West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Jul 1913, p. 4

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Fu I/‘, ec€ecsecesecscesssesgsess& 5'55‘ Y The Central _ Drug â€" Store y W W Every graduate guaranteed a posâ€" sition. Thorough courses. Large staff of Specialists. Best equipped College in Canada. Individual instruction. CA FLEMING, F CA â€"G. D. FLEMING Principal Secrotary OwWwEN soOUNXD ONT. Fall Term Opens MONDAY, SEPT. 1st |r The People‘s Mills 9 M‘ a * mowcd EN w The Central Drug Store i \ 2323323322333333 0323323327 Cheap Feed We have a gooed stock of Foed on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. _ If you need feed of any kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. It was the manufacture of Plymouth Binder Twine in Welland that started that town to boom and the using of Plymouth Binder Twine will create such a pleasant feeling that every farmer that uses it will stars booming everything around his farm. McGowan Milling Co. We are the only pesple in Durham that sell this excellent binder twine and you should not loose any time in placing your order for your season‘s supply. Every farmer that has ever used Plymouth Bindor ITwine knows its quality and other farmers are finding it out very fast, consequently we are supplying a great number of farmers with their Twine. 2 / Nikec C / gg clsi $/ C Drug Store omm { <y" ’/,,/,‘9 of this community, because o anngste {{ peple have learned that we ecmmeneliy ... AC _ 5 â€" 0 take utmost care in filling evyery prescription entrusted to us ; that we never use poor, old drars : that »s n»yer substitute, and that we give you prompt ervice you Sind your prescriptions to us, no matter what physician writes th:m, and KNOW that they will be filled exactly as prescribed. Come to our Drug Store. v" John McQowan Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop _ Corn Chop _ Oat Chop _ Crimped Oats We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Blatchford‘s Calf Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for all kinds of Stock. ) MORTHERKY 9 1AJ]IIHA) Ring us up when you Cail and see for yourselt what we have to offer Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed Oatmeal Oat Feed Mixed Feen HARDW ARE Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots All Kinds of Grain Bought W. BLACK at the Mill or delivered anywhere in single 100 lbs., ton lots or car loads at moderate prices Oatmeal Milis Require Flour and Feed quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and heal: the thromt and lungs. : i# 25 cents. SHILOFHH it. If he cannot supply @ @ _ 7/ the MARVEL, accept no other, but send Mamg for 1lus» trated bookâ€"realed. It gives full z:nieuhn and directions invaluable ladies. WINDSOR SUPPL Y CO., Windsor, Ont General Agents for Canada. Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. Our Drug Store has become "The Prescription J. A. DARLING Dispensing Chemist Phone 3 I w N\ M A h w m\ n\ q\ A\ Why are licenses to be issued in‘ Meaford for amother year? This promises to be a very interesting uestion, for Hon MroHanna and the %icense Branch of the Provincial Seeâ€" retary‘s Department had issued their orders that the licenses in that town should not be renewed after May 1st. The local commissicners under their powers granted an extension of three months up to Augast 1st, but it was taken for granted as far as public anâ€" nouncements were concerned that at the latter date the licenses would not be renewed. Cke Burkam Review Meaford to again have Licenses At the local option vote last Januâ€" ary the temperance people were deâ€" feated by a fraction of a vote less than the required threeâ€"filths. A suit and counterâ€"suit were entered into and moreover a large deputation not only from Meatford but from the sarâ€" rounding country waited upon the Provincial Secretary and requested that the licenses be not renewed in view of the fact that the selling ot liquor in Meaford was doing away to a considerable extent with the good results of local option in Owen Sound and the absence of licenses from all the ress of North Grey, It was in answer to this deputation that the Deâ€" partmeat decided not to renew the licenses. ) Now the announcement is made that the licenses are to be renewed by the Department after all. Reports as to the exact events which precedâ€" ed this décision and to a reported agreement it ade by the temperance representatives are still rather meagâ€" er and nothing definite can be said yeb as to the jnstice or injustice of the granting of these licenses. A tfew undoubted facts, however, lend significance to the wholoe case and are worthy of note. During the recent byeâ€"electinn in the Constituâ€" ency of North (irey, of which Mcaâ€" ford is a part, the Conseryativyes made much party capital out of the action of Mr Macna in refusing to renew the Meaford licenses, although loeal opâ€" tion in that town had been deteated technically. In the Goveronment press and on the Government platâ€" form this action was loudly praised as being a definite proof of the Whitâ€" noy Government‘s good will to temâ€" perance and of its generosity to temâ€" perance voters. At this very same time, however,‘ it was being whispered about the town that it the (Giovernment candidâ€" ate were clected the licenses would be renewed, This underground ruâ€" mor secured for the Government the support of the liqnor men and of those tavorable to the liquor interests, True as it gradually became known about town it alienated the temperance vote in Meatord with the result that the Liberal candidate got a majority of 29 in that town, In view of the decision <f the Department to renew the licenses this question becomes important. Had the> whispered ruâ€" mor a basis in fact after all, and also why did the Government try to ride two horses in the byeâ€"eiection ? â€"The Montreal Daily Telegraph, lhei‘ paper which has bought out and sucâ€"| ceeded to the good old Witness declarea‘ that it will follow the policy of The Witness with regard to the liquor question. We quote from an editorial in a recent issue: * Gradually, opinion will be formed and indignation will arise an? public spirit wtll assgert itself, and the entire traflic in inâ€" toxicants will be resolutely condemnâ€" ed to death. To that end The Daily Telegraph proposes to wage open war.: And it proposes to do its fighting with | clean bands. It will preserve the| consistent attitude of the * Witness, | and decline to publish any advertise | ments of intoxicating drinks. Whnt-‘ ever else may be said of onur columns, they shall not, at all eyents, be usedl to put a bottle to our neighbors‘lips. "‘ â€"The British programme to celebrate the 103 years‘ peacoe between the Bricish Empire and the United States has been @rwn up and an appeal is made for funds to carry it out. The programme includes the erection of a Memorial of the Centenary of Peace to be erected in Westminster Abbey; the purchase of Sulgrave Manor, Nortkants, the ancestral home of the Washington family, and it3 maintenâ€" ance as a rlaco of pilgrimage for Americans in Eagland and as a symbol of the kinship of the two peoples; the foundation of a permanent chair of Angloâ€"American hissory and the endowment of a Scheme of Annual Prizes in the Elementary and Secendâ€" ary Schools for Essays on topies germane to the objects of the celebraâ€" tion. _ This programme is expected to involve ar expenditaure of between £50,000 and £60,000, which sum it is hoped will be raised during tha present year. THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1913 Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park Low rates t« other points, _ Return limit two months,. â€" Pullman tourist sleepers leave Toronto 1185 p. m. on above dates running through to Winâ€" nipeg via Chicago and St. Paul withâ€" out change, â€" Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northarn Navigation Company. * The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route beâ€" tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edâ€" monton _ â€" Tickets now on sale at all Grand Trunk Offices, > Each Tuesday until Oct. 28 inclusive Winnipeg and return .... .. . . §85.00 Edmonton and return ...... .. 43 00 HOMESEEKERS‘ EXCURSIONS SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO Only Line reaching all including Maganetawan Rive French River Timigami Kawartha Lakes se uon < THE DURHAM ~REV: 3W UE Wlln‘i on sale vigation kilwayb‘i,a ute â€" avnd Edâ€" [ ks o t n Haying is nearly over and harvestâ€" ing well under way. The crops are ripening very fast on account of havâ€" ing no rsin,. £ We join with the many friends of Mrs. John Staples, and daugbters in extending our sympathy to them in the loss of husband and father. Miss Agnes Nichol of London is visiting with her grandmother Mrs Walter Nichol Sr. Mrs. Thos. MceGirr and daughter Chrissie visited with relatives in Egremont. Mr. Will Buchanan of Williamsford spent the week end with his grandâ€" parents Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Scott. _ Miss Bella Weir visited with relatiyes in the burg last week. Misses Nina Noble and Sadie Lawrence spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn McGirr. Miss Lizzie Weir is visiting with hee frierd Miss Mary Hamilion at present. Mr. W. L. Dixon ‘and daughter Edna of North Egremont visited with relatives in this burg over the week end. Miss Jackson of the Glen visited with Mr.and Mrs. Henry Lawrence last week. Born.â€"On July 16, to Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lawrence, a daughter.. Conâ€" gratulations. We join with the community to extend our deepest sympathy to the widow and family of the late Mr Jolhn Staples. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lawrence on July 17th, a daughter. Mrs, Robt. Bell and daughters vigited her niece Mrs. Geo. Allen one evening last week. Mrs. Cowie of Allendale and her daughter Mrs. Johnston of Barrie visited the former‘s cister Mrs. Jas. Whitmore last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Robt. Hopkins at Hutton Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawrence of Egremont Sundayed with his sister Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Mrs. Jag. McChesney is at present visiting her brother, Mr. A. Lawrence. Mrs. F MceQuaig and his sister of Top Cliffe visited the home of Mr, A. Lawrence on Sunday evening. The Most Popular and Only Direct Line Reaching all Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontarlo. Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan and French Rivyer, Georgian Bay, Timagami and Kawartha Lakes, Excellent train service yia Grand Trunk Railway to and from above resotts. Miss Gladys Cox of Toronto is visiting for a while with her brother at Mr. 11. Sealey s. Tourist tickets at reduced rates, good to return until Noveraber 30th are now on sale to above resorts. Write for ilustrated folders and time tables telling you how to get there, and containing list of hotels, rates, etc. to C. E. Horning, D. P. A., G. T. Ry. Union Station, Toronto, Ont. T urnaxm, July 30, 1913. Flour per ewt ........ 2 70 to 3 15 Oatmeal per sack..... 2 40 to 2 40 Chop per ewt........ 1 25 to 1 40 Buckwheat...... .... 65 so â€" 75 Fall Wheat...........$ .90 to $1 00 Spring Wheat........ 90 to 1 CO Oars, feetd.:...=...:,s. <. â€" _ 04 to + 36 Oats, milling.......... 33 to 34 Peas cs.. i.i iAeÂ¥i6¢ va‘s 90 to 100 Darley.... ....1..si...~. D0 10â€" b2 Butter.:... :: ;. is... ...‘ 18 406 : 19 Rggs.......\‘..â€"â€"cm.. / ; in to : 19 Potatoes per bag. .... _ 65 to 75 A reliable French regulator; nfi:er fails. These pilis are exceedingly %ower(ul regulating the generative portion of the female syalem. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Yan‘s are sold at #5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Coâ€", St. Catharines, Ont Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills Durham Markets. on t i reaia is hi s on t ce JAMES R. GUN, The Preparation that kills the Potato Bug and not the Plant Green Grove The only preparation that has roved good when others failed. Easily applied. Cheaper and betâ€" ter than lgaris Green. No water to carry. _ Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Turâ€" nips as well as the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants are appearing as this preparation kills the beetle as the late bugs. The only preparâ€" ation that is a fertilizer as well as insecticide. Popular Place Made and sold only by PARKERS‘ BUG KILLER Druggist, Durham . R, Town Ticket Agent Mr Duncan McKenzie, of Rochesâ€" ter, accompanied by his sister, Miss Annie, visited fricnds in the burg reâ€" cently. The next monthly meeting of the Women‘s Home and Foreign Mission Society of Burns church will be held at the home of Mrs. ‘Gillar Bovd on August 6th at two C‘clock. Congratulations to Miss Armelta McKecini:e on her success in passng the Entrauce exams. Since last writing Mrs. John Vessie attended the wedding of her miece Mizs B. Strachan in Paris, Out. NMrs. Calder of Egremont is yisiting her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Notle. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Clark left on Tuesday for Treherne, Manitoba for a two months visit with Mrs. Cleark‘s gister, Mrs. J. Watson. Hcpe to meet the Editor and staff in Priceyille on August 4th., so fareâ€" well till after harvest. One years year. Caused by Kidney, Stomach ana Bowel Disorders 8t John, N, B,. Sept. I8, 1911 â€"My brother was a great sofferer from kidney, stomachk and bowel«ro6Â¥ les and was given up by two doctors, He was adyised to try your Fig Pills, which be did and after taking five boxes was completely restored to health and is better toâ€"day than he has been for years,. _ You can‘t recommend Fig Pilis too highlyâ€" J W MAXNXNVERS At all dealers, 25 and 50 cents or the Fig Pill Co., 8t Thomas, Ont. iT I| Rocky Saugeen LOST VITALITY (General Puarpose Colt rising 2 old. One Ciyde Colt rising 1 Both tirstâ€"class. F, McK INNOX, North Line, Priceville, Ont. Small Profits Ladies Fine Cotton hose..2 for Ladies Italian Silk hose..per pr Ladies fine Lisle hose....per pr Mens black half hoso....per pr Mens colored cotton .. .. per pr Men‘s black cashmere. per pr Ladies silk Gloves, 18 inch fine silk, English make........ 20 inch mosqutaire silk, black andwhite, ... .. .. 1 â€"mc@r%%4 24 inch mosquitairs silk, black and whHite) ; 1.« ; +.}3» .14 2s French Kid gloves, black tan and. grily .>~>‘s«x«* . «xi i%44a> are the best in the market, Every body who has tried them admits that there are none better. Try a pair of our special $1.25 corsets for $1.00. _ We haye also a full range of them at 50c¢c, 65¢ and T5¢ a pr. f Are ail made in Canada by skilled Canadian work people and to keep their representation up they use us, â€"rothing but the best of material. Specials in Hosiery The E. T. Co rsets For Sale Walkers‘ Overalls McKechnie‘s Weekly News G. eTig w mal‘y ‘% W ash Gooc.is in â€"Ginghams, Prints, o w Muslins, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep. s {Zfi étc, 1 ufi Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, with hib ‘ "Q‘fi and without bib. o ‘?it; Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces. r 19 ~Embroideries. : ty EREMEEEESEESESEEEHEEEERZR‘E o Ip ofp Qo oo cheegecfoofecfache cfeofecfarfefeefenienfecieee «> 4s <p dp iook io astk ofe aQroge oh peche obe ofeuoke elecke 2t Avcle of M e still have im stock a % fine assortment of s 1.00 90c 60c 25c 250 10c 10c 25¢ 25¢ C. L GRANT aC Beautiful Goods at rock bottom prices. Specials i wash goods Anderson‘s Fine Scotch Gingâ€" hams perâ€"yand...........â€" Fine white Bedford Cords. ... Fine white Piggue........... indian Head Suitings, 40 inch WIlG : harc ts x se a x 44 .. :. . Fine Irish Linen 36 inches .... Specials in Dress Goods We carry a large range of ‘Men s Suitings in the finest of Scotch Tweeds and English Worsteds wlnc]: we make to your order at from $15 to $25 per suit. We recently got behind with our orders but now we have caught up and can furnish a suit in one week from date of sale. we are showing a full line of Dress Goods from 25¢ to 2.50 per yard. . All 60c and G5c goods to clear out this week at 50¢ per yard. Wewant your Butter and Eggs citrint ° Men‘s Clothing 3 yeltiadl s < Large Sales 20c 25¢ 20c 150 )0 1 4 This romant have pointed gollection of | geckoning fro:i fore is able : down on such | cver, Walkh ever in no disd viting all and the province next and take 1 holiday for w high class prep For many ve munity Mr Jno think n more 1 check wctive 1 well adn commun that of | ing in t1 tron wh thispage setting temnted 1 8GS wili PRICEVILLE â€"By th Ti still t @at D w * Branch! JA# 4 M * D. G Drv Guo N PRI Mc Aim M Ro

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