mica lane. " are spending coma-o rtneths sister. Mrs Thou. >f town. Mama returned to Nun After visiting Mend- n d Green. 0 26,00th00tt t 1m and two sons of Walt". at Mr. Wnt, Smith'l ("Min of Sulfur] hwlniray this week leriduo. of London and are spending I few alivel at the Ravi-w Mr. June. Coleridge. Wilkes returned to Priday after spending h s Jos. A. Brown And last week in Htattiitoqt the W MI I' " I the Dotuinitm a ample of week. "our town and to“ visiting new route. " . Toronto an Alenhd er, iced ft (ends k and. in London Upptrr " "

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