West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Aug 1913, p. 8

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IL. [ I, H LD f' We can sell you t the Wire for Fencing FD 0 Fastest and Most Luxurious of Steamers l'ort McNichoI. Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie, Fort William _ Now ’0'...” ....6'.6.e.qt.6.-.(m ACANADIANbPACIFIC I \ Service Perfected by studied effort and years oi experience I .IOMESEEKERS EXCURSION each Tuesday until October 28. g AYLOR& CO.Dromore ooo-o-A-ooo i' I: "gcnt. . I MacFAKlANE Town Agclt. Durham Winnipeg and return 835.00 . . Edmonton and Return $43.00 Jther pmms m proportion. Return limit two months. Homeseekers' train les.Toronto, 2 p. m. each Tucsda yuntil August 28. Full particulars trom lny :4 -lr. 1' il , n: 1" 3.31111ng: . "1'35 .iltr-:,'diifa'ii'ify Arry.t-',c Fe, 1 H, #f,','," fli Jr.' L331 hfm r Mlllriifrfliii.ar:,'d-i,illa'ii re-air-', rmrr. r [waving Tuesdays a: Saturdays Other luxurious steamers, “a ndnys. Wednesdays and Ph ursduy I. . . and all other Muslims, Ginghams Dress Goods for summcr wear, so have a look " the prices. LINOLEUMS We have just received " new pieces in differ. ent widths. Be sure to see these whether you want to buy or not. We must clear our remnants of f \k, GLASSWARE The Store that sets the pace 57 Hours Toronto to Winnipeg This Carload of REDPAT'E SUGAR is going fast at $5.75. Don't spoil the fruit with poor sugar. U If we have any left next week, the price will be only Six cents, but if you want your choice of best patterns, better hurry " I:edp.n.h's Bat Gran. Sag“, per 100 lbs..4.75 y, lbs RPcleaned Carrantg...... ...... ....250 " bars Comfort or Sunlight Soap for.. ... .256 Mid Dutch Cleanser.... .. .... ...... 3 for25c Pics: Canned Corn .... .... ..... ....3 for 256: “an Canned Beans. .... ...... ......IUor 256 has: Canned Pumpkins. .... ....3 for 250 Best Canned Tttnatpetr.... .... .... ..2for 25o Take your Choice now at Seven cents for eight cents. Many of them were worth 150. Out of 47 pee, we have sold all but It. A work shirt at 50c. Fine Shirts 50c to $2 ea These are most wonderful; you must see them DINNER SETS iN and 7.00, also 12.00 ; all leaders and extra value. T m is the Frost Wire and everybody 1nows its qualitywnune better. Prices are very low just now. . . . . . .20: to 60e per rod We have just received a shipment of beauti- ful decorated ginsswlre in prices ranging from . ....._................15cto 30eeach (iREAT LAKES SERVICE ens Ginghams TAYLOR & CO. Last week we offered all and Boys' Shirts Steamship Express Leaves Toronto daily, except Friday and Sunday 12.45 noon, and arrives at tship's side 3.55 coaches 'di.C 3 for 25e 3 tor 25c itor 25c 3 for 250 .2 for 250 E. A. MAY, Station Agent Parlor cars, first class cts. BestCnrinedPeas .... ...... Old Chum Tobacco _... ..... McDonald Brier Tobacco.. .. McDonald Chewing Tobacco T. & It Smoking Tobacco... Stag Tubaeeo.... .... ..... Black Watch Tvlcteeo.... ... 3 pound pkgs Seeded Raisins Don't Pay the Long Price for Your Groceries 'rriiji?, j. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Separate waist laughs. two yards in each no two alike-Just what tin New York stores are showing today. Come in and Bee them oven though you do not want to buy. You'll enjoy looking at these. The waist length, only $2.00 Yard-wide Silks, $1.00 Ten shades in the new Pailette and Mouselene Silks, 36 inches wide. For real values in dependable goods, you cannot afford to go by ihis Store. We pay you the Cash for all Produce-We buy anyfhing you have to sell. Esplin Garden Party was 3 grout success. The weather all that could be deelred. Proceeds $65. Mr. and Mrs Will Gregson are viiutors at Mr Arch McKinnon'a. Miss Maggie Ferguson, Ceylon wu home over Sunday. A number of our youth and beauty are enjoying Priceville celebration. We are sorry to lose from our midst H. T. Stowe and family who no moving to [bail new home in Mt. Fore" this week. Mrs Dell has been staying with Mrs Sprnule in Durham for some time as a companicn in her bereavement. The zitmml garden party of St. Paul‘s church, ligremont. was held l the restdence of Mr. R. Barbour, 2nd con.. Tuesday night, and was we”! attended proving a popular fumrl tron. Mr ll. J, Ball M P., Hanover. wu present and addressed the com- pany referring to the prngress taking place in rural districts. rural mail delivery, kc. Mr Taylor of Hanover acmmpnuied him and also briefly ad. _ dressed the crowd. Miss Barbarai Watson, elotuationUt, gave three fine) selections, Mr. Wm. Ramage with whom she is a guest at present Also contributed musically and sang with the local choir. Among the other numbers were a duett by Mines Ger- tie and Rita Lawrence. the former also giving a solo ; a patriotic song "iGil King Gtorge” well rendered by Mr Austin Ball, and aquartette by Mr and Mrs Will McFadden. W lum. age and (laughter Louisa. f Mr. Will Seriminger and friend Toronto are holidaying " the former'o home. [ Mr and Mrs David Hamilton paid 8' Min "i/tt to('h?sley friends hut week and purl oi brought buck with them Master and Q in Gue Miss Keith for a short stay with rely Dr. tins here and rs-Lurn Wednesday, 3:33: i Mr and Mrs James B. Tucker visit. ', his mo ed Collingwood Townshiptriends over} Miss Blast week. and ne Miss Charlotte Pratt, of Louise, is paying a visit to her frienda Mr and Mrs John M McKenzie. A large number from Lbis part took in the sports at l’rioevllle on Monday and enjoyed a line day. M the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Brown on Monday lust. 4th August, 1913, than: was born to Mr and Mrs Mr J W Jones of Manitoba. is at present on a man to Ins grandfather Mr John Ilornshy and when friends in this part. Mr IIornsby was atle to attend sernce on Sunday last. in spite of his fourscore and odd years. Mr and Mus W J McFudJen of Gwen (Mme. visited Llwir old noigh bors Mr and Mrs Mann and iamily on Sunday last. Misses llatlvara and Marginal ( Peggy jWatson, Toronto, arrived to. John Munury Miss Victoxm Aljoe spent. a pleasant geek “His her Mend Miss V1013 Separate Waist Lengths North Egremont irilOLsTEItsi ‘0? Hopeville. Wu s mbura and Marginal eon. Toronto, ttrnved to. uh the-home of Mr and image for a couple of :rf Mr and Mrs Wm my last, 4th August, born to Mr and Mrs late of Holstein. a W J McFadJen of iced tlwit old neigh Mann and family on 3 for 3 for 3 tor 3 for ll for 3 for .9. for iI?iiiéifiitifii$2§$i¢$§ifi$§§a¥fifflfifififlfiififi 'lt4!l,qiiril1Wiil'illh':'liiili' 'g'iiiiii?/ii,-?giairrall.liliillliilk'ilwa'i%lll iallllmillillnl4 il?; i 25c "r, "be '0 25 'lf, 'dine 25e 250 250 THE DURHAM REVIEW THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. ""l Miss Nellie Smith. with her niece tam! nephew, of Dorchester, are visit- [urs " the Findlay; “wily [his week. ant . I i Quite“ numh_er from hero took m 10 a ', the Civic Holiday m Piiceville on I Monday and report a good tune. 3 ibs ielect Valencia raisins., 3 lbs seedless Sultana raisins 5 lbs Mk green Japan Tea . 5 lbs 30e, black Ceylon Tea.. 3 Pkg: Gilletts Lve.... 'r" . 3 pkgs handy Ammonia.. ... I: pkgs Comfort Lye. .... .... 2 ans" good red $115651 I Mrs. Long who has been in Tcron. ‘to returned on Friday accompanied Hay her daughter and a lady friend. ', Mrs. Dolphm fir. who has been (visiting friends in Kinoardine returned iliome Wednesday accompanied by her iaister Mrs. McCrae of Tara. ', Mrs. A. J. Collins and family Ipent Ifew days at the mama last week, {returning home mth Mr. A. J. Calling iof Montreal Bank. Mt. Forest on {Friday Special services of the Y. P. S. J. E. ml] be held next Sunday Aug, 10. The Prethyterian Church when Rev. E. R. McLean will preach. Services " 11 and 7.80. Garden party the following Monday. See pattern for further panicnlars. Mr. John Dory bad the misfortune of having n small bone in his leg broke. Mrs.T. Yoke Ind Master Albert who tseeompanted her sister Miss S. Lory to Guelph returned home Saturday. . 6 Miss Eva Ramon spent [hammer 'p-ui of last week with her sxner Ella Ein Guelph, ' Dr. Chas Russel. of New Lit.keard, [visited with his nuns. Mm Taylor, 1dnring lart week and returned with ', his mnther un Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Miller and Miss Grace M.iller are holidaying at Wm. Gillel- DIES. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn and Mabel, also Mr. Chas. Fullerton, Wife and family of Dundalk visited Mrs. D. Bell and other friends. Mr. Wm. Wagner and Miss Hood 13 yiaiting the former: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mc'l‘lvish visited at Mrs. Bomly's. Mrs Thou. Atehison is viuiirrg friends in Palmerston this week. Cous,rratuhttiatns to Mr James Isaac and Misses Florence Renwick and Viola Rennie on their recent moms: in passing Exams. Mimi Bessie, McCall, who has been visiting with the llay funny. returned to Tannin mi Monday, On July 23rd a vet y protly Wedding tooksplatseut the home of Mrs John Wtl,on, u hen her only daughter Eliza June was united in mnrriugeto Mr. John Faulmi, n, Only the immediate telaiivvs nf the bride and grnom Were present. The happy couple were un. attended. The bride was attired in white voile with silk embroidered “Hummus After the ceremony which WAS performed by the Rev. Mr Leece. assisted by the Rev (ieo, ken. dell, the guests satdowrt to a dainty supperunnl the evevi A mu spent In llllh‘lc and “ninth. ", " yuuzrg people >huwered the l)l'l.i and urnum truth ive and confetti. They left next day or their lovely home an the leslt ConctFon, followed by the good wishes of all their intends. Mrs Jno. l’alkor. of 1oronto, iting with her father, Mr Jno. Sn ' of this Village, Mus Bella Carson. who has been visiting with her pan-um here. return- ed to the city on Monday. Mr Hugh Ilvuwick returned to O . tawa on Tueedsty to resume his duties in the Uivul Service. Iii Cedarville Dromore Three. Boxes of Shoes The Shoes sold regularly up to 2.50 and 3.00. We have divided them into three lots. Some are going for one-quarter of the regular price. We're housecleaning. These are odds and ends : is vis arm-n Miss J. Hay spent. a few days with her cousin Miss p udrey Boy in VIII", Min R. Eddington of Toronto in spending her holidays with her parents here. Mitts Angle Mountain from Durham is visiting Min En: Myth. Mr, Albert and Miss Ida Boetiin of Tomato spent Civic holiday " their home here. ( Toronto's Civic holiday brought a large number of visitors to friends in I the village. i The Rev. Mr McLean, of Ripley, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. His discourse here has been very favorably commented on. Berries are getting scarce now, harvest is in full swing than. do”. Mr John Swanson is busily engaged repairing and building the dam " Dodd'. mill, he having purchased the mill pro' perty and intends putting it in firtrt.class condition. I, the umlvrsigned. take this means of dunking thn citizens of Holstein and surrounding country for their geunrmh and utmost ethrt in exting' uishing the fire in my null on July 24th. A! I am sure that it was only through your special eitorts and hard “m k that the properly wan caved. erv earnetrtV.atui, ,niucerely. _ L. B. NICHOLSON. The bum of the steam thrcsher was heard in nut midst Tuesday for the first time this season. The " -mpathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Wm. Atkinson in the death of their little child, who died Monday morning after 1 few hours, illness. The baby was taken to But. ham for interment on Tuesday. Mr Bert Edwards is the posscssor of; .yetiGiiiir'i/i2in,"iqr'd2r'ie'l.."dt', a new car and is to be seen quite often I gmhal‘dh MGQ: ',.eirece,buunr),siigt, Mse, ; , . . [, um: ay, lie: acounu, ms: t. on,the.y/ee.ts. He ttr engaged ttt ”much" J/ B.; St John N. u. : Halifax, sale otWestern Real Estate. Anyonel N. ts., Charlottetown, p li. l., Syd- looking for investment when large orlney N S. . ' small sums can be well placed, can! Return limit Sept. 4th, 1913 qnllfklly t ranches! by Mr Edward? who} FAST SERVICE TO T g ad y give I necessary In orma- ' Mush)“. Lakes Maganetawanmve tron. IL.»- " no... 13......“ m..-.. Mr Nicholson's mill is again in opera- tion and it appears to add new life, as once more " hear the familiar sound and Ice the grists again being deposited at the door. 25c Me 95 20e About forty of the young people of our village had a serial gathering in the park Tuesday evening. Tea was served at 7 o'clock, after which I very enjoyable time was spent. We think it about time the married people of our village had a gathering of this nature, with the advantage of a park right in our midst. Everyone should avail them. selves ofthe opportunity afforded for a social hour and feel all the better for having dropped the cares of every day life for this brief spcll, The Misses Irene and Pearl Drumm are visiting friends in Berlin. 25e 25c d""'"" #2:: ',','s",',1v,','it,',",f,1"A 3 UW1l. AND PERS0llllil.e Tte, 59c 79c Card oi Thanks 6 tins Choice Sudinee.. . . .. .. Fresh Dates.... .... ... ....e 2 pound tins Baking Powder. Best Corn Flakes .... .... '.. Shredded Wheat Biscuit.... . Large bottle Pickles. .... .. . Finest Leaf Lard. per 1b.. .. . Best Silver G'oss Starch . . . .. Orchard :.. ...3 lb pegs tor gin: l Miss J. Hoetiin ap-nt a My visiting lher friend MISS Mabel Wilson in Mt of l, ;Forest last week. Lmvrales u other points. Return limit two months. Pullman tourist sleepers leave Toronto 11.35 p. m, on above dates running through to Win- nipeg via Chicago and St. Paul or Duluth without change. Tickets are also on sale via. Marnia and Northern valgntic-n Company. Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bars Georgian Bay Algonquin Park Each Tuesday until Oct. 28 inclusive Winnipeg and return .... ....835.00 Edmonton and return ...... .. 43 00 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIUNS During a recent national convention of advertising men in “ultimate one advertiuing manager of wide Pxpet ivuce dwelt with much emphasis upun the value of concentrated newspupt r pub- licity. He made a vivid impnphaiur. He aid that the newspaper s muslin t- ed the only real medium through which Mrs Storrey and Miss Sadie Brown from Durham wvre the guests of Mrs Jag Brown Inst. week. Mica J. Hoetiin Fp'nt a dry visiting Mrs J Orchard of Holstein and hiss. St. Leger and two children of Toronto spent a day last week wit h Mr Hinder, Mr. B. Row of Toronto is spending a few days " Mrs J. Duuglas'. Mr. Punt Mid Stanley spent over Sunday at their home hero. Mun" ts, 16, 17.10.19 Round trip rates from DURHAM to .)fexy Londgr), Conn, Portland, Me , Old The men are still busy working " Dodd's mill. $2,000 added to the Prize List an. serr." - - ‘Tnke . yisit London ‘a Iihrhibitiott. Single Pare on all Railroads in Wester Spoon! Excursion DYeie-8ept. 9th. 11th Ind 12th, and all information from the 8eeretary W. J. REID, Pruident. A. u an ,. ........ Me ......3for2bc ......2for25c ..... ......10c .......... 18c ......3ior25e, THE GREAT site';'.' "rrrctet,, s,', “k. w.‘ Us ' - - The Attractions Twice Daily Magnificent Programme of SEASIDE EXCURSIONS '27,ooo.oo The "iiiiiirthai; always gatigfles This is a Bargain that won't last long This is our regular them all season at 25c. the balance at 19 cents. Three dozen Ladies' Vests 19 cents . 255 Maganetawun Rive French River Tlmlgaml Kawarthn Lakes Cit2 'ii Western t E Ontario's E ii Popular t ii Exhibition E _,')' Sept.5 to 13 t fiasarsta-aq.aqir 1lriytLitrt this yen. T ' LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION in Prizes and Attractions iir"11't'""""st"ti- 5 Western it Two t.t Ontario's g Speed Events ii Popular § Daily i Exhibition g Fireworks i')," Sept. 5 to 13 , Every Night Soap Chips. " BenCorn Burch ... .... .. All EEtraetg...,.... ..... Fresh 15e Jam jnms.... .. Large Pail: Sod: Biscuits. Tomuo Cntsup in banks. l Best Jelly Powder.... ...1 1urney Cream Cheese ..., London, Canada estern Fair Ids in Western Ontario i, lit)? and 12th, Prim Lila _ J .'LY 31. 1913 S mdnyS ooUt 0. “who at It t 37%. i."th'tmi.e,t.t REV. IR JAMES. u minutecmrer could creele u drum " for his products in. purticulux local“ y. Only the newspapers can build up business locally, bee-use 'idvertlstto,r in local newspepeu creates dem uni. There is a ditterenes between creating desire for I product and creating mm uni demand. Demand mum uh o .- r . counter. Sunday School " 10. Bervio t. m. nnd 7.00 p. m. Lot13.eon. 13, Egmnt, cunlnhx ing 100attres. (Sure: good (“mama bush, tt acre- lnixed timtrer, balm.“- good lillnhle land. Well wuwwl. gnod spuinx creek running through another uprmgnlow rods from Im-n. milled well at house. Good frumr house and ham, Inn" drive dud. n...- urdnld. Silunled 25 miles trom li, i stein, k mile from cchuol. Will Ire , in on any term.. For further poulmx arc app] Fort premises to Holstein Gonesrytuteer lssuer or [urine Licenses Money to loan at lowest t'ntetr, and wrin- no suit borrower. Fire Md Lite [null-unu- placed in thnrou ta/r reliable sl':,,',',',,",',",,','?', Deeds. in”. mum's. Leaned nnd “I u vented on shy-um! notice. All work promptly attended to. omee at Holstein DR. JAS. L. WILSON, B. A. Physician, Surgeon Ind Accoucheur S ial attention id lo din-mm- Tfeed and GUltt. T, Alla I Ear, Nose and Throat. T h' thoroughly {and um! (lulu-I p pevly frtted. All our STRAW HATS are going at exactly HALF PRICE. Presbyterian Church 25c line. We've sold To-day we clean up Methodist Church . M. HUNT. Secretary Take . Holiday Ind Farm for Sale. JOHN \VALMBLBY. Hui .lvin w, J. SHARP ......2ior25e ......3tor250 ....ponnd 16e .....Hor 2.% 3..for2.'m ..3tor2tie 3 tor 25e 25e Store Pusher at 11 pi: Yr it? At h"' Yr. a; EH tl THE It VOL. XXXVI tsts' or FIC TORONTO AN ilo mak n” l! city. DH ADA LL "

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