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Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1913, p. 1

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ny 1913 at! TS H31 tii E THE, J ohn Kelly, BANK ------_ or @ANNEA SPIRELLA CORSETS VOL. XXXV1,NO. 33 TORONTO L,.,.,-.---,,,-,-,,:- DURHAM BRANCH; Renal H Srariooiiljjigit ll h NICHOL. Representative Box 107, Durham OFFICE cmxamxxxmmxxxwgmxgflg ,iirir.r.y...a..tr.ii"iiii.'igib1iiti.i.te-ii.i.rir-ir'-'--k t 'ru1,rji',', f 15“} int-anal lunch gd V hnld on the t'hrttrttl r' ittt wk Blmk trtt Friday. Ang. P.: _ “luv and (‘1.mfmd choir in .' [ l, I: (punk frmhuwntd uvrved 7/]cJ/ec/mt'e 's Wills Ail tinrihtng our: C2i2, J, wid, this Bur. an and m oede" an tsed. Luann Church garden party mm on the Church grounds. E rm Friday. Aug. 22. Fine pl Criosiord choir in attendant freshmen“ served from 630 Athuisrinn 25c and Irw. ENDING money to In? pdnt in )Canada, the United States a The Review lt an Farm for Sale. t halvna of .lots 5t and 52 u 3, [Cast Quadrant Road, 00 ttt'N't4 about 3 miles from by good gravel road. Ibvay he: right m w. Title perteet. ll e promisc a to Adam Weir, J. I'. Tr:t.tnm", Durham. lit (ii) tgt'tiipl)II, "rounds, Dornoch 22, Fine program, n attendance. Re- l tron 630 to 730. Manager, will be Itil floWfiagfl El "iLAf - :iii.i.i.i)0llPllCS' new subscribers to y,', Lana-ts Barium. Focso.-Apply to C. L. Gram. Durham‘ Dr. Brown, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be It _ Hahn Hotel, Dur. ham, Aug. 16. Hours 12 noon to 5 Fm. i Eyes tested and Glasses supplied. August horse fair will be held on the 2Ut. inst. Mayor Black has also at- l ranged for a stump-pulling extsihltion l on the farm of Mr, Campbell Dunsmoor Beulimk on August 25. A few curs No, 1 new baled tray at $13.00 tt Ion while ltlasla. DitoWNED 1N WIARToN drowning accident took place ton last Friday, “hen Herb. of Hanover, a young man of succumbed to heart failure. an excellent swimmer, but body was recovered after sin could not be rcsuscitated. Mr. Lock Elvidgo has f whale p wt been lruuhled affection " the knee but _ got worse wunpelling him I his mail (“trying and for his been outlined to bed, ln addition Ber to his knee trouble there is now, and Kidney vouwlicsvtron but. at time of lea, writing thnreis nnprnvemcnt. which her we hope .vill umtinue till health is dre owutntsotutral. We venture to think int he wuiunung the oldest. if not the Oh oldest mail carrierin the Dominion. Th On Thursday, Aug,7th, Zion church on congregation held their annual garden ch party on the farm now occupied by lox MIT. Glcncross. A baseball match tlv between blue Hill and Zion boys at to tto'clorkdrew the crowd early. The at) Icure was IO to 10 in favor of Zion. Mr Hays'wus time-keeper and Mr fh Illughea was umpire, The grounds L were t,rilliar,tly lighted with bricks ', smikedlncntl oil, The gate receipts Si l was $62.00 and the booth didngood ol I business. The program was good-- T 'l Miss Kate McFatytlt-n, Messrs A. Slev- lr I enson and G. Harris sang solos ; Miss. la l es Emma and Maggie Ritchie a duet. r. l Messrs A. McIntosh, S. Putht-rhough h a and W. Irwin gave lengthy speeches E and the choir sung a number of chnr- a _ ttyefr. g c Tax HATES Fm: is)l'3,--The Count/l L a after due consideration has struck a t g ralteonS mills for-1913. This isthe e - highest rate fur some yenrshut not 1 more than is inquired we areassured. ‘3 By-law It? costing y. 2-10t'ns mills last year Crops out, butin its place we have By-laws 621 and 031 with rates respectively of l.:ylohs and ti Wills. The town rate in which is included the Library raitt We presume jumps from 1.5711) to 7.810. Bylaw 1.30 drops trout 3 mills to (Hltths: No change in the other hy-laws nor in sidewalk 91- County 1tatv. Public school rate is up trom (it!) 7 3-ltiths and even lint does not cover the ap- plication. The Iligh School rate drops from 2 to 17-10 mills. The Ist instal- ment nf taxes is duo on lit September the remaining half on 13th December, 1013. Notices will be issued in a few days. oody was recovered after sinking twncc. could not be rcsuscitatcd. Mr. Lock Elvidgc has for n. stood while put been lrnnhled with an ntfectionnf the knee but recently it got wurso unupelling hlln to give up his mail (“trying and for some days has been confined to bed, In addltion to his knee trouble there is now, Kldlwy complication bu; at lime of writing there is "uprovemertt, which mo hone ,vill mutinue till health is ugnm Imrnml. We " he was among the ol? oldest "mil carrierin my Knox, Nonnmhy, Ynmg People were favored with a tine nightfor‘ their annual garden party on the school grounds last Friday, though the rain which came late in the even- ing rather uhruptly closed the pro- gram and all entered the schnnl. ‘There was the usual large crowd and (i. good social time prevailed. Dnrlmm Band enlivened the grounds with its llnhlc and interspersed numbers on us the program“. lit-y, Mr. Kendall was l Sp in the chair and in place of his own an address called on Mr R mart Watson pi recently hat-k to his old home from he British Columbia. who gave some in- " l terealing vernatrks. Hev Mr Prudham tl of town also delivered a llne addretve, sl while the home choir rendered several . u selections and Means Rout. and James l n Watson an appreciated duett. The l brief but heavy shower appearing in forced the crowd to pack the school, , and here the i'efrex-lnnents were serv- y, ed. The booth did a lively business i all evenlng and the gate receipts 1 tloue mounted to over $33 00. l The Aug. meeting of the ‘Women'a Institute was held at the home 'of Mrs Thea McGirr. Forty ladies were pruant and a most interesting programme of reading and singing wu given by the young ladies. Mini E. Scott gave a most interesting and instructive “per on " Children I _ Beading." Miss A. M. McGirr gayo. " humorous reading from " Anne of 'Green Cables” and tho Mines W. Blythe Ind A. Scott sue some aplendld recipes on "lad?.. After quution drawer the meeting was cloud by rinsing tho Nstionsl anthem. 'ijciriiiriiiirJiirmmahr1r, AUG. 't,uwo.x,--A sad ok place in \Viar' f Herb. Kirchner man of 25 years failure. He was ler, but when the liter sinking twice, With which is W“! the The Stamping Exhibition on the hrm of Mr, Cambell Dunstan! taken place on the afternoon of Monday. August 25th, the Monday following the Horse Fair which in n the 2Ut. Keep both dates in mind. Mr. Hutchison an agent of the Bible l Slwiel y gave an interesting address in Trinity church on Fridny evening but nn the aims and objects ot the Society. it was illustrated with limo light ViOWR of the people, buildings Ind in may of the various countries the missionaries wmked in; Japan, Persia. india, Java etc, Chesley ball team. who show up tor the game here day, caused much disuati unfavorable comment, will Chesley ball team. whose failure tol show up tor the gum. here Civic Holi. day, caused much dissatisfaction and unfavorable comment, will appear here in a few days and play the postponed game. Chcsley Sary, Ind team much regret the mistake on the part of the management and are anxious to maker amends for disappointment they creat. ed here. fl _---" the end of the year tot 35 cents M has been reported that Thom Mighlon. who, over a week ago made such a harsh. cruel 1mg! aensahmml raid on his home here has been mp. tured. The husband, whose brutal usage two years ago caused a separa- tion from wife and three children and who escaped punishment by her plead- __ . --__ -mtl “no Lu"... -___ __ usage two P""" ago caused a "para' The opening of like Model Schools tion from wire and three children and takes place on the liltb inst. and Cl") who escaped punishment by her plend- ham lend vicinity supplies some twelve ing again desired her to come and live or thirteen students who will cntrnin With him and on her rettusal tseemed/ for the new Model School in Hanover- to bare lost his reason in his rtfre, I This we think is the largest number Ho mm? to Durham in the night, l Durham has supplied m one year for knowing his wife and three children tiOllle time and the loss ofthe home were living hem. but 00" flttdUtg hf” school is therefore particularly re- traced her to his brother's place In grettable at thisjuncture. Bentinrk where he attend the home, For years Durham has been it lead- and ','ave her murderous treatment ing educational centre and We hrp" leaning the mm“ of hin “mm.” on will continue to hr. This yew Its' pu- her body. In his rage he ot hm c.hil- pils passed from Durham tor lint: am a dven ready and drove off with them to Normal.. while Hanover passed it in “ buggy and was traced to Dnrncch. However this pre-eminence in Schol ()uatswuxth, and .93“ "ry/tte:, ustic lines cm only he maintained by - o I A|_.... u have lost his reason in his rage. I in cum? to Durham in the night,| mowing his wife and three children‘ were living here, but not. finding her :mced her to his brother's place in Buntimk where he amend the home, and gave her murderous treatment‘ loaning the marks of his brutality on her body. In his rage he got his rhil- I drenreudy and drove " with them in a buggy and was traced to Dnrncch, Cuatsworth, and east by Meaiord, The sympathy of the community guys out to the mother bereaved of her children by the mam who promised to love and protect her and It is hoped that before long they may be restored - -‘ - an]! Hui,» to their natural guardian abductor suitably punished. Promotion to Joteptt The following clipping in Sioux City Journal refers to a of Dept. Reeve Lindsay of Township. The item did not! in time form-t week. We Ct latethe old South Grey boy recognition he is receiving an he no doubt deserves: "Sioux City railroad opinion that Joe Lit superintendent of tl division of the Great road. who has been p superintendency of ll division, is in line for in the operating road. M. Nicholson, decessor, was decessor, was appointed general superintendent of the Lake district Mr Lindsay it is said will nest step into Mr Nicholeon's place wtun rm- mhur change is made in the position of otfirGls in the operating depart- mom. - . ' L» “L.“ Frtr mom. Mr. Lindsay departed last night tor 1 Melrose, Minn. to assume his new position. His departure was regretted by rank and file of Great Northern employees at Sioux City. He wal considered the bean superintendent the Sioux Caty division ever had. _---.------- WUEN THE SOUTH warn DRY n wsLrvyurroy.---'Oe number of drunks or that were falling off the pavements " because the sidewalks were loo nar- C? row for them proved so great on m Thursday night, that people began to G wonder what event was being com- p' memorated. onrefleetioa they recall- il ed that it was the Station Hotel'a it ‘last wet night under the license Bre- tem. and that the sun which would usher in August lat would dry up the swings; of booze in the South Ward and put the sealon the Southern beer. pump. The License Commissloners 1 had given Mine Host three months to sell ott his stock and the last night of the allotted period found him With still enough at the nectar on hand to l I upset the municipal equilibrium and iimake half the voters' list. dizzy , ‘There wan eoneequeutlyn greatepurt {ion the home-stretch and drunken , Walkerton beaten to waver at the ,. l knees and slop over at the mouth dur- ' ing the last few hilarioug moments is that marked the cloee of July Slat in the year of grace1913. Some poured 'tt the tangle-foot into them " it they " never expected to look upon ebobtle n label again. Male Welkerton was _. _ “‘4“ “-3 .-. a h Brutal Husband Hillel n‘nlun' -- mostly on late that night and many a little Mabel with Ber face against. the l pale saw nights than and. her blush 1 behind the curtains. The South we- going dry with a vengeance and be- tore the [not valley at corks was pull- ed there was many tb mm down s_nd Out. and stretched half-shot on thet green, The next 'ur, " in laid. the empty kegs Vere taken "my and the last relies of the Southern hunch re- ' ...._,o,._aqq-q l "sored.--' -ailrond men are of the 1 Ice Lindsay formerly ' of the Sioux City a Great Northern rail- tseen promoted to the :y of the Fergus Falls ine for a. high position ing department of the Tru/ii/air Herald Ind Tim" M r. Lindsay's pre " from the rs to a. brother .y of Glenela ld not reach us We ctongratu- my on the and which Lindsay. and their ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO general DRY IN Many Successful sutricuiants." The Junior Matriculntiun results' were announced last Saturday and in 'i, the list. Durham school has Again made , a moat creditable showing. Almost all Writing have been successful eith- 1 " in wholo or in part. and alt candi- dates uppemiug in this list obtain- ed their Normal Entrance stand. ing as well, announced a couple of t wool" ago. Thou obtaining full nmtric. by pas- ting on all twelve paper: no Ray F, quuharsnn. Sarah Fulton, James -- - 'v- I, In unnr - 'i'""'"""-"'""' - Isaac. Insio A. Kelsey, Viola M. Ren- nie, Emma' M. Ritchie. J. Morrimn i Smith. Those passing in at hast nine l subjects and obtaining the minimum required on the whole maximum tis. than B, Grierson and Bert J Marshall. Partial matriculation has been given those passing on at least eight pnpera. but failing to obtain the minimum on the whole exam.,' viz, Alex. Hilde- brandt, Sadie F. McDonald, Florence M, Ronwick, We congratulate the students on the gratifying results of weir year’s study and Principal Allan and the staff as Well on the good work done. 14, 1913. For years Durham has been alezid- f ing educational centre and wehrpn will continue to he. This year 18 pu- pils passed hum Durham tor But: ante ', to Normal, while Hanover passed ii. Howeverthis pie-eminence. in Schol- astic lines cm only he maintained by I progressive measures in which there l ‘must unite stuff, SchoolBourds and town. The stat? is all right, school boards and town are on trial. The most urgent and progressive measure demanded " present is im- proved school accotntucdstiton and we are constrained to. ask what is being done along thte line as a result of the ioint meeting of council and School Boards some weeks ago? Surely the I insistent demand from Inspectors Pro. viuctal and local, who are in a pesitioh l to compare our progress, or lack rd ' progress, with other places should ) have weight at the present time and I lead us from motives of tself-respect, if I for_ nothing else, to supply a much needed defect in our educational , standing and that is a new modern , School building equipped for the pur- - poses of higher education. Holstein The homes of the town me constant-l ly improving. so are the churches, why would there be delay and appar- ent indifference in regard to the most vital interest of the community? If theinditference ls allowed to prevail muah longer there Can be but one re- sult a deterioration of the town from inn educational standpoint with consc- ‘quent loss both iiruvncial and intellect. ual, WAS OPERATED Uvos.--Early last ' Thursday morning, while doing chores I around the barn, Mr Bea Counts of Vickers. was seized with an intense paln in the side and with much ditticulty crawled on hands and knees to the house where his calls aroused his mother to his assistance. On securing medical advice for the ailment. appendicitis, an operation was advised at once and the same evening Dr. Deakin of Stratford. l came up in his ctr and successfully rc- moved the appendix, assisted by Drs. Gun and Struthera. Mr Coutts, we are pleased to report, 1113 since been stead- . ily gaining in strength, and will in a ' few days enjoy his usual good health. Berry picking Is all the rage, but' berries In very small this. year, but Friday night's rain will make them swell out. which we were very much pleased to see, but hope it doesn't spoil the small potatoes. Mr Will Grceuwood spent Sunday l with Mr Angus McIntosh. Miss Susie McIntosh spent a " days last week n her uncle's,! Greenwood's. Miss Betta Milne, of Durham. spending n tow days at Mr N Wilson's. ' . __a G... " “av- v- Miss Bessie Wilson returned home on Sunday, after spending 1 week in Durham, Mr and Mn J. o. Dartravel spent Sunny dth his parents. l Mr and Mrs A. McIntosh spent Sundly with the Darguvel’s. School Talk Leader the Model Schools 51ml) inst. and Dur- supplies some twelve Tttt who will entrain [School in Hanover. s the ingest number mlipd m one vear for F [ Dornoch tosh spent a few at her uncle'S. Mr Min Minnie Willey a visitor at present a! law’s. Mr and Mrs Will L Owen Sound Tuesday Miss Mamie from Oliphant week, Miss Marion from visiting M ronto. Misc Laurn Murphy, n 1911 Model ' student, of Owen Sound, was the guest of Miss May Young I few days this week. Miss Mackenzie left on Saturday morning to visit her brother in Detroit. Mrs. Sutherland (nee Miss Home _ Cochran.) of Newman ket, is a uuml at Mrs. D. Jackacn’s. Dr. D. B. Jamieson returned Monday after holidaying at Southampton ft r a week. Mr. George Kress left on Monday col take a position in the tr', T. lt. station at Hespeler. Mrs. Hepburn and Miss Nellie left on Monday to holiday wnh friend" in Hamilton. -- u 7 . . a Messrs W. B. Voile. and Jackson are delegate: to th Lodge of the I, ll. o,F, in 1 this week. Owen Sohnd and \Viarlon Misses Peggy returned front Wilson, New l Miss Emil her aunt MI for a time. Mr. Manny Smith twcouutant the Standard Bank M Branttord lr me. on his holidays. Rev. Dr, Farquharsnu left last w Rev. Dr. Fqumu for Chatham and balance of thcmon there before reaum Rev. Dr, Farquhm-snn left last week for Chntlmm and will spend the balance of lbomonth with reluliven there before resuming his pulpit. Mrs Burrill, Walkcrton, and daugh-l ter Mrs Herd of Dunkirk, N. Y., are visiting the iormer's cousins, the Edge families and were guests tor a day at the Misses Mocklcr's in town. Mrs Wrigley of Detroit, who has been visiting her rel)“ ins, the McAr- that's, u Bunestan and north of loan and Mrs. T. Banks, returned Tuesday. l ---_----" Krstan~-ln August 7, Municipality)! m is Neil transmitted or sons mentioned "The Ontario Voters LI“ n. .. .... copies require) by said sections to he so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant. to said Act, of nil persons Rpm-Ming by the Inst revised Assessment Roll of the said municip‘ ality to re entitled My vote in the said municipality “elections for members of the Legislative Asueiubly and at Municipal Elections: and that said list was first posted, up at my oititw at Dar bam on the 9th day of August, 1013. and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and. If any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. - - " ---- m. n... in. (lav of NOTICE law. Dated It Durham on the', August, 1913. WM. B, VOLLE Clerk " v I v v - - This school offers you advantages not otrered in any other similar school in Ontario. Our courses are similar to that of Station! Business College and Elliott Business College. Toronto. We have cxwricnctd iuotlnctoru and We assist gnduotes to high grade positions. For fuller putlculars, writc ur W. E. WILSON, Principal Fall Teer from Sept: Cr" r-" J" . 9/4 ttO Zia/(r i (a) 1/22/41 tto' m f, on Calder has returned Miss Annie Russell in To. VOTERS’ LIST, 1913 1y Hunt ill Lauder motored to ~5day to see friends. Munro returned home the beginning of the In Durham, on Thursduy, 7, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. 1 daughter. cy.of Hamilton. is at Mr Wm. Lid. y of the Town of Durham. County ot Grey is hereby given that I have ior delivered to the per: oned in seminar) b' and " of win votevCList Am." the Ot and Ll of Vicke D. Mills in ly "ttl ten to the Grand o, F. in Bellonllo on Saturday I Ierin Detroit. Migg [Flank t, is a aura-1n urnod Monday hammon trr I on Monday to I T. It. station "a N' . livored to the per: l “minus b' and 901" test' List Art," the l , said uctions to he delivered of the list, to said Act, of nil g by the Inst revised of the Mid municip- rd lo vote in lhe said leclious for members re Aswmhlv and It ms: and that said hit up at my ottiee at DP.)- ‘ _ . if I' ll 1911 Model H ttnr ty have mush! Walsh a tLoo unu- c. HANG! k 503.1“qu visited nuillon if b urh am H hh day ot Mr w. Salt was iadtt gram Irouud Snellmtne 1 following days lust meek -"e - " _ Min Ruby “06:1 visited friends in Durham and vicinity. Min Rawn of Wednesday after Beatou's, 1iletut'sg Yrs. Neil I McKust on gun‘udumv wedding ol in Mrs. Sloth: And dumb“! Min Stones of Newlouwlle, the former In aunt of Bunker Hugh" And Mrs. . Davidson of Wroxeter. a cousin. we" guests for a few darn at his home here. Mrs Warner Ian on chnuduy to spam! two or three weeks with her daughter. In Detroit. f Miles Jessie Human renewing old I fuendsbipu In titratftrd foo a few .dAYa. . Mus Jr chueeduy but to I with old friends Preston and Guelph in If. and B Mrs. Buchnu u are hoiutttritttt daughter Mrs UI Mrs. UKL Min Maggie A, Ritchie of 8rd. Con" Glenelg. left on Fiiduy to visit friends and relatives in Paeley. Mina Flo McCo-kery left Tuesday to holiday for a couple of weeks will: friends in Georgetown and Toronto, i Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Mia. lSandie visited with relatives in. Price- iville Monday. Mrs. David McIntyre m n visited (or a few days the of the week with her I'M H. Coleridge,' Her dumb“ sons accompanied her. Miss Flo Limin left la! I North liq when she wi with rglatives tot a few We Mr. A. U. Browning l last to the deathbed of his died on inlurdly. lie wu with"! on Monday. L Miss Vivian Uruwloa , last week from visiting t i the Lin-gawk in Winn-Um Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rea] I I and Mr. Wm. Buy. Allan deitinutiun point Mr, and Mrs. limoverviaitea nun non. Wm's bale. Mu. Gilbert McK Arthur Gun are Ci nu. Gilbert McKecbnie Arthur Gun are camping runden (m a few weeks. Mr. Arthur A. Backus h] the week end In Glen Allan Minn Belle McLean of 1 visiting " her parents. Mr Mrs. J, H. Ballot Lorehurn. ture,, in uniting her parents Mr. and In. Alex Morton of Rocky Blanca. Mr, and Mrs, Norunn Brown of Kansas LAW, are holidayin‘ for I tow weeks with his parents, Mr. Ind In . lnhm Brown. Miss Thompson. of Toronto, vinited her brother Ward here over Sunday. F while holidaying Ill lwr hum". near I ll ouil n. Mrs. J, H. Ball ot mm in vanilla her parents , Alex Morton of Rocky ti en Mr, and If luv. [bit weal Gif hio rolsuves M u Connoticut. after holidaying mother, Mrs. D, Jackson. " Mn. ll m Aldoom. Mr. and McKiuuou and “in: Tenn I ot' Prwrville were in r \Vuhnsday hut A! the st Mv.tlutsts. McKinuou and moi ning Mi W aim s Mr, Chum Hunter. wnd McIntyre ot Port Arthur wafew days We beginning eek with her cinder In. J idle; Her daughter and twln Wiiwu, L'ppuTown. left but to opend & tow weeks . . . 25.000900 . . 1 1.600.000 . . 12,500.00!) . . tittT,ittttMoo HUGHES, , h' tu Egremunt returned viritittg at Mr John .imln left last week for when she will holiday a tot I few weeks Browning left Friduy athbed of his tuber who m “I s. Ch“. Rear of Hanover . Buy. Allan Park. Tues- , tor Dukuchewan. their point being Kerruben. Mrs. Wm. Bough-u of ted Beturday last at hil iudtriestx undina me Thursday Ind " weak lo F Irttu(i 'f/olde d Miss Dell Lauder with the [owner's Woods st Bttrfuid, ad relatives in fun ottt - - '_"'"'" any/align and Cedar-9‘- "gang.“ 2nd ord returned her rely-liven I! pend . at l [ Toronto " Mr. and Mttr. ML on Mend-Y and “gunmen. but ied It spent oTer and M"t trt Glen; Seymour mm titre /umetleld, wit lt her

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