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Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1913, p. 4

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t?t--tatrfff/ gram/1A Fall Term Opens MONDAY, SEPT. Ist Every graduate guaranteed I poc- sltion. Thuongh courses. Large staff of Specialistu. Best equipped, College In Canada. Individual instruction. c A FLEMING, F c A G. D. FLEMING Principal Secrdary v,sus.sirtt.rtt:stt:s:r':"""t.t'"i1 3: The Central Drug Store iii', " . , Cheap Feed We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are ofrerlng at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to "due. our stock. If you need feed of any hind can and see III at the Oatmeal Mill. it) Mi W 1tl M? w tit tit a. OWEN SOUND ONT u - i cr." in 333 aa:sar.aa.aa:aa.a:9'irar9i'9:99'/ , The People's Mills McGowan Milling Co. Have you seen the Bicycle and Accessories in our North Window? All kinds of Automobile and Bicycle Accessories kept in stock. ever prescription entrusted to us ; that drags , that w: new! substitute. and th ervice Ssetd your prescriptions to us, no matter what physician writes them, and KNOW that they will be filled exactly as prescribed. Come to our Drug Store. The Central Drug Store Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Bran Shorts Middlings Low grade Flour Mixed Chop Cont Chop on Chop Crimped Oats Ring us up Ehen.you. We have the stall on hand. Also the eslebrat Call Meal and Stock Foods, and Prime & Co. Mol all kinds ot Stock. All Kinds of Grain Bought and '2."t John McGowan Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped lute, Feed Oatmeal ou Feed Mixed hen HARDWARE Special Reduction on Float 1nd Feed in ton lots. It the Mill or delivered nnywhue in single toolbs., ton lots or carloads Oatmeal Mills . BLACK at moderate prices T , of this community. because , . people have learned that we 1 ' take utmost care in filling .usted to us ; that we never use poor, old substitute, and that we give you prompt iiikuiie Flour and Feed Glrtiad "iifiiriiL 7 " " “by... "on; coughs. cures colds. and herd- r-wr drum“ for . ' " ,1 Mann» supply ., MARV'LL. sect-pt no her, but and "rung for 111119 ’ mu! bonk~nenlcd. t give: full mzmlar‘ and dzrortlnns invahmMo a; L'JJuLW'l‘DSOn SUPPLY iii.A-or,os" General A‘enu tor cauda- Also the celebrated Blatehford's Prime & Co. Molmine Meal for rttsf'l vs...“ Bring us your Prescriptions. We f111 them with pure, fresh drugs. Our Drug Store has become " The Prescription Drug Store J. A. nnxuga Dispensing Chemist Phone 3 " cents fl .Jl (gtpy Batman altttttt. Threshing season has again com- menced and will soon be in full swing. Rev. J. Currie is boiidnymg M. the home of his brother Mr. Wm Currie. Mr and Mus Mellruith of Durham were the guests of hit and Mn Ed Boyce. Mr. A. Mcthlvray of Chatsworth spent Sunday With his parents here. (Q! a! A picnic was held In Mr McCallum’I grove, Thursday of last week in honor of Mr. O'Neil and daughter who re- turn to Pinson l’enn.. this week. after having spent their vacmion with the former’a sisters Mrs Dr Clark and Mrs. M McCallum. m Miss Covelle. former teacher at anlaall, and her friend Miss J. Mo. Donald were the guests ot Mrs Wm Fulton Monday. Mrs Jun Clark and family ot Cuclxrane are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Ed Boyce. tS iii m a! a! In a! It! a..- .._ --,--. Anniversary services were held in Muleck Baptist. church Sunday Aug., 10. The sevvices both morning and evening were largely attended and were continued by Mr Hall who preached two most acceptable sermons. Mrs Wm Fullton, Mist J. Long and min E. McNully took m Civic holiday Mrs Wm Fullton, M15: J. none was E. McNally took m Civic no Prieeville. The long looked for rain came week as a relief to mother earth. ii Forty Thousand Men Required. Farm Laborers' Exearsions--This Year's Wheat Crnp will be the Lar- gest in The History of Canada. The wireatvropot' 1913 will be the greatest ever harvested in Manitoba, tiuskatchewan and Alberta, thus rc- quiring the tat In laborers of the East to rec: uit and assist In harvesting thel World's greatest Mead basket, The (iovernnwnm of the respective Provmu-s Mute that furty thousand men wall be required for this year's harvest. Those Will have to be principally vvcruited from Ontario, and the prowl-my of Canada 'jirr'ii,ii:) on securing labor promptly. The iCanadian Put-Hie. "n which (Zulnpunyl will tall practically the entire task of trunspmting the men to the west. ial Mrs-tidy l1||Kll1|l special arrangements‘ for tins you. Excursions from pointal ll. Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albert". Will he run. and special trains operated, making the trip In about thirtyuix hours and avoiding any change " cars or transfers. This will be a day shorter. than any other route E THURSDAY, AUG. 14. x913 Going Datvs.-igust 18 h-From alistations Kintpiton to Renfrew in- rhmve and east. thereof in Ontario. Egi'HIVSniou, m Winnipeg, August 22ud--From Toronto and "rest ouGrand Trunk Main Line to trernia inclusive and south thereof. August. 231h~From Toronto and North Western Ontario, north of but not including Grand Trunk Line to Sarnia and east of Toronto to King- stun, Shurlmt, Lake and Renfrew, in- cluding these points. Sr-ptemher 3rd-Frvut Tomnlo and all stations in Ontario East, of but not including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay. September 5' ir-From all ~nation‘s out Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive and west thereof in Ontarioinvludiug C. P. It. Line Sud- hury In Saulte Sm Marie, Ontario, but not including Azildn and West. For full particulars see nearest U. P. R. Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District l’awt-ngor Agent, Toronto, Municipality oi the Township of Glenelg, County of Grey. NOTICE is hereby gIVPn that Itrwe transmitted in delilered lo the per- mits uwntlmwd in sections 8 and 9 of th The Onlmin Voters' List Act." lf copies veqttived by said sectmns to hel an transmitted or delwervdof thelist, made pursuant to "uid Art, of all pvrmns appealing by the last revised Assessmvnt Roll of the said municipality to he entitled to vote in the said municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that suid_llst, was that postfdlup P: auu luau Vulu BBSFV n..- ..'eev F _ my ottiee at Pomonn on the iith day August 1913,and remains thore for speclion. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other error: we found therein. to take immedhlte proceulinga to have {he said errors corrected accordlng to aw. Dated at Pomona on the 5th day of August 1913. JOHN S. BLACK Clerk of Glenelg Voters' List, I913 Mulock A the Down Town Shoe Stoce E GS TAKEN AS CASH. We have given some lines of footwear notice to leave our store. To quickly help them out we have reduced prices till there is hardly any price left. Sam: Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, reg. $2.00. now SI.00 Misses and Childrens White Oxfords now... . . . .. Mk Other broken lines also away down. see if your size is here. .o-.. , l :1- saw 'ar M.ttNiNt if im, NOTICE TO LEAVE Custom Work and Repairing as usual THE DURHAM last Miss Nellie Nichol is visiting with her mother. Mr. A Scott and Miss McDonald vialted mth lrienda at Williamsford. Mr. Wm Andrews raised his fine burn on Tuesday of last. week. Every thing went together, well 5nd no incidents of my kind oocurrei. Quite a nuasier “landed the Wo. men‘s Institute meeting at Mrs. Thou McGirr‘s and report 'In interesting Lune. Mr C. L. Gum oftown took charge of the Sunday school in absence of Mr Wm Young, . . Miss Enménh Soon. leaves tlt.it Wednesday for n week's visit with friends in Brantford. Much sympathy is extended to Mr and hire Will McFadden of Egremont in the loss of their infant dlughter. A number of the young men of this neighborhood attended the garden party at Knox Friday evening Ind enjoyed the rain very much. N orth=East Normanby Mrs. Ed Smith Ind children from Toronto are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs l'. Wallace. Mr and Mrs Jas. Boy of Varney Sunduyed at Jan. Ferguson's. Berry picking is the order .of the day and they are a good crop. Miss Maud Thompson of Toronto I: holidaying With her parerts Mr and Mrs John Thompson of Blythe‘s Corners. Miss Bertha Gndd of Toronto spent. last. week visiting with friends would these parts. Mr. Rom Watson of b. Cl, span a few days with his brother Mr Jas. Watson, last week. Some of the farmers around here have started to cut. their oats. Har- wst will be early this your on account of dry weather. _ Mr'James Marshall and sister Neils spent. the week end mth friends near Arthur. , of In- Mr Robt Gadd and Miss J, Bybtr. spent Sunday evening at Mr. David Marshall. Mr: And Marshall of Durham ls spending a couple of weeks " her brothers’ Mr Alb Marshall. LVIIu‘I’ "Ill Icy ..-e9_"'- . undersigned up to August 20th for supplying 40 or 45 squarvs of tirtst class cedar shingles. for rooting the shed at the Rocky church, FURHAM. Aug.13 Flourpercwt........ Oatmeal per sacrum Chopper ttwt........ ' Baekirl1tsat.......-. ihiirWhsnt...........8 Spring Wneat.... .... Oan,t‘eed............. Oats, milling........ .. Peas................. ‘Barlev............... Butter................ Eggs Potatoes per bag.. .... . Tenth rs wall Arrived too late for last week Durham Markets. Green Grove The Preparation that kills the Potato Bug ttcd not the Plant i5??? proved good when others failed. Easily apglied. Cheaper and bet- ter than l aria Green. No water to carry. Good for Cabbage Plants, Berry Bushes and Tur- nips as well as the Potato plants. Now is the time to apply it when the plants are appearing as this preparation kills the beetle as the late bugs. The only prepar- ation that isa fertilizer as well as insecticide. JAMES R. GUN, The only preparatio.n that has - . .L___ ...'|...I Made and sold only by Tenders Wanted. PARKERS’ BOO KILLER . S. .lt1cILllthmf vt...........', neat........ ing........ .. Drugglst, Durham . R, Town Ticket Agent B. PUTuEmuwuu Bentinck. P. o be received lt 1.he tg.13, 1913. l .... 2 Thto280) .... 215:0225 ... 1 25 to140 ... 65 to 75 ....s 90 toitl 00 .... 90 to100 r.... 34 to 36 v.... 33 to 34 .... 90to 100 .... 50 to 52 ,.... 18 to 19 ..... 18 bo 19 "m... 66 to 75 Call and with tended tho Zion gsrdsn puny on Thursday last and report . good time. Mr E Greenwood and two sisters. Misses Winnie and Ethel, visited friends at Dornoch one day lust we w. _ ‘u . 7.2-:sAA ll'leuua all Ann uvvu. -.._ " Miss Ions Blnck. of Charley, visited l at Mr D. MoFayden's on the avenue 3 ‘ s few days inst week. I A namber from here took in the sports " Priooviiio on An. 4th. Mr Wm. Williams, d Sndbury. visited for a week " " old home here. Miss Maggie Ritchie is visiting iiriends in Paisley at present. Miss Ethel Greenwood was the guest of Hanover friends from Sutur- day till Tnosdsy. We understand she has secured a school " Allendnle duties to begin utter holidays. Berry picking is a. this: at the pan _ now. They appesr to he a scarce. crop in this part. l Mr E. Greenwood left Tuesdsy of' this week for North Dakota. We wish him a pleasant journey and safe return. Miss Ruby Moffat, ot Toronto, is spending her holidavs as her eotusin's, C, 11. Moffat and other friends in this burg. Saturday's rain was a much wel- come visitor, as pasture and water A large number from thin burg It - ... -A-., mutt: " Saturday's rain was a much wel- come visitor, as pasture and water was getting scarce. Mr Alex AIJOO was the flrat to have his wheat and barley thrashed in this pant. Mr Robt. McGiliivrny with his threshing mutit, hustled it through in short time. Mrs Ed. McClocklin and daughter Miss Minnie. oi town, visited at D. McFaydea'a on the avenue a couple of days last week. Congratulatimw to Miss Lottie Brown who was married at her father's home on Monday Aug. 4th to Mr. Jar. Ly one of Toronto. Wes Ruby Moffat holidayed recently with her aunt Mrs. Jag. Whitmore Mr, Wm. Andrews' barn raising on Tuesdav 5th. Messrs Wm. Weir and Thea. Lauder were “plains. the latter winning by a few minutes. Misses May and Millie Hopkins and Mrs. 1). Allen spent a week Mo Sunday wilhthe formers uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Worn. Doothtille. ‘vhvlrahd Mrs. Hyley of Toronto spent a week or so with her brother Mr. Thos. Moore. - -. Mrs. N. Whitmore and Mary and Geo. spent. Sunday with her daughter Mrs. llobt. Wells of Allan Park. Miss Mary will spend a wrek or so -wnh her sister. The women's Institute meeting held at. Mr, Thos. McGirrs' on Thurs. day last. was largely attended mud a decided succels. Mrs, F. McGraw returned to her home in Toronto on Saturday after holidaying with her mother Mrs. JIS. Wlntmore and many other friends here. All enjoyed the rain on Saturday. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. McFadden of Cement Lake have the symplthy of our community in the loss of their little daughter Clam. Quite anumber attended the funeral on Sunday. Popular Place W, (tNN9iBlotote"t""""" MB-"'--'" I .- Edge mu gamma 3': her from thin burg tb‘ ' 51%.. gudon '/'?'iiii5 Preserve Eggs ll AK if: last an repor n . ' reenwood and two sistersd'igllg Now with at: l . d Ethel. Vinita 1;;‘30cmnoce day last we w. 18, Water0lass 2 iii ll Buck. of Cheeky. visited i li) . . I I? ':i12ts"i,'d,1e"l." the avenues iii Now is the t}::°t;: U' twee . v c s . gerfrom here togkhin the [a 22:: I; te,','h','l. m A 'Y Prioeville on Ant. t . I new otWater as: . . 11 Williams. (I Sudbury. 'otl wsm keep '.tr/ttt.12' f r: A --" ‘- n p, Small Profits Our stock of Floor Coverings is very large. It is composed of Linoleunrc, Oilcloths and Rugs. The Linoleums are all Canadian manufacture and all first class goods in the newest designs and in the neatest patterns. We have sold a very large quantity this season and it has given the best of satisfaction. 4 yards wide. . . . . . . . .. ....$3 per yard. The Ollcloth is also Canadian make and has given good satisfaction. It is in 1 yard, ll, and t?, yd widths. The Rugs are composed of Tapestry, Amninster and Velvet, in the neuest designs, with the nicest Oriental Tinge of coloring to suit the rooms intended tor. They are the product of the Best English Looms, We cordially hirite you to have a look through them. Our Stock is large and varied, composed of the newest, designs luunuluc tamed by the Old Reliable Firm, Stanton, and it is muranted to give gnod satisfaction. Bring the measurement of the rooms you want papered and select the paper, we will give you the right quantity, trimmed ready to go on walls. Imperial pint Fruit Jim. per dozen. .... . . .. Imperial quart Fruit Jars. per dozen ....... Wine halt gallon Fruit. Jars, per dozen..... Cuystnl Standard Gran. Sugar, per bag. . ... Large Brooms. each, only..... . .......... Figs, Blbotor.............. ...._. .... ...... Sunklst Ralsins, needed. per lb...... ...... Purple and gold needed ninlui, 3 p'ckn'e. for 81b. Currants tor............ ............. Bibi Raisins form. ........ .... -.... ...., Floor Coverings-op Second Floor MoKechnie’s Weekly News Reminders G.&J 'il. Rexall Talcum fftl' " .w._ -- M Druggists and Booyie1lers g? C P R Town Office buy you -fftl' w A- -- - - iifiLiilgamgasastsasririyst=mlxx's'o"s" ' . t We still have 1n if fine assortment E1 il, g Wash Goods in Ginghams, Prints. '# Muslims, Piquet, Bedford Cord, Rep. l', ete, t Shirtings, Shirts, Overalls, wiih bib E and wiihout [311). Vi? Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Laces. 't Embroideries. r,eeegisirebiy7ie ssssieseeaieieir"' 71° iii+bsettseirqbqebsi"fli wavawewwvevawwwx . Now is the time to preserve eggs for the winter months. A I so can of WeterGlus will keep perfectly " do: eggs for months. Do it now. Wall Paper We still have I ferr {on left One free with every can pur- chased. Ma’cnRLAljr; t ce >", 3‘73. Err.', if" Beautiful Goods at rock bottom 100 110 475 MCKECHNIB 10 25 . L GRANT Another lot of FINE CEYLON TEAS ; Star of India. 25e. Light of Asia Why buy old-fluhioned Shoe! at high prices when we are selling the nave-t style. at low prices y ? Why my " 25 for the E. T, Dorset when " cell It for 31.00 P ? as». less P " Don't forget to bring your Butter and " Egg: to us. We my the top mica. Blackberry Cordial, Rexall Diarrhoea Compound 25c Kodlko here from 51 up pltt a child can operate. Both guaranteed remedies thoroughly tested and Keep one in the house. Reminders AUG'J‘IT li, ms Buy your tickets tGtirirsd rel ialrle the house. stock a f prices. So sim INEWIWN.‘ lure Large Sales Are x, ' be " y .Ii It David Wal tho week and are simmering I In Swan, l, - at same Ir Donnld “CRIN "med his “UH plenum. three vs ter limb "red by th or, to n p progress. Le will H tuber tire Kiunon " Mr J home t , “fa visiting ttr Ja pnrty to a "coir!!- at tv D will tr, lit who is at ditioo a! h Godtroy very ill. . AUGUST 14, 19 Ln MFR The M AROUND ttl I‘D Me M( HR "I" Villa; K PR1 In Brand) M SPI THE V'ILI w PR

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