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Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1913, p. 5

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th bib Laces, 1913 o x M staction. So simâ€" rints, 3 Rep, AS prices les at ive good id select alls. 1 an hen we (1) a Large Sales nd Iu ewest ended invite adtan lacâ€", ave 1 l9¢ & 6 \Ur David Walker, Toronto, spent » week end with his tamily who e summering bere. \Irs Swan, of Toronto, is also a 1est at same home. ‘ Dcrald MceKinnon, mail clerk, re med his work this week, after a :1sant three weeks‘ holiday . \[r Mitehell Walker, who was inâ€" red by the baseball on Civie Holiâ€" iv, is at present making fairly good cogress. It no complie«tions set in will recover. His mother and vher are with him at Mr Neil Meâ€" AF AUGUST 14, 1913 Mi w oo ces en e AROUND THE VILLAGE E1 A T t DX roge regee 5e form e yc rca J «k MceArthur, Toronto, was t r Civic Holiday. Or.) Lane and son Jack are y in Port Eigin at present. Jao. McGrath gave a house to some of his friends Friday Village io io h «h cteck ie &?‘&4&‘***9&?&**$$*%*$$:§ Branching out to New Lines % M Parns Green p PRICEVILLE ficohor? PRICEVILLE, id t present in a yery 1Ow UUMt health. y McTaggart is at prosermt I+: would be well not to forâ€" he is a Forester. With the it10n &4 n aild Matheson has gone wih a constrac‘ion party in New â€"live lerate Mrs W.ll White, Ceylon, iv with Mr W hite‘s mother Dry Goods, ; Warling are holiday ing ling Sspices To Mr and Mrs Sandy south line, a daughter. To Mr and Mrs Allan south line, a daughter. sent in a very low econâ€" For Sale 2Cres Ut h roperty for Sale. 1, containing a acres (QJueen St., in the vil le, â€"Apply at onee to M,. SimPsoN, Priceville samerr HENDERSON, Priceville, Ont BORN We have recently placed McGowan‘s _ Flour Di iferent weights ARE vour Ames Holden Boots They speak for themselves shoes here YOoU WELL SHQD ? Rough N}d Lumber 2 Doors and @&%***w***$$**$***m*& _ en e e e ;__â€"â€"â€"â€"fiâ€"â€"â€" MCLEANs Highes Groceries, â€" Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. n the coil. yz Central Telephon® pl"l-':o pdid for constant rash of the present day, there is a tendency to forget even the ebligations that members of Fraternal Societies take upon themselv«s. Miss Campbel!, Montreal, is visitâ€" ing her mother, whe bad the misfor tune to fall on Sanday and irjare the knee cap on the left leg. MrsCampâ€" bell has bad two breaks on same leg preyious to this ong. Mr Archie McLean and family, south line, have moved from the farm to Dandalk and shortly incend going to Montana, U. 8. A. Mr Hyig has taken possession of the tarm and has the erop this year. Mr Hoig comes from the vicinity of Cobourg. Oot. He has a grownâ€"up lamily. We welâ€" come the tamily to our district. OD 2 You are when y We handle the celebrated Mr Wm. Mather bhas brickâ€"vencerâ€"| ed the house on the old homs this sammer. _ It makes a fine house now. | Mr Hector McLean, Priceville, did the work. \ Mr McBeth is doing a good deal of| cement work. _ He is busy allt.ho“ time. A e rload of cement arrived | last week. | See us when requiring & bag Jno. Vause and William Meads kave had men busy painting their‘ homes recently. Jadging from the improvement it m«kes, others should follow. Some of she I arkv.ew Socces team of Toronto remained in town a few days. They claim that thescenery around Priceville on the Saugeen is ssflicient to entice hundreds here in surmnmer it it were only known t» be so romantle. The boys want to re turn anotbher year. They also say they would like to meet Walkerton Mr Chaa:v Tryon returned to Va&anâ€" couver where be is doing all kinds of signâ€"painting and work of that naâ€" There is to be a meeting of those nduistst . Srabe ic t onl »Trlw‘t interested in Civic Holiday soon, more realized. Thet when all receipts and disbursements tance was the wellâ€"kn will be heard and discussed and the | °TON and Miss Tait, balance on hand made known. A Haw Bros. orchestra detailed account will appear later in Irwin, of Durham, these columns. paplst to the sings We are much indebted to Mr Irwin 2;‘:‘1‘“’;’“ rent {‘“‘}lg‘ of the ‘Chronicle‘ for the space he gave | 3. * mm,;’“ * s;fisc last week to our Civic Holiday demâ€" ames made alt EHLCL onstration. He had a good writeâ€"up mt of the day and always gives our vilâ€" Church I lage all the distinction he can when | R Mr Pow! anything of im portance happens. " it i?\vn'he rl’r;)::) "t-‘ér‘;‘ | We are also indebted to J. & W. [ eorning spd Yemn h s . 1 | Boyd, _1_~lgs_hertoll.f_holzigve.t‘}'sleld crt:r“ Park in the aitern 2A ie L q uL q2 Nenas \ elewer We Ee se e on o e se o o h e e se e y o tuee ie is Boyd, Flesherton, whoadvertised ¢0T | Park in the aitern on. _ Mr Fowley Civic Holiday on the large bills Te\ is to be here three Sundays taking garding their © Whirlwind Saleâ€"""|\the s ervices. He will be in town ‘They bad these bills clrcula_ted | during the week also and will be througy h the County of Grey for milen | glad to visit any sick in the discrict around . This is a splendid way tor | it advised of any being in that cons the residentshuf lcn~l: mdmtl»l to ’bto"\dltion. : their sympathy in laudable enterâ€" ux s & prises tgcigzens of adjoining towns. ‘lafizvflei‘ffv‘ffif is taking his holi _ Harvesting is quite general in this| _ ppe cheir in St. Colamba chureh is locality. YVery little will be left UD~ | purring forth efforts to aid in helping cut in another week. |\ Sunday serviees to the best of their mha Brst threshing done hers was| ability. There is practice for all Farm Produc«. in stock a and â€" Feed and Shoes Priceville full line of you purchase A good number from this vicinity attended the Orange picnic in Hardy‘s bush Swinton Park on Tuesday last. Misses Kate and Lizzie McMillan, Seotchtowu, is home for the sammer from Toronto. _Miss Laura McMillan, who hbas been visiting in Toronto, is home again. Rev. D. J. Line and tamily have returned to Cookstown, after spendâ€" ing some time in Pricevilie. _ ihrt.in MelLeod, Stratford, bas reâ€" turned to his duties aftor his holidays here Mro and Mrs Neil McKinnon, Mr and Mrs Aldcorn and Miss Obristena McKinmon were in Durham Wednes day, Aug. 6, at the marriage of Mr Chas. McKinnon and Miss Hunter. Mr and Mrs McKinnon left on afterâ€" noon train for Bassarma, Alta., where in fature they will reside. Mrs Thomas Hincks, of Toronto, 18 visiting at the home of Mr Hincks in the village. I 4 Amongst those who were successâ€" %Â¥ | (ul at the Entrance to Normal Exams Y\ are : Misses Agaes Harrow. Rebecca ofe | MeMillan, May Muir, Myra McLean, *\ tlla MceKinnon. Miss Harrow"is goâ€" C \ _ In our writeâ€"up of Priceville Civic 1‘ holiday last week amr item regarding Ithe Concert was inadvertently omitâ€" ted, It was a great success, the hall being filled and a sum of $30.00 or more realized. â€" Thetalent from a disâ€" tance was the wellâ€"known J. H. Camâ€" eron and Miss Tait, of Toronto, the Haw Bros. orchestra and Miss Rita Irwin, of Durham, who was accomâ€" panist to the singers in ber usual brilliant way and gave also a couple | of instrumental selections. MrC.C. | James made an efficient chairman,. | | _ Rev. Mr Fowley occupled the pulâ€" | pit in the Presbyterian Charch here | morning and evening and in Swinton UUrPHy M i ea d oi Mas Rawlav PDI® PPBR CTTTCICC TSE ing to Normal Misses McKinnon and McMillan are going to Model, while the Misses McLean and Mair are going tn take a year off from studies. So far the teachers are gaged, but soon there will ceflnuite news regarding the sta ff for the fall term. McDougall‘s Corners Ia olden times this used to be a place for the boys to assemble for the purpose of having a good time and disussing the events of the season, but these boys are now men and only nVs e vox uB onl s UUS PNOUSU MUJH CCC OCC Bob Fisher and Donald McDougall held to the original way of living oy being yet single. The rest are all men for they are married â€" Some ef these boys are all over the universe, some west, some in other parts, w hile some are sleeping in the churechyard. ‘This place is bounded on the nerth by Moss Lake, partly on the farms of Roger MeEaichern and Donald Meâ€" Lacblan. â€" As was seen last week mention was made by Priceville Cor, to be a place of bull frogs, but old â€" 3;. Patrick mast haye yisited and | banished all the 4.0g$8 and snakes, for there are not many now, but by the way as it‘s all hielanders living around hbere, it must bave been old Callam Killer from the Isle of Tona, Seotland, that visited. but both Patâ€" rick‘s and Callum‘s remains are lyâ€" ing in their nativa to wns, so it coulid not be ayther of them that banished the snake. i ie oi eA ts‘ s s ie Tagy." > Away back in the oY 8 {NC POS® leading to Proton and Egr.mont was on the banks ol Moss Lake and many a poor fellow g0ing south bhad to exâ€" perience the haraships of travelling ttrough the wild and unmacadamizâ€" ed roads after dark, â€"The old jamper and the oxen would often come in eontact with stumps and snags and \the driver often would haye to pall the conveyance from its place of Church News School News teachers are not reâ€"en in the 30‘s the road be some teaching danger and try to get on the maln track again. No seand could be heard but the howling of some wild be~st or anuther and hadm‘t the perâ€" son in this uncomfortable experie:xce‘ | pluck and courage, ke would be apt to join in by howling in his own mau-\ ner for fear of being taken or amek-\ ed by wild beasts. But these poor old pioneers who endured much hardâ€" ships in the early history of the counâ€" try are prolty much gone the way of all livieg and if there are any living yet of those braye men of nearly 60 years, they will bear us out as to the correctness of our statements. l \ _ Immediately west of the corners on the north side of the road is Hugh| McKinnon & Son‘s residence, who | owns a farm of nearly 300 weres all| \ told and are yery successfal in the | {arming capaeity. East of this is| | Willie Mather, who runs a farm of | | some 200 acres. The original owner | | of Mather‘s farm on this line was the | “ late Alex McDougall and family, of : | which Mr Colin MeDougall, of Durâ€" | ham, is one who will yet remsmber 'lwhen a small boy, when he had to | pick, brush and plant potatoes araongst | beech roots with the hoe, provably | barefooted, as all boys were in olden »lda\'s, td be l s C Ch Y 9 On the south is D. MeDougall‘s and Heetor McEachern‘s and z. Meâ€" Phail‘s. All were raised at the corâ€" ners from their youth. .A little west is the residenee of Norman Mcintyre, once the home of his father and tamâ€" ‘illn;’,' the late Rev. Robs. McIntyre. $o much on the vicinity of the Corâ€" ners Going over sideraad 50 was a terâ€" ror in olden days, for it was chicfly built with big logs in the shape of a crossway or causeway. Here some 45 years a thresher lost one of his horses by getting 'nsml‘eg' broken beâ€" THE DURHAM REVIEW tween two logs. The man‘s name was McQQuarrie and was on his way to thresh for the late Heotor McLean‘s now Joseph Campbell‘s place. Had Mrs Haw to go over such dangerouns rosds in 1912 when she got into a hole on a road as smooth on top as the floor, then she had good reason to set up a complaint for bad roads, bu‘ Mc McQuarrie bhad to shoot the horse BWE STE N NO ETT CCCE To on M To C qh n * 4+ and never entered his head that hu'{ should sue the council for damages. | But people were no so well posted in law as they are now, for nowth(-} council is in for damages if a horse | pulls off a shoe in a hole on the | bighway. S8So who wouldn‘t be 8 | eouncilior ? | Not much harvesting done in this: neighborhood yet and the fine rain on . 3uaday will keen it back for a few days later. _ Water was much need â€" ed and now as the washerwomen g0‘ some soft water, nobody need go with their dirty shirts on and the atâ€" mospbere is purified and a little more comiort may be expected duaring the l resting hours. The small creek at the corners seryes a large namber from the cast and west for watering their caltle. Robt. Shortreed, our obliging mail j carrier, brings mail when going and when coming back in the evening, Mrs Booker and family are visitors at Mr Roger MeEachern‘s for some time. l Miss Rita MeDermid, of Toronto, is | visiting at her grandparents, Mr John McPhail, during the holidays. ' Chas. McDonald shingled his barn lately, which was unroofed daring the storm of 25th March last. Arch. MeCuaig bad Augus MeAr thur with his engine cutting wood one day last week and a big pile of wood was moved at one end and anâ€" other hig pile put up at the other end and good work was done. Miss Sara MeKinnon and a friend , | of Toronto, visited for a couple of days | at the former‘s home at hber father‘s | Mr H. McKignon‘s. \| Mrs McLachlan, Mrs Shortrecd‘s: mother, is geiting quite feeble and as she has passed the second stage pro i missed, being over 80 some years, she cannot, expect (on account of illâ€" ness and old age) much time to live, but the aged people are tough and may outlive younger ones yet. mates dnithoCc ied Th T Mrs McPherson, who spent a week | with friends hbere, expects to spend | this week with her sister and sisterâ€" | inâ€"law, Mrs MeCannel and Mrs Mc Lean, of Darbam. Mrs McPherson is in the hairâ€"dressing basiness in Torâ€" onté and recsives a large patronags from the ladies in that city. The east wind indicates this Monâ€" day morning, the 1ith Aug., 1913 that we will soon have more rain. The fine rain. on Friday night and Saturday â€" forenoon refreshed the scorcked grass ard pastures are alâ€" ready looking green. ) . CC Inpiug se e TT L AML S ‘ w Py e Sn e Oe The barvesters will be generally at work this week and a large quantity of grain will be cut toâ€"day. Berry pickers are out early this morning every one trying to get ahead of the 6thet in the berry patch. In the Presbyterian church in this place yesterday the Rev. Mr Fowley, of Toronto, but lately of Erin village, preached morning and evening. The Rev. gentleman is one of the good old preachers and his sermon yesterâ€" day morning from the words of Paul as found in Acts, ‘*What will Thoa have me to do,"‘ was a fine discourse. Mr Fowley will be in Priceville for the ne&t two Sundays. Dr. Hutton, of Durham, attended . church here yesterday and it reminds us of olden times when the Dr. was a | uscful member of the church herc, as he took interest in attending to the f@nancial part of the church., 1‘ John McMillan, south line, had a number of sheep worried by dogs a few days ago. It is said that the dogs went out from this direction.! t No services in the Methodist church here last Sunday. as the pastor had quarterly meeting at Salem, Proton, on Sunday morning. Donald Mathesen left to join the surveyors up north somewhere. Donaid will be missed, as he is a fine specimen of the young man and all wish him success in the woods of the northern part of Ontario. the family remedy fo *Shiloh costs so little Fvtp aoeP ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ing wood ‘ vig pile of | and anâ€"| other end l A friend.]; 'i‘he Review to Jan. 1, 1914, only 235¢ @»@2@»ie (WGURNEYâ€"O AUGUST 18th AUGUST 22nd AUGUST 25th SEPTEMBER 3rd SEPTEMBER 5th Oneâ€"way verification c at Winnipes goupon will . Northerr west of F K'n'vc-;fl)& Ei(ih, 1913, on p: Winnipeg added to S?AB__._O")'!' Plus half cent por mLeo to MacLeod, Calgary, or the ti While the cost of living has undoubtedly been growing greater, at the same time it is true there are some inventions that will offset this increased cost of living, and the careful houseâ€" wife takes advantage of these inventions. On every Gurney â€"Oxford range there is an Economizer which controls not only the drafts but also the entire combustion or burning of fuel to create heat. This Economizer will save 1 ton of coal in every 6 that you would use with the ordinary range. The Economizer is a simple device, absolute in its control. By merely moving the lever you can obtain any degree of even heat in the oven. This insures the satisfaction of always having light, delicately crusted bread and biscuits. The kitchen fire ceases to be a worry if the Economizer is on your stove. The Gurney â€"Oxford is the final result of experimental thought. Science has given it a Divided Flue, a new Special Grate, and a Broiler attachment. This® Gurneyâ€"Oxford range is primarily A a saver of money, time, and energy. "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WiINNIPEG 5 £CUCP E. Ai# _© "I was ,,4‘1;&:9..2\\‘ for man w *z ‘_\"\‘ and ez 6 ‘[' despcnd R® worked m m C who 1 ho Imagi: Vn tm‘ (} meâ€"my back of y old, tir *, Pss ;:L 7’~’1'5‘ | loose, 1 the fing f > he fear« ( A medicin y BB physici s 26 5E‘ months C040R CE" i ERRRT CCC oVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT you, | Under its influence the brain becomes act pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerv hervousness, bashfulness and despoudenct;o‘(jlimr face full and clear, energy returns to the y, systems are invigorated; all draing ceaseâ€"Do T Â¥ou feel yourself a man and know marriaco CA and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars, d el o eP eC tmunn in w . and continue to do £0, CURES GCGuARANTEED OR No PAY . We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND ® UR!NAR;&(::A‘HAINTS. KIDNEY . AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Discases CONSULTATION FREE, BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. Des. KENNEDY & KENNEDY iB OR a% ai m icltt. Misk Nervous DEBILITY_ . Write for our private address. 1 NETE: 1Cs Em e m ‘ st i cafg:t r~â€"_â€"â€"__â€"s» "#8 C3 en «a 3 it MALTT NN( enc memenencect t § wfifrescy n o c...n~â€"â€"â€" dn sn Sss & ~â€"~, poooes o s .o § \t geâ€"__â€"â€"a qo acy §\§ i ECE 480 t sds ol â€" b c dccdhatl Abecusicdate" â€"/s in ctadbatefbunt dcinpdugnaagtattd L l o‘lc E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Departâ€" apppppmmoepmeseaeee . mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see mn:llly call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we S€C and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. | 4 1 4.4 d csidindieaibers rindoratutt Peter E. Eummers relates his experience: 5 se "I was troubled with Nervous Debility B /w \ N P l\\t\%‘.\\s for many years, Llay it to indiscretion ; Â¥ N\g\é\ @ We PR and ecxcesses in youth. I became very A ar) AWp® despondont and didn‘t care whether I 6. C worked or not. 1 imagined everybody [ y e on ;xlm looked ixit me gue:.x.ydmt‘ny.:ficrmj . mm ( tw maginative dreams at Di weakened YWM «omm vd thy" '." meâ€"my back ached, lmdgps. i the (a) * back of my head, hands and fee4% we‘"0 L @ f 2@ € eold, tired in the morning, 1ioor appetite, . s the fingers were shaky, ey@S lurred, bair Ap Siah Â¥ » * loose, memory poor, elC, Numbness in . PM t ~ the finzers set in and tho doctor told mo W * he feared paralysis, I took all kinds of “\\-\‘“__. a R A medicines and tried many firstâ€"class t ‘ BBD.,, physicians, wore an electric or > t C Py, physici lectric belt for three af® N Cord PS mon%hg. b!‘l'.l reccivtid {i:neémnefldt. 815 a z* dA was induced to consult Drs. KennC y etrome Treatment Y85.0idy) though I had lost all faith in arter TREATMENT doctors. Likea drowning man 1 commenced the _ New Metrop Treatywexr and it saved my life, The improvement was like magicâ€"L could foel the viger roing through the nerves. Ivucuredmenmlylndphyuosuy. 1 have seut them mauy patients and continue to do 50. 82. _ _ _ _ llu=era AD NO PAY The Economizer will do it, Save dmont rtificati uWws Coone us w ERRRRMeM MB OM 0 0 0 Cor. Michigan Ave. and ?fiswold St., Detroit, Mich. 5. HUNTER & SON = © MBE 1 ) & 1. 4 csmmc in ts td THREATENED wWiTH PARALYSIS C =0 q 112442 awaavianant n giO% SE EMRERE MRIMECM C200 o0 NO NAMES USED WITHEOUT WRITTEN CONSENT uon en 2e Psn t t One Ton of Coal in Every Six eold, tired in the morning {lugers wergr;haky. ey: loose, mem r, Gt gletfln;',crs set in and fhme e feared paralysis. medicines n.m‘lyfl tried 1 whysicians, wore an elect Sn3 S ce Sorr nd desponcent) °707 Sha moral. phy ret.urnfl’o the body, and the moral, phlfl l1 draings ceaseâ€"no more vital wasto in 1 know marriace cannot be & failure, D hard earned dollars, :N‘rflflcurevoumdmakesmmot s active, the tblood purified so that all nerves become strong &8 stee}, so that disappear; the eyes become brkm.. the disappeat: 499 UV\ rnysical and mental ut G&â€" @2 2 A 4 e N eE : iR 2 2 . \eme Eon 9 «o9 &= [5 B + > V > x b ,‘ l' J \ V . am 5 ( £ Paiines: s# s #A A © f s + i I s 6 rom the system. Dou‘t let quacks 100 acres 1 mile South of W illhamsford a good farm too, offered for actually less than the buildings would cost. 100 acres near Mount Forest, eheap at under $4,000, 300 acres near Dornoch (Mr George Twamley‘s tu-mL. fine wellâ€"iumproyâ€" ed place on which Mr Twamley wade money, offered at a great bargain, 200 acres near Louise, good farm, extra.tuildings, timber worth most ‘ of the price. 150 acres aear Durham, wellâ€"improved and cheap at about $4000, 800 acres in Egremont, (Dr Fettes faurm) good place, owner in the West offered at a snap. 100 acres near lListowel, one of the best farms in Perth Co, Splendidly improved. Astonishingly cheap at $7000, Northâ€"west Lands change, Above are some of my Maay Barâ€" gains. lt w#Wl Pay you to Buy H.H. Miller J. G. HUFTON,M. D., C. OFHCE. Ovar J. P. Toktord‘s office, !urly oppogite Nugstry Qlice RESLDENCE : Second bouse south of Reg#tr{ oflice on east side of Albert 8t. Telephone W.C,. PICKERING D. DS., LDS Hoxor GRADVATE of Torano. University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Over J & J fiUNTER‘s New Store HQSOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra duate xa’l Colliewe Dental Burgepns Deptistry in ts vranches. Ofliceâ€"Over Jeweliry store and oppo site Post Office, You are Not Too Lazy OFFICE HOURS #~â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p m. ARTHUR H. JACKSON h:nsurz%nce Agemt&uev Lo A,p'uu- uey 0 T1 CS, mlefinanxlthens u'::n-.nmd."n DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Mambe rister, sgcxwr in Suprem ctm §ot.ary blic Comumissioner Money to ioan. flice on Lambron St., opposite O Walpole‘s Stables. J. F.GRANT 0. D.S., L. D. S. ~ULicensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey Terms moderate. A m ® dsm h‘:o. must be:';%?.- .lt’:gfiw jprres Rfi», iphain, use CorreepQnor@it m'::fis thete. or to (Wylon P «trended to, Terms on l’l‘he 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist Aivieion of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck , Notary Public, Commissioner, Tw .lled Sireeting 2 yds wide.25¢ yd Heayy bleached sheeting, 2 n . â€"_â€" yde wide,,.....20000 06++ Bed Comforters from ..... ......1.25 up to $5 each Flodr QOmcloth, '. . 80c a equare yard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a ya New Spring Prints all now im Call and see them Phosphonel resto"©® 5 Â¥ "° _ to its pr Electric Restorer 195 Mgl . MePMHAIL_+A to Wor READ THIS : division of lot 10, W.G.h., benuinek, 100 acres. Lot 1. Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres, Lot 16 and half of 17, Jon, 2. E. 6. R. Glenelg, 130 acres . Lot 8, Con. 8, 8. D. R., Gienetg. 50 acres Lot 9, Con, 3, 8, D. R, Glenelg, 50 acres Lot 10, Con. 8. 8.U.R., Glenelg, 50 acnes Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D.R., (Glenelg , 55 acres Lot 7, Gon, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McK®ouxix®, Dorkim Large roomy dwelling house, large enough to keep boarders. Convenientâ€" ly situated to all public works, Newly decorated, Cheap rent,. Apply to One of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"â€"three houses for the ?’rick of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses. Two rooms solid oak Asats and trimmings. . Two mantels fq=~°e, cistern, g0o0d garden, yo:‘: 1 wd. â€" One frame seven roo hn use, Musi he sold as owner is going West. .\ pply on premises or write J. M. Lartu®®, Darham McPbail has a tel hifs roas Fine brick store and dwellinwn Main street, Durham, Owner in est. A bargain. Apply to â€" a 4s T APIPRHN OONYEYANGER. _&e. . P. TELFORD No zo Ph ns and Burgeons _ . s * 4 wit \munication between Office and sidence at all hours. M »4 +o any address. vatharines, Ont. veral bhouses in Durbham, One volmage in Lower Town . A M Jacksox, Durham. D. MeP or to C. 1 LACE CURTAINS “'l‘em' w; on ;] l‘.ll ication to Farms for Sale. wW. H. BEAN tvy. Premature a4 in 060 in 60 in 64 1N 40 in 30 in N. Mclxtyr® CALDEBR‘S a gflk‘u%w for sale or exâ€" stores c\'ery- nerve in the body its proper tension ; restores remature decay and all s at o;xre. l;luupho.ol m, _ Price $3 a box addrecs. The Io.m To Rent. wide . wide . wide . wide wide wide Por Sale The Hanover Conveyancer Money to For Sale Genetg, 50 acres Glenelg, 50 acres (Glenelg, 59 acres (Glenelg, 55 acres , Glenely, 50 acres BLOCK A. H. JACK®ON,. ~9 p. m . @00 pP .50¢ pr . 75e pr 1.00 pr 1.00 pr .1.50 pr 40c ya

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