West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1913, p. 8

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L95. Q49 j, GLASSWARE i We can sell you t the Wire for Fencing "/):1'll iiMilEiBigilMilirih'l'diri,; Choice of destination left to the excursionist. Half “sent a mile from Wmmpeg to Regma, Saslmtoon, Brtndon, Kindcrsley, PrinceAlbert, Battle. (ord, E imonton, and to all other points on the Canadian Northern Runway. Rnurnmsz. halC:vccnt a mile trom.all points. on C. N. R. to Winnipeg. $1000 from Wan-mg to original Inning point m Ontario. .t Ull ht Jdi'vG,rriliiJVi. Jame to Hubirdeui sud Q h L. St. J. Ry. Utaiiosu. _ FH'T t- From Toronto to Sparrow Lu. on C, N. O. i also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay. sudbury and won thereof. The ruchest country in the Wetrt is served by The Canadian Northern 33.11- way. The demand for Harvesters along in lines I: very heavy and It: wn.wsthe highest. Wr;re fur Itotmy.vrk srri' (undo, chewing 35,000 free homestead. bwuilingthe settler. Fm full information apply to EPT -. ”W000...” . . and all other Muslims, Ginghams Dress Goods for summer wear, so have a look at the prices. We must clear our remnants of We have just received LINOLEUMS 6 new pieces in differ- ent widths. Be sure to sea these whether you want to buy or not. Redpath's Ben Gran. Sugar, per i00lbg..4."li5 3 lboRocleoned Cttrrattta...... .....e ...,25o " but Comfort or Sunlight Soap for .. .. . .250 Old Dutch Gunmen... .. .... ...... 3 fox-25c BestCanned Corn .... .... ..... ....3lor 25e BettCanned Beans. .... ...... ......3tor 250 Best Canned Pumpkins. .... .... ....3 for 250 Best Canned Tomatoes.... .... .... ..2 for 25e TAYLOR&: CO.Dromore 3),,0Aygugggi-l The Store that sets the pace This Carload of REDPATH SUGAR in going fast at $9.75. Don't Spoil the fruit with poor sugar. We've made a good many people happy, but in order not to disappoint anyone, we have added a few more pairs of our $1.00 line and will give you a chance to get your share at 39c. The Sale will con- tinue until Saturday night. Last week we put on sale 74 pin D, & A. Corsets worth Soc, 75c, roo and 1.25. The sale price was Did you Get in Right on that Corset Deal? " nil Toronto my! Rondo]. In 0. R. o. And Iron: stations in Southwestern On- zmo o t all south ot Hand Trunk nui- litre, Toronto ttt Bank. "mm Toronto an all C. N. o. nation! can an! south ot S new Lake, all "tr.to'tw on Inmzmi (Hilario Railway Mid union- on Bar of Elli-“1e. includinz K n 1mm nlw points on other lines north of G. T. R,, Toronto. " tine, one F" w of, a l t including Shame. Luke and Ronfnw. F'rout Toronto, All C N. o, instant cut M south ot Burrow Lake. all Control ”may“ Ind Bay ot Quinta 'tations ', olso notions on other "nus east of North I: .yv. t MIMI“) an! it when; irtt'laytmg all lyuye on I_he_C. trrr. cost of and in- R L. FAIRBMRH. Gun. Pass. Agt. Can. Nor. Ry .Toronto,0nt. Men's and Boys' Shirts A work shirt at 50c. Fine Shirts 50c to $2 ea You’ll find this Store the Best Place to Buy Reliable Groceries We have just received a shipment of beauti- f ul decorated glassware in prices ranging from s........................" ”coach These are most wonderful; yon must see them DINNER SETS 36 and 7.00, also 12.00 ; all leaders and extra value. This is the Frost Wire and everybody knows its qtuility--none better. Pric as am: very low just now. . . . . . .20: to 6tht per rod TAYLOR & CO. EXCURSIONS f0,000 Harvesters Wanted ast, DATES or SALE To Winnipeg $10.00 'l,4lMR,fidiriaiilll:ii,liiilii?t?6s JI....,, I THE J. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY Best Canned Peas .... ...... Old Chum Tobacco m... .... ' McDonald Brier Tobacco. .._ McDonald Chnving Tobacco T. &B Smoking Tobacco. ..t MattTobaeeo.... ..... ..... Black Watch Tobacco.... ... 3 pouad pkgs Seeded Raisins 't h? ‘H.Lan§auen; "tctr,'-).".,-):,'., " rat-v = fi'iiir'..i 5%1Hrfi'u‘h7r%1frfi7r17fl§mfll:17rgfiléfifi "S We Sell for Less BECAUSE we Buy for Less I Miss Greenwood, Durhuu, was the Egm-at by week " Miss Jenn Slmnd. _ Mus Hastings and Master Fred ' Dunnville are visitors 1t Mrs ll Burn- A numlwr of the young people In and around the village spent a pleas- ant. evening at H unilton's Lake on Friday, Mr Alex Findlay of Ottawa is spend- ing his holidays at his home here. Mr George Brown of Chicago, and sister, Miss Alice, spent the past Week with relatives h, re. Mr W. '3pencer, of Holstein spent Humhy in the viilHge. Amos pulpit was ably Med on San.. day by Rev. Mr \Vnrd of Varney. Next Sunday thew will be no tservice In the morning, the Y. P. B. u, E. tak- mg the evening meeting. Mr H Veach, a Inwliml student of Tovaulu. spent Sunday at the home oi Mr W. Mastic. Mr and Mrs C. Simpson and son re- turned to Toronto other u week's stay with Mr O. McMillan. The Misses Watson the welcome and sociable visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ramage for the last two weeks leave on \Vcd. of this week for their line home in Toronto. Their stay has been a pleasant one to all concerned and from the many with whom they met inhospitable welcome will be extended whenever they see fit to return. Miss Lillian Molnlyrvof Port Arthur is holidnying at Mr J. Bunston's. Miss Mary Halpenny is spending a couple of weeks holidays at her parents here returning to Toronto. Her many friends were glad to meet her. Miss Susie Halpcnny returned last week from a two weeks visit with friends in Cheslcy. Many have finished cutting their crops while others have their grain all in. Some late varieties are still uite green which the shower of a west ago will help materially. Mr. Thos. Hornsby left last week on a visit to friends in the lower settlements. Master Geo pavpy,Torontoisspend ing the last week of his month's holiday at the home of his uncle and aunt .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Watson. Fair, dry harvest weather still Vaila. Many farmers will finish week. et t's Miss K it? Wideman visited last week with Mrs Jun. Watt, attending the Orange picnicTuesdny. Misa Marv Shana visited Dromore friends on Sunday. . Rev. L. n. and Mrs Huxtahle and Miss Eva Dezell are enjoying a holiday camping at Eugenia. Rev. Alex Gibson, Belmore, a former pastor here, is again m our midst. Mr Harry Sterne was In the village B'ednesdtrr. - Via Grand Trunk Railway, plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg to (leasin- tion. but not beyond MacLeod. Calgary. Edmonton. Beturnmg--$18trom Win. nipeq, plus hull cent per mile from points rash of Mach-ad, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg. Farm Laborers' Excursions $10 to Winnipeg North Egremont Going Dates. nausl 22-ffrorn all station Toron. to Barnix Tunnel inclusive, vi: “lord. and oouth thereof in Ont. fd0iLSTETtit; Hopeville. Dromore ----_------ Another Shipment of Black Pants and Overalls Blue Stripe Overalls and Jackets ,,3 for 25e i} for 25e .3 tor 250 ‘3 for 25e ‘3 for 2he 3 for 25e f3 tor 250 THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. THE DURHAM REVIEW rr' x a UN". l" u . 2 "L" N v “!"""I v ",' 't.rt2 H. " V , '. \' ' . _ v. '4- P.. _ t v» , L?_.d 1 , '..L'cu' do} . a? mfififififiw mJame:mmamaasmmamafiirafimgaafiégaswas "ii're,r,'rt,fi a. n) il L,C, " pre- this 3 lbs select Valencia raisins.,. 3 lbs seedless Sultana raisins. . 5 lbs 30c green Japan Tee ... 5 lbs 30.: black Ceylon Tea. _.. 3pkmsGillesta LTe.... .... ... 3 pkgs handy Axum: hid. . .... 3 pkgs Comfort Lye. .... ..... 2 tins good red Salmon.... ... August 23.--From all ytalinns Porth of, but mu. including umin line, Tux-unto tots'arniatunnel, via Strntford all stations Toronto and north and east of Toronto to Kingston. Septemlwr 3.--From all stations Toronto and must. nhd out of Orillia and Scotia Junctihn. Svplemlwr Cr-From all stations Toronto (uNnrlh Hay inclu<ive, and west, thereof In Ontario, Farm Laborers special trains wall lsav'e Toronto at8 IP) n In on August 22 via Hamilton and London, and at. 2 00 l'hc School Fairs: are undel the sup. "twision of. the I9Ntript 1tepresenta. ive. Seeds and inuituurtirtne are issu. ml Ilu-nugh the teachers in the spring and the children plant what thee choose' at home. Then in the fall, September. the fair H held at the school-house. The corn, oats, barley etc.. that the. childr'en plant are rang» " along with anything else they may have chosen to prepare- top the fair,- such as poultry, collection of weeds, collection of Insects. insect work and plant disease. mounted and correctly named with common name, cooking. sewing and fiowers. p m on Augu~t 25 and September 5 via Guelph. Berlin and titration}. The Srienca uf Agriculture will no doubt he, in n “W yetr't4, one that. will nppmrin the curriculum of all Public Srhunls pad the Government ia gradu- ally getting the puhlic new“ "tsed to it, by "team of Srhr-nl Fairs. At preaent there are lute te. , townshitrs in Grey Cc., “Hort-Ur" .n tho proieet, (me being Ezren- AL urd the other Proton. It is the ntentirm of the De. partment to introduce them to other nownships before long. Full particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket (Mice-s, or write C. E. Homing. District Pass, Agent, G. T Ily, Toronto. i Of the bright bright world above. i Miss Taylor of London spent some 'daya recently visiting her friend Mrs. John Durant. Miss Taylor intends in ithe near future re-visiting merry old :England. .We wish her a safe and i pleasant trip. As we imimated tr. a fortr,erissute, Ibis new departure. introduced by Mr Dutf. District ttepresetttative of Agri- ruhnre. Mntioned in Markdnle, h to tried in Egrmnnnt m) September mm. the h'tst Svhnni Fair In the County of Grey. 11 ic, to Iv contributed to by eleven schools and no pains or expenee will he sprttwd by the Deparlnwnt to demonstrate the object and possibili- nesnf this branch of Agricultural ed- umtinn. Prizes ranging frrun ten cents to a dollar are given for tho various. Ptl- trlea, and without taking into account. the education a child interested will receive, very pecuniary reward in within reach of the successful oneq. No entry fees are charm-d to tho children exhibiting. All exhibits must he the work of the property of the ex- hibitor. All exhibits of poultry, grain and potatoes met be the product of malariala supplied by the Department. Summer is going, the ripening grain I. Kissed by the sunbeama tair And gliltens like waves of molten gold As the South wind whispers there, The deep blue sky with its fleecy clouds Seems to smile on the scene in love Onecran tutpptrrhote to zeta glimpse - Some time ago Mr. Orrie Hunt visited his brother Rcv. Winfield Hunt at Bel. w hir.deprge and Miss Ena Rawn visit- ed friend. In the neighborhood of Our ham lately. ' brawn? the'shez in.te.ree that de,: We personally GUARANTEE every Garment Get the best. They cost no more. The sturdy farmers of the Bend are "tline the sheaves intttthe barns these School Fair in Egremont. PEABODY OVERAUaS South Bend --- -_0----- 3nd ttlteatty the shrill ttp. in?“ '. a". “.127... r Karr. f" KthSiira% ‘ . 25e . 25e 250 25e (f LOGAL AND PERSONAL d"""""'"""'"""'"'" The Women's Institute meets on Thursday, Aug, 2lst, at thc.home of Mrs J, D. Roberts b'ubject, " Same farm problem: us they concern wo- men t, by Mrs W. Uroat and D, Bruce, The Misses Tyndal, at Arthur, visit- ed at the home cf Mr and Mrs Mickie- hmough a few days last week. Miss Lena and Master Murray Legate of Ceylon, niece and nephew of Mr D. P. Coleridge, and Mr Jan. Cleave, of Sydcnham tp., an uncle, were his guests on Saturday and Monday. 1 Miss Maud (Fordingly, of Pnlmer- 'ittttt, is visit mg her grandmother. Mrs Bun 1-0 W.e. A serious tragedy was enacted in' our village Sunday One of our citi- znvu was missing early that morning. Various tumors were in tu'rtulatiru, regaining the tuysurious disappear ante. It wns evt'tt thought by some people the will pond would he the spot to find the missing man and when evening came on and still nnnews, some of the most interested ones de. cidod to try opening the window of onemom in his dwelling. Scarcely had the window been mutred when it was immediately closed down from the inside and the voice that was sup- posed to be stilled in death was heard in nuuncertain sound. ordering the would he friends to mind their ow hueiness. 1'2'P Miss Dnnuldn Mummy left Monday morning for Torouie to attend tho Millmely openings, Mrs Nelson went to Owen Sound a {an day: the latter part of last Week. Mr. Wm, Allan preached in Orchard church Sunday and Mr Ward preached at Drcmore and Knox. A httle boy has come to T, Kirby's to help off the harvest. Mrs L-ndsay and daughter 113ch of Toronto Spent a. few days last week with their consm Mrs Pmder. Misses Grace and Norma. Finder gave an afcernnon party one day last week to their school friends. Miss Jean 1on of Fergus hospiul is waiting a few days at her home here. Mrs F, Imam of Durham is visiting at Mrs. Douglau‘ a few days. Mrs. Eddington and Emily spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. T. Kw hi and Mrs Finder. Mm Emily Eddington spent t couple days the Inter purl. of last week with Mu. Mark in Mt. Forest. Final relurna from Athabasca Riva Hon, A. G. Mackay. Liberal}. a major- ity of 210 over Mnjor Woods, ofAttiatr aska Landing. The total vote In 407 to 197. Woods loses his deposit, not 1tisvirtgone-th'trd of the total number of polled votec. It is reported that All tho ballot boxes "crept those from Fort McMurmv and Fort Vermillion were dntmyud in the Athabasca Landing are. but this will not invalid-me the election. " provi-ion is made in the Electlon Act for Inch I contingency. 'e.athe.tr..qt-et.q» Mackay's Majority 2l0. il tins Choice Sardines.. .. . . . Fresh Dates.... .... ... .... 2 pound tins Baking Powder Best Corp. Flakes .... .... .. Shredded W heat Bigettit . . .. Large bottle Pickles. .... ... Finest Leaf Lard, per lb. ... Best Silver Gloss Starch . . .. Orchard Mr. and Miss Lamont were at Wm. ’Gillisprea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Beckner. Mr. and re. Chas. Wagner and Miss Wishurl i one at Henry Wagner‘s on Sunday. I The Muse: Galbraith, Mt. Forest "we visiting Miss Tens Gillies. , Mr. c. O. llockridge spentthelamr l an of the week m the burg. _ Mr. Ind Mrs. E. R. Ilockridge , nd Miss B. Blacklnll spent. Sunday lat Mr. J. Bockridge's. . Miss Sadie Ferguson visited at Arch. Ferguson’s over the wed: end. Miss Homing, Hamilton visited the Mines Duveya the pot week. . Misses Fred: Ind Kate Davey went to Urnngeville on Tuesday. Mu. Funston, Sr went to Ihmilton. Mrs. D. Buchanan wmt to Sullivan to spend 3 month or so. Mrs. Neil Buchanan returned homc. Master Willie Ferguscn walled Ins uncle hero for a few dew. Mr. A. Woods visited Mr. Wm. Stewarts. , Miss Maggie Rune], Toronto spent :3": days with her friend Mrs. M. ell. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Itobl, spent Sunduy " M Bell's. JAS Misses E. Lamont lit. Forest visited McEtchem tis week Miss Grace Miller rcLurned to Toronto after spmding holndnya u Wm. Gilhspies. The C. E. Anniversary services and Garden party were a grand success. good crowdu, good collection: and good progummo etc, Sundq col- lections amounted to $15. gale rIoeipt $100.40, booth 88.61, total $124.91. 'dll,', o'llllf.'"" pet mile from Winning lo dumuucn, but no! Icy-om N', n. 3uNORNti to Whnl , In: ttalt-ttst Indie! trt (313-!on 'k'ifefta,'1h8iutt', peg p " N " AUG. aa-Nm m. 'tee Mum to Burni- Tunnel xnclmlw m In - V __ ---ee-_ "m"... , ' ;.; a .' J " "l {In 6iiiiGT."""""" w unu- 1uunu xncludw win so) t AUG. RG‘M Bll "Bttttrt, North ot, Mano: including Mun Luz. momma In sort. a l Tin “YOUNG. Ill union- Toronto and North and lint or Toronto to Muir" l EEH' irypg',p, All union Toronto um an. d last ot 0mm and scum JUL Th ii 'id"',"', .1: stations woman to New: gr,' inclusive and Walther-cu! In I m w“ . ran Punk rum R "an I. an all at and quickest route be Moon 'tlb,'N'rghdu"pttg,', MT,M'W. Full monta- nu: Grouch-Ink Ticket one”. our". c. E. “lequ l' l,' l o. T. ttr. Toronto. Ont. --------.--, Mr. Trncy McLuhan visited at Mr J. Jfoekudge. Plus human! pet mile from Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown Mt. Forest called on friends in the burg. GEANPJBIIEE 1rir1IililA)r SYSTEM t"te'PA1tttrers' Excursion , Mrs. MoCrae who has be}: visiting " Mr Dolphiu’s returned home on Th_qraday. Mr. Mid Mo A. Ferguson were It Swinton Park on Suudny. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Conn, visited " Mr. Chas. Gillies. DURHAM TO TORONTO AND RET'L‘RN " us. at. mundane. $2.25 an. as and 28, Sept. 2 nnd ' Mr. and Mrs. McGregur. Chlploau. visited the farmer's sister Mrs. Dolphin. We're expecting another shipment of those cchr. brated yard-wide Silks " 1.00. We want you to compare these with ordinary values-- just to see the vast difference in the quality. It will pay you to look Mound, and rcnocv,l,c, It costs Nothing to look. The first section of our New Shoes for f arrived, Let us show you some of the new lasts for Fall. Yard-wide Silks, $1.00 Eight Cases of Shoes All tickets valid for retisrn until Sept. 9, 1913. Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent. RGUN. Tom, Ame. Phooe n. J. 'tOWNER, Sutiott Act. Phone 18 Cedarville The ' “$9395! Jprtiiiii'irir,-'iit'rlsnto 810.00 to WmNtrttq--vi. Chicago and Dui nh for Less Mgney BeatCora8tarels ... ..... All Extracts.... .... 'rr. Fresh 15e Jam Jams-.. . Largo Pails Soda Ir, um; Tomato Cntsupic. mes. Best. Jelly Powder . . .. ... Varney Cream Cheese ... SoupChips. Te........ 'ewt M Evans Mamie that i in: 100 acres. It um good mud w. Iluuh. 8 acres mild timtrer, lmlm (good “Hakka loud. Well water, lgood spun; new]: running 11mm. I another. Spun; a few rods f, um h tl drillrd welt a house. Good fra, home and harming? drive rhod. fi "tahod. Uiluau-d 2k miles Iv-mn H stein, g mile from Ithool. Will he r you easy terms. Poe further "um , uni apply on unwise. lo Notice is hum-y given that 'tra will he held Luann” to the Ont Voters' Lin: Att, by His Huger. Judge " the County Court of ()nunty of Grey. a! Holoteln,on titth tiay of tsiptemher, 1913, at l titth our of brutemhn. 1913.1“ a. In. o'clock to but and deter ummluiu! or errors and omisrio the Vutvvs' List of tho Municipal, Egretuont for 1913, Dated at Holstein [his I" h d August, [913 From the premises of the lot l7, con Ht, Egremont, a steer. Suitable reward for on communicating with DR. JAS. L. WILSON IS, A. . Physieian, Surgeon and Ac. aucheur EReiiiitiiiiiii i'mir." va; - - ... - H . ed In L: (H ' m Deal Co. 01.. 1,t'AUiil,lll', 'ii," AreiiatN Panda r lat ", Verb 's '1' 1lllVfd i,(iii,'a,',?'t"t,?iir,ii'ih' Icgnmuagt': " one I I'RHLL _ "lk'l'/lNl)'.t"dll'W.f3rtg'tlWivi m as; Busch“ Mlentinn [mid to, Women tttidChirdreet. , lg; Nose mdMTl\rgnl.l t ly test an x perir and. ' one. " Holstein Drug Holstein Conveyance:- Inner of Image Licenses NOW to loan at lowest r We, nut! tt'fg"t to In". ttorrower. l l'ire 2"“ mum: placed in l , mung my reliable companion. "eel, Mum “It!” [M Ind Willa om cute/ .ln ShoaMDOlice. All work Hump: y' attended to. Dr. de Van’s Female Pills All our STRAW HATS uric, gaging gt exactly run-e1 inch-aw u; gamma Judge's Court of Revision Id unieiptui'ymr Egremont DAVID A LLAN. Con. Ir, Egremogt, com Farm for Sale. Joux \VALIILEY. irl t W. J. SHA It P JOHN NELSON, R. R. No 2, Holst Strayed I'terk of EK'PIIDOI Fall has w Correct tisfies _. 21, Bit G, (“any undermg red year It; rccm K lulu water (bran In: I) I Store mug,“ l e, g, thos pm! pm if? Si Pt" " ttt Er"Milti ", (lbsrr,i):ij) Canon-lion 'ol Clem-IL mu 'tl Out-hum. by a terms to the t Arply on the John Kelly, LADIES: Rcmrw‘ur the up“ Spirelln Comet Sun- mmughout t summer months. The unbrcukal “IV and not Cold 'n start, I” J. c. NICHOL, layman Box 107, Durham The P ti To make a 29.. Shot to or @A‘NABA 'ii Fréc wiggggm'Dycyr" Wi SPIIELLA CORSETS VOL.XXXVL TORONTO L D U R H A M tttitttg Ask ' I am pr“: Bring it I custom Cht tMiPiiPiPiPr.CP. Farm for luau-r" .5 fo - any a [uni You goats dl li Gold Med Blow lawn N nude tbt so lace three qtr Unusua ale New 813:1 midc, In ft7 Buck In! deep bu name 01 " . . . . , 15: Bl $1 .00 $1.25 $1.50 yard luy duced, l Black

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