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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jul 1913, p. 5

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ace Deput- u desire b and m ndcnce til ,4- follow: there. " You a fre- n box goods aces g M3 23565? ttWy 8 tnts, Rep, cadre.“ I it ir6iF ACED all; L "i later” t u are m V and rev". swim-(ed b a. we! no . the“ I ”In..." “Oil 7100-; ' unsuit- ie6iii, hero hind. bib Fm kid“. I70 ma utter m“ iCanadian xi National 3 Exhibition Nits Livestock Department I n'r) think in AWN" I xhiiCts by the Province. I xhihits by Dominion Government a \hilvils by Foreign Conan]. Urcs of Manufactures I‘lu- Musical Surprise rlw Musical Ride utto-Poto Hatchet I in us and Hippodrome Knmun Chariot Race. \thh-lic Sports Great Water Carnival Aug.?? 1913 Sept.8 T O R O N T o FunusmN YEAR] murmur MIT Exulml .inlian from Germp1ty, Britain, _ iGiied States and Cain“ Iuculiunal Exhibits adct Ruicw mun-w Fireworks "n.un'n's Biggest Dog Show nu-r, a's Greatest Cat show IRISH GI ARDS BANDI Winch (mwn's EiiiEl \rtemesia Council. V thrt NERO "IE Bl RNING OF ROME Most People do a lot otWalking , " other Famous Bands sc' Band Concerts Daily k of the Airship JULY M, 1913 ington's Zouaveo Giant Midway "l Double Bill of Fltewoth mom Council met on Saturday. ' V -Crrr -LCL, Members all presenl. the" , . ' . . I Do not expmtalwayslo have smooth _” .I'nlwbalr.dM1n(llltes t 1,tt sailings: then. if the storm come. 1. “are rea an . con rm .' you are ready tar it, " the calm coma \ws 101.3, respecting public the greater Is your enjoyment. ( i'lC"')""Jf)_tl.1. Small Profits IE .tllllts Fide Cotton hose. .2 for .mlies Italian Silk hose. .per pr widltI‘S line Lisle hose. . . .por pr Hum black half heap. .. per pr Hem colored cotton. . . . per pr uen's black cashmere. per pr ladies silk Gloves, 18 inch tine silk, English make . . . . . . . . Y) inch mosqutaire silk, black arvlwhito. ... .... -1"f."' . '34 inch iuosquitairs silk, black and white................ l-‘reuch Kid gloves, black tan Are all made in Canada. t Canadian work people and their representation up tht nothing but the best of 1 Try a pair of our Spa corsets for $1.00. We hi full range ot them at 504 750 th pr. ther), are Specials in Hosiery Down Town Shoe Stove TAKEN AS CASH. and gray . The E. T. Corsets Custom Work and Repairing as usual gcEixhnie't3Wa)lrl.ytleism in Canada Pr skilled ople and to keep n up they use as, best of material. our special 51-25 We have also a .morals And 766, toopon Ind unblhh . deviation and at lot M, con 12, ‘woro introduced and puud through I their various Inger. l 1hamsl1--MeLeod.--That the fol- ;lowlng accounts for gravel eertitied [by oval-sears be paid, viz. : D Hint ‘69 loads $3.45 and $1.00 for road to [ pit; Fred Pedlar TU loads $3.80 ', C McCutchoon 60 loads $3.0y 't Wm _ Fisher 105 loads $5.25 ; John Bur- Inot: 110 loads $5.95; Wm Kenny l Kenney u loads $2.20.--Carried. Bromt--Meuod--That the petition of R Gonoe and 34 others, asking tor a gram to repair Meatord road north of Eugenia. be laid over tor con-id"- Ition. --Carried. M'suod--Ctusweit--Tut It Down be “loved to do his sauna labor tor lots' tt to 45, 3 S D R on road opposite said Iota. --Carried, Bromt-geLeod--Ttot the asses- sor be paid $10.00 for servim equal- izing union schools Nos. land 14, Anemesia and Jilupttrmna.--Carriad, & J,, McKEGHNIE Gr0tun--Bromi--.That A Dunlap be paid $52 35, being autumn; a- means of his clam) tor sheep killed by dogs. n ttertihed by J M Davis and E Brodie.-Carried. Caswell -G'rahiun-'1'ut D Genoa be paid $2.00 for road over his tleld to gnaw-1 pit on lot M, con 9.-Car. MeLeod--Broms--Tut J I (Sunburn be refunded $1l.19 for amount ad. vaneed by him to pay repairs to rock erttisher.--Carried. Brown-Graham-That in refer- ence to claim tor damages presented by Mr W J Bavd. Mr Camellia Ip- pointed to investigate and make re- port to this council as to condition of road where the alleged accident is said so have ceettrred,---Carried. 1a'raham-Browc---That in reler-l ence to the verbal application o' Archy S emu-t et al to make a devia- Licn mun original road at lot 152, con 2, S W the Revve and Mr Caswell are instructed to examine the propos- ed deviation and do what they con- sider necessary for the best intereall " the muaieipality and upon their approval by-lawa be. passed to est-b- lisb the new part ard dispose of the old.-Carried. Council adjourned You cannot go anywhere with- out walking some. Our shoes make walking easy because they are good shoes in the first place and your conscience is at case because you bought them so reasonable. Call and see our stock of spring Goods. See styles and prices. Have some nice pumps in stock in Patent, Tan and Gunmetal. Some fine values in Hosiery, either Men's. Ladies', '?fisstss', ir"iihirfai'.i, dear. . Trunks, Suitcases, Clubbags,&c, in stock . . 2 for .per pr .por pr per {it per pr per pr ch tine Me 250 250 100 100 25c 1.00 600 900 McILRAlTH Sc S pecials in wash goods Anilerson's Fine Scotch Ging- hamsper 3ard............ Fine white Bedford Cords... . Fine white Pique, . . ' . . . . . .. Indian Head Suitings, 40 inch wide........---. Fine Irish Linen 36 Inches Specials in Dress Goods We are showing a full line of Dress Goods from 25e to 2.50pm yard, All 600 and (350 goods to clot! out this week at 500 per yard. We carry a large range of Men's Sultings in the finest of Scotch T weeds and English Worsteds which we make to your order at from $15 to $25 per suit. We recently got behind with our orders but now we have caught up and can furnish a suit in one week Men's Clothing Haying opentione are in full swing and the work of handling the crop in mild exercise compared with the stream!“ mtrettlar ectiyity re- quieite for handling the lung, heavy growth of some preceding seasons. The the refreshing showers of the past month have grentiy ecceiereted the growth of the spring - and the increase ot iodder in thin respect will make up tor the defieitsrioy in the meadows. - Afters plea-am three use“ no:- tion with her friund. Miss Reid " Dromore, Miss Margaret Manley re- turned to her home on Saturday. We note with pleasure ttut Miss Reid A3 to resume her duties u hummus- n Latona school fortbe ensuing year. Mr and Mrs June: Wagner and family, of Victoria. B. 0.. no r .now- ing acquainsanoes in the burnt. after an absence of fifteen yous. Jim was the popular clerk In Mr Hunt“. store when Dornocb was in its palmy days and during " May in the progress- ive West, Dame Fortune bu smiled benignly upon him. Mr Alfred Shewoll Eats on Monday to: Toronto, where he will supple- meat his burning by taking a course atthe Shaw Businesl Cullen. Al- tred possesns the incentives in life that aecure recognition and success Mrs Robert McLaren and daughter Jennie left the lore par: of the week for their new home in rettsrboreaglt utter three weekn' Visit with her par- ems, Mr and Mrs Philip McIntosh. Mrs Stokes, who has been visiting her daughter, Mn N. Snowman for the past month, left this week tor her home in Mount Albert. Rev. Mr Stevenson accompanled her to Toron- to, where he will consult an ocnlist in the hopes ut remedying a chronic case of eye tumble. with which he has been aiWtetedtor some time past. After a week's Vacation around the haunts d by gone days, the Hum mme Mr. oa Monday tor Toronto. They will leave the city on Tuesday tor Calgary. where they will open a mercantile businesl for the summer months. A two years absence "itieedto prove to Mr and Mrs Peter Tiffany that their former home south of the village possessed more endearmems tor them than any other spot 'neazh Heaven's dome and in consequence they have again taken up their abode in our midst. Mrs Tiffany will be tt At Home " on the first and third Friday: of each month. lut sh ut ' Phe, Brick, ' who were suc- cesstul at Bhe recent Entrance exam~ ination. May this be merely the firgt rung in their ascent of the education- al ladder. 1vtfeongtutaiate Miss Carrie Mort. ley of Lucy: apd_ Mayer Lorne Mas. Misses Margaret and Annie Me. Kenzie, otye Eduor'stown. are holi- daying in the village, the guests ot the runners sister, Mrs J, L. Smith. Mr and Mrs John McIntosh. ao. cnmpauied by John Jr., spam Satur- my and Sunday with triends in the County Town. There is one crop that Is ruseu an over the Countrv in the same propor- tion-babies. Doruotsh's yield is fair, the sacrament. of baptism having been mlministered to tlve of these praming int-ants at the preparatory services on Friday last. Domoch crop phat is raised all Large Sales 150 200 16e 200 (oe Mis- Pearl McKelvie. of Hanover. who has been visiting her turn. Mrs Wm. Bailey, returned home Friday, Mr and Mn Geo. Lunacy and son Keith. of Toronto, are the guests of Mr Ind Mr: Sam Lunncy this week. Quito I number from our burg were It Hanover on the 12th eeUtrrating the battle of the Boyne of 1600. Mr Atobie McDouglll mat with I bad linking up and nevere brain" one (fay last week, when thrown from a take by " horses “king fright and running "my. Illss Aljoe. of Glenelg, spent I few days last weak with her friend, Mi" Iva Redford. Mr Ind Mrs Arthur Clark, and family. of Hanover, motored here Sunday to visit thtrlatter'tt ptrents, Mr and Mrs Thou. Redford. Miss Maggie McLean, of Toronto, came up Friday to spend her summer holidtys wiih her brother, Mr Neil McLean. She was accompumed by her sister, Mrs Just, who returned Monday, Miss Faith Brown visited her sister. Mrs D. MoDon-ld last. week end. Mrs Wm. Bailey and daughter Myrtle spent a few days lastweek with Hanover friends. Concluded from (as! Ifr cek The following accts. were passed: ] D. Sweeney, team on grader, I $19.25: J, Unruh, team on grader, l $19.25: jr. Kennedy, team on Rrad- der. $1.50: B. Cross, operating grader $9; E. Cross, picking stances? $1.50; J. Hewitson, picking stone) 75c.: 1 box axle grease 25c.; W. Uastie drawing gravel, $1.50; L. Unruh, drawing gravel, $1.50; W. Hastie, shovelling, 75m: L. Unrult, shovelling, 7%; L. Kaufmann, sliovelling, 81.50; J. Scunecht, gra- vel. $5.70; H. Subject, gravel, $9.50: W. Owens, $4.80: J. Walls, under- brushing, $9; D. Burgess, gravei.i 1:56.55: B. Suhierholtz, culvert, $4.25; H), O'Brien, gravel, $8.80; A. Mc- Gregor gravel, $3.84: u. Pfeller, gravel. $12.80; W. Jackson, team and gravel, $3.80; Cr. Subject, team $3; Brant twp., halt coat 3.623., $49: H. Schrienert, drawing and laying tile, $3.50; W. Leaske, tile. $14.35: u. Fischer, com., $13; Wm. b'atteuerunann, moving .grader, $1.25; H. McLean, team on grader, :57; B. Putnerbough, team on gra- der, $28: H. Alexander, team on grader, $5.25; ll, Corlett, team on grader, $15.75; L. Uni-uh, team on grader, $1.75; D. Sweeney, team on grader, $1.75; ti, Puthertoouttu, op- erating grader, $1ti; H. Cross, op- erating grader, tl; u. Fischer, op- erating grader, tit It. Corleit, drang gravel, $2.50; J. Sullivan, drawing gravel, $2.50; R. J. Cor- lett. da'awuig gravel, $2.50; C. Clark, idirawmg gravel, $2.50; J, Johnson, shove-Hing, tl; F. Shen‘ell shovelling, .162; F. blimvell, gravel, $2: A. Brodiuagen, moving scrap- ers, $1: H. llagcy, team, 33.75; J. Schilling, showlllng, $2.25; J. Lo. ( shoveiling, Fg.2r. F. Sim-well, shov- [ ell'mg, $3: A. Campbell, picking stone. $1.50; l. Showell, team, $2.50 ‘ W. Campbell, picking stone, 75c. C. Shewoll, work, 6%.: grader' re- I pairs, (De.; F. Sliewell, com, $17: u. Manner, wire, $4.56; R. Davis, I repairing bridge, $5: A. Wilson, in- specting, $2; E. Lyon, gravelling, $9; IL Patterson, and others, grad- er work, $41; G. Magwood, moving grader. $1', Cr. Wingham, gravel- ling, $77; If. Baack, gravelling, $34.61; F. Breutigan, gravel, $4.50: H. Breutigan, road to pit, $1: P. Eva, opening ditch, $12.25; S. Hop- kins, straightening road, $2.52; 1). Chittick, gravel, $2.90; W. Schmidt drawing tile, $3.50; D. Kobe, laying culvert, $5: F. Prast, tile, $46.95, H. Metcalfe, com., ti'; W. Petty. work, $29; J. Lynn, cugert, $10; G. Mighton, culvert, $6.5 B. Coutts. two culverts, $10.50: J. Lynn, work. .1. A man '1 n I‘ $2: B. Coutts, gruvelling, $39.75; C., Petty, half coat work, Bentinck: and Durham, $21.50; A. Lunney, picking stone, 75m; J. Meitonaid, team on grader, $14.50: H. Patter- son, team on grader, $14.50: J. Patterson, operating grader, $8.59; G. Wise, picking stone, 75c.: M. Donnelly, picking stone, 75c.; J. Brown, team on grader, $2; D. Donnelly, team on grader, $1.50: F Wise, picking stone, $1.25; D. Ad- lam, gravellmg Durham Road, $16.25: B. Langrill, gravel, $3.45: J. Bartman, gravel, $1.70: M. Mfcfl' - _- -rw --- _. --_- 1. ”an Hun-u :a-»., v-"' V - lam, zra’va, $3.80, use of road, 951' J. Clark, shovelllng, $2; A, Lunney shovclling,_§2; G..,.Bre,1,t com., $30. BIIUVUIIMLB’ w", v. ---V.__, v, -. _ FiiaierC-'Me'tcalies--That we ad- iourn to meet at Lamlash, August IL for general business, and ap- pointing collector of taxes. v if nL:LG:n1y (“n.1, And the SpleieI Sings a New Song Down the Pike, A Brand New Midway with brand; new shows is when the Canadian] National offers this year to those who i like to wander down the " pike. " The nemoyal of the Cattle Berna has necessitated the new midway. while theengegement of the Con. T. Ken. nedy Shows guarantees everything entirely new in this line of musement. The Kennedy Shows are 3 whole :lrcue in themselves. They carry a bend of any places. a wild animal show with representative' o! All the denizens of the forest end jungle. 3 Wild West Show. illusions. curiosities. etc. it will be e clean Midway. Those mon- strosities that disgust have been eliminated; but there is everything to amuse and the sweet. voice of the spleler to tell you all about it. It will i bee monster tgtiiwsr endll you are out for fun It is there for the t1nontr. THE DURHAM REVIEW Bentinck Council De. d_e ya.itItse..t9t Pill: Mulock Brand New Midway I'll: aiiihk/ Clerk We no lorry this week to chronicle‘ the death of Ilia Clare Wilma, i daughter of Mr Ind the Noble Wil- son. of Boothville. who died on Sutur- dey night, July 12th. [In Wilson bed been lingering for shout I your. The beginning was typhoid (eve: which developed into Helm of tuber. culoeie. The funeral took plus on Monday to Belem cemetery. Rev. J. A. Lance. of Prioevillo. otihating u house and grave. Much Ipmpnhy is Ult for Mr and Mrs Wilton Ind him], In their bertmrtrrmrnt. Mr Donald Ferguson. who but been In a eritieel condition. we no gltu1 to any. I: on the mud to recovery. Mr J. Knox, of Collingwood, spent last week mining Mr ROM. Knox, St. Mia: Ben Milligan, of Durham, ll visiting this week with her friend, Mrs Dan McCormlck. Mus Edith Manulay bu gone to Coburg to aka a position there, Animber from; our burg attended the horse fail in your town Ind dig. posed oi some fine hora". Miss Mary McMillan. of Port Ar. thar, in home for the summer. Union neryicel will be held in Swin- ton church, Sunday July 21. Rev. J. A, Leece will preach. Mr Wm. McGowan. accompsuied by his sister Miss May. of Durham, wan a visitor in our burg Sundsy Int. M. Mr John Aldcom'l. the Inter re- maining for a week. Misses Alice and Agnes Ramage. of Durham, visited at Mr John Aldcoru‘s the beginning of the weak and attend- ed the garden party Monday eyoning. The round up of $6 blind piggers " in ()rungeville and vicinity was completed Thursday with the conviction of Bert Booth, son of the Queen's Hotel pro prietor, and Mr Irwin, proprietor of the Railway Hotel. Each were fined $100 for selling liquor without 1 license. Six convictions in all have been "cured by the Provincial Inspectors in the In few days, Swinton Park. Hone, but not forgotten, are the days when we paid ten cents tor. pound cf steak, ten cents for a dozen egg». and got three nice large herring fur a dime, The only thing that, really reminds one otthe"trood old days tt is the same old hundred cents that buys as much newapnper in 1 year now as it did a quarter of a cen- tury ago, Tender For Steel Bridge and Abutments. Sank-d Tenders, marked "Tender" addressed to the Reeve, Township of Glenelg, Puceville, will be received up to Friday, Aug. bt, for construction of a. bridge at Traveraton. near Mank- dale. Tenders will be received " follown e. Steel Bridge 110ft. Spam 14 ft. wide. An Accepted bank cheque tor Spar cent contract payable to treas- ux-oer. of Glenda shall accompnny vach tender and will be returned on "on acceplance. Fine brick store and dwellinwn Main street. Durham. Owner in est. A bargain. Apply to A. H. JACKSON. Plant Jud speciftetiontr any be seen at tho offieeg of the Rave or Engineer. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Thea. Nichol, Reeve, Priervillr R. McDowall, Engineer, Owen Sound 14ft ouiairGiorruwhs. cm: colds. Ind but: an m: and luau. " tt u eettta. With Biliousness and Sick Headache CZ5lEEiZir? 1 was a great sumsrer for u long time with Biliousnetm, Sick Heudlcho an! Liver trouble. Nothing snowed to do me any good, I had almost given up In despmr when I decided to try After taking about half a box the head aches stopped and my appetite improved I have just fipusloed, tho fittlt box and fee as well as ever. I can heartily, recom- mend Fig PHI: for stomach and liver troubles. Mus MAB: 21.me Sold at all dealers in 25 sud 60 cont boxes or mailed by The Flu Pill Co., St. Thomas. Out. TORONTO Two Concrete Abutment. Reinforced Concrete Floor 110x The Western .r'air THE GREAT 827,ooo.oo Flu r" F" ERED $2.000 added to the Prim 'iiriiiirdr. Tut. I Holiday and this [nation's Exhibition. Single Pare on all Railroads in Western Ontario Special Excursion Dates-tkit. 9th. 11th um! um. Pris. Lisa and MI informmon from the Seer-nu. - ' “W“ Druid-m. A. I. RU“. 800me bstrnificent Program me of FIG PILLS Attraction a Twice Daily l J. RWD, President. Calgary, Alberta, July 8, 1911 For i'itrg, 'ti1itmeit/iak" , Western l Two g Ontario's ll Speed Events i Popular I Daily Exhibition l Fireworks l Sept. 5 to 13 t Every Night i Popular g Exhibition g %Sept. 5 to li. London, Canada LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION in Prizes and Attractions ewmsaumuag The Most Popuhr and Only Direct Line Reaching all Some: Resorts in Highlands of Ontarlo. Including lush“ Lakes. Lake of Be, “zonal: Put. Iqunetawn all truth Blur. Gut-gm: Bay, Tina's-l and Inna-lb. Links. Excellent tru- service via Grand Trunk Runny tn and from above "can. Tomi-t tick.“ " roduud um, guano return until November sou: are now on Ill. to than rumba. _ Write tor illustrated folder- and lime tublu telling you how to get there, and containing list of hotels, at», etc. to 0. B, Burning. D. P. A,, G. I. By. Union Station. Toronto. Ont. LII-go roomy dwelling house, Inge enough to keep houdero. Convenient- ly matted to .n public works. Newly decor-ted. Cheap rent. Apply to Several houses in Durham. One nice cottage tn Lower Town. A.11.JAuuaos, Du rhuu One of the beat investments in Dur. tmm-tttree bonus for the price of one. Two are mild “one and brick eight roamed bonsai. Two rooms aolid oak tioors 3nd trimmings. Two mantel: intone, churn, good garden, young orchard. One frame seven room house. Mun he sold as owner is going Wear. Apply on premises' or write ,.2:: 1tiy'itLPt'i'Pd' &2:t.2:::n:‘:i *, F -.----- W- '"f/t'f/,'a,,, ~Hem;$33.31,fizijatfigfm Nor“: Line, FiGvine, Ont. tt2tt1hiWuiuthTgd't" Wm. "---TtiGirilFji'iii'r- 7-- Fics":",-,)?):',;',")?,')",.',),] stote ..... w The 8rd divilion Mint o and the Ist divhlon of lot 10, W.G.R., Bantinck, 100 news. Lot I, Gen. ll, Pert 100 acres. Lotto nod In" cf 1 , Uon.2. E. a. H. faintly. 150 not“. Lot 8. Con. 8. S.D.R., Glenda. 60 ac: on Lot 9, Uou. 3. i. D. R, 010mm. 50 new: Lot lo, Con. 8. 8.D.R.. Glenda, 69 Irv-en Lot t, Ooa, 4, S.D.B.. Glenda, 65 acres Lot T, Goa. l, ND R,, Glonelg, SOu-ru Apply to G. a J. Mcllcuxln. Durham On htg"aeledig,rs 500 acres. co ' ng at. alees at ots I an 'i'iff anux. G, it., Bonfinck 'il t'3 2 on: “(Tie Canoes-Ann. JO a c APP w watered by sprit mail. two Henri“ otchonds. 0m: {more t'ct','; cedar 031nm. Dunn-u- Gmtto L ooituttt P. o, Apply to Muskoka Lakes Lake or Bars Georgian Bay Algonquin Park HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until at 28 inclusive Winnipeg and return .... ....$35 00 Edmonton and return '..... .. " 00 Low rates a other points. Return limit two months, Pullman tourUt sleepers leave Toronto 11.85 p. m. on thOVO an» running through to Win- nipeg via Chic-go and Bt. Paul with- out chance. Tickets are also on sale Tia Bur-nix; and Northam Navigativn Company. Tho Grand Trunk Puma Mllway is the uhormt and quickest route be- tween Winnlpeg. Saskatoon and Ed. monton Tickets now on sale at all Grand Trunk otrlc.g, JAS. R. GUN, Town Agent J. c. TOWNER, Stution Agt. [he l'ollnwingi1 timetable will he it, effect until fart ernotice . Read down read up -.mp.m For. p.lu 6,25 15 Wulkerlun 10.51210 tUT 37 leave Hanover ar've 9.42 12.17 6,55 Allan Park $3312.08 T.1 . Durham 9.19 11.64 T. JI “oWilliums S.09 11.44 T, l Priceville i'iiiirf.ij 7.45 wnr'vo Snucht. leave 84541.20 Connecting fill) tTylt to stud from v, ' . . M _ ...- 7.451;.361ar’v0 Saucht. leave 8.4531120 Connoctirg with (rams to and {mm Toronto. nly one change between Durham And Toronto. Speed, comfort and may. Come to us for tickets and inform" tion, We are also menu for Allan nod Dominion line steam-hip. and C. P, R. ocow liners. SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS 0F ONTARIO Only Line touching u! N. Mclx'rYRE. Farm for Sale. j. MIanxn. Durham To Rent. For including J Att. PAT‘WI Maganemwan Rive French River Tlmlgml Kawanha Lakes Glonelg. 50 some Glenda, 69 um- Olcnnln, 55 new: Glouelg, 50 new éahion Plait. If You are Not Too Lu! 100 ure- 1 mile South of W “handed I good tum mo. cloud to! My lees tlun the buildings would 'tttet. 100 acre. nuv loam Forest. cheap " under “W. "l so": near Dot-age!) (It: We me 'utu-m a new. 4-wa- ed [)1an whlch Mr Tun-Ivy IMO. money. elated at I at.“ burs-II. an we: no.“ Louise. good it“ orrtraNiidiogr, umber worth use" d the price. 150 our. our Durham. well-improved and chap at sham $4000. 300 urn in Eyrremont, (Dr Fame. farm) good place. owner in the Wool wpfrered at a one“), _ - . North-rut I...“ " we or u- change. Above are some of my - br- s“... It wll Pay you to Buy TLIE. Miller J. G. HUT‘TON.M. D., ty I um: Gunm- We“: and luau... o a 'FE'ICE: on: A P. - 010. My 0 W M an. Wink! ', mend hon-n Ioubh ot - 0mm on east do: of Attteet Bt. OFFICI nouns HI I I H p I. '-" p. .- Ihumanize C lunatic: betwee- OtBeq a! We»: a 111 how. W.C.PICKER1M1 B, DS.,LDS llama GRADUATE a mo. University. graduate at Royal College of Dennis eons "tontario Boo-a 0n: J & o'uiftr's'l4f4ll',? MW Bun ARTHUR H. JACKSON Ij-ic-ia-Gui-ik-et, on. cl the but hum. in Perth Go, Splendtdly ipprovvd. Astonishingly cheap It e'iiift,,t2tfes'det,'ttuhr" D. McPHAIL- .0 at w u. ”In-uh -BIBle. - rl2,'fl21tll,22. . telephonic in nu nu Deemed Auctioneer tor 00. Grey Ml modenxc Arr n etrteertq . t,l'Mtifit must be Eden megs” 08. bun. W Con-upon than. ttr8tt (nylon 120.3113 M! umdedto. Tel-mum) um.“ non In ll yds long, Insuryleg MGM-Money to 81 " Min witu.,.....i.o0tte 81 " 60in wlde.......l.W’I 8t " 00in wide.......) Twilled Sheeting 2 yd. wide.25c_yd Heavy blegched shoeunx, 2 'V _ -__.ei- - -e _r;torés every nerve In the Hi eteEt?..ew, in proper mum: rim nud mam; Premature may and I I tit,'",'.,',, avetted " T, P. fh"te', ma e lou I new mm. " ICC " m o t, Jailed to anv Iddress. {MEN " It. Cltlnrlneu. Out. BIO 4 UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Electric Restorer tot ,itsrwitie....., we”! Bed Comforters, from ....... ...... ......l.25uptot59uh. Floor Oilcloth. . . we a "In". rtrd Table Oilcloth. " in wide, 250 I " New Spring Punt! Bil new In Call 3nd so: than Embalmmz I Speclullty. Picture Framing, Shortest Mu Bugw Booms-Acro" It omllllddmh Wiouie. m-mcso- ho . tenth of Lawrence“ ly/dard',',','. Durham . Continuation - and ("I’m n _ ugtsotrtugtttr in sltii1t1llir,i'i'ii ',l,gye1i!tft4'iitis' bump. ac., tot ll or Lawn and won work. The louowuu comm ". I! m t T306. nelpll and Ham!” “- tl Wu. In C» (will!- Arf/m salam- nhould an: a an hand “mm: tih'itsFirli mu MW ”in. I I II. who: Int m. m and mum 'hteeattteLt l gen tor in Sun?“ 'ir1tir,%i'd,' Commissioner . Money to mu. nice on Lumllron tit., JEt ite l \Vulpole'o Stables. . l pool Notary Public, Uo"uuiastimtttr, DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town in] . Bub! MIAMI. n. b to Won J. P. TELFORD Full line of ftt,b,tt and black m "' We 5(qu people OON V EYANCEA, 9n. 0%meme A. BELL 1 BLOCK LACE con-nuts W. H. BEAN 27 in 40 in '30 in M in (I) in tin in mum [at man than“. MI. “an"! CALDER'S wide. wide. wide. wide wide wide Tic luovct Gonveynncat aiiGOi tit - mama” School .25c pa .wc pr .7bc pr 1.00 pf 1.00 pt 1.50 pr myd F. ,

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