West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1913, p. 5

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es on ll AUGUST '7, [913 _ ._Hx‘~, Good Weather and Good Sports make all-round ricccss.--seritms Accident ends Ball game. PRICEVILLE tmgmll Priceville’s Civic Holiday w and energetic commit- nl in charge the ambition: A <purtl to be called tdfogr z...'. annual civic holiday rnv'.es-im Monday evening. vi promised the public I , .m and the public truly l "crlit fur a taltil-tof v _ . ..:- 'ri-i-sir-sire/sri-Cie-si:""""'"'?',?, Branching oat to New Lines if, .ur was all um could be I"; Mar cl the day did it n. and the people for t l cked into the Vin-go recly remarked that lol- -y.vi a better forenoon r'tr'll in villages ot even c Property for Sale. Priceville. k water spon- had and these were tttatt srried oat. A pole ,' projected " light J, "vat abottt tour tee: a, At the and on ELM! a small that agtdl n to walk out the m! pole and pluck the ccidrzon tried it mm was». generally less, it, a Mr Bowman oom- Tne frantic efforts to vmreof gravity above For Sale For Sale “nods. Groceries. We have recently placed ARE YOU WELLS war shoes here. l‘he ) tf -n-m weights, . MCLEAN9 y weak for themselves. thay in the coil. I. HEymtr:RttoN. Pru‘vvillv. On! taming 5 acres FL, in the vil ply at mice to 's4lt.N, Priceville Rough and Lumber Doors no Coit rising 2 la Coit riding I bat the inevi- p. ileviue, Ottt Highest til "‘rv V THE FOOTBALL MATCH ONT This was a splendid game and 1 . beldthe attention of the spectators on.“ am to last. The score " the table splash tallowed, “Pride goeth before n tall " we! finely exemplified when one would walk veil-nay A few steps on the stiff shore and to be suddenly nrreued in "re"',',',' by nnsuble equilibrium. he swim- ming nee was won by Donald Math eson who has an effective whirlwind (or in it a windmill ?)stroke, Any- way it gets him there and no mis- i take. Three young men attempted t) swim about 25 yurds sitting in weak tabs, but the inter had e may trick ot trying-to and "eeetsdintt-itt getting on top. Garfield White, PritseyiiU, at last succeeded in keeping the piaguey thing in its place under him and quite out ot eight, Sutton of Weikerton being second. The most amusing thing of the day was the duck chase. Three swim- mers smilinly sat on the dam wait. ing tor the duck to be thrown into the water; they were even willing as suggested to give the duck it start, but in throwlng it in it only went a tew feet ahead of its would be cap- tors who reached the water almost at the same moment Bat alas! for swimming schools and supple legs and arms. away went the duck so 3 beautifully ssil' leading in a nee and she did lead and gained every yard and had it been a circular course she Would have lapped them before long. ' :.er progress was delayed by sticks 1and stones flarsg from the bridge. bat she succeeded in getting through be. lor: the panting swunmers reached her and won the race on her native element and had to be caught on land. The dam, we bridge and the slop- ing banks tarnished ideal spots to wirn as the water sports which were among the most enjyyable features or the day. ", Mine host McGrath pat his beet jd foremost to cater to the crowd 1 and by mlllzlng several impromptu ‘ dining rooms succeeded talrly well. iThose who could not get near the , regular dining table had to be con- ,tentwnh a goal quick lunch. and l, molt. homes at the village enteruined The Calithumpians between 11 and i 12 came oat oftbe west somewhere) and passed the length of the village) and back headed by Quinton Partri or Haw Bros. orchestra composed of] tour violins. n piccolo and comet. furnishing music unique in it, way. A company followed. presenting such a collection ot grotesque faces. attire and genernl topsy-inrvyness as would drive away the blues alter a month's depression. one or more guests THE GROUNDS ”Enron In due time the crowd 1etre.,ei/ii's'r'i.i gamer on the show ground; and gate Ran; keeper McIntyre paseeo no thelar- Wm gear. crowd ever Prieeville saw. P'" Law minutes ot number present running Dam trom 1500 to 2000, so the: there were Tl comfortable gate Teceiptr. Instde‘ it were several boothe which did 323)“)! rousing business in Ice cream on New” other refreshments. The rtr,tr,stt,rftil at at intervals furnished the room (it/ti, 1t had not the stirrmg quell” of the. Ho piper and next year there should l :ide pipers present for the highlandhear b I of Priccville and many whore like 'tl') 'l/d hear the "loud sonndmg pipe Hbrim. - soul ing "the true marml strum. i m ira, hm to last. close wn 2 to l in favor of Walker- ton. though the play was equally brilliant. The team work of Walk. erton was perhaps a little better than the Toronton. Too much cannot be said for the gentlemanly character at the players. Play at times was very strenuous. yet there Wu no "rapping nor unseemly roughness. The Toronto boys in their enthusiasm come up Sntnrdny. some of them as- Iiatiug in the musical services on Sun- day and all provtng good followe. Some ot them were at 1912 C'mc IHolidoy. The baseball game between Walk- erton and Flesherton was a fine ex- hibition and the last event ot the day but unfortunately a cloud was thrown over the bright day's sports by an aceident to 1 Toronto boy who was pitching for Fletshertoti, a hot inshoot from the pitcher striking him in the region of the heart, completely kneel:- ing him out end causing blood to flow from his mouth. His name is Mitch- {all Walker. a. nephew oi Mr and Mrs 1 Neil McKinnon, to whose home he 1 was taken where Ih '3 Lane, Sheath, jnd Strutherl cared fur him. At last 'wcounts he was holding his own and . it is hoped no complicstions may en- lone. The game was called off, foar 1 innings lining been played, Walk- ierton lining the: advantage G-2, " itsr as it Went. The other sports were all keenly oonusted and the prize winners ot these evems were " tollows: 100 td @9315 open-W, ll. Whittaker, 2t. Ferris - 1 mile race, open-Crawford, It. J. l McNulty. 100 yd dash, tat men-A, McArtbur, Chas. Kennedy 3-lezged riuur--Well. and B. Whit- taker, Dickie and Rowland 100 yards, boys mom-A Hutton, i Fred Knox. _ 75 yds, girls raee--hliss E Whittaker Miss Mnrion Knox NRunning hop, Step and Jamprrirell. Whittaker 38 tt 4 in, D Wallace _ 38 ft 1 inch. ‘nnuning broad jamp--lfrekrts 17 ft 9 I in., D. Wallace 16 ttloin l Putting the tshot-D. McDonald 34 ft t 10 in t D. Lane 20 It 2 1n Tossing the caber--Ed. Sulllvan40 i ft 9% in., D. McDonald 40 til in. TUG' OF WAR This popular event was well con- tested an I the Proton team were the winners. Jno Aldcorn was captain kt the Proton stalwarts. bat did not pull. Ranald Martin, at the equally l italwartGlenelg team. for whom it) should be said that they had not the advantage of a coaching captain, Martin being one at them: pulling. The line-up : l, GLENELG PROTON Ed. Sullivan Sam Shearson Chas Kennedy Neil McLeod Jae Banks Robs Watson Wm Mather Ab Shearson l John McMicken Wm Wiltshire Jerry MeAssey Jas McLean i Ranald Martin Alex McKechnle Wm McCarty Hugh McLean GLEN L'LG' PROTON Ed. Sullivan Sam Shearson Chas Kennedy Neil McLeod Jae Banks Robt Watson Wm Mather Ab Shearson John McMicken Wm Wiltshire Jerry MeAssey Jae McLean Ranald Martin Alex McKechnie Wm McCarty Hugh McLean Lawrence McKeown Dan Mclnnis Duncan Smiley Enslie McPhail l l The best of feeling prevailed and l n , interierence occurred by the spec- l tutors as too often happen at these events. This was due to the excel- lent way the committee had wired in the whole racing and contesting area allowing spectators to spread on tour sides. Nothing had been neglected by the committee of arrangements who are a bunch ot'agreeable While souled boys. The officers and chief workers of‘ the Committee in charge were as ioliows; Dr Lane, Pres. ; lat Vice Pres, Wm Aldeorn i 2nd Vice Pres,, Geo Tryon ; Secretary. Don Mathe- son ; Treasurer, Hermie McLean. Amongst the active committee men were Hon. Pres. C. C. James, Geo. Campbell, Duncan Sinclair and pos- sibly half a dozen others whose names IWe dd not get. EMU] gun - .._r.__"- _ - became one of their members, bat! they found outthat he wanted to ii/ things in his own style, bat he stayed with the kirk till he left. The prior ing office was where Mrs MeLaehlan's house stands at corner of thestreet :golng south. Mr London ran a tum ness shop and Was a good band at making harness. So much tor the Pricevillo Courier. We were highly pleased to see 301 much space taken up in last week 'tt Review trom Priceville and vicinity. Surely it was a pity to have such able representation so long without starting the good work and a caution- al eoritributtort such as appeared in Asst week's paper will add granny to ltbe advancement of the town (in busi- . ., - ‘----- A Ian-'0‘“ Wu 'BMP.Br"'m"""-" -- -- new man should always advertise their mot-chum“.- than the surround. in: country would “he pride I. put- ronizing their on to“: Iteat years elneewe ittitatted to write some ltemetotbeBeview. first, we wrote Durha- m items. Thee ri circumstances male leehange that il heading and for a time we wrote l Mill Lake, bet as the editor of the l paper then began to describe what l kind of a place Mose Lake was by t belittling us by snob remarks nee tl place lull of bull frogs. snakes. toads and sueh like. We quit that heading it and headed itPrleeviile and locality. A For a few years "" continued this , heading. but like the little boy who I was asked what wee " little broth- er's mime, he said it was Torehal once bat little by little they began to ' ebandon that name he said till at last we took it on altogether. Bo it was I with us we took of the vicinity or lo. 1 entity altogether and headed Price 1 ville tor the last no years. In en- I deavoring to represent Prieeville and I surroundings We always tried Pl avoid writing anything oirentsire, but at times we must eonless that we might be making remarks bat not with an intention to injure anybody. We have often been at a loss to find out who was visiting till some tlme afterwards. We never asked anyone tor news and seldom anyone gave uni anything to write upon. so we had al- ways to use our own eyes and ears to _ see and hear what was going on. Go. " ing back again the editor says ts) . was printer in Priceville in 1868. Oh . l dear me, subtract that Irvin 1913 and i there remains 45 and boys then ot a good size, some bigger than we are to-day, but naturally we don't like to 3 tell, but could it be said as the poet ‘ said '. Tarn back.turn back, oh time in your tiight And make us just boys main Jun. tor to-night. But ah, never, boyhood days no past and gone and now the shades of evening are approtuslsimr as the alter- noon is already tar advanced. TEE DURHAM BEVIIW Could we bat look through the years since 45 years ago " through a glass. dimly we could give in many instances records ot disappointment The longing desire to be successful in innumerable numbers tailed and as the years rolled on ever since the once raven colored hair hastnrned ur hoary color and as Pat said l. when I looked at myself in the mirror, oi thought it wasu'l myself at all, bat sure enoughit is." Those who oe. eauied positions in our town long years ago are now few and far be- tween. Some have passed to the Bt1- seen world, while others left for other climes in the hopes of making a more retut1rieratlve living thaljn this part at the universe. So the worid 18 passing along all tho same and Price. yille still remains where its founda- tion was set GO years ago. Mrs McPherson, of Toronto, is visit- ing friends, south line " Top Clift'and Durham this week and will be stay- ing " some time before returning to Toronto. Miss Bertha McIntyre. of Toronto, is spending a few days with her an- cle. Norman McIntyre. south line and her aunt. Mrs Chas. Ferguaon} Egremom. The Rev. Leece preached a fine union sermon on funday morning In his own church to a crowded house. The Rev. Mr Lane, of Cookstown, preached an elegant discourse on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church to a full churgl}. Mr Lane is a tine speaker and his sermon was highly appreciated by his hearers.‘ lle has a line mannerol‘ delivery. Mr Lane is a brother to Dr. Lane 'il this place, where he intends to visit forsome time. The song service in the evening was well rendered by those young gentleman who assisted tho local choir. Mr W. Ramona wasin attendance and his usual good singing repeated again on this oc- casion. 'bririitrim Miss Mamie McNuulty is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormack wanted at Mr. Geo. H. Parslow's Miss McMillan of Weddwood is visiting at Mr. Hugh MeMillan's Mr. and Mrs. 1hynpirc.orryusk Bundnyed st Mr. Hugh Mebbllen'a. Miss Hopkins of Popular Place is Visiting at Mr, W. J. Wilson's Miss Maggie Ferguson Was home from Ceylon oyer Sunday. Mr Wed McLean of Dundalk spent Sunday " Mr Tbos Campbell's. Bert was down to Hopeville on! Sunday evening. Some attractions.‘ L, o. L. 1136 no holding their annual plcnio on Aug 12, A good program of music and songs. Ladies baseball vs. Proton station-C-Dundalk. Football match. Maple Leafs " Bad gems. Everybody come and enjoy themselves at this monster plcnic. _..---------------" Thousands of Men required. This Year‘s Harvest promises to be the largest in the History of Canada According to present indications the wheat crop of 1913 will be the greatest ever harvested in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan or Alberta, thus requiring the farm laborers of the East to uni-t in harvest- ing the world's greatest bread basket. The Government of the respect“! Provinces state that many thousand men will be required for this year's har vest. These will have to be principally recruited from Ontario, and the pros' pcrity of Canada depends on securing abor promptly. The Canadian Pacific, on which Company will fall practically the entire task of iransportittg the men to the West, is already making special arrangements for this year. Excur- sions from points in Ontario, to Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta will be run and special trains operated. making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of can or tranafers. This will bt.? day shorter than an! oth- _ e~- -- Ann Nina: [ms Wm u: " u-, an“--. -__-' _ er route. Dates, mu and conditions will be announcod In a few at". Swinton Park. A Bumper Wheat Crop " of the respectivt that many thousand T, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Imus no busy u Ibo gain is ripening ya, fast on account of the dry weather. "-hrm, Ivy Darguel accompanied by Mum: Harold and Irving Pioard leftfor Toronto In Sound” where they mll rennin for two wuka. Sorry to hear Miss Alexander who - required " sun oeouons my. is on . visit to he: braille: Mr. H. iiiiiai,iiirilt1,titt2e/i"a'll 'ttet Alonndar bu hem hid up for 3 'lld,'td' -tttttt by iii. “a week with to attack of pneumonis. revised Asses-mom Roll of the Hope to hm of he: recovery soon. iii-id gutettllt', to. in 3““!de (co VOL. m I in municipal y l I e - Mr. “a Ma. J. Buchanan tstttyed Nous for members of the Legislstive It Mr. B. Curletts Assembly apd an Municipai Elections; Mrs. Weir of Toronto is visiting her :51:gagesudsmlgf:gg‘gzngtgd‘ga} parents Mr. sud Mrs. McKnight. A a 1913 d r ins tttere tor inf him Lysin intends gomgback to the $21330", ’m erttat _ tnty to take a position. Sorry to lose Electors are called upon to examine our Dornoch girl-.911. by one ii'i'r1tt'i' saidiut,atui,dttpy onnissioils or drop " till I am afraid our roam: $380311" 2i'J'/,"t'J', _,eudnifghet'pi'livt/', . R Hume In e tt't1Cet' 1 me? will have to 'dsertiss for [1919‘ the said ell-ore eorrvcted according to ma gs. . ‘lsw. .“e bod " mes ishomyr the “be” Dated at annnn on the 5tlt dayof night winch was very much needed.1 August 1913, ' , " crops on coming in so inst. i JOHN S. BLM k - _ nl Clerk of (Hench: seeming au, are Emma this year and very small and will be unless the rain comes way soon. Miss Shsie McIntosh “rived on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks mth her brother and sister. N G. N. Wilson and Mrs. Dargavel took In the sights in Durham on Saturdqy. - . . u-.-...-,. Mr. Dave Robertson nod wife and family arrived in our burg last. week, glad to sea Dave looking so well after m absence of A few years. Pleased to hear Mrs. S. black still improving. The W. F. M. S. ' also the. W. IL M. 8. was held in the balemont of the church on Monday, topio being Mis. sion Work. The ladies of the W. u. M. S. and W. F. M. S. are busy preparing gums and ozhor things to send in the bale to the Indians and Mission Band work. Remember the Institute, lzdiea. on the 18:11, which will be held at Miss McIntosh'a. Fine brick More and dwelling on Main street, Durham. Owner in West. A bargain. Apply to A u lAnKan. At the mos We have given some lines ol footwear notice co leave our store. To quickly help them oat we ha. ve reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Sm: Uriies' Slippers ani Oxiords, reg. $2.00, now $|.00 Missos 1111 Children; White Oxfords now. . . . . . .. 50c THE CITY BAKERY Other broken lines also away down, see if your alze is here. Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Our shipments arrive fre- guentlyee are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box Bome ivith you. Highrst prices for Butter and Eggs. Dornoch MEN "1ltlll NEED "my; [g WI. '""""er"" - v. -7 -7, “01's: Aft letters from Canada must 1m addressed F to our Canadian correspondcncc Drpurl- --tg-lel. mentin Windsor, Ont. If you "cr,trc to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in throit as Wt see and treat no ”new: in our Windsor ofrces which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters " (0110's: no: [RWY & WY. Windsor. Ont. Try our Fresh Oysters For Sale "q."-" vu- _-- - v - Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Down Town Shoe Stoce TAKEN AS CASH. for oerrrretteet NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and Repairing as usual Choice lines of Cooked Meats. Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc., etc. iuT.Tiiitamr & KENNEDY: H, JACKSON Municipality oi the Township ot I monelg, County ot Grey. EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER" MINED YOUR SYSTEM IS NOTICE is hereby given that I have tram-muted 0! delivered to mover- sonl mentioned in uctlon: 8 md 9 of “The Ontario Voters' Lint Act," the ooplu required by said section. to be no [unnamed or delivered of mum. mad. pursuant to and Act. of all persons uppeulnl by the last rovlud Anne-emu“ Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the mid municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and int Municipal Erections: and that said “at was first pasted up pt my otrlee at Pomona on the full by of August 191:5,and remains there for in- speclion. We have treated Diseases of Men tor mom. " “Av um. and do not. have to experime Consult um FREE OF CHARGE and" will tell you whether you no want. orntB. We yuan-Inc cur-Ho - of :NBVOUS W. VARDOSE VBNS. BLOOD a --.-.a!..rll. our" nun” The 3rd division of lot 9 and the L! L division of lot io, w.u.n.. Reminds. 100 acres. Lot l, (Jon. It, Glenda. 100 screw. Lot 16 and halt of If, Uon.2. E. G. R. ' Glonelg. Mio Amen. 1 Lot 8, 0011.8. B.D.R., Glenelg. tin news l Lot 9, Con. 3, 8. D. R, Glam-lg. 50 an es I Lot 10, Com 3. 8.0.8.. Gland“, 59 acres iLot 4, Cu:1.4.S.D.R.. Glenda, BIS-cues l Lot 7, Con. I, NJ) R., Glenelg. GO acres i Apply to i G. & J. MCKECHNHE, Durham I ', 011 tistiqt)tdi'vrl'l.1,; [1&0 lines. " pr sang est veg ot (its an Pgll It',",',')'." G. R., Beamsek nag Lot'3 'l? the Emma Concession. loo acres e éared, well watered by sprig creek, two bearing ouchunds. Oo lfmme fuse, cedar log barn. Conven- l i.mt to chool and P. O. Apply to I JAtr, Pusx. P ., ', Swmtonngznk. Voters' List, 1913 . A. ROWE "I o “v v w.. ~ , reliabh French regulatm l t"J, fails puns are exceed lngly powerful I: reguln generative portion df the female system. iilt cheap imltnions. DI. do Yuk “I ,A.____ on. can, Manet! to any Dr. de yap't Female Pills . I-..,...,.-;;). lece "I B-"'" -_--" vous 0W, VARIOOSE VHNS. BUY AND SKIN DISEASES. GigEr, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS I Boon-t on Dinne- d I... tt unable to write for QUBTION LIST FOR HOME WWT cheap tum-um». ..-- --- a ham. or three for $10. Misiled to any Mit no when Dru 00s. St, Conan-moo. . S. MclLRAITH Farms for Sale. MW“..- .v ---_ ed Diseases od Men for than“ I lite not hnvo to apartment. Consult u! Farm for Sale. baron. Mich. 31; w». .."""' V - rfullTn regulating the male system. Kefuse do_'_ll‘l ”ugh! at Call and ‘33:: [vet fails... Tlet an acne! 50 new: 59 act-e0 , 65 not as ' m acres If You m Not Too uar 'hs. 100 um I miuaouth of trettt-Hqd ngood form too, was“, less than the buildings woul “It. 100 new. near Mount Forest. chap " under '4,000. $0 tore- mu" Dot-och (It - Tmunloy'n hem) g on. well-w- ed phceon which Mr '1".an I.“ money. oNered " a you ”can. 200 men new Louise, good ”I. aetrctyuiidietgtr, timber worth - of the price. 150 um near Durham. well-Imprond and cheap at about 3400). 300 urea in Egremont. (Dr Faun. fau-m) good place, owner in the Weot ode: ed nt a snap. 100 acres neat Listowel. om ot the best fume In Perth Co. Bplendldly improved, Astonishingly then, It 87%. North-mot Land: " we or ex- change. Above are some of my M ulna. It wll It, you H.H. Miller J. G. HUTTON.M. D., tr OFEK‘E: 0m L P. - on - emails: W! m BWENCE '. blond hon. and: of wt omen on east due ot Amen m. OFFICE HOURS D~u h In H D I. T-" p. l N- hone c um bot-eon one. I. 9 Woman noun. W.C. PICKERING B. o F, L " Mon GRADUATE at We. University. graduate ot Royal College of Damn) 8 eons of tttMit Room Over J a 'N1h'h'/i'G'l " SW. HONOR wank Toronto mum. an“ n Cotton» Donn! ma 5'63. u I no .1 up: aattbtrr 2hi '/d'th'N'f." ' ottue--A9 vet Jeweury stone cod oppo " Post, ottua. ARTHUR H. JACKSON lusumnpe aagithle,"gi been of ' a . ' a tttcult “and: mm: DURHAI. ONT, (Lower c'h'ltu' - Wind Ucenged Auctioneer tor Co. are, m. moderate Amn anew . 'l%rSr, mun q,t,i11'i','t'), 8N9J..,8. lst mm. ".. may??? .otmmylon Fo. in t attended to, Team on minute-mu ttt J. F.GRANT D. D.S., LO. Bantam: a alw' Col My tnt I!" III - ' 'i,',,1'M, BIO 4 25' gyds long, 27 in 3I .. ooin wide.».....l.Wpl' fl " oo in wide. ......l.50't Twilled Sheeting 2 yds wide.25c " Heavy bleehed sheeting, 2 “L -..s " Maw .‘-_--_-, - . restores every nerve in the y Photrr*tteltr5,' “a Duper tension /,119te. Notary Public, (lo-nu PM! y EYANCEK J-LI-ia"----.-':'" -u v- -ee'-PN-- -__H tin) and vitality. 'p're'i,'ia'G"e"iriii: and a" _ weakness netted " Olga. grouping: mam uu anew man. rice . . hux or, $5. 'W/M tn any address, Tttq thtilWdd Co., It. Oath-rm... Ont. siis wide...... ...... .... Alkyd Bed Comforters. from . ...r.. ...... ......1.26 up to $5 each. Floor Oilcloth. . . Ne A square yud Tame Oilcloth. " In wide, 25e A " New Spring ulna an new I an and one than Electric Restorer tot 111ttt Money to 1m. ttl Lamb tt ' own-m '"Vv'hpttlll gang? UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director sun and Eatst.atoot. Tt _ _ noon- mmhly ttt um “Maria Pettl teh'gT,t"2,i'r2'llv' mung-s, an. by In ”Wot 145nm and g.hsstnsrr, in“. Tb. lollo'ml “mm Full line of Catholic 'R',',',', and black and white up: for aged people. Embalmlng a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Itoowr--Arros ' McPHAlL-’ m,ee'ei,Cc-tit'l house south of Lanrreheeu sch-with Shop. to Won 1 Intending Sondra: mould cuter M the 1am: cube wrmu W. non-om In tuned " mntble tutu. Duns-In u .uad-muxlwuown. mount an“ I plum lot madame. _ The“!!! of vtsemtiod In tmat [CH-O 1 Hum-nu: one. The 'mtrttqe. magnum; _ VIMHMH)‘MI11 ”are re !t"h',ltlhl'e1 I and numb hm; can Mvant?e ptr- READ nus: Durham . Continuation mm"... v“. " v”, - cuuuxmliyuni s an m Fm". it!“ and pupils F,'ifi'itii 'liiiqli'i a.” mutation u! walnut»: ot now”. "38:01 "rtrsotsa'ttn_. pf! t',ti& Ia Tnt.rullllllutllli, M. House. Mar. 8%! r in Supra-I Notary gt, Commmonel . P. TELFORD a? Jt"gdlh2tMLat LACE CURTAINS A. BELL W. H. BEAN 40 in 30 In 51 in oo in (M) in CALDER‘S Lhsmtuiatttmter, i-taunk. In MI I»! wida,.......25c pa wide........500'¢ wide...,..,.") wide-Loot" wide-Loot" wide.......l.50'l Conveyuec Money to FLGUid I a trortiwddtumb BLOCK eater n the School iii in!!! 3m, {Goya

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