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Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1913, p. 4

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y; l ' d1t)--wffrt'fff, cf;'fsrssirda Cheap Feed l)“ F.N >()LL\'I) ONT. Fail Term Opens MONDAY, SEPT. 1st Every graduate guaranteed I poo- sllion. Thorough courses. Large an" of Srettialists. Best equipped, College .'“ Canada. Individual instruction. c A FLEMING. F c A G. n. EWING Principal Secrdary We have a good stock ot Hood on nanu luau. we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stack. If you need feed of any kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. b tt _ _ in ..i.a:a:a:a:s:s.e:a:sia3.a:eis:iras.'i"'":" Chime People's Mills McGowan Milling Co. It was the manufacture of Plymouth Binder Twine in Welland that started that town to boom and the using of Plymouth Binder Tmms will create such a pleasant feeling that every farmer that uses it will start booming everything around his farm. We are the only people in Durham that sell this axoellont binder twine and you should not loose any time in placing your order for your season’s supply. Every farmer that has ever used Plymouth Binder Twine knows its quality and other farmers are finding it out very fast, consequently we are supplying a great number of farmers with their We are the only people in Dur', axnollcnt binder twine and you any time in placing your order supply. Every farmer that has ly1 Bunuler Twine knows its quality are tinding it out very fast, cc supplying a great number of 1 Twine. you ere" preacription entrusted to us ; that w Jr 1:; ', thtt Nt awe: substitute, sad that Come to our Drug Store. Tie. CeitralDrug Store 'il, Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour I Bran Shorts Middlings Low Mixed Chop Corn Chop Oat Chop i at the Mill or delivered anywhere in single 1oolbs., ton iota or car loads Ring us up when)“ We have the stuff on hand. Also the celebrated Mlttl Call Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Molassine ', all kinds of Stock. All Kinds ot Grain Bought and Sold _l'i, i,' _ A $ib.ry, _ i \" , ‘5‘ t I): l) /,itifrdllli A "t r’ (tg it, . l ' T " i,' t‘ E . 'tl,?, , _ I a YT-" = " , ”9/ 'if/i-il 'v""-'." " l! C)'f/j///l, r), .stt 'dit' _ "fl/h _--' EL": 7 “J”. l Jr-r. "r-rl'."'-' 'tTl w" w------'"."" , p, / , ...--" .17 7‘4"“ ""s . Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed Oatmeal Oat Feed Mixed hen 'lt."'; John McGowan HARDWARE Jail and see for yourself what Special Reduction on Flour and Peed in ton Iota, Oatmeal Mills . BLACK stock of Food on hand that we iiliiuiie Flour and Feed - -- - - quick}, "ttttq counts. cures colds. Ind has! the an“ and lungs. " tt 25 cents 'itmEG'psk't" nd. Also the celebrated Blatchford's and Prime & Co. Molassine Meal for fr'.-,'?:')':::,, Every. “on!!! Drug Store of this community. because people have learned that we take utmost care in filling that we never use poor, old d that we give you prompt Flour Pastry Flour ngs Low grade Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats we have to offer """t/ “up But“)? Phone 3 sy' (Special to the Review) l Both Conservative and . Liberal l temperance men in Meaford feel that they have not been treated fairly by I the Government which has reversed its decision and re-issued licenses in bleeford. “ We have been deceived " and " The licenses were cancelled tor political effect only tt were statements openly made by Conservatives. These men say that the Temperance Com- mittee did agree to the Government's proposal but that they did so under protest and because they could get nothing better. They still think that if the Government had done the fair thing they would have adhered to their first decision and not renewed the licenses after August the first. It is: all right to have a local option vote next January but possession is nine points of the law and as things stood, before Mr. Hanna and the Provincial Seeretttry's Department changed their minds, there would haye been no bars in Meafonl to-day. Instead of that they are 0pm on usual. m a! to m In m m a! '0 (t.1 (O! tt.t ttt bars in Meaioru LU'ou. mam.“ V. ,1 - " - that they are 0pm an usual. I Master Harold and Irving Picard l who huv_e been on an extended visit - - i Kit»? Iterier grandparents. Mrhapders , . . , " sve ,tetnrne tot air ome A Yoice from the Far Past. Ein Toronfo on Saturday last Miss - --_. IIvy accompanied them to the Queen _ Last, week wr. Sl no shown a letter by l City where she will spend . week's Mr Dan Mt chm. of thin town, written l Vacation, by his fut hu- Donald McLean 33 yearsl Miss Susie McIntosh of the Qeeen “gm, The Ivttru' in my full of names of i City is holidaying at her hctue soath vinnm-is of this Pitt that We aseedlvt the village. 16W“ to i‘Hth in (or "HWY still hv-l, The social circles were enhanced in: will we :H-o- :lil'i' fen-l an mterest, in i last week by the preswce of two th s giumm- mm. the pad. It wasl Winsome lassier, Misses Gertie Itay of mum. in Mr 1icil McLean, who whit Forest and Eva Cronlin of Toronto nin n vii 1, 'tl in “minim. and is will. I who were Visiting with Mr, and MM. .. .4. ..~ ..srr. 1.. mum “ndiJohn Ray oi ofGleneig. ll tty Dissatisfaction in Meaford. now a. ('ILI'IHD 0| nu able as a record of t recalls the comm: pioneers going .' dc Test, Tho Maitlrnm Mt. Forest l Alex later postmaster in daughter M rs Ne there, --. . h. .. --eve" 1wnfi/,y1l',',ufttar' i We oorutratttlattt J. Morrison Smith e ' l ' - whose name appeared in the list of My Ihaar ”pi‘wr'“, . isuccesstul Entrance to Normal candi- By embracang this opportunity I‘datcssln last week's dailies. Morri- am happy to state that l am m per-ison will attend Model School in Ilan. fect amid ilClliLil " yyie/huWiitslt1'iov:,r this tall. when this owes to your hem it may . . . liml y, ll and all the rest of the fam- sig,r/pgvitea'"igyvti/thl).ii'r' It' m the same wsy. I am happy to brother John at the old homestegad in inform you of the good health and S ili spirits of our neighboring lriends and m "an. boys. I have seer. a good many vii Mrs. Thos Ware Pf Toronto autom- them yvsterdu y and they were all maxed In .her bonnie son and daugh- ‘l'ufl of vigor null couragcd of doinglter- p, “5"an tyr. parents. Mr, an? l well for the who it harvest are near g Mrs I'hos Meknightat “The Hedges. i lmml and guud wages are expected.‘; Mr and Mrs Jae Vasey were the - t l ......‘:..I hrust .an hnerpnn at a moat en THURSDAY, AUG. 7.1913 llnnu mm gUUu "r'Huo "Av ""t'""'" . Isaw cousins Martin, John and‘! Donald 11c,tlillivnty; they were all J m goodhealtli. John and Donald t are daily busy mowing and Donald C wishes Jo11 to tell his lather and i mother thutthe money he was ex- I puctmg from Mr Preston is safe enough i tor Mr Preston did not send it away 1 yet. You may tell Uncle Donald t that his sons are all well ant John 1 got down yesterday evening alongll Dngald McDonald and Duncan Dar-ll roch. [saw John and Archibald‘ both together bat {Neil and Malcolm] went home to their respective place of abode. Before we went to the‘ ‘comm‘nteo meeting my comrade, Al.) exander Brown and mrwlfsent tol meet them but they were off beiorel We arrived. Wesaw Archibald and John McLean, Martin, John and Don. ald Mctlillivray and they told us that Neil and Malcolm was working by the job in Trafalgar. John was. expecting toget worklrom Wm How-‘ icson, the person who Nell bought the} I steers from last year. i Neil and Malcom and Dugald lllc-l Oarmick are going together. They) have twenty acres to mow belole the wheat haryett commences. Alex Brown and me will get as much as we are able to manage. We have upwards of twenty acres to cut yet and the price we get ls from three and nine pence to six and three pence per acre. The v"!.?, harvest n ___ .. e.r-.s.qew' a :vill cBinlncnce in fall strength al week from Ttsaeilay tirst and the] people. are, dilly asking usm workl with them but. we gave no promise tol any except two. Archibald my cons-l in, is hired where he was lam. year! for one month at $30. The daily l wages is from 5 shillings to7shiliurgis 6 pence per day and the avenge wage is $25 per month. . You may tell Malcolm McQuarriela that Belle got a good chance (3)01ng 1 c down. She got from the Muitland t to John Mairs tavern in a buggy then‘ we took John Muir's team asfar as _. Acton which I suppose Ronald " Donald would tell yon. Also you l may tell Malcolm McQuarrle that Isabella lured with Mr Thompson at Stewartson lor $160 pen month but elm stayed only om: week until she went to Milton and hired for four months for $5 a month. We did not see Hugh Fraser since We came down but We weze at the house where he: works and they told us that he was', in good health. He went with Bella: l to Anderson 'g. 1wsis at Anderson's: [but he was not in at the time I was there. We are at present working in 1 Tralnlgar but are going to work on; Wednesday lot to John Bessie above' Stewarton in Esqnesing. t l t'il 7. 'tt n1 Hmhuu. and is \>_.lu"5W110 were Hall-Ilia wtut my. nun mm. h , rvvruul of mh- ot wages. undiJUbn Itay oi of Glenelg. l, the mummy» practice Of the) Atterapletuuat two week's vaca- -e1-s going .. down below " to or-1t.iom, Mr. and Mrs Jan. Wagner and Tho Mnitlmd H ferred to Is now l family, lett tho village on Wednel- Fun-‘1 l Ahorandet' Itrown “,“jday last. They will visitiriepdis in ' . ' , " . .- . . Owen Sound. Miwstwllle, and Pater- posr,mart:'r in Pijcevill" and his liter up Nvil McKinnon is ml ooroagh, ere they rtttttrn to their I 8 _ - d 3 s l ,homo west ct the mow capped Rock- i The clove! is very heavy in tins neighborhood bat the timothy is light 1 and thin. Wheat is very heavy and I all other kinds of crops. The daily wages at the wheat will hot be less than 12 shillings 6 pence as people Inna expecting. We have been work- . ing for font different persons since we ‘came down and we are well pleased with all the phases of work. We have not many particulars which you mil like to hear except that we are busy sparking and I wish you to look smart about the place tor I am determined to take home a. wife with me. My companion A. B. wishes you to be kindly to the neighboring girls and not to bother them much bat he wishes you to work for your own benefit. I wish you to write to us soon and let us know how Township of Trafalgar, July 16th, 1855 tif ' G'd THE DURHAM everything is getting on em: u w- orope ere getting on well. &s, ,llie','e? telly concerning our mottltsrts-rte they are. We will be expecting to hear from you two weeks from this day and let us know ell particulars Oar complimerts to your father and _inottser, John and his family, and to its“ neighbors not forgetting yourself. - . c__su-.. mm a I am your living, and well wisher. ALEXANDER BROWN N B-Please tell John Brown that. Ahx is well and will write to mm about two weeks from now. I wish you well. When you will write you will address DONALD McLEAN, Mr and Mrs David Robertson and family of four arrived on Thursday last trom the Canadian Soo for a fort- mght's holiday with the farmer's brother James an the old home in Holland. bLres'iweniarpisrtymali.ty made him a popular social favorite and his many old friends are pleased :to see him hale in health and ttjoy- (ing the good things ot life. Aiter ' pletvrantiwo week's vaca- tion, Mr. and Mrs Jae. Wagner and family, lets tho village an Wedner day last. Tltey will.yisit friggda in ios Mr Wm Vasey accompanied by his sister Miss Nellie are visiting their brother John at the old homestead in Suilivan. Mrs. Thos Ware of Toronto aicom- panied by her bonnie son and daugh- ter, is visiting her parents. Mr, and MrsThos McKnight at “The Hedges." Mr and Mrs Jas Vasey were the genial host and hostess at a most en- joyable party given at their :cosy home in the suburbs of the village on Thursday evening of last wreck. A merry guy hearted crowd to the number oi eighty or more assembled and though the heat was very de- pressing. the lovers of the light Ian. tastic kept the flnor constantly oecu- pied and the glowing hours:Were ichased with ilyimt feet till the rosy i glow in the eastern horizon betokened I the advent of day. FURHAM. Aug. ti, 1913 Flourpercwt........ 270tc Oatmeal per sack .... 2 40 cc Chopper cwt........ 1 25tt Buckwheat...... .... (35 tt b‘allWheat...........3 90to Spring Wneat........ 90 t ‘Ous,fe9d............. Mt 30am. milling.......... 33t lPeas................. 90tt (iUii'i/v'r.r.'C....... 50 t i13utter................ 18 u "ures..-..--- 18t J?otatoes per bag.. ...e. (35: I l Mrs. Harry E.Bye, Main slreel north, l, Mount Forest. Out., writes: " Your I mmedy for kidney, bladder and stomach ‘lroul’la has given me "eat relief. Have 1 taken three boxes and now feel like lie. ing and better than I have felt for years I and I give your a.” the praise, for they ale the best I have ever tried." At all dealers. 25 and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Out, Durham Markets. |n uvv ""m"'""-"". " atreotivnato brother while The Preparation that kills the Potato Bug and not the Plant The only preparation that has gag-med good when others failed. Easily up lied. Cheaper and bet. ter than Saris Green. No water to carry, Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Tur. nips as well as the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants_are appearing as this preparation kills the beetle as the late bugs. The only prepar- ation that isa fertilizer " well as insecticide. JAMES R. GUN, A Women of Few Words Doruoch Maggi", Durham G. T, R, Town Ticket Agent Made and sold only by ttesttirut fP end it Eh. PARKERS' BOO KILLER DONALD MCLEAN FIG PILLS Esqneunp.‘ " h ' (?iiP ‘3":i‘um 2 40to 2 40 1 25 to 1 40 65 to 75 3 90 to 8t 00 90 tol CO ' 3t to 36 33 to 34 90to 100 50 to 52 18 to P.) 18 to ll) (35 to 75 70 to 3 15 and "kttrt'itiik, ttaw,; 'f"iAt,ii; Afew oltbe young people of this vicinity spent Sunday afternoon light- seemg at Hnywnrds Falls. All report A very enjoyable time. Mu. Porter of Clifton Spnngo is the guest. ot her mate: Mu. Alex Campbell. “Mr--." Miss S. Lineban of Toronto iota spending-few pleasant weeks with a bet cousm Miss Nellie Show“. in Mr, Ask". Allm of Dornocb “New!“ on friends in the burg one evening recemly. Must be some Ji'e"tii2MI Asliit. ix - -. ., " u Mr. George Clark of Toronto 13 spending 3 few weeks With lug grand- mother Mrs. Neil Cnmpbell and other mend: in the burg. Mr. Geo. and Misses t and Linehan spent Mor with the farmer‘s sister Lister of Sullivan. Mrs. Charles Eio of Owen Sound spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. Thos. Sbewell. Mr. John Walsh gecompgqied by Mr. James Barley is engaged with Mr, Thus. Shewell at present. The Most Popular and Only Direct Line Reaching all Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontario. Incluling Musknlm Lakes. Lake oti, Bays, A‘gonquin Pate, sTaGnulwanl, and French Itiyer, Georgian Ie.) Timugami and Kawartha Lnketi.l Excellent train service via Grand Trunk Railway to and from above} results. 1 Tourist tickets at reduced rates, good to return until November 30th are now on sale to above resorts. Write for illustrated folders and ‘timu tables telling you, how to get. |th9ro, and containing list of hotels. rate-s, etc. to c,. E. Homing. D. P. A., G. T. Ity. Union Station, Toronto. 0'11, 2 One of the best investments in Dur- hrtur-three houses for the price of one. Twotue solid storm and brick eight roomed homes. Two rooms solid oak tioors and trimruings. Two mantel! furnace, cistern. good garden, young orchard. One frame seven roamed house. Must be sold an owner is going West. Apply on premises or write J. M LATIMER. Durham Large roomy dwelling house, large - enough to keep boarders. Convenient. * ly situated to all public works. Newly gs? decorated. Cheap rent. Apply to coo Several houses in Durham. One nice cottage. in Lower Town. A.1LJAcksos, Durham. I Welbeck S mall Profits if; Ladies Fine Cot/ton hose. .2 for Ladies Italian Sdk hose. .per pr Ladies fine Lisle hose. . . .per pr Mons black half hose. . . . per pr Mens colored cotton. . .. per pr Men's black cashmere. per pr Ladies silk Gloves, 18 inch fine silk, English make. . . . . . .. 20 inch mosqutaire silk, black andwhite................. 24 inch mosquitairs silk, black andwhite................ French Kid gloves, black tan Are all made in Canada by skilled Canadian work people and to keep their representation up they use us, ---nothing but the best of material. Try a pair of our special $1.125 corsets for $1.00. We have also a full range of them at 500, 65c and N. Mclx'rvmc. 750 tl pr. are the best in the market, Every body who has triad them admits that then-61am; none better. Specials in Hosiery Mikes Nelly ghewell em. Monday evening 'n sister Mrs James For and gray......... To Rent. Por Sale The E. T. Corsets Walkers' Overalls MoKeehnie’s Weekly News L355: ' 86 J, hlfdEfl0fItilTE E: Rexall Talcum W y A. " _ v .. - - a ' EEWEEEE wsgsagaaensrxsriox5"'"'t mmw‘www sesssseiesi"i""' WM 'T EWe still have in ft fine assortment t Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, wiih bib if and wifhout LL 19%? Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces, (t Embroideries. a” 't Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints, /; sta. Muslims, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep, L: t', ete, P: ‘2 'ie If,?, U0 H -"-- - --" - ' ly =$$$$$$$$$$$$ M$$$$7§°$$$ é ' We still have a tew in: left One tree with every can pur- chased. _ Mc 25c 25c 100 100 1 .00 Murmur}: & co. or, 600 900 oe Dc Beautiful Goods at rock bottom . L GRANT Specials in wash goods Auderson's Fine Scotch Ging-- lmmsper yard...... ...... Fine white Bedford Cords. . . . Fine white Pique, . . . . . . . . .. Indian Head Suitings, 40 inch wide .................... Fine Irish Linen 36 inches ' ... fy: Speciuls in Dress Goods We are showing a full line of Dress Goods from 25c to 2.60 per yard. All 600 and (350 goods to clot! out this week at 500 per yard. We carry a large range of Men's Sultings in the finest of Scotch Tweeds and English Worsteds which we make to your order at from $15 to $25 per suit. We recently got behind with our orders but now we have caught up and can furnish a. suit in one Week from date of sale. We want your Butter and Eggs 'ttset' Blackberry Cordial, if; WZSC If; chall Diarrhoea Compound 25c yi, .o A --. p. Men's Clothing Both guaranteed remedies thoroughly tested and Keep on in the house. K 2atsi'Lu'd "A" r _ am 2m, AUGC'I‘ 7.1013 Buy your tickets L Ay, stock a prices. . Age reliable . here 200 Itie 200 Go oe Ji Great Cro“d>. Tito aetive a; ‘ho had 1 program ol bl “at second vote all 5mm I'd any bad ' mu bill ot Cat {an than) (' their promo' Tb 'eutlu- docked l n! In .40. thwuh‘n mile: a- um and It tktMi m ttoat if ever I “a”; mu) at “We! Silo h A210 o'cl in.“ promitc “mumm- "tAtt 20 tt h Mylo-tron) I .bove the bl polo no nfi “no object moothw lt a... tiouv mote or lere, toy not one a tug nearest. preserve the the pole Witt Pestk lot no wet" si Iu‘ouf i'" Twer price In AUGUST 7, 1913 ooe I you-d i rev. I HPalis (31 't, Brand', Village sit si); bsieieu 32D.G PR1 $46K" Pricevill SPECi , Dry IN Succ " PRIL ro th Good We Lus Cu

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